The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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THE SOKA1STO1V TKUJUA'lS-SATCTJRDAl', mlvimuttli 13, 1002.
C?e tarattfon $r(8une
Published Dally Kxcppt PuniUy, by Tim Ttlliuns
Publishing Compnny,nt Fifty Cwili i Month.
ttVY 8. lltcltAlU) .. r.MTnn.
o. r. bVxhki: lnmta Maxmiicii.
Knitted lit tlio, Peptonic nt Seniritott, u Second-
C'ltu, SUM Mutter.
When npneo will trmltt Tim. Trlliua It
tvvnr Kind to print ihti.tlettrrn frotrt III
frlenils brnrlfiB an current toulrii but Hi
rulo U tlmt thrsp mint bn iliuedt for pub
Mention, by tbn trrltcr'n rani nil met anil
tlio condition prircdnit to nccriitnnro li
tbnt nil contribution! 1inll be anbjecl to
editorial revision.
The following table shows tho price per Inch each
Insertion, spaco to bu used within one year:
rilAtiiif I
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to Inches . .
too "
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looo "
.27 j
For carrt of thanka, rralntloni ofcondolenie, ami
almllar contrlbutloni In tho natiiri'of ndvertMnjr,
'Iho Tribune makm a chnrifu of 5 cents n lino,
SCKA.NTON, DKCHMIuiu. 13, 19ft:.
The luiouell nihlif of Hon. ISa
lusha A. I iron., tlellveiert In the hou-e
nL lepieKcntntlvc.x, on Wednesday lust,
which appearH In full In another col
iinin of The Tilbuin' today, will mi
doubt bu io,ul with Inlet est specially
by suibsrilbqis of mnuiie yeniH who
;uo familiar with the career
if Iho Xoi thoaMein Pennsylvania
statesman. Mr. (itov's ilrst speech In
the house of 1 opt eent. Hives' llfty-one
jenis ago wat upon "Jinn's ItlRht to
the Holl," nntl was the Initial move In
legislation titled by tho young con-griess-niaii
which lesultetl in the enact
ment of the homestead law, a liie.tstue
that has1 been of vast benefit to the cit
izen of moderate means by enabling
him to claim equal lights with the
millionaire In the distribution of gov
ernment lands.. Hit. nddres this
week upon the "Relations Hctween Cap
ital and Laboi" Is a lltting valedletoiy
to a Ions cat our of usefulness that be
gan oer hall a tenuity ago in pro
moting legislation that has enabled
the stuuly plonceis of humble
biith to gtow up in piospetity in the
' west. 'Ill man) respects Ga
lusha A. Oiow has been more foitunate
than most of the men of gtand achieve
ments in tho past. He has lived to see
the great results of his life woik and
the piaeticabllily of his theoiles of half
a century ago demonsttatetl. Still hale
and lieaity lie will lctiie to piivate life
.it the end of the piesont tcim, honored
by all and blessed by thousands who
have enjoyed the lrults of his labor.
A Department of Commorco.
IN A COUXTnY. in which consti
tutional government prevails it is
pei haps no less an evil la ita way
to have too many dcpaitmrnl.i of
state than to have too few. TJ.tPcutlve
iiutocracy is bad, but minisleiirl bur
eaucracy is scaucly a phiido belle.
Too much administiathc led tap? has
a tendency to strangle official efl'clency
in the nation as in the tlepat Intent. In
this republic, however, thoie ir. little
danger of a supeifluity or cabinet
offices. The president cannot create
them, and thete is small teasoa to fear
that congtcs" will petmit tho multipli-
ation of bmeaus which aio not only
expensive, but which in Hid couiso of
time might become dangerously inde
pendent of- congressional supeivision.
Xelther the picsldent nor hlj cabinet
i; diteclly iespon.?ible to congiess. It
i& possible, though hardly conceivable,
much less piob'ablc, tnat a stiong presi
dent suppotted by the political in
lluencc, tho pergonal patronage and
collective eiitluisiasm ot h'.s advlset.-,
might shape the fuum o.' tlie country
in a way Inconsistent with or antagon
istic to the highest national interests.
In England the execntivs Is not
merely directly responsible to parlia
ment, but the cabinet forms a com
mittee of paill.iment Itself. A vote of
consul o p.tssed upon It by the House
of Commons, and It automatically
ceases to exist. J3ven under such con
ditions, Englishmen avo complaining
that them ate loo many cabinet olll
reis; that is, too many hada or de
partments. It lends, the;.' think, to
nepotism and, In gonnal, to innllcl
mcy. In Franco the mlnislty in i er
talu respects has n dual oMs-teno. In
.i ministerial eapnc!t it Is i (riponsililo
to the Chamber 0" Dtpi.tlt.t; )n tin i?
tcutlvo sense to tho president find ten
ate, but piactlcally all Its other lutic
tious end with its jiatllanictitury prt
logatlve. Prance is pre-cmlnejitly a
land of buiuutoiacy, antl actually the
inlnlstiy Is supreme.
In advocating; tho cieatior of a dt
paitment of oo'mint'tcu Pre&ldcnt Itonio.
volt Is echoing the heutlnn nt of the
commercial, luduhttlal and fluaticlnl In
teiests of the cnunti'. Jt lam lonir been
seen and Hit that ourii a depnitmeiit
would ha nf paramount impoituucc to
out' home and Interimtln.iul business
roiatlos. "When It Is erected theio can
bo no question that thn dopattmtnt of
rommorro will bo o" the utmost import
juice. Tint picsldent nMcs Hint It bo
endowed .with latge porvPr tic does
not specify what these shall be. Jiut If
they ato ti( he analagoiis to Iho tlurmi
of Trado In HtiglaiKl the will ho tulko
oxtenshe. and commercially dominating,
(Jreat Hrltuln has Inimenpa niatltlmo
Int'etests, fiver nil Its nst aggrega
tion of Milps and shipping tho lionid
of Trado exercises an abldlmj Interest
that amomits in detail nlmo'st to jmr
entnl rontrol. This Is, of course, only
onb division ot Ita multifarious t'tinc
tlons, but It Is tho most Important one.
Others Include railwajs, thn supervision
and regulation of factoiles, and kindled
matters. It s tiinoijsr the oldest of the
cabinet offices. The department of
commeico with ua will be tho youngest
when It comes Into existence.
An objection that has been, raised to
t)io extension of cabinet ofllcest Is that
they tend to unrtermlno state rights, not
directly hut Insidiously. It Is a com
plaint which deserves and which should
receive strict and Impartial consider
ation. Tho consciousness of national
unity Is, the yeast of our political activ
ity. The t-overolgn state 13 tho symbol
r our national life. Xo liuo Amerlran
Is, wo hope, capable of looking forwnul
lo tt time when wo can conceive It to be
otherwise, Federal Integration, state
Individuality, Is the keel of the con
stitution, At the same time wo mtift
not forgot that at the Hum of the rati
fication of tho confodt'tnllmi we had a
small population, the hotiudiulet! be
tween the ntntefl weto Utmost ronll
nenlal and liielr Intel esls In many 10
ppects were iih dlveise as those of
1,'uropean imtlomt today. Xow all this
li changed, radically, Irretrievably.
Whrtr the nutlet lnl InterestH of the
cottntty demand thai tho national
government ought to be Intrusted
.lth wider executive powetfl, it does
not mean that sovotelgnty of tho
staUs In losstned, but that their coln
nion petmpatlntr'lnt'oresls' ate conccn
tintetl nnil co'nstctated for natiounl
Major IhiwiU'h tematks concetnlng
the I'eniiHylvaulit Xntlomtl (litnrtl
should ptodttce Imptovement In the
way of etiest expansion It nothing che.
Proeross In the Philippines.
Tin: unvinw of riiinppino
tuTalis contained In the ic
tpnt annuul M'Pn.t Pf Secrc
lary Itoot was not conipletu
for the lcMi-ou that a detailed .stale
mcnl fiom the Philippine commission
was In the' malls when tho Hoot icpott
was written. It will be made public
when It shall have been leeeivcd Hut
in the secretary's summary tliete is
much that Is of geneial Inteiest,
The negotiations of Judge Tuft at
Homo t oncoming the problem of the
ftiar.s form the topic of some explana
tion, fioni whli h it appears that tho
authoiltles tit Washington had no ex
pectation of a complete understanding
but hoped simply to establish the ba.sis
of further negotiation such as is now
in piogiess. 'While many of the ques
tions involved aie delicate and difficult,
Secretary Hoot says he has no doubt
that Just conclusions will be leached
satlsfnctoty to both .sides.
Huilng the year the trade of tho
Philippines has been gte.itly hampered
by the lavages of rinderpest, cauing a
mmtallty In some provinces of over yo
per cent, among the e.uabao and thete
by a shoitage of food ctops. Huslness
In many sections was nlso interrupted
bv the cholera. Xevertheles.s the lm
poils of the archipelago weio tho latg
est In Its hlstoty and its exports were
exceeded In but two previous yeais. In
nlue the imports weie $32,111,842, a
gain of ti per cent, and tho exports J2.1,
P2T,C7l, a gain over last year of 3 per
cent. Imports from the United States
inci eased over 3900 143 per cent., and
exports to the United States increased
over the same year US per cent. Our
Hade with the Philippines is growing
mote lapidly than that of tiny other
country, Illustrating the tiuth of the
spying that trade follows the Hag.
Tho total Importations received from
date of American occupation to and in
cluding June 30, 1902, amounted to $,
175,691, or, reckoning complete yeailv
periods coveied by tho last three fiscal
years, an average annual Import ttade
of mote than twenty-seven and a half
million is shown to have been main
tained; and the total duty collected
dtuiug these years appioxlmated twenty-two
and a half millions. Tho value
of meichandiss expotted during the
same period was S79,2G0,G07, the duty
collected amounting to $3,000,000. In
the tame lime the total revenues have
amounted to $33,589,819.05 and the total
expenditures to $23,253,")73.13, American
money. The surplus of income over ex
penditure has in a gieat measure been
allottPd tc tho payment of various con
tiacth tor public improvements and
public benellt, so that the real smplus
of free cash in the treasury is compaia
tlvely small.
Immigiant.s to the number of 30,091
arrived in thn Philippine Islands dining
the fiscal year 1002 as against 17,108 in
1901. Of this number 12,751 (Including
10,101 Chinese) had been In the islands
before. Among the 17,313 who vnme
for tho fit st time there were 15,312, or
SS per cent. Ameiicnns, 305 Chinese, 451
Japanese, 222 English, 35S Spanlaid,
129 East Indians, and tiOJ of other na
tionalities. , Tlieto-weio 2,497 females
and t2S children umer 11 yenis of age.
"With the exception of S.319 Chinese but
3 per cent, of tho Immigrants were II
llteuiles. Among tho Aiuei leans theie
weio 17ii merchant dealers and gioceiv,
790 teuchois, 122 cleiks and account
ants. The greater number of' Ameti
cans aie, however, not descilbed by oc
cupation. Moie than tluee-fourths of
the Chinese were laboiets, and mote
than half the remainder mil chants.
Sectetary Hoot makes an eloquent
appeal to congress to extend to tho
Philippines the same degiee of tempoi
til y lellcf in way ot tin Iff i eduction
that was gtanttd by the last congiess
to Poilo Kico; and also urges that tho
.uchlpilago be peimltted to establish
Its nionutaiy system on tho gold stnnd
atd, Tills is his nigimient;
Tho pooplo ot a tommy jusl cmeigliig
f i inn nuuly sl jtais of devastating
wuifaic, dining which ptoiluctlvu Indus
liy was luUirupted, Mist nmmmtH of
puiputy weto desttoii'd, iho bonds of so.
cliil tn dor wno biukuu, habits ot' peace
ful iudimliy vscra 1cm, ami at iho tlo.-io
of which a guut lesltlnum of dlxoulcily
nam weio left letullng a Hto ol bilgatulage
uiul lobheiy, hud a sulllcloully ilitllcult
task betute llioiu to lestoie oidtr and
jutiapullty. In addltliiu lo this, however,
the pcopto of the Plullppluo Inlands have
within tho past car boon vlslled by
gnat inlsloitunes. The Undotpest bus
de.stioyed about 'm pur cent, ot till their
uiubiios, leaving them without thait
anlniils to till tlielr lautl nut) aid in tho
(itdlnaiy voik of ftum mid vlllagn life,
('mnb.ion have Inci eased In pilen fioni
J.ii to $JU0 Mexican. Tho Eastern disease
known ns "siuru" has killed and Is kill
ing tho natlvo nnd Ameilcan hotses, fur
ther cilppllng ti nnspoi ttitlnil. Tho ilco
nop has boon loduccd to i5 iei cent, uf
tho oidluuo" cioji. Uist jear hi the Visa
uu isluuds and (his ytar In Luzon a
plnguu of locusts has como upon tho
land, destiovlug much of the icinalnhig
25 per cent, of tho rice ciop. A thought
In China and the tall In the pilco of sli
ver have raised the price of ilco tiom $1
to $7 a plcul. Tho commission has been
obliged to go out of tho Inland and tiso
Insular funds to buy over 40,0u0,000 pounds
of ilco to eavo tho peoplo fioni peilshln
by fit in I no. Cholcia bus ingod and It
i aging thioughout tho Islantls. Tho ig
norance of tho peonlu and their imwlll
ingaes to submit to saultuiy icgtilutions
huvo mude It almost imposslblo lo check
tho ravages nf tho disease, v lilcli, It Is
estimated, will claim not less than 100,000
victims. Tho decline in the pi too of sil
ver has cut i led Mexican dollars down
flum u ratio of two to otto In gold to a
tQtlo of over (wo and one-half to one,
and this has hot no hctvllv on tho com
mercial Inteiests and on llu wage mm
em. The Insular Roveinnient has In ten
months lost over tl.OnO.OOO gold by thn
dpillno In silver bccauHo It was opctal
lug on it silver b.ifls, anil this has
elmiiRrd thn siuphis of, icventles Into it
deficit at the Very time when thn other
tanse.s mentioned have eiiusfd un'elin
m (Unary iltrmintt fiir'lht' tine tif tlio love,
lilies for tho lollef of tho .people. Agil
tMllttito l piimtintid. Commeicu Is
htiuiiieved and illseounigeil. All the po
litical pin ties In tho Philippines ingciit
ly tletntihil tt ch.nmu of thn pieseitt ciir
leney ntuintnid. Hnnlo lellnt would bo nf
fouled by opening a piolltiibte nmtket in
tho United States to the ptoditcN of tho
Inlands. Still gi enter toilet would be nf
fntded by tlcllveilng the lluslnes of the
lslnnils finm tho tllMtisttotm effects of ttip
ileclluo In tho pi Ice of silver and the
lliictiialloils hreveliange. mid putting It
upon the substantial Insls of tho gold
sltindatd ciiiienev.
There is In the teport n consldetnblo
discussion of .he ptoblein ot governing
the Mohammedan Moios with whom
our relations me Just now pomewhat
strained, but It deserves attention by
1 1 self.
Fieqiient leports fiom the land ot the
rising sitn to the effect thnt tho Mnd
Mullah has been asaasslntited Indicate
Hint unless one ol the Mole St. Nicholas;
cm lespondents has clinige of the Mul
lah news, the existence of the dusky
ptophet must be truly feline.
Aliendy theie is friction between the
Gorman and Hiitlsh naval commandeis
over the question as to who shall have
tiie llrst play, with tho Venezuelan
ping-pong ball.
With neaily half of last year's hai
vest still on hand, dealcis In congealed
water aie not becoming unduly excited
ever tiie piospects for a huge ice ciop.
Picsldent Castio, ot Veneraicla, pio
poses to inn the government until the
anivnt of the Hiitlsh and Get man
Tt Is to be hoped that Dewey will not
tpoll the new tt features ot the Vene
zuelan war by cutting the vviie.
' The magnate of the tllffeienl base
ball ti lists may yet dilute fiom the
same canteen.
Govetnoi Yates evidently did not
know thnt the cattle contiovorsy was
Outline Studies
of flUman Nature
Oiigin of a Slang Phrase.
The oiigin of sling has nlwas been a
puzzle to philologists, lint once In a while
it cm lent plu.t-.e can bo triced to ita
soittcc. Tiie colloquialism, "To fed like
thlity cents," Is npp'iicntlv nonsensical,
but li is otitnlnly the moxt loicel'til ex
pietslon of the dav to,- denoting small,
mean, ana contemptible In ones own
sight. Its oiigin Is thus t plaincd by tt
Philadelphia lawjei, who", sometimes
pinctlees in Xew Yotk:
"Theie Is a vnsrnnt law in Xew Yotk,
under which a poison li.ivitiK no vNlulu
means of snppott miy bo placid In dui
nnce. It lias also been decided 111 thit
state that a pcison having so sm.ill .i
sum as thhty cents In Ills possession
has 'visible means of Mtiipnrl.' Xovv,
theie in no law In New Yotk, ejeept tho
vagiant law, under wlilih pool-sellets
and gamblets of that soit may bo held.
Slioitly after tho decision Just mentioned
was l'ointul.itcd two gambit is weto eap
tined in a laid nnd tnon to the Ten
dci loin station house. They sent for a
lawjei, who eamn and had a inlk with
them, it will never do to make any
show of monev hole.' he said. -Glvo mt
your lolN.1 They handed their wads over
to him, and ho gave each of them a quar
ter and a nickel, with insti actions lo pio
diue tho coins when he asked them to do
o in coin I.
"When tlirlr cases weie called, tho
lawyer got them tilt on tho pica that
they weio not vagiant--, each having tho
legal amount of funds In his possession.
Just as tho decision was iciuleied In fa
voi of his (lletits, ti mos'-enRor enteied
the eoiiit loom and u milled the l.iw
er'.s iiiobcnee at the Supieine touit. Ho
left without .-ceing his clients, and they
wended tin ir to the ueaiest saloon.
" 'How do yon teol?' said one.
" 'I feel liko thlity cents, said tho oth
er, 'and ptobably will until I get my loll
back, or what's left of it.'
"And that is how that phtast was
stalled on its tiavol-." Philadelphia
What Tempeiance Cost Him.
r. N. Chniiington, the English tem
perance lefotmcr, who has conceived tho
idea, of a teetotal paradise, mu i oumlod by
water, has hail one of tlio most remark
able can cis in tho history of the temper
mico movement. What situation mom
dutmatlc has any woik of llction to show
than liianlngtnu's assembly hall, whcio
tho huge canvas ndvi't tisement of tcm
pei.nuo meetings is almost permanently
hung out In the eloso pio.lmlty of Cliiu
lington's hi one i y, whence nto supplied
hunch eds ot public houses in tint neigh
bothood Hot u In 1S50, a iiortion ot his
(diicntloii witb leceived at Mailboiotigli.
Itather than go to the university he pie.
lei i ml, atfr a continental toiu, to take
his place in tlio bnvveiy of a father.
Meanwiillo ho was " cinvm ted," After
somo lime spent in assisting mission and
( vangellstle wot I' tho Irony of his por
tion oveiwiiubned him and ho cut him
self ftotn tlio piomioci. of a vast foituna
with a i omp.irntlvo pittance, "i vvonde.' you got for wearing that bluti ilb
bon'.'" sild it cynic to lilni once "I am
not ceitalu of the eact niiiouiit," ho io
pllod, "bin 1 know il costs mo .'0.Wkj a
jttir." .
Baron Haussmnnn's Dismissal,
Cliio of tho most amusing occasions on
which n Tutk tiled to coufoun to Eu customs wilhout quite knowing
what the meant happened when Haion
HausMuaun came lo Constantinople on
n visit to Abdul -V.U, the then stlltnu.
Oitn day J3 u on Hnus&manu hnd nn in
terview with tho giand vlzlcr, who' did
not know a woul of Kieneli. At tlio be
ginning of tho Interview tho old long
Tiiiklbh pipes weio biotight in, and then
llnron Haussmann began making a veiy
Joiir? speech in Pionch. Tho gland
vizier could not updoistaud n woid, but
listened must attentively mi ho noticed
that bis pipe had youn nut, and clapped
his hand for a beivaqt to como and to
light It H.iiissmaiin, 'thinking ho was
applauding, lushed towaitt him with out
sti etched hand, intending to shako hands
and thank hlni. Tho grand vizier, seo
lug his hand put I'mth, shook It waim
ly and said, ,,iootl-Uo" under tho 1m.
piesslou It was Huiib&manu's intention in
leave, and quitted tho loom. London
Dally Tolegrnph,
Mad Mullah's "Miiades."
A good story lb told in tho Englfbh pa
pcis of how the Somali Mad Mullah
woikcd ono of thobo "mlraileb'' which
diow many waveieis to his banner.
An English man-of-war was sent to
demoustiato off tho coast, and at night
tliiew a bcuictillght on to tin Junglo cov
eicd mountains. Abdullah was In hldin3
theie, uud. knowing fiom his vltlts to
Aden what it was that his followeis hull
ed as u now stui, told them Unit tho light
was becking hhn.
'hoii tho clectilo itie netuully Hooded
his ciicainpntent he riled in liliuiipli:
"WHI j, oti deny now (hat I ntu tinder (ho
cyo uf lod?"
Tho Scttntill fell tm liielr knees, heat
tlio cnlth with their forehead, and ie
piled! "Thou rtto truly thn Elect, the
'iio-ni, the Mullah, tho Master. Our
goods, our cxlstcilct , our souls belong lo
thee. Wo pluco out pelves entirely at tho
disposition nf thv will.'
A few weeks later ciima the iiowh ot
(lie lMng ot soinu four thousand of theso
Bevcildge Silenced.
They mu tolling a story on Senator
Hovel Idge, ot Itulliulii, who has Just 10
tutiied from an Iniiiili.V into the cinlms
of O'tlnliomtt, Now Mexico and Arlzon to
ntnteliootl. Mr. Heveililge was dlsgii'lod
with tho Ignotaiieo displayed by fouio
Justices of thu peace, and ei)icsed him
telf In hli vigorous mnniior.
An old follow, holding a jtutlcu'a com
inl.SHlon.vviio had been meilltallvcly chew
hur lobncco dinlns tho cxamlnatkin.
tut nod on Mr. Hevciltlge, nnd hi his
tlinwilii'; way, ef.clalmcd:
"Senator, In tlio spilng I nlvvajs go
back to dear old lnjinuuy and round up
mr old f i lend. Jeeins whltcoml) lllley,
tho Hnosicr port. Wo lay In about lliteo
gslioun of Kentucky whisky, get it io it-
intiu and whip tlio Wabash for black
bass. I Jos' wish you'd come along on
ono of them tilps. 1 know :ou don't
keer notion' l,ir thn Iomuv nne thn fish
1 In', but 1 wlsht while wo llsh you'd step
back into tho tall timber along the vVa
bash bottoms and put your tests to somo
ot our Inilaiiny Justices of tun peace,
Mr. Itevetldgo concluded the examina
tions at mice. Washington Coiicpond
enco Philadelphia Pi ess.
The Iiishman nnd the Mule.
Geneial Phil Shcildan was once asked
what llttlo incident dining bis armv ex
pel leneo iimusetl him most. "AVell," ho
said, "I don't know, but I stlwaja laugh
when 1 think ot the Irishman nnd tho
rtiiny mule. I was tiding down tho lino
ono day when I saw an Jilshman mount
ed on a mule, which was kicking Its legs
lather fieely. Tho initio Ihrilly got Its
hoof i aught hi the stltiup. when, in tho
excitement, the Iilshinau lemaiKed:
'Well, begin l all. If jou'ie golu' t' get on
I'll get off."
A Child at Seventy-one.
Senator Piltchnrd, of Notth Caiollna,
telling how healthy his section of site
state K lenutiked: 'A mountaineer,
aged 9.', and his wlte. ngod 90, were re
turning fioni the funciul of their oldest
child who had died at the ago of 71. They
weto both decplv gt loved. As they weio
tllscusslnsr their Ics the wlfo said:
"'I always told jou, John, that wo
would never ialo that child.' "Now
Yoik Times.
1'or Tlio Tilhuno by Walter J. Hallaid.
Of tho 1,"00 locomotives In uso on the
Japanese tallways, ,U0 ate Amcticnu built.
Tho Schenectady woik-t have sent l"i since
IVis, and the Ualdwln Locomotive AVoiks
2" in the past ten cais.
Uncle Sam still has b'l iin. 17rt aeie-, of
public lands to divide anmngthe mem
bers ot Ids niimeiotis family. This is
equal to mote than 10 acres for each
man, woman and child In the country. In
addition ho has lluMiil.tilS acres reserved
for various put pose1-.
Patent application" to the number of
-f...r,CJ weio tiled during the last eitt, and
27,"S7 patents weie gtantcd during tho
Mlnetnl pioilucts alone Inci eased oui
national wealth last jear bv over $1,000,
00O.C0O. Tieasuiy gains dining 1002, flscul year:
Inci ease of available cash bal
itnce $'3J,TS0.5t;':
Hedlietlons of United States
notes 17, ISJ.T'.O
Reduction of Troasuiy notes l,27l,C90
The pe.-fect lyps of
the purest whiskey,
claims this :
The test is taste,
and a taste con
vinces that it is
Pure, Old, Mellow
It is (he American
SoM nt all flrttt-clast rafes ami by Jitltliers.
M. LVNAHAN i faOS, llaltliimit. Mil.
J fr ! !
Every Roof
t Guaranteed Ten
KMtrMiU Wfl f-S
Ehrefs Slag Roofing.
.j. .j.
HJlftffl&il It 111 'OlrW
V. .. i?
Lewis & Reilly
Of Good Sense Boots, Shoes, Slip
pers and Rubbers, on our Main
Floors and in the Basement.
125,000 Pairs
of the Best Boots,
Shoes, Slippers
and Rubbers
that ever came to this or any other
On account of the requests of
our thousands of customers whom
we have served so well for four
teen years
Our Stores
Will Be Open
Evenings Until After
Lewis & Reilly
Wholesale and Retail,
114 and 116 - - Wyoming Ave.
The Tribunes will guarantee to print
your paper boolc quicker than any oth
er printing house In the city.
1124 Lackawanna Avenue,
TaKo Ulovalor.
Closing out entire stock of
Silk Waists
that were $5 to 17 at
Now's -Your Clinnce.
Como tinrly.
J J J .J 'I "fr J ! 'J i !' .
u i M$m
Wats IJJr-
Twenty Christmas Presents
To He Given by The Scranton Tribune to the Children of
Scrnnton and Northeastern Pennsylvania.
One Present $20.00 in Gold rf... .$20.00
One Present 10.00 in Gold 10.00
Ono Present 5.00 in Gold 5.00
Two Presents 2.50 Each 5.00
Five Presents 1.00 Each 5.00
Ten Presents 50c Each . , 5.00
Total Twenty Presents
Jtmio Educational Contest
A Contest in Word-Building.
Who Can Alakc the Most Words Out of the Letters in
T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R.
THIS IS much easier than last year's contest, and twenty of the
brightest boys and girls will seenre Chrismas Gifts in cash for
making the largest number of words out of- these letters. It Is
lots of fun to think of the words and hunt them up In the dictionary, and
besides it will help you with your spelling. You will be surprised at tho
number cf different ways these twelve letters can be used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents or guard
ians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of
words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper."
No letter must be uced any more times than they appear In these
three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there
might be two "H's" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Webster's Inter
national Dictionary" (edition of 1898) will be allowed. Any dictionary
can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRIBUNE will debar all
words not found in Webster's.
Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Appendix" will
not be allowed.
Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled tvo or more ways can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O."
How to Write Your List.
Write on one side of the paper only. J
Write very plainly ; If possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who is a regular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly answered. Ad-'
dress your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to
Sterling Silver Novelties
Seem to be the most popular gifts for
girl friends this year and it isn't at
all surprising, for girls, as a general
rule, are partial to this very sort.
Then, too, there are so many pretty
and inexpensive designs that are ser
viceable that making the selection
becomes a pleasure, rather than a
I'osslblv ou'vo iilio.ul) made a mcniouiiuliim oC a few
von wish to iniu'liiiM'; for tittiuo convenience may wo mik
kom: Hell ltiicKles, Itoii-iloii Hexes, rionl; Maile. lliacolcts,
Paul l'.ms Cinnbs. tllovn Hooks, lltilr l'ins, Hut l'hm,
.livvel TinvH, l.ockelH. .Mnnleuio Ai tides, Hil.sois, Paper
I'ullois. l'h(Uoi;iaih I'mmes Shoo IIouis, llinp: Tieos, Seal f
I'lnn, Thimbles, Thlmhio cVihom, ami many otheis nitmlly
as iibcltil.
Everything That l.s GojiI in
Jewelry and Diamonds
Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
A "For Rent" sign
on your house will
only be seen by the
casual passerby,
A "For Rent" ad.
In The Tribune will
be seen by ALL who
may be contemplating
a change of residence.
Only One-Half Cent a Word
For a
n eoid Present
Has ever been found
Agate Nlckel-
Stetl Ware.
(iuri i tul
llenalonor I. nlted
Hutu L'ouit, lotted
uifYrry ilne,
11 HiljjUtutri are of-
ft IP,I. writ,, nil.
Hew Booklet Free.
gait AieMSIttl ,
flail tt foltl tvtht I
hading Vtpartmmt
uhu icufurnuA-
ttiy fvrrf.
Zlline. A
lilt. CO , H.w
tt. CO . H.w i
rw. ,
scion, ewcixo
Comiilcte line of the genuine J
a. wanutaotuiuig' contnany's At
NlcKle stcei wme.