The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carbondale
.Formerly of tills city, extends a cor
'dial Invitation to his Cnrbondale
friends to attend the opening of his
'new enfe In Olyphnnt,
which will take place tomoirow. Ai
langements hnvo been mftdo td en
teitnln the expected guests.
II 1
, Will Take Place in the
Burke Building
Tlii iiiMiiKPtnent niiuio nnullici !-
liKhtlnl pvenhiK in tin Ko-ts oC tills
, poind u xoclnl mtiiiiiir itlnn lilt.
MOAlll' OI'Ili:SI'HA will punltlf
tho Inlet dltilije.' tilii-io. tickets, ii
John SchafE, Widely Known In This
City Succumbs at Residence on
Wyoming Stieet Aftel Five Weeks'
, Illness.
John Soli. HI. n iisideut of C.nlMiniliile
foi UiliU vein, I fretted highly
itiiuiliK hl. fi lends nml lieiRhums, tu
Litiiilioil .vr-netdiiv miuning at his home
on South Wvomliif,' stieet He was a
ittim ol Uphold le-vei, the attack lu-t--int;
iihnut live ivhlU
The deceased wii" limn In Jlontmlule
iu veins lis", cnmlliK til C.tlhonilnle
when ii vents old, his '-luce lived lien .
U he new m hi- death will he depies
shiK to his uumeiims ri lends, who al
lied his tileiiilshlp HI -tik Ken p i
ipiUh hive the w.u m-lieai ted swnpathv
ot Hip lemimiiultv.
'Hie di leased was an emplove nl the
Delnwaie and Hudson iiimpiinv, woik
iHK in the lOLOiniitlM' shops, while he
was classed nlileiiiff the must skilled In
the conipiim's rmplov he u He was
a imnihei ol the .Machinist union, unci
of Pldelltv com hive, Impi t il Onlei of
HeptnsophH He Ih suiied 1) hi wile
and two ihildien aNo two liiolluis and
thieeslstcis lis lolleius. (U'eiise Schiill,
of this dt, Jnioli Sthnfl, of New Jl.iv
en, 1'onn , Mis Kitdi'ilik WellluooU,
and Jllss Minv Si hull, of till- it ,
and Mi'. Theodoie llehea, ot lloi.dotil,
X. V. Tlie fuueial n mime ineuts have
not t bien uoinph ted hut will he an
nounced tomonow
Beautiful Pictuie of Home Simplic
ity at Gland Last Night.
The simple ih'-s ol the plain
folk liillhllillv leiuinliii ed iiiade up the
pl.iv, "VoiU State PnlUs," which was
inlospd unci appieilatcd In an audience
suiillei Hi in u i- iU-eipd One can
liuidli ni.iUe a diiiup iiisou of till- plei i!
with otlu 1 pla-, It ti It stilKes
one ns IjpIhk of ipiilc c elltfueitt
ttl to most ie hu -ecu II Is till
simplest kind ol n -toij ot lolks who
lead the simplest kind olx lives The
ffoeid, heme"! s nip iihetle natiue ot
M.Mou I'oopei, an oii'Mlllsl, 1- uinile all
the IiiIkIupi and liettii whin contiastecl
with till hlimt, ki it 1 1 iiu-nclahle and
tmthhmn Simon IVtei .Mat lilt, the nun
ot alllu-nce In tin vlllim', with violent
tempei and suhdl dllliitP- eieivthlliK to
It, and mused the uieik of the happi
ness ol those deai t him. would
e-li.inM' two voting lo li'ff lie tl l-. Then
tlieie ale the odil chaiaitei-, the pio
dlii I of the foil, a It wine, who aie In
tu truing mid .inm-ltiK an aie the cliai
ac tct- ol iinv llhiK''
lto t! Itovee as the intmnlHt and
JiUI'hs l.nck.ive us Slinou Petel Mui
v tin, iai h nave as line ,i hit of (lulshed
iintlnB as we hiivi1 seen In come time.
Tip test of the c iimpaiiy was aceepl
ii hie unci the pine was v cuied fol
ia tlu Flatting,
"VniK State Polks" was a ttialettil
cliaii',!' lioni the Ilitlitet, inoie tiotln
thlht? wo hue had and It was appie
chited and Inimensi'l enJo,ed.
Woodmen Aie FioBpeious Foiesteis
HDld Election.
r'ij,Miil camp. Woodmen of tlio
'Wen Id, linn i hosen ollleeis lot this
teim, uh follow n: Past muui'll cum-
mandei, Andiew Nlcol: iniu-
lliandtu V' H. AVIlllelcie'k, uclvlsoi-
lleutciuiUt, Aijdiew Patten: hanlar, V,
11, t'liiistti I'letk, t'hniles P, Whlteliicli;
camp ictiOitei and .lump deput,, A, f
t1iiine',Sm1'IJi!ill nflVlfel, M.I-. llalleyj
tniHees .. Q. Klilliiin, Anduiw Pat
ten, uuOJtlflt, committee, Ainltew 1'at
ten, OeciCBe-'llentty, A 1... Omiie.
Ctjst.U ennjp, cimtinuflw, to piow in
ntieiifjtlC ifiicl 'iliefet-lM cletp inteiest
manlfpi-fi'el nmquit ltiiu'mheiis. At this
liieetliifi-5 tlilils! appllnituJns tin niem
lietflilpeW'.i!(6UeiT 'A roiuinHH Is
niiaiiKliik i6t" iC uniokcr .ufd fooIui tlniQ
to follow the mec-tlng of Pilday een
Int;, December 28. " - -
CouitZltomu, No, -IJ, Poit.Mtet.s of
AnuiInC has eleetcd the loowlni ofll
ceis forU'the oumintr teim;- Chief mn
ser, J0K11I1 llotfii; ub-ohletS ia,iit'ev,
Kantu.s Seolli?: tteiisluei, Jolin San
nnmi; ttBaiJtlar secielaiy, lituno Splz
etirl; Junior wood wot d, Aiitonu Hlfanoj
8enor beadle, Curio oeleandio; junior
headlo, ftocco Alemnrn; eloctor, AV. 10,
Plxonj Junior past chief rangei, Josejih
Heca. (.
, The Bon Tons to Entertain.
Tlio Don Tan club, one of this
felly's most, popular social organizations,
JXUljFPnduct J grand Boclal In Buike's
-JiairtWtl venlgr. This lit the hollduy
dance of the lion Tons and they aro
pttiYlnK to make It the most pleasant
..find successful dance ot, the aieveral
,,tliy ha v conducted In th' oily.
jivfhe. ilozart picheptra, nvhleh la well
jtkiqvi lntils city, ami nearby towns
efOfc-M'' Kld tnuulo. Mill render, all the
,.hitf?ft -dance liiualf. Several new pieces
of music lme been purchased for the
ncMflon mid will lie renclete'il by Iho m
cheslla, Alt of tlio Hon Ton's funnel' luittoni
mid tliclr fi lends In this city or nearby
towns will be made welcome. A Rood
time Is asitiretl all who ultenil,
Buckley Bros. Move to Accommo
date the Hendilcks Company The
Fonnor to Occupy the Old Moon
Blacksmith Shop.
'I'he llendilclcs companj' estoielny
fotmiilly took ioscsoon of the addi
tional Hlte on Dimdiiit stieet, which
was puichiiM'd, us staled In The Ttl
bune, tc meet the Inineratlvp need of
anuthei location Tor the blacksmith and
foiling- shop.
The slip Is loinlpil fitttirmlft Him Itpn-
dtlellH wot Its, contiguous to the ten-
eial stoie of I', Flneteii,
lluckley Hi os, the blacksmith", who
tinned mid occupied one-half of the lot
with their .shop, hoiikIiI new etiaiteis
yesteidaj. Thev found an lie ceptable
location in the old Moon blacksmith
anil laiilatte weuks on Hiver stieet,
dose to SKtli apille. Tills tiliue has
been unoccupied foi some time, but Is
inimitably adapted lo Its pioposed use.
Tho frendilrks rrtmn.inv 1ms itlipmlv
befttin the tnelliniiiaiv work of makliiK
the abandoned Htlikley ?liOi suitable
to Its own foi kIii-?: depaitmcnt. rotni
datlons weie stinted foi the big Ioik
Int,' hammers The woik piellmlnniy
to occltpaniy will be Inn tied until the
place Is the model shop it Is Intended
to be.
The news that the Hendiklis com
pany finds It iiecessaiv to opeiale the
plate shop with two shifts, in oidei to
keep pine with the oicleis, will be le
cehtd with the Kreatest satisfaction
throiiiliotit the cltj. The company le
centh st.uteil to inanilfac'tuie sheet
lion stacks, a punluet that has nut
with Meat laoi in the m.iilcet. Otlier
lines win he soon taken up lij the toin-pain.
Caibondale Machine Company Beats
Number of Competltois.
Tlie Cat lioudale .Machine companv,
whose pioducts aie to be found all
owl tlie kIoIip, seemed a lontuut Sat
uicl ij wlili h was inoie than tuillmiiily
satlsfjinjv to the ollleeis In tlie 111 st
place. Its money alue learhes to about
twent tliousand s, hut eciuallv,
if not mote s.ulsfactoi v, was the eit
cumstance that the companv bested a
hall-doeii competing; linns rioin New
Yeuic clt, Philadelphia and uthei cities
which boast of thelt manufai ttiicu.
The I'aibondalf compile, thoilRh it
hail sh.up and able coiupetitois, vvas
leadily ulven the eonliact
Tlie woik I- Hie eciulppliif, ol t lit new
cold stoiae-e house ot the Pel. niton Ite
ll Iseiatlnjf compam The pla'is ot this
companv, which weie kIvcii in detail in
The Tilbune a feiv davs aj,o, will be
the blsfiest eonceip ol it chniaetei in
this put of the state This ciicuiu
stance adels to the sullstac lio'n which
the Mm bine eorupnis and the C'nibon
iluV' iieople can eleihe liyini the lac t
that the weak ol eeiulppliif; i- to be
i.u i led out hv an Indtistiv In this iltj.
.Iflll.V HV1.AND, a well-know u l evi
dent ot till- illv, died at the home of
rames MeNultr In Simpson, Sntuiday
'iitPinoon, .ifni an illness ol thtee
week- Itom pneumonia. Mr Jlviand
was boin in Tot onto, ranndn, (lltj
scven veais ago Tlihtton jeais .ipjo
he came to thl- eltv and had livrcl lieio
evei since The Itiiuial will take place
tills mm Hint,, with a leqtiletn mass In
St. Itose chinch, Intel incut will be in
st liose i emeu l, .
rONNIJLI, Mr. and Mis John C'on
iipII. of Slmp-im, aie momnlnpr the loss
of thelt hit, uit dauKlitii, i:ilen, who
died Satin dav. Huilal was in St. Itose
c cinetei j
A Wedding Announcement.
AVoid has heeu leoeived heie of the
c onilni? vvedillnej of John Delaney, of
New Yen k t ity who ha.s a laiue num
lioi of fi lends in I'aihondale, ,icfiiiieil
eliiiliiH; his frequent visit- to tills city.
Mi. Delaney will be mauled to Miss
M.u Delaiuv, also of Xew Yoik, on
Weelne-chiv, Januaiv 7, 110!. Mi. De
laney holds a lesponsllile position in
the olilte- ot the PlemliiKton Coal com
pany, em Wall stieet. He Is a eerosln of
James Cennian, of South Main stieet.
Anions the many n lends he made clui
liiK his Caibondale visits, thK nn
nouneenieiit villi awaken hearty con
m.itukitlons, To Be Bulled in Carbondale.
The late David John Jenkins, I'm mot -Iv
ol tills- city, wlui died at Lebanon,
O, on Oclobei' .11, wilt be htoiiKht to
this city for but In!. The deceased wilt
in i he heie on the l.iiO o'clock Dolu
waie ami Hudson tiuln Wednesday
nftei noon, and liiteiment will he In
Hiookbide cenietpiy. The depinted foi
mei lesldeiU will ho taken fiom the
lecelvintr vault ut Lebanon today, mid
acrompauied to thin city by the two
.mi hint? btotheis, William Jenkins, ot
Sc lantern, and Otis Jenkins, of Nantl-
Old Besidents Move Away,
Jollu C'luiie, an old lesldeut ot Cai
bondale, and one of the eatly niet
chants of this city, leaves Caibondale
toduy to take up hhi lesidenco with his
daUBhtei, Mth John Hothwell, ut At
lantic City. Mis, Clime left heio last
week Their many ft lends reBiet Mr,
and Mis ciuuo's depaituie, but sln
leielv wish them well In thrli new
Soloist Delights nn Audience.
.Miss Olwen M, llowellb, of TaIor,
who was u guest at the homo of Puif,
John II. Kvnus, of this city, Simdiiy,
lendtied tlio beautiful -nlo fiom the
20 Years of
Vile Catarrh
Wonderful Testimony to the Cma-
tlve Powers of Dr. Agnew's Ca-
taulial Powder,
Cluis. O. Blown, Jmunullst. of Diiluth,
Minn., wiltes: "I have been it miffeiei
from Throat unci Nasal Cut.tiih foi over
1 jeais, duihiK' which time my head lius
been fctopped up and mv eoinlltlon truly
mlseialile. Within 15 minutes after ualiiK
Pi. Aeuew's Caturilml Powder I oblulued
teller. Tluee bottles have almost, If not
enthely, cuied me."
Dr. Amew'i Olntmtnt relieves piles Instantly. 2
Bold by Ayilllam Q. Clark and 11. U.
HrB ftfT'fH.
'UV'fftfffffffffffffffffffffffffffV fk
SJS IAS. BOSS "isms' 1
mrS$1SL Watch Case J
Hff C) JLUib HcnH It'i thu only Kfild flll'il cMthnt lias prnveM
!( M pJiBWt VMIB It nmrlnic qittllty tiyle-tlnf time. Mnetf, V
Bw3HtiHlSrW'lJ lH Bold Mil worn ilnce IIS1. nfmemlxr thin V
1H3hPK43t JfH whnbtij'ln'wiiilh,8ndlnslt on lmv V
WIriJft !. TfB InRnlloiscnsenMlitheKe'JBtonotrftcle- V
YWor ffSwm tnrl rtampetd tmlde, JAmi, m
vKA "T xJBlV e""' toe bol(let. Vl) r
HHP'eJlJlJhiFf Plillldtlphlt. pW
" n I
"Mecslnh," entitled "Ho Was De
spised," with much feelhiff and taste,
and received ninny compliments for her
sliifflnir. Tier auditors were so lm
pieFsetl that thev piedlclctl for her n
bilBht futuie. Miss How ells Is one of
tho best, alto shifters In Taylor, mid is
a member of the Scrnnton Chotal soci
ety, which won the chief ptlzo at
Young Folks Entertained.
Master Dan Kvnns acted as host on
Saturday evening for toiirteen of his
jouiif; ft lends, who weie cntei tallied ut
ills honle on Noitli Teniico stieet. In
the memory Kiime Hiijiilond WiIrIU
took tlie III st pi le, and Donald Hanl
.sou the booby pi le. Hoth were pictty
books. The paity was In honor ot
Master Dan's eleventh ,blrthday, mid
each of those jnesent hnd selected for
him a pietty lemembiance of the oc ca
sino. Itefieshnients weie sen eel just
before the meiiy evening ended.
Piogiess of Typhoid Patients.
Miss Cat lie Hiunlif, of South Main
stieet, a sutfeier fiom tvphold fevei. Is
voi.v low. Tluee nhjslclans unci two
muses aie ill attendance.
John States, of Mill stieet, foieman
at the llendilcks woil.s, is eiulte 111
with typhoid tever.
Thomas J. .Motiahan, of Dundaff
stieet, was taken 111 a few davs .iko,
the Illness developing: into what is be
lieved to be tvphold fever.
The M. E. Church Bazaar.
The ladles ot the Methodist Episcopal
chinch jesletdav opened a handkei
elilef bazaar in tlie Palace Cienmetv,
nn tier Salem avenue and Chuich stieet,
whlih should piove a lgeat uttiactlon
to holldnv sliopjieis. The .may of .11
tlcles that may be pmchased heie, to
Kcther with uthei featuies of the entei
pilse, will be elesei Ibed in detail in to
monow 's Tilbune.
To Rehearse Christmas Music.
Theie will be a Sabbath school ni'et
liiff of St Paul's Ltitheian at
the chinch this evening, at 7 UO o'clock,
to i elicit se the C'liilstinas musical pi o
gt amine Tlie title of the p!ec.e Is
Stille Nachl " Teacheis and pupils
aie eainestlv mged to attend and be
Ladies' Aid to Meet.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. Paul's
Liithei.m chinch will meet at the I evi
dence ot Mis llishop, bl hotlth Main
stieet, Thuisday evening at S o clock.
This will be the legulai monthly con
vention. JteV. 1". Hhlngfci, pastoi.
Fiieman Iujuied.
.Tamos Conlgm, ol the West Side,
Hi eman on cnsiiie .!", wlilch pulls the
lia c.n, fell fiom the coal pockets, in
the aid last night ai.d sustained in-juiic-
that necessitated his lenioval to
his home.
"The Spendeis" to Sleighilde.
"The Spendeis," the new social club,
will hold ,i meeting this, evening, be
tween fi and 7 o'clock, to aiinuge foi a
sleltthiide in tlie neat futuie.
Politics aie beginning to gel lively in
this boiough, alie.idj a large number
ol candidates having enteied the politi
cal menu. The nomination in this boi
ough is equivalent to election, owing
lo the boiough being oveiwlielmlngly
Kepublican. The following candidates
have so tar enteied the Held: For tax
collector, Joseph Davis, John H,
Hduimul Williams and llubeit Llew
ellvn; buttress, W. ti. How elks; justice
of the peace, C, 11. Vim Hoin and Ed
win Allen; auditoi, David Heeiham and
AV, J I, Hobblns. A small army of can
didates aie In the Held foi nominations
foi unions waid ollleeis, such as coun
cllmen, school diiectois, assessoi.s, etc.
This evening will be held the boc
social and entei talnnient ot the Young
Men's Chtlstlan association In their
looms em Main stieet. Tickets, ten
TheTollenvIng ollleeis have been elect
ed by Division No, 5, Ancient Older of
Hibernians, for tlie ensuing teim:
Pteslclent, Thomas M. Gibbons; vlce
piesident, John Shea; conespimdlng
sectetaty, Jiunes Shea; financial sectp
tniy, M. J. MeUonald; ticasuiei, Hd
wuul Connolly; seigeant-at-aims, Pat
ilck StantSn,
Thomas Fi.incls, of the Second wniel,
Is a canilldiite for school dltector, sub
ject to the decision of the Hepublican
Mis, Junes, of Notth Main stieet, who
.sustained u sjn allied aim a few weeks
ago, Is able to be about ntyiiu.
Mr. and Mis, James Hefrei, of Union
stieet, spent the Sabbath with ulathes
in Dunmoie,
Mis John U, Davis and daughter,
Miss i:ilubeth, of Ninth Main stieet,
spent vesteiday nt Edwin dsvllle, wheie
they attended the timet nt of a lelatlve,
M. C. JuilBn Is In New Yoik on a
business tilp.
CouhIiIci.iIiIr daniagu was douu In town
b. tlio high wind on Saturday evening,
Two largo platei glass windows wero
biokeu ut the KeHouo sloio building
and at J, T, Nyhan's feed mill the large
him stuck was loin apail and felled to
the giound, destrovlng It.
P, (, i I n t it hits been a victim of
chicken thieves. In the past few jeais
Mr. J I aid has lost ninety-six fowls, in
all tluee raids were Hindu on his coops.
IIowiiul Iiiulier, station agent for the
Delaware) & Hudson Co, at Lultlln, spent
Sunday with his parents ut Peekvllle.
I,. I). Thompson attended cnuit at
Scranton yesterday.
The buzz of the electric car through
Peekvllle has been stilled the past tluee
days; In consequence the Delaware &
Hudson station has been thronged by
anxious passengeis.
Theodore Dlkemun lost a valuable hoi so
which died Sunday,
Tho borough electricians are making a
house to house canvass, taking Inventory
of the number of electric lights Used by
our citizens.
Mr. C. M. Curtis, of tills plnco and Mls
Jennie Evans, of Dtmmotp, weie married
In lllngliamtoti hist Wednesday. They
nto now enjoying their lionpvmnnn at
Washington, D. C, and upon their return
will reside at Mndlonvllle.
Miss Bettlnh and Jlastei Itobcit Cooper
spent Sunday nt tlio homo ot Air. mid
Mrs. E. II. Addlclono In Dunmnrc.
Her. Mi. Pennington occtlplid the pul
pit at the Baptist church Sunday morn
ing and evening.
Mr. B.V10U Buckingham will hnvo un
miction sale- at his plnco this (TiumiIiia)
afternoon nt which lime hoi sis, cows,
wagons, sleighs and oilier things loo nu
merous to mention will be dispose il of to
the highest bidder. Mr. Buckingham and
family are about to move to Scnntnn,
while they will make theli homo In the
Mis. John E. Ham will spend tho holi
day season with her patents at Wlinttott,
N. J.
Mis Mnigiitot Wardell underwent an
opci.tllon foi catni.iet on her ejes at
1 liompson's hospital last week.
The Woman's Cliilstlau Tcmieianeo
union will hold a speclnl meeting nt tho
home of Mis. M. W. Vaughn Thuisday
Mrs Charles No.ick has left for Scran
ton, wheie she will make her home with
hei daughtPi, Miss Marv Noak.
Miss Small Giess. ot Clifton, Is visiting
her slsti'i. Mrs. George Bortree.
News vvas lecelved heie of the cleath of
Hairv Eschelman, sou of tho late Sam
uel Eschelmnn, who was fatally Injured
In a wreck on tho D. L & AV. railroad
Sunday morning
H. O. Kilsehkorn, of Forty Fort, vvas a
cither In town .vesteiday.
Need of House of Detention Most
Forcefully Demonstinted.
The police managed to locate 10-je.u-old
John Sublno. eaily vesteiday mon'i
Ing ind placed him under an est, on
the charge of being implicated In the
theft ol sit pocketbooks fiom tlio
Globe v alehouse He and tho other two
bojs, Tony Nueler and Edwaid Flana
ghan, weie an. ligned hefoie Magistrate
All tluee pleaded guilt v, and weie
committed to the county jail In default
of $100 ball each. The need of some
place of detention foi childien who me
held to iivvalt the action of the giand
luij was never bettei denionsliated
than when these little joungsteis.weie
Inoded on the pattol wagon with a
(ouple of dissolute "di links" and taken
up to tlio count jail.
Peail L.imont, tlie oung woman at
tested foi pun basing one of the stolen
pocketbooks fiom one of tho hoys, vas
lined $-'J.
They Wouldn't Beveal Identity of
Men Who Assaulted Them.
AVhcn tiie McGuite binthets, who
weie so badly used up in a Venn ave
nue saloon on Sunday night, legfelned
their senses vesteiday moinlng in the
cential police station, the. positively
lefiispd to divulge to the police the
mimes or the men who had a hand In
the attack on them, though it could bo
plainl seen Hint they knew who they
Edwaid, vilio was so badly cut on
the head, said that his injtiiy had not
been c uised by a knife slash, as at Hi st
suppo-ed, but by a heavy club with
which ho was stniLk over the head,
No amount of co.tlng or cajoling on
the pint of the police could petsuado
him to say uny thing about who wielded
the club. He was dischaiged by Magis
ttate Howe, but his bi otlier, William
H was lined $t0, which was paid.
Under this heading short letters of In
terest will be published when accom
panied, for publication, by the writer's
name. Tlio 'tribune does not nssumo re
sponsibility for opinions here expiesscd
Skelly Was Not the Man.
Editor of The Tilbuuo:
Sit. Kind! petnilt us to nmko a col
lection ot the lacts set leu tit in tills
moinliig'H Ttlbuno In an aitlelo headed-
"Uadly Slushed lit Saloon How, in
which the statement vvas inado that we
weie beaten In a Peiin avenue hotel auel
that Jack Skelly was our assailant.
Tlio fact of tho matter Is that Edwaid
McGulio fell and cut his lie nl and AVil
lliuu McGuite was tailing his biothei
home) when tlie police ai tested us, Av o
wish to clear Mi. Skell, who vvas in no
n Implicated in the nffali
W 11, MiGulic,
Eilwaiel McGuite,
Scianton, Pa , Dec 11, I'm.'
The following Is the make-up of thu
D L. & AV. board for today;
Etras Ea?t 0 p in , J. Glnley; 7 p m ,
M. Plnnott; sjo p in., l.nikln; um p
hi , t.'astnci ; 10 ,J p. ni , MeCait ; IJ mid
night, Staples
Summits 1 p in, J J. Murray (wesl);
8 ii. m , M. CJInloy least),
ENtias AVest b p, in , Latimer.
1 a in , l.oughney; 2 a, m , Hallot; .1 a
m , Huikbnit; 4 a, in., J, Genlty; r, a. m ,
Thomas; 7 a, m, E. McAllslei; On in,
Cuimody; 11 a, m, Dohetty; 1 p. in, E
Duffy Willi AVutl's ciuvv; .' ,J p in , ltog.
ns; 4 p m , M. J, Henlgau; & p in , Illce,
Summits ii a in. Piounfelkei (west),
I, a, in, Canlgg (west), 8 it, in., Nichols
(west), I p. m,, Golden (east); -' ID p in
Thompson (east), I JO p. in , J, lleiilgun
Pushers'.' id a. in , C. Bartholomew
(west); 7 a. m, Wldner (west); 7 a. in,
Plnneity (west); 8 a. in , llouser (eust);
11.15 a. m, Morau (east); 1 p. m, Mo
Domiell (west); 7 SO p. in, Murphy (east);
9 p. in , W. II, Bartholomew (east).
Helpers 1 a. in, Mugovem; 7 a. in.,
Gaffney; 10 a. in , Secoi ; J 13 p m , Stan
ton, KNtias AA'est-Thiid M, Dennis; t SO a.
m, Itundolpli; S a. m, Waifel (Hull
stead); 11 a. m , Klngsley; 1.' noon, John
Guhugau (HalUteddt; i p. m , Coslat.
Conductor Secor will take his run next
turn out
Connolly & Wallace 1
5cranton's Shopping Center bj
No Stop for Rain or Snow
Too late now to stop for anything Christmas shop
ping must be done.
It must be well done the store that's careless, that
thinks the crowd will come anyway at Christmas, or buy
anything, trash or not, will soon lose your confidence.
People know there is no danger of buying trash at
Connolly & Wallace's ; that if anything should go wrong
it will be made right; that nowhere can be found so many
Christmas novelties, and that prices, as a rule, are lower
than anywhere else.
No wonder the store could hardly hold the people
on Saturday, that crowds came even ih such weather as
we had on that day,
A stranger in town wouldn't find it hard picking out
the People's Christmas Store.
I Women's
g Wraps
In Paris they call llicm envel
opes those long beautiful wraps
that women wear at night to the
theatre or over evening dresses.
ip'27) to $S5.
And the vclour tlnee quarter
coats, $-." to $7.1, stnpass i'cn
tliing that France has ever done
befoic in vclour thou,;li not all of
them aie fiom France, which
partly accounts for the prices.
We have perhaps the handsom
est collection that has cvet been
got logether,bccausc veloui wraps
of cveiy soit are better this )ear
than for a long while.
SGolf Vests
lied, green, black, sprinkled
with while, and white. Double
In casted, fastened with brass but
tons, plain colois in many guides,
$1.7." to $1 each.
Knit Blouses, all colois, $-' ."()
to $.".
Handkerchiefs (usually very
well behaved little things, indeed)
have been pushing and crowding
for a week, and on Saturday night
they burst all bounds took pos
session of a counter that belongs
by rights to Coisets and over
flowed into the Lace depaitment
as well. '
lint it's no wonder they feel so
important just now we sell al
most a quaiter of a million every
December just for Cluistmas
These are hints of the things
jott'll find here now:
For Women
llMc. Plain white hemstitched,
with neal embroideiy work, Hemstitched and eui
bioidered in a wide range of pret
ty patterns; or phin white hetu
s'titched with little blocks above
the border; or hemstitched with
fancy drawn-work.
."Oc and 7."e, Hemstitched and
embroidered handkci chiefs in
many pretty patterns; some with
Mexican drawn-work
And so on, tip to those exquis
ite and daintv bits of French linei v
for $10.00.
For Men
Plain while hemstitched hand
kerchiefsbegin at 10c, I '.Me, l.'e,
2."c and go up to ."Oc each, ( f
course the most expensive are fine
French made.
I low can a furrier afford to pay
rent twelve months in the year
and do business only four of these
months? His one way is to cover
it with piofit.
In this store the rent, salaries
and management arc shut off the
instant the fur season is over. The.
people who have served you so
well in the furs go into the dress
department or into the coats. We ,
wouldn't let one of them leave us
for love or money, for to be a line
saleswoman in fins is an accom
plishment that vou don't often
' find.
We buy Furs in such vast quan
tities that the minimum of profit
is enough for the most ambitious
And so our XTurs are always 25
per cent, sometimes as much as
."7j per cent. less than you will
find them elscuheie, and the va
licty tlnee or four times greater
than vou will sec anywhere else
Q if ts for Men
SCARFS It lakes many ircsh
lots each morning to fill up the
gaps made the day before. So
everything is fresh and new and
novel ."0c, $1, $1.."0.
SL'SPF.XDERS More of the
wide all-silk webs at ."tOc.
Silver buckle suspenders (ster
ling all over, not simply in front)
SI up.
MUFFLERS (from London)
I'.li in. squaie. $1.00 to SU.OO: first
time such huge size has sold for
$2 and $:t the low ptices ;,end
them out fast,
ERS near by.
'I heie is still a good selection of ,
the I -Me books; of coutse some
titles aie sold out and cannot bi
icplaced, but there aie some ".110
different subjects to choose fiom,
and everyone a good vstaudatil
1 Store Open Evenings Until Christinas
I Connolly & Wallace
g 123-125-i2M29 Washington Ave.