. i v I 1 I Srlbtitie, ormttim f I i,1 THE ONLY SCR ANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SCRANTON, PA., .TUESDAY MOKNING, DECEMBER 10, 1902. TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. ". 5SJBMifcwi2)BJBHB3MKSiMBJfifiMPE SECRETARY WARNS The American Shipping Must Hit Be Interfered "Peaceful POWERS MUST HALT OR DECLARE WAR Washington Administration Will Cease from Passive Atti tude in Regard to Venezuela South and Central American Diplomatic Representatives in a State of Anxiety Situation Regarded Serious. Br Exclusive Wire from The Ajsocitted Presi. Washington, Dec. 15. It is probable now that the United States will break Its altitude of inactivity In the event tlmt an attempt Is made to enforce the "peaceful blockade" upon an American ship. When the allies were considering the ways and means of bringing "Vene zuela to terms and a. blockade of this character had been decided upon the German government informed the Unit ed States that when the blockade was established it would turn back all ship pins, though no effort would be made to seize th ships. The United States government made no response to this statement at the time last year not feeling called upon to do so before the presentation of an ac tual case. Secretary Hay has Informed the Ger man government that American ships should not be interfered with in their trading, except the inhibition applies to all shipping; further, the note intimates a disapproval ofst'oppage at all. In so doing the slate department Is following a precedent, for during the effort of the powers to establish a "peaceful block ade" of Crete in 1S08, Secretary Sher man formally lecorded a refusal to be bound by it. It happened that no Am erican ship had occasion to enter a Cretan port during the brief period of time the blockade was in force, so the issue was not made then. Test Case Must Follow. In the present case, with tegular lines of American steamships entering Vene zuelan ports at short Intervals, a test cae must soon follow. It Is within the legnj right of the allies to close the.se port, but probably this can be accom plished without protest on our part only after a formal declaration of war. The hope is growing here that such declaration can, after all, be avoided, owing to the energy with which Mr. Bowen has acted. The proposal of President Castro to the allied powers for a peaceful settlement was suggested by Mr. Bowery and It came to the stnte department through his hands. It has been forwarded to London and Berlin through the embassies here, and as both Great Britain and Germany have heretofore professed a desire to settle the Issues peacably. It Is hoped that they will .avail of' this opportunity. The proposal did not mention the method of arbitration, nor the limita tions, and the point of doubt, which may prevent the acceptance of the scheme, Is believed to be Castro's un willingness to bind himself in advance to the recognition of the principle of liability. Ho would leave the arbitrat ors to determine whether or not ho is liable at all. Minister Bowen lias confirmed the prcsjs reports to the effect that the guns of the allied fleet which bombarded Puerto Cabello on Saturday wore di rected entirely at the fortifications, and nr. ut the town. ft statement relieves the affair of the first suspicion that It constituted a violation of International law, in tho fact that twenty-four hours' notice wns not served of the bombardment. Tho requirement us to notice, applies to un fortified or fortified towns where the fire must be directed upon the inhabit ants, owl this was not the case at Fuertn Cabello, While the officers here regret that tho firing took place, they have aj yet no cause to protest. Benson for Delay, It has developed that the reason for tho delay In tho consideration of Presi dent Castro's proposal to arbitrate the disputes with Great Britain and Ger many was tho absence from London of Lord Lansdowne, tho British minister for foreign affairs. That officer spends Saturday and Sunday of each week at his country place, ami docs not allow any business to Interfere with Ins rest. It appears that this proposition had more than a. perfunctory Indorsement by the United States government. Mr, Bowen having usked permission to en , ilcavor to settle the matter by arbitra tion, Secretary Hay not only promptly accorded tlio permission, but went to the length of himself dispatching tho proposal, which up to that point had been rather vnguo and Informal, to the British and German governments. The Italian ambassador, Slgnor Mayer Des Planches, today called at the state department to take soundings as to the attltuOr ' government In tho event"'' ..allan govern ment pressej settlement of Its claims agalr.oc 'Venezuela, It appears that the Italian desires are not by any means as comprehensive or the do- HAY m THE ALMS with by. a Blockade." mauds as stiff as In the case of Great Britain or Germany, but tho details could not b learned. ANXIETY AT WASHINGTON South and Central American Diplo matic Representatives Besiege Secretary Hay's Office. By Eiclushe Wirt from The isodited Frtu Washington, Dec. iG. The South and Central American diplomatic represen tatives here are in a state of anxiety that finds expression in frequent calls at the state department for information. No less than six ministers were among Secretary Hay's visitors today, al though this was not diplomatic recep tion day. Secretary Hay was in con ference at the White House for a short time with the president today regard ing Venezuelan affairs. Senator Cullom and Representative Hltt, the heads of the two committees on foreign affairs of congress, also the president, but It was stated that little attention was given to Venezuela. Among senators and representatives who have discussed the Venezuelan matter with President Roosevelt, the situation is regarded as serious, but it Is not generally believed to be likely that the United States will become in volved In the controversy. The senate committee on foreign re lations made a declaration of the Mon roe doctrine when the agitation over tho Schomburg line In Venezuela was Intense. On January '20, 1S96, the late Senator Davis leported the declatory resolution from the committee, Senntor Gray, now chairman of the Anthracite Coal Strike Arbitration, announced that the ivport was not the unanimous ac tion of the committee. The senate never took any action on the report. Senator Davis said the action of the committee was u notice to foreign na tions and sufficiently effective without any vote of the senate. The reolutlon then reported declared that the United States of America leufllrms and con firms the doctrine and principles pro mulgated by President Monioe In his message of December 2, 1823, and de clares that It will ns-sert and maintain that doctrine ami those principles and will regard, any Infringement thereof, and particularly any nttempt by any Kuropean power to take or acquire any new or additional territory on the Am erican continents, or s ly Island adjac ent thereto, or any rlfnt of sovereign ty or dominion In tho same In any ease or Instance as to which the United States shall deem such attempt to be dangerous to Its peace and safety by or through force, purchase, cession, occu pation, pledge, colonization, protector ate, or by control of the easement In any canal or any other means of tran sit across the American Isthmus, wheth er under unfounded pretention of right In cases or alleged boundary disputes or under any other unfounded preten sions, as the manifestation of an un friendly disposition toward the United Slates and aw an interposition, which It would be Impossible In any form for the United States to regard with indif ference. LONDON CALLS HALT. Minister Bowen's Note Makes No Chnngo in Qormnn Plans Con cerning Venozuola. By Eicliulie Wife from The Aitoclttrd rreii. London, Dec, ID. Tho Associated Press has reason to believe that orders will be or havo been sent to tho British commander In Venezuelan waters to take no further aggressive action ut present pending a decision on tho pro posal for arbitration. It was learned this .evening that the proposals now before the British gov ernment are the original proposals for warded by Mlnlsternlowen, but which now have received strong support from the United States government. This came In tho form of a proposal through the United States government to submit the claims of British and German subjects to arbitration, which Lord Lansdowne announced later In the day In tho house of lords, "Is now under consideration by the British govern ment." Lord Lansdowne added; "We are greatly Indebted to the good offices of the United States minister at Caracas." In Ambassador Choate's absence Charge d'Affalres White Is making every effort to arrange some pacific Tii IA method of settlement of tho dispute between Great Brltnln and Venezuela. Ho Is In constnnt communication with the state department at Washington. Nothing definite has yet been arrang ed, but it Is understood that there Is some hope of further hostilities being averted. Tho negotiations nrc handi capped by the absence from London of Woveral of the cabinet ministers, as be fore nn answer can bo given the cab inet will probably have to meet. No final decision is expected before Wed nesday. Lord Lansdowne said he had no of ficial Information regarding the report ed bombardment of Puerto Cabello. Continuing, the foreign secretary said that since the parliamentary paper, giv ing the Venezuelan correspondence had been Issued tho government had receiv ed from Mlnlstr Haggard a cabled sum mary of what purports to be Venezue la's reply to the British ultimatum. Therein Venezuela, complains that no reparation wns offered by Great Britain for the landing of the marines or for the conduct of the British authorities of Trinidad. This dispatch closed with saying that Venezuela represented that as her treasury was exhausted, It was Impossible for the government to meet its debts for tho moment, but directly pence was declared It would not be nec essary to remind the Venezuelan gov ernment of Its obligations. Lord Lnnsdowne's statement was drawn out by Earl Spencer, who refer red to the manner In which tho foreign secretory recently "criticized and made sarcastic and jocular remarks regard ing that small country, Venezuela." The earl said he considered to bo most un fortunate that the foreign secretary should have adopted such a tone to ward a country wlthvwhlch negotiations were pending. ENGLAND'S ATTITUDE. lord Crnnborne Says That No Country Has Been More Anxious to Maintain Monroe Doctrine. By Emluslve Wire from The Assodlcd I'reii. London, Dec. 15. The house of com mons was crowded this evening when the Venezuelan matter came up for de-, bate. Henry AVhlte. the American charge d'affaires, had a seat In the diplomatic galleiy. Mr. Schwann, after having expiessed surprise that the government was anx ious for another war after South Af rica, complained of the paucity of the Information concerning the Venezuelan situation which has been given to par liament. He said he hoped arbitration would be accepted, because although President Roosevelt is anxious to act correctly, the situation is full of dan ger and the president's hand might be forced by politicians. Lord Cranborne spoke after Mr. Schwann. He reproached this member with a desire to discredit the govern ment and explained that the papers in the Venezuelan matters were very vol .umlnous and that those issued today were only a summary. He said Great Britain had to perform police duty among the nntlons and had to prevent A'enezuela from breaking the law of nations. The United States took the sensible view that Great Britain's in sistence that Venezuela should meet her engagements was no Infraction of the Monroe doctrine. No country has been more anxious than Gieat Britain, said Lord Cranbornp. to assist the American government In, maintaining the doctrine. This remark was gieeted with cheer ing. Continuing, the foreign secretary said the British government had dis played great forbearance, and that it was only knfter Venezuela had been thrice summoned to do right that t He government had been diiven to strong measures to secure the safety, liberty and property of British subjects in Venezuela, and that in the execution of these measures the government de sired to pursue the same course of moderation. Lord Cranborne said also that tho blockade would be carried out with every regard for the Interests of neu trals. MONROE DOCTRINE SKY HIGH. Deputy Sentini of Italy's Chamber of Deputies Says So. Bj Exclude Wire from The Awociitcd Preit. Rome, Dee. IS. In tho Chamber of Deputies to-day Foreign Minister l'rin ettl, replying to an Interpellation, miula a statement on the subject of Italy's attl tudo towards Vcnezuola. Ho reviewed tho causes leading up to tho Anglo-German action and said: "Italy on her, side claims damages for her citizens who sustained losses dm lug tho Insurrection which has disturbed tho republic since April, tho Italian minister nt Caracas having oxluuistcd all efforts to lnlng about n fi loudly adjustment pio scnted a list of claims i educed to a mini mum of ;,810,25C Bolivars." Tho pilmo iniuibter was followed by Deputy Sentlul, who oxpicssed confidence In tho government's policy and urged ac cord with Germany and Great Britain. Tho deputy warned tho Italian govern ment to "watch tho United Slates, whoso Imperialism U a political and a com mercial mennco to Kuropo, and especially to Italy, tho weakest of tho great pow ers," Deputy Scntlnl declared that tho ener getic attltudo of Germany and a rent Britain had sent tho Monroo doetilne sky high, as tho United States understood It was riot dealing with poor Spain. Tho spenker recommended that further reinforcements be sent to Venezuelan waters. ECUADOR IS AROUSED. lly Kxclutlte Wire liomTho Associated Press, auayaqull, Kquador, Dec. U. A patl lot to demonstration took place hero last Might. A largo number ot pcoirio who had attended a meeting went to tho Venezue lan and to all tho other South American consulates, shouting "Long l.lvo Castio," "Long Llvo Venezuela," and "Long Llvo tho South American countries." Tho rurtlcliuint.s in the demonstration be f oio dispersing adopted a resolution usklng President riaza to protest of. flelally against tho action of tho allied powers. m Closed for Xack of Coal. By Excluaitt Wire from The Aitociited PrMi. Wilmington. Del., Dec. 13. Tho works of tho Dlumond Stnte Steel company, in this city, had to bo closed down to-day, ou account of Inability to obtuln a supply of coal, tciporailly throwirf about 3, 000 men and boy out of employment. HOWELL LOOKS OVER FIELD Tries His Hand at ButtonholinQ Gonoresstnen In Interest of His Side ol the Contest. EVIDENTLY DIDN'T GET MUCH ENCOURAGEMENT From the Tenor of His Talk It Is Inferred That He Expects to Be Unseated but Fancies He Will Sit Out the Greater Bart of the Session. An Expectation That in AH Prob ability Will Be Disappointed. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Washington, D. C., Dec. 15. Members of congress who were present at the session today were vastly amused In a quiet way at the appearance of aeorge Howell, of Scranton, who claims to be tho member-elect from the Eleventh Congressional district. AVhllc the mem bers were busily engaged m listening to the discussion on the District of Columbia bill, which involved the ex penditure of millions of money, Mr. Howell appeared on tho 'floor of the house and proceeded to buttonhole Democratic members regarding the coming contest which has-been Insti tuted by Congressman William Connell. The annoyed members listened with apparent courtesy to the pleadings ot Mr. Howell, but It was noticed that many quiet smiles passed between them when the eager claimant had taken his departure. There was much amuse ment over this attempt of Mr. Howell to uige his own ridiculous claims fully a year before the contest will take place. It is quite probable that some well-disposed Democrat pointed out to MY. Howell the absurdity of his prema ture efforts, for he suddenly disap peared and it is not thought likely that he will again put In an appearance at this session, at least the annoyed mem bers hope not. From the talk Indulged In today by Mr. Howell It was gathered that he fully expected to be unseated, but he thought that It would not be until very late In the Fifty-eighth congress. How ever, taking Into consideration recent de.velopnients connected with the, leccnt election In the Eleventh district, Mr. Howell will be very much surprised at the early date of his exit from the house of reuresentatlves. LIMITED COAL SUPPLY IN WASHINGTON Famine Is Already Affecting Gov ernment Buildings and Supply Is Nearly Exhausted. By Ksclu.he Wire fiom 'fUc Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 13. Tho coal fam ine already Is affecting the government buildings and the supply in most cases is nearly exhausted. Some of them would have to be closed In event of anything like blizzard weather, and ligid economy lias been ordered. The coal supply at the postofflce depart ment was exhausted eaiiv this morn ing. The electric lights above the tlrst floor, and the private elevator of the postmaster general, were shut off. The steam plant at the Interior department was also shut down over an hour, but a limited supply finally was secured from local dealers. The capltol building has exactly two days' supply now, but no fears are felt there, as the contract with the Read ing railroad requires that company to furnish sufficient fuel to keep the build ing heated. The agricultural, census and other buildings, likewise, have a very limited supply., Considerable relief from the coal fam ine Is expected to result from orders Issued today by tho board of commis sioners of tho District of Columbia au thorizing the laying of temporary ad ditional steam railroad tracks expressly for coal delivery. The action was based on representations that ono railroad company had 100 cars loaded with an thracite and bituminous coal in Its yards here, but could not discharge them for want ot trackage, and that with more tracks' that company would bo able to deliver to Washington deal ers thirty or forty carloads a day until tho situation is materially Improved. It Is claimed that tho coal from this sourco nnd from the other railroads will permit a fairly satisfactory supply to the. city. ' PEACE IN THE LEAGUES. Ball Schedules Will be Arranged to Avoid Conflicting Dates. " By Excluthe Wire from The Assoclitfrt Vmt. Cleveland, Dee. 1?. Messrs, Soniers and Kllfoyle, tho Cleveland baseball mag nates, leturued to-day from New York, wIipiv negotiations for peace between tho two leagues woro commenced last week, "Tho prospects of reaching an amlcalilo working basis between tho two leagues at tho coming conference," said Mr. Kit loyle, "are very bright, Tho playing M'hcduln of the National League will al most certainly bo icvlsed, In order to avoid conflicting dates. All litigation and controversy over players will bo dropped. Tho AmcrjcUn League has never signed a player who had n bona lido contiact with tho National League, As a result, wo will not bo requited to icleuso a single player. "On tho other hand, every contract with our players will bo carried out, regard less of tho salary Involved." ' Mitchell Welcomed Home. tl.v Kxduihc Wlic'trom The' Associated Prcs. Spring Valley, III.. Dee.- 15.-.Iolm Mitch ell was given a warm welcome upon Ills return to'lils old homo to'day. Spring Valley observed tho day as a general' holiday and business was suspended In his honor. ACTIVITY AT LONDON. Charge d'Affaires White Making Effort to Arrange Settlement. By Erclmhc Wire from The Amoclafed I'rr-M. London, Dec. 13. In Ambassador Choate's absence Cliatgo d'Affalres Wlilto Is making every effort to arrange some pacific method ot tho dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela. Ho Is In constant communication with tho state department nt Washington. Nothing dull nllc has been yet nrrunged, but tho As sociated Press understands that there Is some hope of further hostilities being averted. The negotiations aro handicapped by tho absenco from London ot several of the cabinet members, as bejorian ans wer enn be given tho cabinet will havo to meet. No final decision Is expected before Wednesday. BRITISH AND CUBAN TREATY. Foreign Office to Claim "Favored Nation" Rights. lly Kxclushe Wire from The Associated PrM. Lo.ulon, Dec. 13. The under-foreign secretary was questioned In the House ot Commons to-day regarding the negotia tions for a reciprocity treaty between the 1'nlted States and Cuba, and the steps proposed to protect Drltlsh right under tho most favored nation treatment. Lord Cranborne said that representations had been made to Washington on tho sub ject, but that no reply had yet been re ceived. DOINGSOT CONGRESS Measure for Union Station In Washington Other Mat ters Considered. Hy Kseluslic Wire from The Associated I'rcs. AVashlngton, Dec. 15. vTlie house to day passed the senate bill for a Union railway station In this city, to cost $1, 000.000. Tho station is to be situated north of the present site of the Balti more and Ohio depot, at Delaware and Massachusetts avenues, nnd on the front of it is to be a large plaza park. The Pennsylvania railway, by the terms of the bill, Is to remove Its tracks from the mall and reach the site of the proposed station through a tunnel to run between the capltol and Library buildings. The government is to pay the Penn sylvania railway Jl, 500,000 and the Bal timore and Ohio J300.000, In addition to providing for the plaza park. The house also passed an urgent deficiency bill, which carried, among other items, an appropriation of $300,000 for eradicating the foot and mouth disease in New England. A bill wns passed to provldo for the allotment In severalty of tho lnnds of the New York Indians. The bill provides that prior to the allotment the claim of the Ogden Land company should be decided In the courts and found that it could be purchased for the benefit of the Indians for a sum not exceeding $200,000. The senate amendments to the strike commission bill were disagreed to, and the bill sent to conference. The speaker appointed Messrs. Can non, Barney and Livingston conferees on the part of the house. The senate today discussed the bill to promote the efllciency of the militia, and also the omnibus statehood bill. After agreeing to the concurrent reso lution of the house for an adjournment from December -0 to January 3, Mr. Proctor called ud the nillltla bill. An amendment by Mr. Pettus striking from the bill Section 21, having par ticular reference to the reserve force of trained men, provoked some discus sion, Mr. Pettus raising the point that the section would be an Infraction of the civil authority ot the United States. The bill was laid aside for the omni bus statehood bill. Senator Dillingham, of Vermont, spoke In opposition to the bill, occupying the time of the senate until adjournment. After a brief ex ecutive session, the senate adjourned. WILL TEST ADULTERATED FOOD Half Dozen Young Men Will Eat Preserved Stuff. By Kxilgshe Wire from The Associated Tress. Washington. Dec. 13. About a dozen young men to-day began boaidlug nn a diet furnished by the ngiicultiiral de partment and designed to test Iho offect of food iidulteiaiits. It was tho Hrst day of tho nctual inclusion uf borax and other preservatives In the meals which aro to bo furnished the young men for a long period under tho dlicctlou of Chemist Wiley, of tho department, llo believes that tho results will show the harmless Hess of pieservatlves of such food pro ducts In a number of Instirticcs. Tho young men havo been taking their meals for two weeks under Dr. Wiley's direction but until to-day no adulterants were used In tho fond. Tho object was tu put them In Hie best possible physical condition lirforo beginning tho actual feeding of the preservatives. Steamship Arrivals. Dy i:clushe Wire hom'lliv Associated Press. New York, Dee. 13. Sailed; Steamer DcutM'hland, Hamburg. A n twerp-Aril veil: Steamer Kceltiud, Now York. Gibraltar Ai lived: Steamer Lahu. New York for Naples and Genoa. Sailed: Steamer Trave, New Voik via Naples and Genoa. Cherbourg-Sailed: Steamer Kaiser Wll helm der Grosso (from ilremen and Southampton), New York, Plymouth Aril ved Steamer Peunsyl vnnla, New York for Hamburg, via Cher bourg. Fined for Extortion. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Rending, Pa.. Dec. 15 AVIIIIum H. Ly on, aged "3. for fifty years copstable, police ofllcer, special detective, c'tc, and a leading Republican politician or this city was to-day sentenced to six mouths Impilsonmont and a lino of )100, he hav ing been convicted uf extortion In ac cepting $00 In settlement of two gambling easa in which ho was thu prosecutor. Pickets are Discharged. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'iei. Omaha, Neb., 'Dec. 13. Judge Mulgor, In tho Federal Comt to-day discharged tho twenty-seven ' Union PaclHe. strikers charged with contempt hi maintaining a "picket line." and' liilniU!utliig'vnikiiien. Tho '.com t ruled tli.il the cvldeuco wus unau'fflclcnt. ONE MORE WITNESS ON THE MINERS' SIDE BISHOP TALBOT ON THE WITNESS STAND He Proves the Star for the Defense in the Celebrated Irvine Case at Huntingdon. By Kxclushe Wire from The Asoclatcd Press. Huntingdon, Pn Dec. 15. The trlnl of the conspiracy charge brought by Dr. I. N. W. Irvine, the deposed rector of St. John's church, of this place, against Dr. nnd Mrs. Alexander El liott was resumed this afternoon with Bishop Talbot on the stand. The bish op acknowledged that he had written the letter to Mrs. Elliott In which he characterized Dr. Irvine as being a "slimy fellow," and advising Mrs. El liott to have him convicted in a court of record so that he (the bishop) could unfrock him. The presentment to the court covering the evidence nt the ec clesiastical court of inquiry, was vir tually as follows: "The language which he was shown to have used to women wns much of It unfit to be printed In a reputable paper," and that notwithstanding he was a married man he freely used lan guage and gestures inviting improper relations, and that he scandalized re ligion and was convicted of holding moneys due the church." The bishop was Hip star witness this afternoon for the defense. His counsel was willing to have him cross-examined ad libitum. The alleged, forged let ter written in Mrs. Elliott's name to the bishop was admitted as evidence. This letter purported to be a retraction of Mis. Elliott's desire to have Dr. Ir vine ousted from the parish. After strenuous skirmishing, the defense rest ed Its case. Ilebuttal for the plaintiff was imme diately taken up but nothing of partic ular Importance, was elicited. A mo tion by the defense will be made to morrow to have the court Instruct the Jury to bring in a peremptory verdict for the defendants. LARGE POOL TO BE LOANED IN MARKET A $50,000,000 Fund Raised to Be Available in Case of. Actual Emergency. By Esclushc Wire from The Associated Presi. New York, Dec. 33. A number of banks of this city and J. P. Morgan & Co., have formed a pool 'Of $30,000,000 to lend in the money market in the event of nctual emergency. The pool was organized by George F. Baker, president of the First National Bank. That bank, J. P. Morgan & Co., the National City Hank, the Case Na tional Bank, the National Bank of Commerce, the Hanover National Hank, the Fourth National Bank and the Western National Bank have pledged thnieselves for $3,000,000 each. The Corn Exchange Bank agrees to subscribe $2,300,000 and the Chemical National and the Bank ot New York, $1,000,000 each. This measure Is really a protective ono and It is not appre hended that any ot the money will actually be needed. It will be put out, however, should the occasion arise. ROUND HOUSE R00P COLLAPSED A Scoro of Workmen and Seventeen Locomotives Are Buried in the Ruins Nono Killed. By i:clushe Who from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 13. Tho root and supports of the round houso In the Pennsylvania Railroad company's West Philadelphia yards collapsed today, burying more than n score ot workmen and thlrty-ono locomotives. A fire broke out in the ruins but the flumes were quickly extinguished. Several of the Injured sustained broken limbs, but none was s-eriously hurt. The roof of the structure, which was erected many yenrs ago, was of wood covered with slate, supported by Iron uprights. It Is believed the weight of snow nnd Ice which had lain on the roof since Saturday weakened the build ing, Seventeen locomotives were badly damaged, ' m BOILER HOUSE BURNED, Abandoned Plant of Clark Coal Com pany Destroyed, The old abandoned boiler hmibe at tho Clark Tunnel Coal company's mines In North Scranton was destroyed by llro at midnight, An alarm was sent In from Box S3, at West Market and AVInoua streets, but when tho Ilremen reached the scene tho structure was beyond saving. Ono old boiler, out of service, was in tho building. The oilgln'of the file Is unknown. Tho damage Is of little con secjuence. COMMISSION WILL ATTEND. Have Accepted Invitation to Be Quests at New England Dinner. Tho members of the Anthracite Strike Commission have accepted an invita tion to attend the dinner of tho New England society on Friday night and all of them will be present. ' - It Is .probablo that one of the toasts will, bo responded to by Judge Gray, the chairman of the commission, Thu dinner promises to be tho most largely attended and enjoyable evor conducted by the society. Gommiftslon Will fldiourn Saturday to Meet noaln In Philadelphia After the Holldaus, SAD LOT OP LITTLE SILK MILL GIRLS One of Them Told That She Work Twelve Hours a Night Six Nightd a Week for Three Cents an Hour Investigation Proves That Theitf Fathers -Earn Big Money and That! Two of Them Own Property Judga Gray Expresses Indignation and) Declares It Is an Outrage -Factory; Inspector Summoned Mass ofl Data from Mr. Lloyd. With one more, witness, National President Samuel Gompers, of the American .Federation of Labor, who is. to take tho stand today, to testify ta wage earnings in general, the miners will complete their case In chief before the mine strike commission. The dis trict presidents will not be put on thai stand. The operators will open their case) today with a general statement for all the respondents, to be road by Hon. Simon P. Wolverton, counsel for the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company. The remainder of tho week will be taken up with the presen tation of testimony from the operators' side, the Delaware and Hudson com pany taking tho lead. On Saturday the commission will adjourn over the holidays, to meet again Monday, Jan. 3,190,'!, in Philadelphia, the operators preferring to ha.ve the commission sit in that city while hearing their side of the case, and a new meeting place be ing made necessary by the fact that the superior court meets here In Janu ary, in the room la which the commis sion is sitting. The miners wtll asTTthe commission to come back.to Scranton tohear their rebuttal testimony. This will likely bo done. The closing testimony of the miners consisted of complaints from more Philadelphia and Reading and Erie company employes, on comparatively trivial matters. Attorney John J. Mur phy. Congressman Charles Brumm, Clarence S. Darrow and James Shea conducted the examinations for the miners. Attorney S. I'. Wolverton, ot the Heading, and Major Everett War ren, of the Erie, did the bulk of the cross-examining. Silk Mill Girls. Four small girls from Dunmore, who work in the silk mills. Borne of them on tho night shift, and all of them In defiance of the law against child labor, proved somewhat of a disappointment as witnesses. It was Intended to show to the commission that children like these are taken away from home in fluence and made to do very arduous work by reason of their fathers not be ing able to earn enough In the mines to support their families. The com mission, however, did not see it that way, and Judge Gray scathingly re buked the fathers who "coined thd flesh and blood of Itttlo children Into money when ther was no necessity for it." He declared it to be an out rage. The names of the little girls', fathers were taken and investigations, during the noon recess, disclosed the fact that they are nil working steadily and making on an average of aboul $100 a month, ench. As the day was drawing to a close, Henry D. Lloyd, the sociologist, Who In one of tho miners' representatives be fore the commission, sought to Intro duce a great mass of data on the econ omics of tho coal business by readlnpj reports of the findings of various com missions since 1871, and articles from different publications tending to show the existence ot a coal trust which stllles competition, keeps up prices ot coal and makes mlno cnrnlngs nppear small by 'transferring them, through tho medium of oxhorbltant Trelght rates to tho earnings ot its railroad dejiartmpiit. The commission, hesitatingly heard him for nn hour and a half, against repeated protests of the operators' at torneys that tho matter was wholly Irrelevant. Finally, the commission concluded the testimony was hardly relovant unless tho companies made clnlm that they could not afford to pay what tho miners are asking. At Jud"g,n Oray'a suggestion, tho remainder of Mr. Lloyd's testimony wns deferred until after the operators' side has been hoard. Matter of Profit and Loss. The operators' side nvorred repeat edly that the question of profit and Continued ou Pago 3.) , YESTERDAY'S WEATHEK. Local data for "Dec. 15, 100J; Highest temperature, ,,,,,,,.,,.32 degrees Lowest temperature, ,.., ,.,,, 5 degrees Relative humidity : S a. m ,.,,. .,,,. ..Siporcenlj s p. ni... ,,,.,. ., .,,.,,. .si percenti Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m.4 trace. '.. .. f -f -T -W WEATHER FORECAST, Washington. Dec. 13. Forecast - for Tuesday anil Wednesdays 41 IJastern IVnsylvanla: Italn In 4 south, rain or snow In north por- M tlon Tuesday, warmer, brisk to 4- high east to south winds; Wednes- 4- day fair, colder, -fi .4 t ..t.::r-Tt.T:r::t;ti H J 4 ya -$ ( fcjr -