V THE SCKANTOJV TIUBUNlFIUDAV, DECEMBER 12, 1902. The News of Catbondale. The Bon Ton Social Club will entertain at a dance in the Burke Building, Tuesday evening, Dec, 16, The aiornrt oiohestm will piovldo mimic mid ttits iniiiiinuiiiriitu will he il to thu Hon Tou'h Mnndniil, which hut imulo Vi lor Moduli no enjovilbli' Tickets Aie 75 Cents. RARELY BEAUTIFUL AFTERNOON NUPTIALS Miss Isabcllo Fieemnn, Youngest Enughtei of Mr. nnd Mis. Wlllinm Wnllnce Wntt, nnd Thomas Stiyic Athciton, of Scranton, Wedded tit Tiist Presbytejinn Ckuich A rnshionnble Event in Which So ciety Wns Gieatly Inteicsted The Beautiful Aitistic Details. An c-Miit In uhkh the Intel est mid .ililklp.UioiiH ol poili-tj ill L'aiboiulnlf wnleiert lor weeks wilt -iilenmli'Pil s fnliv iiMoinomi In the luslilunublt wetldhiR nt tin- Fii-t Pi c-bytei l.m chunk of Ml-s Jvabello Ki ceni.m Wall, MiuiiKCt ihuiKhtii of Mr. ami Ah. William Wull.it e Watt and Thomas Hmp Al hoi toil, im ol JD. Henij Athoiton, m Xoilli M iln .iMinic, Hii.m toii. The In ide t- tin- daliKlltei til one or Hie oldest luiiilllei of (Miboiulalf, with whom then- It ,iMKl,ited tho eaily iIoelniiiin'nt ot the Ploneei Cits and IN siib-etititiit tomitieici.il pioRiths. The Siootn's lamlh 1- likewise toti'-viiu-ous anions the .ul l.imillo In thu Lackawanna .U!e. These diouni ht.ini'es, (oiiiiloil with the toiispipuous position, or thi' ptliKlpals in theii -nchil hUs in thfli iis)ictlp home. mu liiundtil tin uMMitrul liapiienlim: in the joung: people's Inf. and widespicad in "teiest and epei t ition tliaL weie Indl eateil bv the pi i sent n at the nuptials ot sevci.il luindied KUe-ts horn tills iit nnd alle. The wtddiiif, tueinont was beautiful and ailistli Though then was a (liaimiiif, simpliiitv iliimiKliniit time .as a liiluu'ss or elfet't tli.it wai most impiesshe ThoiiKh it was an attei noon wedilliifr. the late atteilioon houi or tlie Dei eniliei dav jrave It all the ap rie.uaiH'cs ot a nli;lil ieieinon, with all its beautiful li?lit and rolois At I o'clock the blight hiiiuony ol ilu weil tllnn mnicli Jiom J.olioiiKtiii i.ius-td a lipiile anioiitT the epeetant s.ithullitf as the advance or the lnld.il pui w is Kteeled. The uslieis wtio in tlie lead aiUaneliig up the noith aisle Tlu.se wciu John Atheiton and Dudlcv Atli erton, Sil.intim, biothei uitl t ouslti le Hpecthely, ol the fiiooin, I'l.uik lV(k, i 'ink Guild, Hti.inlon, Willi mi Tosui, cliicapro 11 I) l.ilhiope, C.nbondale Tlie si maids lollnweil, pioicednl with luca'niied. M.ioeful tiead to the music ol tlie n-aicli They wcic the fiit-t of the bc.iutitul moviiifr pictutc of i olot and fuai" In tlieii ilniim dies ti cations ol wliltt, pin!: 1icik1k?.u uul mining limits nt pink i lilflon The maids wetc Miss Ciatc Uo-e and Ml-s Oi.ite ll.iule, Si utc Use, X J., the Mlsits, Athei ton S'nanton JIIssi!i,ui Jluiin and Miss i;ii..i1eth Toet-, Cat -bondale Tlie maid ol lumoi. v ho lollowtd the maids, was Mi-s AlaiH.uena Klmi", Sjuiusc, X V. llif kiiwii w.w i not able iiilltl.l-t to those who Went befule her. It was all pink, iiiliidiutf the hat and i liiiton mull With t liildl-h steps attei the maid ol hoiini, tame tin. i in;; beaiei. little Wall lie Watt Ilanklns, of TJulitth. Minn, a nephew ol tlie bi ide He had a tostunie ot while btn.uh loth and boie tla wddins, bind linn nn a pillow ol white satin 'I In- In Ide i.idluu in In Id il inlie of wlill. tat en ii.iln, (,inv last, aifoni p.mlrd Ijj lioi Jntliu. William Wallate At'.itt The siooin and Ills best man his hi ot In i, John A tin i ton, walked I mm the o-ti, mooting tin bi ide, as the p.ul was illsposlim of Itt-clt betoie the pulpit, wlili b was hidden behind a bank ol pilm- Stimulus ol teic,uin ian up to tin iic-ttiliiK .mil bill; In i i in tlmiou.t pit it. Ue i 'Inn Ii s I .-. p i-tui oi the ( bun li, -oleninl.'t d tai leitiroiij .VI 1 1 1 dwelllilK biielh ii poll tin s u"l tllqnliN of mini. ik" md b'Kliu the pi.otisol the well-w Nhln;, lilt nils the pastor riked lni the be.uou.U ol tlie In hie Ilei latin l bestow in hi l l"Uied, the rtioom taltlni, hi plai". 'I he plIchtliiK ol the riwt, llien took iilat , While thii seuti meilt il all tit "i It. in t - and Klnwois" t aiiio fiom tlie oikuii, "Wheij tlie nuptials wne ou md Un benediction van shen, the hi Ide and L,iooin led tin lpiosslonal iii.ueh. while tlie loyliil, tilumphaiit mtiii' of Meu-ilrl!-t.(ilm'H wetldillK ill ll eh llllnl the t bin eh The bildt'.s (joii was an Ideallj lit mull ul t nation Jt was an hoiy white Dialiosse s(iiln, with ai tislle dec oration in einbioltlcied chiffon and DudieSM' laie She wtue a while tulle a ell, nml can led a iihowei bnii(iiet of will to oi chids anil Hllles of the viUlcj Her tiavellnK frown was blue bioad flnth with hat to match 'I'lKs maid of honot whip pink wllk Us. hue ner pink bilk. Her hat was like- FMZIS FiailTKK'S 1IEABT. Coffee Shown to Be the Cause of His Weak Hetut. wise pink, us will us the chiffon tiuiff she c.itrletl. The dainty, bctoinliiK rowiih of the biltlcMinalilH weie white silk tissue over white silk. They woie pink tut tB nnd cat i led pink rhlffon miirfK. The leecpltoti followed the- cei oniony at the Watt tcsldence, Chinch Hheot nnd Wncohi nvcmip. The bride and Brtioni received In the pat lor befoio a bower or white and pink och. In the receiving paity with the bilde and Kiooin, weie the maid of honor, Miss Klnne, the groonmiuaii, John Athcrton, .Mr. and Mis, W. W. Wall, paienls ot the In Ide, Mitt. Homy Athoiton, mother of the Bloom, insisted by the other at tendants of the lit Ide. The wedding lotlallon, .sened bv Hauler or Seranton, followed the ie ceiitlon with Us felleltulioiiH. The looms of the Wait l evidence weie tiansfoimed by the hatidlwoik of Tiumbull, the lloilst. The seheine of decoration in the leeeptlon and diawliiR looms was pink nnd white. The mantles weie banked with llowet.s and potted plants--. In the dining room, aside Horn the table dec orations of loses, holly, ei'igiecn and giotind pine weie et feethely employed. The deeoiatlons at the t lunch wrio by Wade. The Mos:ait cnchestia gave a mosiainme of selections at the iluneli for an hour before the (eieniony. 1'iof. A. P. Thomas was at the tngan. The wedding gifts compilsed an at ray of valuable offeilngs. Conspicuous among these lemeinbiani es was a ma hogany chest of hlher, which was the glfl of Ihe gioomsinan. John Athcrton, The lesldence of Mr. and Mis. A titer ton, at aitO Xoith Jlaln avenue, Scran ton, whoie thev will be at home aftei Febitiniy , 1W), was splendidly fur nished bv the father of the bride Mi. and Mis, Atheiton depatted on theli wedding totn via the. S 30 I)ela w.tie and Hudson train. They will be abont .(.vei.il weeks, piobably spending the gieatei pail ol tlie time In AVash ington, D. C. Mr. Atheiton enlcis upon hei new lite with the feivent well-wlshoh ot the wide elide of li lends who hold het in affectionate leganl Hhe Is a gi.idu.Ue ol live seminary. The advantages in which slip, has slimed me fiuittully shown in hei accomplishments and hei i edited homing. Ilei witluliawal fiom the- social th do, wheieln slio was a, laotite will be legietted, tilthough the lu artfell wishes of hei ascot iates go with her in liu wedded t.ueei. Mi Atheiton Is asi.01 Uteri with bis bmthei in the paj mastei's ollice ol the Dtlawaic ami Hudson at Htrautiin whine ids tatlieu, the late Hi nt v Atliei ton. was in cliaige foi yeais. Up pos sesses abilitr that is ceitaln to win liini aihanceiui nt His popiilaritj among his ass'icliles is attesteil bv the e.-pie-slons ol infill will on this happj ot e.ision Free Distribution FOIt TJIK UKNKIIT OP THOSE WHO HAYli NOT TESTED THE VIHTUES OP Dr. David Favorite Kennedy's Remedy nml mo unfAinlllnr with Its uieiltd, nrinntrcmcnlH havo been nindo for a MHjI. IJISTUinUTlON of BAMI'TjIO nOTThUS, horn Mm ditig stores of Ibis cltv. Ask your druggist for a VRVA1 IIOTTLH nnd convince youi self of the wonderful vatuo of this great cmo for Kidney Disease, Female Weakness and the other conditions for which It Is recommended, and for which It has boon used wllh pitch success In this locality. . . , Samples fieo nt tho following ding stores: Wlllimn It. McQarrah, J It. Phelps, S. U. Jlonwoed & Co, Mntthows llios. (((((((( SHOW IS CANCELED. Manager Byine Wouldn't Stand for 'Major and the Judge." Mamtgti J!iue, of the (liaud, has tmiceled in-nlghl's altiactiini, 'The Majoi anil the Judc,e " Thh attiattliin was lepiescutetl to Mi liviin- as i high class musical Munich, and ihe fact thai Pain Kjan Tom Levi-, and Maud Until hearted the cast went to confli in the beliel that the conip my, lu the languase o tho riu , could ' clelh ci the fcoods " An aeUlition al iiieumsiauce was thai it was tlie oi Iginal intention to open tlie new the ulei at Pitt' ton on the Heis i ii cuit. with this .how. Thi" was pi evented, howevei, be the house being only paitlv built The (list intimation Uiat Mi. Jhine had ill it the .show was on the X'. G. eliss was when he read the seveie though ui tiltiis in tlie Tiibune vestcida. II" fonliwitli decided that what was nol gooti enough lor Sciau ton llicatei-goeis lio ricsiie and pay for n lined piescntntluiis, could not be lcil-t''ii on the pitioiLS of the Grand. Aecotdlnglv he Immediately onleied the sale ol .seats to be stopped and go ing to a telephone booth be engaged in an iMhange ot compliments with the ' Majoi and Judge" company, who weie In Wilkes. H in e, wheie the company plivii in-,t umht. The convolution ended with the cam elation ol the C.n bondale engagement. Tlie action ot Maniisci 13m ne in thus piotectlng the pati oils ol his play house will bo gen ei illy commended. In consequence of this teim of allalis, iheio will be no attiat lion at the Grand until Monday night, when "Yolk Slate Polks," a splendid pastcnal plav will be pio dut ed. AMUSEMENTS. Ladies' Clothing For Cash or Credit w r A full line of Ladies' Suits Coats, Cloaks, Skirts and Fursi ro firtlti- efitlitB. TtAffflw ffln-ltrlAcI .AVk ouj,as.o, iun.i.j, .uuuv.s. or tailor-fiuished. Splendid $20.00 to 25.00 Suits from $17,25 up. 4. Scarfs A new stock of Marten, Rus sian Fox, Beaver, Raccoon and Opossum Cluster Scarfs from $6.50 to $16. AIbo a lot of Choice Nearseal Brush Boas at a$3.98, Women's Tailor-Hade Suits A lot of nevr Tailor-Made Suits, of various materials, in .fr'llffilfoylvl'i -.-. .. Connolly & Wallace, Scranton's Shopping Center Christmas business is not the property of any one store, but the If you miss looking into a sin gle corner of the store these days, largest part of it goes to the store i n" "" rf b"f ,h ,0" m,?nt K b make your Christmas shopping that Studies it most. nasier Fur Boas from $4 to $50 cranton Furnishing Co., 612 Linden Street. Four Doors Above Adams Ave. CARTER BINDING 5 . t . 4.4.4. .4. Hani' on Tuestlaj', is not. so badlj hint as was ut Hi st .supposed. I'lom pies ent incllciitlnns sti ails' liope ol liis le eoery is entertained. Ills mother, JIis D.wld DoAunpoit, ol 111 KIkIiUi ae nue, is at bis bedside. Yourip; Divenpoit was u menibei of Compnnv L, ot the Thli teeiitli icgi nient, N. (i, P., anil was on duly at Obphant timing the .stnke. lie le eently lound einplonienl in J.urci ne' eount scat. K. OF C. ELECTION. eivoirs nnd the dairies, find .iae to m hat an extent are the nurioundinss a lactor in the possible contamination. Secretary Shepherd has eerj-Hili)ii in leadiness, and eerytliinfr to t'aelll tate the investigations will be pi teed at tho disposal of the bacteriologist, as the boaid of health is anxious to Umu out the disease, it It is within lis pos sibilities, and to allay the fipptahei slon of the public mind. Repent Shows Local Council in Giati fying Ciicumstances. Cm bondale counell, No. 329, Knights ol Columbus-, elected olllccrs in the new club house for the Hist time, the icsiilt being- us tollows; Oiund knli,FIit, K. H. Keiwin; dnp uty Ki.intl knlKht, P. l. Dover; chan cellor, T. A. Klikwood; lecorder, John Halt; llnantlal seciet.uy, T. Tj. GIN inaitln; tieaBuiei, G. W. Keene; war den, William Peel; advocate, John O'ltouilce; lectin er, J. V. Del..aiicy; inside giiunl, M. F. Walsh; outside guard, p. J. I3oylan; trustee, John Bionnan; lepieHentatlvo to state coun cil, which will bo held at Philadelphia, Slav .", 1!)0), Giand Knighl It. II. Ker w in. The council lh now In the most pios. peious condition hlnce Its inalitullou. This is equally tmo of its ilnnnciul mil uuiiHiical stiength. The nicnilietship is now 170, with evidences ot continued mow Ih, additional piopositlons bein.i leceived ut oeiy meetlns, Willi tho Kiowlhot membei.ship the Inlluuiice of the council in the civic anil soclil lite of tho community spieads and 'jeromes 111019 and moie nn .impoitunt facto", Tlie new club house on Soutli .Main HUeei, which has been the comic il'.s home slnco last full, Is etcditablo nut only to tlie council but the city as uil. Fiank AVallls, the llliiioln ilimnplou leatheiweltht, stays. "Ncaily all my life I diank toftee, and It dually put me In micli a condi tion that truluing for uny light wa al mpst Impossible, "lly breathing wua pooi and alight ixertlon always inude me very tired, I Could not understand It, for 1 was otherwise well and etroiiff, until one ilay, In fralnlne quarters, a fileml nnd Udmlror of mine asked inn If I drank coffee. I told him, 'yes, and he said that wan what ailed nto. "This waa two weeki befote un Jin portant fight of mine was due. He ex blalned how coffee affected the heait frntl nerves, and told mo of the good tjimittles of Postum Food Coffee, I im mediately commenced to use It In place It coffee. The result wus wonderful. My nervousness left me, my breathlne bothered 1110 no more, my confidence jeturned, and I was as good as ever In f.. short time. "I ie turned victor ot tho fight, which X am confident I would not have been jjud I continued the use of coffee," Effle Ellslei'a Aitistic Woik. It wn ic'Kielable that tlie wenthei I'ondltlous mllliaied against the attcn ilniitu at the fiinnd last nlglil, wheie an .iiidleiiec of much smaller piopoi tioits tlinll was tlesoned enjoyi tl the m tislle wink ot Kfllo Hllsler lu "When Knighthood Was lu Plower." The stip poitlng company was good, paitlculaily Walter feyninur us Cha;les lliandon, The ctage! settings wcte iieaiit'tful. The Best of All, Of "Votlv Htate FoIUh." w lib h will bo at the Giand Monday night, and which Ih to play a mtuui date at the Lyceum, Seranlou, next week, the Ht, I.ouIh Globe-Demount piijh; "Ah 11 wenk of til ama tic: mt 'York State roll-.s' Ih aupeilor to 'Way Down nam,' "I'lm Old Humesttead,' 'David Hm 11111,' 'Hboii Holden,' 'Tho Daily Farm,' and many other pastcnal plays that might ho mentioned. It Is a plc tmc of llto In a lemoto village tho 'David H111 um count! y, wheie the author, Aithur Sldman, was born. It Ih 1111 itiylllii picture thnt he has painted with such skill, Thero Is plenty of comedy and plain, iiiiailulteiutetl sim plicity In tho painting, but the piny has also ItH serious side, One woudeis attei ho has leaohed the sidewalk why Im becnino so thoioughly Inteiesied In the vpiy nullum y and my mvtuial troubles growing out ot a little dlsngieement between two old men. Then lie lenlUes Unit It has been 1111 excellent combina tion In ailthe nit of the playwright nnd tho ui t ot the actor that has made thesii slmple.-H'veiydiiy affulis of such absoiblng Inleiesl," Home ftoin Wedding Tour, Plro Chief J, J, McNulty nnd wife, nee Miss Nellie Parrell, jeturnetl last night from their wedding tour. They nro now at homo at their lesldence, 163 Pike street. Clyde Davenport's Injury, Thursday morning woid was received In this city that Clyde Davenpoit, who jvaa Injuied In the explosion at VIH.es- BACTERIOLOGIST COMING. Examination of Milk and the Watei Supply to Commence at Once. The assistant banteilologlst, which the Hate boanl agieed to send to Cm -bondale to establish whether or not tho milk and the water supply of this rity Is 11 lnetor in the spread of typhoid lever in this -icliilty, Is expected to m rlve today. The boaid of health sublet try, Rus sell J. .Sliepheid, has ieeelv"d n com munication fiom the state hoard olll ulal, whoso homo Is at Geiiunnlown, In which he said he would start lor this city today. Ho has piailo a letptest lor a deal ot' lufoi million, and his letter would indicate that he will cany 011 his Investigations heie and dtennlne, their lesultH without leaving the city, He will not only niako bactPiloloslcal tests of water and of milk, but will Inspect tho souices of supply, the ips- SMOTHER A COUGH. You can smother a cough with your hand but ypu can't cure it that way., Some medi cines only smother coughs. Scott's Emulsion cures them. Old coughs and deeprooted coughs can't be cured until the inflammation which causes them has been replaced by healthy tissue. That is exactly the kind of thorough work Scott's Emul sion does. It changes the entire nature of the throat and lungs so that there is nothing to cough about 6end for Free Sample. fcCOXXii JBOWIUi CiinniUU.Ml'ul W. B. L. Ofilceis. At Wednesday night's meeting ot Hie Catholic Woman's Benevolent legion, the lollowing ofllcers weie elected: President, Jits. John A. Boylan; vice piesldent, JIlss nilznbeth Unite; ora tor, Miss Hannah Doud; secietaiy, Miss Bridget Gethlns; collector, Jlis. John J. Drennan; tieasmer, Jlrs. James Norton; marshal, JIlss Margaret Joyce; guatd, Miss Maigaret Dm kin; organ ist, Miss Mary Boylan; tiustees, Mrs. Rlchaid Kllpatrlck, Mis. Mai tin Ger ilty, Mis. Patilck Haite. Missionary Meeting Tonight. A mlsslonniy meeting will be held in the "Methodist meeting house" (Watt's hall) this afternoon and evening, at 2 30 and 7.30, In the afternoon Rtns. G. A. Plate, Pw. M. Pascoe and R. L. Clark will speak, and Dr. Gamewoll will conduct a question box. In the evening, Di. Gamtwell, the famous pi eachei -engineer of the siege or Pekin, will speuk. He Is an interesting speaker and will piodt nil who hear him. An ofieiing will be leceived lor expenses. The public Is cordially linlted to attend, Unclaimed Letteis. List ot lettois lemaining In the C.n bondale, I'a postolllce, Dee. 11, Uiej, tor persons unknown; M. C. Uioder Ipk, James J. Collins, John Cumin, James lfeveis, Colonel R. G. Huston, John McGowan, Dr, .1. T. Male, Geoigo Perilno, Geoigo Rolllscm, Win. Wade man, Dai nest Yatne.s, Mis. O. W Chapman, Mis. Una Fair, Mis. Mlch nel Jnnlan, Miss IhldgeL Connor, MNs Kathiyn Day, MNs Mabel Matthews, Geoigo I'eptoek. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative tiiomo-Qiilnlne Tablets. this Hignaiure jpmj t on eveiy box, 23e, 6WA Increase in Seivice. Another car has been placed on the Fount Cltv branch ot tho stteet rail way lino. It will urn fiom 11,30 a. m, till 11,30 p, m. untl between those hotiis until after Chilstmas a thlrty-nilnuto uiietlulo will tie maintained, Instend of nn houily seivice. The slxty-tnlnuto sehetlnle will bo maintained each day till 11,30 n. in. "Mysteiy" Tea Tills Evening. The "mysteiy" tea which will bo held nt tho home of Mis. WUJIant Mois, on Noith Church stieet this evening, Is under the auspices of the Ladles' guild of Trinity church, .m oignnUatlon which Is noted for pleasant enttitalu inenls, Then- will undoubtedly bo a Ki mo attendance. W. C. T. U, Meeting Today. Tho Women's Clulstlan Tempeinnie union will hold a meeting at 3 o'clock this afternoon In the W, W, Watt hulldlins. A guod attendanro Is lequebt ed, as It will likely be tho last meeting of tho yeai. Will Be Paid Today. Thu Delaware and Hudson tuliinieu will be paid today. As theie has been an exceptionally laige number ot ciews employed during tho month ut extia time, this will be the blggttst lailioad pay lu ycais. The Roof Fell on Him. Michael Cohllnskl, a laborer In the Northwest mine, wus caught by a fall of loof Wednesday uttemoon uud sus tained sieilous lujiii, tlie extent ot The least expensive are of black marten, whose dark, glossy fur is beau tiful. Sable fox in spite of the fact that the skins are nearly all gone and more people want them than ever come next in price. Then raccoon.black lynx, silver fox, blue fox, Hudson Bay sable, Baum mar ten, chinchilla, Persian lamb, ermine and Russian sable. Everv kind of neck fur you can think of is ready to become a Christmas gift. Men's Bath Robes Are now spread over half the regu lar Men's Furnishings department. $3.50 to $12.00 each. The best $5 wool robe we ever had is in the collection. Turkish toweling robes, ,$6.50, that are not surpassed anywhere. Woolen robes, $5 up to $12. Others of fine Mercerized Cotton in white and colors, $4.50 to $10.00. Holiday Umbrellas The fiuits of many months of prep aration and a long search through many different countries. The handles, of course, are the most important part, and we have never had a finer collection odd' beautiful and exclusive. Among them are: Finest Box Woods, Wangee Woods from China, Carved Ivory, Sterling Sil ver and Pearl, Gold and Pearl, Wood inlaid with Silver, Plain and Trimmed Buckhorn, Natural Woods of all kinds. Look at our Ladies' special holiday line of Silver and Pearl Handles at $3.75, worth $5 00. Christmas Glove News Gloves for children are cut and made with as much care as those for older people. Among them are: Fowne's Cape Gloves in tans, reds and browns, $1.25. Soft Mocha Gloves, fleeced lined, $1.00. Heavy Cape G'oves, lined, $1.00. Wool Gloves, white, black and all colors, 20c to 50c. Women's Jouvin Gloves, the finest French Kid Gloves made, $1.50. Men's lined and unlined Kid Gloves, $1.00 to $6.00 a pair, the higher priced ones lined with fur. Men's Holiday Neckwear The best 50c scarfs. The best dol lar scarfs. And the best that money will buy. We're ready to serve every body. Even the 50c scarfs are in exclusive patterns. A new lot of dollar scarfs here today that are even better than we have yet had. For $1.50 you can get the best English Silks (in English squares.) Evening Dress Protectors, $1.00 to $3.00 each. Square Mufflers in black, white and handsome color effects, $1.00 to $2.50. vrvrn liter Underwear ' We said the other day that we can lit everybody with underwear. We can lit your purses, too a tre mendous range and variety of prices. Prices don't go so low, though, as in most stores we know where to draw the lineat trash. Men's, 50c to $7.50 a garment. Women's, 25c to $6.50 a garment. Children's, 25c to $1.50 a garment Connolly W olldLC, 123-125-12M29 Washington Avenue, : The 1 Q ft j "3" I cwwai' 9 -htS &ar0 ravens- ...,boo " , Trans11" .Av eai Mot r" . it o steauj , cc v .t.i tho we ?! " ntvtled U "v.- ot out CF a ywjB .SoOKtWJ ZAAX- i cNlDfc.l'" CnMFOK-' .Aanw. ,-... rr. .vtwosimas avr,, -u 5A"cirec i uuniiw . -ii iitt - a iii - ii .n..ifct This Is guaranteed by the Hodgeman Rubber Co 's Storm Coats ana Mackintoshes. We have them in all grades from $5,00 to $25.00. which In not yet definitely known. Ilu wns taken In tho mine nnilmliuwo t his hotiio In Simpson, OLYPXIAJST. A uvular incetlne of the mIiuoI lumul was licit) n Wi'ducjilaj nlIH Tlio unit til t'f tmuitliiR llui cuiiimlioi fdia.i tlon law van fully i11rculmI Ii tlio lni'iu 1)01 a untl It was iloililcd to n'litl out nu tlccd to lurontb ol iiujiiu um utUmlhiK school, UbKltil, loi leifoni nt iion-attt-iul-autt A hpcilul mettlin; will Im uilled ns boon in lopllt-s mo utelul, wluti toino action will ho tultui Tim Junior huiul of tho UluUoly llaptlst tlniuh will render a cuntata In that edi fice thin oenhnf. At tho closo of (ho nleco Ico cieam .uul i.ilto will bo t-encil Tlio loinalns of Jaiiifi' Walsh, who tiled at WlitU'lu, Alabama, on .MoiuU lasl, airlM'd luio tt.tetlu mornlntf Tho body was conu'Kd to lilt lutti homo on lliiiimoio sttict by UndPtliiktr ,1. W hwion.v. Tho finifial will In lit Ul to moi low nioi iilm,' A itiink'in IiIkIi iihiss will In. ctklnuli.il hi St. l'.Uilck' ohiiuh at 10 otkxk luti'imuiu will ln ina.lu hi bl 1'Ullllk h ClIIILlClJ Ml .uul Ml-. iM,iiid hht-ui ami ilaiiKliii'i .MIs- J.'llul Hhtiman, nt Itlal.t lj, uttim)t.il the Watl-Alhoituu miiil iN at Ciiiliuiuiulo )cslcida Tho iniicral nt .larpaid thu liurc (laoghtti of All ami Mix .Jaimu Aimiin look pl.tto lioiu the family homo In Tiuu Valley MMinhiy attoinmi at -' n't-lotk, and was atloudtt b maio friends ami itlutlMH. He. (lioiKo lIliKUt) t oiuluett'tl tho HuiUtCf. ami buii.i ut initio In Vnlon eemetoi; .Mib. tlooi-RO JoniH him totniiiuil afltr sjiendlnK two weuks nt lleitlvk Ccniiir. Uu. Jaimia Hoy la hi Wllktiii.is.aiiu. Ii is a Lager eer.. Manufacturers ol' j. , ,j. . i' .. n ! PILSNER I NS;,Scrantori,Fa. Old M'hone, 3331. New 'Phone, '293 "5 MENRY BELIN, JR Cenetil .ifcnt (or His Wyomlrg District for Dnpont's Powder UIlIiis, nlastlnj, Spot tin;, Sniokelj! tl tin llcpr.uno Chemical Ccmpiny'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. blfcty i'uic, Cj ani Kxplpdtra. Ilooiu i"l sell uulltllu; ,bcra-Wn. AG INCH'S. JOHN' 11 SMITH & SON t. W. MUUIC N V,1 t I f