.. tribute fI!E ONL C.t. NTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SISUVICIi OF THIS ASSOCIATED PUKSS, THIS GREATEST NEWS AC.ENCV IN THE WORLD. z t c - u. l TWO CENTS. ! sXTEE, SCI? ANTON, PA., SATURDAY MOKNINU. DHCEAIBEK 1,'J, 1902. ES SIXTEEN PAGES TWO CENTS. n Li nil i 1111 zzzsmmzmseMNmammmm isstBssrsmrz. r GOOD EVIDENCE ', R THE Miners' Witnesses Led bu Gross Examinations Make Statements Favorable to Operators' Sids. PRESIDENT MITCHELL AGAIN ON THE STAND (Somewhat Animated Discussion Be tween the Miners' Leader and At torney Toney Over the Position of the Companies Regarding the Ad justment of Grievances Mineis Will Conclude Their Case Monday nnd Opeiators Will Start in Imme diately Thereafter One Attorney Will Hake the Opening Statement for All the Respondents. II till' Opl'latOls ll.le 1111 lllillg foetlel to olter lo tilt! mine stilke commission ers than some of the testimony uililuud estcrday liy cioss-o.nniiii.uicin ol min ors' witnesses they will make out n eiy strong ct-o. One of the Injustices ot which the minors cnmiil. tin, .ind anent which they hiivi- producd no end of testimony, is that thev do nnt lccelvo any pay for coal jostled olf a cai In its ttip trom the btoast to tho hreakei. One ol the inlnci s' witnesses admitted on eioss-o-amin.ilion that his dut Is to gather ui thN i o il along the load after working hoius and Unit it doesn't amount to t wuifvh to reimburse the company lor iluii hf is paid to do the work. witness trom the Silver Itrook eol nciy testified on dlrtet niniirition Hi it hi nude tioin XIO to j0 a. mouth. When confronted with the companj's -; ttk E-. ho had to admit that he and JiK two hoc seal nod f l.HTA last year, and In addition to this he gels 15 a month rent ttom two dwellings that he owns. And, at that, he would only wot I; thieo ilintteis time. Another witness who took tha stand to mnko genet al complaint against the Lehigh and Wilkrs-Harro Coal corn- pan v, served an a means or (iy ma teiially qualliviiig the miller-' claim Unit dockage runs up as high as twelve pel cent. On oioss-examlnntlun it was shown that the dockage was onlv nine-teen-one hundredth'- of one per cent liven President Mitchell war- marie to t-eie as a channel for introducing tes timony exttemily favotable to the oper ator. Sir. Mitchell had piesotited tables (n show that bituminous "day wage" luino w 01 Iters te eived fitly per cent, more pay than those of like em ployment In the anthracite regions. At torney Samuel Dickson, of Philadel phia, thought that Mr. Mitchell had ret erence to ,, classes of mine workers and proceeded to discount Mi. Mit chell's claim by leading a list of miners employed at dlffeient collieries in tiie Tl.uvlton vegiou and showing that they (.lined all the way from S-l.fiii to $7.IS a day. The evidence was In, of course, befote Mr. Dickson's misunderstanding was con toted. Place Had to Be Filled. A dozen witnesses were put on to show that the companies aie not living up to their submission agreement that they would not discriminate ngainst union men In taking back old employes. In oory instance it was shown that tho place of the man who was refused re employment had to bo filled during the strike to pieservo tho company's prop city, and that the man who wa.s put in to fill the plate is still working. In most (ases, too, it was admitted by the witness that the boss had told him he would be given employment as soon as a place could be nimle for him, One witness admitted he had been promised a butter position than his old one. as soon as It would foe made ready by tho completion of some construction v.mk now under wnv. An eight-eat-old Slav boy who works In tho btoakcr was put forwaul as a "houihlo oNtunplo" of the minors' sorry condition. A few questions brought out the fact that the fony'n father Is an ahlefoodled man, wot king tvery day. Judge Gray declined It was the fault of the rather that the child was In tho hrenker, and hud tho boy tal.cn from tho stand, Tho general manaser of one of the big coal companies is authoilty for tho statement that tho hcailngr will not bo again Intoirupled by negotiations for nmlc.able adjustment, it Is not only very likely, but cxUcmely probable, that the questions In dispute din ing tho strike, which weie submitted to the commission will bo settled unlit nfoly, hut tho settlement will not uinu? until niter tho operators huvi presented their case, To avoid tho Ills that would come of a rehearsal of tho embltteilng featured of tho strike, the opeintots will not go deeply Into tho matter of stillw violence. They think that on cross-ex-amlnatloii they convinced the commis sioners that theio was something doing In the way of disorder dm lug tho per iod of tfoo strike, and that the mine woikeis" officials did not exhaust tho events, Judgo Gray, speaking for tho commission, indicated vuiy cieaily, more than once, that tho commission did not icg.iid this matter as being par ticularly pertinent to tho Inquiry on hand. Will Conclude Monday. Tho miners wll conclude their dlicct testimony Monday, Tho operators will i Immediately open their side of the ease. fonfeieiicoii of counsel for the "re spondents" arc- being held dally to nr lango a plan of campaign. H has been agreed that sonio ono attorney shall inako an opening statement for all tho companies, Individual opeiatoia and non-union men Attorney Wolverton, of the IJhlladelphln and Heading com- OPPOSITION pany Is HUHy lo be stlictcd to perform this" function. This, however, has not been agittd upon as yet. Yesterday's pioeeedlngs dragged along without pai tleular Incident, of Interest until I'lesldent Mitchell, of the Mine Woilteis, tool: Mm stand at ) o'clock, mid beeiitno Involved In a tather ani mated discussion with Attorney .lames M. Tnrrev, ot iounel lor the Dul.'iwaio and Hudson company. Mi. Mitchell ptesented tables he had prepared to show that company hands, or men employed by the day, leeched from -10 to 50 per cent, more pa.v In tho bolt coal than in the haul coal legion, mil then wont on to i elate that It might be on the lecord the etToits that weie made to adjust the 1P0J disputes without resoiting to a strike. The answetn made by the coal load picsldetits to the invitations to meet the United Mine Woikets repiesenta tlvcs In cunlereni ; wete icfened to In Mr. Mitchell's lecital. ,Iudi;c (iny asked if, in id using to deal Willi the United Mine Workeis, the coal load presidents tigroid to treat with their tiuplojis thiough othei com mittees. Mi. MlK bell nld It was his lec oiler lion that they did not. Judge fli.tv luither inquired as to what had boon done on the mineis' side to tontorm lo tho punislon of the notice posted at the end ot the WOO stilke that lh companies would ad lust grievances with their employes "as heietoloie." What It Meant. "The notice lead." said Mi. Miuh.-ll, "that the companies would 'lake- up with our own employes tho adjustment of grievances as heretolon.'.' That meant that they needn't take them up at all. The men hole have told me it didn't mean the adjustment ot giiev-ance'-, lii-causc 'heretofoie' the com panies had not been aiUti'-tiitg giliv-.mees- " "Did anv eotr-niltit-e.-i ol minus ap pioach the enmp inics to have ridju-t-mnts made?" asicd Judge Gray. yes," replied the witness, "but thiy did not sues red m s'cunng adiust ments ' "in the spring of 1901," continued Mr. Mltca'-II, "Scnatoi JIanna, Mr. Pahv and myselt tiled to secnie conferences with the coal load piesldents on this matter. The only man who would tieat with us was C'hniiman Thomas, of the JJrie. After an houi's discussion, Mr. Thomas agieed that It should be under- I stood tint the notices meant that the companies would deal with committees of their employes. Afterwards, he in loimtd me that he -wanted It under stood he was talking only for his own com i my. Commission"! Claik asked If tho con duct of the olllcials of the companies tended to encouinge or discouiage these adjustment confetences. Mr. Mitchell lepiied that It was such as tended to dist outage them. Commissioner Claik asked if the committees weie teceived in a lonlial spiilt. Mr. Mitchell said theio was no dlscouttesv shown. Mr. Toirey, at this junrture, read ex cerpts irom the answers or the coal load piesldents, above refem-U to, to show that thoy stipulated they would deal with committees of their employes. "Yes. as individuals," remarked Mr. Mitchell, when Mr. Toirey finished reading and inquired of him If tho 10 plles did not set forth clearly that the companies agieed to ailjust grievances with their own employes. "Js that your construction of the meaning of those letters?" asked Mr. Toney, with a touch of Impatience ox pressed in his tones. "That's my interrelation," said Mr. Mitchell. "Then you can In lug jourself, you would want us to understand," said Mr. Torroy, "to draw such a narrow in terpretation of the piovislons of those letters." "I have given you my Interpreta tion," said Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Torrey's Roply. "Then, I want to say," dcciaied Mr. Torrey, slamming on the table tho pamphlet from which ho had read the leplles, "you ought to do something for your poweis or interpretation." , Kuithor exchanges disclosed the fact that Mr. Mitrhell unit Me. Tmri. .11,1 liot have the sum,, pmnTitilirnc1ui nf what was to be implied by the woul iiiuivuiuais. .Mr. Toney, it would ap pear, understood Hint 11 wmih r,rw. man at a time." Mr. Mitchell's idea, as no explained, was that tieatlng with the cmployitf as Inillvlilmiis ,11,1 nr.i mean this. It meant that they would not foe tieated with as an oiganlzed body. Mr. Toriev mini, ,1 li.aai.i- m, .... dalos icply, In which It was stated ex PlUlth that tho e-umtianv iw,n!,i ,ioi w.tth committees representing any or .111 ineir employes. .Mr. .Mitcliell cilil cMed this limitation, saying the com pany had no mote light to presciluo that the men should not li.vvo n, ropie bentativo fiom outside their own num ber, than the mineis at the- lommKsion lu-ailiigs should puscrlho that the coal road piesldents would havo to plead their own case, lnsfe.-iil nf Imi'lm. -vi.. Tin icy do it. Mr. Torrey remarked that mo companies piou.imy wouldn't object to their emnloMS bnvlnsr cnuna. 1 t, leptesent them In tlit (onfereuce , as tar as a lawyei's proIuio extendi' The Incident closing thus, Attorney Dickson proceeded to yhallerigo Uho compailsons Mi. Mitchell had madu between the soil in.nl unit linul ,'..,1 regions, hy itadlng llguies showing dally wages of lonti.ict miners f.fc ill vei niook and llazlo Urook to be ua high tu sotnoj Instances as $C.IQ and IT.4S. Ml. Mlttiiell Inteuupted him with tho explanation that contract mineis had been filclllcally excluded from his compailsous and that they applied only to company hands. Men Took Initlntlve. Cion&ial Wilson questioned Mr. Mitch ell as to how the stiiko of IW2 had conm about and particularly as to who Initiated It. Mr. Mitchell briefly re- tilnd. .1 IliA l,w. t.l. ...... 1 .,, j .1. , n, nni 111. mi-inn jv-iiuiiig up in iae I stilke, anil said It was tho men, them- selves, thiough their district olllcet.", who took the Inlttnthe. tlviiernl Wil son said he would question the dlstilct officers further on this matter when tiny come on the stand. There Is no certainty that the disttlct ofrtceis will ho put on the stand. William 1'lnc, who was a Hie 1joh for the company, testified he was laid off during the strike and tefused to-em-ploymont at lis dose. He admitted on cross-examination that he agreed lo leave the union and stand by the com pany In ease of a lllke and that lie lalled to the up to his pioinlsec Ho said there woie eleven other men 11 1 this collleiy who had not btfcn taken back. ., 1!. ttvutts, a l'orly Foil miner, told about having leceh'ed viuious lu .iutles tit dliletent times In the- mines dutlug ills thlitj -three years' e.vpeli etico as ti mine woiker. He also de sot tbed how the helshth of the "top ping" was deer eased liv the1 long t'lps the cais have to make fiolii the brea-t to the breaker. On cross-oxamlnatlon 11 was hi ought out that the witness was president of the Torty Foit local ami chaliman of the grievance committee1, and that, in JflOO, he told Foreman ltee"-e the men would not work unless the company discharged a carpenter named Kobin'-ion who lei'used to Join the union. Ills docking, he said, on re-direct ex amination, was 3"i cars out of twenty eight dining a ceitaiu two weeks. Amount of Topping. M. M. Sweeney, a miner at the -.ei-rlck Creek colliery ot the Temple lion company, testified that he is .vqulred to put on ten to twehe Inches "top ping," to guarantee that Ilium will be the required six Inches "toppln:;" ulieu the car tenches, the bleaker, alter its run of more than a mile. 11' thee i'n't six Inches "topping" at the bleaker iho miner Is docked a quaitei of a cai. If six inches Is exceeded the company makes no allowance; to the miner, he also told of being allllcted with asthma. On cross-examination, he admitted the mineis had never complained to the company about "topping." Patrick Walsh, fiom the same l'line. who is badly atUIcted with mineis" asthma, went on the stand. No 01 al testimony was necessary lo tell thai he Is --eilously afiVetod. John McGlone, duck weiglimai. at No. 8 colliery of the Pennsylvania Coil company. Dunmore, gau the lollnwing statement covciing the peiiod between Apiil 1, 1101 and April 1, 1!)0J: Number tons mined, 1!)9,101; number of tops mineis were paid tor, H7.07C: dirt nnd dockage, G2.0J5. The total of 117,070 tons wore paid for at I& cents a ton, pioducing ?107,S6j f6 for the miner and laboier. Tho expenses weie: Powder, S'l.SH; oil, S00; shaipening, $300; cotton, etc, lifiS.90; total, ?1l, 883.31; net earnings, $93,9S2.:. He Og ured that 12S miners made an average of $417.11 a year, and 1-'S laboreis an average of $132.G4. Major Warren objected lo this testi mony as being loose and Inaccurate, and not of any use to the coniiuUslon. The witness was questioned at length as to how he gathered the data, and when it was found that some of it was estimates of his own, it was agroM to withehaw hlrn for tho present. Presi dent Mitchell argued to the commission that the figures regarding product and total wages weie accurate and the com mission agreed with him. , An Unfair System He Said. William Mace, of Wllkos-Hano, .1 miner from the JlollenbaeU colliery of tho Lehigh and Wilkes-Barie Coil com pany, had a complaint to make about "topping." He gave it as his opinion that paying by the car was unfair and Continued on t'ase CUBAN TREATY IS SIGNED Notice Received by theStit! Department Regarding; the Action. Bj Kuluaiw w ire from TIic soi ialel 1'ie.o. Washington, Dec. 12. "Treaty signed 11.10 last night," was the message which came lo the slate department today from General Hllss at Havana. confirming the pitss report of the con clusion of a reciprocity arrangement between the United States and Cuba, J he olllcials hcie ate mizzled to know .lust what has been signed; they thought that a piotoe-ol or protocols had lx-en uupuvul, but fic-ncral Hllss' message carried the Intel enct? that ho has actually concluded a detlnito reci procity treaty. If he has clone so, tho president will accept It and forward It to tho senate tor its action, and the oinces of Minister Quesada heie will not he requited to give effect to tho convention. The Htate department dots not teel at liberty to make public tho details of the unangement; In fact, some of these will not lw known until tho Havana mall leaches here, for Uenerat Hllss has undoubtedly madu somo changia on the duties of American Irnpotls Into Cuba. THE BICYCLE EACE. Only Eight Teams Nojy Remain on Tiack nt Madison Sqimie, By Kclu,h Wire (tuih flu- .ti-tuiiud pUMl NowMik.Jucobson, :.Gf5; r.rmdet Ployd KioUh, t',ii.rj; McFiuland-Maya, .', KS.I; Htlasein-Moiari. 1MWH: itedeil Ilroth civ, 2.W3 4; (hihln.itoot, SjifOA; Keegan-l'ctei-son, J.V.'i.J; Ilauiuy-KiaiiK Krelis, " . ('J I Tea at the White House. 8 ErcliuSve ftirt itom Jl, Afcted hit. Wntihlngtoii, Dee, r.',-Mrs. Koosevelt leeched Waslilngtuii society this ultei noou at a tea, In the white house. It was tho first lingo suciul function of tho win ter season at the white houso and wa3 attended by several bundled inembeis ot icbldent and olfldal socioty. The jecolv Ing p.irty tonsibted 01 tho ladles or the cabinet and the Misses Ullehuocl,. Mrn. Cortdyou, Mis. lilnslutm. Mis Cow led, Mis hoob, Mis. HaniiM. Mis Illsey and Miss Iltirjnei. DEWEY MAY CALL AT LA GUAIRA Stronuest Fleet ot ftmerican War- ships Ever Assembled In Close RanD ot Venezuela. FIVE BATTLESHIPS, FIFTEEN CRUISERS This Is' 'Dewey's Pirst Sea Seivice Since He Returned from Manila. No Sympathy for Castio at Wash ington A Mai plot in International Allah s nnd a Bully in His Own Country Hns Insulted the United States Ministers as Well as the Representatives of Other Countries. 0 1 leliuin1 win- fivm fhe Aoeixti:d I'rcnn. Washington, Dec. 12 The fact that the- strongest lleet of American wnt shlps ever assembled Is within a elm's sail of tl.c Venezuelan toast, with Ad miral Dewey in command, is to the ad ministration the safest guarantee of continued peace and of an avoidance of complications likely to embroil tho Prilled States in the dispute between Germany and Great Britain and Vene zuela. This is Dewey's fiist sp.l service since he returned irom Manila. Ho is tho admiral ol the navy and he has the confidence ot President Itoosuvell. There is no expectation that he will bu called upon to undertake- offensive or clefeiiFhe operations now. but it is a souice of satisfaction to the ptesident and the secietaiy of the navy that In the piescnt crisis her Is near at hand with so formidable- -a fleet. Dewey has with him five battleships and fifteen ctuiseis. The battleship Ti as and tho cruiser Topeka lift the Portsmouth navy yard hurriedly on Wednesday night lo join his fleet. If "tigland and Germany have a mind to gi beond a peaceful blockade of X.a Giiaira or to undertake anything which oven distantly challenges the Monroe doctrine, they will certainly pause in tho presence of an American fighting force. Nobody in AVaslfington believes that they hae anything of the kind in mind, - Al the White House, the state De partment and the navy department, there is not the slightest sign of appre hension in regai d to the developments in Venezuela. The administration has serene confidence in the Intentions of lSnglnna and Geimany. Not only are thtie assurances fiom these two poweis that thuy will not go beyond the legit im ixc punishment of President Castro, for his defiance of international obliga tions, but there Is the further assuiance of the nearness of Dewey's fleet. No Sympathy for Castio. There is no sympathy lor Castio In Washington. He has been a marplot in international affairs as well as a bully In lii.5 own country. He has insulted the ministers of the United States as well as thosoof England and Germany. He has disregarded the rights of all for eign residents in Venezuela. He has tiled to embroil the X'nited States with European powers. This government will not stand in the way of his receiv ing punishment. At the same time the conduct of Kng land and Germany in sinking several Venezuelan vessels is not pleasing to tho government In Washington. It docs not im'lcate a disposition on the part ot tho twe Kuropean powers to observe nice diplomatic points. It Is hardly in keping with the American idea of in- t.TuatJomil ethics. It Is not believed that Admiral Dewey has any special ordcif. with regard to i-ie Venezuelan situation, but ho can receive them In an hour at anS" time. This government does not want a dem onstration. But it Is not nt all unlikely that Dewey w 111 visit the coast of Ven ezuela on ono of his larger ships, just as a suggestion to the Hngllsh and Ger tn m lommandeis that they had better not go too fur, Dowey had one exper ience with a German admiral at Man ila -he would not shrink irom another. Minister Uowen, at Caracas, Is as good a man as the United States could have tin 1 e, He Is both nervy and dis ci cet. Ho Is now in charge of Geimau and Hngllsh Interests in Venezuela, and has ciready shown his faithfulness by securing the release of r.ngllsh and Germ in cltlens who were under arrest. Iloth the niigllsh and German ambassa doiri have expressed their appreciation of Hiiimi's set Vices. Von Hullelien, the Gorman ambassador, is enthusiastic In his admiration, Hut while How en Is onti anted with tho care of English and Gnnian Interests, his first c.ne Is to pio'.i-ct the Interests of tlw United fitites and s that nothing is done which v'll infringe upon the Momoe dni'tilne, The administration idles on li'm rhsoiuuiy, Steamship Arrivals. llv i;mlnsvt Win' Imm llic Anuria led iv. Now York, Deo, 12-cieaied: Sbainets Vmbiln, T.tveipool; Kionprinz Wlllielm, Plymouth, Cliuibourg and fiiiiat-u; Hut teidaia, Ilotteidam via- floulogue; Tin. land, Antwuip. I.h'o-i pool-Sailed Suuiuei Cidc New York. Uenoa An I veil. Steamer Alter, Now York Ia Glbr.ilUu and Naples. QucetiKtowii Alllvcd: Steamer Cam prtiilu, Nov Yorl. for I.heiroal eaud mo cede d.) Naples Sailed Steamer i'iae, fiom Genoa, Now i'oik Stetlinir Colliery Pumped Out. r Kxdukit-e Wire from I be AikaciitH Vtmt. Srnmokln, Dec. U. Tho Sterling col llory, owned by the Philadelphia ';nd Heading Coal and lion company was pumped free of water to-day and will le aumc operations net Monday, Bhlng work to lour bundled men and boys Thy operation was Hooded nrtc-i the enuPieeit, and pumpmen Jolivd In the leceiu mine workeirt' stilKu. BENCH WARRANT ISSUED. Detective Shnfer AuthoilKed to Look for Van Busklrk of Stroudsbut g-. Spielal to tho Heliiulon Tilliuue. Stioudsbuig, Pa Dec. IS. The ten dollnts tew alii offvied bv Hlieillf V. O .Mtr;lne for the le-tuklng or Danlei Van Husklik, who bioke Jull with Chillies Gt ether on Sunday moriilng last, seems to litne Inspired but few, for up to late totlny that pil'ouor had not lieen le-taken Midge' Ctnlg was Infoiiued this 1110111 lug of ShetliV Mei vine's lallure to iu taku Vim llusklrk, mid that h. Mtr ltit', dtclaied ho would n-take him when he was read v. The couit was iim.i7id at the audaeltj or the Jail offi cial, and immediately Issued 11 bench wariant for 'in Husklik, which was given to Detective Sharer. ONLY WAY OF SETTIEMPJT Senor Scliotbergh Makes Im portant Statement Con cerning Venezuela. 1). 1,'v.Iiwivc V ire Iiu:n Tiie Weeded l'ie. liondoli, Dec. IS. As a lesult of tho announcemenl that Venezuela has asked United States Minister Bowen to act as an arbitrator in the controversy with Gloat Britain and Gut many, Senor Scliotbergh, Venezuelan consul hero, tonight made ji Impoitant statement to a rem cse ntatlve i the Associated Press. . Senor Scholbeigli is the only repre sentative of the Venezuelan govern ment in London, and he has been act ing in conceit with the mcmbeis of President Castio's sc'ciet delegation, whose actions in Home, Palis, Amster dam and London would I'm in, in the event or arbitration, an impoitant p.ut in Venezuela's case. Senor Scliotbergh said : "Theio being no longer any necessity or secrecy with reg.ud to the methods adopted bv Venezuela to eftect a. set tlement or all thu loieign claims against that country, the following Tacts can bo published: "About six months ago, Piesident Castro sent special envovs to different Kuiopean countries entiusttd with an Impoitant mission, having 101 its object to ascertain the state of feeling of the lorolgn credltois of the Venezuelan re public! and to try to arrhe at a basis of consolidation and unification of all Venezuela's foieign dtbts, including the diplomatic claims. The envoy who came lo London was instructed to as sociate himself with me. The other en vois were engaged In connection with other claims against Venezuela, espe cially those of Spain. Fiance, and Italy. After- considerable negotiating in Lon don and on tho continent, n suggested plan or settlement was arihcd at. Sub sequently the firm of J. nnd W. Selig man & Co., of New York, and one ol tho leading French banking concerns, piomised tentatively to support the plan. In brief, these documents pro vided, 'as the executive is inspired by an earnest desire or coming to a final settlement with all Venezuela's foieign creditors' for the consolidation or all debts and claims into a. unified loan, not exceeding $S, 000,000, to be known as the 'Venezuelan unified 1 per cent, loan of 190.2.' "Jn conjunction with tills plan a ISuiopean bank under European con 11 ol was to be established and inteiests on the claims was to be guaranteed by the customs. Fiscal agents appointed by this bank weie to be established in nil tho customs houses and were them selves to collect the Interest on the loan. If at any time the customs receipts prove d Insufficient to meet tills In tel est, the government undertook to make good any deficiency out of other revt-nues-. "Jt i considered essential to leal 11 ti e attitude of the United States. While final steps weie being taken the crisis l-ecamo acute. An unofficial eiroit was then made to gain the good otlloos of tie Un'ifd Stales in order to ptocuio fT A cue:', tola a slight extension of time. Tho final airangements weie cabled frum London to President Ca t-o and who leady for presentation to tl.o foieign otliee, ponding President Cjstro's it ply, when tho news of the pteseiitation at the ultimatum was lu celved, "This plan by no means has been f.ivon up, although, of course, all 110 gotlmlons to this end at present aie at a fitiiudstlll. Unless matteis go to fur tlf ej.ti in Itits In Venezuela a settle 111c nt upon some such b isis as the foi th ee riling Is still poslble. The- Hrltlsh and Gei man ciedltois of Venezuela it list eventually rely upon some such airangominl as the only arrangement i,f getting back tin lr inonej " ATTEMPTATNON-SUIT IN THE IRVINE CASE Judge Bailey Decides to Hear Both Sides Some Interesting Testi mony Introduced. II, I.Uu.h hi,' Iuiii llu ,mm.iihhI I'H'.i. ' Huntingdon, Pa., Dec. li Notwith standing the delay occasioned by lie quent and toioelous clashing ot coun sel in tho second clay's tilnt of tho con spiracy case of Hev. Dr. Initio against Illshop Talbot and Mr. and .Mis, Alex ander Hlllott, of Huntingdon, the plain tiff rented ul noon today, A strenuous effort was made by inunsel for the de fendants lor n compulsory jion-sult, but Judge-H.illey decided to hear both sides Old vestrymen ot St. John's 'chinch testified to the good work perfoi rued by Dt. Irvine alter his nnlval, unit that the Hist tioublo luoso over the. extoiu municjitlou of Mrs, r.lliott, who is a dlvou'cc, upon imeanunleal gi minds The first step of conspiracy was Hlsliop Talbot's notification to Di, livinu to leave the p.ulsh, at the instance of Mts Hlllott olioilnR him nnu bundled elollais to do so, this only u low wt-cka alter th'o bishop h,id publicly cougratuMic-d tho coiiBU'gatlon on secuilng Di, Ir vine's sen" ces os n-eim. Hlsliop Talbot, tin thu defense, today ALLIES ASKED TO stated that he had always had tumble with Dr. Irvine, and hud sent him to Huntingdon In the hope- that he would conduct a peaterul mlnl.stiv. Dr. Ir vine's fii st tioublo arose over the ex communication of Mis. nillotl a di vorcee, whose ilhcnco had not been ob tained oatiottlcnlly. Di. Ii vino was also accused of extuivaguuee In thuicli maintenance' and othei shoittoiulntss The iccoids of the fooaul ol' Inquliy wire offered and read, showing that Dr. Ir vines had been found guilty of vailous charges, Including limuoiallt and uucauoulcai conduct. Dr. Irvine alleges that the methods of the bo.ud ol' Inquliy were Ii regular and tuicauonkal, and that Hldiop Tal bot acted as Judge, .liny and oe u t loner, Inasmuch as lie "packed" the committee. Numerous witnesses identified the letter or Illshop Talbot to Mis. i:ilIott, In which ho stlgmatbed Dr. Iivine as a "sllniv fellow," and advised Mis. nillotl to liave him convicted, - that he could unfioek him, Another efrort will be made bv the defense at the completion ol the testl iuon to have tile case non-suited. The tiial will pioliably urn Into rie"Cl week. PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY AT THE WALDORF Distinguished Sons of the Keystone State at Their Fouith An nual Dinner. Ill I.mIu-icp Wire hum Hie VfouUatinl Itmp. New Yoik, Dec 11' Four hundied and sixty inembeis and gue-ts of the Penn sylvania, societv of New Yoik weie present at the Fouith annual dinner of th society given at the Waldoif-As-toiia tonight. The deeoiatlons Included the- piovinclal Hags or Punnsjlvanla, the Hist flag of the United States, the 1'iilaskl banner, and the Philadelphia civic Hag. GMiop ffeniy C. Potter, the president of the society, can led one of the provincial flags and Geoige F. Haur, curled a Hog with thirteen stais. The v.ouvoniis consisted of mlnlatuie coal buckets filled Willi anthiacite coal. Those ptesent Included Illshop Alex ander Maekoj -Smith, General Stewart L. Woodford. Dr. John Y. Jordan, ol the Uistoilcal society ot Pennsylvania; B. C. Ktcdmaii. president of the New Unglaud society; It. F. Muuio, Aice ptesident of the St. Andrew's society; C. A. Hook, editor of the Pittsbutg Dis patch; L S. Uicbaid, editor of the Sc-ianlon Tribune; W. V. King, Dr. Julius F. Sashse, or tiie Pennsylvania Gei man society; Altred Mosely, of London. Ung.: Piime Jenn Sapleha, John Matkle, Major Harrison K. Ulid, Thomas H. AVatklns, n. T. Dav ies. Dr. D. A. Cur lie, William H. Long, Hobeit C. Ogden, H. II. Swaye. Chiules S. Carstaits, John Hilsbeu Walker and Charles If. Cramp. THE HOUSE CONSIDERS PENSION BILLS One Hunched and Seventy-three Aie Passed Bill to Secuie Cattle Disease Appiopiintion. Bj llulu-iw Wiicfioiu llii V oeiaied l'rc- Washington, Dec. 1, Tho house el -voted the d.ij to coiisldeiatlon ol pri vate pension bills. The calendar was cleared, 173 bills being passiel. None ot them was of especial lutciest. The bill to appiopil.ite $l,000,u(i) lor the er.idl catlon of toot anil mouth disease in New England was made a speelal onler for next Tuesda, with the understand ing that only the legislative leatme-s of the bill would be coiishUieel, and that the appiopilatlou would be sub mitted to the appiopiltitlou committee, An older was cnteied lor a .si's.,iyu Sunday, February 1. 100,1, lo pay trib ute to the memo! v ol llu late Senator McMUlln. ot Mlchlcan. The senate was not m (ic-slon today, having adjoiiuitd .vcstetda.v until .lnii d.o . Suiveyoi's l'eiceutnge Cut Down. 11 rMltwvv Win-fiuiiil In' V-mhIjIhI I'im, Tllltkliaiiiiock, l'a , Dee- I., -'I he slalu Is 1 j ci 1 lei 1 1 if-, two. biiilges in ibis eeniiit at a totul eost ot lil, IT. The eost ul thu siuvo leu iIikiii Is home In Venning; eiiuuty uud V II. Thuai)Miii, ul pine. iiKville, wliu ellel tin win 1.. lib el a hill mi' ts.".t, or live pel cent, of 11mll.lt I pi lie. The count v eciinnilslhoiiei.c died ut op tions and the matti r was mgiieel in the JJauplllil ciiilit. Wiilell tu-da cut tin I; rmiiiisallon dnwn in time pet mn Childien Buined to Death. Djr I xolusli wire trim llu: A-oejuil I'rm U'asliliiKton, Dm !.' IMvviiid and ollvu TompMus, telurcd, luiu anil two iais old uspt'i tlvelv, wiu bnuii-d to di-atli to-clav In 11 Hie Willi li destioed n small houso in Ullh-iliilc, a suijiuii of this ill. The diilelli'ii weie ulolie in the liouo at tint time ami tli cause ol thu fiio Is not known P.iw.t p no, a eoudlii ul tho 1 Mi llion, with whom tiny worn la elmgi was pint ul under aunt Nieholls a Candidate, 11 I tclilifoi' Wirt irmn Hut tucwti I fun linllaiiapulis, Dec ).'. The IM 01 i.iu dldales fen th lialloiinl oflliv'is ol the Mliio U'oikcis' oigriiiUiilluii was issiud fiom the luaiUiu.utiis lo-iliu II is ills, dusfd thill T D Nlclliills, pieslUeut tl tho larsest anthiacite dlstitit. Is hi tin. line against Tom l.-wK of unio, for vliv piesleleul I'lc-lMlutlous aid bdug iiuiele at tho national licadeiuaiicis fur the mi lliuuil wage iiiufeienio IkIiiiiIiih lure J.111 1? Frank Lewis Hanged. Hy tjulivsho Ire frum lliu As-oeutnl 1'irni. Hailan, Ky Dec. 1.'. Frank Luwls was hanged to-day in tho piuscuto of O.tMi people, for tho rnuidcr of Henry Dixon. Lewis camel here from West Virginia about tlneo oars ago and married Miss Dixon. Tho men had quarreled over the stipulation of Louis and 'hi wile, the latter belmf Dhou'tt cUughter, ARBITRATE Washlnaton Authorities Traiitmit Castro's Rcdiicst-Biit Little Hope of .Success. HOUSE MAY DESIRE AN INVESTIGATION Bill Introduced Asking Secietary of State for Paiticulais Desttuction of Venezuelan Government Vessels Is Discountenanced at London. Toieign Office, While Not Officially Informed, Declaies That It Is Not Beady to Accept Aibitintion Pro posal Wailike Fiepnintions Con tinue. Ill I mIiimvi' wile Hull) lie. Wxieliteil I'ims. Washington, Dt-e. 1-'. A 1 able mes sage ttcolved at the- state elepiutmen tuilii lioin Minister Hovvcu, at Cara cas, saj.s that the' Venezuelan govetn nient has lequesttd him to ptnpeoe to (lie.it lliltalu and Geiinaii that the , dittli utiles arising eiut of the e'laims for j alle-ged damages and Injur Ies to Hrltlsh j and Gei man subjeets iluiiug the civil I war bu submitted to iiibitiatiou. In conionnlu with the undei stand ing alieady it ached with the represen tatives of the 1'tlthli anil German gov -einmenis heu, this prnposltlou fiom President Cislio has been transmitted to those, governments, the state depait inent acting merely as a tiianucl ot comiuuiiicatioii. Not much hope is en tertained of the favorable reception of the proposition, as it is felt that the difficulty has progressed too far for a settlement by tha peaceful methods of aibitiatlon. v The reprisals made by the Venezue lans for the destruction of their navy In the seizure of British ships and the ar rest or German end BriUBli subjects pi.tctlc.illy have developed the relations between the countries into those of real wai, although technically the princi pals piefer to designate It as something less. In doing ea Great Uritaln and Ueinuny aie simply following the couise taken, during the war with China, when, notwithstanding the tact that the allied lleet battered down Taliu and captured and distributed a num ber or Chinese naval essels, no dec laration of war was foi thcomlng. Loudon. Dec. 1J The foreign otfieo Inloims the As-01 l.ited Press that the Hiltish government disclaims responsi bility tor the sinking or the Venezuelan ve-sUs ofi La Guavia, which it entirely am Unites to the German forces. No Ordeis to Sink Ships. Hcilln, Dee1. 1.'. As the result of tiedi Iiiquliles made regaiding the icporled sinking ot Venezuelan vessels off La Guaiia, the cot respondent of the Au sodated Press is inioimed that the 01 eieis given tt the Get man and HiltMi commanders weie to capture the ves sels befoie beginning the blodcaele. No endeis weie given lo sink them. II, however, tiny vessel has been sunk this was a military nn-asiiie neeessaiy In cat tying out the foiegoing 01 dels. No rtpmt has yet been leeelvi'd liinn Com motio! e Scheder, the German etimiiiiiud el. A le-poit was ucilved limn Hoip Vent Pllgi I111-H.1pt.1zzi, which Is 11s fol lows "Feitir Vt-ne.cutlau vessels i.epimed. One of them disabled Two (iei-uiau vessels, the Vineta and Pantlu r nnd one ihigllsh. the Resolution (pinlahl thu Hettibiitloul pailii Ipated in the selziue. The- fin vigil olllce hi-ie reliise--, to be lieve the v-seis -,. sank and will not I ledlt the lepoil until coiilii inatory HeWss, elvcd 1'iinr tile Gr 1 man npie .stiilalivts on tin "pot At any late-, il i? added, If tie ve-s es win- sunk, II me the result of the Inlnt action 111' biilh sqnudrniis anil the usiilt of I. Isiaoce. Nothing Is know at the tnidgn eifllie heie about tho lepinteil silzuin of the Kieiiieh sitaiuer U-sim, aittl the Giimim ellllsil P.tlkts, Reilllg lo Pllelto Ciibellii, Is mule; siooel he'll- to have been tor tho same puipo-e as the' opeiatlotis at La liillaia, II. as 1 'iioiteHl, a Hiltish col lier was suleel bv the Voiit.udans at I'm lei Ca hello, tin- I'alko may laud ma line's .1 ml n take lui " New Capitol Sturctuie. lie I ulibiM- Wncli-uiuThe AfeOihtnl l'ics. linn killing, Dec. l'J. Tho cuiitiatt lui I lit' sttUptme wcnk lor tho new tnpllnl bv Gem go Gray Halliard, of Now Vntk vhis dosed to-dry by tho st.ito capltol 1 iimmlssiun. Mr Hainan), who sails fin Palls 011 Wednesday will receive 10w, OeKi for his woik. DEATHS OP A DAY. Ii !.v.luhc Wire trom i1i JbHocittfil Vttn. Uellefuiite, Pa., Doc. 12. William C, Giay, 1111 attotnc' ami a well-known Itej pnbllian politician with a wielo nctpialnt suieo auioiig the leading politicians of this statu, died hero to-night alter a ten ilua' Illness with Uphold lover, Ilti was 10 eMIS old . YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. . Local data for Dec 12, 1WJ: illiclicsi teniporatuic, SO dogreci l,eiwe.sl temperatiiie, ..,, "' demces. Itelativu luiaildlts : a. rn., ,.,. SI per cent, S p. m, ,,. . "J peirceut, i'li'dpltation, i liciiis cudtd S p. 111,, trace. 1 H--H--H'- -r-'-;t.-! WEATHER FORECAST. Washluglon, Dec. 12 Forecast for Sjutiinlas ami Hunday: Hasteiu Peiiuslvania: Italn or snow Saturday; fresh to biisk northeroast winds; Sunday prob ably fair. .,..t.t.t.t t . 1 1 tii.t1t , 'Si a