The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 15, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
Will Take Plnce In the
Burke Building
Tomorrow Night
Th" uiMligcniHH immili' uliutliti tli
llKlitrul cvrnlnif to Hip KUCilM of tltW
Iiopiilnr poolul oif,'inilzaili'ii, Till.
tho luteal ilntitt mine rirki'ts, i
i cuts, .
The Blockading of Countiy Roads
Keeps Dnlryinen nt Home and
Deprives Many Families of Milk.
Tiains on Eile and Delawaie and
Hudson Tied Up Until 2 O'clock
Yesteiday Homing Trolley Cms
Not Opeiated.
CiihoiKlali- .ytiilny -eeifl IVU Hie
flloets (it tin mtnw .Hid Wind that
. swept over the mountains itntl hillside
I this section S-nttiKlny. Trains mail,
IM'-suisei mill uul wete stalled on tin-J'rli-
.mil lJel.iw.iri. and JIudon mud,
north, .ill day until U o'cloolc Sunday
' in or n In jr. the trolley lines uete eftective
hely ticil tip and ot of all. Hieif
was a mii t it milk laniluc in rliis eit
" tnti-nluy, uhIiht (o the snow-blockaded
loads IfaOlny noin thf farming dl"
When Cut lunula le lioti!evif. iiwnlit'
etfidav mouiiny, cvpeetiiiK to Hint
tlieli mill, bottles, they Uete OKippolnt
il. The wore badly disappointed when
the daliie-s ueie -oitfrlil foi there ua
only n binall quaniitv ot the almost in
lipensilile ndlmiet to th Ktalelul
lire.tkf'tbt oiler. The now -eholted
loads Kept the dalijmen In the rouniry
nt home, and the oiisequenpe was that
lint a lew milk dealeis had am of the
liquid to ileal out hate yesteulnv Hl
teiuoon, a tew in tlie tanner.- made
iheil jA.iy into town, .ismiiIiij; appte
.'lahlci lelief tills uuiriilni;.
Coal trains that wrte drpui
lioitli uir the .lefreison bianeli. jul
uiday, became blocked at I'uiiiuomiI. .n
attempt was nuule to K(t out or the
IiUtrn 1 li.Hkiin;- to Cut fooniUiIe lint
this u.ii ot no avail the trains wen i,
if In a wwlfte. This bloikiule Wa- not
III Led until the i.uly hour- of w-,roi -day
mormntr Tin two Sut.iloritt!
on tho lleluwme and Hudson,
dun hoi e at ".51 and 10 01 p m . not jt
liviiiR in Caihotldale until J o' lock
.Sunday niCHllins. The Kile llvei Was
likewise stulPd.
Tlio Untai-lo and Westri n li.ul b, Um
lui'I:. due lamely to the laet that bul
lew liuiu (ic sent out. The p:i'-ei)-Kei
due Horn the mil 111 at ) ielcu k
Satuiday alteinoon u.i- h-v than an
hour late All tho loads .ie In 1 inl
jtiiod condition eauiday.
The tiolle linev weie'tlcd up all dav
Satmdav. the talis beliif; bulled inula
the miuw iti lit- Vestei a
us iuu iiM'i the llnr noith. bin Hum
I' oi est City line wa- not opened. Oitlv
a few i, it- a; bum inteitils we uui
1 1 1 1 III the d iv The eon.seipi, in- wi
i -eete liaidflilii to i hint h-jon - -md
otlui tiaelts.
Constable Neaiy Aftet One Who Sent
in False The Alaim.
Ullllll!; the past Mv mouths Hie hi)-e
loi.ip.uues have licui tailed to the Vfiy
limits of the illj on scveial occasions
by tlie ilaini. ulilUi pnuid to ht inlr
utter ilr Uimr i tins that wnc nuts
;.uy. up i.uli ui. ca .ion, th ottwulei
uho would be a lit sublet t or tlie iool-
l.llk'i 'tkcicil a ln- thai was eltiu-r
atfthe top ut a hl!l ot a dlstaiue fioin I
Hie hose lion-is that lull I v eNliau-tnl
Tlie hoi i ,. In l.uIi lii-lanee iiImi. iiu i
hour elto-rft lor the lnol joke wa.s late
at liiitlit when the tiumeu weM- put to
the im oiutttlttn i and, ill mtiir i.i-i--. '
hutd.sltlp of illstuihitl hluntlK'is '
Hatuidai tiUtu was th,. ali-t ttpe-l
litlot. of HiN tooli.-l; and luminal nun j
w it- . .u'litu 1 1. .i". wiivti tin tueii win,
i-l"ep li the hn-e hotj-is weie lu-t .s, .
tltd in tlieli uiubt's liei. an ulaim
was inns: in ftoi.i Uov ."4, tieai 01
huolV slm.. on liiuiikUu tiiet . win
ulht loi a uaiU-braiu ttlek tould
h.udly l .-rlireted The toads wie a.
most ltini kmleil wiih siiow-dilft.s, and
Miiall, haul paulclts ol iallimi miow
wmo-hlitidlim: lua a iiIkIu to e.
h.iust a teatn of lioi.-e- which ate ur-jed
as ue lio-y. liuki-i-f. When tile bo was
uaclud, Huu' was no one in its ldii.
ity. A.s utiul, a dilliiriu seat eh iii
euleil notliiti'jr.
t'onstablii .N'eaiy, who Is a ntuillkr of
Columbia lloue i.ouipaii, Louiiiiencvd
an line.stinatlou jtMvidu and whs iii
winded by a dun that is ke to lend
to the uuesn. ot the ottendor or oti'eud-er-S
If an nu-t ind tunvletlon uliould
pt'Ote thetorltliUIe mUi to tliese hr.
Us! of MU. alatiiix. It will uo hut il with
tlld KUilty US I lie PUIlWuiieut due In
tho other cases will ut- visited In this
oiKVitH an cvei lustiii exuniplf to those
whose Ideas of u Joke tun In the wtmis
dhpctlon. It. Is a teilettUni on this torn
intinlty that thte am to hu lietblu jir
sons, who play tin pan of MaKe cut
tips, or do tlu s-tunts tUut uu mmie.
times witnesi-ed Jn a western mmn,
whoie the -pint of iiilxehler is tiim
Dint, Will Give Two deceptions.
"Mia. 1). W. Ilumphiey lias sent out
invitations to two reeop lions, whlih
II 110
There la moie Catarrh In this seriiou of
the country than all other discuses put
together, and until tho lust few eurs was
Kupposed to bo Incurable. For a givat
many years cloctora pionounced It a. local
ttlneuau and presumed local iwnedles, and
by constantly fulling- to cuic with Iul.iI
(teatineut, pronounced Ie incut aide. Scl.
eiico has proven catarrh to bo u constl
Ttitloiml diaeaso and theiefoie reuuires
t'onstltutlonal treatment. Kali's Catarrh
Cute, mauui'actuied by V, J. Cheney &
Co , Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitu
tional cine on the market. It la taken
Intel aally in doeeg from 10 drops to a. tea
tpoouful. It acts directly on the blood
au4 mucous bin faces of tho tsj-stam.
They offer one. hundred dollars Tor any It fulls to cine. Send lor cuciilais
nd tetlrnonlals.
Address. t J. CHUNBY ft CO .
Toldo, O.
Bald fv Timsslsts We.
Jlull's Family iiii-'uic the bt
,he wilt hold al her home, )S Snlem
nvtnile, tredned!y and Thuirtday nt
ternootlH of this Week. Tlie piiwpec
tlvc it-!4tH ate ii,.iKerly tuilU'lpntltiB
tipw function.".
Storm Pi events Repetition of Tied
Sheildnn's Ride.
f-'atunhiy, for. the 'fltst time In blc
yearp, tlie stage fiont over DundnfC and
Clllfoid wa; fulled lo leaeh Catbon
dtilg. Tito work of tlie toi in kins and his
tireh'L'on.splrator, old Ptobabllltle.s, In
tlie employ of tlie Bovctnmenl. weather
bureati, bloeluided the countty mads o
llint thete wasn't a hadow of a hope
of tfetlhur through, or the. dtlver llnd
iril!: hi way, not een with lite aid of a
Tribune ad., potent as tills nio'ins
mtulit lit.
Last j ear a sliiilliu expeilente to this
was the pot linn of Vied Shcildon, who
was the diiver then. Slterldiiii, how
iver, was pel haps a little more peise
vuilntf in tlie face of such obstacles and
faltly Hhovcled his way In, lenchlnu
heio alxuit :: o'rlock In the afternoon,
the hour which lie u.sually slutted on
the retain ttlp. Tlie iitmlltles whit h
Slietidan dlsiilayed ilutins this trying
experience wete (lie t-ubleet of many
Iiuorable eounnents. It will be recalled
that Colonel John .MeOoulh, al the
time. Kiuphieally described tile llicl
deiuw of the drive in a pom, tniltlrd
"J."ivd Sheiidun's Hide."
The pteseut driver is named .Moigan,
but Ids falltne to leacli Carbondale on
si.mnday would luttdly piif,rKeat ".Moi
itnn, the llaidei," as did .Slteridan
"Slieiklan's Jlide." Xothins: has been
lieaul of Morj:in sitae he letl bete Fil
day afternoon, but It is evpeeted be will
be in tod, iv.
Abinham Feknudy Victim of Geoigo
Feknney't. Knife Maty Aitole
Uses, a Knife on Feknney Patties
Held in Ball by Aldeimnn Jones.
Thete was a llvelv inK-up among
.-eveial Atablju pedilleis i-.iluidav night
at the home of tltn ietllii of tlie sciap,
Abraluiln Tekanej, in the lent of Duti
datf stteet, back ot the Spell heater
Kek.uiry ie, ltd t. slab wound In ihf
lliiKli and had lo coitbitlt a surgeon for
tiviiliiient. ifi was ubl" ve-teiday. how
et t, to be about.
CrunHe rekane, ol Hi.tanton, and
.Mai.v Aitole, fiom tlie same place, weie
ilmtg"d liillietiits tlie othei Kekane. V
injuries. The man was (.lunged with
us-hia the knife and tlie woman, Fe
k.mey -aid as-aulted liini with a chair.
Tlie at cased wete .iue.ted about mid
night Satuiday night by Constable
-Waiy and weie locked up in the city
iaii oet nlalit. Yesteida.v moinilifr
they w'ie gneii a lieatins betoie Al
deiman Join- and wete held in bail.
Tlie o.uai ie! it appeal-, was tlie ( otne
(ttieitee ot j'-alous feeling- between tlie
two men over th Aitole woman Ab-
aliarn Fekaney, tin- lctlni of tlie knife,
is a tall, muscular Aiabiau, who is
looked upon us a leader ai.iong' his
tace. Tie speaks Knglisli Well, Is posted
on Anitiiean ideas and habits and be
side belli; suecei-sful hinisill, lie wields
(llilte an inilueiue among his couiun
men. The Aiabiap veiulets from Set an
ion and vicinity wheiteer iliv come to
(.'uilioudale on tlie illil'eient pay days,
make their quarter at Feknnej's home
while they iriniin to l-lt their tiade.
The otlii't Pelcanev and the Ailol
woman Wire quests ot the Caibondalc
rolunc wlirii the nuairel anise. Xone
of rhe jwriit.s was willing to dls lose
v Jiy they taire to blow-, but ilir-ie was
i riongh -aid io iinlKate tiiat their was
.i sou oi i .iiwus livaliy between the
men. When the -uap slatted, Fekaney,
wild Is a ph.-lcal ylani, had Ills quests
u rayed .'lyniiiM him. The man made
up with hi- kniir what lie ittclted in
siieiisrth, as lonip.tied with bis big
uamc-iike, and the woman found lfrln-I'oui-tiifnts
in ti diali. When the battle
was oei. Fckuiie wa- angi. and
soustlit i edicts- in Uie law. Tlie atie.-t
ot the Seiantou pair, their night in jail
and -ub.-piiuuu lelease, was tlie sniuel
io Hie iiiprui' of tlii-f.r her-tofoie (or
dl. i! illation-.
John Clinmherlain's Mishap Other
Case., at Einoigency Hospital,
.loin Cliambeiltilli, ol Sii Canaan
-met i lalliuadti, w ills-chained
t out I'.uieigeiKy hospital on Satuiday.
Hi .u- tlie kltnt of an aiclilelll near
Hie Noilbwi'-i bteakei, while al his
wiish, whereby he lo-t one of bis
IliU'ii.- Ills hand wa- e.-umht and
i Ill-Ill d,
.li. i:il ti A. Anil, ot MaMluld, Is a
patient al the iiuspltal. She Is the vic
tim ol an ic, sidewalk, slipping' and
bit-ahiug the llligli lioue, neai tile hip,
Uiif aije. helm; iD .cais, will ".(iini'nlwi
letaid ler ieeoei'V
.Mis. lCllgallon, who has Deii al I he
ho-pltiil for eight weeks, siirfetlug I torn
typhoid lover was well enough to go
to her home yesteiday,
John Walsh, whose home Is at ISIghth
nveinie and Chinch stiect, was ad
mitted to tho hospital yesteiday, and
will iindeitto a suiglcal opeiatlou to
day. Mr. WaMi has been employed at
sawing pi ops at tlie Wilson Creek mine
ol the Uflinvuio and Hudson, lie Is ,i
ueiau of the Spnnlsli-Aineiltaii war,
having seen suvlee 111 the lestllat
Mi'vllail "Waiiowskl, of Mayiluld, was
I evolved yesteiday jor tiealmeut foi a
seveie attaik of gastiltls.
YomiB Lndy Woikets to Commence
Enteipiise Today.
Tin yoitiirf Ijtidy Workuis of Um
.Meihodin cluirth will open their hand
Kerchief sale at the I'aliiru cieameiy
tills afternoon, coiitluiilng this evening
mid all day Tuesday, They have j.
reived many vmy handsome hand
made luiudkeichiets, as well as all
kinds of plainer urns, and will ell iiieiu
at leasonubla mice. Come mid buj
them for Christmas ultts
Victim of Ft IdTjT Night's Shooting
Thu toiidltion of Mlcluiel Volpe, who
was shot in the. n.uaiie) of Thuisday
nlRht, Is uulle favotable, jfn symptoms
that might caiifau the least ulatm, have
developed. Volpe has been su comfort,
able that tho putpawi of ptobitis; for
the bullet was given up ror tho pres.
eut. lie has not been disturbed at al).
There Is still a probability of blood
poisoning:, due to the passage of the
bullet through the tissues, but Volpo
Free Distribution
Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy
and nie unfamiliar with Its nicilK ui iaigcniflit hnvc been made for a KHCi;
D1STRIUUTION of SAMl'Lt: HOTTM3B, fiom tho tlriiff stoics or this city. Aak
your druggist for n FRHK IlOTTtiFJ and convince yotu self of tho wonderful value
of this gieat emo for
Kidney Disease, Female Weakness
and tlie oilier conditions for whlrli it Is teeommeniled, mid for which it litis been
used with such micccsH In this locality.
Samples fiee at the following drug stores: William II. McGturnh, J. It. riielis,
S. n. Kenwood & Co., Jtutthowa IJioh.
htiH nutnlfesled ho much ot an Improve
ment thut thu hospital surg-eons have
strong- hopes of his recovery.
County Detective William Phillips
was in Carbondale yattirduy In uonneo
lion with tills case. He vl.slled Emer
Keiicy hospital, but as Volpo was In no
daiigeious condition his sta lenient of
the happening was not requested. It
was in ranged, however, to obtain his
derktiiintlon in tlie event of his getting
nun h worse,
Chief' McAndiew, on Satuiday, took
Varum mid Jloiillede, tlie ulleg-ed assail
ants ot Volpo, to tlie county jail,
whonco i hey wen: lointnltted by Alder
man Atkinson, to await the ietilt of
Volpe's wound.
"Yotk State Folks" To-night.
What has been pvonounced by tlie
piess geueially as the best pastoml
play ever written, "Vork State Folks,"
will be presented at the Gtand this
evening. This attraction has played ic
t in it dates at Set an ton, Wilkes- Oarie
and other big lowns on the Reis cir
cuit tills -season, and Is declared by
the nianageis of these houses to lie un
equaled in its Hues.
.MIsse- Fanny Knapp and Lam a UN
led wete Seiantou visitors Saturday.
Patrick Killeeli, a former well-known
Caihoiulaleian, now a lesldent of Syia
citse, X. V., is being wnimly srteted
by his many ft lends here alter an ab
sence of fie eat-
Thomas A. Shamioii. presc Upiion
cletk In Joseph A. Kelly's pharmacy,
who iPteutly lecoveied fiom an illness
that kept him at his home for two
week.-, Is again t untitled to his home
on Canaan suet I.
Thomas Gallagher, an emploju of the
Pennsylvania Telephone company, at
Honesd.'.le was a Caibondale lsltor
yesierdaj. Sir. Gallagher did newspa
per woik in the Maple City and was
thu guest of the Ctibondale Pi ess club
dining his slay.
To Cute a Cold in One Day
Take I.avatHe Bromo Quinine Tablet?.
All druggists refund the money if It
fails to cure. K. W. Glove's signature
is on eaeli box. 23c.
John, the nine- e.u -old son ot .Mr. and
Mrs. William -Miles. (1f jJayneld, whose
set ions illness of meningitis was men
tioned on Satuiday, died yesterday moin
ing. Xo stint tats have been lunniug since
Friday, tlie 'mow luivins; completely tied
up the mad. At i, o'clock last evening' tho
load was cleatcd as fat as Cemeteiy
stteet and cars will probably bo able to
tun again to-day. None of the milk men
were aide to get in fiom tho countiy Sat
uiday. James McLaughlin was aide to
eotne tliiotigli yostetdav morning. He had
two xnvn with shovels with him and sov
eial places along- lite mountain the three
men had to shovel snow before they could
gut thiough.
Ontaiio and Wenleiu Comlui lor Attlutr
Day, of Ceineteiy stieet. has been pio
moicd to ard master at llancocl;. The
promotion, whleh Is a well metittd one,
wilt cause tho ueeossitv of tlie family
nioiiig to Hancock, which they oNpeut
to do next wri-d;.
At half past I o'clock Satuiday aftci
uoun, while tlie wind and snow storm was
at its woisl the people of the botoiigh
were startled by an alaim ol lite sound
ed by the bieuker whistle. The file was
at tho home ot Sir. and .Mis. John Tiglie,
ot bomb Slain stieet. The two hose com
panies tinned out in double quick time
.iliil the, which had foi innately not
.(.lieu much headway was ipitckly sub
iltird. Only a poitiou of the 'oiiteuts of
one bedroom was det'tio.vijd by 111 o. but
(pille a little damage was done by water
A little daughter airbed yesteiday at
the home of .Ml. and Ml.. (5eorge Ronnie,
uf Second sliett and a similar event o, -i
lined at the home ot Ml. and Mim.
John Kenned of South Main -tieet
.Mi- Atiuphy died at her home on Dun
mote stieet, .Sittuuli ineiilu,; al o'clock
alter till Illness ol about twu weeks.
Death was due to dtopsv. Deceased was
bum In Count Mno, Iielind, lit t -live
eais ago. Sim has toslrled in OI;pliaiit
fur tho p.isl tlilitciKe euis, and was a
woman ot uianv estimable iiualitle-. wiiu
whs tispected by a host of ft loud. Tho
following sons and d'tugliteis jinvlio her;
Mis Michael t'liney, .li. Matthew Cat
ey, Mis, William Kellv, I'atiick ami
John .Miuiihy. ol this place, ami Mis.
Peter Hopkins and James Mittphy, ot
Wlll.cs-Ilaiie, Tlie funeral will who
place toniouow Morning at 10 o'clock,
v.heii a iciulem high mass will b icle.
bi.ited Iii St iMUkk's church.
Tlie luneial seivlics of the lale lMw.nd
Mod, ol Si null slicet, weie held 111 til.)
Coiigiegatiiint.l chiiicl eteiday nftct.
noon at .' o'clock, Hov R. S. Jones of
Ik la ted and dellveied a nv Impiestdvo
luneial eulogv Seveial appiopilato biniis
weie sung din Ina the aeivltr Tin Im il
Loose joinU, bow leij.s, big
heud, and soft bonet mean
rickets. It i atypical disease
for the bust workings of Scott's
For the weak bones Scott's
li m nisi o n supplies those
powerful tonics the hypophos
phites, I 'or the loss of flesh
Scott's Emulsion provides the
nourishing cod-Jiveroil,
Scott's Emulsion corrects
the effects of imperfect uour-N
jsnmcntana unrigs rapm im
provement in every way to
rickety children.
Scad far Tin Sample.
SCOn'&BOWWlC, CbtmiiU, eg Pun Su N. Y,
Diamond Unig.ihi", an an ay nt halting
pilces, from tlie Cutter to Consumer, with
but outi small piotlt added.
tiH-Kt. Dliimond Ring, woith su); M
Pi Ire, $0. u-Kt. Dlaniond Stud, woith
JbM; My Pi Ice. ?4j0. P.-Kt. Diamond
Ring, worth $130: My Pilce. V?m. m-M.
Dlaniond Ring, wot tit $U"i: My I'lltc,
Wl. y-Kt. Diamond Ring, woith J0o: My
I'llce, JJV) L'Ti-Kt. Diamond Ring, woith
?-V: Alv Price, $:H.
All ot the above are Amstetdam cut,
(lawless, and gems of daz.liug Inllllaney.
Ifoise.slioe Scaif Pin, 111 Diamonds,
woith $Ml; Mv Ttice, P). Hungarian Opal
Ring, M Diamonds stuioimdlng, sol in
pltitlmiiii. wot tli 11S0; My Ptite, $120.
Ruby Ring (pigeon blood) sutioimded
with fine diamonds, $175; Ruby alone
woith over MX). Sapphlie Ring. l'-Kt.
(eornllower blue colot). suuounded with
Jajer Diamonds set in platinum, J1CJ;
wortl-. J2W. 1-Kt. Diamond Ring, woith
SUM: Mp Price, ST.. 1-Kt. Diamond
Rings, worth SUO; Mv Pi Ice, tK). 4-Kt.
Diamond Ring, woith $; My Pilce, $C0;
',4-Kt. Diamond Ring, worth $3": Mv
Pi ice. JJS. U-Kt. Diamond Rings, 10, $12
and $1.
Diamonds. Rubies, Sapphires, Opals ga
loie, mid choice selection of mountings
for same, awaiting youi command.
and at the same lime see exhibit Jet
Black Diamond. Golden Utown Diamond,
Canuiy Diamond, the Priceless (not blue,
bul) Heliotiope-coloied Diamond.
Client Dhinonds, Snppliltes, Opals, olc,
ele., as Miey come from mother caith.
Raeli lady customer will be piesonted
with a Xew Safety Gniler Purse, the
newest and most practical Invention of
Its kind, an absolute safe way to cany
monev and Jewels. gentleman customer piesented
with a line leather coin holdei : nothing
like it; my own idea. SATISFACTION'
"your Money Bad; Without Aigument."
DIAMOXD PARLOR, GuT Meats Huildiiig.
lodge. Knights ot Pj thins, ,,; which tlie
deeiased was a mcmbei, attended tlie
obsequies. Tlie pallhpdieis weie: llcetur
Jouo-, ThnniHS. Powell, Duid X. Dais,
David Slorsan, CiWiljm JenUliioiiid John
Al a meeting1 of Olyphant ioncIau of
ileptasophs, held on I'tlday evening, the
following ofiieeis ero elected for tlie
coming rai: Aiihun, Cteoigo ilmmet
man, ptoost. M. J. Mellale; tiea&mer,
W. . Jenkins: llnanelal sccietaiv, Dan
li. Jones; iccoidiug seiielaiy, T. L. AVtl
llains; iiispcetoi, John V. irobeil; sen
tinel, AVtlllam Stud; ptelate, Sloigan
Kvans; warden, Auto! Gllnskl; tnisuc-,
.1. P. Cumiuliigs, AMIIIam Stud and Tlios.
Tin- Indies of tlie Ulakely liaplKt
chm cli are conducting a laminage silo
in ho Hull building in Rlakely.
Tlie f uncial of Jaine- AValsh took placo
on Satuiday morning and was veiv huge
lv attended. The lemalns wcio taken
ttom his paients home on Dtmmote stiett
to St. Patiick's chinch at 10 o'clock. A
icnulcm mass was celobiated by Rev. J.
J. O'Doimell, who also pleached tlie fu
neial sermon. In conclusion the lemalns
weie eonvejed to St. Pattlek's ccmetety
and laid at lost. Tito p.illbeaieis were:
T. V. Hanaliue. William Utitke. Maltliew
Slteridan, P.ttiick O', William Sur-I-dan
and John Gibbons.
Samuel Edwnids, who moved with Ills
family from this placo to Wanainlo last
Wednesday, died at that place on Satui
witlt deep legiet by bis man- it lends
day. The news of his demise was lcaincd
lict e.
The will endeavor to hold n,
meeting- tonight. Three attempts woto
made last week without lesult, lack of
illinium being; the eau-e
The of tho late Mis. Mary l.
duii took pltue tiuin tho home of her son,
.Mi. Anthony LmIo'h, of Main sin ft, on
Satuul moililug and was laiel at
tended. A lectuleiii high mass was cele
brated at tho Iinaeuluto Church ot the
Conception bv tho uetoi, lto. J. li Jiut
lltl. Interment was made ill the Minooka
Calhollr cenieten The palllie.ueis wrte;
Edward and Joseph Coiiuell, Janus
Shea and Patrick Man ay.
Tho folowlug aio Uie newly elected ut
(hnll of the Acacia lodge, Xo, :,?, 1'ieo
and Accepted Masons, for the ensuing
leim, Worshipful ln.isiet, W. 11. Hteven
mn; senior win den, John M. 1 hurls, lun
ior w.udcu, James T. ittown; tieasiiiV,
W. II. Davnipoit; seriotaiy. J. S. I'oi
tens; Uustees, Di. II. 11. Haul-, J E.
Watklns and John V. Metz
Tho Taylor Stats basket ball team tie.
fun ted tlie Dm yea Invincible- at W'soii.
Hub's auditoiltini on Pilday evenliig in a
om -sided contest by u seoio of tj to d,
Mi, Ricliaul dendall, a foinui will
known townsman was united in maulago
to Miss Maty E. ltiiaiinu of Ciansfoid,
X J on Tllillsdny eenliig. Dee. 11 Sir.
and Sirs, (iciidall am spending Ih'lr
boneimooit in this st-etlon.
Tho Young Sten's Christian Ai-.-oeUiilnn
base eouipleted aiiangeiueiits tor their
euteitalnment and box soclil to be lirld
to-moitow evening lu Hull looms on
Main stleiet
The Ti.utiuii eoniian espetleiued
gieat trouble lu op uliitr up their lino In
tills boiaugh eseulay. Tho stium loads
um leaping a him est tlieso days since
llm street cus failed to tun cm Fliday
night and Satuiday. A tier some dlltleult
work the mad was opened as far as this
bntollgli ye-telda)
'Ilia fu leial of Sir. Rqililde took place
I'lid.iy afteiiioon from the home of ids
daughter. Sirs, Ilarpeisliurg, of Riook
The following young people euJOPd a
slelgluldo to Ilyd I'.uk I'lldaj evening
Sllsses Ruth and Allco Whltheail, liune
vluvo and Cnuio Kehooanvei, Sliugaret
lifown, Sybil Rllliiigtou, .Maiela and llul
tie Kuapp, Messrs, James, William and
Ellswoith Rnbllnir, Cljilo Wateiiniui,
Lewis Vanning, Aithur King, Aaion l)i.
llngtoa and Ralph Knapp. They wete
entertained at tho home of .Mrs. John
Jlis. John Stout. Mis. William Drake
and Slfus Vina Dtako wuio cnlleis In
Seiantop satuiday atieiuoou.
Tlie Misses Hatchings accompanied lo
the"!- slstet, Slis. Aubrey Williams, of
Denver, wero piestnt at tho Atheitaii.
Watt wedillng in Carboiulula Thuisduy,
AlcCrlndle Ac Co.'s stoie will bo open
evenings until alter the holldais.
Sllss Edna I.evan spent Satuiday In
Set an ton.
iKKoaraactf :araxx;;o;5!
Beginning Monday,
December 15, the
Store Will Be Open Evenings
Until Christmas.
Splendid assortment for
the Holiday Trade. All
under regular price.
In Two Lots
50c and 75c Each
Regularly sold in Men's
Stores at $1.00.
Store Open
Men s Handle
M A inati has fewer things to be par-
5 ticular about than a woman, so lie is
aS more particular about those few.
O One of them is Haudkerchiefs he
wauts smooth, crisp linen that doesn't
S grow fuzzy when washed,
The man who likes
different" will be fflad to
tax those 2;c fine white linen haudkerchiefs.
)v For 50c still finer.
Initial Handkerchiefs 25c and 50c
each. Special price by the box of half
0 dozen.
O I5'c each. Plain white, hemstitched
5 all linen. Every day kinds.
g Leather Wrist Bags
MAt Xotion counter Um,
gray and brown, $1, SjU.oU up to
$.1. Pockctbooks from Vienna
Fj just the mzc to hlip into a
fi. wrist bag. All kinds of writ
J bags in black leather; here in
V the morning gone by night ;
A0 ."(lc to $5 and almost any price
ft between that you want to pity.
Store open
eveninefi until
Silk Waists
Suggest iheniselve.s for gil"l!.
.Mam hiyles, color.i and tlif-
feteut weaves ieau ile s-oie
and talTela among the pieliiost.
Prices, sr, 10 SlL'.ni).
For Men--50c Suspenders
tliat have as good welt in litem
as lias been put into anv regu
lar S- suspender made. There's
no fault with thcic in any way;
we've managed to cut the cost
down, without abating the
O Party Fans
l-iu'c while, others painted
iv hand or covered with tilis-
? teiiinti snaimles ; nearl sticks
111 !iiui,3
S5 in a ol ihem. W
-- . . ,-
Could you
i think 01 a nreltter iiitt lor a
uu . . .
n r ...
voting girl!
.Many other fans 01 cour-e,
for as Utile as ."lie and up,
The people won't lux us close
the tloors at 0 o'clock any more
till after Christmas.
And the people run ibis
When it comes lo the Christ
mas crush some people buy
am thing they can get hold of.
'55 v
123 - 125
5crantoa's Shopping Center
Come early in the morning
before ten o'clockif you want
to avoid the crowd. Salespeople
arc fresher then, too.
leys W
Very special values,
25c a Pair
Knit Gloves in Boys' and
and Men's sizes, black,
, navy, brown, grey and
other colors.
50c a Pair
Fowne's fine knit gloves,
in grey mixed, black and
fancy mixtures. Every
pair warranted.
Evenings Until Christmas
riegets it here.
thing? "a little
have some of
Gloies as Gifts
Just inside mir right enlratice
is a busy corner it's wht're c
sell Ciloves. Many have bought
our Gloves for -.ears past and
they hae been so good and
worn mo well that people have
acquired the habit of coming
here for them. They send
their friends, too. whom we
also please. It is no wonder
our Glove selling is so great.
louviii Gloves for women,
Sf..l0 and $-'.
American Girl the best dol
lar Gloves made ; till colors.
Our Knglish Cape Glove at
$1.(10 -a tough leathery sort ol
a skin that will wear until one
1 tires of it.
And many oilier kinds, in
cluding Fur-lined Gloves, np to
Js." a pair.
Silk Petticoats
Fur gifts a more beautiful
Christmas collection we've nev
er had.
Plain colors, black, change
able silks ami plaids, $:i.7." up
10 s:.".(H.
Half a Dozen
.. 1 , IU,ln
In a bo can urn think of an
better pre-ent for a housewife:
."DC lo ts.".llll a piece.
That's all light if they shop
at a store where they can't get
hold of trash.
Somehow people aie never
satisfied dial the'e got the
best or they've seen everything
until the have isiied Connol
ly &. Wallace's.
f &31
- 12M29 Washington Ave. g
ool Gloves
Plenty of room for them this year Q
in our enlarged department. $2.00 for JJ
Union Taffeta Silk Umbrellas (men's Q
only) with carefully selected handles, Q
and $3.75 for a finer taffeta (women's J
only) with a variety of silver and pearl
handles, easily worth $5. g
The price range of the whole stock j
is from 75c to $ic;, and represents every ?
good thing that can be made. J
Holiday Ribbons
To tie up your Christmas
bundles, arc here aplenty. 10c
a piece of 0 yards, up to 40c a
yard. All the scarlet and green
-,ou want.
Dainty Aprons
For useful gifts, and one may ft
pay as low as -'oc for those of x
sheer organdie, .simply made, 5
i 1 miifli :i ; fill fiir fllf
German aprons, exquisitely
embroidered bv nunc . h
Organdie and Swiss aprons, fi.
trimmed with lace, tucks or fS
beading and different colored
tibbous. some of them with
bibs and most of them with Sf
pockets, aric to .OO. 2
Lawn aprons trimmed with i
Hamburg embroidery or tucks ft
sometimes both, and with J
tiny pockets, -."c to 7."e. gH
Plain lawn maids' aprons, n
perhaps a few tucks. -,"c to J
Men's Batli Robes
A comfort that no one can
understand until he has one;
that no one will give up when
he has once enjoyed it.
Hut get a good kind.
Look at our S." Robes.
Foxy Grandpa Handkerchiefs g
I ''or the children, lc each. 2vJ
Store open evenings uniil "ft
Cluisimas jg
Xot sentiment, but sense,
If you buy at any other
time of the ear you fool only
If ou bin it at Christmas
on fool some one else,