rj7W777r1WJ4W fwytmxizs? nrv'i,n - 4 -e "" vf r THE SCHANTON TJUBUNU-MONDAY, D12CJBM1313II 15, .1002. Z$c gctanton Ztt&m l'ubllihed Dally Kxcapt Sunday, t7 The Tribune PublUhtag Cempny,at Fifty Canta Month. mvt b. mcrrAitD O. F. BVXDKK ... EolToa, KnUred at tb rwtofflca t Scranlon, M Second CIM Mall Matter. When ipao tflll permit, The Irllinne t tlwaya (lad t print short letter from In frlenda bemrlna; on current tiitc, but It rule It that thei ranttbo signed, for pub Mention, by tb writer real nitmu) and lbs condition precedent to ncBcptnnte It Hint nil contribution tbnll be aubjrtt tit editorial revltlon. TUB 1TI.AT HATE I OH AtlVJUtTfSIMJ. The fallowing tnbte dlmns th price per Itii 'i h: Ii Insertion, space to be UMd nllhlti one year Itun of Paper I to . 26 .'.U 10 aiding j.,,,, TtAt "'"""?" .It 4 .a .Jt .-71 . w si jn .i;i la llHt'f.AY i 'eta than 30 iucUm M Inches . . . loo " . . . 550 " . . . , SKI " 11)00 "...., For Urdu of tlnnki, resolutions of condolence, and similar contributions In the nntiire ul ndvcrtUlng, Tbe Tribune united a charge of A centi a lint. hcuanto.v, m:ci:Mm:ii is, vm TWO illtt'llLC," illUW-ed Uivl W'tfU by Judge Nowcoinl) ,ito cutctiltitrxl to in vite minimi Nmi. Kiuil Moigiili, lor lorsiMy untl fiilu iittense, lebtlllliiK in lils satins a K'llhm of whiskey ,uul ii few ilolluts In chniiMP, wii ppiiti'iiooil to twelve .xeiitH nntl .t lifilt In tho rinl tPiitlitij. Wlitiliiluw Knostimouk?, who tlitcw ii oinpnnloii ovi 11 porch iall itigr to I lie fjiolmd ec-nil feet below, InenKln the man's necU. and. ulio win lor iKiuly two jeai-? a fURltlve fiom justice, was Mfiiu-tircil t'i tluee .M.-at" and nine inontli- lit the: witlieiitlnry. Food for Thought. IT WOULD be untl lie to -a Hut the Vontucl in MtllUlon i not ilKciiiictintr. to Aniotleuii-. It U chock full of the )os.ll)llitle! of tnl'ililpf. The Mom of clocUllie Is 'lm plc cnouiili as wo liilciptct It and If i he IhislMi and tin t loi mati- would look .it It tluouwli our sptH'tat le-i, all Mould k wtll. IJUL as a inutlfi of fact, the ihtiopean le.w of the Jlomoi' ducltmc is neither sympathetic noi curt. Lima ing Gl cut Hiitulii out ot the pioblt.ni Cor aia-u- nientV f-aKi. and because the leusoni why -he 'houHl ,i-h to avoid comim; into anv esliaiiReiiu nt with us lai out number and outweigh anv i onclvable conpldetnllon to the contiaiv, the case 'lor Oeiman.N stands about a lollow. '1'he e;o eminent ot Venezuela is le--pon-iblc to cltleiw ot Gerinanv toi leitaln iliimages inllictcd and lias not only not paid, buL hat actuallv delaed, situiimed tnd blow beaten in it effoits to aoid its lesponsiblllU. Patiente having teased, Oct many, with Kngland' co-opeiation, has s-cl foith to cntoice payment. Pa.wuent L.in be cntoici.d only in two nav.s, either b the wizuie ol customs, or hv the taklt.i? of teiritoi.v. Should the customs noi sutllte. temton would hac to be taken ot Hie claims so unsatisfied. The chance- aie that the customs will pioe lnsutlleleut, es pecially if Vtmzuelj s-houHl decide to diaw it&elf up haughtily In its moun tains and bieak on during Oct man oc cupation ot its ports itb (.us-tomuy toi t isn (ommttLC Hole comes in tin. .Mouloe dot nine, which, while acquiecliiR in the selzuii. of customs, foiiiid- the alknatlon of teiiltoij. Uui if the custom-, arc in-t-ulllcieiu and tcuitoty may not be alienated, how K (!eimuli. to net what is comliifr to hoi.' No ptokion clsts in the Montoe doetiine foi Ameiiean intenention to pieent amoutj moiifriel American republics misuile .such as de elops the.'-c eilses, nor does tho Unit ed Ktates oner Ironi its own icvenuc-. to leinibuise Kutojican cieditois to whom one of the customary interna tional methods ol leimbursemeni the taking oei of teiiitory H 101 bidden by otu edict. If we look at the Mibjool ttom tlie Gernian standpoint we .'-ee that oui position is at uuiauco with intei national usage, that it is like that of the dog in the mangel, and that ii may be tombaUed whenevei some otliei nation feels s-ltong enough to defy it. It may leadily be conceded that the iiuthoiitles at Ueilln aie acting In good laitli toward the author lik-, at Wash ington and aic ti iendlv and "eouect." Hut if the Vene.'Uelau ae should go on until the Oct man lighting Mihli was moused and .some suboidlnate on the .-cene of htiifc .--liould ooistep ilio lim its het by , is it hiconi eivable that Uerliit might vni) fiom its belated te pudlatlon ot Von Dedktlclis at Manila and resolve under coet ot Cngland'.s liiendly altitude to put once lor all u clamp upon the Montoe doctiiue" Not everybody in oflkhtl position Is at llbettv to .say all lie think.-, hut we en title to fay that the thoughts which .tin In the minds of our executive oliicials lonceinlng this Vpuossuelun dispute, would, If clothed in winds, make mlglity intei eating leading. Toda.v's .sptclil tein' of (ilmliuil coin t, ehieily to liy casch gi owing out o'fjthe fctiiki?, will .moid an iuteu'stliig test of (lit, Juiy system, In some local ities In the aiitliiacite nglon thu juiy fystem has .succumhed to pinjudke. 'i want no such dhgiaec. in 1. ickTw.uiua. Occupation for the Negro. Kx-pnnsi j)i:nt ci.i:vi:. LAND'S luhlic.ss- at the nieei lug 111 aid of tin llouMii Manual Tialnhirf i-chool In Philadelphia the othei nlaht has at ti acted lunch uttentlon among ttio.se who mo of a philanthropic tuin niid Wljo leulUe that the piogies.s of the blue); nun siiuo ills ciuanclpatluit has not been what lutein have been e.-pci-tcd u a land of .suunus-at tuedoiu anil enlightenment, Mr. Cleveland put the whole (oloied iiiie.stiou In out phiasc vvlicn hv .said that the way must unopened for the iiesioon to eugaije in joumthliig bcttci Diun mvnial .scivtte. Hut, Mr. Cleveland, like uianj otheis wlio desho the betttuutmt of the t ol oied man, muktu a mistake In aasuni lug that the ncgio is unuble to leai'ii any tiadc whcieby ho may gain an nonest livelihood. TJie icusoii tiiatMie jioes aie nut found among thu tindea it the rouiitty Jt, not becuusc they ato jnablc to giasp the pioblems ptesent iil. but because they aie bailed out by .ant, in the yiiblic! schools) the coloietl boy is ntlowed to tnke hli place beside Jill white neighbor and gnlu knowledge which would enable him to successfully compete In almost any line of skilled labor! hut when ho on Ives ut ait age when he niluht bo able to put Hint know ledge In piucllcal tie ho finds the ttVtiiitieii ot labor rloed ugalnsl him on account of color; and this rule of casto Is etifoiri'd even nioio ilgldly lit the not Hi than In the south, witete no con sideration tor the black mail Is os- fieri. The coloteri student may wield the whitewash biush; black buolsj be tome a vvaltei; Work upon the asphalt pae and In tuo of unusual good for tune scciiie a position n? Pullman por tei. Hut loi him attempt to enter as an appientlce In any of thb skilled occupations for which ho may be belter lltled by minimi nbliltv and education than inaiiv of his white biethtcn, and ha would Hint that he niltrht u well have lenialned a slave. It hits often boon said that the litilf cducated neiTid Is worse lhaii thu ignor ant one. This Is not sui pi Islng. When one considers the condition or a colored man of intelligence who finds the doors that should have been opened by the proclamation of em inelpatlon over n Milliner ot a century ago still bailed .(gainst hlinj and that his rights as an Anietleari eltlpen oflei no oppoi tuiiltios lor betteimetil, It is only u wonder that lie Is not mote desperate and untiact able. What Is wanted is not tialnliig schools to teach tlie nearo trades nt which he will not be allowed lo woik, but the pioinotlon of a sentiment that will allow him an opportunity lo enter tlie various tnenues ot labor as on ap pientlce upon equal looting with the while man. Until this sentiment has been moused, all the eftorts of all the philanthropists in cieation will he im ivalling to elevate the condition of tlie negio. In declining to act as a wet nuife for Wall stiect In Its latest "peeulathe spa-in, Hcctetaiy Shaw shows that he has piollted by upor!enoc. Thee who go into the gambling pioces-cs ot Wall 'tieet mtisi go piep.ucd to accept the c onseqtiem r- It Is no pail ol the duty of the United Htatis tieastuy to lcgu Intu lis movements for the Imieiit of i-iUee?'d gamesters. Th" I'lotectlonlsl foi Decenibei con-talr- Walter .T. U.lllatd's ai title, 'What Mcico Is Doing," and the Prac tical Age, a monthly publl-hed at Mol hitf, lllinoi-, has tlie -ame tjentlcman's Otu Kilucationii Woik" Goth these Intel estlng and etisplj wiiltun ai tides liav,- appealed recmtly in the i filuiun--of Tlie Ti Untile. Un.ibh to please tVeibod and sick ol itniust criticism. Police, Commi'-sion-cr Paitiidge. of New Yoik, has te figned It continues to looks as though New Yoik could not stand meicly lion et government foi ihe beneill ot the governed, but must 1 elapse into bii gandage lor the benefit ol the giaftei-. It I- ol coiuse, only a coincidence that Dcwev and Coghlan, who had all plans laid to light the Gei man "-hips in Manila bay and would hae done it if Von Dedesichs had not come lo time, aie In command not lai 110111 Venezue la, lint such coincidence- often 111 ike hHtoi.v. Alu.idv plivski.ins in tills count! v ate eiitioUlng the methods of Di. Loi eny, the gie.it Aumiian suigeon, who has healed so many cilppled ehil chen; but as usual in such cast- the ciltks aie small potato s In tbe medi- (,ll piOt''.-sOll. i'or once tlie Loudon Satuida.v ltc lirw is light. Our Mom oe doetiine i ail not be sustained by winds alone. The uuc gnaiantee of Uutopean tc-pect lor the Mom oo doetiine would be a navy bU, etioimh to ci'loice it. Wold has been Uielved in (Jlilc.tf,o to Ihe efreet that Pat Ciowe, the kidnap per, will -oon suneudei. Now that Pat lias dec ideri to i ome home, no one eems to want him. As a in i,!aIlle oi book wilti-i, (ien ctal DeWet will uudoubUrilv lealize that the pen i- mightier than the sword in the way of piodtteing Ihrimlnl ic- Flllls. .luu -1 das mote la whicli R'publl i.tns wishing to inn for lecoidei may fcet Into tin- i ace. Do the pte-eut tu tiies tultlll all re ciuiiemcnt-.' Theifi is undoubted!) a im thod In the. hi'-auilv of thu Mad Mullah, but the condition of the peisons who lepnit his (In Uh Is dltlle'iU to diagnose. Win u the time tor sti inking the illi an Ives, it will inobabb bo demon Stiatcd that the AllBlo-iieinian alllalieo Is all on tin sill lai e. it is Kauri that Mi flex eland's nt leetion lor the coloied muu will tie ie gatded iv Uh Icalous ees out hi Ne btaska The lit illsh gclieials who epei t to c.u tlnlr f.'hilstiiiun dliunir In Caiams will do well to make the ainioiinteiiieiit at din (. The Itoei war has evlikiitl Inllateri C'astto's iiiiiceptloiis oi the ability ol a small po'vei lo withstand a big one Italy now .shows a disposition to have her claims against Vemv.uehv on llln when the jec elver is appointed. it will be Impossible' to ovetdo tho Uhitstinas gift huslnesH h showcihu piei-eiils upon tho needy, I'lc'slilent Unalio has piobahly been leading between the lines in the Mon. loo doctiiue. , WOULD PASS J?0R TAYLOlt. I'linn thu .Siisiiuc-iianim Tiaiwetliit. 'the linlf louo inn null of llcv. Tliomas it. 'WiUMii!!, vvhlcli uppeuiu in loduy'u Issue ol the Scrantcni Tilbunc would easily pass for a picuiro ot oui fiiend, 17(11101 Tajloi, of thu Monti osu Ite-publl-tuii. Mi. Watklus lias Mr. Maylm's eyes, no lull' woith l)icutloiilu0- adorning tho top of his head, and the llttto bunch of wblskeis under the. chin irudeis tho u semblrtiice complete Significant Words of President Baer AKIIATt'Jti: ot t Pctinsjlvanht I Vork last I'tl.li the dlmier of the Society of Now lay night, whMi, ov Injr io the lateness of the hour, did not receive the. degiec of intention In the in es reportsi that It would have, leeched had It ocotured earlier In the evening, was the etttaordlnuiy demon stration of uppiovut elicited by Ihe concluding portion of thy speech of President Oeoige V. Daer. The ev'en itig's How ot oiiuory had hern without especial Incident up lo the time that the reputed head of the alleged coal tuist arose to peak of the principles ot government In Pennsylvania. Up to that time the toasts lind been hugely In the vein of pleunantvy and humoi. When Mr. liner began there seemed to pass over tho huge and tepiesentntlve company, Including many of tho foio most men In tlie commercial, industilal and professional life of New Yoik, cm intuition that something out ot the or- dlnnty coming. Mr, Unor made, no feints at phi) fill lies". He plunged at once into Ihe midst of his subjei t, tracing the Influ ence of William Penn's docttlne in tol einncc upon the development of I'onn svlvanla's colonial inslltutlons unci upon the ffieat charter upon which her state hood was btiilded, a. fuudamculal piop osltlon in which was the right to ac nulre and protect pinpetty. He called atlontlon to the fact that one of the doctrines of constitutional lib el ty as exemplified in tlie constitution of Pennsylvania and the constitution of the United States was tlie right of the state to legulato her own Internal af falis", without outside inteiferencc or prcssute, and he predicted with solemn emphasis that tlie modern attempt to luke fiom the states this local auton omy would be rejected by the final judg ment of the Amei lean people after the. letuin of sober thought and the reas seitlon of their common sense. Then, speaking with intense earnestness and fail ly quivering, lie continued: "I lemember when a boy In the fifties coming out of school ohe day as an excited populace was shouting 'In giaham1' 'Ingialiam!' and hearing on a stieet corner the late Jetemlah S. Black haninguing an audience of 3,000 townsmen In passionate elociuence. amidst tliundeious applause. I asked my father what it meant, and lie told me how Captain Ingialiam, on the wnr ship St. Louis, in the harbor of Trieste, had demanded of the Austrian govern ment the sui render of Martin Koszta, who, two vears befoie, had deciuied his intention of becoming an Ameiiean cit i?en and who, upon leturning to Aus tna, had been nueted and thrown in to prison. Koszta, though foreign born and only started on the way townid Ameiiean citizenship, was deemed en titled to the protection of his govern ment m a far oft place to such uu ex tent Unit gallant Captain Ingraham, against tlie guns of the Austiian forts and fleet, cleared ship for action and would have tought had not tlie Aus tiians thought disci etlon tlie better patt of valor and suuendeied theit pilsonei peaeeablv . "Again, onlv a few jeais latet, I mulched through the greatest war in history, in which men by the thousands fell on eveiy hand for the puipose of le movlng the one gient blot on our na tional escutcheon i nused by holding working black men in bondage. And it was leseived for one of the children of tlie plain people, who rose by virtue of ills own rosotnees and meiit to the po sition of chief magistrate of his counti v and greatest of all tho gtoat Americans of his time or any lime, Abraham Lin coln, to put his pen to the immortal document which foiever secuied, as was suppo-eri, the fieedom of Ameiiean ki boi. "How Is It today? With shame do I say that we have leeently seen, not one man foielgn liout put into dm ess be foie the aceiuiiement of rull Ameiiean citizenship, noi black men held In slav ery, but hundietls, yes thousands or fol low citUcns, fiee-born heie at home, and supposed to be assured of the full protection of our constitution and oui laws, denied the light to earn tlieh honest living while the government of Pennsylvania and even the government of the United Stales stood idly by, and politicians pnlteied. I say to jou to night that ihis light lo woik, ainoiiL, the smallest of the nat ui al lights for the piotection of which government was founded, must be le-established and ie-defended nnri that if necessary the whole power of the .government must be used to strike down tlie hand that would de sltov it" The scene which followed will long be lememheied. Tt was diamatlc and ex citing lo an extraordinary degree. The olum of applause which followed the development of Mr. Bner's argument lose at id- climax to a legular ton eat of, din Men ioo and stood on chahs waving handkerchiefs and shouting. The applause latc-d for minutes and then lepealedlv lenevvtd itself amidst calls of "Daer!" "Uaer!" Those famil iar with the history or aftei -dinner speuklng in the metiopolls say that the demonstration has had few paiallels. The dinner JUcK was n notable one aside fiom this ill .turn tic and unexpect ed featuie. The Pennsylvania Society of New Yoik, although only four years old the youngest, In tact, of the state societies founed among men diawn to tho big city by business irnsous has become in sUo and cliaiat'ter of niein beisiiip easily on a par with the oldest. Its 450 menibeis, with their guests', lllled tho spacious ball-ioom ol the Waldoif-Aslotla and, amidst hanri somo decoiatlons in follnje and ilow eis, and beneath the gaze of beautiful and be.uttiiully gowned women spec tator In the, balconies, presented n spectacle not ensllv foigotten. The bonvfiiihs, too, worn unique aluminum coal palls appiuentlv filled with Imitation anthracite, hut i cally masking a delicious confection, for which llitif vvoie dklilbuted dainty souvenir spoons, This clever idea was tho contilbutlon of tho society's Inde fatigable secietau, Jli, ilan Feiree, who Hipet vised all the uiiunsemenls. A MYSTERY. ills month was luise uud his nose not Ktl.llSlH, Ills ojes wcru a washed-out blue, Ills eais stuck lur fiom a pear-like jnte, Ills hull- vuis a c.iuoty line, An insignificant, gimcrack man, Comical, miulut, emtio, ihillt on a wonUionsly homely plan riom tho odds and ends ot cla. And tho people inotlad, but Lovo took Ptt, Tho uilbchlovous, iiindly elf, And Ihievv a glamour by aubtio art Known Just to his cunning self. Thon, sudduii, a woman, legul, tall, Sprang clo?o to tho bcurcciow's side "Indeed, lie's the handsomest man of all In tho whole, whole world!'' sho vrlcd. IMwIn L. B.tbln, in Smut Set. ALWAYS BUSY. Lewis & Reilly HERRY CHRISTMAS SALE of Good Sense Boots, Shocc, Slippeis. and Rubbers, on our Main Floois and In the Basement. 125,000 Pairs of the Best Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers that over come to this or any other market. On account of the lequests of our thousands of customers whom we have served so well for fourteen years. Men's Stoim King Boots, first quality Boy's Storm King- Boots, fiist quality $3-00 $2.25 Other Storm King- Boots, first quality, $1.50 and $175 Child's Storm King1 Boots, first quality, $1.25 and $1.50 We only advertise what we Have, nnd we Have what we advertise. Our Stores Will Be Open Evenings Until After Christmas. Lewis & Reilly Wholesale and Retail. 114 and 116 - - Wyoming Ave. Lawyers Tho Trlbuno will suaiantee to print your puper book quicker than any oth er printing house in tho city. 4' WfHAT 0 BISCUIT Glad Tidings for Christmas Shoppers. Our store presents a brilliant airay of most excel lent Christmas Gifts. Gifts that have the stamp of quality. Watches, Diamond Pendents, Rings, Gold Jewelry, Gold Handled Um brellas and Cut Glass, Sterl ing Silverware, Etc., Etc. And all at prices that are sure to meet your approval. C. LUTHER, 133 Wyoming Avenue, liSTAUl.lSlll:!) 1857 $ ! lei oa Make most acceptable Christmas Gifts But if you wish something else in the line of Furniture you will also find that here in all the new est styles and at prices that are light. Furniture bought is of sterling worth it's guaian teed just as repre sented. Call and in spect our stock. n il 121 Washington Ave. TYPEWRITER No. S, $35.00 No 7, $50.00 .WW' In slmplicltv of constiuclion, speed and caso ol opeiation tbev aio without an equal Thcv aie perfectlv adapted to oveiv vaiiety ot work, and lombine nil tho best featuics of nil othei makes. Write for Catalog1. TKE BL1CHENSDERFER MFG CO., 10OJ Chestnut St., Philadelphia. B Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock 'I I' 4 S 4 4 i 4 'S kI C1 S 4 l 4 tu 4,44,4.4i44ii444a"i4,4l4'44i Hrewirv, ., 40So 45 N. aeventu st , Old 'Phons, 333i. New 'Phone, '2935. The Moosic Powdet jim Booms 1 and 2 VLO Commonwealth Bldg. "v SCBAKTON, PA. 5 MINING AND BLASTING UiAa at Moosic ami ltuslidile Worki Laflin & Band Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Llectrlo tnttciics. l.lectrto llxplodcrs, Vt- plodlns Waits, bafoty t'u.e, BEPAUNO OHEMICAX CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Hotel Jenny n. MPLHlflfiLHffini 4- .! J I) who $A A OA For a ol r , llcyrislinas WU 0 Wants lr, ,, pr.ce, L E w Mml v in soiii ricscni M , Twenty Christmas Presents $50.oo To Ho rllvcn by 'I lie Scrnntnii Tribune to the Cliildrcn of Scranlon mid Norlhcnulcrn Pcnnaylvuiilu. One Present $20.00 in dolcl $20.00 One Present 10.00 In Gold 10.00 One Present 5.00 in dold s.oo Two Present.-, 2.50 Each s.oo Five Presents 1. 00 Each 5.00 Ten Presents 50c Each 5.00 Total Twenty Presents run TiimuNirs Jumim Educational Contest A Contest In Word-Building. Who Can Make the Most 'Words Out of tltc Letters In T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R. THIS IS much easier than last year's contest, and twenty of the brightest boys and girls will seenre Chrismas Gifts In cash for making the largest number of words out of these letters. It Is lots of fun to think of the words and hunt them up In the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your spelling. You will be surprised at the number of different ways these twelve letters can be used. Rules of the Contest. Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents or guard ians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper." No letter must be used any more times than they appear In these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there might be two "H's" or three "E's." Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Webster's Inter national Dictionary" (edition of 1898) will be allowed. Any dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRIBUNE will debar all words not found In Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Appendix" will not be allowed. Obsolete vords are admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once. Words with two or more definitions can be used but once. No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O." How to Urite Your List. Write on one side of the paper only. Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter. Place the words alphabetically. Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top of your list. Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and who is a regular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE. Fold the list DO NOT ROLL. CONTEST CLOSES SATUKDAY, DECEMBER 20TH at 5 P. M. All letters of ina.uiry for information will be promptly answered. Ad dress your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to CONTEST EDITOR. , SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. PA. . t . l . ? H V. . ! i. V, H V. i tt . S .t ,f n X . . . X .1 $ .V v .1 X X ,1 X s X X X X Best The Celebrated Always reliable. KSOl! Mill & Grain Co Soianton and Olyplinnt, U ' is tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt SUAiTlOiTS BUSINESS HOUSES. rW?SS ENTERPRISING OSALCRS CAN SUPPLY- YOUN NEEDS OF EVEIir CHtRACTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY, FOR SALE UVQGWS nd WACiONS of all lilnJs! also Iln ism nnl Bullillnj Lots at lurgalnj 1I01IS1.S CLIl'l'KU ami CIltOOUrD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Wort.. aEOUITITY BUILOINQ 0SflWV3S UUION Horns Office, 203 203 Mean niilMIn;, e aio maturing b'uicj each month ulitch fhuw a net caln to tho lnustor of about 12 per cent. Wo Iiun money Wo jUo Usue run, 1'AID briiCU HHHD per kliaic, Jutir nt la ible semi annually, AMiMtT IHir... hecrctmy B, JOSEPH KUETTEL, rear Cll I aikav.amia nvenue. manufacturer oi i Wire hciecni of ill Midi, fulli nnuarid for J the Miring tcason. Wo inako all litmb of 0 iiArti irnMit ji I'VIVII . IK IVf PETER STIPP, Central Cuitraitoi, llullder and Dealer m llulldlug Hone, ( ementtng of 1 Uju u t.,1; cull). Telcphorc 'iJii. OfiUff, .U7 Washington aenue THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK AN 0 TILE MANUFAOTURINQOOVPANY Maker of l'.ilnj Wrick, etc. M. If. Dale, Ufiicral talcs Agent, O'flce uJ3 Watlilugtcii ac. Wtiks at Njj Aug, li ,i;,Ul . It it $50.1 00 second annual EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor an tttf course, nor a cheap course, but tbe beit education to be had. No other education la worth (pending time and money ea. II you do, write for a catalogue ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. nlilcli odera thorough preparation la the engineering and Chemical Frofe&slonj u well as the regular Collcgo count. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, EAST STROUDSB0RO, PA. rtcRiilar State Normal Courses and Special Departments of Music. IJlocu. Hon, Ait, Diawlntr, Stenography and Typewritings Btions ColleBe Prepara toiy Department. FREE TUTION. Hoaidlns expeiiucs 3 50 per week, Puplla ailmttted at any time. Winter Tei m opens Dec. S9th. Write tor cata. logue. E. I, KEMP, A. M., Principal, SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTON, PA. T. J, V'oslei.Pies. Elmer II Luwnll.Tieaa. It. J, I'oster Stanley P. Allen, Vice President, Secrotaiy. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Vi'jemlcg District fat Dupont's Powder Mining, lllaiting, Sporting, Smokeleu anJ the Ittpaunj flicmlcal Conipany'a HIGH EXPLOSIVES. bafety 1'iic, Caps and Lsplodcri. ltoom 401 C&. nell Uulldlug (Scranten. AGE.NCIE3. J01IV II. M I Til 1 SON ,. Plyinou'l t. W, UULUUAX , wnwtsuatj