nwm VWITO "', I l THE SCUANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1905. ?3 ,w Delicate Eyes The eye Is the most delicate, the most sensitive of our senses, yet the most neglected, Many of the headaches and nervous breakdowns come directly from muscular Insufficiencies of the eye. Properly fitted glasses relieve these muscular strains and the sooner the applied, the better- DR. B. A. BAER BEYE SPECIALIST. MAiMJf'ACTURINCi OPTICIAN 9 331 Was hin pIoi Ave, ihh scran row. pa wmmaw Cotinfy Savings Bank and Trtisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of and pays 3 per cent, terest thereon. $1 and 111- L. A. WATBES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier DIRECTORS: M'ni I' Tlnllstond riveiott Wnnen. J, 1 Klnw-lmry. lAuguHt IlnMn',011, O H Johnson. I Jo.. O'liilm. Ii. A. Wnlres. ??????? a & Judge tin question of low pi ires mail good vn!n. Thmo nro two Mdes to the Mihjett. Question on ono sll ii quality rind the other is nice. Wet tuo show in,; the Inigest line of picture, nit goods and hnrnl wood noiolllis that can be found In thn city. Wn invito jnu tn look our goods ovei anil von can pe whom we eavo you tho middle man's 1'rOfitP. COUPON' Cut this out and present It at our stoic Purchase goods to tho amount of SI no or moro find vou will receive 30 STAMPS FttHC. Jacobs & Fssoid, MD "Washington Ave IPRI CE-L1ST J. Cigars By ths Box .VI lii : in hot bnv. Moult.' reifieto ?l,7". POc Pathfinder 17.", PiV Counsellor 1,7" Mc Tom Kcone 1.7." We Louis Mnnn 17", ')u Mollis' Magnet 1,7,1 '."c Storm's Havana Sec onds 1.7", St 01 m's Havana lie- sagos I.7.". Stoim's Cap.idma 1 71 Stoim's Nestom (union made) 1.7" Stnim's Oiol Hi. mil 1.7", Fediutlon (union mado I 7" Culmnola I,7i (J. Child! 17", .luaii P. l'oituondo .... I 7j Lillian missel 1 ri This is but a paitial list of tho Cignio we sell. We also have packings of 12 in a box at 25c and 50c per box. We enn snvo you money hi Key West and Havana Cignis. Our nssoitmcnt of Pipes is the talk of the town. All 5c Smoking and Chewing Tobac cos, 6 Packages lor a Quarter. E. C. Morris Cigar Man, Leader of Cut Prices. 325 WASHINGTON AVENUE.. steward anil storekeeper In the thilled Stales penitentiary sorvlco will tie con ducted. Mini aIaji, 27 mid SS nn oxntiw Ihntlou lor mctiTrrn elm It In tho pontltin tlcp.11 tttiont. Ruane Renominated, .lului ,1, Itunho was renominated for coininon council hv llm Dcmocuitti of Hip Boimtli w-nitl Bntilulay night. Mi. Itiiane Is now "enlug 1 1 Ik second loitn. National Collection Agency, .lolm Tletney, W. II, Thomas unit T .1. T'llce, thico vvulMtnowii oflleei, luivo fDinicil tho National Collection ugunev, mill have npcittil nn ofilce In looms "i and J I Uutl Inilldhm. They piup- to do nil kinds of eollei'tlng. eenlug ol win units, eieullniis, i'U' Emcigency Hospital Ready. The eineigcuey hortpllitt on tho Wist mountain, whkh ha.; hoi'ti undeiitoltig exti'tinho I'l'inliri, in iigiiln tciuly inr iimj and will ho iiic.ipliil dining the coining wul 81 of the patlcntx now (turret Ihg fiDin the disease In Noith Simmon will he iminmil thoie, Vital Statistics for Novembei. The ii'poit of the s.'cii'tmy of the Im icaii of lioallh inr the month ol Novem ber chows tint Iheie weio uliu tv-sl ilcallm In the ellv as cominiid v.lth l.'i! toi the sunn month In 1'ml, ritly-twii hliths weie H'poittd The number of (usi's 01 umuiglous disease weio fotty thito, an Ineiuiso of ID'i p 1 tetil oer Octohi 1 PERSONAL. IMwIn Kiecpilil, of SI I,u lis, sectulmv ol the t'nltid Typotlielni' of Amcilci, Is in the tlty and will delKer an nddf-ss at toulKht'.s niectliif; or the Mnsti-r l'l Int el s' iisoelatlon. Tho onp.iK' meiU of Victor lldwind W11zel, pilvate sccn.tui ot Thomas 1 2. Jone.s. and -Miss I.oulso M.np.iiol Ulnt lir, ol Iipi M'ile stict. Is announced. 'I he wedding will taUo plate on Tutsila; , Dec. in, at noon. The main filends ol Itov. M. J W'nl Itlns will ho i;lnd to loam that hi is slowly, lnit shjmIv. leeoveilnp Horn ills seilous llliuss, AM. Antl-Itm has linn slaving with his luolhei-ln-law, James 11. Powell, li of Tin lot lie i:.pnls to oe able to 1 etui 11 to his home In Hallste id, this wiek, tn spuid the holidas with hla l'nmllj. N08LEST WORK OP GOD. Rev. James Hughes Delivers a Ser mon ia Adams Avenue Chapel ou "An Honest Man." Vi t v, Vi Vi H V, vs. v. v, V vi hook shop 'AH Holiday Books for the children. We have the laigest assoitment in the city. Call early, as they are going fast. ' "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A "A "A 'A "A 'A 'A A t A "An Honest Man, tho Xobltst W01U ot God," was the subjett of a set 111011 pieuehtd by X!pv. Dr. James Hushes In the Adams .ncnuu tlupcl, New York -licet, jestnrd.iy 11101 nltifr. Mr. HubIu'S took for his text, "Nathaniel, in whom there was no Tuilt," and said in pan: Honest men, in the lull sense of tho woid, arc vir scaioe. Itiul, sluicri' men, who .no Illinois ol tiulhfiilncsR and hon isty, ale not, It Is to be liaicd, eiy niim.-ioiis. The woild is lushing on at a gillophiR speed, billL oil ailKUli nlin know ledire and .ucuinulatius weillh, but ne,leitiUK to .1 rtllpililc ett 111 tho (illli .itlou 01 tiio'-e nohli 1 l.iuiltli s whlih laiup ,1 man's ehniaitcr with tiaii'-pii-int honest j. 'llieio was a llmo anions; iome people w'Ikii A mill's woid was condderrd a tater iiecuilty than anv legal doeuimnt or 1. O. V. Is it so tod iv? Ceitainly thero aio honest men. aeiordlns to the Keneial aciept.itlnn of that teim, hut in uiciy walk and ailing ot life mlfslil li seen a drploiable Ink of biikbono ana siillttlessiu ss. One of the. lesiilts of this Is, uliislm; tear and f.iwnhrcr ilattciv. What toiiiuls ot lulsoini; hvpeiholi! of adulations .11 u pound out at the slulne ot woildly po.Mi. Theio was .1 time whin the dinging' uowd and the fawning llattiiei wero found rap in hand befoie the dom ot tho pil.it n, but totiny wo mid In mauv instances, they stand with Klowil hand knookiiiK at the tloor ot tho cott.iKO Power has changed hands. Cii- and na tional power belongs to the in.in and is not the exi'lusHo lhtlit ot the few; hem v. wo find tho flatten r has chanmd In coui"-e, but his thaiaiter is the tamo; lie is still a iiawliiuv seipent, despliahlii wheiever found Munv ot those who shout so lustllv, "The a nice ot tho jieople is the oico of Ood," woukl most llkilj be lic.inl eiy dlstinttlv, oclfeiouslv ev ilaimiiiK ninoiig that senile uowd In .teni'-alim, had thev hi en theie, in the piesemo ot tint ilrbiuched Itoman of llilal, ' It Is the oice of a mid and not of si man " The slnceie, iiiisophistlcitctl, honest man v ill honor ie.l nobility of eh.iiaiter, wheieM-f lound. w bethel H id in eoulu io. 01 tleektd in eimlue. O that we hid moie mill in the pulpit, In Ihe pew, and in all tho lamiliintlous of sodal life, of whom mlsht be tiuly saltl, "l'liese me men in whom is no kuiIc." Then public buidens would be liKliteiictt, iudhiduul heat t biiinliiBs tlimlnished, soilal poison liss dlstilbutid, inteinitlonal contliiKi.i tlons, as tho u suit of Intilspie, would soon be a thlntf ot tho 111st, and n ti no ChilHtlau dcmociaty would enibrme all the nations of tho earth. 'I ho tenth ney of Clnlstlaulty is to effect such a kIoiIous lonsummallon PROMISES TO BE LIVELY. Tho wii'Stllng match between Pi of. M. .1. Dwyer and D. A. McMillan, which is to bo pulled off to-niortow . v. r. k r K v, vu h v. v , K t t , vi w mmhn eiios f 1 In and About iXOtOi The City Keating of Boaul of Tiade. Tho icguhK monthly meullinj ol llio Bcinnton boatd of tiado vlll bo laid at aoon today, Offlceis foi tho coiiiIiik yen ftlll ho noinlnute.l at UiIh lucutiiit,', ami 'ho sovetal fommitteca will niuko Inler lalliiff teioilb. Civil SetvJce Exnms. TllO Clll BCrVkt) t.yiinilnoi. nnnminn hat on Jan. so nn uxtimln itlon for a uiaco as mustuino mtendant will bo con Bulled On'Jiiii Jl. an cMniilii.itlnii iw P. S. M'MILUA.V. night at the .Seninton Hicyelo club pumilse.s to bo a siiortlnu event of un usual Interest. Mi.Mllluu has UKiced to tluow Dwjor linen tiiiifH within tlio hour and tlioiiKli he is 11 much heavier man, thoso who have watched ihe professor, lenl Uo that hit'ii Kut n hard proposition. Tho niatili will ln'Kln pitiinptly at 0 oMock. RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. Tho ninth unnUersmy of tin. Klin Park Muthodlst Uplscopal chinch was observed yesteiday with special seniles. Tlio pteatlior, both iiioiiiIuk and nluht, was Hoy, Ur, 3. It HUUr, pastor ot iho Well mond Avtnuo chuiih, of Uuffnlo. A seiiiiou on tho I heme, "Tho Door of Hope," was delloid last nlsht in tho Peiui AM'iiiio ISaptlst chuitli by the pas tor, Hov. Ur. Hobeit F. V, 1'leico. It was illustiatctl with ciujon sketchos cleveily and i.ipldly executed by the doc tor himself. W. Adair, secrolaiy of tho jnllnwul blanch of tho Youtisj Men's Chilstlan as. soelatlon, occupied the pulpit of Giuce Hefowneil i:pistop.ii chinch nt both or ltes yeateidu). MISSION FOR MEN ENDED CLOSED WITH A SPECIAL SER MON LAST NIGHT. I A Stilling Sei 111011 on tho Necessity of Keeping the Good Resolutions Made Was Dollvoied by rather Giegoiy It Doesn't Do, Ho Said, to Let the Devil Knock You En- tliely OutAdvice fiom Bishop Hobnn Mission for Childien Closed In Afternoon. The inl'slon for the men of the catlie dial palish, which hi nun nn Ueceiiihcr 7. was limtnihl to a' close lust IllKllt. when si .special senium wns pieuohed by Tither flieuoiy, tho most loicefully eltiijuent of the Pnssinnlst? who hiuo bfun condiictliiK the seivlie. Thy tathodrul was packnl to the tloois with an Inimeiise uowd of men when the seivlee was openrtl with the lectin tlou 01 the losaiy, uliit.li wits fol low til by tho sermon, c'nther Oieitory, the preacher. Is n. .vouhk: man With it splendid phvslijue and a face cast in the hemic mould. He has a dee'i and powerlul voice that tounil Us way Into the farthest teLossos nt tho cathedtal His whole- selintiu was busitl un the ni'ct-ssiij ot his llst.'iiei.s livliiK UP tti the hli;h 1 csolves and pioiulsts of b"t teiment iniult by them tltultif; the mis sion, lie pointed out In higliiuiug that tho whole Chilstlan lultli is fountleil upon a belief in immortality, anil told ol the nloiiotH rcwnid In stoic for thoso who keep that faith duilmr iheh life on eaitli. Home Beyond the Giave. This beautiful woild, ho suhl, was lui'pared by Hod as tin alio le not only of the just, but of the unjust al.io It Ihe sinner Is ptoiidtd wttli such a habitation, what must not the home pit'pated fur those who love Hod be like.' Man cannot do without htvuen, he said, ami 110 m.iltei what men may sav about believing, iverume tin p down in llu ii heaits has talth In soma home bejonU the Kiac. Christ told men. "lie -thou falthtul until death," IV.tlur GtOKOiy saltl, and It Is iniuiubent upon eniy true Clnls H011 to kw 11 t'.usi' win tls out befoie his mind. Mm niusl ikny theinsehes If they would fully attain the puiposo for whii h fiotl neated them, he said. It is essential that they do liolmu tn their tnendes. not once but cli'lV time thev .lie as'-ailed. The thiee Kind t 11 enilcs of man, he said, .110 the woild. the i'esh ami the de II. I The woild, he tleclaieil, Is that spint vihleh is constantly nt work nfrainst the spit it of Jesus (.'In 1st and which m-Ih up maxims in opposition to His divine teachings. "You men." said he. "will Mini the spint of tho world tomorrow anion:,' the evv men with whom you .lie wont to associate from day tn day They will taunt you tumoiiovv became vou have tpsolvod to lead .1 better lite. The will nolnt the llncer of ridicule at vou and will tempt you into the v.avs ol sin. 11 Is tor von to assert voin better 111111- hood and drive tn your poorl lesoh s or to bow down to th in. as so inanv have, instead of to tha God who ticatid you." leather (iif-nroiv then dKn.sscd the oll passions vhleh beset men and showed that these passions should be made subsrivicnt to uason. The Manly Man. "He only Is the manly man," said lie, who has his passions under bis coni- pli-te contiol." In tinier to keep down the mutual passions, he said. It Is Hist of all neics s.uy to have a holy tiar of God. Take that 1 1 0111 a man's life and he riics hi'idlonHt Into eternal pndltion. It is the hoilRO about man's soul, as the Holy Seiipttnes say. Jn order to lostei stub a ftar of God, It is absolutily essential, he said, to keep constantly In mind the Kreat HioukIus tlvit eveiy man must die and face God to lender an uciouut of bis stewaidshlp, and that theio Is both a heaven and a hell, In contiolllntf the passions, the Kiace of God is also needed, he said, and this can be obtained only by a frequent us. ot the divine Instiiiincnts of Kiace, the sucrements of penance and the holy inichaiist. It is also necessaiy. he said, tn avoid the onasions of sin. Some men, he said, do not hesitate to ko to plaeis whoie even the aneels would tear to venture, and yet expect to keep themselves unsullied. Tho devil, he said, Is man's Kicatest enemy, and It requires the c.xeielse of eternal vK'llance lo keep his Inlluence fiom belmr felt lively man Is endowed by God, he said, with sulllcient will power to say to all hell, "I will put lis ten to your evil temptations." "I wish," said he in conclusion, "that f could Indelibly impiess upon your minds these thiee little words, 'Never Klve up,' 1 wish I could (hill them Into uur brains so that they would lenialn there forever and that they were pilnt rtl all about. "The devil may knock you down, but don't let him knock you out. Won't wait to let him count you out but be up nt him njraln befote he has Ihe chance. Lot those winds bo your b.ittlo ciy ever." The Bishop's Woids. Alter the sermon, the 3,000 men In the cathedral toso to their feet and with lighted tupeis in their hantlb leuowed the baptismal vows. It was a most Im-piess-lve spectacle. They alio lecelved the papal blessing, TIip seivici) closed with benediction of the Hlessetl .Sacrament by Hlshop JIo bun, Hefore pronouuclns' benediction he would taKo oicaslon to any to the UIk assemblage of men some tilings that could not so well he suld before a mixed assemblage "Uoytotl the theater that piodiUPS vile shows and the vile icsmts of all mm k iBi- Why Don't You Taste That Delicious Breakfast Food. . , . Fruited Wheat? Order yrom rour grocer today. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Used bjr peoplo of reflnoment for ovor a cuartor ofji.Oviatury. hinds that me In the city," wns his atl viee. He cNhoitcd his heaieis to lead puie lives and lo tin nil In their power to pi event the men who un leading in nuceiit glils iistiuy foi cnnyliig on their leiilble vvoik. Above all, hu advised his hcaieis to be honest In all things. Ho honest In poli tics, he ttigetl. licit out the candidate whom you believe will make the best ollkial and stick to hliu even IC by doing so you offend some acquaintance or filentl, Do not vote for a man simply because he Is of your nationality or wor ships God In the way ou do. Cteeds and nationalities ought to have no power to Influence you lu peri'iiiinlng .vnili civic dtlllei. Chilihon's Mission. Yisteulay afternoon the children's mission was In ought to a close with a special ervlie which was attended by about 1,1'Ofi young people. A bilef sei 111011 on the ton lommandmeiits was tle llvoicd by Rither Ihigene ami scvpt.it hi inns weio sung by the elilktieii. There was benediction of the most Hlessed Haeiament alter which the p ipal ben ediction was- pionoimcetl. A Lugo num ber of the (hlldipti weie also Invested with the blown scapular. The mission tor non-Catholics will open tonight at S o'clock, when the Hist of .1 spiles of seiinons to hi dcllveied timing Ihe week will be pi cached by rather Valentine. The sermon will thai with some, of the salient dot li lues of the Catholic church vvhlth will he explained fiom a Catholic standpoint. All hoiRst tuii.'-ilons ulikh may be (hupped in a box especially provided foi the pin pose will be aiiswetetl. CONCERT OF LIEDERKANZ. It Will Be Given in Their Hall To night. Following is ihe piogtaiiiine foi the loncerl lo be given by the Scinntoti Mcik 1 ki am: to-night in their hall on l.icktivvniin.i avenue Ii'iue, Call, u 1 10 Utr Pii.,1 l.U'dt iM.ni Uagil'r. P.lihanl-Wotan's Absihied mill I', iiPiniih 1 nis tin .. Wnlkuiu Urn Call Sthlei.,1 I ia) Do.'ilng. C. II, oi 1.0, No 1 ...Viiuta (1J Viit, Joli.imii s Der alii- K.UlI I.kdeikian Chojiin. P I'oloniise in Adui Hei r ('Inn Ii s Dofis.im f.il Ilr.ihms. .fiihrimn s ....tVIdi his mikell (b) stiauss. Hit haul Dl. Naeht (e) Kami. Hugo Pnheini I In 1 Sthlt'. I I '1st her, (' T. . Op 'ii. No '1. D r Btudenti n N.11 htv.es ing. Mi del K ran (1) Si hui In, . fm VVnld (bl Levi, Hum On kuti eiits (t ) Hung. it. Align t, enn He vvllilen Ilnspn r.hih'n. Km Siiil'ail .Alevei-dlbTsl'beu, Mas, Op "7..G iobuUs (tiitllehl von Jat'ib Hi-jlil ) Mi urn it hoi iiml KIivIpi: Mnleikianr. mid Heir DoTsim, A STUBBORN FIRE. Gieat Difficulty Experienced in Ex tinguishing Connell Blaze. The the in the Council building on rianklin nvenuo proved a much haitki blap lo flnully e.xtlngulih than it was at fiist believed it would be. Despite the tons of water which weie pouted into it on Fildny theie was a eiy well dt lined blaze in tho debris. The file was lontlnnl to a tumor ol the building, vvlieie the paper ami bags weio stoied and it smouldeietl un til tonight, di spite the two steams tit water which weie tinned on It. A single stieam was kepi pling on the mills jesienlay. Supei lutendent F. I.. Hiowii, of the bin can of btilldiiig in spection, will make tin cxtunlivilon it the v.ills to-dav and will piobably 1011 ili 11111 them all heiausc of the hiigt ciauks whkh have appeal id ill them. NEW PASTOR GRACE CHURCH REV. CHARLES W. KING WILL PREACH HERE SUNDAY. His Acceptance of the Call to This City Is Contingent Upon His Re ception Into tho Ministiy of tho Reformed Episcopal Chttich He Comes Here fiom the Saratoga Springs Congiegatlonnl Church. Resolutions Passed on His Depart ure fiom the Church nt Saratoga. Rev. Charles V. King, pastor of the New Hn eland Congregational chinch at Siratoga Spilngs, N. Y who has been called to the Oiaeo Hefonncd Hpl-co-pal church of this city, will punch heio ucNt Sunday. Ho leslgned bis piesent charge on Sunday, November '23, and asked that his teslgnatlou become operative on IDecernber lii. The leslgnatlon was ac cepted, and lesolutlons of regiet and sorrow; for his departure weie passed by the congregation. The acceptance of the call to this city Is contingent upon his reception Into the ministry of the Hcforined Kplseopal church. His ticdentluls must be passed upon by Hlshop Sabine, of New- Yolk, and the standing loinmlltt'o of the synotl. The following tesolutlon of legict was adopted by the congiegatlon ot the Saratoga Kpilngs chinch: "Kesolved, That In accepting the leslgnatlon of our pastor, the Hew Clintles V. King, we wish to place on record our icgiet and sorrow for the necessity which prompts him to sever bis relations with this chinch. We also most heaitily commend him as a faith ful, earnest anil devoted minister of the gospel, who has petsonally widened himself to us by bis loyalty to evan gelical truth, which he has pi cached with fidelity, and in love, and by his Mud and consistent life thioughout our commi'iiUv.'' SCRANT0N PLAYERS VON. Defeated Wilkes-Barre Team at Chess on Sntuiday. A team ot ( lies players troni the fVinnton Chess club journeyed to "U'UkPs-IJaiio on Satin day and plned with .1 uain fiom the Voinlug Vallej Chess dub ot that iltv during the atternooti and night. The Scranton plav-is Iot In the altirnoon, but won every ;jaint at ill' night session, and wound up with a total of nine anil a hill g.unts to Wilkes-Hdirc'.s eight and a half. A 11 turn match will be plajtd on J.inuaiy 15 The Sitnulon team was loniposed of the following pl.i.vns' i:of. H. II. Hutk. William i: Sihlimiff, I.ro M. SchimpfC Ciaiide M. litchu. liof. S Frledewaltl. John Hralniird. Colonel I1. !., Hltthcoek. Hi. J. V. T'oiteus. oX Tn.vloi, and J. V W.ikli, ot Ol pliant. Schiievi's Night Photographs. Many ine the ppiessons of giatiti itlnn ut tin- pccnmniodation affoitktl by Srhrlevei's niHlkally lightctl i!c- uiio' made evmlngs fiom 7 to '. o'clock. Uesults .lie equal to i!li.lic,ht poitraituii. FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER DESSERT tiy JKLL-O, prep.ueil according to tho following ictine: .IELU-O SNOW PUDDING. Dissolve mu" pack ige ol anv il ivor Jell-O In one pint of boiling watir, and after It has about hall h.iitltnid beat up thoi oughly with : u egg bt.itd ; add the white of one 1 gg thoioughh IhmIi a and stli the whole togithi r until tle-v ale mKcii; pour into cutis antl si t in a tool pi. no until Htm Thlt tu.iv be "ini.il with whippnl mam or 'ustaitl A like tlesstit tor any meal, at any lime. Four llavois Lemon, oiantic', Uaspberry and Stiawbeny. t giot eis, 10 cents. CUV A PACKAGE TODAY. ! ! . e Are lo! so the Trust OUR MOTTO: INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM IN BUSINESS 't Be Up-to-Date with Christmas Gifts Fine Cut Glass for the Table , t .j. ' ' 4, A little gilding will cover a multitude of sins, but will not wear. If you want :t gold filled c.ise to wear, buy the best we have them. We cut out every un necessary profit in selling Diamonds. R P O O V The 0Pt'cian D C, K.K. I 9 and Jewel .j. J 4-23 Lackawanna Ave. .j. 4. .j. .j. Walk In and look around. These are days of conjecture; days when we're all ab sorbed in solving the one conun drum: "What shall I give to So-and-So." It's not so much the value as its serviceableness and quality. Cut Glass Will Solve the Problem 0)SCK;S50IK5550W5:)J:O:5J5K5S M, pn i I HHi urns mi I I34 Wyoming Ave, OPEN EVCNINQS, I Why Not Give Ciif Glass? KNIHE RESTS 1'evv homes mo suiiplied with n sufllclent 2lC, ,'0c number of tl ese most useful in tides. Now's your chnncc. 50C, $. HOP.SE HADISH JARS An excellent gilt for n child to jrlve Mother. Can bo used for ' mustaid as well. Splendid value. Doc TOOTHPICK HOLDERS Very Hbetnl cuttlnRs; nttiac tive pattern. Win enhance the benuty of nny table set ting. '25C, dOC SALT AND PEPPER SHAK ERS? Sterling silvor tops; deep, ilch cuttings; swell do- 25(jf 50c sign. caclt If You Had Commenced a year ago to save something each payday, you would not have missed It, and would now have a snug sum, and tnterest be sides. If you had put It In an interest account with the Third National Bank, JJ8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Capital, $200,000 ; Surplus, (earned.) $600,000. Three per cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts whether large or small. Interest compounded Jan. 1st and July 1st. Accounts can be opened by mall. OPEN' SATl'RDAY EVENINGS 7 :o"0 TO 8:30. A gift that grows more fascinating as the j ears roll by A KODAK Are you making gifts of this sort? There is but one KODAK the Eastman, and our Holiday assortment of them is a splen did one. "HlKftm W.vJal -.X i . For the accommodation of Holiday Shop- pers who find it inconvenient to get out dur- gj ing the day, the store will remain open till 9 gsj p. m. until Christmas Eve. Si WHAT WILL IT BE? That's the pi'iplelng pioli)em Hint Is pn.zllng many a btnln these tlii.vs. LET US HELP YOU to soh, u .v visit to this stoio will piove nn Invaluable aid. 'I nl.i v our time. LOOK OVER THE UMBRELLAS (.iietullv; lots ol styles and inuiiirstloiuilile fluidity in them, l'l lies piovo Hint liujeis git the lull htnelll ol om epeilcnce. Ihat saves niouo. , PERFUMERY AND LEATHER GOODS might peiluip.s lilt vour luni. Thej'io light to the left ot the main t ntianie, antl .tie piiied .so model. itelv Unit sitois e. lnen llieli a&loiiishtiieiit. I'viiythlng .swell looMn can bu seen time, : s. Furs Men's Cloaks Hosiery Suits Gloves and Skirts Neckwear Make Nice At Very Christmas Gitts Special Prices Si S Si S: TABLE LINENS AND TOWELS fc The mohl eoniplete lino inuiglnnble at popiilur pi lee?. Also ! SIdibtiaitl and Uiiii.iu Seal Ik IllanUets mill Coinlnl tt, me near Qf; llio llnell depaitineul nt piliei wolth looking nttei SILKS AND DRESS GOODS A new MtoeK, nt pi lees imw to Stiaiitoii. Tlie.v'rc lower than tli" lowest elsev.lieie nud Ihe ipmlltles ate iho highest, All slllt.H tin' fuiiianti oil for .seivlie. Speilnl thess and must p litems tor tho liollduj.s THE HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEF SALE eonlliiui's Iliindkeiehlelrt aio hIiovvii In all hi vies and quali ties, hohi the most motleialo lo the llm st goods inadi in any in lee ' S: Si 1 ilcConnell & Co. I s i Th: Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. ,. . MM o tt til. 8 mm ) Ubul) II! 0 li 0 Of everything in j5 the Cut Glass line, S beautiful gifts for the holiday sea-. son. i .j. $. 4. 4. 4. .j. . . 4.. 4. . . 4. 4. .. 4. 4 PIANOS Wi, ft v i 4. . 4. . .j. .j. .. 4 : . . ! ; r ' " n 1 Scranton Cut Glass Co i VlJf TACTOltV AND SALKSItOOM 1220 NOK'III WASIIINOrON AVCMJI1 PH. o tut ; j a tU .j. 4. .. .j. .j. .j. .. .j. WE ARE READY to show our holiday stock, not only of Pianos but everything musical. A Piano gives an entirely different tone to a home Better come and see us and talk It over We will be pleased to show you our beautiful stock of Holiday Pianos and explain our easy payment plan. Ve make it possible for every home to have a Piano. Store Open Evenings This Tlonth. Ve offer you a new piano from $175 up to $1050, and guarantee every Piano we sell. Pianos selected now will be held for Christmas delivery if desired. Don t put off , come now and look through our store. N. A. HULBERT, 117 WYOMING AYR.