Mi VHU SCRANTON TmBUNJS-MONDAY, DEOtiMBEH 3u 1902 FOR FEMALES of all ages Beecham's Pills are simply invaluable, as a few doses will restore free and regular conditions, and effectually remove the causes of much suffering to the sex. Those who have once experienced the positive benefit and speedy relief ob tained by the use of BEECHAM'S PILLS would never, on any account, be without them. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females to the happiness of health, vith the sparkling eye, the elastic step, the clear bright skin, and the physical grace, which are among the most beautiful of natural charms. Every woman who values her health should read the special instructions con tained in the pamphlet wrapped round each box of Beecham's Pills. Sold at all Drug Stores, in 25c. Boxea. '' MIMPDC r.iCR WII I LIKELY (Continued ton houif, toi mlnpi.-, t) 1'!, .uul lor mlncis' liboieis, S1.S2. The nagei of other emploves range tioni $1,200 pel jcui for ongineeis down to &130 tor bleaker bojs. The commission will likely (ontinuo in o.lon nil this week and idjoinn S.i tut day over the holidav. jjj Mitchell Recalled. i-iesicienc .unciiL'ii ol me 1 mien , Aline Woikcis was called to the stand Jor fintlier cioss-examinuHon by J. Line kl. Toue, of counsel for the U. & 11. tinipany. lpguulln.; the tables subnill- g by .Mi. .Mitchell the day heloie. In kick it vras shown that the soft coil wage ruou leoeivod liom, -10 to r.o cent 11101 e pay than t li- iluv wage In tin unthiatlte 1 c frion. . T01 ley's questions tended to iw that the coinpauoions weie not Ifvlily made; tli.it tin- computation- Jweie based on tlie inobt t.ioial)le tig- mes for the one legion and the most unfavorable in the other. Mr. Toirey next Fought to bilng All. Alltehell to task foi inaugutatlng :i -ttike for better wages without Hi. -a cle tei mining by the best means at haitd, whether or not fi demand lor better ujfees was wan anted. All. Touey alted it' It was not liuu that 1'ic-ldont Daci twice olteied to allow Air. Alllth tll and the millets' accountants to go over the company's booh-, in lor to the stilke, and that the offer was not ae 1 opted. All. Mitchell answeud that ho was distlnctlly irhen to iindei. stand that Air. Huei was speaking for his own loinpnny only. "Tf It is made to appeal," said Alt. Toucv, "that tin- Illinois did lecche fair wages In I9ul, don't vou think ou aeeepted a s-oilous losponslblllty In not i-xniulnlug the company's books, when j mi won Mvon that privilege, ami theioby uscoitain whothei or not Uu demand of the men was well loundodv" "We pioposfd that olhois and disln teiestod pintles," iepll"d Air. Alltehell, "lliotild look into those nmtteis and ox fimliio tho londltions hcfoio tlio siilko, and when I did tlmt the lespunsiblllt.v was moved. You must boar in mind that I was opnusul to the s-tilke, b. . ( uur-o It was the beginning of siiiiimcij anil I was willing1 to wait and see if an amicable adjustment eould bo made." "Anil bemuse It was pietty lav ! movod fiom n politic il campaign," stiy goMod Air. Toiiov. Didn't Enter Into It. "Tho question of a political (.impalgu did not enter into the inatlet at all." paid. Air. Alltehell. "We weio Ostub lislilng some di'gici of eonildonct! In our oignnlcutlon that might woik'uut 1111 ndjiiFtnieiit. it that didn't woik nut, I would have advised ti oesMitlnn of In boi." Questioned by 1. II, Ruins, of counsel for the independents as to whether n not tlio union could suu'antco ihur non-union men would not bo liUet'enil with if 11 eonti.i'.t wsiii nmdo with the union, Mr. Alltehell loplled that this matter would Uo mm a oppot timely dis cussed whni tho comp-iuiori fume io riegotlute a conn not with tliti union. When asked It tho union imd doi.o anything in discipline men who hail A Timely Suggestion. This s the season of the tur when the piudent and caietul hoiisewlte ie. plenlHhPH her supply of diambei lulu's Cough Remedy, it Is mtitlu to he needed befoio the winter Is over, ami itsults uie inueli nune ptonipt and tat Isfuetoiy when It la kept (it hand anil given as soon ut the cold In conducted and befoio It has botonm settled in tho system. In almost ceiy Instance a so veie cold limy bo wauled oif by taking this leinedy tieely as booh as the first Indication of tho oold uppeais. Tiieie Is 110 danger fit giving It to children for It contains no hai infill .snbatance. It Is pleusant to take both adults and children like It. Huy It unit you will get tlio best. It n(wa.s tutrs. Fur sale by nil diusglsts ' END TODAY fiom Page 1.) I eoinmittod violence during the stilke, Air. Alltehell replied that it would not be fair to piejudiee the case ot men ehaiged with violence befoie the cotut pased upon tho matter. Andiew Sh.ilgoz, a Hazlebiook minor emidoyed by J. K "Went tc Co, was tho Hi st willies. He testified that he piid tl.7." .1 month lent lor a company house, of thioe looms, that it did not kei'P out tlio (old or lain and all in all was a lather undesiiable kind of hab itation, lie has woikcd in the mines tout teen jeai.s, was bulled mulct a. fall ot mal once anjl badly injtited, and at another time lost one of his ees by being hit by a piece ot lling coal The iinnpany gaM liliu no as'-islaneo during the times ho was laid up with injmies. Ills wages since lfluO ayoiaged $') a wiek. Dockage amounts to five cats In 100. Thete is no wagon loid connecting Ilai'ltbiook with the outside woild and tho company's store Is the only one in tho town, consequently it Is necessary lor the Jliulcbiook people to Hade In the company stoie. Ate Near Hazleton. On 1 rosh-oxanilnntion, the witness admitted to Air. Dickson that Ilai-le-ton, Fieel.md and other nentby towns can be leached liom Hazlebiook by tiain: uKo that ho never made com plaint to the company about th- condi tion of the house he lived in. All. Dlck fon asked him If it was not a luct that in ltlOl he diew $514.01 In cash earnings. The wltmss did not Ihltik it was that much. Ho also developed 011 ross-cxanilna-tion that the Hnzlcbionk sliikeis dioe off liio moil inipiHtod by the ininpanv to take thr place of the sti iking steam men and as a losult of this tho mine was Hooded. The lower lewis am still u 1 nit v water. lohn Dehmney, of Hnylebiook, tes tiiiod that hu quit work in the mines two yiai' ago because of his health Ineaklng down, and that now ho has to woik in tlio bio liter for !S cents n day. William Umiti'V, of rhiladelplila, na tional souotnry of the Glass llloweis' union testllipd that since a tiaclo agiee ment was made between his oiganUa- tloii and the glass mnnttfact liters theie base been no HtilUcs. I'aul TTeinhand, ten yoais old, n bleaker boy at the D, & II. Co.'.s Hnlll moi e, No. .' colliery In Wllkos-Uairo, was called to tho stand. "Do j 011 imdciistnnd what an oath Is?" Inqultcd Judge Hi.iy. looking down kindly at the diminutive lad. ' Ye?, sh," euiue the leply in uiifnU- eilnsj Mike. "What happens to boys who don't tell the tinthY" asked the bulge. "Uo to hell," quickly ictoittd the hov, Tho elided aiiswc-" was not taken by the Judge to ho either a uiandaloiy or dtioitoiy declaiatlon. KoceivecJ 28 Cents, The lad tistllU-d ho has woiked la tho bleaker for n year tind that he lecelvos ai cents a d.iy. Lum month, he said, the luuip.'iny Kepi tho lent out of his pay and he received only as cents. Ho know of (.mother boy, Aliko duty, who tecelved only one cent pay lust month, tho company huhig ltnlned his fath ers rent bill. The hoy inhibited his llngeis to show that the nulls wtv woin below the quick by sflato picking. They wet a woiso than this he explained, before ho got a "hump" place, wheje tho iiin of co.u is not bo heavy, Jn iiosa-exuniliuulon All, Torioy (luineil that the boy's father woiKs ste'iidlly in the Slieldeu Axle Works and that Jits older hiother is employed in tho Douiiuoe collleiy, Theie aio lour children in the family, two boys and two glils. One hiother Is younger than he. The boy admitted that he mlsiepiesented his uge to the company when he looked for employment. L'lght witnesses then told about con. traetots (Jt (he colllorUs of the Phila delphia and neadhiff Coni nntt lion com pany, of which aeotBC'F. Duet' Is pics Ident. Their chief complnlnt was that they woto being discriminated against because they belong to the Union. At torney Simon V. Wolvcrtoti, on crocs examlnallon btought out the fact Unit by leasott of tho steam men's otrlke, six colllotle wete Hooded and .1,000 or more men aio Idle ns a Jesuit, Some of the witnesses who alleged tllsctlmlnn- tlon, weio steam men who went on strike. Joseph retsiger, who was a hoisting engineer at the ltellunce colliery, In Alt. C'arinet, for twenty-six years, did not get his job back after the sttlkc. When ho npplled for rc-lnstateinent, the foieman told Iilm ho would be sent for. He wasn't sent for, and wont to tho dlstilot mtpctlntendent. The latter told him he was an agitator and would not bo re-cmploycd. He then went to Div ision Hupeilntonilont Shellller and was told ho hail Imd too murh to say dur ing tho stilke. Ho next went to tho general supoilntendenl and was told there was no place for him, uh hln po sition hud been filled. Tho witness In sisted that he was being disci Imlnated against beciiuso the engines ho was working at were not itin during the strike, and the man who was pu't In his placo was a striker from another colliery. He woiked twelve hours a day eveiy day In the week and never hnd a Sun day or holiday olt. He was pile! $C3.S0 a month. An Increase of 16 For Cent. On eros-examlnat!on by Air. Wolvcr ton, It was shown that tho Heading company, after the 1000 strike, In t leased the wages of Its men sixteen per cent, instead of ten per cent, as tho settlement notice piovlded. The wit ness admitted that the company had al ways dealt fahly with him except In tho instance complained of. All tho other witnesses made similar admis sions. Patiick Welsh, a Schuylkill miner, complained of a reduction in the al lowances for topalr work, Jacob Pai nell, vice president of the Sllverton lo cal, averred that he was refused re-cm-ployment because, as the boss put it, "he had too big a mouth during tho strike." James Clark, of Ashland, told that a number of flie bosses), engineers and firemen In his teglon were refused re-employment, and that when a com mittee went to the division superintend ent to see about it, they could get no sallstactlon. William Ljnch told that the cats at the Heading collieries have Inci eased in size twice without a coi responding in crease In wages. William Oretl, fiom Sllveiton, told that the pi lee of yard age .ind coal had been 1 educed after the 1900 strike. John H. Doyle, u til email, testified he woikcd twelve hours a day and twenty-four hours eeiy other Sundav, for $9.30 a week. He shoveled foi ty to sixty tons of coal a day. The last witness of tho day was Allen How, 15 years of age, who testified that lie n.iu his leg wrenched off by ma chine! y at ono of the Pennsylvania company's bieakeis and neer received anything from the company. It was Jntendec1 to continue tho ses sion until C o'clock, but the mlneis ex hausted their available witnesses one hotti befoie this time and adjournment was made until this morning at 10 o'clock. Piesident Mitchell left on Satuiday for his homo hi Spiing Valley, 111, wheio a monster demonstration in his honor is to be given him today, by his lellow-citicens. He will have a confer ence in Chicago, enioute. with Secie-taiy-Tieasurer Wilson, about the 1011 tino affairs of the union, which All. Wilson is attending to dmlng Mr. Allt chell's stoiy In Scianton. Pioceetlings in Book Foim. Recognizing the widespread inteiett taken all over the countiy In tho tes timony and aigumont befoie the An thiacite Stilke Commission, The Trib une will pt Int In convenient book form the leports appealing in its columns from day to day, and will offer a limit ed edition of copies for sale at $1 each. The olume will consist of several hun died pages, eight by eleven Inches, and will appear as soon as the commission ers render their decision. The dally lepoits In The Tribune miss nothing of essential interest and aie the fullest and most accurate reports pi In ted In any newspaper. Oiders should be sent to The Tilbune now as the edition Is liable to, bo exhausted. PITTSTOK Special to the. Scrunton Tilbune. Pittstuu, Dec. II The scnil-monthlv p.iv day among tlio villous collleiles hi this vicinity yoHteulny was accompanied bv an umisuully laige amount of diimk eniitss ami Foeial seiious scnips weie tlio lutiual outcome, iho most seiious was on thu West Side. About 11 o'clodi two men and an Italian becamo engaged In a quatrel near the comer of laiciuo avenue and Wjomlng avtiiuo. Hoi Huv ard happened along about that time and (iideuvoied to stipulate tho men. whetu upou thu Italiun diew a knlfo anil slashed ut Havaid, Inlllctlng a wound that lequlicd twelve stitches. A gash about six inches long was Indicted, slott ing dhoctly back ot the ear, passing thioush tho ear and along the chock, Havaid's wound was diessed by Di. Huh. ler. Policeman Ititlph llaiber placed tho Italian under an est. On tlio Hast Side, the wlllv gang liom Diiivca eiuuo to town lor tho ineniug and endcavoied to palot things red, but got up against tlio wiong pioposltlon. and four of them weio landed behind the bnis In tho musty cells of tho illy lull. Tlio snug piovoked a quuuei in tho Kit boo saloon on Ninth Alain slieet, Just betoio midnight, and 101 a while things vvoio voiy lively Fiank Aeltles und V O I'auhiglon, who lmvo icslJled In Wtst Plttston since tlio eaily pint of tlio summer, hiivlmr been emplocd hi luylng the macadam pavement on laizcino aonue, will le.no Monday for other pints, Mr. AcMes und his wife will Icavo for their homo ut Sviacuse, mid All, 1'atiliigton and his vvilo will leuvo for Canada, All. Pnitlng. ton having secuicd u position in i city theie Ituv, W, Cuiadoc Davles, of Ciitas.iu quu, occupied the pulpit of the Woldh Congiegutlonal chinch heie this moiulng unl nvenltig. IiUhup Talbot spout today 111 the HpIh copul chinches of this vicinity. Tills morning services weio held In tlio Trin ity church, West PlttHtoii, nnd this even, lug, the 1 Ilea of continuation vtcto nil minUteied In St, James church, Plttston, The bishop nddiessed the men's meeting In the Youiir Moil's Chiistiaii association rooms tltis afternoon, und SIlss Iteod, tho alto soloist of Wllkes-liarro, sang theio. The West Plttston Picsbterlau ehuieh has decided to puieliuse the Dr, Thump son piopeity on I.iueuui avenue, Vot Plttston, for tho pmpoes of a miinso. Tho consideration was )S,000. Pittstou und Pottsvlllo teams iUy but ket bull In Khby's hall heio lonionoiv uvetiing. Bishop 1'owlor will deliver Ids-popular luttuie, "Oieat Deeds of (heat Alen," In thu West Plttston Alethocllsl l.'phcoiul church, Aloiulay oveuiiig. The loinidiis of the late AUs. Anna Al, ('. Cool unlved hcio this attcinoon fiom Cauisteo, N. V., wheio she had died ut th homo of her sister, Interment vwu inado in West Plttston cemetery. Ali. Cool had llod tlvtbls city for n,ny ycaiij, and was the widow of Josih Cool, I il I The Seat of Backs Aio Bad When They Ache, nnd Scinnton Peo ple Know It. A bad biiek is always bad. Und at night when bedtime conits. Just as bad In the motnlng. Hvcr tty Doiin's Kldncv 1-llls for It? Know they cine backache, euro cvety kidney III? If you don't some Scianton people do. Head a cuso of It: Alls. Sarah Fan ell, of 101U Pi Ice stieet, Hyde I'm It, says: "1 honestly be lieve ir It hud not been for Doan'u Kid ney Pills I would have been In my grave. Six years ago my kidneys com menced to trouble me. At Hist t did not pay much attention to It, but II kept getting woiso nnd other svtnptoms appcnicd. I tiled many temcdles, but without obtaining permanent lcllef. 1 was so bad that blood passed fiom 1110; mv bark ached so I could not get up or down; I was shott ot bieath and finally had to take to mv bed. I was growing weaker and mv buffeilng becamo moie intense, and tho doctor said ho was doing till he could for me. 1 often wished and prayed for death, for I had given up nil hope of getting icllcf. Aly (laughter had Doan's Kidney Pills In ought to her notice, nnd got a box at Atattlmws Hros.' diug stoie. I took them, and the first box did mo so much good that she got me some more. After tho fouith box, I thanked God that 1 hud found a lcmedy which had given mo a now lease of life." For s-ale by all dealeis; pi Ice, CO cents. Fostoi-AIIlbuin Co., Buffalo, N. Y solo ugents tor the United States. Hemombev the name Doan's and take no substitute. who had been for some time manager of the Plttston and Dlmlr.a Coal company which bad opcuitlons heie, und ho hid also served tho town as buigc-s and tax collector. TUNKHANNOCK. ' Special to the Scranton Tilbune. Tlinkhannock, Dec. 1,',. The lepoit that a bear hud passed acioss the ileitis to the east of town on Saturday morn ing brought out a squad of six or eight hunteis. The beat's trail was plainly discernible for several mile1; eastwaid, when It became obllteiated by tho heavy fall of snow, and the hunteis tetmned home disconsolate. The bear wus sub sequently killed by hunteis near White's Feriy. The Alonday club will meet at the home of Airs. Samuel Eysenbach, on Putnam slieet this afternoon at 2 o'clock. ( Theie will be a special meeting of the Woman's Itellet coips-, No. 117, on Tues day evening, tor the puipose of electing ofllceis for the coming tenn. David Atillhauser Is the guest of fi lends at Scranton. Alls. John Collins, who has been le 1 elving ticatment at the Ateicy hospi tal at AVllkes-Bane, is expeoted to le tmn homo on Wednesday. NICHOLSON. Special to tho Scianton Tilbune. Nicholson, Dec. 13. Aliss Nellie Foul, of Iacyvillo, is spending a few days with her fiicnd, Aliss Hthol Stark. AIis. Oscar AVilllams was a caller in Seianioii Thuisday. Alls. Geoige Snyder spent Thuisday with hei patents at ractoiyvillc. The Ladies' Attcinoon jiedio club spent a vety pleasant atteiiioon with AIis. O. C. Deckoi Thuisday. U. (!. nought Is taking a business lilp through Vhginla. THEATRICAL. "Sky Faim." Cuuiili lite, ns It le.dlv is In 1111.1l Ameiica, is the motive of tho olensio and notablo piodiietiou of "Sky Farm," which is to bo seen heie at tlio Ijccum next Tucsdiy evening. The cast ombiai.es such competent people us Fiancis Iivine, William II. Tookei, Scott Cooper, Satah AleVlckei, Tully Alaish.ill. Hose Fljnn, Pay Coiutcney, Ralph Dean, Homy J. West, Maud Hosfoid, Cl.ailes Ciosbv, Fiank Alonioe, Cl.iiio AIcDowell, David Chilstlo, Daisy Ginhum nnd otheis. The scenery exceeds In magnitude ah that has yet been olTored to the singe 111 tho exploitation t any countiy play on lei oul. Seats on sile. "York State Folks." "Voik Stato Folks"," Althiii Sldiiinns tremendously siicctssful totnedy 01 vil lage life, has been seemed lor a ictiiin date at tho I.vceum next AVednosdaj, m.ltlneo mid night. "Yoik Stnte Folks" Is the best A1m.1lc.111 111.1l play vvhlch bus been put upon tho stage. I'pon tho occasion of the letuin en gagement hcio ihu otlglnnl company und pi eduction will bo seen, Including James l-ackavo as Simon Puter Aim tin; It.iy Ij. Itojce, as Alston Coopct, and Etncst Lawson, as I.em Dunbar. Special mat ineo pilces, 21 and CO cents; chlldinn, 1j tents to nuy pint of tho house. Seats on sale this morning at 0 o'clock, Olcott in n New Play. Chnunccy Olcott, tho Iilsh comedian and sweet singer, will bo at tho Lveouin, Tlutibdiiy and Filday nights in a now play by Augustus Pltou, entitled "Old l.lnieiick Town," Tho play deals with Ii eland hi tho vein IslJ-Ji, Find tolls of Nell O'Hilon, 11 voiing gentleman of for tune, nnd his stiuglo tor tho hand und 110.11 1 01 jNoiocn imiuo, Tlio stoiy or their loo mis out lour nets, dining which theio Is niiiih 01 Irish wit, IiMi com ago mnl lilsh snug, All, Olcott his composed lour new songs for tho play, "Notcin Alavouicen," "Tho I.hncilck GUIs," "Tho Volco of the Violet," and "Hveiy I.ltllo ' Dog Atust Huui Its Day." All. Pltou bus piovlded a lino comiiany and a splendid scomu imbolllshinciit for "Old l.lmeikk Town" Seats 011 sale Tuesday ut i a in "The Flaming; Airow," I.hitoln J, Outer will piesent at the Acadtmy or AIuslo tho last thico dajs ot thu week, stinting with a special Thuis day matinee, tho only Indian uctiess hi tho woild, tlio PiIneesH Cla Wan Go Alo Imwk, In tho drama ot westoin life, "Tho 1 'laming Allow." Tho stoiy 1 elates tho Into of a dnughter of a colonel of tna IJnllea States in my, cominnndlng u west oin post tor a younsj Indian, "White Hagle," and tho miichlnatlaiis of two vil lains, which fuuilsli the motive for notion, Tho cast Is a latgo ono and contains tho names ot many prominent people, A tilbu of full blooded Indium, mo also cut- An Old nnd "Well-Tiled Bemedy. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SVRL'P foi ehildien teething. Is the piedcriptlon ot ono of tho best lumule physicians mid uuibes In tho United States, mid has been usul uUty years with nevei -falling Bm... cets by millions ot mothum for tbelr thll dren. Dining tho piocess of teething Its uluo Is lucalculablo. It lelleves tho child fiom pain, ernes dlatihoea, griping In tlw bowels, and wind tulle. By giving health to tho thild It tests tho mot hoi. 1'ileo, t cut) -lisu cuts u bottle. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Ont a Word. Ileal Estate. FOIl SAIili At gioat discount, valuable real estate cm Jorftifon nvonuo, con lial location. Addtcss, "M. O.," lio No. M7, city. For Rent. k-vSVVWWWV FOIl IIHNT Apill 1st, stnio occupied bv Haves fc Vuiley. Apply 1531 Salidei pon avenue. 1S For llcnt Ton-room house; excellent neighborhood; nil modem linpiovo ments, on avenue. Apply to It. P. Ham ilton. KG Spruco street. For Sale. FOIt SALU Hlegant watch, Jules Jin gensen (the wuild's most colebiulod mnker of watches), IK. size, in lS-K't. hunting case. Has a iccoid of seven sec onds a month. Iinpcn tor's pi ice, $3."u; my pilce, $J0O. "Your money back without argument It not satisfactory. Wnltor W. Wlutoii, Diamond Pnilor, CO" Aleurs llulil Ing. WILL FUItNISH for shoit tlmo or (10 fund monoy), following Ollt Hdgo so riirltles, at 111 Ices mentioned: AIcKlnley Alining nnd Smelting, t.'M shmo, soon ho $3 00; George A. Tieadwcll Alining, $1100, woith $13 0u; Hastoin Consolidated Oil, 10 tents, pavs AS per cent. Januaiy. woith $100 shuo; Amtiaio Alining Co, 2", cents, soon udvnnce 30 (cuts, Joaqulnn Gold. 13 cents, soon 30, Gilt Hdgo Investment; I.n Giando Gold, 30 cetiti, woith $1 00 j Uluck Diamond Coal, 30 cents, woith $1.00. Any stock on mat ltd nt 1 educed pi Ices. James D. Shaffer. People's Bank Untitling, Wllkes-Buiio. Wanted To Bent. WANTDD-Small furnished house, diess Box 200, city. Ad- Booms and Board. THE LINDEN, 801 Linden stieet, has a numbr of dcshablo vacancies; light looms and choico table board. PLBASANT looms with board for four 01 five joung men. Inqulie 332 Wash ington avenue. Boarders Wanted. BOARDERS WANTED-By Alls. Fiunk lln (formerly AIis. Aloody), 503 Lacka wanna avenue, corner Adams. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RENT Fiont furnished bed looms for gentlemen. 312 Washington avenue. FOR RENT A furnished room on second floor front, $1 50 week. 633 Adams avo. Stenogiaphy nnd Typewriting. STENORAray'Tndewrlting done at shoit notice at 712 Council bldg. LEGAL. RESOLUTION authoiizing a tax to liqui date tho pihicip.il and interest of bonds lssutd by the boiough of Jloosic, Pa Wheicas, the boiough of AIooslc, thiough its town council, at a meeting of tiio sumo held on November b, lOW. au thorized an incienso of its indebtedness In tho sum of $21X10 nnd that bonds to that amount be Issu d In denominations of $1,000 each, said bonds to niatuio In llo und bW years lespoctlvcly. Be it l evolved that a tux of 2 mills bo levied and collected each and eveiy yeni on the assessed valuation ot svid borough to inovido for the navment of tho niln- clpal and Interest of the said amount at tho timtf of maturity. Passed Dec Sth, 1902. V. L ANTHONV, Piesident of Council. THOAIAS SHTCLIFFE Cleik THOJIAS GEAIMELL, Buigoss. lied. Special mntlneo pilces, gallety. 10c , balcony, 13c; lower (tool, 23e., thlldiui 13e to lower flooi. Seats on sale Tues day at 9 a. m. Academy Saik for Tluee Days. Owing to tho Illness of seciul members of the "Alulligan's Alasqucradeis" com pany, tho Academy of Music will bo dull; tho hist three dn;.s of the week. Box of tiro will open Tuesday for tho sale of seats for "Tho Flaming Allow." Bentz-Santley Company. For a quaiter of a century tho Rentz Santley company has been betoro tho public, and the fact that Auinugor Abo Leavitt has nlwavs maintained a high stnndaid of cnlcitalnment Is piobably the leason for tho gieat success of his nigaiilzution Today tho pations of tho Stir.- may look foiwnid tc, an enteitam nieut that is bright and breezy with no oltles, lor tho company Is stronger and better than cuei botoio in its history Two now builcsques, "A Tilp to tho Coionatlon," and "Ho Hocks in Heie," a a satiio on David Wnifield's success, "The Auctioneer," lmvo been wiittcn lor thu eomiKiny, and both aio said to bo lull ot good comedy specialties. Among tho mu slcnl numbeis which will be contributed by tho members of tho ehoius mo "The Ping Pong Clh Is," "Tlw Bachelor Belles," "Tho Bal Alusquo," and "Blooming Llze," ono of the gientest song lilts ot the sea son. Tho olio will piofout such clevci entei Illinois as Alay AVaid, coon slioutci ; tho Emeiald Slsteis, two vivacious musla hall siugois; Cliules Robinson, eccontilo com edian; Jamis and Sadie I.oonmd, comedy sketch team; John Lvons, guiles-quo juggler, and Janus Aloian und William AIuRoble, lilsh comedians, who lmvo tew equals In their lino ot cndeavoi. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Lackawanna Baihoad Exclusion to Washington, D. C, Special louud-tilp tickets will be on s.ilu at the Lackawanna lallioad sta tion, good going on all tinlns December 13, and limited for letuin up to und In eluding December -ti. Child! en between tho uges of live and twelve yeais, at one-half of the ndult rate, Tickets will he limited tor continuous passage, ex cept thut on return tilp, stop-over will be gtunted at Philadelphia within Ilnal limit of Deeenibcr 28, 1002 Holiday Excursion to New Yoik City, It has been the uaiiul custom to make a i educed lute to fs'ew Yoik city at this, the most Inteiestlug season of the vear, and to enable Its pattons to make their holiday puichubes, the Lacka wanna lullioad will sell tickets to New Yoik city tor all tialns December 11, and for letuin up to and Including De cember Hi, ut into of one-way f.ne plus $1, for tho i oiind tilp. Childten between the ages of llvo and twelvo eats, at one-li.lf of the fatrt clanged adults. They Pay the User, If you with a half-tone or line cut, let the Scianton Tilbune make it for you. Our equipment for this woik Is complete und up-to-dute. We .have facilities for doing the finest eort ,of woik at lowest pilces und what's more, wo do it. A tilal older will convince jou. No Order Accepted for Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT -Ufficas. Want AdvottlsementH Will Bo Received at Any of tho Follow ing Diug Stoics Until 10 P. M. Centinl City ALI3ERT SCHULTZ, coi,nor Attll beliy Hit cot nnd Webster uvu. GUSTAV P1CI1EL, C'K) Adiims , n enue. West Side GEO. W JENKINS, 101 South Alnlti in emu). South Scianton FRED L. TERPPE, 20 Cedar avenue. North Scianton GEO. W. DAVIS, coiner North Alain nveimu and Aluilcot stieet. Green Ridge CHARLES P JONES, IV," Dick- son (iv untie, F. J. JOHNS, !20 Gieon Rldgo stieet, - C. LORENZ, comer Washington nvenue nnd Atiulon slieet. Peteisbuig W. II. KNEPFEU avenue. 1017 living 1 Dunmoie J. G. BONE & SON. Wanted. WANTED AN IDEA-Oond Inventions bilng fiom $1,000 to $j0 0. Stamp lor paiticulars. Addicts, Brains and Alouev, Wnsington, D. C. Help Wanted. WANTED-Agcnts to sell ton and cot fee to consume! s Positions penna nent. Grnnd Union Tea Co , 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Female. WANTED-Bilght active giilx, 13 joins old for vviappeus. Apply ut once. Jonns Long s Sons. WANTED A good housekeepoi ; one com petent to take enthe chnige ot tunning house. Good p.iv and long emplojmcnt to tlio right woman. Addioss, stating o. liericncp and giving icfeience, nlso what pay is looked for, lo03 Tilbune of lice. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants oneigetlc General Agent for this counlj. No books, Insurance, or camasslng. Ac quaintance with met chants and manu factures s noeessaiv. Permanent Bond State nge. o;:pei lento, lcfciences first let ter. Addioss, Suite 572, No 1001 Chestnut St , Philadelphia ost. LOST On Alain avenue, between Wasn liuiii and Jackson sticets a watch with bojs' pictuic In case; luwaul i" le turned to Alls. E. Goodwin, HIS Rock si LOST Pin so containing sum of moiiev between Alatthnws Ding stoic and D, L. & W. Station, rindei will mehu l award by letuining to Tillumc of (ice. Situations Wanted. SITUATION AVANTED-To go out wash ing anu ironing. Atiuits-, l, B , 2,1 Sumner avenue. SITUATION WANTKD-Hi a joung inni willing to do nnv kind ol work Ad diess I, A. 1C, s20 Filth slieet. Dun moie, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-Bv a hospital attendant, male nuiso witii much e poiience in laigo liopital; pilvate eases, $20 per month: $12 in hospital. Addioss, J. J. Kceglns, Tiibuno otllce. AVANTED A position bv a oung gen tleman as stenogiapher and tjpo vviitei, who Ins hud espei lento in genet al office woik; best ol icteience. Addiess P. W. F this ofilco. Business Oppoitunity. PATENT YOUR IDEAS-Tlicv may hi lug j on woaiin. liooK on patents nnd ml vlco tree, on application to Aloc J. w, d deibtiiu. Jr., Pntcnl Attorney. U'n-.hlMg-tou, D. C. STOCK AND AVIIEAT TRADERS with out deluj. AVllte for out special mu llet lettei. Fieo on application. S. Al Hibbnid ii Co, mtmbeis N. V Consoli dated and Stock EKchunge, 11 and ti, Bionilwny. Now Yoik. Etnl)lNlied 1S.I, Long Distance 'Phono 23SS Iho id. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD f. SPAT'LDING. C. P. A . .-! Tiudors' Bank Building Old 'phono isol Atchitects. FREDERiriC L. BROWN, ARCH It'i Reul Estnto Ecbangu Uldg , i.u Wash ington avinue. Civil and Mining Engineeis, H. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELU 1ILOG. STEVENSON null building. A: KNIGHT. 72u' CON- Dentists. DR. E. C. EILENBERUER, PAUl.l biillillng, Spiucn stieet, Scranton. DR. C, C LAt'BACH, 113 WVOMI.NG avo Fire Insurance. SCHLAGF.R ic CO , 101 C'oiiuoll Building Patent Attotjiieys. rA B C. Sa I m'tne iitih.. The only licensed uinl eipilpptd patent solioltoi In the cits. No iluugd lui in- i foim.itlou on putentubllt ; oei Uu yciiis' uxpetlence. Kcplojflc & Co., ("Nlcars. lUtlg-, Hotels and Bestamants. THE ELK CAFl:, 123 mid 127 FRANK llu avenue, Kutes te.tsonnhlo P. S51EGLER, Piiimiotur. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L & W. Passenger depot. Conducted uu tho Eu lopeau plan. Victor Koch, Fioptletoi Scavenger, AT if URK!GSCLEANS PRIVY Al 1,'IS and cess pools; nu odoi ; only Impiuved pumps used A B. liliggs. piupiletor Leave oidciu 110 Noith Alain avenue. or Elcku's chug stoie, coiuui Adams and Alulbeuy. Both telephonts Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEIv, HEAR Oil LAC'KA ue. Scianton. mfis. of Who hcueiiH Miscellaneous, AIEGARGEE BROS, PRINTEHS' Slip, piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Wuiehouse, 120 Washington avenue. THE WILKES-BARRH RECORD (JAN be had In Scianton at the news stand of lUhtiu.iii Bum, 100 Spiuce und 00.1 l.liiilen, M Noilou, 312 Luckavvunnu live; 1 S. SchuUei, 211 Spruce atieet. DIRECTORY. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, REAL ESTATE Only Half a C:it a WJri. Money to Loan. AW (MnltV'll 1t -.,n.,-i M-rt r . . , tjiilelc, sti night lontiB ot Biillillng and Loan., At pom I to 0 por cent. Cnll on N. V. AVulltcis. ill 11115 Council building. Employment Agency. RELIABLE help can bo proem eel nt Alts. ., A;. u., Starke. 's Eniploymont Otnco, llu Washington uvenue, looms i und i. Tiika clcviitut. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lnckavvanna and Western. ,t , IN Effec I Juno 1, 1002. 'Irnhw leuvo Sniiiiton for New Yoil: At 130 3 20, 0 03. 7.00 and 10.10 n, m.; 1210, 3 10. .13., p. m. For Now Yoik und Phllii-delplilu-7 30. 1010 a. m and 12 to and 'l ',' V; ii1'. l'i' Oouldsboio-At 010 p. in For Burtiilo-1.13, C22 and 0 00 a. m.; 133 0 30 und ll.lo p. in. For Blngliumlon, Elmlin, and way statlons-10 23 it. m.. 10", p. m. Jor Oswego, Swucusu and Utlnil.lS and i '.';.." ! ia ' " Oswego, Syiacuao and t'tlca tinlu nt 0 22 n. in. dally, except Simd'iy. Tor Alontioae-O 00 n. m; 101 and d 30 p in. Nicholson uecoinmodatlon -t f) nnd 013 p. in. Bloomsburg Dlvlnlon-For Notthumbci Innd, nt ii 33 and 10 10 n. m.: 133 nnd ..10 I). m. Ini THvinrtiill. ot- O 1A n ... (ft and 0 03 p. m. ' ' ' oumiuv Tintns For New Yoik, l 30, 3 20. Vr'i. . w. n " "d lr' !' " I'"1" IjulTnlo 1 r, nnd 0 22 u. m.j IV., GOO nnd - J 'J. J4,iini,t uiiu IV Blllliuiia fin' a,nnL Por Uhiglrunlon nnd way sta- ......, .w n, m jsioomsnuig uivmon Leave bennton, 1010 n. m. und 010 p. m. Lehigh Valley Bnilroad. in Effect Nov. 10, 1002 Tialns Leave Serantou 1 or Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. S. Tf. R. R, nt 7 II, thiough Pallor Cii nnd pay Coacii Cnibondnlo to Now York und !H, n. m . with L V. Couch C.ubon ni I'hlladelphlu, and 2 IS, I 33 (Black un.y.. D & H. R. ., 15S p m . 03S n. m. u. " uiiu iiuvcii. jiuziecon aim princi pal points in the ooal legions, via D As J,r- H.Jl. 7 11, 2 1b mid 4 33 p m. For Pottsvlllc, 7 11 a. m. For Bethlehem, Huston, Rending, Hnr iisbuig und pilnclpal Intel mediate stn- S',onf,l n-,a D ,Vi: H n K 7.41, 9 47 a. m ; 2 IS, 4,", (Black Diamond Expiess). 11.49 p. and 1 OS nnd 9 17 p m. ., "' iiiniviianno' ic. Townniin, Klmlia, itliaca, Geneva nnd piinclptl Intermedlato 5ttntlnnu In r t r. ti- t t c .. and 1 i, , p ni 1-. V. "ov" tcocnester. uuirnio, Niag nia I alls, Chicago and nil points west via D &. n. r. r, 12 01 p m.; J2S (Black .... .. ,...,., jn, ,,, j, , . I, in, ouii- " D & II. R. R . 12 03. 0 17 p. m 1, " " I'urior unci sleeping or i.oniRii Aallev Pnrloi cms on all trains between vvlIhes-B-mo and Now York. Phlladel- t'"'", .niiio unci nuspensinn eirioge. ROLLIN H WILBUR. Gen. Supt , 2J ;"' ''"' sneer, iew l oi ic. CHARLES S LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt , 25 CrnrMnnd timnf xt.-.. x. t- "' -ni--L, iitvv lilt rt, A M. NONRltACIinR, Div. Pass. Agt. ..n. JlCLIMUUOlIl, I'll. rot tickets and Pullman )ojervat!on ap plv to city ticket office, CD Public Squnre, Wllkts-Baiio, Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jeisey. In effect Nov. lu, 1902. Stations In New Yoik, foot Libcity stieet and South Tony, N. R. Tialns leave Scianton foi New Yoik, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlebom, Allen town, Jlnuch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, Wllkcb-Bnuu and Plttston at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m . and I p m Sundays, 7.13 a. m. und 2 10 p m Quukor City Express leaves Scianton 720 a. m, with through solid vestibule tiain with Pullman Buffet Put lot Car for Philadelphia with onlv ono change of cais foi BaUlmoro nnd Washington, D. C , and all piiucipil points south nnd west and has through eo ich for New Yoi k. l"oi Avota, Pittstou nnd AVIlkes-Baire, 1 p. m. und 1 p. m. Sunday. 7 13 a. ni. and 2 10 p in Foi Long Biancli, Ocean Grove, etc, nt 7.0 a in nnd 1 p. m For Rending. Lebanon nnd Hnrilsbuig via Allontowu nt 7 '0 a. m. I p in. and I P. m Sundaj, 7 13 a. m nnd 210 p. m. Foi Tniu lqua and Pottsvlllo nt 7 30 a. ni . 1 p. ni nnd 4 p m, Simdav, 713 n. in. For tales and tickets apply to agent at station W. G. BESSLER. Geneinl Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bnilroad. Schedule in EITiet Jiiim lu, li'02 Tialns leave Scianton UJSi a in, week dns, thiough vestibule tiulu tioiu Wllkes-Bino. Pullman buffet puloi eu and coaihcs to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo; stops at pihHlp.il Intel mediate stn tious Also Lcnuiec ts for Siinhuiy. Ilni llsbuig. Plillndelphli. Biltlmoie, Wash ington and feu PiltHbiiiK und tho West ') 17 a. m . week dajs, tor Simluuy. Hai rlsbiug. Phil iddphlu, RnltlmnK, Wasli ingtou und Pittsbiug ami the West, 1 12 ,.. m. week dnvs, (Slllld.ljs, 1 OS p. in.), for Siinhuiy. Hal ilshuig, Plillidol phlu, Haltlnioio, Waililngton and Pitts buig mid tho West ;s ii m. week dnvs, tlniuigh vcstloula liafn liom Wilkf-Biiie I'lillmnu buffet pai lol oul und eonelus to Pliilidolphlii vli Pottsvlllo, Slmis ut pilnclpnl Intel modi ate stations I 1 p in , week iluv-., foi llnleton. Sim. bmy, Hiiiilsbiug, Plilludilpliia und Pitta. Ul"" J P. llt'TC'IIINSON Gen Algr. J B WOOD Gen Pass A,t Dolavvnre nnd Hudson. In F.ifctt Nov 10 1J02 Tialns tin Cailionditlo Ituvo Stuinton at 7,l S.IS, Hll.l II 111 : (JO,. 1.12, 2.11, I -in 3.0. ii2i. i--. b ii... .hi, ti .u p m; "r'oi noiic'dule 0 II, lull n m ; 2 11 nnd 5ruV "vilke F' 11 10 d.!S 7 11. S II. 0 17, lu a m 12IU 112. 21s, .:: 12.3, e in, 7 b UU). 10 41 11 10 P m Foil. V U R Points-" II. 9 47 a. Ill J IS 13". and 11 I' P m "foi I'eiuwlv unlu R R Polnts-03!, 0 17 u 111 ; l I-'. 3 2S und H.3 p 111 r-ni vilnnv und all points noith-7 3(5 a. ."""" Sl'ND.VY TRAINS Tor Cuibondulo-s.V), ll! a m; 2 It, 3?ol5:WiykV.W.7ul.,-"is a m; 1203. 1,33, 3"S. 1. .'2 und 9 17 1) in .. ... Foi Albiuiv and I'iiIiiIh noith-3.n. p -jn. Foi lIone-dnlo-SM) 11 in , 3-2 p in J W BF tDK'K O P A . Albtitv. N V, W 1, P11VOR, D P A. Siiimton. Fa.- .. ...1 1 r.i. 11 m Etle Bnilioad Wyoming Division. In Elftet September 13, 1902 Tialns Kuvo Soiuntoii lor Now Yorjc, vnubiiiKh and huuimulliilo points alto IM lliivvhy " lotul ''l0" l 7 20 " "o'r'noneJdnlS ami AVhlto Atllls at I 2! p ut Tialns in llvo ut Seianton ut IC US a ml 9 13 P m ii and New Yoilt, Ontailo nnd Westem. i imu table In eltert Suiulnv, Sept S3, 1903 lliiio 'liVUTU uoUND TRAINS Leitvu Leave Airlvt Tialns. No. I . No 7 . Tialns. No. c Stianton. L-iuiioniiaie. caitostu. tuSOii in 11.10 u, m 1 Ou p. m 1, 10 i ni Ar.C'ai bondalo i lu njo hOUTII BOUND ; Leave Leuvo All1v Cadotla Cuiliuuti iiu. Seruutph it 30 ii m 7 23 u. in, No I l III , "U ! III. I 1J , 111, Sl'NUAVS ONLY NOUTIl BOUND'. Leave Leave Aulvo Tialns. No 0 No. 0 ,. Scianton Cnihnml.ile. Cadosla, S30,l 111 D ion 111 10 43 u. m 7 m p in Ar L'.irbomlalc 7 13 p in Leavo 1-eavo Alilve t'ndoslu Cirbondale. Seiantuii, 0 30 a. m 7.23 a. m. Tialns No. 0 XTrt 111 I m p in ii Hi p. in. u 15 j i. in Tinlns Nos I on week dais, and 9 on Sundavs connect for Nevy "Vqik rltv, Alld dletowii. Walton, Norwleh, Oneida, Os. wogo und nil polntH west Tiuln No 0. vvlth "Oiuikcr City E-. press" nt Scinnton, via C. R. R of N. J, for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore. Washington and Pennslanla stati points. See tlme-tnblo and consult ticket ogents for connections with other lines. ' J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A . New York. J, H. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton. Pa.