. I THE SCJIANtON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1902, 8 V Oriental Rugs For Christmas CHfts. Biggest Assortment In All Sizes At Lowest Prices The Highest Grades in Fine Persian Colors. Domsstic Rugs We Especially Invite You to Inspect Our Ktrmaiiahah Rubs. MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO., 12a WASHINGTON AYE SERMON ON LOT'S WIFE PREACHED BY THE BEV. JAMES M'LEOD, D. D. It Was Trenched in the First Prcsby teilan Church Yesterday Morning. Doctor Was Unnblo to Conduct Evening Seivico on Account of ft Very Scvero Cold Stoiy of lot's Wife Is a Very Trnglc One fiom Beginning to End lessons That It Tenches. On nci'mint of a orv s-eveie cold, lit v. J.itues Mol.eod, D. D., was unable to conduct sctvic.es In the Firft Prcs liyteilnn church lat night. At the morning service ho preached on "Lot's Wire," tnltlng his tet from Luke, j;ii:3J: "llemeinuor Lot's wife." Dr. IcLeod said: "Ilcmombcr Lot's AVIfc." T.uke xvil 3-'. These uie vvordb of vvurnlus. Our l.oul'j piu pose In MUrlng- them U no ticed In the conteM. Ho was Npenkln? of the lat das, when Ho will come to JiiiIko the world in righteousness, lie ln tlmater that Ills coming will bo as iud iln and as unexpected as vv.u, tho Flood 1l1.it dctioyod a guilty world, In the davs of Noah; and ni the tain of iii 0 and brimstone that dcstioyid the wicked city of Sodom, in the davs of Lot. In thoso d.iyn. the multitudes lived in fan cied seeuilty. They wrc thoughtless of the future, and wholly unprepared for the comins catastrophe. And lest Ills disciples should bo thoughtless and un 1 oncoraod, and unprepared, Jesus sijs: "At it was 111 the d lys of Noah, so -hall it bo 11K0 In the diys of the Sou of man." And :ignh.i: "As it was in the davs of Lot, . . even thus shall it be in the rlnv when the Son of man Is revealed." Hence Ills warning-. It Is as ir He bad said: "Sec to it that you ate not caught careless and unprepired in the dnv of the Lord. Avoid the folly of thoso whose sins brought upon them swift de traction, Ben. 'tie of dinger. Heed the warning. Escape for thy life, l'reivito to meet thy Ood. Trcps foiwaid Don't Ionic back; 'Remember Lot's wife.' " When Jesus told Ills disciples "Ilcmom btr Lot's wlte," He did not wish them to forgot her husband. Thev know the lilsturv of Lot and his family. It was ancient history then, and it is far more ancient now. It !s lccoided at. length in tho book of Gonctis, and it wa wiittcn foi the instuictlon of its readers and ( hearers In all after ages. As wo think of Lot's wife it Is only natural that we should nlv think of Lot, and of their children, and their homo, and their com p miens, and of tho miraculous mter 7o',illon of Ciod on behalf of Lot's cntlro Tamllv, and of the miraculous nnd awful dosti action of Sodom and Its Infamous Inhabitants: and of tho rescue of Lot nnd his two daughtus, while at the samo time, and more partlcuUUy, we are told to remember the disobedient v ifo nnd mother, who fell into the hands of an nngrv God, and who became an everl lbt ine monument of tho divine displeasure. A Tragic Story. It Is a tragic story from beginning' to end, and it embodies lessons and sugges tions which are of pcimauent and fai reachlng Importance. First. It Is the manifest wish of Chrt that wo should make a religious iwof memory. "Remember Lot's wife." Mem cry Ib a 6torehouso In which facts or fancies are deposited, for present or for futuro use. Memorv leealls the past, and it anticipates tho future It makes use of experience. "A burnt child dreads tho tiro," because it leniembers what hap pened, Memory prf-ervi'H and icealla facts, upon which right reason pro nounces a correct Judgment. By lee.ill inur oast facts, wo can utilize our eport- ence, and avoid sin: and bv recalling promised blessings, we can piolect 0111 elves Into the futuro, and thus be stlm- j ulated to pursue holiness nnd to icjoleo in liopo of the gloiy of Ood. A man's memory, coupled with his Imagination, has much to do with tho tormatlon and development of his ch.iwtcloi. "As ho thlnketh In his heailr so is he." lleuco a man may sin gilovously against Ood, and ngalnst his own soul, though he bo a thousand miles away from tho object of his wicked imagination nnu sitiuu thoughts. "Itemcmber:" Cultlvato vour memori'. it l ensv to cet. and caav to lose. In tho child. It Is ono of the Hint faculties to j developo: nnd In tho aged, it is one of tho first to lade. It is easy to forget to do that which wo do not llko to do. This is ono of the jensons why praver. and family worship, and tho blnio and chinch and Chrlntlan activity aio by multitudes so largely neglected. They remcmtieied thoso things once, but they have forgot- ' ten Hum. Their nu-moty, llko their con science, has become blunted In uvery ic latlon In lite, but moio especially In tho Hphom of religion. If we aro at all nn lous to Inherit eternal life, wo will re member and tcHpeot Clod's wishes, and wn will bo anxious to keep Illfe Com- inandnients. j And herein lies tho sin of Lot's who,' She did not chooo to remember God's wish, for sho deliberately violated Ills oNpuss command. She ought to lmvo tlmnkcd God and Ills angels tor rescuing hit", nnd lor opening up for her 11 way af esei 0 from tho doomed city, oho heatd tvo command, "Kscupc lor thy life; loot, not behind thee " Hut sho did look back to see whether God meant vhat He said; or It may be, to heave, a rlgh qvci tho loss of all her worldly iuMsures, Whatever prompted her to dis obey the plain command of God, mid to look back, her sin brought upon luv vlCt und soveio punishment, Sho looked back, but shu was not permitted again to eick forward, and to hasten to 11 sate tetreat. On the contrary, standing thero Mill eyes tiansfixcd, nnd gazing on tho )iiM'lnB city, tho wrath of God was limited against her, and, at bis bidding, jer soul wlnwl Its way to another world, Chile her stiff, dead body becamo "a pil lar of Bait." Second. "Hi member Lot's Wife," and apto'how this story suggests and con lrms bible doctrine and inltacles. it has been said thut "where mystery be gins religion ends;" nut sucn philosophy is ah Bhutlow as It is false. For oven a child can seo that u religion without njBtery would bo a religion without Goel. tnd Burely thero Is no mystory or mlr icle In ther universe of thought or of hls tiy, that Is more ama7lng or moro true, 1ian thut of tho self-existent and eternal Sod. I believe In God, and therefore I 'ellovo In tho mystery of myslorles. und 11 the mlruclo of miracles. Behoving, as le do, In God, our Heavenly Father, why ijimild we doubt tho truth of any miracle Molded In tho bible? Has God so hedged diuui.lt in, that Ho uover would, und i.cer could, and never did como out of Ills plaeo to do, now nnd then, eltljcr In Heaven or earth, something which Ills own natural law could not, of Itself, do at nil, or would not do, of ilsolf, nt that particular time, and In that particular way, and at that paitlculnr and Rpccliled Place.' Is It not most ItrntlomU to. put limitation! upon God, which God Illm e dlcards7 Tho nittaclc of the Flood und tho niiraculottii Intoiprotntloti of God In tho cae of Lot and his family, and In the caso of Sodom, have upon them tho Imprimatur or Jesus Chtlst. Thuj bear His endorsement, and they will pats, current when all Ills ciltlcs and nil tho ciltlcs of divine truth will bo burlid In oblivion. Wo may well believe that the natural and the supernatural "Aio but partB of 0110 stupendous whole" Above mid below and behind them both, Is the OoJ of both. The natural Is as truly tho work of God as lo tho .supernatural. Tin ce. Nolo tho danger tint lurks In bid associations. It was selfishness that must, at first, havo been exceedingly pilnful to his wlto and daughtus, to bo obliged to live in such a den of Infamy. But their scruples were soon ovcicome. Sodom was a rich city, und Lot was gioulnrr tlch, and he and his family were welcomed to tho best society In tho town; the best society In Sodom! Save the mark! What must have been the best Hoclety of 11 city, in which thero were not ton rU'htooin poisons? But, nevertheless, Lot pitched his tent townrds Sodom, and bis loval wife and chlldien went with lilm. They soon ceased to blush nt tho sins of their neighbors, for "Vice Is a monster of so frightful mien As lo be hated needs but to bo seen; Vet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first entluic, then pity, then cm biacc." A Greater Sinnor. As wo view things, Lot would seem to bo a moro heinous sinner than his wife, both before and after the destruction of Sodom. Ills daughters, too, from our point of view-, vvero more wicked than their mother. Neither f.io Moabltes nor the Ammoritlcs had any reason to bo proud of their ancestry. Yet Lot was pardoned and his wife was punished. We are shortsighted, and our vision is often distorted. God sees virtue where man thinks ho sees vice, and God iec vice where man thinks ho sees virtue. Tho foolishness of God is wiser than men; nnd the weakness ot God, Is stionger than men. . If wo had not found It in tho pigcs of revelation, wo would cmrcelv bcliovo that Lot was "just," and that he had a "righteous soul," that was "vcxeel" with his wicked surmundlngs. But why did he not got out of such a filthy place? Ho didn't go there as a mi' denary. He went there- to make his fortune nnd ho made It. Yes, and ho lost it, too, and that in a moment. Ho lost his wenlth, he lost his home, ho lost some of his children, he lost his wife and hod It not been for God's angols, and for God's smerign grace, he would have lost his soul But at this juncture, ho obeved God, and hence he was saved, while, alas, his wifo disobeyed God and was lost. Hence the force of Chiist's words: "fle member Lot's Wife." rour. Noto tho destructive power of sin. Lot's wifo was deeplv moved by tho thought of the Impending catastrophe. Hut she could not bring herself to seo tho justice of God in threatening to de stroy her homo and her friends. Hcnco while sho half believed God, she hesitated and lingered. When Lot warned his son-in-law he seemed unto them "as ono that mocked" His wlf-, in a measme. shared their spirit. She hated to leave her lux urious homo, and so while the angels laid hold of her, the Lord b Ing merciful unto her, and while they hastened her out of tho city, and told her to escape for her life, her heart was still In Sodom. In view of her conduct nnd her punish ment, we canot mistake the obvious les son that Jesur has in mind when Ho sa.vs: "Remember Lot's wife." Let us he nl tho lesson. Behold the goodness ami severity of God; to Lot, goodness; to his wife, severity. Sin is that abominable thing which God hates. And why does God halo sin? Ho baton It not because It inlitics Him, but because it Is lobclllon against His nuthoiity, and because, if God does not come to tho icsoue it will sutoly ruin the sinner. In thoso soft days, wo h.ivo almost lost the bible conception of sin, l!n ruinous character and Its hideousness In God's sight. If we would seo what sin is, vve must load, not treatises on inoials, not poems of sentiim nt, not speeches of phllanthioplsts; but another iMiok altogether; tho Uoeik of God tho Old Testament, to shew us what sin has 1 ost In judgment: and the New Testament, to show us what sin lias cost In expiation." It Is well that penitent slneis should 10 mi'mber that God in love; it would bo well, also, If unpenitent sinners could bo induced to ponder thnt otlu r sentenco of Insphation which says; "Our God Is a consuming tiro." Hut was not tho slu of l.ot'B wifo 11 trilling sin'.' What gnat haini was It to tin a aiouu'l and take: a last look nt her old home Little .sins, these uie tho devil's traps to oatth tho unwaiy travel ler. Liitlo fovos can spoil tho vino, as completely as If they worn big, Jt was unlv 11 little sin tor Hvo to tako an np plo and for hoc and Adam to eat It; but It was unbidden fiult, and It was man's tli st disobedience, and the fruit of that foibldden treo that biought death Into tho wnild and all our wo. To disobey God Is not a. Hilling slu. It diagged don 11 angols trom heaven, It drovu our flist parents out of Helen, It mined Lot's wife. It killed tho Lord of glory. Lot oh. capid, but his w.ib an awful deliverance; his wlfo's body was caught by tho fiery flood and hers was a feaitul punishment. "Remember Lots wife" i Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lairds, THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. j Gunster tfForsyili I SM-J27 Penn Avenue. THE MARKETS. SATUBDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS TIib following iitiotntlons aio furnished Tho Tribune bv llulglit & Ficeso Co,, 311 815 Meats Building. W. D. Rutiyon, man. accr. Opcn.Hlgh.Low.Cltue Amal. Copper dU 6-1 f.M; tM Am. c. & v .-u u aiij :u 4 Am. cot- oil lok ioU 4oto (Vi Am. Ice, Vv t Sfi'l ilfi !MJ4 Am, Locomotive i sis z.V,4 W4 Am. S, & Jt, Co ..... .tiU w cto Mis Aiiieilcon Sugar 1jos l-"Ji IHjn lJs Atchison ... ,..,,.... j,nt ii, Tite, itiv, Atchison, IV 07, !i7 pp, !li Bait. & Ohio &-,j i-Ti 'HiV nik Brook. It. T '.Jit M M'4 Mi Canadian Pnclllc ....1W4 Kt.'fc JJ.V, Iffi'-. Clics. & Ohio Il(& r, tl', in; Chicago .t Alton .... into ;)U, ;uto .11 vj chic. & o. w nt. ni' ai(4 sriij C. At. tc St. 1' luifs 170U Mil IMS Col. Fuel ,i Hon V 70 7!l 7' Col & Southern lv! .'ii1! tv. ir. j Col. South., id 1'r. il, 11? in. jih Del. .V: Hud IV. l"i 3.V. lw HcliollSouthein .... im Jl',4 H'f, ll'i ihio :,o!. :;t ?m snu Hilc, jHtiv t,' ;..,, w. w, Hlle, Slid IV nU ll'i iu3 uy Hocking Valley Osi, 'is(s iU osto Illinois Centiai 141U 1IH, Ho j Ho'i! Louis, it Nash iii)f4 12P3 lis i 1ls;: Manhattan llMi lir.v, nifs lit Met. St. Hy H7 J'J7i 1 IT 1 17 Mo lv. O Tox L'.'i L'Hj lil'i U., Aio , k. .t t., iv .... wu :,:.. n:U - Ah. l'aelllc 1itl Iimv. 10J HVJ N. Y. Centiai 151' Fd'i l.W J VI Not folk West rs cii, n r' Out. & West J74 27'A '.'7 U7I& J'aelflc Alall !7i ;; '17'i ns I'enmi. r. it in; Tnt4 i,-,ijH j:,ia I'eople'H Gt M joo Ol'i 'I'lii Tiessod Steel Car ... r,7!i f.7'i H7 r.7ij Reullng r..' " M.'i .".U Republic Steel is IMe. IS lsi. Rock Island I'i.'I .'!7" "."i"; ;(."" st. l. So. w :'ji ra, r. r. Southein l'.ieillo ... M r.'Ui f.s M Southein R. R :in ..0 'Jl "'. Southein R. R , Pr.. 'M''- liji'. Oil'A 0l).'. Tenn. Coal A: lion... M' M " M5 Hi'.. Texas & Pacific .... .".'Me, 3'HH :iie, Sf., Union l'aelllc ri"i H7't !" TO F11I011 Parlflc, I'r .... 01 01" Wt 9i T. S. Leather ll& J P. 11K. 1li U. S. Rubber r. 1;. 1.1 1.1 1T S. Steel :,jti :,:;(:. ;;mi ;msx 1T. S Steel, IV si SIV HHi St Walia.sh 'y, 'y, '.i, "1; Wabash. Vr :-n; loir, ;"ii(, w Western Union S7iv. ss 5,7:. S-S Wheel. & L. U SS :", '.'! 'J! Wis. Central SI L'tH L'4 SI'S CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION WHEAT Open- High. Low. Close. May 771; nvs "i; "7; July Tl'i Tl'j 7l'ft 7PJ I ORN- May IP; -I4!, 4!T, 4?-', July U;m IJ IJifc 4."3 OATS Alav '.ic?. S3'j i.t'1 33'i FORK .Tanuaiy 1(170 K..70 KM lit TO May 1102 1.1 0J 1.1 IJ 13 W Scranton Board of Trade Exciinniwe Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co . Pr.... fio County Sav. Bank & Trost Co Joo First Nat Bank (Carbonualo). ... boj Third Uational Bank ,1 Dlmo Dcp it Dls Bank ZOO Economy L, H & P. Co 43 Fiist National Bank icoo ... Lack. Titist i. Safe Den. Co . 101 Clark & Snovcr Co, Pr i;5 Scranton Savings Bank M0 Traders' National BanK 223 Peranton Bolt & Nut Co 12.1 People's Bank 133 Scranton Packing Co 33 BONDS. Scranton Fass'ensor Railway, first mortgage, due 1D20 135 People's Street Railway, first moitgago, due 191$ R5 People's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 in Kciatiton Tiac Co , G per cent. 113 Economy L , H. & P. Co 97 N. Jersev & Pocono Ice Co 07 Conrolidated Water Supply Co ... 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G, Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave ) Flour-H.40. ' Butter Creamery, 23',a2Gc; dairy. "3a 23',ic. 1 lioese ll'Jal Ic. Eggs Neaibv, 20c; storage, 22c. Mairow Beans Per buhel, -J2 &3. Onions Per bushel, 73a00c. Potatoes 63c. per bushel. yfflifj0fuft (7 1 TJrLMBREHIff rd Sm& FOR 0 Open Evenings Until Christmas READY That one little word tells a story that's full of his tory in the preparation that this Big Store has made for the coming Holidays. Could we render an account of all novelties that's here, and give particulars, we could fill pages. You may draw a picture in your mind's eye of all that you could think that good Santa would buy; at the best, you .would fail to realize the immensity of the many things that this Big Store con tains. A wise plan, and satisfactory one, will be a personal visit. Holiday Handkerchiefs Beautiful embroidered, lace with insertion to match, Hand kerchiefs for women. Your Holiday Gifts wouldn't be omplcte without Handkerchiefs on your list. These we talk about today are unusually pretty and a big value for, each 50C Women's Haudkerchlel.i, have hem stitched edge, embioldcry and scal loped edges; linen centtcs. Priced nt 12c, 15c, 19c, 25c to 50c. Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, como ', dozen in 11 hat, 15c and 25c bos. Women's Handkci chiefs, plain horn, all linen, Each, 10 cents. Women's exceptional vnlues In hand some Handkerchiefs, laco and Inise'i' tlon edges; also iluo enibtuldciy, At ?1.25. Men's all linen Ilulidkeichlels, i, i, i and 1 inch hem, At 15c, 10c, 25c, 30c, 45c and 50c Men's Initial, all linen Handker chiefs, I2-Im.l1 hem, Priced at 23c: You're Invited to Visit the We can save you money. Pi ices and qualities euarameeu. ,M SaieiMt. Largo nssoitment of blsepio figures, newest styles and effects, beginning; at 15c up to 81.75. Tine cngiaved thin shell Tumblcis, Greek star and border, 80c a dozen. Rich assortment of fine China Salad Bowls, handsomely decorated; l-anse in 111 Ices From 25c to $2.85. AVrougbt lion, Cosy Comer or Hall lamps, rubv glass eilects, blir values; suitable holiday gifts, At $1.00 to $3.75. Trench Plate Minor, with linndsonia gold plated frame; sevcial styles to choose from. At $1.85; $2.25 to $2.9S. : . Terra. Cotta Plaques, fine emnossed woik; finished In oil colois,; beautiful 11U1113 ior present. At 75c, $1.39 and 2.39. Salad, Ice Cream or Oatmeal Sets, in fine china, unique decorations, begin at 75c up to $1.89 for 7-piece Set JONAS LONG'S SONS DAINTY LITTLE GIFTS THAT AHE INEXPrWVE m r Sterling Silver Novelties Seem to be the most popular gifts for girl friends this year and it isn't at all surprising, for girls, as a general rule, are partial to this very sort. Then, too, there are so many pretty and inexpensive designs that are ser viceable that making the selection becomes a pleasure, rather than a task. Fnsnlhlv you've already madu n menioiamluin of a few oll wish to nuich.iHoi for futuio eouvenloiico may wo sag gcjt: Bell Buckles, Bon-Ion Boxes, Book Maiks, Bracelets, Caul Cases, Combs, Glove Hooks, Hall' Plus, Hat Plus, Jewel Tiavn, Lockets, Mnnleiiio Articles, Scissors, Paper I'uttois, Phntostnpli 'Frames, Shoo Ilotns. Ring Tiets, Scait Pins, Thimbles, Thlmblo Casot, und many otheis eiiually as useful. Everything Tftut Is Ooatl In Jewelry and Diamonds Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming; Avenue. m : -" q. uluiiwm sy . . . . h s. 3. .j. . a - j ijo.j?-5o.A-i.i5.wi. 1 PraGticel Holiday Biffs. 1 A . Cravcnctto Storm Coats, Mackintoshes, Suit Oases, Bags, House Coats, Bath Robes, Neckwear, Shirt Protectors, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders and Umbrellas. - f A very handsome assortment of T the above at popular prices at r V X 412 Spruce Street, 309 Lack'a Avenue. X OPEN EVENINGS. Oo Yoo Wan! $20.00 ? If you do, sec full particulars as to how to Ret tlicm, on pajrc 4. TH iVTOOFAf HR W ? .q7--)?g. Our Out ftf $bMjlnW)'jMjbM)iWrib m SPECIAL OFFER IN a are lamng aavaniage to a greater extent man ever, of our sale of Holiday Goods This store, al- ways a center of attraction for the careful buyer, offers unusual opportunities at the present time. Here your gj wants are carefully studied and we feel confident in saying that no where else can you spend your Xmas fund to better advantage. Our aim Is to please. It wo don't, let us know-. IS 31 jfim i- jm Eg fft is vMi ki 1 W M BisseiPs Cyco-Bearing Carpet Sweeper t Makes a pleasing and useful Xmas gift. Y Prices, $2.25 to $3.00 T Baby Carpet Sweepers 20c to 75c $ & It's tho usetul clft tlint sives mo.t X Phasu.e. V . Nickle-Plated Cuspidors Prices, 50c to $2.00 T ! J I ice Skates $ S Ladies' Skates Prices, 80c to $2.63 $ Club Skates Prices. 60c to $2.60 Hockey Skates Prices, 60c to $4.00 4 Children's Bob Skates 50c X FOR THE HOLIDAYS. V."lJ7TTi'CJiTIJW.lll.T3f't'Z '-.- K- 17 . ".Tf " f '"-k L r. ..v:- r 3,-3 JUXiVSf i r sajaas -it?i , - IjSSiSHt kKE5S3iiaRSKfKSSS;K?i For the next 10 days we will make the best offer on 45, 5-7, 6 1-2, 8 1-2 and 8-10 Cameras ever offered. , i- v. . I A 4-5 Camera, Double Lense, Sole-Leather (J?J AA g H Carrying Case, Rack and Pinion. .. . . PrJs ; 5-7 Telephoto, never sold under $40.00. Jf AA Our price jeAjmJJ This is a special bargain and our stock is limited. Moral: "Come Early." The cost of nn ai tick) does nut nlw.ijs detoimlno tho pleasuio it ulvtb. A fhilrllc k'rtifo Prtl-lr nnd Qnnnn Cof Prices 25c to $2.25 Brass Fire Sets Prices, $6.75, $7.75, $9.00 J Brass Andirons $7.25 and $8,00 per pair "Wo will deliver goods puuhasod now, Xmas r.o or at any tlmo dcslu'd. OPEN EVENINGS FOOTE & SHEAR CO., 3 t 1 19 Washington Ave. ; 4 US i Everything in the Plsotograplise Lisie 1 (S Fancy Calendars Adapted for Photographs, Poster Board and Special Albums 1ST. 520-22-24 Spruce Street. Open Evenings, jj W(0(W(WWW(fH0W(IVfW(fMWWMWW(f)(f)f)(0(?MfM0(f