tf'itnrvjQIX" . , Tllii SCUAJNXON TJtUBUJNJS-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1902. 10 '3 One to a customer on Friday. 9fyfmmtmn0mt Carpet Sweeper, Worth 2.50 for 1,69 Our object in making this remarkable Carpet Sweeper offer, is to male the Carpet Department la center of attraction on rnaay, we win uupena on uis inspecuun or our j;n.ii-..iiyt-i.iiiu iuB display for future profit. 7HB Sfe"y?U? A small deposit criaimyi secures free stor age ui'tu t-nrist- mas for present Store open evenings until 9.30, beginning Satur- tC0N0MY 221-223-225-227 day, Dec. 13th. Wyoming Avenue, selections. & I HOLIDAY CIGARS! cJ5 I " " " ' II I I 111! I I Fpoibh 2c For a Box of 12 I to $6.00' For a Box of 25. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Now York, Dec. ll.-Tlio stock market hud a demoralized iippenrnnco lit limes tmlny when mi cngnr unlontllng ot serin I tle waa In piot'iees without roBiird to prices. Tho volume of ilualliiRH iomo to over a million Hhures or about iloulilo thoso of yesterday, which win u upln moro tlmn double thoso oC tho tiny bororo. Tho throwing upon U'u mtu-net ot thlii crcrttly iiUBinentetl volume oC liquidation inut with very poor nbsoipllon powi-i-, und violent decline were the result. Thero were points In the mtiikot where inoio resistance wuh shown than In oth ers, notably amongst tho Pennsylvania kioup, Itcudliijr, AmalKmati-d copper nnd Sugar. Tito lust named stock, closed Chicago, Dec. 11. Prices in the sruin tho duy with an actual m't gain of a small fraction. On the other hand, tho Rock Island stocks, tho butted States Steel Btochs and tliu Pnclflea eunorolly proved easily vulnerable. The extreme iloclino in Rock inland common wau Hi and In tho preferred 4'i. Tho final pi coa wero respectively T4 and 2 higher than tho lowest. United StatPS Steel lost 3 points and the preferred 2-na and their llnal prices were only a fraction bettor tlmn thoso low points. Tho unsupported condi tion of these stocks had a strong senti mental effect on tho whole market. The Venezuelan situation exerted only a sen national influence. Total sales toduv, 1,190,700 s-harcs., Bonds were weak In j-vmpathv with stocks. Total sales, par value, Jt.340,0fl0. United States !Ss nnd old Is coupon declined H per cent, on tho la&t call. The following quotations aro furnished The Trlbuno by Halgrht & Freese Co., 314 315 Mears Building. IV. V. Runyon, man. aucr. . j non.ii iKu.i.ow.v.iwi-0 Amal. Copper KHi 35 6 jjlji .ra. C. & F 31 34 MV3 M',4 Am. Cot. Oil 4I6 -iilS 40 41 Am. lee 10;s WH Wi 104 Am. Locomotive- .... 27 T, 26Vs Wi Am. S. & R. Co .... 37 !8U .vi'-a ,;!' i Am. Sugar 118 119 , 117 1Wi Atchison SO1 SOU 8;x 7SW, Atchison, Pr 07-U !)7i M fit Bait. & Ohio fti'i PGU W M)a Brook. R. T 61i 'i Wi M'9 Canadian Pacific ...tai'l 12ii'i 321Vi lH i-hea. & Ohio -HH 4.V,$ 44 -HVa Chicago & Alton .... P.1H Kin "I "1 , Chic, &. G. W ?.vS, SS34 2.1 23 b ('.. M. & St. P lfil'-t lfi!3i K7li 1SU Col. Fuel & Iron 81 M,'a Kk 81 Col. .V: Southern .... 2S'S 2Sij 'M'i. 2o-., Col. & South.. 2d Pr. 43 43 12 42'.(. Delaware & Hud ....l."34 IKS'-i LiiiVj l"'.s 1)., U & W 24.". 21". 213 213 Ten. & R. G SS's MU S'fc !84 Jie X"i 32 SO'i .10-s Urle, 1st Pr 2i (UU r.IJa fits, Erie, 2nd Pr f"S"i M fC. S,?i Illinois Conttnl llOl-j 111TS Wa 140 l.ouls. & Nash 1221-1 J22a 320'i 120 Manhattan 14". 1131 143'i 114 -.Met. St. Ity l.'!7',2 137! 13",U 13fi?i .Mexican Central .... 21 21 21 21 Mo., K. & Tex KF4 2l''i -" -" 1o. Pacific 1031 liVPs 101 101U X. Y. Central K.nt 150"4 lt'4 14!Vi Norfolk & West .... te'S OS t57i ;s Ont. & West 27i 27!i 27 27 I'cnna. R. R Wl l.VWt 13K-i 31i People's G.U5 100H ldo !K,i Mi-i Pressed Steel Car ... :&i BSb S5i r.7il Heading 3H'i M'i P-Ii KM Reading, 1st Pr M St 81 84 Republic Steel 1SU Wi IS'i 1SU Rock Island 39i Miij 33 :!' St. I,. & San F 70 70 fl7i .,7',J Southern Pacific .... i',i OOii i",? W Southern R. U 31 31 2! 29'i Southern R. R., Pr.. 01 01 PI m Tenn. Coal & Iron... Mi 54',i 53 r,3 Texas & Pacino .... 89 U .".! i 3 IK'S 1'nlon Pacific fi7' 97'. 93 PS TTnlon PncKIe, Pr.... 91',i !)li 90 !IM U. S. Leather 12 12 1l'i 11r)i U.- S. Rubber 13'J 13'i 1.T., 15', II. S. Steel SI'S 31 318 32U If. S. Steel, Pr 82 S2'l M) S0 AVabash 23'.S 27r 2l'i 23 Wabash, Pr W 39; 39 39'i Western Union S7'& S7''t ,S7 S7", Wheel. & L. E 22',i 22'i 20?i 20;,, .Wh. Central 21'V 21', i 23-t 24 Total sales, 1.123.C00 shares. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WHEAT Onon- Hlch. Low. Close. May iT-i 77vi 7i,1t 77'i July "I 7l'j 73"i 7iv; CORN Mny 4H4 Wh W -H'4 Ju v ! -n'i 13 W -IjI MATH Mnv S3V .Wi 3J"A 3.1'. J win t." January 11.7.', in.73 lfi.i!S l(!.t.j Hay 15.BS 13.57 15.B3 NKW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open. HlRh. Low. Cloo. Jnnunry K.29 S.33 S.27 S.31 March 8.23 Mil .V.O R.3f) May 8.27 X.3.1 S.2 S.31 July v 8--S 8.31 8.2S 8.31 Berantoa Board of Trade Exehnngo Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. rJId.Askcd. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... co County Sav. Bank & Truat Co 2u0 Klrst Nat. Bunk (Carbonuale). ... em Third Uatiomil Bank 530 Dlmo Dep. & Dls. Uanlt SOO ... Kconomy L., H. & P. Co . First National Bank 1300 Lack. Trust & Safe DeD. Co . 193 Clark & Snover Co.. Pr lac ... Scranton Savings Bank COO Traders' National Bank 22j Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 12, ... People's Rank 13a Scranton Packing Co 3a BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, due 1020 1U ... Pconlo's Street Railway, tlrst mortgage, duo 191S 115 ... Pconlo's Street Raliwav, Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 11". Scranton Trac. Co., C per cent. U3 ... Economy L.. H. & P. Co. P7 N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 10a Scranton Wholesale Maiket. (Corrected by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.) Flour-51.40. Butter Creamery, 2o';a2oi: d-ilry, 2oa 23'e. Cheese 13V4al4c. Kegs-Nearby, 30e.; storage, 22c. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.Sa. Onions Per bushel, TSaPOc. Potatoes 5c. por bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market Now York. Dec, 11. Flour Very firm and held higher. Wheat Spot firm: Ino. 2 red, S3c elevator; No. 2 red. 79ic t o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, S-V. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 8tRe. f. o. b. afloat. The close was firm at '-a pc. net advancoj May closed SlSc; July closed 79c.; December, 84'sc, Corn Spot quiet; No. 2, tile, elevator end tUc. r o. h. afloat; No. 2 yollow, new, lilc.; No. 2 white, now, 61'c; option market was ad vanced moderately. January closed rc'tc: May closed 4!)Sc, ; July closed 4S'se.; De cember closed hVc. Oats Spot llrm; No. 2. 37c; No. 3. 37c; No. 2 white, SSnSS'sc: track white, 37Via43o.; standard white, 38';. a3S?ic; No. 2 white, SSV-aii'iic.; track mixed -western, nominal: options fairly active and Urm nil day. December closed 30c Butter Firm; extra creamery, 30c; ftictory, 16al8c: creamery, common to choice, ?la29c.: Imitation creamery, K.i 21',ic; state dairy, tt'iaU'i.x renovated. 17a 22c Cheese Firm; state full cream, small CQlored, September, 13l$c: late, 13c; nmall white. September, ll'.ie.; late, 13i; largo coloreil. Se)tember, ll'.ie; late. 1-ii-.; largo September, 1Pa.; into, 13c Ebbs--Steady; average best, 30c; rofrigeratcd, 19.121c ; western fancy, graded, 25a29c,; western poor to prime, 20a27c Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Dec. 11. Prtves In the grain pits were higher today, although trading was only moderate. May closlm; 3u',4o. higher; May corn, He. higher and oats" He. up. Provisions were easier, the January products closing trom 17'ia27c. lower. Cash nuotatloin wero as follow:'; Flour Dull but llrm; No. 2 spring wheat, 7l.i73c; No. 3, (fia'Jc; No. 2 led. 74T,a 757ic; No. 2 corn. 37c; Xo. 2 yellow, 37a RSc; No. 2 oats, 32c j No. 3 white, 32' ta 3iic; No. 2 o'C 49'ic; good feeding bai lev, 33a39c; fair to choice malting. 13u r.'-o.; No. 1 flax seed, .51.14: No. 1 noith we.stein, SI.23; prime timothy Heed, $,i.hS; mess pork, per barrel, fli.7'iiil7; laid, per 10U pounds, SlO.40a10.l3; short ribs, sides, $8.riOa5,,73; dry Kilted sohiilders. boxed, fS.23aS.30; shoit clear sides, boxed, J8.73;i9. 3-HOUR SAL FROM 9 to 12 o'cBook. For 3 hours only tomorrow, Friday morning, between the hour- of 9 and 12 o'clock, we will place on sale 7-0 of thebe fno Foot Stools. They have metal bronze legs, benutilul velour coverings, thoroughly upholster d, and exactly like il ustration. For 3 hours tomorrow th will ba at yi their actual value. lST 5S fflR K ar &$( ?&8t "fl SPECIAL NOTICG Please have the correct chnnge ready. H No mail or telephone orders filled, none sent C, O. D., and posi- y tively none sold to dealers. Owing to the large number of these! vtools to be sold, we cannot deliver them; purchasers will kindly iane mem aiong. iBiiBiBftftiitttilQrM-ti Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Dec. 11, Cnttle-Ilecelptfl, 11.- " r,0u; market 13a20c. lower, very dull; good . In prime steels, tf.tiO.itt.O): poor to medium, - , J.!a..(iO; Hlockers and feeders, cows, ennners, Jl.23a2.40: .tor; Texas teu 51.23a4.M: h.'lfers, J2u5! bulls, J2,i4..Vi: culvert, KtlM'l'H. .!.. Villi. I... Hogs Receipts today, 3S.K0; tomnrow, t;o,uio: left over, 25,w: 10.12O0. lower; mixed mul bull hers. ?,u!.20; boiiiI to oholci) heavy, MSilaCCO; rough heavy, Ji.1'3 iiii.20; llBht, J3.iViai!; bulk of sales, $3.:i3a U.20. Hhecji Rci-elpls, 23,000: Bhei'p, steady to ,"e. lower: lunilis, steady to 23c lower; good to I'hnlco wethers, J3.73nl.30: fair to ehoicu mixed, $2.73a3.Wl; native Iambs, 4lu C.30. Buffalo Stock Market. Ea-t Buffalo, Dec. 11. Cuttle-Receipts, W0; market Mow; pi lino stucis, $Tt,7",:u; 85 ; slilpln'C steels, $4 73a3.F,0: butchers' Kteers, j;:.73a).73; heifers, Wat 30: eous, $.l.30a4; eanners, $1.3(U2; bullf, J2.7."al: feeders, J3.30al.30: stoekers, J3al; stock heifers, ;2.30,i.:. Veal", .2.73a4. Hogs Reeeipls, SdO; iiimket ucllvej heavy, $ii. ljaii.oo; medium, $ij.:nu(!,4; Vork-iti-, j'J.lOji't.L'u: pigs, $j.90.i(!; roughs, 53.73,1 il J stags, $4, 73ns. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 9,300; sheep, firm; Jambs, lower; top lambs,; culls to good, $1.30a3.B'i: yem lines, ?4.23:i 1.73; ewes, $lnt,23: sheep top mixed, J 1.73 a I; culls to good, $ D., L. & W. BOARD. The following is the make-up of the D., L. & W. board for today: THURSDAY. DEC. It. Extras East 0 p. m Gordon: 7 p. m., J. J, Duffy, with Van Wormer's eiow; S p. m Randolph; 9 p. ni Cis-o; 10 p. in,, McDonnell: 11 p. m E. Duffy, with Wall's ciew; 12 midnight, Cuvanaugli. Summits 3.30. p. ni 51. Glulcy i.enst); U p. ni J. J. Murray (west). Extins Wet.t 0 p. m., Peel. FRIDAyTdEC. 1-'. 1 0. m.. Ruegg; 2 a. 111. , Lunsliney: 3..10 a. ni William Gllllgan. with Klrby's crew; u a. m J. Glnley; 7 a. m Bush; 9 We are now prepared to give you figures on cigars in large quantities for the Holidays. Parties contemplating purchasing large quantities will do well to place orders now, especially on imported and High-Grade Havana Cigars,as these lines will be difficult to obtain satisfactorily in a short time owing to the present troubles in Cuba. STAS8DA01D BRANDS ONLY THAT YOU KfflOW AKE IfltJOSSTM THE PRICE YOU PAY Full Line of Pipes, Tobacco Jars, Cigar Holders, Etc s&EHr&$r oTOErer-r - aaalrV H WM t$tlylgL. & H II BRUi to: wfflnmrwwmm. STORE J in p. m Thomjison (east); 4.20 p. m J. Hcnlgau (east). Pushers 2.311 a. m., C. Eartholomen fwest); 7 a. 111., Widuer (west): 7 a. m, Flnnerty (weiit); S a. m Ilouaer (cast): 11.43 a. in., Moran (east); 1 . in., Mi. Donnell (west); 7.L0 p. in.. Murphy (oast); 9 p. m., W. H. Bartholomew (east). Helpers 1 a. m.. Magovern; 7 a. m Gaffney; 10 a, m Sceor; 3.13 p. m Stan ton. Extras West Third 31, Llndwiy; 4.30 a. m Rachford: S a. m.. Warfol fllatl- a. m., Mullen: lo a. in., Heirlck; 11 a. m ' stead); 11 a. ra Noonnn; 12 nonn. John rltrgf-rald; 12 noon. Dcvlno: 1 p. m II. tillllgan; 2 p. ni., Fineity; :, p. m., LaBar; 4 p. m., Randell: 3 p. 111.. McCnnn. Summits- H 11, m.. I-'iounfelker (Most) C a. m Cnrrigg (east); P.30 a, ni., Nich ols (we-it); 1 p. m.. Golden (eat.t) : 2.20 Gahagan (Haltsteud); 3 j. m., Brown. NOTICE. Klrby will run Fellows' crew on 11.30 p. in. extta cost Thursday, Deo. 11, and un til further notice. WjBisiHBa; tsziPSjaaJswAuusatszaiEsag YOUR TROUBLE THESE DAYS IS NOT A LACK OF XNOWLEDQz AS TO WHAT YOU WANT. THE REAL DIFFICULTY IS WHERE TO GET IT. EVERY DAY PROVES OUR WISDOM IN PURCHASING SUCH DAINTY BITS OF STATUARY, THE FINEST GRADS OF BURNT LEATHER AND PYRO ETCHED IV 3RKPICTURZS THAT GLADDEN ALIKE THE HEART OF THE ARTIST AND THE PEOPLE, AND AT PRICES SO REASONABLE NO ONE WILL ACCEPT THE IMITA' TION FORTHE REAL. WE HAVS SUCH A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF HOLIDAY OF" FERINQS THAT WE HAVEN'T ROOM TO TELL ABOUT THEM. OOME IN AND SEE THEM. 3 ll il Note the New Location msBaamBwamnm GRIFFIN ART SHOP 2II Washington Ave. 1 t-afPf-wnciRkJuwifpqaeat 1 W 45 TV? tin. T & "J '? I ThinK 6.?: 'i j a ir s j j- H7r r M ' 4 a r -fi- rns JTJr vi "T!nSi. V.' iAi jP fA $ ' &' Mte " If 0 .G $&&$&m;$:m&&&& u '?. w $$v-$&:L , &, p Don't wasle your money on useless things whon makinj ciate something iiseful more than a mere ornament. your purchases of Christmas giTls. Your friends will surely appre- ty This is the Biggest, Best and. Most Thoroughly Complete Furniture and Carpet House in Scranton. The stock is fresh and new. It represents a collection clUciimituitingly chosen by buyers whose experience has taught them what is best and most modern in Home Furnishing-:; The iusp' crimi of ihe five large floors of this building will we are sure convince you of the truthfulness of the statements made uhove, whicn in themselves are good reasons why you can buy here with advantage to yourself, but as an extra inducement we otter Prize Ko. I - SSS in Mdsa. Prize No. 2 - $40 in Mdss. We have given special attention to our line of Chairs for the holiday trade, and wo are we honestly believeselling these goods at prices" that cannot be equalled, quality considered, in Scranton. ffj Morris Chairs Reed Rocters ! Hardwood Rockers We have a Irtrgo variety of these restful oliuira, Jutt liko out, Mulchleaa valuo Only $4.75 A. hfUHlRome chrtir, Irtrgo, roomy nnrl comlbrtublo, t'un't be equaled at tho price. Only $2.75 IIP ! 1 1 i Sa fK TMk ffj, wt Tn Qiuirtorerl Oftk or Maliop nny, lmmlsoiiioly flniuhed, Couotiue liou tho best, Samo as out. Only $3.25 WMte Oak Rockers ffrflTffjr3m3BliB n lew Mrttlfi of eelectca White Oak. Well iinished und perfectly oou Btructed. Worth S3. 75. Here Only $2.75 Pictures, Carpet Sweepers, Smoking Tables, Pailor Cabinets, Scranton Carpet Furniture Co0 gu Dining Room Furniture. Parlor Furniture. lien rurmiuru. n..i!nnl DaaIt' flnftH QGuuuuoi duul ua&UD, a- e,i 322 Lackawanna Avenue, 406 Lackawanna Avenue. Store Open Evenings. sen evenings. r 'The Store That Saves You Money,'1 &tH'4WK& V v.