The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    7 r . - T v fr tM ft WTT
a l- "fcv i
rT - , 'i
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J '
rr -tB
Number o Others Wore Continued
for One Benson or Another, Whllo
Seveinl Were Reported Settled nnd
Stricken Off the List Six Young
Men Admitted to the Bur Yester
day Jncob B. Lesh Flics n Dill In
Equity Asking for Pnrtltlon Yes
tctdny's Mnrrlngo Licenses,
Argument eumt was lielil In cmut
room No. U yestciday, with lite tluoe
juihtut) on the lioneli. Cukcs wimo acted
lilion as follows;
ArKiicd: John Chinch Company nuulim
J. W. (.lucinscy, ft al., iMiulty. oM-rptloiw
lo muster's rcKii't, two i'.'ipos; .luxppli
Walker iifculnst Walker Aillnmittlo Htpnm
Coupler company, appeal; I. I.. Mann
iiKulnst Clark's Summit Jlunufnrturliis
Company, wmkb Hen, rule to giant
amendment; C. W. Simile r ukiiIiisi
Clark's Summit Manuraituiliiff Company,
wiiKo Hen, ntlo to KHint amendment : A.
Jollnsoti, Jr.. iiKaliiHt Clark's Summit
MtimifnetuiliiK Company, wiigo Hun, mlo
to i; aniendmenl; J. Kerlnando
iiKiilnst the city of Hoianton, exceptions
to report oC refetee; J. J. Williams, ad
ministrator, against. It. JleMlillcn, excep
tions lo report of refelec; n. II. Knelel
s.ohn against I'nlted States Kxpress Com
pany, rule to ."trlke tiff non-suit; .1. J
Taylor against Jlartln Ciauglnin, rule lo
sttlko on Judgment.
Continued Al. C. Ausley ttgalnsl J. H.
JU'Cnutt, int'i'ilmmlisH! Hen, title In slilko
off lion; Amliuw t?edl,ik agalii'-t Cooigo
llenienyeskl and otlinis, tulo to open
judgment; Joseph J. .Icimyii against Jolin
(). Stan m and others, rule lo open jndg
nicnt; .lolin J.ot against Jo.-eph KelnpsUy
and otlieis, nile for new tilal and slay
cC execution, rule to open judgment and
set aside Vuldlct; S.irnlt 10. Keller agalnscj
James J. Keller, rule for deciee In di
vorce Annie Klines against I".. A. Will res,
executor, and others, demurrer; Kllzaheth
Wren against Itleh.ud Wren, tide for ill -elect
In dlxorce; Viola Tilpp agalusl A. P.
Tilpp. rule for decree in divorce: Itudolph
AVaineka against l.onln Waiucka. rule
lor deeree In divorce; Jlary Osnttnkii
against James CWwokn. lule fur deeree
In clUorce. clemuircr; Celln 13.
ngalnst Krncst A. Tlffanv, mle for de
ciee In divorce: I'.itilok Duffy against V.
Kerns, ceitlor.iii; filmic! Constiuction
Company against Thomas !' Hcese, Cilali
McDonnell, I3ihaid Itodeiicli, rules for
Judgments: city of Sciauton against D
II. Jenkins, mle for Judgment:
l'Vlekmalf agnlnst A LJ. Coliun, cerlicnail;
II Goldsmith against 13. Kernel, rule to
tile nunc pio tunc-; I.. lSldwcll ". 1. IJIdwell. rule for alimony
and comihcl fees; Alio llalililck against
(i Coh.i, cci tlorail; Wright I.owry
against John Swallow, mle loi new tilal;
llulherln t Judge against John K. Kll
lxick, rule to open judgment; Joseph Itu.s
ar against Peter A I hack, ccrtloiail; f'om
nionwcalth of Pennsylvania against l'cter
Keays, ccrtloiail; Hmery 31. Avery
iiKiilirst U.iulel C. Post, itilu to ah.ile
am It; David Spiuks against Oswald
Jones nnd Spruks Company, Scianlou
Cold Storage AVareliouse companv, de
inurrer; I-3iama A. Plummer against Hill
side and lion Company and others,
equity, demurrer; Alonzo Aten against J.
1.. Swnrtz and others, delimiter; Louisa.
''erguson against Aitlnir i''oi guscai, rule
for Counsel fee, rule for decree in divorce;
3I0iris IC. Knll against D. Ilrennormnn.
tcpilty: L. Sliotwell against C. Shotwell,
lule for dociec in dlvo'rce.
Holes absolute City of Scranlon against
10. Finn & Sons, municipal Hen, rule to
strlko orf lien; Pnited States C.inlage Co,,
against Mary Donnelly and others, mlo
to strike off name of T3. If. Joid.m and
3M. J. Connolly, two of the defendants:
Janson Cole against jr. Gcltlngs and
others, rule to stilke olT judgment.
Settled and olf list Lackawanna county
against JI. Wt Sweeney, rule to pass
judgment: Lona I:. Day against Felix, ccrtloiail. two cases; J. W.
Guernsey against L. .11. Williams and
otlieis, ceitloiaii; Antonio Sabia against
Charles Pochern, rule to stiiko of non
suit. Submitted Charles S. Lowry nualnst
Anna JI Lowry. mlo for electee In in
voice; C. 13. Davenport against Ollto
Davenport, mlo for decree In divorce.
Uules dlsehaiged 11. A. Depuy against
Jenny K. Iliink, rulo lor a new tilal;
Jacob Steinberg ngalnst L. Fieedman,
exceptions to affidavit of defenso and
mle for Judgment.
Proceedings afllrmed James If. llanl
snn against T. F. Coimcll, certloiarl,
Tho c-ascs against the Delaware,
T.ackawnnna and Western linvlng been
cjlseoritlnuecl by Sarah A. Tiguo and
C'lu Istoplv r Stevens, who originally
piiccl the city of Seranton and the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western, and
new declarations having been tiled, tho
demurrer Is oven tiled.
y 1 store i openIH eyenings
Special Prices
Candy and Toys
' - to
Sunday Schools
Magnificent Furniture
usefulness and adornment and, :s usual, prices
Considerable science is displayed by the artisan in working
out the symmetry of the many designs noticed in Furniture that
is displayed on the fourth lloor. There is a splendor in the
finish 'and there is a value to Kirniturc that's two-roltl
here are less than elsewhere.
Holiday Gifts
FrlT"' Jlr3: rflaP rTmrM llllilll
j j -u-fl-
'i i
Tabourettes and Pedestals
In Colcfoial and the newest modern designs,
At 59 cents to $11.00
ilusic Cabinets
Morris Chairs and Rockers
Of very high grade, a chnir that
hns cheerfulness for tired bodies.
You may inspect our lino on tho
fourth floor. Cushion worked in
various patterns of French velours
and genuine leather,
At $9.00 to $28.00
Never such a collection under any
one roof in this city before. Games,
Sailboats, Mechnnical Boats, Child's
Tea Sets, Doll Furniture, Doll
Houses, Rocking Horses, Police Pa
trols, Go-carts, Doll Carriages,
Child's Desks, Iron Toys, .Magic
Lanterns, and a large variety of
Christmas tree ornaments.
rc For
IS Children
Have you been thinking what to
give? Why not a set of FursP
Children's Sets, 60n
Children's Fur Sets, muff and
attached collnr; Australian Qtfl-
wool ' oyc
Misses White Angora Muff and
Collar, with Purse,
$1.98 and $2.25
At prices far below what the music stores aslc lor the
same articles. Range of prices
From $5 to $25.00
An assortment that will surprise you. No gift is so much
appreciated for its comfort and appearance in a house as a pretty
Rocker. Our line represents oak, mahogany and reed, with
saddle, cobbler and upholstered seats,
At Prices from $1.89 to $37.50
Library and
Combination Book-Cases
In a variety of woods nnd finishes;
they come fiom tho leading nutnu
factureia in this country; medium
and high grade. Prices inngo from
$1.89 to $37.50
Secretaries and Desks-
In oak, mahogany nnd weathered
finishes; a large line to select
Priced nt $4.19 up to $30.00
Women's Kid Gloves
At 75 cents
Come in all shades, two-clasp, self
and colored stitching; also white and
At One Dollar
Woman's Kid Gloves guaranteed
all shades: two clasp, button,
self and colored stitching. (
A S1.25 and $ value in Women's Suede. 1 .
Mocha and fine Pique Gloves for p J ',))
Dent's Kid Gloves
For Women; stvlish and very mannish Glove; ,
all sizes and all colors; comes in one clasp; pair &.
Golf Gloves
All patterns known to makers or produced in this line we
are showing.
Prices are 25c, 39c and 50c
& " If
Remein&lber tKe
Willi a gallon of Green Valley Hyc Whiskey,
a rule, nothlnc Is more aoDrecinted bv the
than a little koo.I liquor and "Green Valley's"
superior you will not find.
4 quart bottles, $5.00, delivered free anywhere
east of the Mississippi river.
a2i(. LackaWamma Ave.Scramtonw
Plirr unnr linllrlnu urlno UI' lltun',n, fncllltlcs urn
1 iacc your nonuay wine jrcaiiy rcciim; tho rresaurn
and liquor orders early. ftiy" ,ra?i",.',"b,cnklnB "01
i . ... . ... , . . ,y , n. . , ,v &. .V S. '".V A A j A .. rtS"$"ft4
BE in Q
Ornamental nntl serviceable han
dles, in many styles.
At $1 nn26-lnch Umbrella,
r.L P I fvf suit; carved, fancy
nnd plain Congo handles.
A f fc t tQ silk taffeta cover,
tXt. P1.0y 2C-ineh Umbrella;
jiearl and flue princess handles, with
sterling silver trimmings.
A 'J f( Silk taffeta cover,
ng. P-&fUU 26-inch Umbrella,
pearl, with silver and gold trim-
Other styles that have very elab
orate handles nnd excellent covers,
At $2.50, $3, up to $10
28-inch Umbrellas, a wide range
to make selection from; handles are
bone, ivory, buckhorn, natural nnd
cotton wood, silver and gold trim
mings, At$l, $1.59. $2, $3, up to $7
Cravencllo Storm Coats3 Mackintoshes,
Suit Cases, Hags,
IIous'c Coats, Eath Jtofocs, Neclnvcar,
Shirt' Protectors Gloves,
Hosiery, Suspenders and Umbrellas.
A very handsome assortment of
i the above at popular prices at
412 Spruce Street,
309 Lack'a Avenue.
t -tr 'it it -u tr -i it it H r i- ff -f -fr .- -j- H; v ir it ir ,
If you do, sec full particulars as to how
to prct tlieni, oil pajrc -1.
II. V. Jliimforcl, on motion of Attor
ney R JI. MnnnKhan.
Albert Ij. "Wntson, on motion of At
torney M'. W. Watson.
Cieorso U. Jlorrow. on motion of At
torney William A. "Wilcox.
William Henry Davis, or the Luzerne
county bar, on motion of Attorney
John JI. Harris.
Wants Partition of "Property.
Jacob 11. I.esli yesterday filed a bill
In equity siK.ilust Aminta Melissa I.esh
Ileal and others to olilnln partition of
n property on AlbrlKht avt-iino in this
'I'lio propel ty was originally owned
by Jncnb C. U'sli. who willed It to IiIh
son, rranklln Plmei' I.esh, The latter
died on Fob. ill, 190::. leaving lives
daughters and four miiih. Jacob it.
Lc.sli, the L'oniplalnant, Is one ot bis
son"!. Ho desires to havo tho property
divided up In pciual shares ninon;,' the
heirs, and It this is Impossible, to havo
tho property fold and tho proceeds divided.
Admitted to the Bar.
The following young men en yes
terday admitted to practice hi tlio
Lackuwanria courts:
Charles It. f.'onnull, on motion of At
torney C. nalentlne,
JI. .. Murray, on motion of Attorney
Everett Wuriuii.
Have Been Chosen hy Cleveland-
Scranton Oil Company.
The Cleveland-Seranton Oil Co. has
completed its formal organization by
tho election of these directors and of-
Heers: 1'iesldont, lSlmer H. Law'all;'
llrst vice president, Frank JI. Kirk;
second vice president, Charles II. Well
man; third vice president, K. A. Jler
ritt; treasurer, Walter S. Howler; sec
retary. A. G. Clark; general manager,
Hairy Jones; Held manager, Charles II.
JIarr; directors, 11. It. Sanborn, cashier
State National bank; Elmer II. Lawall,
treasurer International Text Book com
pany; Frank JI. Kirk, director Colonial
National bank; C. II. Wellman, director
Lakewood Savings and Banking com
pany; It. Jay Flick, malinger and owner
Wilkes-ltarre Times; Walter s-. Bowler,
cashier nnd secretary Lake Sliora Bank
ing and Savings lonipnny.; Harry Jones,
superintendent International Text Book
company; C A. Meriitt, secretary and
treasurer Cleveland Stone company;
Frank P. Smith; James II. Clink, pres
ident and general manager of the Wilson-Clark
company; C. II. I'eckhain,
secretary and tieasuier of the F. His
s-ell company; Charles II. JIarr, secre
tary American Foundiy and Jlachlno
company; Charles C. Tegethoff, secre
tary and treasurer of the Se
curities company; JlcClellau Hard,
member Iiabcock, Ilurd and company;
James 11. Claik, sr vice president
Wlndmero Savings and Hanking com
pany; J. i:, itowland, vice piesldent
Fail-mount Savings Hank company; A.
(5. Clark, secretary and treasuier of tho
Wllson-CI.irk company; W. N. Fowler,
piesldent and treasuter Forest City
l'alnt unci Varnish company; JI. Jlc
Laren; II. 1!. Manchester, vice piesident
Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange.
The dlreeloiato Is probably the
strongest of apy oil company operating
In Cleveland. Piesident Lawall is ouo
of tho most ptomiuput citizens In Hcran
toli, Pa. C. II, Pcekliani Is a Toledo
man; t'liailes 11. JIarr, of Flndlny, and
Charles C. Tegetlioff of New York city.
The leiiialnder of the list Includes well
known Cleveland men. Cleveland Com
mercial Bulletin.
4f w
w? . W&.&j&&&s.&j&j&&j&j&&jfk
ji 5B S 4 5 K 3 m "ft" 5 3T 5 5 4 m "A H n " "
Don't waste your money on useless things when making your purchases of Christmas gifts. Your friends will surely appre
ciate something useful more than a mere ornament.
This is the Biggest, Best and Most Thoroughly Complete ..-"
Furniture and Carpet House in Scrantoiu.
The stock is fresh and new. It represents a collection discriminatingly chosen by buyers whose experience has taught them
what is best and most modern in Home Furnishings. The inspection of the five large floors of. this building will we are sure
convince you of the truthfulness of the statements made above, which in themselves are good reasons why you can buy here with
advantage to yourself, but as an extra inducement we offer
Prize No. I - $W in Mtise.
Prize No. 2 - S40 in Mtise,
i f
We have given special attention to our line of Chairs for the holiday trade, and we are we honestly believe soiling these
goods at prices that cannot be equalled, quality considered, in Scranton.
I Morris Chairs
Of everything in the Cut Glass
line, beautiful gifts for the holiday
Scranton Cut Glass Co
Reed Rockers
We have a large variety of these
restful ehaira. Just lileo cnt.
Matchless value
Hardwood Rockers -1 White Oak Rockera
Only $4.75
A. lmndsomo chair, largo, roomy
and comfortable, Can't bo equaled
ut the price.
Only $2.75
iktrhb-fft jjfl
li ;l 1' 1 1 3
i II I H'I mmiiA
1 il 1J w
..81 Ml 1 S
Tn Quartered Oak or Mahogany,
haudsomely finished. Constiuc
tion the best. Sumo as out.
Only $3.25
Matl of selected White Oak.
Well finished nnd perfectly con
structed. Worth $.5. 75, Here
Only S2o75
Carpet Sweepers,
Smoking Tables,
Parlor Cabinets,
Scranton Carpet nd
Furniture Coc
Dining Room Furniture,
Parlor Furniture,
Den Furniture,
Sectional Book Case
406 Lackawanna Avenue. store Pen Evenings.