The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carboncfale.
The Bon Ton Social Club'
will entertain at a dance in
the Burke Building, Tuesday
evening, Dec, 16,
Tlio .Moin t ok Ik'oIi ii will pimhli' miiijlu
anil tlio iinmiKi'tniMitH will h" up i tli
Hon 'j'oii'h xtmid.iKl wlilrli Iwi" mniia
pilor "(ioIiiIm mi ciiliiiitlilp
Tickets Aie 70 Cents.
III," tlUilliuU, Tin' liti.tul, howovi'r, (ui
not i eiul y, I lii list of exiinernltuiiH not
having lii'i-n iIIpijoc(I ofi Tlio mullet
wiii ii'lViri'd to the II mince eonilnlttpc,
wllh liHtt'iicttoim to ntcei next I'll tin v.
Xo other Important iniittei' vnwc u lie-
I'llli' till' lirlutil.
Fight Follows Bitter Feeling Among
Itnllniis bver Treating; tor minks.
Volpe Is Shot in the Mix-up Jo
seph Ynnno nntl Frank Mnnfietlde
in Jnil on Climges of Felonious
Joseph Volpe Is III l'iiu'tj;itic. hos
pital with a bullet liv Ills chest; Jopph
Ynnno luii a lmltoieil head mill Is hi
Jnll, cliurj-ccl villi Lonipllolty in the
fhoolhiR of Volpe, mul finnk Jibu
ti odile is UiepliiK him company, llkti
ulse di.iiecil. TIic-p tin' tlio iuiw
(liieneos of it mldnlsht (tunnel Tlinii'
d.ty nlht miioiiB a number of liiillun
i ho htul been enjoying- a coin I vial Uine
In a saloon on Dmulalf stieet, In tin1
Jtiilimi colony.
Volpe's Lomlitlou is not neiemirlly
ilanserous. The bullet has not been i
enveieil and tliete K a possibility of
blood nolsouliiff.
The uc.-cus.ed ueiu slvi-n a heui iiif? bi'
'ote Atkinson last night, and
tominltled without bail, to await the
ipult of A'olpe's Injuries. Attorney Jo
si'ph U defemlod Hie in Kern
el , ynnno and ilanfrcdde, who plruil
The development-- of the bappenlliK
nt last nlsht'b hearintr weie as lollows;
A number of Italians, who compose the
Italian Com I of l')ipsleis of America,
adjourned after the mceUns in t'uall
ano'h hall to a leslauiant, wheie tin y
iil;iril it. rrnnin enininnn to Lheiil for
.1.!..,.. .1.1... 1... . ,..,1.1 ....n... ti.t
ill INK". I 111 II1UU WIU U'lllH K"i.-- it
number of fiiiKors pointed by .'inothei
amis called the "bo-.." Tills "ho-s" had
the privilege to say who would or
Mould not iliink on the mat that went
l omul. Tlio last, two times that Yanno
was "boss" he counted out A'olne, the
nuin who was shot, and a ompanlon,
l.ouis I'll no. AVlien It was depaitliiK
time. Yanno and Muutiedde said "Kimd
nlKht," and st.uted out to taku the
shoi t imite to their homes In the Bel
mont section. Immediately afteiu.ud,
Volpe, the Mounded man, and his com
panion alto said "Kood-nltjlit,"
iiiK they weie solnir to their homes on
Hospital stieet. which is .in opposite
dliection to l'elniont. The testimony of
witnesses showed, howeer, that they
lollowed Yanno and Manfiodde, over
taking them at the electiio Hulitlm; -ta-tlon.
On this. Is based the clel'eii'-e of the
nceu-ed. They claim that Volpe and
I'll lie lollowed tlicni for the eiiminal
pmpose of bentiiu,' them, as. levenae
for the allefied slisht in the dilnUlm
name. At any rate, ilieie was a mix
up. I'u lie said that Yanno and Mun
fieilde comment-ed to blnzo awav with
their levolvei.s, Volpe setting- the ball
In his chest dining the l'usilade. The
injutlcs of Yanno go to make out the
theoiv of self-iletense, as lie was badly
beaten with a dub. His .scalp was laid
upon, lenuliing the surgical tieatment
of Dr. Dlxnn. The an est of Yanno and
Mantiedde was niado by the polite
about 1.30 in the nioininir. Thev .weie
taken at their homes on upper Rehnont
Victims of Mnyileld File Aie Making
Rapid Fiogress to Recoveiy.
The Miller family, who Weie suffeteis
rutin the recent lli.'iil Mtl.Mleld, wheie
lu line ol the elilldieii pel Iht-(1, me In
tile most ruwit'iiuli' i.iikI 1 1 ion and will
soon be able to gr i nbotn.
onl.x two of the luinllv me at liiner
;enc. hospltnl. Mr and Mrs. mIIIpi.
The two chllihi'ii hue Jieeii Pont out
mid Will be ealed for by tWiitlVt. Ml.
Miller Is uipldly being rctored and
will. It Is es-pietcd, leave the hospltnl
within a week. ah. Miller Is out of
danger and hei tecovtr.v "t'cnm nssurod.
Th teirlble but lis which chile her
bod,. me lHiillng satlsiactoilly, but it
will be fullv a month before she will
be dlM'lmigoil us able to caie lor hei -self.
ulewellyn Williams Able to Be About
IaewellMi AVIUInms, ileik in the Delu
waie and Hudson coal olllccs, who was
so seveiely' injuied while letuinlng'
fiom Schenectady, X. Y.. several weeks
n?o. was able to walk about the Mieets
yesteiday. He was congratulated by
the numetous fi lends he met on his
i upld lecoverv tiom what thieatened
to be a much longer siege.
Mr. Williams sustaliud the lujiule,
which at llrst It was tVaied nilsht
piovo fatal, wlille letuinlng to Caibon
dalo to lesume Ills duties after the
strike. While going Ihiougli the yaul
at Nineveh to catch the- tiatn that
would bring- him to Caibondale, lie
walked oit a bildge, which in the daik
uess ho could not obsoive, He sufteied
Intensely from shock and was covered
with painful contusions. The numer
ous friends, among his whlu acquaint
ance will be pleased with the news that
he Is among them onco moie, after his
dangerous experience.
Bonid Wasn't Ready.
Kormer Tax Collector John "W. Har
jett was present at last night's meet
ing of the poor bouid, toady to settle
It Pnys to Think About Food.
The unthinking life pome people lead
" often causes tumble and blckucp)', as
illustrated in tlio oxpeiiente, of a lady
who tesldes in Fond Ou, Wis.
"About lour yeats ago I sulleied
dieadfully tiom indigestion, always
having eaten whatever i liked, nut
thinking of the dluestlble dualities.
This Indigestion caused palpitation of
tlio newt so badly I could not walk up
a Hlght of stalls without sitting ilowu
once or twice to logaln bieath and
"I became alatmed and tiled dieting!
woto my clothes vcty loose, and many
other jemedles, hut found no toilet'.
"Hearlnc of tlio virtues of iluipo
Nuts and Postum Food t'oftee, 1 com
menced uslns them in pltue of my
usual breakfast of coffee, cakes, or hot
biscuit, and In one week's llniu 1 was
relieved of sour stomach mid other Ills
attending Jndlgcbtion. In a month's
' tlmo tny heart was perfotmlng Hi
' functions naturally and I could tilmh
'I btulrs and hills and walk lontj distances.
"I gained ten pounds In this shuit
time, und my skin hecamo clear und I
' completely Te30lned my health and
btrength. I continue to use Grape-Nuts
and J'ostum for I feel that I owe my
, good health entirely to their use. I like
" the delicious flavor of Grape-Nuts and
by making" Fostuin, according to direc
tions, t canuot be distinguished fiom
. the highest grade of coffee." Numo
, ulven by. i'ostum Co., BattIaPteok,
' frllh
Lot Puichased on Dundalf Stieet,
Opposite the Plant, to Accommodate
Blacksmith Shop and to Give More
Yard Room Land Puichased fiom
Buckley Bios, and R. H. Patter
son's Sons Hendilck's Company
Continues to Expand.
The continued substantial giowth of
the Hendiieks .Mnnlifactuilng coinpiny
was deinonstiated anew this wceit
when it purchased an additional small
site on Dundaff stieet. Opposite the
company's plant, wheie theie is u con
stant din of activity that means much
for the Indiistiinl pnnpet Ity fir Car
boiHlale. The leal estate, which i in juoiiss
of transfer, Is locaied mxt to tli ien stoic of 1'. Kincien. It has a
ti outage ot 7J loot and lo'J feet ilo-p.
The southern half of the lot, which u.i
owned by ft. It. I'atlei son's Pons, Is
unhnpioved. Ou the oilier half, which
was imichnsed lioin Uuckley r.tos.,
William 1!. and Fiank. theie is a
blacksmith shop conducted by them.
Tlie piuehase price has not been di
vulged. The puichate was made bv the llcu
diicks L'ompiiny because of the crowdel
condition in the blacksmlthing shop.
This itepaitnieiu was being ciowded by
the '-licet metal workeis. An outlet
was sought In an effoit to piuehase the
Faulkner pioptrly and the sit,, of the
Aillngton house. Thest.. two places
weie inoi e desk able since they adjoin
tlie main plant of the company. The
teims were evidently not f.ivoi.ible,
and negotiations weie opened for the of the lots owned bv the Pat
terson's mid Buckley's. Acceptable
teims weie proposed and the tiansfer is
now in uroeess.
The Hendiiek company will com
mence the election of a blacksmith shop
about Jan. 1. The fihop will not occupy
all thu new site, but will be adequate
to picsent needs, and will pcttnit of
yaid storage loom for law material,
which is another giowing necessity.
The lemoval of tlie blacksmith shop
will be a gieat iclief and will eieatly
facilitate the piogicss or woik in the
sheet lion department. With the pio
posed conjunction of a new plant by
tile Caibondale Machine company, its
allied inteiest, the Hendricks company's
inipoitanco In this community and sec
tion is greatly emphasized.
An Incident About a Former Caibon
dale Diuggist.
The following amusing incident about
fieorge W. Peil, a founer Carbondalo
prcstilptiou clerk, is taken 'fiom tills
week's Honesdale Citlken:
"For tear that there might be a sei
luiis. wieck on the Delawaie and Hud
son in the futuie, (1. W. Peil, our pap
ular diuggist has couiteously changed
the show bottles In Ills windows'.
"The bottles "that hung in the uoith
window lelleetod a blight ml light and
was dliectly in a line with the flist
itirve of the load, just aboe town. As
a ti alu t minded this point a few nights
since, the engineer and ciew weie ical
ly frightened and made an effort to slop
the luhi. It appeared to them as
though a caboose was In ft out of them
and they say they do not wunt to ex
peiionee tlie incident again. Tlie con
ductor did not wait lor another day to
pass, but went to Mr. Pell and told him
of tlio dilemma they weie in and asked
hint to change his railroad signals so
that it would gle them a clear mad"
Two Gtent Chnracteis.
The dlagiam of seats tor "York State
Folks," which will bo at the Citand
Momhiy night, opened at iteynolds' j
duiir stoie last evening. I
Of the two pilncipal cliaiacteis hi
the story the Philadelphia livening
iVUgiapli sas: "A happier selection
could hntdly have- been made. Thcio Is
a sympathetic appeal In the gentle, In
nocent manner In wiikh Mr, lloyco
plas the oiganlst that cblubllshes a
bond between him and the audience.
He is so good, so guileless, yet pos
sessed of an uub.ubed humor that hits
without wounding, that it Is easily un
derstandable, the pain a (plan el with
his life-long- trlend over tlie intioduc
tlon of a tallroad into the town gives
him. Thu antithesis of Myton Is Simon
Peter Martin his whilom ft lend and the
village maglstiiite. James l.ncknye
acts Simon I'otor wllh a flue under
standing, The magistrate Is a man
with his 'win st side nlwa:.s out,' and
Mr, I-aokayft expi esses the doinlueeiing
Simon Peter with a I'ulthluhioHs that
ner r .shades olf."
C. M, B. A. OMcets.
liiaiiiii :;u, Catholic Mutual Ileuew).
lent association, has elected the follow
ing oillceis for thu ensuing teuii.
Chancellor, it. 11. Kerwinr piesident,
James V, MoAudiew; llrst vice piesl
dent, Joseph Kllpntilek; second vice
president, Ptof, S. V, Stockman ; ilnan
elal secretary, W, J. Cileunoir, treabiuer,
James F. O'Uoyle; lecoidiug secretary,
It. II. Keating; assistant tecordlng sec
retary, Joseph Cilenncni! mritsluil. Alex.
Flannery; gunrd, John McAndiew;
trustees for two yems, Patilck Hurt
mid Michael McCaun. Jumc-s 11. Con
aughton was elected delegate to the
pest crantl council meeting whlcjt jvl'l
b held .it Hurrlflburjr In 1P01. The ln
etallailun of the new oillceis will take
place at the flint meeting or the brunch
In Junuuly when u smoker will be held.
The council Is In splendid condition,
and has n membership of ituo.
Mis. M, Cnlnliuiit of Xew Yoik city,
is visiting Mis. Joseph Powdeiiy, of
Teiruee street.
M. .1. Carfctty. of lHiiKluimloii, N. Y
Is visiting li lends In Cathondule.
I'utilek F. and Michael J. Keottgh,
foinier icsidents, now located in Now
Yoik pit j, are hole to spend Hie holi
Theie will be a meeting 111 the I'lotes
laiil Melhoillst cluucb Siindio aftcruouti
at it o'elrfek In the inteiest of the young
Men's Cliilsthin nssoclutlon. John Will
Ince, Held scttetaiy ot the Young Men's
(.'liiJillnii iisoclaltou will addicSs tne
nieetbig. All men mo eonlliillj Invited to
the meeting.
lMwnid I'IomI ol Scotch stieet, pnsnl
iimi vtMtiid,i mul Miliar at 11 o'clock af
ter a llngeilng illness. D earned was :;'i
iiii.4 of age. lie bus been a lexldeiic of
this place lor iniinv jems mid was le
spccinl mul esticmeil by all who knew
him II 'sides his wllo he is sin h oil bj
four chit, hen The liuieial will take plate
loinuiiiv iiitciiiiKiii at 1 o'Uock. The ser
lccs will he conducted In the Coiigiegn
lluiinl chinch The letiialus will be taken
to Washbmn stieet reineleiy, Hyde 1'ntk,
lor Initial
"A Mciiy c'oinp.iii.v ' a eiy pietty can
tula UiH i(uii"icd lv the .Imilur band ol
the ISInkelj lljptlsl cluiich last evening.
The peiuiimcis iiaug ilielr putts In a
veiy elo'vi niniuior and icie heartily
applauded by the laige uinllencc piesent.
At the cmiciiislon of the piece Ice tieuin
and cake were wi t oil,
't'he luiieuil oL Peter J'lske, father of
Mis. S. r. Ackeily. of this place, who
dlid at his home In Justus on Wiilnesday,
wll Hake place this afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Ke stone camp, Xo. T7S0. Modem Wood
men of Anieilt.t, elected the following of
tlecis for the ensiling term Thursday
evinlng; Veuei a hie consul, Buy M, Hlink:
aihlser, A. a. Ilolfman; tlcik, it. V.
Tnlor: banker, A, 1). Ilalnes; ccoit, M.
.. Staffonl- watchman, J. II, Ciuninlngs;
sentiy, T. I. Jldiiuhue; iiianagei liaulel
(I. .roues.
Mls Kittle Jlellale, of Dumnoie. etitci
tulncil a few li leads jt hi-r home on
Thiusdiiy ev iilag. Caul-, music and
othci sod il dheishm.s weie cnjo'tcil and
ubout mldulglit delicious lelieshmenls
weie L-le,l
A. V. Dowel, of Scitiiitoil. will occupy
the pnlpll in the I'ongiegiitloaal (liiuih
lonioi low e cuing.
Episcopal si.iites will lie held at :i "0
o'clock lomonow altetnoon hi St.
iJcoigo's mNlsou ou Scott stieet, lllitkciv,
I lev. 1. J. Hiiuglitoii, of Dmtmoie, hi
chin ge.
.Mis. J A Hull, of i:iaktl, Is ilsillng Dunnioie.
The little daughter ol .Mr and Mis ,1 J., ot Dlakelv, Is ipdle iil.
Sci vices will bo held at the usual time
In the Ulakcly liaiillst ehutch tomonow
intiiiiing nntl cnenlng. Rev D.iUtl Speji
cci, 1. V., pastor.
The legnlar meeting of the -ihool boaul
was held Thiustlny evening. About
twentv paicnts of chlldien weie piesenl
to nsk lor eeuacs for the non-attendance
of their clilldicn. The boaid Iris hltheito
been uiy lenient In this matter but has
lately bad to act mine cautiously and by
lcsnhitlon that no pupil shtll he ecuscd
who has not (ompleled the eight loom
studies, l'he ot the pupils in last night's
batch not having leached this stundaid
the application of their patents for ex
cuses weie I closed. One of the boys Is
at woik and his, lather pi educed his stoie
book showing be was In debt for six
months' goods. Ho nl-o had a building
and loan book which he was also desiious
of showing, claiming bo was also in ar
lo.tii in thnt. The boaul said they weio
sin iv but could not giant his leanest,
wheieupon be asked, "What me we to
do with the babies, kill 'em'.'" His lncpihy
B ' BKBr
Mrs. V. Wrichi, of Oelweln,
Iowa, is another one of the
million women who have been
restored to health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
A younrur Xjv York Lady 'I'cUs
of aAVondot'ftil Cuius :
"iIv tioublo was with the oviniest
I am lull, ami thu doctor wild 1 giuw
too fast for my htrenj-lli. 1 mill crcd
dieiidfullv from inllainmution and
iloeloted VoiUhiiially. but f,'t no help.
1 suircrcil from terrible diai'tflnjr sen
sations with the mobt awful pains low
down in the side and pains in the back,
anil the most ngonlinff heudnohcH.
No one knows what I endured. Often
I with sick to the., und c-ery
little while T would bu too sick to go
to work, for lliteo or four days : I work
in a lurtfo fAoie, and I suppose stnnd
iutr on tnv feel, all day uiiiclc me wor&e.
"At tlie suggestion of a friend of
my mother's; 1 began to take Lvcliti
K. J'lnkhum's Vogctsiblcs (Jom
iouu, and it is simply wonderful.
1 felt better after the llrst two or three,
doM-s ; it seemed as though a weight
was taken off my hhoulders ; I con
tinued Its use until now I can truth
full v sav I am entirely cured. Youd.(t
girl" vrho are always paying1 doctor's
bills without gttiuK any help as I did.
oucrht to take your medicine. Tt
costs so much less, and it is sure to
cure them. Yours truly, AmXAllJE
T'RAHr., 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York
City.'' 35000 forfeit if original of aboie letter
vrw'-rit genainrmsa taiinot be yroducsd.
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping Center
Beginning Monday,
December 15, the
Store Will Be Open Evenings
Until Christmas.
Come early in the morning-
before ten o'clock -if you want
to avoid the crowd. Salespeople
are fresher then, too.
wan unanswered. Directors Wilem, Kirk,
patilck and Grant weie appointed lsll
ing committee for the ensuing month.
School will be closed on tho morning of
the "4th and will be icopened on Monday,
Jauuai v 5, 19C'!.
The lamlly of AVilllam Miles, of Ma.
lield, me soiulv aflllctcd. Mr. Miles is
just ei covering tiom typhoid lever and ni,s
daughter, a joung gill of pKtcen yeais
ot age, and a son. Hairy, nine ycni.s of
age, aie also down with the disease The
daughter is doing well but the son, In ad
dition to tho fever, has mcnhniliiK and in
all ptobabillty will be dead before this
paragraph Is lead.
A llve-ycar-old son of Mr. and Mi.
Alexander Hiuce, of South Main stieet,
Is .seriously ill of membianeou.s eioup.
Anti-toxin bus been administered twico
and as a last lesoit the opeiation ol in
tubation was pptlormcd upon him on
Wednesday. Ur. Jackson, tho attending
phjFlelnti, sTid last evening tho tube in
the child's tin oat wa.s working- veiy suc
cessfully and tlie piospccts weie that the
thlld will iccovcr.
Mrs, Kdwaid Doucher, of Caibondale,
was yesteiday the guest of Mr. and Mis.
Ihcodoio Spettigue, of Cemoteiy stieet.
A little daughter airhed yesteidav at
the home ot School Director and Mis.
lil.ike, of Second stieet.
.Mr. AV. T. Dobeif. ol Xorili Main
stieet, was a I'.ubondalo lsltor jentei-da.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative lironio Quinine Tablets.
All diugglsls lefund tho monev If it
falls to cine. E. AV. Glove's signature
is on each box. 23e.
A Christmas Gift
Suggestion ?
Wouldn't he appreciate something
good to drink ?
Sending,, with your compliments, a
gallon ot Green Valley Rye Whiskey,
would be like "playing tiumps when
in doubt.'
We stand the packing and carrying charges on four
quart bottles of Green Valley unywheie east
of the Mississippi river, for five dollais.
V:it Lackawanna AVcScRAhTONw
ipg;V4&aisiMtutot '
f VRIL ffBtf-L, .JvV'cR- -StjflV..EclL JBBt-l mBL, JksmW u- liMniTi iflih TTiV triu?A fl3
jgia.fei.iiii mi mm Katemaagagam
m skinned m
I 1 1 2C lb 1
jW vSatvirday Only. P
Splendid assortment for
the Holiday Trade. All
under regular price.
In Two Lots
50c and 75c Each
Regularly sold in Men's
Stores at $1.00.
en's and
Wool Gloves
Very spec-ial values, g
25c a Pair JJ
Knit Gloves in Boys' and g
and Men's sizes, black,
navy, brown, greyp and S
other colors. S
50c a Pair jjj
Fowne's fine knit gloves, $
in grey mixed, black and jj
x. :..i. n nif
laiicy miAiuicb. every
pair warranted.
5tore Open Evenings Until Christmas
Men s Handkerchiefs Chi
A man has fewer things to be par
ticular about than a woman, so he is
more particular about those few.
One of them is Handkerchiefs he
wants smooth, crisp linen that doesn't
grow fuzzy when washed. He gets it here.
The man who likes things "a little
different" will be glad to have some of
those 2c fine white liuen haudkerchiefs.
For 50c still finer.
Initial Handkerchiefs 25c and 50c
each. Special price by the box of half
ijc each. Plain white, hemstitched
all linen. Every day kinds.
Plenty of room for them this year j
in our enlarged department. $2.00 forJJ
Union Taffeta Silk Umbrellas (men's
only) with carefully selected handles, -3
and $3.75 for a finer taffeta (women's
oulv1) with a varietv of silver and Dearl pv
'A .- ' .. .
handles, easily worth 5.
The price range of the whole stock J
is from 75c to $1 j, and represents every ,
good thing that can be made. J J
Leather Wrist Bags
At Notion counter taih
gray and brown, $1 , $1..50 up tA
$3. Pockctbooks from Vienna
just tlie size to slip into a
wrist bag. All kinds of wrist
bags in black leather; here in
the morning gone by night ;
TiOc to S3 and almost any price
between that you want to pay.
Store open
eveniiiQS until
o Silk Waists .
Suggest themselves for gifts.
Many styles, colors and (lit-
fcrent weaves pea u de soie
and taffeta among the prettiest.
Prices, $." to $l"i.."0.
Gloyes as Gift
Just inside our right entrance
is a busy corner it's where we
sell Gloves. Many have bought
our Gloves for years past and
they have been so good and
worn so well that people have
acquired the habit of coming
here for them. They send
their friends, too, whom we
also please. It is no wonder
our Glove selling is so great.
Touvin Gloves
$r.jO and $..
American Gitl
lar Gloves made ;
lor women,
-the best dol
all color...
For Men 00c Suspenders
that have as good web in them
as has been put into any regu
lar 2 suspender made. There's
no fault with these in any way ;
we've managed to cut the cost
down, without abating the
Our Knglish Cape Glove at
51.00 a tough leathery sort of
a skin that will wear until one
1 ires of it.
And many other kinds, in
cluding Fur-lined Gloves up to
5" a pair.
Holiday Ribbons
To tie up your Christinas JT
bundles, arc here aplenty. 10c ?
a piece of JO yards, up to -10c amr
yard. All the scarlet and prcenjjjj
you want.
Dainty Aprons
Silk Petticoats
For giilsr-a more beautiful
Christmas collection we've nev
er had.
Plain color, black, change
able silk-, and plaids S:..7." up
to SlW.OH.
aii.Y ro
Pure white, others painted j .. n
bv hand or covered with glis-rldll d UlMcll
tuning spangles; pearl sticks
in all of them, $.. Could you
think of a prettier gift for a
voting girl !
Manv other fan.. i course,
for as little as ."Oc and up.
Handsome Towels
In a box can you think of any
better present for a housewife?
."Oi to S5.00 a piece.
For useful gifts, and one ma J
pay as low as -Zc for those ofr
sheer organdie, sjmply madc,5?
or as much as $2.00 "for the:5
German aprons, cxquisitclv,jj
embroidered by hand. 2,
Organdie and Swiss apronsW
trimmed with lace, tucks or '5
beading and different colored-
ribbon's, some of them with
bibs and most of them with:S
pockets, -Mc to ..00. 5
Lawn aprons trimmed with j
Hamburg embroidery or tucks J
sometimes both, and with '
tiny pockets, 2."5c to 7."c. J5
Plain lawn maids' aprons, S
perhaps a few lucks. ".Tie to JC SC
Men's Bath Robes
A comfort that 110 one can
understand until he has one;
that no one will give up when
he has once enjoyed it.
Hut get a good kind.
Look at our 5-1 Robes.
Foxy Grandpa Handkerchiefs'
For the children, -1c each.
Store open evenings
Tim people won't let us close
the doors at U o'clock any more
till after Christmas.
And the people run this
hor( . ., .
When it comes to the Christ
mas crush some people buy
anything they can get hold of.
Tluit's all ritiht if thev shop. Not sentiment, but sense
at a store where they can't gel
hold of trash.
Somehow people are never
satisfied iliat tluw've got the
best or they've seen ever thing
until thev have visited Connol
ly S: Wallace'..
If on btiv trash at any other
time of the year you fool only
If you buy it at Christmas
ou fool some one else.
Connolly & W
sj 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave.