The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 11, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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" ? ift.
V " -i
connissioN wants
(Continued fiom Pnge 1.)
1 07J 15
o o"
62.! fiS
111 li
: oti.
42,'. mc K
to bo performed. Tho minor Is pnlrl nn
ARiprd rulo for tho coal tullipil, to which
nrp nddetl vnilotts amounts for lock cn
emotion mitt Jay's woik ntul dead woik,
nnd unions nllovvnncps to nnnponpnte
for dlltlcultli's encouiitrtcri. Tim groan
nmountn received by tho mlrifis arc dlv
Itlcd between themselves nnd Ihelr labor
on nn they nuiv ngioc.
All other employes Ihnn tnlneiK nnd
their laborers mo hlied bv tho opemtor
bv the duv or month.
Tho following Is u slaic inent of the
fact"! ns to this compnnv irsniilliiK tliro
mntters during tho .ear full:
1. Toltil nnmber of breikpts op
erated In inoi was
1 Total tons of coul of all hIps
ptoduced In liOl was aH fol
lii': Prepared sles . .1 2.1 107 OJ
Steam hI7p (poa
Wnsheiy coal ... 7J.1U.1I
I Total amount paid In ItOI
for labor, pel vices or nil
classes, malPilal. supplier
iovnltlc nnd sinking fund
at five cents per ton, con
nected with mining opera
tion J7,fitf (,7"i to
4. Total amount paid to min
ers after deducting supplies
In 1001 1,2S2S7,!03
B A vera bo amount paid to
each miner In I'M (cclu
dvo of supplies)
K. Approlmnto dally paining'
of minors on tho basis of
bleaker dnvs
7. Appioxlmato dally earnings
of laborers on the b isis of
breaker davs
S Approximate av erase cnin
lugs In 1101 for miner
i Approximate average earn
ings In 11 for laborer
0 Men pmploed bv the duv
or monlh during lOOliained
in tho aggregate
.1. Hos employed by the dav
oi month duilng 1101 earned
In tho aggregate
i2. Average number of davs
breakcis opci.ited In l'WI..
11 -,ost time in l')0l bv strikes
and holldavs other than le
gal holiday an nv erase at
each collleiy of H7 Dm
14. Lost time in 1101 bv miners
per colllciv between bleak
er stmts and miner stmts
an avetaqe Ini eaeh miner
of 13 73 Daja
1" Total .iMuage lime lost ppi
eolllciy adding the two
aboc together "SOtoDnvs
oi av ci age Ios of eainlng
inpaciiy of l!!!-" per cent.
16 The company has no coinpanv stoie or
(onipinv doetoi.
MINERS' AND ivbohi:rs HARN
1XGS (Dlsli Ibutlon between mlneis and l.iboi
ers jppiolmated )
Number of mlneis "I"!
Numbei of laboreis (,ippioi
mated) 2ir0
niosb eamlngs J '.-l 12 0t". 10
Net earnings after deducting
supplies .' 1 1 1 Mil 2
Aerage amount to each miner
Including luboiei 1 07J 1"
Total net earnings mlmis 1''"0S71 'K)
Total net earnings luboicis .. 1,T! tot Ti
Aerago net eamlngs of nilnei
per j ear (38 per cenl.1
Averages net earnings of laboi-
er per ear (12 per cent 1...
No. of da) s worked by mint., .
Aeraga miner's earnings per
Aveiage laboicrs earnings pei
Average hours winked per dav
of 10 houiH by rnluers .Vj
Average hours worked per day
of 10 hours by laboieis S'4
(CollioiiCb opciated less than half the
Man- Dela- V. illl
ville ware moie,2
is'o. minus 110 I," "S
No. laborers (ap
proximated) .... lln Mi 12
Gross earnings ...3",S0T 12 I'MIIDO :n,2'i! Ob
Net earnings .af
p tor deducting
supplies 48,400 II 14,1Si M .10 29148
Aveiagc amount
to each mluei
Including labor . 417.73 C11 Si Di ! 73
Total net eain-
(,22 OS
44't 47
2 23
lugs miners ..,.29,S57.7ii ".1,317.19 lS.lbt.M
Total net eain-
lnes lal)Oieis....lS,C02S7 lLilTSO 10.S22 24
Aveiage net earn
ings of miner... 237 "1 Cfni70 no."iC7
Aeiage net tain-
Ings, laborer.... 100 '0 no ill 20S 12
No dn)s woiked
bv mine T'Pi 7i.'i &!'i
t Average mliP's
earnings per dav 3 2 i CO 4 ill
Aerago laboret's
eainlngs per dn Unl 30 2 3u
Acrugc h o u i s
worked per day
of 10 bonis bv
mineis its
Aveiage hours
worked pei da
of 10 iiours b)
iaboicia in 'i s
At Manille Kamliigs an- foi p.ui -t
year: opeiatert nalanee of )ear bv D,
A W R. R. Co.
At Dclawaie and Tialtlmoie No 2
fihoit time tind low eainlngs due to tires
Aveiage Earnings.
Selecting in each win of .it It oiiv
five of the best, e.iuier.s and IHe nl iho
poorest earners ho"o aveiagn eainlngs
rloselv npproxlmatfl the Rcnetai nvtrnga
for all the miners, It wan found that tho
net earning of the miner? classified
themselves as follows:
.Miners ' .
t etass Mi260 02
2 class 887 OS
,1 class .1 I17B 12
i class "II 0"
S Plans 211 31
1 2 class J1.00S GS
I, 2, !1 class 87 St
1, 2, :i. I class 70()tri
i, 2, ::, i. r. class 027 ai
The III st class tepiesented 101-3 per
pent of the miners: the second class, a
per pent.: the thlid class, 24'j per cent.:
tin- fourth elass .11 Ml per cent., and the
fifth class, in per cent.
The eainlngs of the dav and monthly
men and bos (populatly designated
"coinpanv men") claslfy themselves s
Company Jleu
212 received nn aveingp of W- 13
010 received an uverage of Oil 12
w,2 lecelvcd an average of 340 1"
1711 received nn average of (22 C8
231 lecilved an aveiage of - ii
AVeiages for combined clas of com
paliv men
1,2 class "2S .i
1, 2. .' class 032 OS
1.2,::. I class 312 25
1,2 J. I. 1 class 318 9j
Ho; s
202 recflv'ed an aveiage of $140 50
072 lPPPlvpd an aveiage of 247 21
1177 leccived an average of 141 "1
Av eiages for combined classes of bovs
1.2 class U68
1, 2.1 .lass WW
In addition to the above the pompanv
paid out to other men and bovs the fol
lowing minis for laboi :
V) men parnlng ., J2I7.9S4 04
:,0'l bovs earning 21,512 31
These Included 310 men and .100 bovs
iniplojrd ioi shot I peilods and for Inci
dental work, who earned, men, $104,801.41,
and. boy. $21,312 59. and U old men or
nov Ices not spp.ildng the Kngllsh lan
guage, doing bov's work as slate pickers
or dooi-nipn. at the late of $1.10 pel day,
who earned $111,182 Si
Carefully Piepared.
The statements fiom which the foiego
lug summaries aie taken have been eaie
fully prepared, and sepal atelv show the
eainlngs of even pel son emploved by
the eonipanv In W01. They have been
htibmltted to and cei tilled bv the account
ant ot the authiaclte mine woikeis. The
aie veiv voluminous, but aio In foim to
be leadllv refened to by the commission
In addition the company has piepaied
and will submit to the commission In due
couise other data which mav be of use,
among which mav be specified the follow
ing. I Statement of doikace at Its sjvenl
mlllPiies in 1901, the aveiage being 3 01
2. Statement covenng pvpiv dav In l"0l
and showing all idle ilm and the leasons
" State meiit sliowlng the ilaes and
dutlps of the conip.un men and glossary
of mining tPims uspd In its business
4. Statement showing the men In the
employ 't the coinpanv who have bin
woiklngr In Hip mines anil bieakei", with
Hip annual earnings of the p.uenls, the
aveiage being $1.9 I'
11 Statement showing number ot houses,
owned bv the company, and the tentals
theiefoi. which avpiage $1 14 pn month.
( Statement showing: the names and
number of the miners of the coinpanv,
who aie owneis of leal estate, the total
number being 10)9, oi 29 pei cent, of the
7. Statement showing the names and
addi eses of all coal and it on policemen
emploved bv the comp.ui) dining the le
cent strike
The icioids of the rumpaliv, of couise,
contain much Infoi illation qualifying the
earning lapatilv of individual employe.
These it will be pleased to exhibit to the
commission and .1 tepipsentative of the
mine vvoiKeis, f that couise should lie
deemed deniable
Michael Bavitt Piesent.
Mil had Davitt, the noted liNli lead
er and journalist was piesent at the af
ternoon he.ssion, with his nephew,
.lames J. Padclen, of this cit). Mr.
Ddvill met the lomml'-sloneii and
other pionilnent peisonages connee ted
with the healings. He was invited by
Judge Ciay to take a .seat on the plat
foim, but modestly declined. He sat
with his ft lend of a qtiaiter of a en-
tuij, Colonel K. A. Jlosely, assistant
leeoidei of the commission,
PiesUlent Mitchell, of the mine work
eis i etui tied yesterday lioni the meet
ing of the National Civic rVtleiation In
New Yoik and was at the mlneis'
table dining: tho ufteinqon.
Attorney Wolveiton, at the opening
of the alteiunou session, filed without
leading, a letter fiom General Supeiin
teudent Leuther, of the Philadelphia &
Itenilliitr Coal and lion company, le
spondlng lo the icquest contained In the
oiuiuunlcatlon fiom Connnlsslnner
Wat Mns, Satin day, foi Inhumation as
to whether or not the companies had
Ik en uduMiug dlffeiunce with their
men, as piomised in the notices posted
at the i-ln-p of the IflOO strike, Mr.
I.iuillet's letter staled that he knew of
no Instance in which his company failed
to s.itlsfai'totlly adjust local gtiev
.iiii es bv lonfeienees between the onic
ials ami the einiiloc.,
Vlial tho mlneih' side legaidfd us a
b'g sensation was .spuing esteiday,
baing mads you would novar aaod
anothor raisin, or paal anothor apala
or chop anothor plaeo af suat in vaur
kltchan. Our factory Is span to avary-
aaay. out unnaaaiiy iior us) avary-
bodv cannat visit It. Wa say our kltchan Is
as claan aa yaurs and aak yau to baliavs us. layand
that you naad not go for NONE SUCH is famous tha
country ovor as a yaar-reund dalicacy virtually
homa-mada daslgnad ta ba usad In plas, puddings
and fruit cakas. Wa affar as a safeguard far a Nrst
trial of NONE SUCH tha fact that wa said IZ.OtO,
000 packages of tho mines meat last year. Ten
cents a package. Keeps summer as wall as winter.
JJENNEtL-SOULE CO., Syracuse, N. V.
All grooara,
when they put two tvllneagen on the
alntul to detail an alleged plot to break
the Rtrlke In September last) by bribing
officers of mine workera' locals,
The first of the two witnesses was
John Early, of Dunmore, nn employe
of the Pennsylvania. Coal company, and
president of the Gypsy Orovo local.
The other was P. F. O'Horo, piesldcnt
of No, 5 locnl, of Duntnore.
Made an Appointment.
Kaily snore thnt on September 23, a
neighbor and fellow-miner, John Mur
phy, told him that Michael Grimes, an
ex-mine foreman and political worker,
wanted lt see- him at the Valley house,
about doing some political work for
Congressman willltun Connell.
11a rly went at once to see Grimes,
and after some little tulk..ibout poli
tic, Grimes opened up tiie subject of
strike by asking if ho din not think the
men were wuveiing a little. Eatly ad
mitted he thought they were weaken
ing a little.
"A brenk Is coming," Gi lines Is al
leged to have said. "Why can't wo
have something out of ll."
Then, uccotdlng to llaily's statement,
Gt lines outlined a plan wheicby they
might pioflt by anticipating the
"bieak." It wa, In effect, that ten
men fiom the live dlffeient locals In
Dunmoip should be btlbed to dtnft and
Introduce lpsolutlons dcclnilng that It
would bp better to cull off the stilke
thnn have It bienk up, and that It was
time then to call It off.
It toultl be argued, Gi lines is alleged
to have explained, that If the stilke
btokc up the union would be wrecked;
If it was called off, the union would be
saved for another fight at a moie pro
pitious time.
IJnrly testified that he pietended to
agiee to the plot to diavv Gi lines on,
and inijulied what theie was In It.
Grimes, the witness avetied, told hlin
he vynild get $2,n00 and expenses, and
any Job under any coal company he
might select, lip would also give $100
for each of the ten men that might be
selected to get the i evolutions beloie
the locals and an etia $100 for the
one of the ten wlip would be picked
upon as a sort of flist lieutenant.
1'. J' O'lloto, piesldcnt of Xo. 5 local
of the United Mine Woiken, in Dun
nioi e, was picked upon as the flist lieu
tenant, and Haily ugiced to bring him
down the next day. As soon as the In
tel view was concluded, 1'atly, s0 ho
tells, hastened to Dlstilct Piesldcnt
Xicholls' headqnarteis and laid baie
the plot. He was advised to keep up
his pietenslons and, if possible, tiap
Grimes into disclosing whom he leptc
sented. Went to See Gilnies.
The next day Kaily took O'llaia to
see Gilme?, and the latter enlisted
O'Haia's set vices
"I'm just as good a union man as
either of you," Grimes is alleged to
have said, "but theie Is no leaton why
we shouldn't make something out of
this. Theie Is a. man named Howell,
over on the West Side, getting the
Welsh mlneis to go back. We don't
want that the Iilsh shall be osti adzed
by the companies, do we?
"You know, Padd)," dimes, It is
claimed, went on to say, addiesslng
O'Hara, "theie ought to be some Iilsli
in bosses' positions. You know we got
mine foi email's ceitlflcates befoie foi
men that couldn't pass the examina
tion, and I gues-s jou'll believe me, we
can get them again."
Eatly swore fuithei that Giinifs told
him that ministeih ovei in West Scian
lon vveie w oi king to get the men to
bleak the stlike, "but," he Is said to
ha'vp added, "they aie not getting as
much out of it as we aie "
The details of how the scheme was to
be vvoiked was then discussed, accoid
ing to Kaily. and after he had stcuied
ii ptomlse of $J00 apiece loi thli ty men
who would woik to get the resolutions
passed, he and O'llui i lett Gi lines and
lepoited to mine woikei.V heuilquai
tet. DKtiict Piesldcnt Xicholls put a
card in the papei.s warning the stiik
eis against Gi lines. This, Kaily said,
closed "the incident, although Gilnies
wanted him to come to see hlni aftei
n.inls. AVhen the witness got tluough with
his stoiy. Mi. Dai low tinned to the
opeiatcns' attoine)s and said
"You iiwj ci oss-examine him, gentle
men "
Theit- wras a silence of half a minute.
Judge Oiay asked. "Aie theie any
Not Bepiesented.
With the most bliind expies-sion of
countenance imaginable, Mr. Toi un
hesitatingly aioso and, looking atound
slowly, innulilngly remaiked, after a
pause: "I don't think Mi. Cit lines Is
lemesentpd heie."
Tiie ioice and significance of Mr.
Toue)'s happy saving In ought u
heaity laugh Horn all the heaieis.
Commissioner halted the wit
ness as ho was leaving the bland to in
qulie Into the woiklngs of the check
weighman plan eIsling at this c-ollleiy.
The witness said it was veiy satisfac
toiy and that the miners have no com
plaint to make. He added that since
the udoptjon of this system in 1S09, the
mlneis ate being credited with con
sldeiahly moie than they weie be
foie. On being cioss-exaniined by Ma
jor Wau en, the witness admitted that
tho cheek-uelghman is given eveiy op
poitunlty to see that the coal i.s piop
eily weighed by the company's weigh
man, and that theie Is a notice posted
at the mine that any miner can examine
and test the scales.
City .SupeiiiUeiiiient of Schools
George W. Phillips, County Hitpeiln
tendent of Schools, j. c. Talor and
Piof. M. V, Cummlngs, ptlnclpal of the
Olyphant schools, gave testimony In the
inoinlng legaidlng the ability o mlneis
to send their childien to school.
Dr. Phillips gave Inteiestlng and ex
tensive data legarcllng this mattei, He
showed that only 10 per cent of the 1,
001 pupils In the high school aie chil
dien of mine woikeis, and that the la
tlo decreases constantly fiom the tltst
ear on.
Seventy-five per cent of mlneis' chil
dien he said leme school before their
twelfth year. The night schools, with
an attendance of 2,037, aio attended al
most exclusively by mlneis' children.
Major Wau en on cioss-exnmluatlou,
got the witness to admit that It Is
largely the fault of the children not
wanting to go to school that so many
of them !eue school for woik,
Was a Miue Wotker,
Attorney Reynolds developed the fact
that Dr, Phillips' father was a mine
wotker, and that lie himself Is a gi act
uate of Lafayette; that he lias a hi oth
er who Is tteasuter of a ti list company
and two olhers In business. Mr, Hey
nolda asked if it was not true that a
gieat proportion of the clergy, doctors,
lawyers, newspapermen, school teach
eis and the like aie sons or daughters
of men who aie or weie miners. He
also bi ought It out that Sciantou
schools aie not excelled anywhere and
that free text books are distributed;
also that the taxes on leal estate paid
by coipoiatlons, taken with the appto
prlatlons from the state which come
fiom taxes palcj on the capital "Slock of
coipoiatloim is sufllilent to pay the
Have Been, Are Now, and Will Be
The People's Medicine.
It is possible by- plausible advertisements, set forth in nn attraotivestyle, to temporarily
arrest the attention of a certain number of readers and induce them to purchase a particular arti
cle. But it is a more difficult matter to ensure their continued patronage. Unless the advertised
article proves to be all that is claimed for it, not only do the purchasers discontinue its use, but
warn others against it as a thing to be avoided. Should it be, however, of genuine value, those
who make trial of it naturally become habitual users and advocates, their advocacy being the most
effective and absolutely reliable advertisement possible. The present position and popularity of
BEEOHAM'S PILLS prove them to be preparation of high merit. Old friends show their appre
ciation of BEEOHAM'S PILLS continuing, year in year out, to rely solely on their remarkable
curative and tonic qualities. No other medicine is taken, and none is needed; and it is to the
steady recommendation of all who take them that the widespread fame of BEEOHAM'S PILLS is
due. As BEEOHAM'S PILLS have been tried for more than half a century, and are now recog
nised as an unsurpassable Family Medicine in all parts of the world, there is no need for you to
pause, or room for you to doubt. Others have long since put them to the severest test of time and
intelligence, and have given the unqualified verdict.
Sold Everywhere in IT. S. in Boxes, 10 cents and 25 cents.
Christmas Time
As we all know is for making others happy
Just how to do it is the question. Let us
suggest something. Make Xmas Gifts of some
of the articles mentioned below :
A glnuco .it oui shiiv window b ni.iv mis
gest Mjinothliiif J11 hid not thought ot.
Fancy Goods
In Leather Cases
It is necessary to see these goods to appre
ciate their value.
Military Hair Brushes, $2.25 to $7.00
Razor Cases, $1.50 to $8.00.
Dressing Cases, $1.50 to $12.00
Drinking Cups, $1.50 to $2.50 jou .lie I00M113
1 1 von do not '-pc
feu, .i.K lot It,
Onl (juod things an
vw have them hcie.
vvoilli buvln,?-
Scissor Sets'
In leather cases, three, four or five-piece sets. f
Prices $1.50 to $8.00 ?
In one of our show windows you will see an g,
interesting display of IngersoII Watches, nickel X
plated, oxydized and gilt cases. These watches L
aie an guatatuccu tui uuc ycui. n gill IOI
man or boy.
Prices $1.00 to $1.75.
naicnes. th
Tuesday we plnced on sale
the finest line of watches that
ever came Into this city. This
may seem like a bold asseition
It is but it is tiue, neveithe
less. Don't hesitate to come in
and examine them; ask all
the questions about them you
IngersoII Watches
Clouds piiiLlmvid now will ho iMIvcied
Xniiis i vc in .it ,iuv time des-hed.
Foote & Shear Go.,
. ro -J Ji -f l "j'J J. -- ' l f l - & 'j') -vl eJ f T J 1 j.& J VT ,Kj
A Holiday Remembrance
For a Gentleman
Is not always easy of selection. Unless you know
what brand of Cigars he prefers, a serious mistake
may result in your tobacco purchase.
In nine cases out of ten, Green Valley Rye
Whiskey will solve the problem. Permit us to de
liver, with your compliments, four quart bottles of
this old, mellow stimulant for five dollars and
the resulting satisfaction will cause you to thank us
for the suggestion.
-nnn . - "vv mm Krm
2162 f M" JliLlS DEPMTNBtiT'lt.
Diamonds, Chains,
Brooches, Necklaces,
Bracelets and
Sterling Silver NoYdties.
i n
But we never so fully
realized its truthfulness
as we have during the
last few days.
Eatly buying enabled
us to get our stock some
time ago all but our
magnificent line of
watches: they came this
week.. Were it not for
this fact we would have
been "sno wed-under" by
the gieat inrush of holi
day shoppeis-
But, as it is, we are in
spic-span shape; all
ready and at your service.
"The Little Store with the
Big Reputation."
401 Spruce Street.
Im mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmwmmmwmnmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmwmmmmwm
cost of i uniting ull the schools In the
county, Mr, ltenolds nlbo called at
tention to the fact that theie aie neai
iy 5,000 childien lit the puiochUl
schools, and Or, Phillips, admitted that
possibly many of thobe weie nilnets'
childien, It was siirpilsins, the wit
ness said, how iiutny children leave
school who do not have to leave, but
it itlll lemolned a fact that by far the
larger percentage of those who leave
school unwillingly aie childien of mln
eis. County Supeilutendent Tajlor testi
fied that he had taken seven mining
distilcts and seven agiltultuinl dis
tricts and (lguied the per centage of
children between the ages of 8 and 16
not attending school,
tutdl distilcts, the
In the ugiliul-
uveiJKe per tent.
was S 2-7," In the mining distilcts, 27 1J.
Attorney J, 13. lluir, or the Ontailo &
Western, bi ought out Unit theie mo
p.uuihlal schools ami Klndeigaitens in
all the .seven mining towns, and that
the childien In the ngilcultuial districts
aie inuih moie ambitious for educa
tion thnn childien In cities or towns,
paitii'iilaiy In Lackawanna county,
Childien of Mineis.
1'iof, Cummlngs told that SO per rent,
of the childien cnteilug the Olyphant
schools aie chllditm of mlneis, and
there is a constant falling off in the
attendance us computed with the en
tailment fiom the age of eight vcais on.
At the age of fifteen for instance, the
fulfillment was 105 and the attendance
Gifts of Jewelry
Nothing adds more to the pleasure of giving a holi
day gift than the satisfaction of knowing its real qual
ity, In many wares your own good judgment is
sufficient, but in such articles as Diamonds, Watches
and high grade Jewelry, you must, to a certain degree,
depend otf the veracity of the dealer.
In whom are you going lo place your confidence ?
Here's a classified list for your convenience:
tor Gentlemen
I'AI'Kit CI'TTnilS,
'ti i ; lioi, mil's.
MI nitons,
for Ladies
oi.ovi: hooks,
juwrju THA vs.
hon-iion jioxks,
coi.ouni: uottu's,
132 Wyoming Ave.
I to.
In ansvvei to questions by Mi, Hey
nolds, Piof. Cummlngs told that he and
his two biotheis had begun life In the
breaket ; that one of his biotheis Is In
business in Sciantou, and the other
supeiiuteiideut of the Olyphant Water
company, also Unit a good peiceutage
of Serunton's most bticcessful men weie
Olyphant bieaKei boys.
John Aiehbald, a Lehigh Valley Coal
Company miner at No. S slope, Hassle
ton tea tilled (hat it was impobsiblo for
a coutiact miner to make moie than a
dollar a Uuy nt tills plaiq because of
the veins being o thin ,
AVhen cioss. examined by Mr, Clow an.',
the witness tohl gte j)ie iwnie of
only one miner who nuule only a dqjr
la- a day. (
T0111111.V Slgci, another I.ehlgh A'alley
man fiom Hiuleton, told Unit he wan
laboilng lor his father and that when
the "Old man" paid him off, usuilly
theie wiih nothing leu for himself.
j ' ' -
ICoiitlnucd on Page 5J
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