THE SCRAOTON TRIBUNE- THUHSD A XT, DECEMBER 11 1902, 0 J u ft, .f T i''H'W;W,Jf v 7 VA-. XI-':'::, :;Ci-SVm' , well. :. j--;:.--.--' vte ss4aesJsf jf ...:.;.-. rr.:-,---, - :- .uir fijR..Aw;.r ..!Vr-MVv:Av:lgJ.'Aj&y Vrf .-;.' '. ' ' A .& Ebr NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Montrobc, Dec. 10. Mrs. Ralph 1!. Little has been seilously ill the past few days. D. G. Stark of Wuvcrly, X. Y., re turned to his home in that place the Unit of the week, after visiting rela tives and friends In this vicinity for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. Parke, of Scran ton, are guests of their daughter, Mrs. Percy Uallentine. Mrs. E. P. Stamp Is quite ill. Be sure to attend "The Destruction of St. Pierre," at Village Hull, Fri day night. Samuel Rogers, Jr., has been visiting relatives at Montclair, N. J. Skating and coasting aro tho popular pastimes with tho young people at r-esent. Both are excellent. Fred K. Brewster, for some time an efllclent and obliging clerk In the post ofllce, has accepted a position in the civil engineering corps of the Lehigh Valley Coal company. He will probably commence his new duties the first of Jnnuary. Mrs. Augusta Beebe is visiting rela tives In Susquehanna. The high school students this year will be allowed a three weeks' vacation as the teachers wish to take In the teachers' excursion to Washington, which starts from Scranton Monday, Dee. IS. Tho vacation commences with the'qlos.e of school Friday afternoon. S. B. Rogers, has been quite sick the past few days. ' Rev-; 15. K. Thomas delivered an ex cellent sermon at tho union services of tho Methodist, Presbyterian and Bap tist congregations Sunday evening, on the subject "Spunk and Spirituality," Owing to the illness of Mrs. It. B. Lit tle,' who was to have led the Christian ISndeavor meeting. Rev, A, F. von Tobel took charge. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tilbune. Hallstead, Dec. JO. The funeral of the late Mrs. S. is, Chase occurred Monday afternoon at tho Presbyterian church and was at tended, by a mutltudc- of friends and relatives of the deceased. A riuurtutlu consisting of Messrs, William McCreary and A'un Munger, Mrs. :. Ilnndrick and Miss Kutherinc .Summerton sang tho following; "Rock of Ages," "Under His Wing" and " Nearer My God to Thee," Rov, Dalr had charge of tho services, assisted by Rev, L. W. Church, of Mil sonvillc, the deceased's former pastor, who spoke In loving terms of her many noble qualities as a wife, mother, christian and Sunday school teacher. The pull beurcrs were; Prof, Charles 13. Moxley, A. J. Gere, Eugene ftwurtss, Frank S. Barnes, C. J. Langley and K. U. Handrlck. A largo number of floral offerings were In evidence, among them being a large lloral pillow from tho Pennsylvania State W. C. T. H with large white emblem marked "Our (list President," Star upd crescent of roses from' Susquehupnu county W, C. T. U palm leaves from Susquehanna union, chrysanthemum wreath from Hallstead union, spray, carnations and roses from Sisterhood, sheaf of wheat . We Prove It Catarrh and Colds Can be Kcllcvcd in It) Minutes, and Permanently Cured, Eighty yeui-b old cntutrh fifty yeais. Dr. Aguew's Catarrhal Powder cures him. Wnnt any stiongcr evidence of tho power of this wonderful icmedy over this iml versal dlseaso? Want the truth of tho ease, continued, Write Ocorge Lewis, Suamokin. i'a. Ho says: "I look upon my euro as a miracle." It relieves In ten minutes." Dr. Agnew's Ilrart Cure relieves - In 30 minutes. 26 Sold bl- William U. Claik and 11. C. Sanderson. Acts nnnnnf nnrfs nru cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable. VV--2L. ... jan rrancit.&u, Louisville-, Ky. sale by all druf-sta. .Rrice from Sunday s-chool class, spray white carnations from Y. M. C. A., wreath, robes and ivy leaves from Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Talloy, Baltlmoie, Md spray car nations and palms, Mr. and Mrs. James C DiiBoIm. Scranton, sheaf of wheat and fern leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morrel. Scranton; wreath of white roses, Mr. and Mrs. Ledra Taylor, Blng haiuton; wreath of ivy leaves and chrysanthemums, Mr. and Mrs. James DuBois, Hallstead; spray, white roses, Mrs. Hattie Bache. Binahumton; spray chrysanthemums, Miss Carrie Summer ton, Blnghamton; spray white carna tions, Kutherinc Summerton and Carrie Mead. The llower bearers were her Sunday school class: Miss Stella Sliker, Mary Rooney, Messle Waterman and Susie Fuller, Miss Dnir, Loda Sloat, Myrtle Benjamin and Lita Slm rell. Tho friends from out of town who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sheak, Mifes Mary Sheak, Miss Hattie Bache, Mrs. Kllen Porter, Mrs. Ada Baylehs, all of Blnghamton; airs. C. M. Shelp and others of New Mllford; Mrs. C. N. Lyons, Mrs. W. D. Lusk, Mrs. Searle McCollum and Fianklln Lusk, of Montrose; Dr. James Brooks, Plains, Pa.; Mrs. Carrie W. Cook, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. O. F. Smith and others of Sus quehanna. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Dec. 10. Lieutenant Richmond P. Hobson delivered his lec ture, "The United States as a World Power," at tho opeia house on Wed nesday evening, Attorney Kverett Harding, or Wllkes Barre, was a caller in town on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Piatt, who have been spending the past week in Phila delphia and New Voik, returned home on Tuesday. Andrew P. Bedford, of Scranton, Is hero this week superintending the. work on tho dam of the Ice pond which he is building on Swale Biook, at the east end of town. Miss Mary Klngsloy, of Lovclton, Is stopping with friends In town this week, and attending the Institute. Mis.-, F.llzabeth Stink, of A'cst Pitts ton, is visiting ti lends and relatives at this place this week. Prof Kdwln B. Rice, who was a teacher In our High s-cluml last year, committed hulclde by hanging, at his home near Center, Perry county, this week. Ho had been in very poor health for a long tlmo past, Miss .Margaret Slater, or AVIlkes Barte, Is visiting fi lends In town this week. Colonel Kugene S, Handrlck attended tho funeral of Dr. N. A". I.eet, ut Scran ton, on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. AVllllani Mosler, of Dal ton, aro visiting friends In town this week, Mrs, Augusta Hlckler, who has been vlbltlng her sister, Mrs, Uouck, at AVest Plttston, leturned home on Tuesday, .Mrs, Kdwln N, Stone Is confined to tho house with a siivere attack of tho quinsy, OLDFORGE, Mrs. Iiannah Seaman and daughter, Mulzle, of Orange, N, J aie visiting at the homo of )ior father, Thomas Burns. tleorgo Fletcher has moved his fam ily to Lincoln Heights. Thu members of tho Brick church Sunday school are rehearsing a can tutu for Ohrlstmus eve. Mr. Polluter, of Scranton, was a vis itor In town uii Sunjlay. John Campbell, an old and i expected resident of this place, died at the resi dence of his daughter, Mrs. John White, on Friday, Dec. 1, of asthma. Mr, Campbell was born In Glasgow, Scotland, in' 1S3I. Ho came to this country jn 1870 und lived In this vicin ity over since. Ho Is survived by three sons and four daughters, James Camp bell, of Archbald; David and Alexan der, of this place; Mrs. Johiuon' Ran Bere-ficialty$ tstrxjlyas a-Laxaiive run or j-igs appeals to tnc cuiuireci ana tug intnrmwl nntl to the hcnlthv. because ilscom- siinnlo and wholesome and be quality or suDStance. in tne process 01 manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy tha genuine manufactured by the $Sw(i en.. rtew YorkVN.Y. - fiftyvccrt3vf3ri - botll - ,. dall, of Avoca; Mrs. Lillian Burleigh, of Berwick; Mrs. Rudolph Gottwals and Mrs. John AVhlte, of this place. Although a sufferer of asthma for tho past few years he bore his sufferings patiently. Tho funeral services were held at his late home, on. Sunday af ternoon. Interment in Marcy ceme tery. AVOCA. Edward Kesttr, of Sliickshinny, em ployed .is foreman over the repairing carpentci-H'of the Delaware and Hud son collieries, died suddenly, while at work at tho Langcliffc colliery, on Tuesday afternoon. One of tho work men saw him fall, and when ho went to his assistance there wore scarcely any signs of life. Dr. Pier pronounced it heart failure. Deceased was 12 years or age, and is survived by a wife and six small children. He had been a resi dent of this town for about eighteen months. The remains were taken to the home of Oscar Doinmermuth, on Lincoln hill. Yesterday morning they were taken to Shickshlnny. Alvln Hlnes, of Lincoln hill, while at work on a building at Scranton on Tuesday, fell from a scaffold and was seriously Injured internally. The S-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher died on' Tues day evening. Tho funeral will take place this afternoon. Michael Ar. Munley, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Munley, of Grove street, will bo ordained to the priesthood at Baltimore on Monday morning. He will read mass here on Christmas dayv His work will be in tho Altoona diocese. Charles AVebber has resigned as as sistant principal of the Old Forgo schools, to succeed his father as col lector for tho Spring Brook AA'ater com pany. Mrs. Charles Alkman, of the AVest Side, has returned home, after spend ing several days nt Minor's Mills. ' Misses Jean Cranston and Mayme Graham spent yesterday with Scranton friends. At the regular meeting of tho L. C. B. A. on Tuesday evening, the follow ing otllcors were elected: Past presi dent, .Airs, Margaret O'Brien; president, Miss Mary Kearney; first vice-president, Mrs. Mary Rowan; second vice president. Miss Anna Callahan; re corder, Miss Kate Dcmpsey; assistant recorder, Miss A'lna Gibbons; linanclal secretary, .Miss ilea Meade; treasmcr, Miss l-.llu. McGowan; marshal, Miss Ilea Reap; trustees, Mrs, Maiguiet O'Mulley, Miss Jennie Brcnuau, TAYLOR. The Archbald and Pyno Primitive Methodist parsonage was tho scene of it pretty wedding ceremony on Tuesduy evening at 7:S0 o'clock when Miss Stel la Barrier of tho Archbald mine was united In marriage to Mr. Charles D. Curtis of this town by the pastor, Itov, James AValker. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Llzzlo Curtus, sister of tho groom; tho best man was Joseph Reese. Tho hrldo was handsomely uttlred, Mr. and Mrs. Curtus dispensed with tho usual wedding tour and will go to housekeep ing in a newly furnished houso on Grovo street. The machinery for tho Davis new silk factory on High street Is being put Into Its place" an fast as possible. It Is tho Intention of Mr. Davis to'havo tho mill in operation by January 1, 1903. The new Industry will furnish employment to about 300 hands when completed, Archbald mine local No. 1C49, United Mlno AVorkers of America, will meet this evening in tho Odd Fellows' hall when button No, 1 will be distributed. A full attendance of members is re quested, Tho family of AV, J. Hasklns of Ath crton street, had a narrow escape from being suffocated on Sunday by gas es caping from a stove, and no doubt if the trouble had not been detected in time all would have been suffocated. Superintendent Benjamin Harris of the Taylor AVater company has had the break In'the water main In North Tay lor repajmd and once more the con sumers ''liijthat section ore receiving tho full suiipyjtpf water. The Holdon colliery of tho Lacka wanna company will resume operations this morning after a few days' suspen sion, owlpg to a break lu the machin ery.' Tho union orchestra has been en gaged to furnish the muslu for the nnnual grand ball of the Taylor Hose Co. No. 1, to bo held on New Year's night, January 1, 1603. Dr. AV, I Van Busklrk, of Olyphnnt, called on his mother, Mr. Van Bus klrk, of Main street, yesterday; Lncknwnnnn Valley council No, SI, Jr. O. If. A. M will meet this evening In regular session. Miss Kllr.nbath Reese of Lincoln Heights, was the truest of her parents, Sir. nml Mrs. AVIIllitm Itecso of Union street, the fore part of the week. Dr. Hobert Mackenzie has returned to his hoiru In Pittsburg utter spend ing n few days with his mother, Mrs, Mackenzie, of Washington street. Mrs, Frank' Powell of Main street, is seriously HI. Miss Margaret Evans of West Scran ton, visited friends In town tho foro part of tho week. Mrs. Charles Adklus of Athcrton street, was tho guest of her brother, Benjamin Carter, nt Provldonco on Tucsdav. NICHOLSON. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune Nicholson, Dec. in. A number of young people from this place enjoyed a slelghrldc to West Nicholson, Tues day night. Hay Potter and Ethel Stark attended tho teachers' Institute, which Is being held ut Tunklmnnock, Wednesday night and Thursday. Mrs, R. M. Nllcs Is spending a few days with her brother at Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Sloat and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Sloat's par ents, at Klngsloy. A Tho funeral of Mrs. John Trfc ":r was held from the Catholic chin Wednesday. ' N Theodore Sumner takes possession . his new store Thursday morning, Dec. 11. OLYPHANT. A pretty wedding occurred last even ing at S o'clock, when Miss Margaret A. AVilllams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David R. Williams, and David An thony, of AVest Scranton, were mar ried at tho bride's homo on Boll street. The young couple entered tho parlor to tho strains of the Mendelssohn wedding march, played by Miss Blanche AA'lll lams, the bride's sister. There they were met by Rev. David Jones, pnstor of the AVelsh Congregational church, of AVest Scranton, who performed the ceremony. There were no attendants. The bride wore a handsome gown of gray lansdowne, with lace trimmings. Only the Immediate relatives were present. After congratulations and best wishes had been offered the newly mar ried couple, tho company sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper. Later In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Anthony left on the Delawaie and Hudson train for New York and Philadelphia to-spend their honeymoon. On their return they will reside in a newly furnished homo in AVest Scranton, where tho groom is in business. Tho bride has been book keeper for the Dickson Mill company for several years, and organist of tho Congregational church, and Is highly esteemed by all her acquaintances. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans, of Hudson street, died yesterday morning of convulsions. The funeral will take place this afternoon. Burial In Union cemetery. A number of persons from here at tended tho Stage-Coleman wedding at Pcckvlllo last evening. Miss Mary A. AVilllams, of Second street, Blakely, is ill. A merry crowd of school children from Hyde Park enjoyed a slelghrlde to this place and return yesterday. See the Cut Han. Effective and attractive half-tones and lino cuts for card, advertising or any other purpose, can be secured at The Tribune office. We do work that is unexcelled, do it promptly and at lowest rates. A trial order will con vince you. MOOSIC. Mrs. John Roberts, of Mlnooka ave nue, was a caller in Scranton yester day. Miss Jessie Reed of Green Ridge spent yesterday with friends in town. Mrs. Thomas- Davis is visiting her mother at AVest Scranton. Miss Carrie Selberlelm attended a lec ture at AA'llkes-Barre Tuesday evening. Miss Ethel Tregellas has accepted a position with J. D. AVilllams & Bros., of Scranton. Lost Near the bridge on Main street, a nickel key, tinder will please leave it at Snyder & AVhltehead's store. Mr. and Mrs. John McCrlndle of Green Ridge were callers in town yes terday. Tho Presbyteilau and Methodist Sun day schools are preparing for Christ mas exercises to be held Christmas eve. All children taking any part are re quested to be present at each practice us the time Is getting short. How long will it take the man to fill the sack it he does not stop the leak? To attempt to nourish the body when the siuiuucn is dis eased is like try ing to fill the sack with the hole in it. AVhen the stomach and other digestive and nutritive or- eans arc dis eased, there is a1 constaut loss of nutrition. Enouch is eatenl but the body! loses flesh,-plain proof that the food eaten is largely wasted because it Ismot digested and (as similated. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, It stops the leaks by which nutri tion is lost, and enables the building up of the body by the nutri tion derived from food. The gain in weight proves the cure. "Three years ago I wi taken sick uitli what the doctor called nervouincoa and indigestion," writes Mrs. Warren K. Farker.ofOranee Street, Nantucket, Mais. "He gave me rncdiciue for the trouble, but I could not eat even a little toast or oatmeal without suffering severely. In a few mouths I begun to have distressing pains right in the pit of roy stomach. I railed the doctor again and lie raid I had catarrh of stomach; fave me medlrlue but it did not do any good, lost 3d pounds in three months. I then com menced taking Dr. Pierce's medicines aud boon began to fee) better. I !m e taken six bottle ot t Golden Medical Discovery.' two of 'favorite 1'rescriptiou ' ami sis vials of Dr. Tierce's rel icts. I have gained ten pounds. Can eat every, thing." Dr. Pierce's Pleaaut Pellets cure ca-ttinatiou. iXtSVktiI Wt rtW 'fjMl THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" u r? for IK 1 SUES ,-!, Only naif a Cnt a Word. Tor Sent. 1S For Kent Ten-room house; excellent neighborhood; nil mouorn iinpruvu ments, on avenue, Apply to It. P. Ham llton, 420 Spruce street. For,' Sale. WILL FURNISH for slant time or (re fund money), following Gilt Edgn se curltlos, nt ptlccs incntloncdi McKlnloy Mining and Smelting, $2.50 slinru, soon be 15.00! George A, Tiendwelt Mining. $11.00, worth JlC.w; Knstern Consolidated Oil. 40 cents, pays 43 per cent, January, worth J1.00 share; Ampuro Mining Co,, L'." cents, soon advance 80 rents; Jomiulna Cold, 15 cents, sonn W, Gilt ISdge Investment: la Grande Gold, CO cents, worth $1.00; lllacli Diamond Coal, R0 ccntt, woi th $1.00. Any stock on market at reduced prices. James r. SluilTcr, People's Hank Htiltdlng, Wllkes-Hnrre. Wanted -To Rent. V"l"" WANTDD-Small furnished houso. Ad dress Uox 300, city. Rooms and Board. T1IK I.INDMN. "!) IJnden street, lias a numbT of ucsirnnio vacancies; llgnt rooms and choice tablu board. PLEASANT rooms with board for four or llvo young men. Inquire Xi'i Wash, ington avenue. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RENT Front furnished bed rooms for gentlemen. 312 Washington avenue. FOR RENT A furnished room on second floor front, J1.G0 week. 033 Adams avo. Lost. LOST In Lyceum Tuesday evening brown Martin Muff. Suitable reward it re turned to Tribune ofllco. LOST Friday December 5, on rond be tween Clark's Summit nnd AVavcrly, Persian lamb cape. A liberal reward will bo paid when returned to J. AV. OaU ford, Clark's Summit. Stenography and Typewriting. STENOGRAPIItmiPtypcwrltlng done at short notice at 712 Council bldg. Business Opportunity. AVANTED-A partner with from 5,000 to $10,000 to go In the retail lumber busl iness. Actlvo and experienced man pre ferred. Active, Tribune. STOCK AND AVIIEAT TRADERS with out delay. AVilte for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. M. Illbbard As Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, II and 18 Broadway, New A'ork. Established lSlil. Long Distance 'Phono 'JSS Broad. LEGAL. IN RE: Estate ot William AV. A'an Dyke, Into of the City of Setantou, County of Lackawanna, deceased. Letters of administration on tlin above named estate having been grunted to the uuderhigued, all persons having claims or demands against thu estate will present them for payment, and all persons In debted thereto will make immediate pay ment to AV. F. A'AN DYKE. Administrator, Scranton, Pa. II. M. HANNAH. Attorney for Estate. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS In the Capital City. The nation's capital is a city idolized by every American, and his one thought when arranging for a traveling tour Is to visit it. There is no other place in any land which can compare with AA'ashington, it Is cosmopolitan yet In a way different from New York, Lon don or Paris. To start with the system by which the city was planned Is unique. Its public buildings arc In their architectural designs grand and impos ing. The streets are wide, finely kept thoroughfares, unlike those of any other city. Washington boasts of a park system second to none, and its every environ bespeaks such grandeur us Is due the nation's capital The gov ernment buildings are wonderful mines of Instructive and interesting material and congress is tho mecca for the tour ist who delights In watching and listen ing to tho procecdings of the greatest governing body known to tho world. This early winter season is the most delightful time for visiting AVashlng ton and an admirable opportunity for such a trip Is afforded on December 35, when the New Jersey Central Is going to run a low rate excursion to AVash Ington from stations in this section. Tickets good going on trains on above dato and good returning until Decem ber "C. For further Information write J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Scranton, Pa.: H. K. Ruhe, district passengt-r agent, Ailentown. Pa or C. M. Burt, general passenger agent, Now Jersey Central, Now A'ork, Lackawanna Railroad Excursion to Wnsiiington, 3, C. Special round-trip tickets will bo on sale nt tho Lackawanna railroad sta tion, good going on all trains December 13, nnd limited for return up to and In cluding December "0. Children between the tiges of ilvo and twelve years, at one-half of the adult rate. Tickets will be limited for continuous passage, ex cept that on return trip, stop-over will bo granted at Philadelphia within Jlnal limit of December 26, 1302. Holiday Excursion to New York City, It has been the usual custom to make a reduced rate to New York city nt this, the most Interesting senbon of tho year, and to enable Its patrons to make their holiday purchases, tho Lacka wanna railroad will sell tickets to Now A'ork city for till trains December 11, and for return up to and Including De cember 10, at rato of one-way fare plus si, for tho round trip. Children between tho ages of llvo und twelve yeurs, ut one-half of the faro charged adults, Christmas Holiday Excursion Bates via Southern Bailway. The Southern Rullway will sell Christ mas holiday excursion tickets from Washington to points South and south west on December 23, 21, 25, SO, 31 and January 1, llnnl limit January 3, 1003, at rato of one faro and a third for the round trip. Tickets will be f,old to teachers und students of bc'hools and colleges at above rate with Until lim it of Junuary S, 1903, upon ptesentntlon and surrender of certllleutes signed by superintendent, principal or president of schools and colleges. Charles L. Hopkins, district passen ger agent, Southern Rullway, 828 Chest- No Order Accepted for Less Thnn 10 Cents. Branch WANT bffioj!, Want Advertisements Will Be Becoivcd at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores .Until 10 P. M. Central City- ALBERT SCHULTZ, corner Mul berry street nnd Webster avo. OUSTAV PICIIEL, 030 Adams avenue. West Sido GEO. AV. JENKIN91- 101 South Main avenue. South Scrnnton FRED L. TERPPE, 72D Cedar avenue. North Scrnnton OEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Main nvcnua und Market street. Qrecn Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dick- son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo Rtreet. C. LORENZ, corner AVashlngton avenue and Marlon street. Petersburg AV. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. Help Wanted. AVANTED-Accnts to sell tea and cof feo to consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. AVANl ED Young energetic mnn ns salesman, pno familiar with mining preferred. Address, Salesman, Tribune office. Help Wanted Female. AVANTED A good housekeeper; one com petcnt to tako entire charge of running house. Good pay and long employment to thes right woman. Address, stating ex perience and giving reference, also what pay is looked for, 1093 Tribune office. Agents Wanted. CANVASSER Jinn or woman, to con duct a Magazlnn Route. A chance, to work up a monthly income icgiil.irl. Any one now canvassing will find this a profitable side-line. Address at once, Cir culation Department. AVomun's Homo Companion, Springfield, Ohio. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for this county. No books, insuranr-e, or, canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu factureis necessary. Permanent. Hond. State age, experience, lcferences Hist let ter. Address, Suite 572, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. AVANTED A position by a young gen ueimiii h Kiunognipuer anu tvpo wrlter, who has had cxpcilcncu In general offico work; best uf leference. Address P. AV. F., this office. A COMPETENT young -woman would liko work reblndlng ladles' dress skirts, at a reasonable price, (31! Adams avenue. SITUATION AVANTED-By a nurso to take caro of Invnlld lady or child; hnvo had exporlenco; good reference given. Inqulro 037 Monroe avenue. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A.. 23 Traders' Bank Ilulldlng. Old 'phone 1851. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROAVN, ARCH B., Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash ington avenue. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, Sib CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT. 720 CON nell building. Dentists. DR. E. C. EILENBERGER, PAULI building, Spruce btreet, Scianton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 113 AVYOMING avo Eire Insurance. SCHLAGER & CO., 401 Connell Building. Patent Attorneys. PA rENTSJrllaVa"" Tho only licensed nnd equipped patent solicitor in tho city. No charge for In formation on patentability; over tun years' experience. Rcplog-lc & Co., Alcars Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELIC CAPE. 123 and 127 FRANK lin avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON llbl'SE. NEAR D L. & W. Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch. Propiiotur, Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRl VyVaULTB nnd cess pools: no odor: only Improved pumps used. A. B. liilggs. propi It-tor. Leavo oiduis 110 North Main avenue, or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams and Mulbeiry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR CU LACKA. avo.. Scrnnton. infrs. of AVIro Screens. Miscellaneous, MEGARGEK BROS., PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 130 AVashlngton avenue. THE AVILKES-BARRH RECORD CAN bo had In Scrnnton at the news stand of Rt-lsman Bros., 406 Spruce and Gat Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna nve,; I, 8. Schutrer, 211 Spruce street. nut street, Philadelphia will furnish all Information. DALTON. Mrs. Charles Montague is entei tabl ing her mother nnd father, Mr, and Sirs, Howell, of Chicago. Rev, A. J,. A'un Cleft preached an ex cellent sermon at the union temper ance service hold In the Stx-Principlo Baptist church on Sunday evening. A supper was served In the Metho dist church last evening. On Friday evening a public meeting will be held In the Buptlst church, under tho auspices of thu Young Men's Social und Reading club of this place. The programme will consist of singing nnd recitations, und an address by Rev. R. R. Thompson on "How lu Oct There In Lire." No admission will bo churged, but an oifeilng will bu taken. Al uio invited to attend. DIRECTORY: BUSIKESS OPPORTUNITIES, REI1L ESTATE Only Half a Cent War!. Money to Loan. ANYiount'oi.' onmyto' loan- Quick, straight loans or Building nml Loan. At from I to o per cent. Call on N. V. AVnlltcr, 311-315 Council building. Employment Agency. RELIABLE help can bo procured nt Mrs. ... 4i. ".. Starkcy's Employment Dfllce, 130 AVashlngton uvenue, rooms 2 and I. Tako clovntor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. , , IN Effect Juno 1, 1902. Trnlns leave Scranton for Now A'oik At l.CO, 3.20, 03. 7.D0 nnd 10.10 it. m.'J 12.40. 3.40, 3 ;i,, p. m. For Now A'ork and Phila delphia 7.fi0. 10.10 a. m., nnd 12.10 and U.35 p. in. Far (Jotildsharo At 0.10 p. m. For "ujralii-1.t3, 0.22 and S.00 n. in.; l.Ki. fi.Wl and ll.lo p. m. For Blnghamton, 121 mini, nnd way stations in.23 n. in., l.Ki p. in. J or Oswego, Syiaruso and tltlca 1.1.1 ami " , ";.,"'' 'J" !' "i. Oswego. Syracimn and lit lea train t (i.22 n. in. dally, except: Hiuiilny. For Montrose 9,00 n. in.; 1.01 an."' ''0 P. m. Nicholson accommodation -4.00 and .1,- p. m. Hlnotn-diurg Division For Northumber land, at .:jr. and 10.10 n, in.: l.Ki nnd 0.10 '' ,nl;J'or Plymouth, at S.10 a. in.; 3.10 and 0.0, p. ni. Sunday Trnlns-For Now A'ork, J.M, 3-20. n.0.,, 10.10 n. in.: 3.40 nnd 3.33 p. m. For ", and 0.22 a. in.: l.r.3, CM and in '1" P- '"' I,,m" H'mlra nnd way station1" I, " J ' uiiimmininii aim way mil lions, n.00 a. m. Itloointhurg Division Leavo Scznnton, 10.10 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. m" "- i.. . ...i ,. . 4 Lehigh Valley Bnilroad. In Effect Nov. 10, 1902. Trains Leavo Scraiiton For Philadelphia and New York via 1. & II. R. R at 7.11, through Parlor Car and Day Coach Carbondalo to Now A'orlc anil 0.47 a. m with L. V. Coach Carbon dale to Philadelphia, and 2.IS, 1.35 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.49 p..m. Sun days, D. ,fc II. n. ., 15S p. m., 9 3S a. m. I;or White Haven, Hnzlutoii und princi pal points in the coal regions, via D. & H-..n-..n- 7-H -'-W and 1.33 p. in. For Pottsvlllp. 7.41 n. ni. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta tions, vlu D. & II. R. R 7.41, 9.17 a. m.; 2.18, 4.33 (Black Diamond Express), 11.49 p. m. Sundays. D. & II. R. It,, 9.38 a. m. ami 1.CS and 9.17 p. m. or Tunklmnnock, Townnda, Elmlra. itnncn, Geneva and principal intormedlata stations via D L. & AV. R. R G.35 a. m. and l.n.1 p. m. For Genova, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara I. nils, Chicago and all points west via D. & IT. R, rt 12.03 p. m.j 3.28 (Blaclc Diamond Expiess). 10.4U 11.19 p. m. Sun days. D. & II. n. R 12 03. 9.17 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh ale.v Parlor cars on all trains between Ayllkcs-Barro and New A'ork. Philadel phia, RulTnlo nnd Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt., . 28 Cortland street. New A'ork. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt, 23 Coitland street, New York. A. AV. NONEMACIIER. Dlv. Pass. Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. I' or tickets' and Pullman reservation ap P.'.V,.'0 l'"y Icket office, 09 Public Sciuuro, AVIIkes-Barre, Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bnilroad of New Jersey..' In effect Nov. 10, 1002. Stations In New York, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. It. Trains leavo Scranton for New A'ork, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen town. Mniich Chunk, AVhltu Haven, Ash ley, AVilkes-Bario and Plttston at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m., and 1 p. m. Sundays, 7.15 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Expiess leaves Scranton 7,30 a. m.. with through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only one change of cars .for Baltimore and AVashlngton, D. C, and all principal points south and west "and has through conch for New A'ork. For Avoca, Plttston and AVIlkes-Barro, 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, .7.13 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg via Ailentown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. and 2.10 p. in. For Tamaqua and Pottsvllle at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.13 a. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. AV. G. BESSLER, General Manager. C. JI. BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bnilroad. Schedulo In Effect June 10, 1902. Trains leavo Scranton 0 3S a. m week days, through vestlbulo tuln from AVIlkcs-H.irre. Pullman buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; stops at principal Intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Sunhury, Har risburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, AA'ash ington and for Pittsburg and the AVest. 9 47 a. m.. week days, for Sunhury. Har risburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 1.12 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.RS p. m.), for Sunhury. Hariisburg, Philadel phia, Bnltlmoio. AVashlngton and Pitts burg nnd tho AVest. 3 "S p. m., week days, through vestlbulo train from AA'ilkos-Barre. Pullman buffeL parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at principal Intermedi ate stations. ' 1 33 i. m.. week dnvs. for Hazletnn, Sun bury. Hairlsbuig, Philadelphia and Pitts b"rS' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. J. B. AVOOD, Gen. Pass Apt. , 1 DelaAvare and Hudson. Ill Effect Nov. 10, 1902. Trnlns for Curlioiidalo leave Scinnton ati 6 44 7 30. h.3S, 10.13 u. III.; 12 03. 1.12. 2.11. iioo: 0.29. '-'3. 7.22. S.3J. 9.50, 11.20 p. III.; 1'i?o"'noiief,dnIo-C.II. 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and 5,Fo?' Wllkes-Barre-0.3S. 7 II. 8.11. 9.17, 10 53 n.m-1 -' 1-1-' --ls' " "" ,u" 7 4" 9.10. 10.11. H-19 P. m. Fori V. R. R. Polnts-7.11, 9.17 a. in.; "is 135 and 11.19 p. m. " For Pennsylvania R. R. Polnts-0.33, 0 17 a m.i I 42, 3.2S and 4.3.", p. in. For Albany anil all points north 7.30 a. m nnd 3.50 p. ni. m. mm ' 'S'TNDAV TRAINS. For raihondalo-8.50. 11.3.1 a. in.; 2.J1, 3'F!orAVukes"im3S a. m.: 12.03, . Erie BaUroad Wyoming Division, In Effect September 15, 1902. . Ji Trains leavo Scianton for Now York, TMowburgh and lutoi mediate points, also Sr linwley and local stations nt 7.20 a. "For Honesdalo and AVhlto Mills at IjSI P-Tralns airlvo at Scranton at 10.38 a. ni. and 9.15 p. m. VT New York, Ontario and Western." Tlmo table In effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1902, lima U0UTU HOL'ND TRAINS, '' Leave Leavo Arrlvn Trains. No. 1 , No. 7 .. Scranton. CnrhoiuUilc. Cjdotpa, ,...10 30 a. m. 11.10 11. in. l.w p. ui. .. U 10 p. 111.Ar.Curl10nd.1la CIO pja '" SOUTH BOUND, , p. Leavo Leavo Arrive, Cadosln. Carbondalo, Scranton. ,,,,, ii.50a. 111. 7.23 a. ni. Trains, No. 0 , No, SUNDAYS" UNLA'i NORTH BOUNDi! B Leavo Leave An IV, .'.is p. 111, -i uu p. 111. ). p. in, Trains. Scranton, Carbondnle. Cidosla. K.30 a. in. 9.10 n. m.- 10.43 a. m. 7.00 p. iii.Ar.Carbondalo 7.13 p;m Leavo Leavu Alltvn Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scianton, .No. 9 ... No. 5 ,.. Trains No! 10 430p.m. IS 00 p.m. 0.43p.m. 'I'niiiiu Kos. 1 on week days, nnd 9. on .Yrt li . . .. u &u 11. in. 7.2.1 11. in. Sundays connect lor Now A'prlc cltv, Mtd. ' dlctown. AValtun, Norwich, Oneida, Os For II incV.dnlcwS.S0 a. ni.r3.ra p. in. S AV Hl'RDICK, O, P. A.. Albany, N.JY. AV L. PItYOR, D. P, A., Scranton. Pa. wego ana an ium .-, wjoi- , Tiain No. 0. with "Quaker City Ex press" at Scranton, via C. R. R. of N J,, for Philadelphia, Atlantic .City, Baltimore. AViishlnpton and Pennsylvania statfl points'. - -- Seo tlmo-tablo and consult ticket agents for connections wltlL other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. CI. P. A., New A'ork. J. V. AVELSIL, T, P. A., Scranton. Pa, 7 Ti' 4 MLilyjMijj . fitpiy .. . .,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers