STvs7wsspE J 4 ' ?'"-' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, DECEMBER ll-, 1902 5 ; 10WRY FINDS FOR JENKINS HEFEREE ALLOWS HIM A VER , DICT OF $5,410. decides That He Is Legally Entitled to His Salary as Delinquent Tax Collector Because Former City Treasurer, If Appointed, Never Qualified for tho Office by Filing a Bond as Required by Law City Solicitor Watson Preparing As signments of Error. Attorney M W. I.owry, wliu wat up pointed to hear tho evidence In the case of OorRc W. Jenkins thr city, rendered a decision yesterday In which lie found for tho plaintiff, awarding lilm a vprdlct for $5,410, the exact nmount surd for. Mr. Jenkins was suing to recover his nnlary ns delinquent tns collector for the thirteen months beginning July 1, 1901, nnd ending July SI, 1D02. Tho Su preme court hod already decided In favor of his original title to the office, and the point In this suit was as to whether or not he hnd been removed rrom office. In his opinion, Hcfcroe I.owry points out that. whlh It Is claimed that former City Treasurer Iioblnson was appoint ed ns delinquent tax collector In July, 1901, there Is no documentary evidence to prove this, the letter which Recorder AV. Iv. Council sent, making- tho np polntment, having been lost. Admitting, however, that Mr. Itobln son was appointed to the place, the referee points out that he never quail tied. Upon his own admission lie never filed a bond, and It is set forth as a well established principle of law that a man Is entitled to hold office until his successor shnll have been duly elected and qualified. If Referee Lowry's Interpretation of the law is the correct one, then Mr. Jenkins is I.-. reality the collector of delinquent taxes at the present time and Is entitled to draw salary at the rate of $,",00O per year, which Is the maximum fixed by the act. City Solicitor 'Watson, however, isn't satisfied that Mr. Lowry's Interpreta tion Is the correct one, nnd he is at present ongagrd in preparing a list at exceptions to the finding. AN ENJOYABLE DANCE. Successful Soclnl Event Conducted by Telephone Girls. The young women employed at the loeal exchange of the Central Pennsyl vania Telephone company gave a dance last night at tho Scranton B-tcyele club, which was attended by upwards of a hundred couples fiom this city and towns up and down the valley. Kxccl- ionl music was furnished by Bauer's oiehestra. The young ladles In charge of tho nffnlr were as follows: Miss Emma Hcffron, Miss Clertrudc HefTron, Miss Hllrnbeth Lees, Miss Bertha Hold, Miss Kalherino liussell, Miss Polite Warren, Miss Mnrtluv Moyer und Miss Anna Uurkhoiiser. The paltonesses were as follows: Mrs. C, K. Davis, Mrs. George Davis, Mrs, Henry Slvelly, Mrs. Mdjrar Tlel, Mrs. C U. Wells and Mrs. M. ilowley. THEATRICAL. Burlesquors at the Lyceum. "The Major nnd tho Judge." labelled a iiuilcol comedy, was presented nt tho Lyceum Inst night to the openly expressed disgust of a large part of n. rather small house. "The Major nnd tho Judge" Is n combination of burlesque and low com edy, not bad In Its wny, but wholly out of place In the Lyceum. How a hooking agent could over have sent it to a house, such as tho Lyceum, which beasts that It plays only thu best, Is u mystery that some one ought to throw some light upon for the sake of the reputation of tho house. A number of gentlemen and Indies who wont to the Lyceum under the Impression that they were to sec a musical comedy left during the second act, one of thu gentlemen remarking "we can see bur lesque at tho Star and for a good deal less mntiey." H The third nt was mode up almost en tirely of low comedy of a coarse suture, furnished by Tom Lewis nnd Sam J. llyim, the Joint stnis ot the burlesque. It" Is too bad that the otherwise line line of attractions at the Lyceum this season should be marred by three or four that had no license whatever to be booked for Hint theater. Special Matinee Today. "Looping tho Loop" . will bo tli at traction at the Academy of Music the last tlirre days of the week, starting with a special mntlnco today. "Looping the Loop" Is the kind of a novel mulcnl comedy that young and old enjoy because It evolves around char acters everybody knows so well. It Is an all comic picture and musical farce comedy enrolled in three acts nnd shows the life pictures of tho funny characters made popular by pictorial newspapers. The pieco is presented on na elaborate scale u regards scenery, costumes nnd scenic effects. The chorus of twenty-live handsome singers Introduce nil tho latest musical selections which lends beauty and melody to tho funniest comedy of the season. Special tnntlnee prices: Gnl lery, 10 cents; balcony, IS bents; lower floor, 2." cents; children, 13 cents to lower floor. "Eight Bells," Saturday. The Brothers llyrne, with n clever company of comedians, pantomlmUts and young women, prevent their rollicking acrobatic comedy, "Klght Kelts," at the Lyceum, Saturday afternoon and even ing. The play is a musical farec-comedy with a spectacular pantomime. John liyrne ! a master of the art of planning a play that will be full of mechanical effects, the sudden use of which is amus ing hi the extreme. Tlie school yard scene In the llrt act brings the leader on the sl.ige, and the many escapades ot the boys In tricking their worthy master are ludicrous Indeed, Comic, In deed, Is Hie duel between tho father nhd prospcetlvo father, and the perplexing question of Clussle, "who do t belong to?" might be asked by rnch one of tins ntidlencc for such u delightful .tumble ot music, immense, ninglo nnd pantoiulmo Is enough to turn a most sober head. Special matinee prices. 25 and 50 cents. Children, 15 cents to any purl of the house, "Sky Farm," Next Week. Kvcry dramatist Is a believer In Inst Impressions. The four nets and fcven scenes of "Sky Farm," whloh Is coming to tho Lyceum next week, have accord ingly climaxes that Interest nnd satisfy the auditors. In the first net tho minis ter's houekceper makes n most interest ing discovery! in the second, the Vox defeats the Hear; In the third, Nnturo comes to the assistance of an apparently helpless young matron, nnd In the Inst net, a little child breaks through tho fllntness of an adamant patent's heart nnd cnturs tho curtain to fall upon a scene of reconciliation nnd merriment that sends everybody home with better feelings toward their fellow-men, NINE LISTS0F WORDS, Young People Waking Up to the Value of tho Junior Educa tional Contest. Yesterday was a good day In Tho Tri bune's Junior Education contest. There were nlno lists ot words received, six of which came from young people who live outside of this city. The boys and girls ore apparently waking up to tho great opportunities offered them In this contest. A prize of ?J0 in gold is not of ten placed In their way. There will be twenty happy youngsters on Christmas day. The lists received yesterday came from: George Wheeler, Klmliurst. AVilllam 11. Chandler, 711 Linden' street. II. Florence Cooke, Ilawley. George Dickson, 32," Twelfth street. L. Bernard Stanton, Factoryville. Rachel Davis, Clark's Green. Annie Watson, 710 Tunkhannock street, Plttston. Ruth Hell, 79 Salem avenue. Carbon dale. Albert Rosenberg, 316 Peim avenue. One of the largest home publications, the Woman's Homo Compunlon, wants a man or woman In this city to conduct a Magazine Route. It Is a chance for any energetic person to work up a monthly Income regularly. If you are now canvassing for anything else, It will be a profitable side-line for you, and we advise that you address at once Circulation Department, Woman's Home Companion, Springfield, Ohio. i Hi4 J nrwLB They Pay the User. If you wish a half-tone or line cut. let the Scranton Tribune make It for you. Our equipment for thla work Is complete and up-to-date. We have facilities for doing the finest sort of work at lowest prices and what's more. we do it. A trial order will convince you. " 30 STAMPS With a Dollar Purchase, Friday, Saturday and flonday, day, December 12, 13 and 15. 30! Great Winter Sale of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, : Ladies' Capes, Suits and Skirts, Furs, Furs, Furs, ! Fine Silks, Dress Goods and Waistings : Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, Wash ington, D. C, Ladies Auxiliary o Burnside Post, No. 4, Q. A. R., recommends Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound. " In diseases thatcome to women only, as a rule, the doctor Is called in, some times several doctors, but still mattert fro from bsd to worse ; but I hare never known of a case of female weak ness which was not helped when Tiydla E. Plnkham'.i vegetable Compound wan used faithfully. Vor young women who are subject to headaches, backache, irregular or pain ful periods, and nervous attacks due to tho severe strain on the system by some organic trouble, and for women of advanced years in the most trying lime of life, it serves to correct every trouble and restore a healthy action of all organs of the body. " Lydia E.Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound is a household reliance in my home, and I would not be with out it. In all my experience with this medicine, which covors years, I have found nothing to equal it and al ways recommend it."- Mns. Lauua h. Bakxes, 07 Second St., X. E., Wash ington, D. 0. f 5000 fcrfcH If original of ebon letttr proving gtmilnentis cannot bt produced. Such testimony should be ac cepted by all women as convinc ing: evidence that Lydia E, Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer ns a rem edy for all the distressing ills of women, COMMISSION WANTS MORE CO-OPERATION (Concluded from Pjh-c :i. t Ladies' Fancy Hose Iu great variety 25c Up to $2.00 Underwear and Hosiery Boys' and Girls" Fast Black HohC Boys' .ind Ghl.V Block Cat Hose , Misses' Fine Ulbbd Hose , Ladles' Fust liinuU ll;,m Ladles' Fine JJIack , Ladles' Jtnco Black Ho- , Children's Flue Fleeced Underwear Ludlos' Heavy Fleeced t' , Ladles' Fine .lemoy IMhbed Underwear.,, Ladles' Xntural Grey Underwear , Ladles' "White Wool or Natural Umlerwe Ladles' Kxtra Fine Underwear .12'.ic . t!3c . :;3c . 13c: ar... Ladles' Union Knits , Men's Fast Black Hose, a pahs Men's White Foot Hose Men's F.xtra Fine " fe!c!c or fanny.. , Men's Park Fleeceu Underwea Men's Light Fleeced Underwear Men's Fancy Fleeted Underwear Men's Natural Underwear Men's Jersey lllbbcd Uiulorweur , Men's Heavy Wool Men's Light. Fine Wool Underwear Men's Heavy Double Breasted Underwent Comforts All tflled lth white cotton. Fine large (Jomtorts , Fine lur;; soft Coiulnrii Kstia luige suit C'onuorts Wllvolluo Comforts .,. .oc 13c. to 30c 2.1c fiOo Toe ...$1.00 1 $1.30 Dili1, lip to $3,00 S3c 15c ... 23c ... ::ou ,.. Me ,.. 50c ,.. Cue ,.. 50u ...$1.00 ...$l.0 . ..,1.73 1.00 1.10 I I 1 1 M I M 1 I lwJ ...,$2.23, 2,30, 11.00 Blankets 10-4 11-4 lu-l ll-l 11-1 11-4 11.4 H.4 H-l 11-1 white or grey Blankets whltu or grey Blankets fancy Blankets ,. white cotton Blankets Inn cotton Blankets tun lino cotton Blankets .... lino whllo or tney Blankets cotton and wool Blankets .. Ilonesdulu Blankets California Blankets ........ . 03o . Sic . 93u .$1.00 i 1,10 . X.33 o - , H.'.'u . 5.23 . 7.00 ) ; New Neck Ruches Silk, Chlfton and Net $1.00 up to $12.00 Beautiful Late Collars COe to $3.00 New Venice Insertions and Laeos ViViu to $2.00 Taffeta. Itllibons all choice- shades Nob 3 7 0 12 16 L'i 40 CO 100 J'riees 3: 7c 8c lOe U'lfce 13o lSe 20e :'3u Our Little Beauty Corset Llffht Blue, Plnl; and White a wonder ,'0v P. N. Corset Value and style, Made from sterling or eoutll cloth?, French gored, medium or low bust, slraluht 1'ioiu, long or sliorL over hips, $1.00, $).eo, $2.00, $.3(, $::.30, $5.u0 New Q loves Our M. & H. Kid Gloves 1. K overlapped seams, warm and soft. ... Cashmere and Silk Finger Tipped Gloves., Wool Knitted Golf Gloves Silk Knitted Golf Gloves beauties Another Lot of Yarns Goriiiaiitowu Yarns, Lion Brand Shetland Floss, Lion Brand ''ashinvio Bouquet and Cutltuia. Soap Sale of Table Linens Kainask an 1 Napkins in sols. Lunch Cloths mid Tray Coveis, ' t'Ou Uienin Table Damask , 40c Cieam Table D.uiu.fIc Wo Cream Table Damask 7'JC i.'ivani Table Damask $1,00 Cieaui Tab", j Damask , , $1.23 Cream Tablo IXimusk , ,v., 03c Snow White Linen ,, 9k: Snow Whltu Linen ,,.., $1.25 Snow White Linen ,, Need's Sl.3'1 Snow AVhlto Linen.. .,..., ,.,., Hood's $2.00 Snow White Linen Heed's $2.50 Snow White Linen , I'uru Linen Napkins , 1'jju Linen Napkins, largo size ,' Puro Linen Napkins, -4 sisiu,,,,,, Bute Linen NaimhiH, large size.,,, Double Damask Napkins,,., ,,,, Double Damusk Napkins, large, heavy,,,, Silver Itleached Napkins , Silver Bleached Napkins, large and heavy. $1.00 LOO 23o to 1.1)0 23c to 30,) LOO Co S,i 20. 330 tJi'C SUo $1.00 55i; ,,, 75 n $1.00 , , , ,,$1.25 $1.50 $2.00 .., , ,, 75o $1.00 $1.23 51.50 $2.00 $3.00 $1.'.", $1,50 Cut Out This Coupon Present at our office, purchase $1.00 worth of goods or more and you will receive 30 stamps. Dec. 12, 13 and 15 ftlEARS & HAQKN, Mears & Hagen 415 and 417 Lackawanna Aye Nathan McNeal, a Lehigh Valley en gineer from shaft No. 40 went out on strike when the engineers were called out and could not get back. Earnings in 1901. Mr. Gowan brought it out that tho witness earned $735 In 1901; also that shaft No. $0 started up In August, three months before the strike ended. George Slmmonds, a pump runner had a sim ilar story to tell. Mr. Gowan contented himself with the development of the fact that Slmmonds left his position voluntarily, and that it was absolutely necessary for the preservation of the mines to put a man In his place. P. J. McCormick, chcck-welghman at Olyphant colliery, No. 2, of the Dela ware and Hudson company, explained how he kept his accounts. First of all, he said he keeps a daily sheet, giving tho total weight of coal sent out by each miner and the amount of dock age. It is compared every day with the company welghman's' list. At tho ond of the month the sheet is posted for public inspection. The total output of the breaker at No. 2 last year was 414,401 tons. It pre pares the coal from No. 2 shaft. Grassy Island shaft and Grassy Island slope. The total dockage was 13,012. There are two beams on the scale. One is gross and the other net. One hundred pounds on the gross beam will register eighty-eight pounds on the net beam. The gross beam registers 3.136 pounds when the net beam registers 2.S00 pounds. The report of the mine department was presented to show that 80,000 tons more were prepared at this olllory in 1001 than the miners wero given credit for. Mr, Toney explained that the excess represented the smaller sizes, which by agreement the miners do not claim credit for. In response to questions by Mr. Torrey, the witness said there was no general complaint on the score of dockage or tonnage. The dockage was only about 3 per cent., lie said. The 896 Pounds Excess. In answer to questions by Coiumls sloneis Gray and Watklus, tho witness admitted that the i9G pounds excess above 2,210 pounds lequired from the miners, represents the allowance mailo for wltat were unmarketable fclzes when tho agreement was made in 1ST', and that the dockage is a penalty for hnpuiitles. Mr. Torrey byought out the fact that In 1S77 the miners used a rake with lines tin co inches apart and that any thing; that couldn't be raked up was not sent out. Now, however, the wit ness said, all coal, no matter how tine. Is sent nut and the most of It i mar keted, V. J, llogau, chcek-wi'lghiunn ui the Kddy Creek colliery of the Delaware and Hudson company at Olyphant, tes tlid that tho total output In htdl at this eollleiy was 0S,1S5 tons, and thu dockage 13.SO0 tons. The output, an tordlng to the n-poit of the Inn can of mines, showed an output of 242.250 tons. Mr, Torrey contented hlmxelf with adducing the fact that tho witness Is paid by tho miners and receives $2.50 a day of ten hours. Tho cousldwntlon of conditions at the collieries of C. Pardee & Co, was then taken up, duspltti a icqucst from Mr, Cowan and Mr, Torrey that It be post poned until Attorney Dlcks.011 could ar ilvo from Philadelphia, Judge Giny was Hirry the commission was unable to accommodate Mr, Dickson, Tho first witness called by Mr, Mo. C'arthy was fiom thu Ilarwood colliery of C. I'.iideo He Co,, nt Haxluton, James Sweeney was ills name, Ho sd ho was ni.urifd and had seven children, His wages wero about $33 or $10 a month on the average. Laborers wero paid $1,78 a day, Tho ventilation In the Harwnod was all right, ho said, nnd that the company never docks him. About Mine Inspector, Hoberl Ulchardson, fiom the liar wood, to. that ho could earn about $35 a month. The witness hadn't seen a mine inspector In a long time. When he did see him, tho mine boss accom. pa 11 led him. Somo miners, ho said, would bo afraid to complain to tho ln spector when the boss was present, but others would have no hesitancy to do fo. He thouvht eight hours was long enough to work In tho mlim nt a shift. He knew of uu instance of a man being "3 3 4 5 THERE NEVER WAS A TIME when the buying public was as critical as now. Gift giving this year is going to be more sensible than ever before, the choice of a gift is determined by its quality, appearance and usefulness. If for eleven months in the year you make satisfactory purchases here it is not at all strange that during this month you will plan to buy your gifts ,here also. Cut out the following list. We think it will help you. 4 4 4f & k 4 $ 4 4 4 , if if kfr 4? 4 -fc 4, ,"44.i,4i'4i?44s, CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Persons Father ARTICLES Pocket Knife $l.."i to .$7.50 Shaving Mirror .?:!.( to ?(."() Carving Set $1.7f5 to $25.00 Portable Gas Lamp, ?2.(m to S15.0J) Mother Sister Brother A Boy A Girl French Stag Toilet Set, $2.40 to $4.15 French Coffee Machine, $5.50 to $10.50 Carpet Sweeper $2.25 to $.1.00 Universal Food Chopper, $1.00 to $2.00 Memoranda , & '1 Manicure Set $."..00 to $.10.50 Scrap Basket 25c. to $5.25 Chafing Dish $0.50 to $10.50 Fancy Thermometer. 25c. to $6.50 French Stag Military Brushes, $.1.00 to $3.50 Star Razor Set $1.50 to $15.00 Set Good Form Trouscr and Gar ment Hangers.. ..$1.50 to $11.00 Ash Tray 25c. to $1.00 Ingcrsoll Watch. ...$1.00 to $1.75 Pair Skates GOc. to $2,115 Sled $1.15 to $4.50 Pgckct Knife 25c. to $1.00 J t r 4 Set Enameled Dishes, $2.:!5 to $2.75 Toy Wringer 50c. and $1.00 Toy Wash Board 15c. Tov Ice Cream Freezer .Sl.rJ j i t i Our Cutlery department is a store in itself. Here's just a list of articles and prices to assist you in your choosing. Star Safety Razor $1.50 Star Safety Razor Sets $2.25 to SI 5.00 Cttrley Safety Razor '. $2,011 "Tree Brand" Razors '. $1.25 to $2.50 Traveling Razor Set $:,50 Pair Razors, in case $-1.50 to $0,50 Seven-Day Razor Set .SHi.OlUo $15,50 Manicure Sets $J.00 to $10.50 Scissor Sets $2.75 to $5,50 Sewing Sets ". $!l.."U to $15.00 1 'ocket Knives 50c. to S12.50 Torrey's Razor Strops 25c. to $2,50 l4A.l49WACMINr.TAN AVP I1TEHSEIM CUM MANY i- fy ,, ,f. , . ,, $. ,f Jf f . . fy f, tf f . $ fy .f f fy fy ,f, ,f Jjfs ,f Jfr f- 5-i- ir K- 4- docked tlueo and three-fourths cars out of Jlfty-oiie. At a.'JO Mr, Panow announced that tho miners had no more witnesses pies ent, except four whom it was agreed should not bo called until tomonow, and, accordingly, Judgo (Iroy deelaied adjournment. Proceedings in Book Form. Jlcognizing the widespteud interest taUcn all over the countiy In the tes timony and argument before the An thracite Strike Commission, The Trlb. 4 une will pi hit in convenient book form the reports appearing in Its columns from day to day, and will offer a limit, cd edition of copies for sale at Jl each. The volume will consist of several liun. dred pages, eight by eleven Inches, and will nppear as soon as tho commission, ers lender their decision. The dully reports In The Tribune ml?s nothing of essential interest and arc the fullest and most accuinte icpoits printed In any newspaper. Orders should be sent to Tho Tribune now as the edition Is liable to be exhausted. Civil Service Exams, On July u, a civil scivlco examlimllor will io conducted hi tho government hulldlni; for tho position of Inspector of liollcis in tho steamboat-Inspection ser lce. On Jon, ;i) an examination will h conducted In the immigration service In tho following languages: Kngllsh, Uor man, Dohemlau, rolls), Russian, Cron Hon. Itiingnilan, Hoiimant'in, Qulguiiuu' and Slivvoidg languuges. On Jan. S), IJ( an eNurniiiatioa will ho coudticted for n place 'as clertiical engineer tn th Uni ted Suites signal coips. '4 f- ;, : : , I A liitfifffl , Jtfiiiy UrMx mMmUM J$ &&&$ 4 AiiW..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers