The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 12, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Why the Best Dressed
Men Deal Heren
IS y??' b-f, The best dressed men through-
out this locality buy their clothing-
M at this store every man who wishes
the best comes to us sooner or later.
Vfll Hfl MS
are several reasons
liere Is Reason No. 1
Wc htive the widest showing1 of
"up-to-date" styles. Different men
have different tastes -require dif
ferent styles to suit their different
characteristics that's where our
wide style-range comes in.
A man can get from us just the
kind of clothing that makes him
look his best.
416 LacKawanna Avenue.
In tho Capital City.
The nation's cnpltnl Is a city Idolised
by every American, and his nnc thpugltt
When arranging for n. traveling tour Is
I 10 visit it. There is no other place In
I any land which can compare with
Washington, It In cosmopolitan yet In
it way different from New York, Lon
don or Paris. T .start with the system
by which the city was planned Is
unique, ltd public buildings arc In their
, architectural doslgns Brand and Impos
ing. The streets are wide, finely kept
I thoroughfuren. unlike thono of any
other city. WashliiKton boasts of a
' park pystem second to none, and lis
every environ bespeaks iuich grandeur
as Is duo tho nation's capital Tho gov
ernmont buildings arc wonderful inlnos
' of Instructive and Interesting inalcrlal
and congress Is (he mecca for the tour
ist who delights In watching and listen
ing to the proceedings of the greatest
governing body known to the world,
This early winter season Is tho most
delightful time for visiting Wnahlng
ton ami an admirable opportunity for
such a trip Is afforded on December IB,
when tho Now Jersey Central Is golng
to run it low rate, excursion to Wash
lnRton from statlonn In this section.
J Tickets good Rolng on trains on above
ditto and Rood returning until Decem
ber ill!. Tor further Information write
J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent,
Scranton, Pa.; II. K. Ruhe, district
passenger agent, Allentown. Pa., or C,
M. Hurt, general passenger ngent, New
Jersey Central, New York.
Sale of Slightly
Damaged Ice Skates
We are not having a fire sale, but, however,
after the fire in our old store last winter and the
skating season being over before we reopened, we
were left with a big stock on hand. About
Pairs of Skates Were
jhfly Damaged by Water
Owing to the reckless way the firemen have of throwing water
around they rusted a little, just a spot here and there. But we have
cleaned and polished them up and they are now practically as good as
new. We are going to sell them at very low prices.
To give you an idea of the tremendous cut we have made on these
goods: In the lot is a large number of the Famous Forbes Skate.
Regular price $4. 50 and $5.00. We have cut these down as low as
$2.00. The entire stock has been cut in the same proportion.
9 spruce Mreet.
PITTSTON. to tho Seranlon Tribune.
J'lttston, Doc. 11. Tho man latin of MI.-m
Clara Benedict, of AYest Pittston, to I)i
Wythe Butter While, of (liven Rldgo.
Scranton, took place this ovenlni: at i
o'clock at the lumin of tho bride's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo V. Bene
dict, 221 Susquehanna avenue. Jt was a
green and whlto wedding and lh cere,
tnony was Avltncised only hy a. small coin
pany of linmedlato relatives.
Tho Ilcnedlct home, tho scene of tho
wedding, was handsomely decorated by
tho artlstlo hauil of Floilst Kills, of West
Pittston, tho decorations of th marilngii
room, which was tho south front parlor,
being ospoclnlly uttriiellve, comprising
palms, ground pine and evergreens. Tho
marriage vowa were taken with tho Inidul
party ptaadlng befoio a seml-rlrrlo of
palms and evergreens, set off by a trlplu
aicb of ground pine.
Tho ceremony was performed at il
o'clock, tho bridal party descending from
the stairs nt that time and taking posi
tion beneath tho archway In tho following
oider: Tho (lower girl, Httlo Miss Minion
T'olen Hayes, of Wyoming, cousin of tho
biido; tho maid of honor, tho Initio's sis
ter, Miss Helen Elizabeth Benedict; and
then tho biido leaning on tho arm of her
A Timely Suggestion,
This Is the season of the year when
the prudent nntl careful housewife re
plenishes her supply of Chnmberlaln's
rough Itemedy, It Is certain to be
needed before tho winter Is over, and
results are much more prompt anil sat
isfactory when It la kept at hand and
given as soon as the cold Is contracted
and before It 1ms become settled in tho
system. In almost every Instance n se
vere cold may bo warded oft' by taking
this remedy freely as soon as tho llrst
indication of the cold appears. There
Is no danger in giving It to children
for t contains no harmful substance.
It Is pleasant to take both adults and
children like It. Buy It and you will
get tho best. It always cures. For sale
by all druggists.
father, by whom sho was bI.'pu away.
Tho groom and his best man, who w.i'i
hhi brother, Dr. Roboit V. While, of
Scranton. joined the bridal party from n
lildo room near tho altar. Rev. Dr. O. I,
Severson, p.islor of tho West rittstou
Methodist linireh, rend tho
nmriiagu vows, using tho ring ceremony.
Opponhclm's orchestra, of AYIIke.s-Darre,
furnished the music, playing from Lohen
grin as tlu party tool; their places and
"Tho Dawn of Love" dining tho cere
mony, while at tho conclusion tho en
livening strains of .Mendelssohn's march
were played. Immediately after tho cere
ninny dinner was served by Mrs. Dora
Leo Cook, cateress, tho bride's table be
ing tastily decorated with smlla.K and
whlto carnations.
Tho biido, natiually an attractive young
lady, was made doubly attractive In a
bountiful gown of whlto point d'esprlt
over whlto taffeta silk and trimmed with
old gold laeo and whlto molro. The dress
was accordoon pleated and trnlnod. Sho
wnro a veil and carried English vlolels.
Tho maid of honor's costumo was of
whlto organdlo trimmed with lace, and
sho carried bride's roses, Tho flower
girl, carrying a banket of whlto carna
tions, was prettily dressed In whlto
French muslin, trimmed with laeo, and
with n greon sash.
This evening from half after eight till
ten the newly wedded couplo received
their flionds, About 150 people attended
tho lecepllon. Dr, and Mrs. Whlto left
this nvcnlng for a wedding dip that will
llicludo visits at Philadelphia nnd Wash
liigtnn. They will lesldo until spring with
tho bride's parents hero, and will bo at
homo to friends after January 13. The
groom Is a practicing dentist at (liven
Itldge, ami his wife Is a young lady who
1ms a wide elrelo of friends In tho (tar
dea village.
A larsu business transfer was made
lure today by which tho Howell & King
ale brewery changes hands. Tho now
proprietors are Mayor Thomas J, Corcor
and and City TronMircr 1. V. Joyce, ami
tho formal transfer of tho propel ty will
take placo January 1. The consideration
waa 30,000. Tho Howell ft King brewery
is ouo of tho oldest In this city and in
cludes a three-story building and a largo
plot of ground situato at tho corner of
Thomas street Tho brewery was built
In ISM by Smith brothers, and two years
later passed Into ttio hands of Messrs,
Jlowcll & ICInu. At the death of thesu
men the affairs of the ilrm passed Into
tho hands of a receiver, and since ms
have been h, olmrge of a. company known
as tho Howell & King company.
Tho l'lttston basket bull team will leave
hero Friday evening at l.l.-i o'clock on tho
Delaware and Hudson railroad for Bcrau
ton. whero they will play tho Cracker
jacks b.asket ball team in the Providence
Tho Kellar vs. I.nmb cuw which has
attracted much attention hero for tho
past threo year.) has been definitely set
tled. Tho suit wns brought by Mrs. Kel
lar against tho Lamb estate to obtain
possession of a portion of tho Lamb
block nt tho corner of Main and Water
streot, this city, ouo of tho most pioml
pent business block of tho city. Hy tho
terms of tho settlement the Lamb os
tato purchases Mrs. Kellar's sharo in tho
Edward Joyce, of I'pper Pittston, is
cnnllned to his bed by illness,
Miss Elizabeth Howell, of West l'ltts
ton, nnd Miss Myfawny Evans, of Plains,
vllle, are visiting fi leads in West Scran
ton, Accoiding to tho provisions of n recent
ordlnaneo in West l'lttston bicyclists are
prohibited front, riding on tho sidewalks
of streets that havo been paved, Tho first
arrests wero undo yesterday when two
cyclists wero taken to tho police station
and lined.
Squire James n. Ehret, of West Pitts
ton, Is mentioned as a candldnte for tho
ofllco of clerk of tho courts next fall on
the rtepubllcan ticket. Tho genial Hmilro
would mako il hIi..ih. ,:,,i.m.i.,. ,,.
served ono term in the ofllco sovuial yenrq
" uii i-iiruii in nimsoii ana ino county.
An Old nnd Well-Tried Remedy,
for children teething, Is tho prescription iff
oao of tho best female physicians ami
nurses In the United States, and has be.' I
used sixty years with novor-falllng "
cess by millions of mothers for their chil
dren. Dining the process of tccthinir its
value Is Incalculable. It relieves tho child
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In tlio
bowels, and wind colic. By sivlng health
to tho child It rests tho mother iwco
twenty-live cents a bottle. '
Lackawanna Railroad Excursion
Washington, D. C.
Special round-trip tickets will be on
sale at the Lackawanna railroad sta
tion, good going on all trains December
1'., and limited for return up to and In
cluding December 20. Children between
tho ages of live and twelve years, nt
one-half of the adult rate. Tickets will
be limited for continuous passage, ex
cept that on return trip, stop-over will
bo granted at Philadelphia within final
limit of December '26, 1!01'.
Holiday Excursion to New York City.
It has been the usual custom to make
a reduced rate to New York city at
this, the most Interesting season of tho
year, and to enable Its patrons to make
their holiday purcluiSes, the Lacka
wanna railroad will sell tickets to New
York city for all trains December 11,
and for return up to and Including De
cember 10, at rate of one-way fare plus
$1, for the round trip. Children between
the ages of five and twelve years, at
one-half of the fare charged adults.
Special io tho Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhiumock, Deo. JJ. Elmer Vaughn
Is in charge of tho upper ferry. Mr.
Vaughn was ferryman at North Mehoop
anv for a number of years.
George Plitlllpson. who has been 111 for
a long time, was able to be out on Thurs
day. Tho teachers' Institute, which has been
in cession hero all tho woo'-, will clo.o
today. It has been a very successful in
stitute. Tho Wyoming County School Directors'
association was in hcssIou at tho court
house on Thursday.
Tho local .Masonic lodge will celebrate,
the sesiiiil-cenieniilal of the Initiation of
("ieorgo Washington by a bamiuet to bo
given at their hall on Friday evening,
December -0.
Mr. and -Mrs. J. Wood Piatt returned
on Thursdny from a trip to New Ynrl:
Paymaster V- AVells Reynolds, of the
T'oites States battleship, will arrive hero
oa Saturday to spend a low days with his
Miss Nina Carnev, of Pittslou, Is tho
guest of her aunt, Mis. Joseph Luce, at
this place.
Tho train on the Montrose branch has
abandoned Its afternoon trip since the re
cent heavy snow storm, and only one
trip a day is made.
Ex-County Surveyor George W. Cook,
who is now a resident of Hazleton, was
calling on his old friends here this week.
E. C. Sharpe, of Windham, was a vis
itor In town on Thursday.
Tho usual crowd of booksellers' havo
been here this week, following hi the
wake of the teachers' institute.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Uroklyn, Dec. 11. II. T. Itosworth,
agent for tho American Cereal Co., was
In town Tuesday.
Tho Odd Fellows' lodge Is gaining in
members and Interest lately.
Mr. Chapman of Montrose, was doing
ollielal business In town Wednesday.
F. W. Dean, of Now Mllford, dealer In
apples, was looking aftor his interests In
this place Wednesday.
H. W. Roper was badly injured but
week by falling down tho hayohute In
his barn, n distance of about -0 feet. No
bones wero biidten but ho was bruised
Oscar Stephens, son of W. A. Stephens
was hurt while coasting Monday. Whllo
walking up tho hill he was knocked over
by another boy and sled. J Us leg though
cut ami bruised was not bioken and he Is
doing well.
Rev. Miss nrennan having leeclved n
call to the pastorale of the church at
Victor. N. Y., was obliged to leave
Brooklyn early last week.
Rev. J, 11. Colbourne, of Albany, N. Y
prenchod In tho Unlverallst church last
Sunday and efforts aro being niado to
engage hhn as pastor.
Tho senior class of our high Kiiool at
tended tho entertainment giver, by tho
Sprlngvillo graded school last Friday
evening. ,
Tho mid-term examinations are the or
der of tho day at the high tehuol. School
closes Friday for a two weeks' vacation,
Several teachers and others will go on
tho excursion to Washington, D. i, next
Mrs. I, I, Clark, who has been sink a
long tlmo Is still falling.
('. L. Clark returned homo from
Thompson last Saturday.
Miss Barah Clark spent last Sabbath
with Mrs. I. I. Claik,
Miss Jennie Clark Is attending school at
Utlea, N. Y.
Arthur I. Clark has moved to Scran
ton and Holland Carpenter ha moved
Into Arthur's house, i
Job Ward, an aged resident of Scott,
was burled last Saturday,
James P, Wilson Is attending college at
Ithnea, N, Y.
' ii
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, Deo. 11. Joshua T. Jones,
of l'lttston, whoso bon, Fenwiek, Is at
homo on account of Illness wa u nllcr
at tho academy on Wednesday.
Messrs. Ilaldwin and Coon attended tho
Wyoming County Teachers' Institute on
Wednesday, held at Tunkhamioel:,
Professor Ilulley preached two excellent
sermons In the llaptist church on Sun
day last In tho abseuco of Paitor Smith,
who was engaged at Elmhurst.
Wo are very glad to have our l.ako
Nokomls ngaln restored to us by tho re
building of the dam at Mathcwsou's mill.!
It is now covered witli Ice uud the stu
dents have taken advantage of the skat
lag. Prof. II. Loren Fasselt. iifo and daii'th
ter, will spoud their Clu litmus vacation
I lull llblllUf
Only Half a Cent a Word.
No Order
Acecptcil for Less
Than lo Cents.
Only lUlf a Cjnt a Worl.
Real Estate.
you may
purchase free
From every encumbrance, a lot worth
Jil.OUO, with an S-room steam heated lintiso
thrown In. This Is no fairy tale, but an
actual fair and stiuaro business! proposi
tion. $.",009 is more than two thousand
dollars loss than II cost tho owner, who
makes this great saeiillco on account of
leaving Scranton, and In order to effect a
iiulck sale. You cannot wait until after
Christmas, as tho prlco will be advanced
Inn fow days. Remember, lot lOxlOO, with
a city steam heated houso,
Reil Estata Exchaiig3 Bids-
FOR SALE At great discount, valuable
real cstato on Jefferson avenue, cen
tral location. Address, "SI. O.," Uox No.
L'37, City.
For Bent.
$18 For Rent Ten-room house; excellent
neignijomood; all modern improve
ments, on avenue. Apply to R. P. Ham
ilton, 428 Spruce street.
For Sale.
FOR SALE-Klcsrant watch. Jules Jill'
gensen (tho world's most celebrated
maker of watches). 38. size. In 18-lCt.
hunting case. Has a record of seven sec
onds a month. Importer's price, $3.'iu; my
price, $:'00. "Your money back without
argument If not satisfactory. AValler W.
Winton, Diamond l'aiioi-,07 Mears Ridding.
WILL FURNiSIC for short tlmo or (re
fund money), following Gilt Kdgo se
curities, at prices mentioned: MeKlnley
Mining and Smelting, $2.30 share, soon bo
J.-..00; George A. Treadwell Mining. $11.00,
worth $l:.00; Eastern Consolidated Oil, 40
cents, pays IS per cent. January, worth share; Amparo Mining Co.. 2.1 cents,
soon advance BO cents; Joaqtilua Gold, l.'i
cents, soon 50, Gilt Edge investment: I.a
Grande Gold, 50 cents, worth $1.00; Black
Diamond Coal. 50 cents, worth $1.00. Any
stock on market at reduced prices, .lames
D. Shaffer. People's Dank llulldlng,
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED-Small furnished house,
dress Box COO. city.
Rooms and Board.
THE LINDEN, Ws Linden street, has a
number of desirable vacancies; light
rooms and choice tablo board.
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or flvo young men. Inquire IK Wash
ington avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
BOARD ISAYAi5y'Mr5?Vrnnl
Jin (formerly Mrs. Moody), .YXS Lacka
wanna avenue, corner Adamn.
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
FOR RENT Front furnished bed rooms
for gentlemen. ::t2 Washington avenue.
l'OR RENT A furnished room on second
floor front, $1.50 week. CG3 Adams ave.
FOl'ND Watch; owner can have same
by addressing O. H., 311 Adams ave
nue and paying for this ad. Absent dur
ing day.
Stenography and Typewriting.
STENOGRAPHY and typewriting done
at short notice at 712 Connell bldg.
Business Opportunity.
AVANTED-A partner with from $3,000 to
$10,000 to go in tho retail lumber liuM
iness. Activo and experienced man pre
ferred. Active, Tribune.
out delay. Writo for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
Hihhard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange. It and E
Broadway, Now York. Established IS'JI.
Long Dlstaneo "Phono 2USS Broad.
Wanted : SO Men and Women.
To Take Advantage of Special Offer
( Made by N. M. Eickc.
X, M. Eloko, the enterprising drug
gist Is advertising to-day for llfty
men and women to take advantage of
the speclul-half prlco offer he Is making
on Dr. Howard's celebrated specific
for the cure of constipation and dys
pepsia, and get a fifty cent paekaso at
half-price, Sfi cents.
So positive la he of tho remarkable
power, of this speellle to euro these
diseases, as well us Hlelc headaches
and liver troubles, that he agrees to
refund tho money lo any customer
Aiiom this medicine does not quickly
relieve and euro,
AVlth Dr. Howard's specillc at hand,
you can eat what you want and havo
no fear of 111 consequences, it streng
thens tho stomach, gives perfect di
gestion, regulates tho bowels, creutea
on appetite, and makes llfo worth the
This is an unusual opportunity to
obtain 00 doses of tho best medicine
over made for half its regular prlco,
with tho personal guaranteo of a well
know business man to refund tho
money if It does not givo satisfaction.
If you cannot call at N, M, Hleke's
titore today, send lilin 23 cents by mail,
and ho will send you a package,
promptly, ohnrgos paid,
N. M. Elcko lias been able to secure
only a limited supply of the specllle,
so great Is (ho demand, and you should
not lelay Inking advantage of tho
liberal offer lie Is muklutr this week.
visiting tho Professor's brother, who is
a prosperous physician in North Carolina.
Tho Phi Literary society held a very
Interesting and instructive meeting on
Friday evening to which tho young la
dles and other guests were invited, in
uddUlou to the regular programme which
pel tallied to farm Interest'), speeches wero
made by Professors Ilulley and Thomas.
Tho annual prlzo declamation contest
will bo held on Friday evening, Dee. 19.
TJio contestants ,ro: Messrs. Elmer
Adair, Wm. Elsessor. L'lUammli Ilulley,
Jr.. John Strain and Donald AVallo.
Vacation from Dee. 10th to January
gih, VM.
Branch WANT bfta
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALUEUT SCnVU'FX. corner Mul
berry tit reel and YWlHtor ave.
West Side
.Main avenue.
101 South
South Scranton '
FRED I,. TERPPE, 729 Cedar
a venue.
Worth Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo ami Market
Green Ridge
son avenue,
F. J. JOHNS, .020 Green P.ldgo
C. LORENZ,. corner AVaslilnglon
avenuo and Marion 3tret.
AW II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
Help Wanted.
WANTED Agents to sell tea and cof-
leo to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co., all Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
wjmjjL moling energetic man as
salesman, ono familiar with mining
pieferrcd. Address, Salesman, Trlbuno
Help Wanted Female.
A ANTED A good housekeeper; one com
potent to take entlro charge of running
house. Good pay anil long employment
to tho right woman. Address, staling ex
perience, and giving reference, also what
pay is looked for, 1093 Tribune office.
Agents Wanted.
A ANTED Two good canvassers for
Scranton and vicinity; good pav
ask tor Mr. Bennett, at Mitchell's'. ;.'20
AVaslilnglon avenue, today from 1 to ;:,
and 7 to 9 p, m.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond,
fctato age, experience, reference!, first let
K';1' ,Ad.tlress. Sullo 372, No. 1U01 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia,
Situations Wanted.
oLiLvnui w -a i i';u jsy a voting man
willing to do miv kind of work Ad
dress L. A. K S.20 Firth street, Dun
lnore, Pa.
attendant, male nurso with much ex
perience in largo bn.-pltal: private eases,
$20 per month: $12 In hospital. Address,
J. J. Keeglns, Tribune ofllco.
WANTED A position by a young gen
tleman as stenographer and type
writer, who has had experience in general
ofliee work: best' of reference. Address
P. W. F., this ofliee.
A COMPETENT young woman would
llko' work reblmllng ladleo' dross
skirts, at a reasonable price, (T58 Adams
LOST Friday December 5, on road be
tween Clark's Summit nnd AVaverly,
Persian lamb cape. A liberal reward
will be paid when returned to J. AV. Oak
ford, Clark'.s Summit.
IN RE: Estate of Charlotte Evans, late
or tho city of Scranton, Iackawann.i
county, nnd state of Pennsylvania. In
tho Orphans' court of Lackawanna
Letters testamentary on the above
named e.stato having been grunted lo tho
undersigned, all persons having liainis or
demands against the same will present
them for payment, and all persons in
debted thereto will make payment to
J. AV. BROWNING. Ex. culors.
Attorney for Estate.
Certified Public Accountant,
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SSI.
Ren I Estato Exehangu Bldg., I'M Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and MlnlngJEnglneors.
null building.
,i KNIGHT, 720 CON-
building, Spruco street, Scranton.
Dlt. C. C. LACRACH, 113 WYOMING avo
Firo Insurance.
SCIILAGER & CO., lul Connell Building.
Patont Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
tiolicltur in tho city. No charge for In
formation on patentability; over ten
years' experience.
Kcplogic & Co., Mcars Bldg.
Hotels and Restaurants.
'HiTrELlv CAFE, 123 and 127 F1UNK
lin avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. HIEULEK, Proprietor.
Passenger depot. Conducted ou the Ku
lopeau plan. A'lctor Koch. Proprietor.
uud cess pools; no odor; only improved
pumps used. A. B. Brlggs. propiletor.
Leave orders lie North -Alain avenue,
or Elcke's drug store, corner Adams nnd
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wive Screens.
ns'e . seraiuon.mjrs. or wiro screens.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine
Warehouse, JW Washington avenue.
bo bad in Scranton at the news stand
of ReUmau Bros., 40U Spruce and B0.1
Linden; M Norton, 322 Lackawanna
uvc.; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street,
Money to Loan.
ana; amount of money to loan-
(Illicit, straight loans or Building and
l'rai"' ,'.l ,fI't""-;'. ,n 6 I'01' eenl- Call on
N. V. AVnlker. at Pair. Connell building.
Employment Agency.
RELIABLE help can he procured at Mrs.
., ';. JV. S'arkcy's Employment ornco.
I..0 Washington avenue, rooms 2 und 4,
Tako elevator.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
, , IN Effect Juno I, 1902.
1 rains leave Scranton for New York
At 1.50, 3.20, U.W. 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.J 12.40,
J.IO, Diij ii in. For New Yolk und Phlla-delpliln-7.r,0,
10.10 n. m., and 12.10 and 3.S5
',',' !". l''r Ooilldsboro-Al G.JO p. m. For
Bu ralo-l.lo, fi.22 and 9.00 a. m.i 1.53. d.50
and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghaniton, Ulmlnt
and way ntntlons 10.23 a. m., 1.03 p. m.
I'or Oswego. Syracuso and tJtlca-1.15 and
!'."i i1;.,"1'' 'P '' m- Oswego, Syracuse
and t'tlca train nt (1.22 n. m. dally, except
hundny. For Montrose-9.00 a. m.i 1.03
ant (1.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation
-l.m) and C.15 p. in.
Bloomslmrg Dlvlslon-For Northumber
land, nt ii.SS and 10.10 a. m.: 1.53 nnd
!.Linl; J01 Plymouth, at 8,10 a. m.i 3. I0
and 9.0,1 p. m.
c mmVly Trnlns-For Now York, 1.50, .1.20.
V?',w ',0'10. n- "'' aAn and 3.33 p. m. For
Jnalo-l.l.- nnd C.22 a. m.i 1.53, G.50 and
Ji.m p. m. For Elmlra and way stations
ju... a. in. For Blnghnmton and wny sta
tions, j oo a. m. nioomsbttrg Division
Leave Bernnton, 10.10 a. m. and G.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Nov. 10, 1902.
... .Trains Lenve Scranton
1'or Philadelphia and New York via n.
A II. R. R., nt 7.41, through Parlor Car
1,u! PD Coach Carbondalo to Now Yorlc
'V'!' n;47 ,n; .m- wltI L- V. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.33 (Black
Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun
l,1V' E;.& " " 13s P- -3S a. m.
J'.01 Whlto Haven, Hazleton and princi
pal points In tho coal regions, via D. &
", R-,R.. 7.41, 2.1S and 4.33 p. m. For
Pottsvlllo. 7.11 n. m.
I'or Bethlehem. Eaaton. Reading, Har
ilslmrg and principal intermediate stn
Jl,ons,' oV'v'P- , " R. 7.41, 9.17 a. m.i
-.IS, 4,,, (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p.
n ' i f'Lmilays. D. & ii. R. r 9.38 a. m.
and 1.5S nnd 9.17 p. ra.
I' or Tunkhannoek, Towanda, Elmlra,
itliaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D L. & AAr. It. R.. G.33 a. m.
and l,B. p. ni,
. .Fol- 9.C,1C,V!1' Rochester, Buffalo, 'Niag
ii J' "J, cll'eago and all points west vln.
i'i- ": ." i;- i-.e-i P. m.i 3.2s (Black
"...i.iuiiu lixpressi. lti.ii. ii.4!i p. m. Bun
days D. ,t n. R. It.. 12.03, 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
V .'IIIOV T'flflni' ffll-u nn nil 4 .minx 1.A4.nn.
vitiii' -- .n o mi u.11 knit i is iiuinuuti
A ilkcs-narro nnd Now York. Phlladol
?.' ""falo and Suspension Bridge.
ttOT'LIN IT. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt., 21
Cortland streot. New A'ork.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt 2'I
Cortland street. New York.
e;, ONEMACHER, Div. Pass. Agt.,
South Rethlehem. Pa.
I' or tickets nnd Pullman reservation ap
P,y,'t0 Jly ticket ofliee, G9 Public Square,
AVilkes-Barre, Pa.
Central Railroad of Now Jersey.
In effect Nov. 1G, 1902.
Stations in Now York, root Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains Icavo Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia. Eaaton. Bethlehem, Allon
town. Mnuch Chunk, AA'hlto Haven, Ash
ley, AVIlkes-Bane and Pittston at 7.30 a.
nt-., 1 ji. m., nnd 4 p. m. Sundays, 7.13 u.
in. and 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express
leaves Scranton 7.20 a. m.. with through
solid vestlbulo train with Pullman Buffet
Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only
ono change of cars for Baltimore nnd
Washington, D. C, and all prlncipul
points south and west and has through
coaeli for New York.
For Avoca, Pittston nnd AVIIkes-Barre,
1 p. m. nnd I p. m. Sunday, 7.13 a. ni.
and 2.1u p. m.
For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at
7.30 a. m. and 1 p. in.
For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg
Ada Allentown at 7.20 a. in., 1 p. m. nnd I
p. m. Sunday, 7.15 n. m. and 2.10 p. m.
For Tnmnqun and Pottsville nt 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday. 7.15 a. m.
For rates and tiekots apply to agent nt
AY. G. BESSLER, General Manager.
C. M. BURT. Gen. Tnss. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In Effect Juno 1G, 190:.
Trains Icavo Scranton G.3S a. m week
davH, through vestlbulo train from
AVIlkos-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
ville; stops at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Har
llsburg. Philadelphia. Baltimore, AA'asli
Ingtoirand for Pittsburg and the AVest.
9.17 ii, m.. week days, for Sunbury. Hnr
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, AYash
ingtou and Pittsburg nnd tho AVest.
1 12 p. m.. week days, (Sundays. 1.5S p.
m.), for Sunbury. Hiirrlsburg, Philadel
phia. Baltlmoie. AA'ashlngton and Pitts
burg and tho AVest.
!i "S p. m., week days, through vcstlbnln
train fiom AYilkes-Bnrre. Pullman buffet
parlor ear and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal Interniedl
nto stntioi.s.
I 33 p. m.. week days, for Hazleton, Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
b"'"' ,T. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
DolaAvare and Hudson.
In Effect Nov. 10. 1J02.
Trains for Carbondalo leavu Scranton nt
,.., ' j; s,;il, 10.13 il. III.: 12.05. 1.12, 2.11,
!:5(i; 3.29. U.25, 7.2.', H.3.:, 9.5'J, 11.20 p. in.;
'"'"'ilouc.-ilale-U II, le.13 a. m.i 2.11 and
C,For" WIlkes-Barre-ii.ns. 7.11. 8.41. ;i.47.
io K? a. in: 12.0.1. 1. 1-'. 2 IS, ::.2S. 1.3,3, o.m,
7JS.II.10, in. II. 11.19 P. in.
For L. V. R. R. Points 7.41. 9.17 a. in.
is t 33 and 11.19 P- in.
For Poiiiisylx a iila R. , R. Polnta-fi.01,
9.17 a. ni.; 1. 1-'. l--v """ ',"' ,'' '"'.i .
For Albany aim uu i"io huhh ,. .
'' Uml "'""sYtNDAY TRAINS.
For r'arbondale-S.fiO. 11.33 a. m.i .2.11.
aor WUkes"ilnre3S a. m.J trfoa. l.M.
,, ,, V ;' and 9.17 p. in. '-,'
"'Fur lhanv ami Points nnrtliI.Bfi p..- in.
For Hnni'Filnlo-S.W) u. p. in. ; -.
i av nrnoicK. a. p. a.. Albany, n. y,
AV I. PllVOlt. D. P. A., Scranton, P.
Erie Railroad Wyoming Division.
In Effect September 13, 190J.
vrnviiuriili and 'inlormedlate points. alFO
for llawley Imd local statloas at 7.20. a.
mFor no'nesd'ale'aud Whllo MUli utl-if!
1,,.'!1.' ...i..n nt Seranton at 10.33 a..m.
'iiaiiiM mi,." -- - - -
and 9.15 p. m.
NeAV York, Ontario and Western.
ri'inui table In effect Sunday. Sept. ). JD02,
-Uliiu lluUTU BOl.'ND TRAINS.
Leavu Leave Arrive
Scranton. i;ai uummio. catios;a.
10.30 u, in. 11 1 a. in. 1.00 K ni.
ti.Ui p. in.Ar.Carbiiudalo 0. lj p.ia
SOUTH BOl'Nl). ;
Leave Leavo Arrive
Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scranton.
u.50a. in. 7.25 a. nt.
" IT. n ill. 4 (10 11. 111. 4.4i ii m
bUM' Leavo Leave Arrive
Ser.inion. i;aii)onuaic. CMdosln.
,. s.SOn. in- 9.10 a. in. 10.15 ii, in.
.. i.uop.
Leave Leavo Arrlvu
Cudoslu. Carboudnle. Scranton.
G50 a. m. 7.23a.m.
1.30 p. m. G.0G p. m. b',43 p. in.
i..i,m- n'ch. l oa weei; nays, ami s on
Sundaya connect tor New ork city, Mid
dletown. Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Oi.
wego 'and all points west.
Train No. . with "Ouaker City Ev
press" at Scranton. via C. R. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore.
AVashhigton and Pennsylvania state
Seo tme-tablo and ronuult Mcket agnt!i
for connections with other lines.
J, C. ANDERSON. O. P. A.. Now York
J. B. WELSH, T. T. A Ecranton. Ptt.
No. J .
No. 7
No. 0
No. 9
No. 5 ,
No. 0
No. 10