lKMa twin j M frT 10 tHM SU1UNTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 1902. y bk m r - CTevelandS h & All the Leading Teachers of Cookery use it. Why? Docs better work and gois farther than any other. MARION HARLAND, luthor Common f.tnt$ In the Hoatehold, INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR MASTER CAR BUILDER CAN TIELD HAS RESIGNED. He Is to Become Vice President and General Manager of a Railway Supply Company He Has Been with tho Lackawanna Slnc'o May, 1 809 His Successor Has Not Yet , Been Named Conference of Prom inent Railroad Men Abput Car Service This and That. One of the blRsest surprises In rall oad I'lrcles for some time, was caused year&rdiiy by the announcement that X,. T. I'anilcld, master car builder of the Lackawanna railroad, has tendered ills resignation. The announcement was L. T. CAJsFllU.D. L'ontirmed by Sir. Canfield himself, when he returned to the city late in tho day, but he would not discuss the matter at any length. He has had such n move In mind for onio time, and formally tendered his resignation to President Truesdale on December 2, but the matter was not taken up by the officials until a meet ing held in New Toik last week, when itr. Canfield announced his intention of becoming the vice-president and gen manager of a railway .supply com pany, with headquarters in Xew York. The resignation has not yet been ac cepted, but in all probability .will be, to take effect the end of tho year. No Micccbsor to Mr. Canfield has been de rided upon as yet, and probably will not be announced for several weeks. Mr. Canfield is at present about 40 years of age, and is a native of Kliza licthtown, O. His first railrnod experi ence was with tho 1ig Four, where' ho acquired a thorough knowledge of car department woik. From there he went to the Chicago, Hock . Island Pacific, where- ho rose rapidly.- lie began as foreman, ''was first promoted to general foreman," and linally to master car builder, which position lie held when he severed his connection with the Hock Island after ten yeais' service. He then entered the employ of tho ncanuara itauway equipment company as sales agent, serving in that capacity for two years, and resigning to come with the Delaware, Lackawanna und "Western In May, 1S99. Mr. CanflpJd represents the modern pchool of railroad officials, and is in terested in everything that makes for n better service. He is a thorough stu dent of affairs in his particular line, and Is a prominent figure in the Master Oar Builders' association, serving on fieveral Important committees. He Is of a very inventive turn, being the patentee of a car truck and other useful devices. Mr. Canfield was re-i-ently re-elected president of the Scran ton Car Foremen's association, an organization for which lie is largely responsible, and which holds monthly meetings In the Hallroad Young Men's Christian association for the study of technical problems. He Is one of the gonial, approachable type of officials which President Trues dale lias brought to the Lackawanna, and who have been such a factor In making friends for the road. Car Service Promoters. A number of prominent railroad men hold a confeicnuo in this city on Satur day In tho office of M. H, Cnsey, super intendent of car service- for tho Lacka wanna railroad, A number of timely hubjoctf. were discussed und sugges tions offered for the betterment of car crvieo generally. Thoso in attendance were; A. IS. Thoninson, or the Xorthcuttloin Pennsylvania Car Kervlco association; F. S. Jcwitt, -manager of the Control Now York Car Service association; n. P. Lincoln, supeiiutr-ndent of tho l'enn Fylvuula railroad nt Eluilrn; II, r., superintendent of tho Lehigh Valley railroad at Auburn, N, Y.; M. JI. Cusoy, superintendent of car ser vice, and J, n. Kcefe, division freight Rgent of tho Lackawanna railroad, In this city, s This and That. J. 13. "Wi'lsli, truvcljiur freight and passenger agent of tho Ontario and Western, spent yesterday In New York. W, E. Dowlo, division freight agent of the Lackawanna railroad nt Buffalo, and W. 13. Wood, division frelght-ngent of the company at .Syracuse, wero re cent callers at the company's offices in this city, E. J. Slocum, representative of (ho Pintsch Gas company, was a visitor yesterday at the office of M. B. Casey, superintendent of car service, Lacka wanna railroad. Military Ball of Company 0. Company C, of the Thlrteonth regiment. Captain Thomas p. Murphy, has Issued Invitations to Its second military boll in the turnery on New Year's night. Inking Powder THE MARKETS. "Wnll Street Review. Now York, Doc. 15. The protective measures agreed upon by tho banks of this city had the effect of cheeking a dan gerous looking decline lu tho stock mar ket today and tho market closed tranquil and rather dull. The undcrtono nt tho Inst was firm and the losses of tho earlier part of tho day generally weio recovered. When Saturday's level had been reached on tho recovery tho action of thn market Indicated that the measures taken by the banking community wore by no menus de signed to Induce sacculation for the rlso nt this time. Pi Ices of the market lend ois nt they loso over Saturday's level wore held back by very liberal offerings. Tho statement was mndo thilt no fears were entertained of the ptescnt situation and that tho formation of tho protective pool was only a precautionary measure and probably no action would bo re quired on tho part of Its membeis In the way oi supplying liuim: w tno marKct. While the knowledge of the steps taken by the ruling powers lu the financial world Induced a feeling of great relief In all quartets, the belief was not disguised that tho pool was an omcrgoney mensuio not differing in kind or ilrgicco from those adopted in other periods of cilses In Wall street. The action of tho mnikct this morning on top of InBt week's decline, following as did tilsu a prolonged pel loci of gindual decline, awakened real anxiety over the outcome. Tho violent meusnres adopted lu the Venezuelan trou ble added to the unoaslne-M. Sentiment was also pessimistic over the money out look. The opening rate was 10 per cent, and the day's large syndicate lequlie ments and the heavy accumulations for the Staudiird Oil dividend aroused the fear that there would bo largo additional v.lthdruwnls of credit. No only tho Imme diate but the prospective syndicate needs, tunning to many millions of dollars, were calculated to aggravate the feais of bor rowers. The statement of the country's foreign trade for November was discour aging as to tho foreign exchange situa tion showing as It did a decrease In tho balance of trade In our favor of over SJ4.000.MO compaved with November, 1101. The foreign exchange market also weak ened materially. This last named feature was directly due to the higher money late. What effect upon all these factors may reuit irom tno provision ot a i'. Ii(i0.(i00 relief fund for the New York money market Is a problem which Is tho subject of murh intciostod surmise. The market showed some hesitation at the close, but the tone was firm. Total sales today, KI.OOO shares. The bond market was broad and In tho morning was weak but showed somo recovery. Totnl sales, par value. $.1.10,000. United Stales bonds wero all unchanged on the last call. "N- The following quotations ate furnished The Tribune by Halght & Fieese. ::12 ."lir Meats Building. W. D. Runyon, man- ager. Open.lIlgh.I.ow.Close. Anial. Copper .... Am. C. & F Am. Cotton Oil .. American Ice ... Am. Ice. Pr Am. Locomotive Am. S. & It. Co .. American Sugar Atchison Atchison. Pr .... Halt. & Ohio Hrook. It. T Canadian Pacific Ches. & Ohio .... Chicago & Alton Chic. & G. AV .... C. jr. & St. P .. . HI . ?,'.& . 10 . nn . "Mi '. Sii. .119 . 78. . 9H76 . 91 . t-l .l.-.T . 41 . LfMi . 22Ts "JJ 41) in !ll 40 fiii '.Vi -Ti 2.V. :vt'A :i7 :;;"' 1201& IlSii 119?', 797i 7'l 97 '4 91-', f!2A 12.-,--i ll :w:n 25 lKS-4 Mt. ft' 44 29--A 9714 91?, J IJ.VJ I4?l SO'A :-", .MS 3l;h74 IJkSJs 7." 7ii :",& yrj l.i I3V5 29 ::i)ii MV- (--, 1t,i 4i niv- 9S'i i:isu 140 Uli"), 119'; H2?i 14U!, 13.VJ, naii 201', 21 22V, .jji, r.i"i r.2ii inu in. Col. Fuel & lion 7S Col. & Southern Vii'. ".",14 . S7U" 87U ... U 14 . so-i :;(p . Ill)1 A OJ'i .41 I! .1.KV4 14-) .118',i 119U .14.! 1UH J3i5 ISfi'-i. . 21H 2Hi . 22-i 231,1 Den. & R. G.. Pi Detroit Southern i:rio File, st Pr Frio, 2d Pr Hocking Valley .. Illinois Central .. Louis. H. Nash .. Manhattan Met. St. Ily Mexican Central Mo. K. & Tex .. Mo. K. & T Pr Mo. Pacific N. Y. Central .... ...Hit 10J " ...149 1.-.1 ... u7-ii CS'J ....2';J 2 . . . 37 37 Norfolk & West .. Out. & "West Pacific Mall Peniiii. It. It People's Gas Piessed Steel Car. Heading ji'.a -; 2G!5 37 .'17 ...131 ... 9S-U ...-flfiil ... W ... SI ... 17U I.IJ'l Vm .-.'U . !'- mv. IVk 7i7"J, SPA 17 h 3i;'i 'llif, 2l'j f'S-', 29'k firt'l Wa 90 9II1J ll'i au 21 .-iii; S7n ..ii fM SI'i 17 JM'.i Id 2 Hi Wi Ai Mil "0'8 f7,i S4K 171, .:oyv 01 L'1'4 W.'i 29TJ 90 -JV 3SY, 90 MV- 10'i 14'i ;v Heading, 1st Pr ... Republic Steel '.... Itpck Island St. L. & San F .... St. I.. So. AV Southoin Pacific .. Southern R. R Southern R. It.. Pr lil'S 2P4 r.iPi 29 90 Tenn. Coal & Iton... .71 'rexns : i'aclllo 37i Villon Pacific fc Tnlon Paellle. Pr ... 90'. IT. S. Leather 11 " IT. s. Rubber ill I', S. Steel 303; V. S. Steel, Pr 79TJ "Wabash , 2l',i Wabash, Pr 3S-U Western Union ST'J M7ia 9l'i 90 IO's 14J .".0 79','. 2.!l !' 2t',4 2J S7'i .11 AVbeel. & L. 13 2IU AVK Central 2.! Total sales, "i'UOO shaios. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION. WHEAT Open. 1 Ilgh. Low. Close. May 7S'i 79i July 7i(. CORN- May , AVk July li OATS- May ffi'i July iu PORK- J.inuary 10.70 May 15.70 7 Hi II l-"'8 .'s-n. 7l!i HT 10.70 13.07 7l'i 12'- 10.72 13.72 10.72 15.01 UMBRELLAS FOR EVERYBODY Umbrellas for $15 each Umbrellas for $10 each Umbrellas for $1 each Umbrellos at all prices between $ and $15 It has always been our endeavor to represent the best In our line, and our Xmas Umbrellas this year are so handsome, so novel, so service able and so reasonable In price, that hundreds of people will be Induced to provide for a "rainy day" for self and friends, ALL ENGRAVING DONE FREE OUR USUAL XMAS CUSTOM FRAME Made of best cast steel, every rib and joint secure, solid steel rod, made to endure, built on maker's reputation. COVER Accordlny to price In black and colors Gloria, or best qual ity Taffeta, securely sewed and fastened. Materials that make dollars go farther. HANDLE Such a variety, Gold, Silver. Old Silver. Gun Metal. Pearl and Natural Wood, One of the very prettiest is a combination of Mother of Pearl and Gold. For the prices quoted every umbrelB means the best that money can buy. MELDRUM, SOOTT & CO., 126 WYOMING AVENUE. OPEN BVENINQ9 UNTIL CHRISTMAS, NEW YOItK COTTON MAltKKT. Open. High. Low. Close. .Tnniinry ton R.Vt R!W R.I2 March ............. s.rtl .:n km May ..........,.,,,, 8..Ti K.T.I 8.OT July ...I............ 8..T) R.W S.IVi S.IO Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Asked. Lackawanna uniry v-o., it.... go County Sav. Bank A Trust Co 300 r.-ii-of Nat. ijiuik (uaruonuaiej, ... 609 Third Uatlonnl Bank 530 Dlmo Den. A Dls. Bnnks 800 Economy L., II. A r. Co 44 First National Bank 1.100 ... Lack. Trust A Safo Don. Co . lt ... Clark A Snover Co.. Pr i:5 ... Scrnnton Savings Bank coo ... Traders' National Bank 223 ... Rcranton Bolt A Nut Co 123 ... People's Bnnk 133 Scianton Packing Co .......... ... 33 BONDS. Scrnnton Par-senger Ballway, drat mortgage, duo 1020 115 ... Pcoplo'B Stroot Railway, first mortgage, duo 1918 US ... PeoplorB Street Rnllwny, Gen eral mortgage, duo 1021 115 Rcranton Trac. Co., 0 per cent. 113 ISconomy I, II. A P. Co 97 N. Jersey A Pocono Ico Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.) i-iour i.w. ...... Butter Creamery, LV.&aSGc.; dairy, 23a 23V-C. " Cheese 13'iallc. Eggs Nearby, DOc! storage, 22c. Mnrrow Beans Per bushel, J2.S3. Onions Per bushel, TSaOOe. Potatoes 03c. per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market Now Yotk, Dec. 13. Flour Quiet but very steady; Minnesota patents, Jlal.-'o; Minnesota bukcis, $.'1.23a3.40: winter pat ents, $3.U)n3.90; winter Htralghts, J3.-I3a3.53; winter cxtins. Ji.S3u3.13; winter low gtades, $2.UJa2.93. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red. S3',ic. elevator; No. 2 red. i9o. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Dtiluth, 8li,c. f. o. b. afloat; options developed early strength; icacting at noon later rallied, but closed unsettled nt 'Sac. advance; May closed Sll&c; July, 78)4C.; December, S37ie. Corn Spot dull: No. 2. Glc. eleva tor, and 01c. f. o. b. nlloat; No. 2 yellow, file; No. 2 white, fiiue; options firm nt lb. St but subsequently yielded and the close was ?hiic. net lower; January closed fiiic.: May. 4S'-ic; December, filc. Outs Spot firm; No. 2, 37',o.: standard white, ::s4a387ii-.; No. !!. 37e.; No. 2 white, XSVJa oS.Sic; iso. ;; wiuto. ;isa:iv,c: tracK mixect western, nominal; tiuek white, 37'4a43c.; options quiet all diiy and about steady; December closed 38ie. Butter steady; extra cicumey, 30; do factory Hl'SAls; creamery common to choice 22A29,' held creamery, 2J&20; stato dairy 20A2S; icnovated, 17A2J. Eggs Steady; state and Pcnsylvanla avciago best, 29; refregeratod 19A211S; western fancy guided 27; western poor to prime, 20A2U. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Dec. 15. Wheat was rather quiet today but the maiket was firm on generally bullish statistics and May closed "iac. higher; May corn closed '(in'lc. lower and oats a shade lower. Provisions wero from 2,a12ic. higher. Cash cpioUi tlons wero as follows: Flour Quiet but steady: No. 2 spring wheat, 75'a70,.c.:' No. 3, 7la72c: No. 2 red, 75 "a7(ic. ; No. 2 corn, 5411c-; No. 2 yellow, 51'Uc: No. 2 oafs. 3I"c.; No. 2 white. :tSc; No. 3 white, ailAaSHie.; No. 2 rye. 41140.; good feeding barley. .'I9.il0e.; fair to choice malting. 45a Wc.; No. I flux seed, $1.1.: No. 1 north western, J1.24; piltno timothy seed, 13.65; mess pork, per bairol. $17: lard, $10.30,1 10 35; short ribs, sides. $S.50aS.75; shoulders, $S.23aS.30; sides. $S.75a9. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Dec. 13. Cattle Receipts, 23. 000; slow: lower: good to prime stceis, $3.00 aOSO; poor to medium. j 50a5.!i0; stockeis and feeders, $2.1 1.50: cows. $.'.25ii4."0: heif ers. $1.90.13; canners, SI 25a2..Ti; bulls, $2a 1.50; celves, $3a7; Texas fed steers, $3.30a 1.75. Hogs Receipts today, 30,000: tomorrow. 10.000: left over, 8.500; ln,-il5e. higher; mixed and butchers, J3.l-5aG.25; good to cholco heavy, ?0.30a30; rough heavv, S5S5aG.2"); light, $5.W)a0.10; bulk of sales. $0aC.()20. Sheep Receipts, 33,000; sheep and lambs, steady to weak; good to choice wethcis, fj.75al.25; fair to cholco mixed, $; native lambs. $.!.75.i5.50. FINANCIAL Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2T & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODYjMcLELLAN &C0. BANKERS, No 57 Broadway, New York City. MEl!Bi:nS NEW YOKE STOCK EXCHANGE. STOCKS, BONDS and INVESTA1ENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN Ehret's Slag Roofing. The Roof with a GOOD 10 Year Guarantee. Applied Only by j WARREN-EHRET COMPANY, 3S1 WASHINGTON AVE. : it t Parlor Rockers For this week only, we ti of .carpets to the amount of V It V It It It It V It It It n It u V X It It K It V It It It Free Choice of Any Rocker That sells regularly for $3.00 and $3.50 each. Our reason for this ex traordinary offer is simple. Wo are compelled to vacate the basement which runs the entire length of the building, on January 1st next, and as wo will havo no room to storo them, previous to our removal, to"our new five floor store, we must get rid of them some way. Bargains in Rockers and Fine Horris Chairs Now on view In the basement, You can buy the -finest goods In Scran ton for about half what you'd expect to pay. J. Scott Inglis, K V It It It It It It It It x x 419 Lacka. Ave., Scranton, Pa V4 M il '4 '4 "4 i '4 H "4 Vt "4 '4 )l il " t "4 144, il444'4j,3l44ali'4a4jl44'4a4lila4a4,Sa444l4''4'lS'4B444a4S"aS Glad Tidings for Christmas Shoppers. Our store presents a brilliant array of most excel lent Christinas Gifts. Gifts that have the stamp of quality. Watches, Diamond Pendents, Rings, Gold Jewelry, Gold Handled Um brellas and Cut Glass, Sterl ing Silverware, Etc., Etc And all at prices that are sure to meet your approval. C. LUTHER, ' 133 Wyoming Avenue, ESTABLISHED 1857 BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITER No 7, $50.00 No. 5, $35.00 SliiHllHfFIM In simplicity of construction, speed and ousts of operation they aro without an equal. They aro perfectly adapted to eveiy variety of work, nnd comblno all tho best features of all other makes. Write for Catalog., THE BLICKENSDERFER HFC CO., 100J Chestnut St, Philadelphia. . 4 4 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .J. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. . m . v. h n . h . v. . k . FREE? will allow each cash buyer twenty dollars or more, ' It tt S . . . s X . It St 15. '4t "4 "4 "4 "4 K "4 4 'I it "4 'el "4 3 "4 "4 ( 4 Hotel Jermyn. ... TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS mmmmmxmmmiihimnhm & a 3 FOR i3 3 JHHEaKKpB-',un'X n. A 4-5 Camera, Double Lense, Sole-Leather Carrying Case, Rack and Pinion. . . . 5-7 Telephoto, never sold under $40.00. Our price 3 This is limited. a lS " i Everything 3 3 FLOREY & BROOKS 520 Open Evenings. .J, 3 Open Evenings. x ' K ti K X K X X' t H X it x V x It X X X it it x X it It It ' V X It It It It , Btiying f b? Gift for Mother ' In choosing this gift, usefulness must receive first consideration, for Mother much prefers some thing that is useful to an ornament. And, too, it must be of excellent quality, This doesn't neces sarily imply that you should invest heavily- not so, for many consistently low-pfcied gifts of superior quality may be found here. Includ ing: x UMBRELLAS, MANICURE ARTICLES, COMBS. VINAIGRETTES, BROOCHES. THIMBLES, PURSES SCISSORS. RING TREES, SHOE HOOKS, LOCKETS JEWEL TRAYS, PIN TRAYS, LORGNETTES, and many, many others that will bo equally serviceable. Everything That Is Best In. Diamonds and Jewelry Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. I hiii n Ever Get On account of the poor rain-resisting qualities of an Umbrella ? Not at all pleasant, is it? One of our dependable Holiday Umbrellas S? Engraving Free, will guard your friend from a similar predicament. We have many styles from the very t -plain ones to the real swell ones with fancy handles, And, remember, we give Green Trading Stamps CONRAD'S, Lackaf I Job Printing SPECIAL OFFER THE HOLIDAYS. special bargain and our Moral: "Come Early." in the Photographic Line i Fancy Calendars Adapted for Poster Board and Special Albums - 22 - 24 Spruce Street. . . K. w u Soaked 305 na Ave. of Every Description! Neatly, Promptly, and Ac curately Done at The Tribune Office, . . , IN RAS SP For the next 10 days we will make e : & tne best otter on 45, 5-7, 6 1-2, 8 1-2 and 8-10 Cameras ever of fered. $9.00 1 n nn stock is r 6 Photographs, & & . & & & -J-.r 1 P -- jj. tjaw" .V$&" y . .. U... -..jpvJl. w.awttA.,. st nJ, .t a , r ti.' .& ii?-tmrmf 4.,l !' ,l.L--l iMh.i