9 r raf'i''l y n" v " ' "JjjjiPW-- -"f- 5i' " ijs .H w3 ' v Mi THE SCRANTOxY TRIBUNE-MOKDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1902. e WEST CRANTON Special Services at Simpson M. E, Church. New Sunday School Organized. Other Interesting Notes. A patriotic Horvloo van lield In the Simpson M. K. church last evening, when the members of Camp No. ITS, I'. O. 8. of A. attended In ti body. U u-iis tho one hundred uml twenty-fourth nnnlvorpury of tho dentil of rtearKu Washington, whose picture wus muhpuii dtd ubovo the pulpit. Tho Interior of tho church was decorated In the na tional cotor., Tho choir, under the leadership of Prof. W. W. Joiicm, rendered a .poolnl programme, assisted by the Rltnppon Stale qttnrtctte. The church wiih filled with peoplo to hear the pastor deliver n npcclnl sermon on "The Ideal Citizen." 3Io chose his text from Muthew xxll:21, "Render therefore unto t'noenr the things which are fVii-siir's and unto Ood the thing that are (Sort's." An outline of the Mormon Is here given. Ood fcclts to do some of hl.t work la this world through the state. lie wauls nil Ttln people in this world to concern themselves with the thlnv.s of the woild Jind establish righteous relations between all claf-s-es of men. (leorge Washington was tin ideal fit I I'.'.'ii. .n Ideal citizen U: .'"Irst. A. person of blgh moral clinr ncter. He should he morally honest, tils lnteprlty of life and purity of conduct hho-ilil bo tnifiuestloneil fie should love i-ichleniisness beeauso righteousness ex olleth a mttlon. tie should linvn hide lieuilutiee of character: a backbone of Heel, Jmt also gentleness of disposition, because an uncrowned king, as Is oveiy American citizen, should b master (if himself, his conduct, desires and alms. 'e owe it to our country, to society as well ns to ourselves and our (?ud to live n pure, moral life. Second. T.I10 ideal citizen Is a politi cian In the best sense. I do not mean a partisan. A true politician Is one who seeks his country's Interests rather than his own; while a pjrlisan raiiv be seek ing his own, and not his country's good. The supply of the latter class largely ex ceeds tho lecltlmnto demand; while the field which opens before the former Is wejl-nigh boundless. livery American citizen ought to take an interest in pub lic affairs. The best service we cm render the weaker races la the Philippines Is to lift tip our own lives to the purity de manded by high character and deal with those peoples on tho basis of the Oolden Ttlile. The best service we can render ourselves is to lift up the moral tone of life hi tills land. Keep only the very host men in ollloi.il position; purify the ballot box and place the mark of Cain upon the man who buys n vote, sells a vote, intimidates n voter, takes advantage of the weakness, neces sity or occupation of another to compel him to vote other than his convictions allow; contributes to a. corruption fund to buy votes or otherwise offends against the purity of political life. Three-Au Ideal citizen Is n patriot. Till Is a glorious country. There Is moro land under the stnrs nud stripes than in the continent of Europe. Wo have resources enough to sustain a billion people. Wo have free education and great prosper ity. Wc have spiritual, religion and po litical liberty. Wo are part of tho most magnificent national llfo under the stars. Paul said! "I am 11 Roman." That meant much, It meant protection and honor, lint It menns moto to bo able to say I 11111 an American citizen. That not only means protection and honor, hut It means oportttnlty. Tt menus a call to tho highest patriotism and highest fidelity. Kourtli. The ideal citizen Is a cheerful taxpayer. To shout on the Fourth of July nnd then dodge tho tax collector In the autumn Is the mark of a nuisance rather than it patriot. Fifth. The Ideal citizen Is a. christian. The best citizenship demands 11 high moral ehoracter and high morality only springs from religion In the heart. The right kind of n citizen Invert righteousness but the love of righteousness must flow from ti contact with the author of rlght ousness. To be a christian Is the great thing. It Is everything In tho end. To love Ood and keep his commandments Is the whole duty of man. Rehearsing Christinns Cantata. The Christinas cantntn, "Santa's Sur prise," will be given nt the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church Christmas night by members of the HUnday school miliar the direction of Prof. V. W. Jones, fhe church choilster. Ho is being assisted by Charles V. Lull, George Pock, Mrs. W. AV. Davis, Mrs. Robert Williams, Misses Eva Kittle and Edna Snxe, Robert Hertley nud Fred Craw led. The cast of characters will be as fol lows: Santa, the .children's friend, Ar thur Heck; Pashful Sammle, Ruddy Sirunk; Captain Bob, Hoadloy linger; chums, Tom, Xed, Jnelc, Bruce McDer ltiott. Walter Klll, KUlot Acker; Bes sie, Lucy and Maud, also chums, Mar .lorle Mitt, Etclla. Hallet rind Maud Parry. Five choruses will be rendered. "The Sailors," "Doily Girls," Buccaneers" "Fairies." and "Icicle Boys." Miss Gussle Frita Is the accompanist. mons were delivered by Rov, Jnmea Bennlnfjcr at tho Embury Methodist Episcopal church yesterday, 011 the sub jects, "Where Are the Nino," and "Where the Paths Mecl." "Burled Souls" wan the subject of Rov. J. S, Wrlghtnour's discourse In the First Bnptlst church last evening, which was listened to by a largo au dience, ' "The True and False Estimate of Christianity," was given by Rev. Thomas tie Grtichy nt the Jnchson street Bnptlst church yesterday morn ing' nnd tho pneramont of the Lord's supper was nttcrwnrd administered. Uev. A. L. Rnmer, pastor of Ht. Luke's Lutheran church, preached st Herman on "John, the Baptist," yester rtny morning, which was u scholarly ef fort. The fourth sermon In the series on "Tho Church," Was given by Rev. T. A. Humphreys nt the Plymouth Congre gational church yesterday morning, nnd ut tho evening service he related "Moru About Paul's Balance Wheel." Rov. Ellis Roberts, of N'orth Rcrnnton. occupied the pulpit of the Bellovun Weigh Calvlnlstlc Methodist church yertordny morning, exchanging pulpits with Rev. William D.avlcs. . Miss Bessie Htackhotise played a vio lin solo at the Washburn street Presby terian church yesterday morning and Chorister Tom Glppel sang a tenor sola. Rov. Nye. formerly of Elmhurst, oc cupied the pulpit nf tho Sumner avenue Presbyterian chinch yesterday morning uml evening. FREE! FREE! FREE! Five stamps given away with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. West Side Republican Clubv An adjourned regular meeting of the West Side Republican club was held in the rooms Saturday evening:, wIipii officers were nominated for tho coming year, as fallow": President, Cirlffith T. Davis; vice pres ident, Charles R. Acker: secretary-collector, W. R. Hughes; treasurer, Will iam V. Grltllths; directors, W. 10. Thayer, W. J. Thomas. David R, JoneN II. L. Taylor and (. !:. T.nnning. The election will take place nt the llrst meeting In January. Among- the Churches. A substantial offering for the Boanl of Freedmen was taken up yesterday at the Washburn street Presbyterian church. Two interesting and instructive! ser- 4nJA$A)$nAk st I Through a Foot of Snow I They Came to See the how JSt 12 us us U2 us U2 U2 3 a. a a a a ' a a a a a ua Of holiday specialties and novelties on Satur day. Everybody pronounced it "Great" aud buying was so generous that wa knew we had made no mistake. Among the Umbrellas there were pickers and choos ers all day long among the good sorts with the two years' guarantee for service. They're just ns pretty as they are good. Umbrella Prices, ?1.00 to $10.00. The Novelty and Fancy Goods stocks held visitors long-. There is so much to see and so little time to take it all in. No use to try and tell about it. Come nnd see for your self. Art Need flework and Leather . goods are shown in endless vnviety. The burnt leathers nve popular with faddists, and so are the many burnt wood productions which Bhow the deftness with which art may guide a. practiced hand in the use of 11 hot poker. Pillow Shams, Cushions, Lace Covers for stands, tables, bu reaus, etc., Pocketbooks,Hnud Bags, Toilet Requisites, Per fumery nnd a thousand and one other things suitable for Christinas remembrances cluster around these depart ments. Gloves, Furs and Waists are much in demand among Christmas shoppers. No need to tell you that the largest stocks, the best selections, the leading fashions nnd tho lowest prices blend such hap py harmony here as to make buying a pleasure. Jewelry, Pictures, BricaBrac Our Jewelry department has earned its reputation for reliability, correct style, and thorough-going economy on merit. Everything sold is as represented. Our guaran tee for that every time. Solid gold nnd silver jewelry of nil kinds; gold filled jewelry thnt's warranted; silver trinkets of all kinds; silver ware and pocket cutlery; pic tures at surprisingly low prices; Brush Sets, Manicure Sets, Mirrors, Shaving Out fits, Cracker Jars and other things in cut glass, silver, . etc. Neckwear of All Kinds for every member of the family: Fur Scarfs, Ruches in various materials and all colors; Ties, Stocks and Silk Neckwear in endless assort ment for ladles nnd children; Mufflers and Silk Neckwear for gentlemen in stylos that baffle description. Values that have, never bten equalled in Scrantou, Gloves and Hosiery fir 3?: . S? ST. 0. c ST 5? C 0. ar. a? St. David's Church Notes. St. Agnes Chapter will meet to-day. It Is requested that nil articled for tho sale to he held to-morrow evening bo brought to tho church then. The I.adle.V Aid society will hold Its usual meeting on "Wednesday. At the last meeting of the PIfterp of 33ethnny the election of ofllcerH re sulted in the selection of Jllsa Ida Kvnns ns nreldont; Mrs". Alfred Pike, vice-president: JtrK. Sclbert. secretary; Miss HofbIo Hughes, treasurer. The Sunday Fchool will meet on Thursday evening for practice of tho Christmas music. The pupils who will Kpeak nro to meet In the school after Huhool this afternoon. At. the entertainment to bo given by St. Agnes chapter to-morrow evening tho following programme will be rend ered: Piano polo, Miss Sarah Williams; vocal solo, Hiss Kva Kittle: recitation, IJlodwin Jenkins! vocal solo. JIlss Gil lian Osborne; piano solo, Molly Flt?. fdmmons; recitation. May Darscy; vo cal duet, Miss Lettltia Parry and Nor ma Jones; recitation, Lucy Thomas. A sale of fancy articles nnd ice cream will he hold after the entertainment. The Sunday school at Karr Height? was organised yesterday afternoon with twenty-one pupils and the following of licersi J.ay superintendent, Harry Ack royd; assistant, William Phillips:: secretary, Charles Dorsey; treasurer, fleorsre Dorsey. Tho following were appointed as teachers: Hev. Edward James JIo Ilenry, bible class; William Phillips, Intermediate boys; Miss Emma Kirk, intermediate girls; Miss Ethel Kirk and Miss Ida Evans, infant school. The school will hold its sessions In No. 20 school building each Sunday at 3 o'clock. Simpson Church Notes. The primary department of the Sun day school will linld their Christmas exercises on Christmas eve. Tho ladies of the church, whose names begin with the initials S, T, U. V, W, X, Y, and 'A will serve a. supper in tho lecture rooms next Thursday evening. They will meet In the church this evening to complete arrangements. Tho missionary study class will meet to-morrow evening. Cedar avenue. Tho details nro In charno of a. callable committee, who will do nil In their power to not only Interest the members but to cwtto 11 fcellnn of com radcshlp and friendliness that should be morn than temporary. An Important mcclln? of Oatnp 430. Patriotic Order Sons of America, will tnlto plnco In Hnrtman's hall un PIttston avenue, this evening. Br. Schley's Lung Healing TJilaam Is guntnnteed to cure nil coughs. "No cure, 110 pay." Vov snlo by nil doiiloro. Comet lodge. Knights of Pythias, will meet In special session tomorrow even Ing. DUNM0RB DOINGS. im I "JSiraB . H Bllwlea $fc OF JJ Ri Ha So lu Wli Eloquent Sermon by Rov. Dr. O. Par sons Nichols, of Blnghamton, on "Consecration of Life." ltev. G. Parsons Nichols, D. D of tho First Presbyterian church, at Ulng hninton, N. Y occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church nt yesterday morning's service and preached u most eloquent und forceful sermon. Inking as subject, "Consecration of Life." He took for hln text tho words found In Matthew xvl,- 25: "Whosoever shall save his life shall lose It und whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall rind It." He said In part: "You save not what you keep to yourself but what you take from your self. You lose not what you give out und purt with, hut what you hold hack nnd use for your own purposes. Self renunciation Is self exaltation. "The man who always thinks about his own bodily health Is sure to lose it. but he who forgets about himself In some high pursuit leaves disease be hind him and goes forth sound In mind and body. The woman who is always studying self attainments that she may win admiration Is the one whom no one admires, while she who loses sight of personal attractions in the doing of some great work is she who wins the admiration she never seeks. "The student who Is swayed by mo tives higher than his own umbltlons is tho one who makes the most rapid Im provement, while the one who seeks cul ture for culture's sake, falls in what he seeks. "There are just two things one can do with his life. You can do either one but not both. You can spenl your life on yourself and lose it or you can yield your life to tho service of God and thereby attain life eternal. It nil de pends on the life one seeks. "Make tho present life your end and you must lose it here and hereafter, but make you life a menus for the higher end which God has In view and you will keep your life here and save your life hereafter. We know the only life of many is within him, the only life that God knows, the only life that death leaves, Is within him. My v.ish in clos ing for you all Is a life true, beautiful and eternal. These will be yours just in the degree that you live into it. "Do not be cold, do not he cynical, do not be selfish, but consider you have to live for "others, remember even mis ery comes from want of sacrifice, re- , member you help others only by sac rifice. Remember every thing you do will he measured by its sacrifice." The singing of several selections by John T. Watklns were much enjoyed by the large congregation present. lock PURCHASED AT THE BANKRUPT SALE. High Class Millinery Goods, Trimmed Hats and Beady-lo-Wear Hals, At one-half and one-quarter value. These departments have no equal in this state outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, All the latest productions from home and foreign man ufacturers and specialties for the holiday season only. Glob? Warehote?. sr, ? m ymmmmmmmtmymmm mrnvrnm ri GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Hyde IMrk lodge, No. :r.O, Five and Accepted Masons, will meet in Masonic hall this evening and elect officers for tho coming year. Thero will be a fair and ico cream social bold hi tho Plymouth Congrega tional church. Jackson street, tomorrow evening, under tho auspices of the young ladles' Slind.ty school class-en, No. U and No. 1!'. Admission free. Chapter Nil 212, ICpworlh League, of the Simpson .Methodist Episcopal clnuvli, recently elected the following officers: President, Italph Keith: Hist vice presi dent, Charles Volz; second vice president, Lulu ll.iywnrd: third vlco president, Lulu Lender; fourth vlco piesldcut, Mar garet Ilughos: seiietary, ("Irace Daniels; treasure r. Wendell Phillips; chorister. Will Sutton; pianist, lit hoi Pease: li brarians, AildUon Chase and Harry York. Division No, I, Ladies' Auxiliary of tho Ancient Ordr r of Hibernians, have elected the following otilecrs for tho iv::ct two years: Pi evident. Mrs. .Mary H. Gaha gan; vice president, Miss .Mary Wisted; recording scerctury, Mrs. Margaret Mor on, 1l11anel.il secretary. .Miss Annlo Li Mdle; treatuicc. Miss Mary Ithldlu; ser geant .it arms, Miss Mellud;, Allen; sen tinel, Miss -Mary McNulty; standing com mittee, Miss Julia Lamb, Mrs. Kato Glb lln. Miss .Alice ltlddle, Mm. Jiridgot Smith, .Mrs. Mary llurku. A requiem mass wus celebrated at St. P.ttilck's chinch Sattuday morning over the remains of tho Into Thomas Culkln, who died ai Ms home on Chestnut street. Hev. J. J. Dunn officiated, Tho pallbear ers WL't'ii: Martin llurrcll, Thomas Cav uimugh, Doiulnick Henley, Andrew Lun ny, Lawrence Kooney and James Gro'gun. i'.tcrmciit was made In Duumoru ceme tery. The Ladles' Sowing circle of the Chest nut Street German I'resbyterlan church will hold a bazaar In Washington hall timing Easter week, the proceeds of which will ho applied to tho church debt nnd making Improvements 011 the church property, Tho member of tho Oxford Mlno Acci dental fund will meet in Co-operatlvo hall this evening to receive a division ot the funds In tho hands of the treasurer. Hev. J. s. Wrightnour. D. D., tho now pastor of tho First Haptlst church, will read a paper on "Tho Three Tmiipiatluiis of Jesus" at the H.iptlst Ministerial con ference In ' tho t'enu Avcnuo Uaptl.H church this morning. William I'eim Morgan lina rebfoned his position at Vlntoiidalo, and will move back to his old homo 011 Jackson street, Tho funeral of Kdw.ud, tho young son of Mr. aud Mrs, Hlohurd Itlcharus, of J MS Washburn street, occurred yester day afternoon, uth Interment In tue Cuiuurl.i enact, ry. This Is tlio fourth ban lost by the family within u shun time, SOUTH SORANTON. The South Side Bank. The .South Side bank receives savings deposits In any amount from ten cents up. No nicer gift for Christmas than to start ti savings account for your boy or girl. Open Saturday evenings from 7.3(1 to 8.30. The Reliable Stores, Why journey to town for your gro ceries und Christmas goods when yon can got everything you need almost ut your door. Clouds and pi ices just 11 shudo better than in the city. Kvery thing la season. Christmas toys and presents a specialty. Churles Graf, J27-2D PIttston avenue. Briefly Noted. Edward Carr, for some time in the clerical department of the Erie Rail road company here, left yesterday for Bradford, where he has accepted a- more lucrative position. Mrs. A. L. Bryden, of North Blakely street, is visiting friends in PIttston. Miss Margery Lewis, of PIttston, is ti guest at the home of Mrs. A. D. Hluckinton on Elm street. Miss Ellen Bronson has returned from a week's stay with Carbondale friends. Trimmed Hats will be sold at $1.48, $1.98, $2.48, 2.98, former price $4.00. 5.00, 6.00 and 7.00. Trimmed Hats at $3.98 and $4.98, former prices 10.00 and 12.00. Un trimmed Felt Hats 25c each. All new shapes, every color, former price 75c, 1.00 and 1.50. Velvet Hats ready to wear, 50c each, ormer price $1.50. f Ready to Wear Hats All new and this season's styles at 5oc each, former price 1.50 and 2.00. Birds, Wings, Breasts and Quills Sc each, loc each, 25c each. Soc each, former prices from 25c to $2.00 each. Roses, Flowers and Foliage 5c ioc, 25c, Soc bunch, former prices 25c 0c, 1.00 and 1.50. Frames, ail new shapes, loc each, former prices 25c to 50c. Ribbons, Velvets, Chiffons, Silks and Milli nery Trimmings at less than half of wholesale cost. H 413 La!kam&5Bsia Aee EWEHYT3 MUST EE SL s P5$S525BJTOPW" "Vg'KJ'gE.ffiCTSWg.cP't1 AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. llels. Lessee and Mnnncer. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager Tuesday ONd0?Lv'r Dec. 16 Final arrangement! havojieen made by the Fourteen Friends to hold a New Year's fcstlvul at their hcudquurtcrs, 310 OBITUARY. MHS. FKANCIS CAMPBELL died Fri day night after a somewhat prolonged illness, at her home, Ul'O Capouso avenue. Bcforo her mnrrlugo she was Miss Maria Roche. She was a young woman of raro kindness of heart nnd a. disposition so brib'bl and cheerful that sho wus an lnsplinlion to those with whom she came in contact. She was nn Ideal wlfa and mother and a friend whoso thoughtful uesH mado smoother the rough road of those upon whom tho burdens of life boro loo heavily. Her death is sincerely mourned. Mrs. Campbell Is survived by her husband and tho following: children: James, Harry, John, Frank and Gertrude Campbell. Two brothers and n. sister also survive her. They aio Michael, Aubciry and Miss Kate Kooho, of this city. The funeral will bo bold this luorulns at 0 o'clock from the residence. A requiem muss will bq celebrated In St. Peter's cathedral nt 'O.M o'clock, and Interment will bo mado In tho Cathedial cemetery. MHS. KATKIUNA IHI.TZ, whoso death occurred on Friday night last, was one of tho oldest residents of South Scr.inton, nnd had reached tho allotcd period of thrco scoro years and ten, after bavins lived n. llfo of roctltudo and Christian uprightness. She in survived by two sonB, Peter, an umployo of tho city, nnd Ueorse, another resident, who Is well known among residents of this section, and a brother. William Amendt, of Newark, N. J. Tho funeral will take plnco from tho homo of her son, Peter Hlltz, U." Mnplo street, this afternoon at 2 6'clork, when services will bo conducted by Iter. AVIIIInm A. Nordt. Interment will bo mado In tho PIttston nvcnuo cemetery. MICIIAKL J. M'DONOUGII died on Saturday nt his home!, -Ill Luzerne street, aged St years. Uo Is survived by a wife, four children npd tho following hi others nnd sisters: Patrick, James A., Mrs. Patrick Joyco and Mrs, Martin nrcmmn, The funeral will bo hold tomorrow morn ing from Holy Cross church, with Inter ment In tho Cathedral cemetory SECOND YKAI5. EDWARD E. KIDDER'S AMERICAN COUNTRY PLAY. From Ha Memorable I'uns of -l Months in Boston and 1W Nights in New York. SKY FARH A Simple Story of tho Berkshire Hills, ALL FUN, SUNSHINE AND LOVE. PIlICES-H.fiO, 73c, Me, 23c. Keats on sale. Wednesday aatu Dec. 17 Special Return Engagement. Fred E. Wright's-magnificent produc tion of tho prettiest of all pastoral plays, YURI Mil FOLKS Tho biggest hit In tho Dramatic World! Piesouteil by tho original great cast. Tho moi.t elaborate set ale production ever given a pastoral play. Curtain rises promptly nt S p. in. Special Matinee Prices "3 and CO cents. Children. 15 cunts. Night Prlces-Jl.'M. $1.00. ;3c. .-.Oe. 23c. Scats on salo Monday at ' a. m. I Spleiidid Holiday ftamtaes TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Thursday, Friday, Dec. 18 nnd 10. Tho Greatest of all Olcott's Successes. Mr. Chauncey Olcott In Ills New Play, LIMERICK TOWN lly Augustus Pltou, Manager, Hear Olcott's Now Songs. All lllg lilts. PRICES-ifl.OO, 73c, COc, 23c. Seats on snlo Tuesday at U a. m, It Curv L'oMj, Coiikiid, SoroTliroiit, Croup, Inila vina, Whooping L'oucli, btonchlti and Allium. A certain curu for Coneumptloii In tlrvt Iikc, iind a sure nllcf in advanced lai;f. Uso at oiice. Vm will eco tho excvllvnt efftci aflcr taking tho jlrt done. Sold by deaim uvmwhi'ro. farce bottled S5 cent and 80 emits. STAR THEATRE ALF. a. 1IERRINOTON, Manager. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, DKCEMIIEH 13, IG AND 17, Rentz-Santley Co, filuUnco Every Day. Academy of Niusic M, Iteis, Lessco and Manager. A. J. Duffy, iluslness Manager. 3 NIGHTS starting THURSDAY. DEC. IS. Matlneu Dally Starting Thursday. Lincoln J. Carter I'rcsuuts tho World's Onlv Indian Actress. GO-WAN-GO-MOHAWK 111 tho Picturesque Western Play THE FLAMING AltltOW. SEE tho Ecllnso of tho Moon; tho Coun cil Fire nnd Ohost Danco; tho Exciting lloiso Rae: tho Attach on OM Fort llenoj tho Flaming Arrow: tho Woudcrftil Ilorsiu Woiigy and Ruckskln. 10-lllg Special tJust-M Genuiuo Indian Iliads Maud. Special Mutlnou Prlcis-Gallery, 10c. j Unleouy, 13c. ; Lower Floor, 23c. j ehlldrui Joe to lower Hour. Night Prlccs-13. 23, 33, CO conta Scuts on salo TiiL-rday ut ti a. in. Ours is a stock that well merits your confi dencethe sooner we have your trade, the sooner your confidence. It was carefully selected and contains only that which is best and most sure to give satisfac tion in Diamonds, Watches, Brooches, Bracelets, Manicure Articles, Military Brushes and everything usually found in a high-grade Jewelry Stock. PRICES CONSISTENTLY LOW Those New Watches When we placed them on sale Tuesday we knew they'd be admired; we know, too, that they would sell, for nowhere In the city can you And a line so magnificent and so popularly priced. The result argues well for tho accuracy of our forethought. Without doubt it's tho finest lino of really good time-pieces. Many " Doubting Thomases " have been converted dur ing the last few days. "The Little Store with the Big Reputation." , M. VAIL, Jeweler and Optician, 401 Spruce Street. C!VV2V'MS!M! GLOVES- THEY'RE WORTH WEARING CONRAD HAS THEM.' The Dixie Theatre HENHV r'ARNSWORTIl DIN IE, Lessco and Mauugcr. News Boy's Week at the Dixie, Dig Holiday Novelty, WEEK O'e DECEMBER 15th. 400 Scrnnton Newsboys to sing ns a special feature every night. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcy. Will R. Vox. Genero & Theel. Scott & Wilson. Miles & Raymond. Cotton's Donkeys. Clnunborlain. u 1 The durability of a glove and the satisfaction you 'get out of it depends largely on the fitting. Hands that are brought to us to be fitted get what is right We've a fine assortment for WafldU&g, Evening edding Use. 305 LACKAWANNA AYENUE, Green Trading Stamps, Conrad's u H