The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 12, 1902, Image 1

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Mlilitaft1frtiitr HHlM w
British and German Representa
tives at Puerto Gabello Are
Seized and imprisoned.
His Effoits to Intervene Ale Treat
ed with. Contempt Venezuelan
Authorities Aie Fortifying the
Town A British Steamer Dis
charging1 a Cargo of Coal Is Seized
,by Venezuelans at Puerto Cabello.
The English Sloop of War, Aleit,
Captures Two Venezuelan Vessels
in the Gulf of Patia.
Bv Licluc Wire ftom The Associated Pics.
London, Dec. 11. A dispatch to the
Daily Mall from Willemtad, Island of
Curacoa, dated Dec. 11, says:
"The Venezuela authorities, nt Pupito
Cabello ate foitifylng that town. They
have seized and Imprisoned the Brit
ish and Gorman consuls theie, as well
as, other Britons and Germans, and
have taken possession of their prop
erty. The authoilties also seized a
Btltlsb steamer which was discharg
ing a cargo of coal at Puerto Cabello.
This vessel was unable to escape, owing
to a bieakdown in her machinery. The
American consul at Puerto Cabello at
tempted to intervene, but he was disre
garded." American Government Thanked.
V.iubington, Dec. 11. Acting 'under
table Instructions lecelved today troni
t licit home offices Mr. Von Hollehen.
th Grrman ambassador, Sir Michael
Herbert, the British ambassador, today
presented to the state department the
thanks of their governments for the
services of Minister Bowen, acting on
behalf of the United States, in secur
ing the leltaso of the German, and Brit
ish subjects arrested by President Cas-
The Venezuelan Coast Guard and a
Troopship Captuied.
IS LvchiMic Wire fiom The socialed Prcs. .
Kingstown, Island ot St. Vincent,
Dec. 11 Tbe Venezuelan tioophip
Kamois and the Venezuelan
guild vessel Veinte Ties do Mayo wore
iptured in the Gulf of P.xria and taken
to Poit of Spain, Tunidad, this morn
ing' by the British sloop of war Aleit.
A SinguJai Case of Intel est in the
Episcopal Diocese of Central
Bj Wire fiom The Asioaatdl Pro!.
Huntingdon, Pa., Dec. 11. The trial
of the long d fori ed and celebrated case
of Dr. I. N. Initio, tho deposed icc
tor o fit. John's Uplseopal ohuich of
this plat o, against Uishop LUlulbeit
Talbot, ot tho Crntinl Pennsylvania
illch'os-c, ind Mr. anil Mrs Alexander
HllloU, of Iluntlngilon, began hoio to
f In 3". l'r. Iivlno r lunges conspitaoj, nnd
asks $;,or'0 d image
When Dr. Initio came hno in IS'iS,
tlio memboisliip of tho church
liom about twonty to oxer 200. Mis,
lllllott, ono ot the loading pailshloiicis,
liernme ongaged In a personal eontio
voiey over chuich niuttets with tho
now i color, and It Is iillegrd by tho lat
tor that she ontored into a ronsplrmy
villi Bishop Talbot to hae Dr. In I no
The ptesout action hinges on a letter
vultten by tho bishop to Mis, Elliott,
in which he said:
"Dr. In hie cannot bo dismissed. I
can find nothing against him, morally
or eanonleallv, but If ou will huo him
convicted In the rouit of lootrnj, I win
unfiook tho slimy tdlow, and I udviso
von to do mi,"
Mrs, Elliott then biought an nition
ngulnst Dr, Inlno for foigeiy, alleging
that he signed her niuno to a letter to
tho bishop without her authority. This
indictment wub quashed.
Both sides have retained some of tho
best legal talent in the state, and the
case ib uttiucttiig unusual public In
tel est.
Will Appeal Stoie Order Case,
III I'.vclrMie W Ire (rum The Assoc laM l'ic.
Iluulsburg, Vu Dec, 11. The attor
ney general's ejepaitment is picpailng
the papeis to take an appeal to the Su
ineme couit fiom Judge Klmonton's de
cision that tho stoio oider tux bill Is
unconstitutional. Tho decision was
made in the tax appeal of the Lehigh
foil and Navigation company, and It
will bu fought to a Jlnlsh In tho higher
Hj IUclu,hc Wire from Tlio .Usociitci l'rrj3.
Hairlsburj, Deo. 1I- At tho State
Daliy association this afternoon tho fol
lowing oMIccis who elected:
President. Dr, U. U. Adumsby; (list
vice piesldcnt, D. L. May; second ea
pusldent, W, D. Shuck; ticasurer, W. V.
.Perhamj seeiotary, Dr, Com ad; dlrectois,
ilium aicaparron, Henry I'uimer,
nry m. comfort, Hon. W. C. Norton, B.
Huroer aim Geoigo Malonoy.
ke speakois at this afternoon's session
Piofessor C S. Plumb, on "Breed-
I'aim Animals"; Professor 11. Hay-
. '-some questions bt Keeding," and
Ronald Pearson, on "Immunization
Itlo Against Tuberculosis."
Contractor Payne Fixes the Value at
II) Kvtludic Ire from flic towel ttcd l't.
Hnrrlsbutg, Dec. 11. Contt actor
Payne, who will build the new cupllol,
took out a building permit today, fixing
the value at 54,000,000. A commltteu
ftom Wlnnsbotu, S. C, where the gran
ite for the new tupltol Is to be quarried,
called on Governor Stone today to pio
test against the action of the Pennsyl
vania Granite Cutteis In demanding
that the granite be diessed in the noith,
because of poor labor and low wages at
They said the labor at Winnsboro
quaiiies Is skilled and commands good
wages. The governor referred the mat
ter to the contractor.
Addresses a Meeting in Philadelphia
Held in the Interest of Berean
Manual Training School.
By Kvcltuiie Wire ftom Tlie Associated 1'ics.
Philadelphia, Dec. 11. Former Presi
dent Cleveland presided tonight at a,
public meeting in aid ot" the Bertan
Manual Training school, an institution
which alms to give members of the
negio race the benefits of an industrial
education. The meeting was attended
by prominent juiiBts, educators and
business men. Mr. Cleveland was the
principal speaker, and Booker T. 'Wash
ington, president of the Tuskegee in
stitute, also made an address.
The institution was established less
than two years ago, and has an enroll
ment of 200 students.
Mi. Clevelind is personally interested
in the school, and in accepting the in
itation to attend the meeting, he said:
I regai d tbo object which tho meeting Is
called to piomoto bo bencllcent and so
Impoitant to tho advancement of a mass
of our citiyonship, greatly in need of im
piovoment and care, tint I lnvo consid
ciod it my duty to comply with tho to
quest to preside at tho meeting.
The coloied population of this cltv is
60,000, and increasing at tho late of 10,0u0
a car, nnd tonight a mooting was held
for the purpose of inteiostlng tho peoplo
of Philadelphia particularly and of the
country geneuilly in their Relocation.
Mr. Cle eland's addiess was in part
as follows:
I am impicssod with the impoitonre of
this occasion. It is absolutely certain
that cverywhoio in this broid land, good
people should bo kecnlv nlivo to their
dut and intcicsts .i, lolatcd to the col
oi(d men, women and rhildii.ii, who con
stitute a fnctoi, large or small in tho
population of eoiv ronununltv. It is
foolish for us to blind our oks to tho
tact that nioio should be done to impioe
tliu condition of our nogio population;
and it should bo cntitelv pliin to all ot its
that tho soonoi this it, undertaken tho
soonei will n sciious duty bo dischaigcl
and tlio moio suielv will wo guard our
selves against lutuio tiouble and danger.
No one 'who has given tlio subject do
Ilbcinto thought can doubt that, if wo an
to bo just and fair towaids oui ooloicd
lollow citizen", and It thoy mo to be moie
completely made self-iCHfvctlng, tmelul
and safe niembois of our body politic,
thny must hi tnimht to do something
nioio than how wood nnd ibaw water.
'J he wav iinut be opni'd loi them to
engage in something hotter than menial
S(iiee, nnd Intiiotn must he
moused to rewaids of liitilligout occupa
tion and carolul thrift.
I bollew) tho oxlgoncy can only be
adequately met tluougii thn insti imen
tality of well equipped muiunl tialning
and liidustrl it schools, conducted l.ithir
Indopeiidcnllv or In (oniioetlon with oidl r duintioiMl institutions. 1 am enn
inced that good citizenship, an ordoily,
oontontcd life, and a piopor concepllon
of oiie lituo and obligations is almo't
certain to mow out of a fair banco to
cnin mi honest, hopeful livelihood, and u
satlstled sen.-o of secure piotcutlon and
consldciate ticatmnnt.
'lho objects of our assemblage tonight
aio to leaiu tho dotatis of tho work dono
by a manual tialning and industrial
school located heio in tho city of Phila
delphia and to extend to it our aid and
Study, If tho liberal citizens of Phila
delphia nin at onoo satlslicd that their
duty to their less foituinto nelghbois de
mand the Increased succc-s of this insti
tution, It slio-ild not be difficult to India e
thorn to ctcnd tu It a helping hand. We
cannot anticipate that Its neglect will bo
ehargeablo against tho people of this phil
anthropic nnu p miotic city.
Steamship Arrivals,
Ilj Uxdushc ire- from The Assoclitcd J'cs.
NewVotk, Dec, U. Arrived; Kronpiinz
AVIIhelni, lltemen. Balled: La Lot rain,
Uawo. Southampton Arrived: St, Louis,
Now York. Queeiihtown Sailed: Cynulc
(fiom Liveipool), New Votk. Hottcrdam
Ai lived: Potbdnm, Now York. Sailed:
Amstcidam, Now Yotk la Boulogno Sur
Mer. Naples Aril ved: Allor, New York
(ami sailed for Genoa). Hamburg Ar
tived: Uiaf Waldcrsee, Now Yoik U
1I mouth and Cherbouig. Liveipool Ai
iied; Celtic, New Yoik via Qucenstown.
Danger from Thaw.
By Exclusive Wire from the Associated Prfi.
Shnmoktn, Pa Dec. II, A sudden thaw
last night combined with lain today is
melting the snow on tbo mountains so
lapldly that wator is entering tho mines
to such a depth that unless cold weather
soon sots in a number of collieries be
tween heio and Mount Carmcl will bo
diowned out, Pumps and water hoists
aio being woiked to their fullest capacity
to keep tho water ftom leaching tho
tunnels and gangwas.
Valuable Salt Sellar.
Dy Ficliulve W Ire (rem The Aatoriitrd PrN.
LoilonJec. II. A silver Dllzabethlan
salt fellar of tho dato of 1)77 and weigh
ing nine ounces was sold at auction heio
today for $15,000.
Pension Granted.
By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Preij.
Washington, Dec. 11. A pension of $6
has been granted to John II. Hoffman, of
The Bloodless Surgeon Performs Op
erations Upon Four Cases.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prut
Philadelphia, Dec. 11. Pi of. Atlolph
Loienz, the Austrian bloodless stngeon,
today conducted a clinic nt Jeffeison
Medical college. Hundreds of students
and many phslclans of this uud other
cities witnessed the operations. Of tho
twenty oases submitted to him, Prof.
Lotenz selected four, tlnoe glrlH and a
boy. The chlldien's ages uinge irom
three to nine years, and at the con
clusion of the clinic Dr. Lorenz staled In every case tho operation was
successful. In that of the eldest child,
on account of whose age It was thought
the operation would be moie dltllctilt,
the bone was manipulated into Its
proper place with more cae than any
of the others. Betoie pioceedlug to
operate upon his patients, Pi of. Lorenz
addiesscd the students, describing his
method. He said In congenital dislo
cation of the hips the age limit at
which a double dislocation could bu
cured by his method was sl. yeais.
The age limit in the case of a single
dislocation he plnoed at ten years.
Among the surgeons who witnessed the
operations were:
Dean Marshall, of the ITnheislty ot
Pennsylvania; Dr. Estes of the Heth,
lohem (Pennsylvania) hospital; Di. J.
C. Bltldle, State hospital, Ashland, Pa.;
Dr. Cole, Portland, Oie.; Dr. W. "W.
Keen, Jeffeison hospital, and Di. W. J.
Hearn, of this city.
Prof. Lorenz will leave heie tomonow
tot New York.
Major Duvall Recommends
Changes That Will Bene
fit the Organization.
Bj Exclusive W'nc n om 'the Associated rrp1-.
Harrlsburg, Dec. 11. The report of
JIajor "William P. Duall, Aitllleiy
Corps, U. S. A., detailed bv the war de
partment to islt and repoit upon tho
division encampment oi the Notional
Guard of Pennsylvania last summer,
wjth extracts of reports fiom other
.cgular officers detailed for the same
seivlce, praise the guatd for Its ex
ceptional efficiency. They weie made
public in an order to a guard today,
nnd in a preface Governor Stone con
gratulates the Notional Guard of Penn
sylvania upon the splendid work done
by the division In the recent encamp
ment. The governor sajs that "the icport
indicates marked advancement over
past yeai s and show s that tbe National
Guard of Pennsylvania is consideied by
those cornpetent to judge to be tho
most efficient organization of its kind
In this country."
JIajor Duvall concludes his report
with tho following euiogium of the
guard and some lecomtnend.Uions for
changes In the guaitl system:
1 givo it as mv tixod opinion and cool
lodgment that tho division of the Na
tional Guard of Pennsylvania is today
tho most homeogeneous and solid, the
most unlfoimly accoutred and equipped,
tho most sphlted, and the most valuable
dhislon of tioops that tan bo got to
gether In tho samo timo in this oountiv
and in this estimate I am including all
troops, icgulais, volunteers, mlhtii, or
what not, and T would liico to emphasUu
this fuithei by sijing tint vveio 1 a gen
eral olllcer, I would iather command
this division, iather take my chances ot
Hiicccts with It, than any othei dlvidon
that it Is practicable to oig.mlro quickly
In the United State .s.
Changes Beconvniended.
Holding these views icgirdlns this or
ganization I am naturally lotiiont to ieo
ommond changes In a custom under which
such excellent lOKiilt.s have abo.idy been
fvcure'd. Hut It does seem to mo tint
no nigumont Is ncdul to show that ach
of tho following changes, if made, must
bo beneficial.
1. That tbo peilnd of tho annual en
campment lt at least double rt
2. That tho ontiic guaid bo rutin d with
thn United States magazine lillo, the
sooncnt practicable-,
3. That the elective sssteni of choosing
officers bo uttcily ubollsbed,
1. That tho medical doputinent bo oi
gauized on a basis more belitting its ne
cessity and dignity, und moio conducive
to its efllcicncy than at pio.sent.
S. That an indepi ndent signal corps bo
oigauizcd or men bo detailed ftom each
company and sultablv insttuctexl, at least
In tho elementary duties of such tech
nlcal troops.
G That this complete clMslou, or such
patts of It as may b'o practicable) to
utilize, bo employed by tho United States
in any fiituio Held manouovios on a huso
scale, tho United States to bear all c
ponses Incident to this Heivice. Including
full pay lor ull giaues and ranks,
A Comfortable Night Passed No
Change Reported,
Ily Evclusho Wire from The Asoelatocl 1'riss.
New York, Dec. 11, The condition of
Cornelius Vundeibllt, who Is ill with
typhoid lever at his jesldence, '22 Park
avenue, was unchanged this moiulng.
Mr. Vanderbllt had passed a faiily
comfoj table night, It was said. Dr.
Austin i-'iiut, jr tno nttcmung physi
cian, at 11 o'clock issued tho following
"Mr. Vanderbllt is resting' quietly,
His. condition Is verv Isfactory. So
far thete have been complications,"
Keunebeo's F" xa Is One of the Best
By Excluhe Wi.j'The Associated Press,
Gardiner, Me., Dec. 11, Icemen on the
Konnebeu are well satisfied nt the pros
pectb of an excellent harvest. Tho
"freeze" is one of the best In a number
of years. About 800,000 tons can bo
taken care of on this river, The Penob
scot fields are not up to what the deal
ers would like.
Mills Close for Xack of Coal,
Hy Fxclushe Vi ire from The Associated I'rcts.
South Manchester, Conn , Dec. U. The
American Writing Puper company was
compelled to shut down its mills at Oak
land because of lack of coal. Ono hun
dred and twcnty-IHo persons aio thioun
out of employment.
Senate Fixes the Amount to Be Paid
Members Who Are Not In the
Government Service.
The Sum of $4,000 Fixed Upon as
the Proper Remuneration Name
of Commission Changed to "Au
thiacitc Coal Strike Aibltration."
The House Devotes Practically the
Whole Day to Wagoner-Butler Con
tested Election. Case Arbitration.
Pioposed in Venezuela Affair.
By I.vcliwie Wire from The ASaocutcJ Prm.
Washington, Dec. 11. The enate late
this afternoon passed, with several
amendments, the bill fixing the com
pensation of the Anthracite Coal Sttike
commission, and it now goes to confer
ence. The sentiment of tho senate was
strongly in favor of allowing the niem
beis of the commission who aie not in
the civil or military service of the gov
etnment a lump sum for their set vice,
and after considerable debate, $4,000
was settled upon as the proper amount,
thus taking the matter out of the
hands of the president, as tho bill
oiiglnally piovlded. Several other
amendments to the bill were adopted,
fixing the expenses of the commission
ers and assistant recorders at $10 in
stead of $15 per day and leav
ing the qutstion of the amount
ol salary to the assistant re
corders and assistants to the commis
sion. Tho name of the commission was
changed to "Antlnaeite Coal Stiike
An amendment offered by Mr. Daniel,
(Va ) intending to ptohlbit officers in
the civil or military branches of the
government from serving on commis
sions or pertorming duties other than
called for law provoked a lengthy dis
cussion, and in response to the appeals
of Mr. Allison and Mr. Hoar, finally was
withdrawn. At 2 o'clock the statehood
bill came up and there a brisk ex
change between Mr. Quay, who favors
the omnibus bill and senatots who op
pose It, regarding its consideration. Mr.
Quay and Mr. Bate said they vveio
ready to voto. Mi. Bevendge. Mr.
Ioelgc, Mr. Halo and others protested
against pressing the bill so soon after
it was reported, and it went over until
Mondav on which clay tho senate ad
journed. In the House.
The house then devoted practically
the whole day to discussion of a leso
lution to limit the period of taking tes
timony in tho Wagoner-Butler contest
ed election case from the Twelfth Mis
souri dlstiict to forty days and finally
adopted a resolution to that effect by u
patty vote 155 to 113 The pmpose of
the resolution is to permit tho house to
p ifs the case at this session. Under
tho icgular method of piocedmo, sever
al months aie given to the prepaiation
of a contested election case. Mr. But
ler, tho sitting member, was unseated at
the last election and again ictuined at
the last election to till tho vacancy. Ho
had oer six thousand pluiallty on the
face- of the present leturns but the
letiuns aie contested. The house
agieod to hold a session on Sutiduy,
January 25, for the put pose of paying
ti Unite to the memory of tho Into Itep
lesentnthes Russell, of Connecticut,
and Hheppard, and Do Graffcnrcld, of
A joint resolution was olfcred by Mr.
Shafroth, authorising tins piesideut to
pioposo to Great Britain and Germany
to submit their.clalms against Venezue
la to arbitration and to guarantor- tho
payment of tho awatds tint may bo
Three Miners Are Killed While
Walking Up a Slope in No. 3
Mine at Edvvardsvlllc.
Ily Evcluslvc Wire fiom I tic As-oclalnl run
Wllkcs-Buii'p, Dec. 11. Tlueo men
lost their lives and one was .seilously
injutcd In No, 3 slope of the Kingston
Coal company, at IMwaidsville, a small
mining town near this city, this even
ing. Tho men, who had Just finished
their shift, wens walking up the slopo
behind a trip of loaded cats, Tlio slope
runner deshed to shift the caia and he
notilled tho men to step one side. Thoy
did not heed the warning und they for- '
leltod their lives In t onseciuenee. In'
shitting the trip a coupling broke and
the cats dashed down the steep Incline,
plowing into tho men and hurling thum
with gient foire against the loof and
sides of the slope. When picked up It
was found that three of the men woio
dead and onu badly injiued. The names
of the dead aio:
Iienjamin Dav Is, miner, aged is, mar
ried, vylfo and five children,
John W'ashkU, laborer, mauled,
Peter Pedo, laborer, single,
Anthony Zucko,
The bodies of the dead weio honibly
mangled. Davis had his head cut off.
Tho mnaway cats did not go far until
they jumpedthe track and toie clown
tho woodwork lining of the slope tor a
distance of seventy-flo feet,
Aa Engineer Killed,
n Exclusive Wire from Til's Associated Tress.
Cannndaigua, N. Y Dec. 11. Tho
Koithcrii Cential through train trom Hal
ti nioio, duo In Rochester at S30 tonight,
w;as wrecked nt Stanley tonight. Dngl
n'eor Jeromo Daniels, of DRnlia, was
killed and PI reman Collins was seilously
injutcd, No passenseis wcio hurt.
Breeders' Association Adopts Reso
lutions of Censure.
Uytlvclmhe Wire Irom 'lho Aksoclited l'rc!.
Harrlsburg, Dec. 11. The Joint ses
sion of tho Pennsylvania State. Bracel
ets' association und Pennsylvania Statu
Dairy association this afternoon adopt
ed a series of resolutions sovetely con
demning the action of Governor Yntes,
of Illinois, and the Illinois State Bouid
of Livestock commissioners, for their
recent action in banlng Pennsylvania
cattle from Illinois on tiro alleged
ground that foot and mouth disease
pievalled In Pennsylvania, and lecoin
mendlng to Governor Yates and the
commission that Pennsylvania be le
moved from the list of dehaired states,
because the disease dues not exist heio
and that nil lustrlctlons upon Pennsyl
vania cattle be removed. The associa
tion elected the lollowlng ofllceis and
President, W. C. Xoiton, Aldenvllle;
Hi. st vice president, Henry Palmer,
Avondnle; second vice president, M. V.
Shoemaker, Gieensburg; secretaiy, K.
S. Bayard, Pittsburg; tieastuer, J. V.
Lantz, Isabella.
Controversy Regarding Penn
sylvania and Illinois
Cattle Continued.
By Exclush c W ire from The vsociateil l'rcsi.
Hanlsburg, Dec. 11. Governor Stontj,
In his answer to Governor Yates, of
Illinois, concerning tho latter's letter
on the forbidding of the importing of
Pennsylvania sheep and cattle into Illi
nois, continues his protest against tho
quarantine, in the following letter:
Harrisbuig, Ta , Deo. 11, 190'.
To Hon. Itichaid Yates, Governor of Illi
nois, Springfield, III.
Sir: Responding to your letter of tho
Sth instant, I havo the honor to submit
tlio following:
In tho absence of jojr proclamation,
your telegram to Secietary Pearson,
dated December 4. 100., ns follows:
"Illinois eiuarantined against Pcnnsvl
vania cattlo on aecotint of foot and
mouth disease. Rlchaid Yates," misled
us as to tho exact wording of your proc
lamation. "It Is not lho embaigo on cattlo going
from Pennsylvania Into Illinois that wo
complain of, as scafcolv moio than twelve
or fifteen held of cattlo pass from Penn
svlvanla into Illinois annually, as esti
mated on such infoimatlon as wo aio
ablo to obtain, but tho suspicion and Im
piesslon that yotlr pioclnmatlon cieates
of tho danger of disease to Pcnnsjlvani.i
cattle, which may lnjuie our expoit trade.
Whllo you may not intend to totally o
cludo Pontic l a nla cattle fiom Illinois,
you do neveitheless place an obstacle In
the second painpiaph of jour proclama
tion to the shipping of cattle fiom Penn
sylvania to Illinois on account of foot
and mouth disease in Veimont. Massa
chusetts and Hhode Island by stating as
"No cattle, sheep or other luminants,
or swine, shall bo biought into tho state
of Illinois li om slates or piovinces boi
dciing on tbo states of Veimont, Massa
chusetts, Connecticut or Uliode Island, or
adjacent thcicto, namely the states ot
Maine, Xcw Hiunpahlie, Now Yoik, New
Jorsev or Pennsvlvanln, Nor fiom tlio
piovinccs of Quebec or Ontaiio, unless
said animals mo accompanied by the af
lldavlt of tho owner or shipper, or, by n,
ceitllleato signed bv an Inspector of thu
United States biiieau of animal Industiy
or .a duly recognizee) Inspector of the
stuto 1 1 om which it is desiiod to niaKo
tho shipment, stating tint tho nnlmiils
Involved in such shipment nto bealthv
and fieo liom said disease, nnd that thoy
havo not been hi contact with nor ex
posed to anlimis affected with contagious
toot and mouth disease, nor cposrd in
any manner to tho e ontaglou of siUd dis
ease, and havo not within thhty dujs
prior to lho dato of attempted entrance
into tho state of Illinois, been within tho
border of cither ot tho said state of Ver.
mont, Massachusetts, Connecticut oi
Rhode Island."
Illinois Shipment.
"Tlio shipment annually of cattlo ftom
Illinois into and through tho state ot
Pcnnsjlvnnl i is fiom one hundred and
fifty to two hundred thousand head.
Those cittlo pass through and Into Penn
svlvanln. A lnigo majority of them aro
shipped to foielgn countries and many
of tlieso cattlo mo slaughtered In Penn
sylvania ami supply our local needs. Just
why tho state of Illinois should appre
hend danger by tho shipment ol cattlo
finin any of tho Infected states Into her
holders. It Is dlflleult to comprehend, ns
practically nono aro shipped and tho In
fected states, nanioly, Veimont, Massa
chusetts, Connecticut nnd Rhodo lsluud,
mo already Htrlutly quarantined by tho
United States gov eminent uud Just why
you should consldir that Pennsylvania Is
u state bordering on and adj tcent to tho
Infected states Is alo difficult to comprc
hund, as Pennsylvania Is not only pro
tected by other Intel veiling statoH, but
by a distance of over two bundled miles
to tho territory actually Infected, and be
cause thero Is substantially no shipment
of cattlo fiom either Vermont, Massa
chusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island Into
oi through Pennsylvania. It Is dlflleult
to seo why j on should ibsuo any auarnu
tine proclamation at all. Cattlo ute not
shipped west, but east and thei harm and
tho Injury which our proclamation to
tho Industiy of the shipping ot cattlo to
foreign countries, is that It gives notice
to theso foreign countiles of citiarautiiin
between tho mutes and gives them plenty i
of oxeuso for eiuaiuiltliillig our cattlo
when thoy touch their pons. They havo
In different foreign countiles excluded
our cattlo and swlno for much less ciiuso
limn this. Tho oxport of cattlo from lios
ton and Poi thine! Is entirely suspended by
lensou of tlio ruuruntlno maelo by tho
L'ulteel States government. That Increases
the shipment of cattlo fiom tho west and
thiough Peiisjivtinla for oxport and the
mentioning of I'ensylvania In vaur iuai
untluo proclamation works tho injur)' in
creating a false linpiession ns to tho ex
istence nnd probablo distribution of foot
mid month disease. In cattlo shipped fiom
Pennsylvania, to totelgn ports. As more
o-utlo from Illinois uio' exported from
Pennsylvania than cattlo raised In Penn
sylvania our stuto will probubly suiter
less by your proclamation than )our own
state. But Inasmuch as I'ensylvania may
suffer considerably by Injury to tho ship
ment from cattlo fronj her poit, I must
continue my protest tig.iliidt your quaran
tine proclamation.
'Very truly yours,
"William A. Stone. 3overooi,"
Attest: Leonard Pearson, Secretary Live
Stock Sanitary Roard,
Charges of Negligence for Allowing
Prisoners to Escape.
IlyKvclibhc w ire fiom The Auwcliled I'ich.
Stroudsbtirg, Pa,, Dec. 11. .Sheriff
Vincent O. Met vine, Deputy yiieiiff
John Mervine, his hi other, and "Will
lam Helnhait, Jail watchman hoie and
hiother-ln-law of the Mcrvlnos, wero
today indicted by the giand juiy on
charges of negligence In peinilttlng the
escape or two prlsoneis. The Met vines
furnished ball.
A bench wan nut was issued for Heln
hait, who Is said to be in Philadelphia
on business The thiee- men will be
tiled elm lug the y term of
couit. The Indictments me the te.stilt
of the escape last Suncluy Irom the
county jail or Chailcs Gt ether, a con
victed muiderer, unci Daniel Van Bus
klil:, who was awaiting ttial on a
chaige of buiglary. The giand juiy
made an Investigation jeslcrday, and
tho Indictments followed.
Bj Pvcliishc Wire f loin 1 he .U-ocuteil Pi (:..
New Yoik, Dec. 11 Two teams suc
ceeded In separating themselves fiom lho
otlieis in tho sW-day bicycle lace today
nnd by clover team tiding took tho lead.
The scoie at midnight,' however, was
neaily 1C0 miles behind tlio lecoid lor
that time of 1,803 miles., 2 laps. Midnight
Newkhk-Jacobsou 1.70'j
Leandei-Klovd Kiebs l.TOi,
Mcl"aiinnd-Maja 1,701 S
Stonson-Moian l,70"'t
Bedcll-Bedoll l.TOiO
Butlei-Turvillo 1,703 0
Galvln-Root 1,703 8
Keegan-Peterson 1,703 S
Baiclay-Pianz Kicbs 1,703 7
Representatives of the National and
American. Base Ball Leagues
Wi.ll Hold Conference.
By hxcliuti c W ire liom 1 lis AsOLutcJ Piei.
New York, Dec. 11. The members of
tho committees appointed by the Na
tional and American leagues for tho
pmpose of effecting a peaceful settle
ment of the base ball war, will meet
hero tomoirovv. Piesldent Ban John
son's leply to the ictjuest for a peace
confoienco sent nut Wednesday even
ing bv the National league was deliv
ered to Chairman Hermann, of the
committee of the latter body, just bc-
foie tho membeis of tho National
league finished their afternoon session
at tho Hotel Vlctotia today. The leply
ncc li, ioo:.
Mi. August )3. Ilcrmmii. Chili man Na
tional League, Committee, Victoila Ho
tel, Cit.v.
Dear Sir: T bet; to acknowledge the te
ceipt of vour communication Tho gen
tlemen of our ommi. itlon who nic in
tho city will bo pleased to confei with
jour committee.
Jf It Is ngiceablo to you, a mooting can
bo iiii.ingcd lor tomonow morning at 11
o'clock. Youis Huh,
U 1!. Johnson.
Those who will take part In the con
ference aio:
Iian Johnson, piesldcnt of the Ainoil
onn league; Onirics Homers, ot Cleve
land: .1. P. Kllfojle, pie"ldent of the
PlcviUnd club; August Hoimann, of
Cincinnati; James Halt, of Chicago,
and Krank de Haas Robinson, ot St.
Louis, the three lust named leinc-cntiug
tho National league.
Upon the loielpt of Mr. Johnson's
letter, thn league magnates leplicd
agioeing to the mooting.
At the National league meeting today,
matters ot minor detail was discussed,
Including tbo Manhattan field diiliculty.
Tomorrow oflleois will be elected.
Recas M. Kiuch tho Victim of a Cen
tral Park Sti anger.
By Kxchulva Wire from 'lho A&otUled Pic-s.
Nou- York, Drc. 11, Tho body of lho
lad found In CVntial Patk lato lust i
night was tAduy identified ns that of
Itoeas M. Kiuih, the 11-jeat-old sun uf
a well-to-do tailor. Alter an examina
tion of the body, the police c-Npiesscd
the belief that the boy was mtudeied.
Nino wounds, evidently made by linger
mills, were found on the, and
there wetu other evidences that ho had
been strangled.
Mr. Kiuch suld his son often sold
papeis after school.
Civil Service Reform League.
Ily I'.icludvo W ire fiom 'Hie Associated Pim,
Philadelphia, Doe, 11 Tho twonty-sco-
ond meeting of the National Civil Soivleo
Rofoim League bewail hoio todaj, Tlio
ptihllu sessions wero held, ono this attoi'-
iioou and the other tonight Dining tho
afternoon tho annual lepoil nt thu ox-
ii'iitlvo council was ie.ul Tho lopoit
ciimniundoil tho policy of Piesldcnt Rooso-
vedt In iiiuKlug tedouil appointments uud
culls attention to the "peisislciu iiostIN
Hy of piiifcslsonal poIltlcluiB hi both tbo
gloat national putties to civil seivleu io-
toim "
- ....
Stoun Sweeps New Foundland,
Ily IVIuihp Wire fiuni fl e Ai-oclatce l'riv.
St. Johns, N. 1'., Dec 11 Km Ions snow
stoims contlnuo to sweep tho Newluoiid
litml coast I'mir moio schooncis lmvu
been lost, ono with her entlio ctow of tin
peihons Other vessels have been elilven
to sea and mo bolloved to bu hi meat
danger. Tiulns and steamers uio do
lajed and theto have been u number oi
fatalities throughout tho colon),
Three Trainmen Huit.
Py Exchutto Wire from Thu Associated Pms.
Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 11. The Uutfalo and
OH City express on tho Allegheny Valley
road was wrecked tonight near Brilliant
Station. Three trainmen aio reported
fatally hurt and twenty-live passcngcit)
Injutcd, more or less seriously.
Miners Promise to Have Their Dlr
ect Testimony Before Com
mission This Week.
Discussion Concerning Boycotting1
Between Commissioner Giay and
Rev. rather O'Donnell, of Oly
phant J. L. Crawfoid, -President
of the People's Coal Company, Whs
Called to the Stand Yesterday by
the Mineis Witnesses Told of!
Conditions in the Mines of A. Par
dee at Hnzletou.
It now begins to look as if the mini
stilko commission would be able to con
clude' the taking ot testimony In three
weeks, not taking Into account tho
Chiistinas icccss.
Attorney Clarence Daiinvv, of counsel
for the mineis, said esteida, to the
commission, that his side would in all
piobablllty llni-di its piesentation of dl
leet testimony this week. D. J. Mc
Caithy, another of tho mineis' attoi
noyp, said nttet winds, that his side was
about ready to cpilt at any time, now
that the comtnissionoi will indicate
they have hail enough ot such Informa
tion as the mineis aie piesentlng.
One of the most prominent of the op
eiatois' attorneys said his side would
likely take not more than two weeks In
the piesentation of testimony. This in
cludes allowance for a liberal ctoss-ex-amlnatlon.
"We feel," said he, "that tho minetss
have not made out such a case as re
quires any considerable amount of oral
testimony from our side. The main
questions at issue are wages and hours
of employment. Our statistics will
speak for us on these subjects, both
volumnioi.sly and etiaueniiju. Some
oral testimony will be required from the
companies paying by the car or meas
urement to show the inexpediency and
impiactlcabillty ol paying by weight,
and explanations will have to be made
of why a miner is required to mine
L',800 pounds for a ton, and why, under
the existing working agreements, ' a
miner has no legal or equitable claim
for compensation for washery product
and other small sizes. He might go
into details about the union's responsi
bility for strike violence, but recogni
tion of the union is not before the com
mission, and, at all events, the cont
missioneis havo inducted, immcasurc
ablv, that strike violence to their mind
has little beuuing on the case in hand "
About Boycotting.
An inteiesting colloquy took place at
tho afternoon sc-sion between Judge
Giay and Rev. Father O'Dotinoll, ot
Olyphant, on tho matter of bojeottitiR.
Rev. Father O'Donnell concluded ills
testimony on eio-,s-oxiiminaUon by an
admission that he Knew of a case ot a
hoi el keeper in his parish being com
pelled to go out of business because of
a boveott plated on hliu by tlio miners.
"You don't nppioio of boj col ting, ilo
yiiu, lAUhci?" said Judge Giay.
"I would differentiate," said tho wit
ness. "I would favor boycotting of bad
lltoiatuie or imnioial pluv houses."
"Yes, yes," said Judge Gia.
"If I belonged to an otganlz.ltlon,''
continued the witno-s, "and 1 folt it
was to my Interests or to tho Inteiests
of my oig.inization to lofinlu fiom put
nmUIng soiiio tnoi chant, I would loci
justified In doing to "
"Of ouuo, I ague with vou so fat,"
sulci tho Judge, "v temperance society,
fin instance, has for Its primal pin po-o
tho ln) cutting of snlcinns, and no ono
will accuse a toiupoiauce society of
being an tvir institution. Hut. Kuthei,
how much further would you go.1"
"I would udviso niy friends not to
pationi.e that nici chant," said the wlt-
"Just so," said tho judge, "hut you
would not bojeott mo if I trliised to
bojeott the moicluint, would jiiu'.'"
"Oh, no, X would not," answeied the
"That's wheie 1 diaw the Hue," the
commissioner lelolned.
Nothing that the hearing evoked was
listened to with moie intense inteiet
than this exposition of the legal and
uuiml view of the boycott.
Mr. Dm tow, by declaratory "Inten li
gations," inttodticed the Boston ten
patty and the refusal of colonial women
tn wear BUtlsh goods In the i evolu
tionary period as Instances of boycot
ting which no one In lheo paits and
day Is wont to adversely ultlcise,
Ciawford Called,
A bit of a suiptlso was occasioned
vesteulay morning, whin Attorney
Danoiv enrao over iinm a whlspejed
eonfeicnca with the other minors' nt-
(.Continued on l'ni;o 3.J
Local data for December 11, I0OJ:
Highest temperatuie SI degren
Lowest temperatuie' .,..,..,..,.. 26 degreed
Relatlvo humidity;
S u. m. ,, ,,..,.,,,. 63 per ceiit,
8 p. m , uS per cenr,
Piecipilatlon, -I hours ended 8 p. n ,
,11 Inch.
Washington, Dec. 11 Forecast
f for Friday mid Saturday: Eastern -f,
Pennslvunla Rain or enow Frl- -ft
day; Saturday fair, colder; fresh -f,
east winds shifting to north. -