jM -7"-- V' y.3- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY DJUGUittBER 11, 1902. f 7 The News of Carfeondale. BRADY WAS SMASHED, A Resident of the "Busli" Tenlbly Assaulted by Two Neighbors Ac cused Tiy to Justify Themselves. Held hi Ball. Michael Uuidy, of the "bush" section of Ciu-bondnle tbwnslilp, was the victim of a terrible bontlng Inte Titendiiy night. He noc'tnes two neighbors, TJanlol Uog rIus and a mail rained Osborne. Whether or not theie was a rolonlotn ii.sault committed on Hrntly bus nut been established, each Hide having a version of Hip happening that In wholly unlike the other. Tim accu-fd won plvfii a bailing ln-t nlBht befnw- Al drurtan Thonia", who dei Ided It was pi oner to hold litem In ball to aualt the gimid jury' action. The security wns offered, and both men wen- re leased. Rrmly's stmy. If rtliiblMiid ii the tiuth. would mnlt'e him out a nine h almsed man. He wa In hl home with hi- who, In- ald, when robins and Osborne bioke In and setting upon 1dm mushed him geaeuilly. poundlni; him p.n'f, or the time with u ieoler. Ui.ulv was a plrluie of woe In tin- iil lot man's-- oftlce Irit night. Ids head and face belntf i-lmost ievulllntr In Its teveil ami bruised condition.'ie and i'og:?ln.- told atmles that agreed, and put tlio blame onto their fifpufsr. ir vv.-c heating hi wif", tiny sdd, when, in the eiitiw of hiunanlty. they broke Into the liou-e end defended Mr. (!r.idy Horn the bloi,i of In r In-liii-lntetl husband. Foil", but nut the gentle kind, was m ees-.try ai.d In ll-t application IJrnd.v'-" anatomy wo .nme distlRlli'd. They scoffed al the sugge-llou of malice a fort thought. AMUSEMENTS. Delighted Scranton Audience. Mhs Klrte Kl!'-Ir, .ho will be .it the Oraiid to light. In "Wh'-n Knighthood Was in Klow-r," ki -!ii ly pleaed the audi ace .11 the Uvuiim. In Sei anion. Tuesday nlulit. Among tin. pic-.s notice id that 1 Itv .ue the tollowlnrf leleienccs- "Ml-.s i:iMr genius h of .1 i. in ti ml "-toiling iiu.ilitv. Her evuy mof meat N gum; Iri- elocution !- pttle-t; her, well-mnilill.Ueil voice a in light 10 Ih-.ii- and her acting uitl-tl-. "Ill tin- '"le ut JKnv Tudoi, Mif Hlls-ler mep's the cat-ting loaiilivi'ienis of its vn-ylng phast. MRCCsslUllj "In la--t evening's piodmtion Mis i:il-k-i ' -. ciiv linmnt-nt wo-- cietlll.ihle. File was well s'lppoited, and sieueiy and costumes aided In making the jduy effective. Walter It. Heyinom was .1 handsome ('Initios Brandon and did ex cellent woik. The numeions oiliei puis were well filled, and the pel I'm ni.inre was giently enjoyed." Funny Chili acter Woik. l-'itt and loiemost In the of "The Major and the Judge" aie Tom Lewis and Sam .1., the two st,u, who are well known as ileer coniedi uns In every section of the ( ounti y. These two men ai-- apt dflhteators of all that Is luimy in liisli chat.ic-lci, and their antics will tonviiKe any one who sees them. Ably seconding them Is Maud Htlth, the dashing comedienne and well-known singer of coon souk". The Doheity Sisleis, ihos3 accom-plis-hed slnseis and d.un.oi.s and com ediennes aie also with the company, and they will please :i!I, C'lnules J'Usey, the elongated comedian, will alo in ti oduce a novel specialty and assis-i in the seneuil fun-making'. The Kuipiit. Comedy Four, a nuaitette -vho---e dis tinctive features Is sweel : InRiiif;, com bined with the quaintest of tomedy, are also with the company, and John Havens and May 'lei son ,w ill also In tiodllce their sperlultlis. "The- JIajor and 111. .hiib;. " will be .u the (Sianil Frlilu niht. The Best of Pastoial Plays. Tlte best moniiuendallon ol "Voik Stale roil;-," .11 the (it. -nil Monday nlghl, is thai tliet,' is no s.ulnes- 1 im nlui; thioiiKhoui th stmy. as Is true of must p.isioril plays. .iue r,t i,. outspoken pio-s notins aie: "VoiU State I'ulks" Is on the liln-s ,,t the nilier lamoiis pastm u ilas In their bast imil.- and yet has better p.uts, all ul tin m. "The OW lloiiif" and "'.i llnwn" nlj iiiueli on theit wnl,' -Ifei t. 'V,i:i: Ftate Folks" Is tin. , iii,il of liolh tlirse slund-bys 111 this iispdi nud tl.i lr "sup, 1 1,11 la dluliMiif.--Alh:tu I'u-j. KnicUi :bo( lip, It is a better 1 ilit Ihun "llavld H.i-iim." ' i;b, n lliilden' and all llies.s ot' nocl ha-he;., fl is a ioyjluil iltelopneiil of the i.' 1 bin, 111 lie Ileint! pl.ns, and in "The Old lloi, in stead" and tlu, but far supenin St. I.nuls Stni. ' "Vol K Stan- Foil, -" 1, th, b-t ply 'of the "Way Down Knst" aii,l thai has bci 11 seer. In SI. I.011N. It Is ),cst 'because it Is neatest to n.uuie, not (.'LASS OF WATKK Upset Her. ! People that don't know about fond isliould iiuvli bn allowed to lerd pei.sous uwlth weak btunutchs. I A little ovt-t a jiMf nf; ' jiiunjf wo jiiittii who lleh In .Meicei, Jlu had .in uttack ot buniloi fever, and when tuu Jvak'Scont was licrmltteU to cue any thing M10 wanted, liidlsciliiilnatu feed jiiis soon put her hack In bed with nn jvere htomaeh tiouble and liuirtnimutloti ',of the kidneys. r "There 1 stayed," bhe say.s, "tluco -'mouths, with my stomach In such con dltlon that I could take only a few tea jBpoonfuls of mill; or beef Juice at a time, Finally CJiupe-Xuis wus hiotiglu to my uttentlon and I ablti-d my doctor ;lf I might eat It. IIu said, 'yis,' and f commenced at onc,e, ; "Tje food Hd ne good; fioiu the htitit ;mtd I was soon out of bed and entirely ;recgi(em Jrotn ilip atomaeli tiouble,' I jhav gained ten pounds since my ie 'covery and am able to do nil household duties, some days sitting: down oniy long: enough to eat jny meals. 1 can eat anything that one ought to eat, but I 6tlll -continue 'ttr"eat Gnth'e-.'uia at lireakfastrand supper and like It better .nvery dQy. "Considering that a year ngo I could (stand only a short time nud that a glass jnf water seemed 'so heavy, I am fully Hatltffied that Grape-Nuts has been ev- rythlng- to me and my return to good ealth is due solely to It. "I have told several friends having Vervoua or stomach trouble what Prape-Nuts did for me and in every aso hey gpeak highly of the food," Kaine Blveu by I'ostum Co., Battle Crei-k, Jlich. onfy In Its people, but In Its ottiec pic lutes. St. l.otils Posl-Ulspali-h. "York State Folks" Is even better than "Way Down Hast." "Dalty Farm" nud the other pastoial pluyy. Uttffnlo Review. A NEW ORGANIZATION. "The Spenders" Who Foim a Merry Social Club. An oijanl;;iillon, "The Spenders," which Is purely social, held Its Ilrst assembly at the home or JIlss Famuli KjIiI, on Washington street, Tuesday evenhiK. when a delightful time was had, Theie were numerous Incident" to make the evening nieiilntable as the llrs t assembly, but the most Interest ing was the guessing contest, the prizes for which were won by Miss JInhfl Edwaids and Miss Floience Vadema11. The sei-vluq- uf leireslmients concluded the e cuing ol social enjoyment and men Intent. "The Spendeis" personnel embraces .wain; people who aie conspicuous in social eln les, anil an Interesting cn iccr Is piedicted. Mis. George Alvord nnd Alts. I'dward Pardon are the club's choice for chapeion. The ineuibci s me as lollow: Misses Ktn 111a Ktilil, Mabel lOdwiuds, Floience Wndeinuii, Giate Hull, Hanel r.atilnei-, ( 'Inn lotto Kills. Chun llronson, riuir lottc V!leo. Augula Judulii, Martha lit Ink. Mabel D.i Is, hilllaii fatten, Can-le l.ever. lllla I'alten.Miiftha Sing er, JMltli It.illuy. Grace Munn, Eleanor Jones, Iabel Vai i-ington, IMIth Cmirt llglit, "laia Si 1111 y. Maud .Miller. COUNTY PRESIDENT HERE Hibeinitulo Enteitain Guest of Honor nud Elect Offlceis Other Societies Hold Elections. Tuesday night was mi iuipoi taut evening l.i the hisloiy of JJivision No. 11. Anea-nt Older 01 Ulbeinlails, as the uiHinbeis hid its their gucl the county ptesidenl, C (1. Holand. of Scianton. Mr. liolaud made an eiuuist addiess, In tin- coin -e ol which he took occasion to loiiipliiutiu the dhlslui 0.1 lis 1011 tlniled healtli) glow th and the abiding faith of the nieinbeis n its lonllnued -itui-e-. It might be mention,-..! that Division X.i. 11 has 1,", nieinbeis In good stand ing, with lln.mcutl ai-i hlghlv gi.ttilyiug. iJiirlng the stiike, dellmiuem mcm'oeis weie kept in good statiding without the thought of tor- feiluie ol liiembeishif) distussliig thelil. Xow that all hue letuined to work nud aie eaining once moie, the cus lom.ii'y collection of moutlil. dues will be. taken up. The di isiim held Its seml-uuuiml eh it ion of olllcers, Hie lesult being as tollows: President, John 1. Collins; vlee-piesident, Thomas Savage; :e coiding secietaiy, Heni.v I.ofui; finan cial s.Hteiary, I'. F. Mot .111; tieasurer, .lame A. Goiinnu; seigeani-at-aims, John Walih; sentinel, Thomas Fee. .1. P. Collins--, the president, had bis adinlnistiatlon lecogniztl by it re election. The installation will take pl.'ue at the nest meeting. The Epwoith League. The njiwoith League ot the l-'iist MethodNi church elected otllceis as follows at 11 meeting: in the "Watt building: W. IJionson, president; Mar tha Blink, iiisl vice piesident; Grace Humpliiey, spc-ond vice president; Mita Kenwoithv, thiid ice in-eaident; Ginee l'owel!, l'ouith vice president; Charles Sevetance. seeietary; Claude Olver, tiea-iiuer: Josie Pengally, choi islei ; Mildred (la te-s, 01 ganht. Heptnsophs' Election. The tollo.Ung olllceid were elected by Fidelity conclave, No. IISO: Aiclion, M. L. Ulhei; past uichou, F. It. Uever.s; inmost, A. G. Xlchol; prolate, Thomas Davis; secietaiy. J. W. Klrkwood; llnancier. II. W. Reynolds; treasuier, A. F. l.otius, ttustees, C. M. Tucker, c. A. ICasij. ,1. (i, Jvaus; watden, Geo. Iloli'ni.iu, Inspector, Jt. M. Hakei ; delegate to stipienii.- cotnentlon tit Itlcliiiiuud, Va.. l.-a.u I'ogers; alter 11. lie, C. A. Iviu-t'. Dl-tiict Ocpiu Allen wa pic-sent and spoke Jnieiestlngly In nlaliou to the ,11 del . Iinvies' Pcut Election. Post I Levies. Xu. 1ST, G. A. It., held lis annual ee lloif ot otllceis Wednes day evening, December Pi, lliO.', Tlieie vs.n .1 hug, giithc-ing 01 tonuade.s and !i splilted seskm. Coininanib r .lohu McCotnb was huu nuil by his loiiiiaiU'S by lecelving their uiMUlmous vuio lor the tliltd consecu tive lime. This would ludluue that his ability is rciiigiilzul and his admlnls li.ition endoised. "iillovvliig aie the names uf the. veter ans who wen- ilioseu to serva as of ikeis lor luo.'i; Coiiuimuder, .lohn Mc Coinb; sitiior vice-ionimaudc-t-, D. M. VanSlckle, Jiinlm vl, e-cominandti', Dwlght Mills, tei master, F, AV. Mills; stngeon, Or. .1. C, llai'dlng; iluipUtin, .lolni .luiiiilugH, olllcer of the day, I'hiistopher .Sludtis; olllcer of the gu.ud, George Heddcn; tlelegntes (o the ilepaitmout encampment In mldltlnn to the lommandei aie n. .M, VanSlckle and .Incob nitel, ultei nates, Alva Holpli and Clulslopher Shults:; tuistee, J, M. Alexander; conunls.sionei.s, ,1, M. Alexander, W. II. Chase and X l-hlllsll. H, A Runaway and a Wieck, A team owned by Henry Cuiss u dairyman Horn Gieoufleld township, took fright while in fiont of the Car bondale Milling company's plant yes. terday forenoon and dashed away. The truck collided with a telegraph polo and was lert behind, while the animals kept on their wild career down Rlvor mi eel to eighth avenue, thence up the hill, becoming oxhuusted, when they leached the top. A little girl who got in tho path of the filghtened loam had u nuirovv escape fiom being 11111 down, Conductor Sig Nubbins train east bound on tho D. & II, t-t ashed tutu the icai ot Conductor Henry's Uric tialn at Steven's Polnl, on the Jeft'eisou division yesterday moinlng about 3 o'clock. The D. & 11. engine was wjecked together with four curs. The wreckage was strewn over both tracks blocking trafllo for seven boms. Tho Crle llyer, due at SM3, did not reach here until 11 o'clock, m To Locate in California Mis. T. W. Keeder and family, for mer tesldents of Dundaff, lately lo cated In 'Frisco, will leave In u short time to join Sir. Heeder, who departed a short time ago to locate In business 1 I 1HIE or 11-11 1 To Prove what, the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp Root, will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Tribune May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. . J. holme. .1 piouiinent business man of Spilnglleld, Ohio, vvtites the following s-tiong etidoisement of the great kidney lemedy, Swamp-Itoot, to the Kditoi of the Spilnglleld, Ohio, Republic-: Springfield, Ohio, Feb. 21st, 1901. "Having Jie.ud that you could proeuie a sample bottle of swamp-Root fiee by mall. wiote to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnglmmtou, X. Y for ii sample bottle nud it was piomplly sent. I was so pleased after trying the sample bottl" that I sent to tho drug slme and procured a .supply. I have used Swatnp-Uool 1 ly for some time, and consider It unsui passed as a. remedy for totpld liver, loss of appetite tind general derangement of the digestive func tions. I think my tiouble was due to too close conllnement in my business. I can letoniinenil it highly for all liver and kidney complaint?. I am not in the habit of endorsing any medicine, but in this case I cannot speak too much in pi also of what Swnmp-Iioot has done for me."" fW. F. T.ohnes.i 4:'2 West High Stieot. nfr&J 1, j &Pc && The mild and oxtiaoidiiuiiy etfeot of the world-famous kidney and bladder lemedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, is soon leallzed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cuies of the most distressing cases. EDITORIAL, XOTG if you are sick or "feel badl.v." begin taking the won derful discovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as jour kidneys aie well they will help all the other otgans to health. A trial wilt convince anyone. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful lemedy, Snamp-Kuot, sent absolutely fiee by mail, also a book telling all about Swamp-Root, and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letteis re ceived fiom men and women who owe their good lienlth. In fact their very lives to the great dilative pioperties of Swamp-Root. In wilting to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, X. Y., be sine to say thai you read this getieiotis offer in The Scranton Tribune. If you are already convinced that-Swamp-Root is what you need you can puichase the regulur llfty-eont and one-dollar size bottles at the diug stores everywhere. Don'c make any mistake, but leinember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghumton, X. Y., on every bottle. In L,os Angeler, Oil. Mr. Reeder was located In the west some time ago and piospered. This led to his decision to reside there permanently. Funerals of Yesterday. The late Edwin Bliss was taken to Susquehanna, for burial yesteiday morning. The Mitchell Hose company, in unlfoini walked in the procession fiom the residence on Washington Place to the depot. The Uowei- bearers weie Fredcilck Ralley, of the Mitchells and David Morgan of the Engineers. The following acted os pallbeureis: T. U. Campbell, . A. Rlvenburg and J. Harry Rowlson, of the Mitchells and Oscar Hudson, Heniy Hyatt and Jitincs Hairy of tl.e Hngineeis. The following- acted as iiallbi-aieis at thft obsequies of tlu late Mis. Chuiles X, liionson, who was taken to Sidney, X. Y.. for burial yesterday morning: .loseph Wilcox, D. W. Humph! ey, John S. Retry, l'if-iee Hutlcr, G. W. Reny and James Jiassett. The floral offer ings wen can-led by Joseph Thompson, Heniy, Cuil Hawkey and L. Rales. The of the late John Mcllon ough took place yesteiday inoining. The rortego left the home on the west side at U o'clock and pioccedod to St Rose church. Where a leciuiem mass was cek-biaied by Rev. (icotge Dlxou. Iliulal was In St, Rofc cemetery. The follow lug acted as pall bearei.s; Michael Coleman, Thomas Rattle, I'atilck Mc dairy, James Smedley, Adam Tlieobold. Martin Murray, Anthony Kane and Thomas Mullen, Wntt-Atherton Nuptials To-day. Society tlivles aie agog over the fash ionable wedding which will take place at I o'clock this afternoon, when Miss Isabelle Watt and Thomas Sayro Athertoii will bo vyedded In the Fii.-t I'resbyteilau ('11111(11. Tuinhull & Wade, the florists, will have the oluiroh most beautltully decorated for tho event. The Moz.ut orehestia will pinvlde the wedding music-. v Eour Months in Hospital. Frank McDonald, of Fallbrook stieet, lins rctmucd fiom Rulfnlo, X. Y where he was a patient In one of the liospi lals for four months, He left heie luokeu In health, but tlte course of hos pital tieatment has utmost fully le ttered him, To the numerous 11 lends who weie concerned over his condition, this will be good news. ough's south being lighted from' this city. Hence the uselessness of the Jei myit and Archbald plants, and the dis mantling process. Some of the old ma chinery will be valuable here. Will Locate in Saegeitown. Oscar Smith, who was chef at the Impetlal restaurant, and was employed at the several hotels heie at various times, is now well situated at Saegcr town, Pa., In the hotel and .sunitaiiuin conducted by Frank P. Fo-, a former propiletor of the Anthracite in this city. Mr. Fox is about to eiect a hotel at Sharon, not far from Saegeitown, and when completed Smith will be given a bet lei- position In the new hostelry. Machinery Moved to Carbondale, The abandoned plants ot the Lacka wanna Valley Klcctrio Light and Eower supply company at Jennyii nud Aieli lnlcl ate being dismantled, the ma chinery therein being in process of ie nioval to this city, Tho installation of new up-to-date niachlneiy In tho Car bondale station penults of the bor- An Old and Well-Tried Beniedy. MRS. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children toethlug, is the pickciljitlon of one of the bet fcmule physlUuna and nurses in the United States, and has ben used Blxty years with iiaver-faJlliig auo cesa by millions of mothers for their chil dren. During the process ot teething its value Is Incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child it rests the mother. Price, twenty-five cents a bottle. Holiday Shopping On. The season of holiday shopping is on, and has opened with a briskness that indicates the lealizatlon of the san guine expectations ot .1 pi ospertm? peilod. The stoics umalued open last night for the Hist time this season, tor the accommodation or the Inueased number of shoppcis, and will continue until after the holidays. PERSONAL MENTION". J. G. Riousoti, of South ( '.111111111, was a Caibond.ile visitor yesterday. Miss Mai gn let Tlghe, of lallluook stieet, has 1 etui lied home, after a two weeks' visit with fi lends In Minooka, Mis, X. 11, Jllller has returned fiom a visit in Xcw Voik city. Miss Hannah Tight-, a. pinfe.-slonal nurse, lias tully recoveied fiom her ie ccnt illness, which conilned Iter lor scv einl weeks at F.meigenoy hospital. She will leave to u-Hume her duties at the sanltailum in Baltimore, Md wheio tho Is tiiuirse, after the holidays. Mrs. C. T, Meaker was a Scianton visitor yesteiday. Mis, Law, of West Plttstou, is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gunge W. Cross, on Lain el street, Rev, Dr. Whulen Is home fioiu Phila delphia, where he sptnt heveral days, occupying a pulpit there last Sunday. Miss Pauline Hauls has inturned to New Yoik- city, after a visit in town. Albeitu, little daughter of Air. umi Mis. M. O, Abbey, who lias been so seiiously in, is mpldly Impioving. Mildred, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. M, Olver, of Durte avenue, is eon lined to her home by Illness. Mis. (Dr.) Simons and Miss Alice Os borne, of Hnmllntoii, nie guests at the homo of J, i Bigm t. ,'iWtftfl,l,!l"fri"MH"MM"MtW JERMYN -MAYFIELD, Mrs. Ira Utt, an aged lady leaidlng at Mayfleld fell on the Icy sidewalk yesterday leceivlug a compound fuie ture of her legs. She was attended by Dr. Jackson and later removed to the Caibondnlo Emergency hospital, The Hit or Miss Cooking elub met Tuesday evening at the homo of Miss Mury Svvick, of Second street, where they were delightfully entertained. JThose present were; Mrs. Dr. Baker, Mis. S. E. Meyer, of Carhondale; Misses Jennie Battenberg, Kmlly Rich, Jessie Winter, Kmma Moon, Mary Swlck, Anna nenclnll of Pecltvllle. The members of the Aitesdan Hose Connolly & Wallace, Scranton's Shopping Center Christmas business is not the -property of any one store but the largest part of it goes to the store that studies it most. Fur Boas from $4 to $50 The least expensive are of black marten, whose dark, glossy fur is beau tiful. Sable fox in spite of the fact that the skins are nearly all gone and more people want them than ever come next in price. Then raccoon, black lynx.silver fox, blue fox, Hudson Bay sable, Baum mar ten, chinchilla, Persian Iamb, ermine and Russian sable. Everv kind of neck fur you can think of is ready to become a Christmas gift. Men's Bath Robes Are now spread over half the regu lar Men's Furnishings department. $3.50 to $12.00 each. The best $5 wool robe we ever had is in the collection. Turkish toweling robes, $6.50, that are not surpassed anywhere. Woolen robes, $5 up to $12. Others of fine Mercerized Cotton in white and colors, $4.50 to $10.00. Holiday Umbrellas The fruits of many months of prep aration and a long search through many different countries. The handles, of course, are the most important part, and we have never had a finer collection pddbeautiful and exclusive. Among them are : Finest Box Woods, Wangee Woods from China, Carved Ivory, Sterling Sil ver and Pearl, Gold and Pearl, Wood inlaid with Silver, Plain and Trimmed Buckiiorn, Natural Woods of all kinds. Look at our Ladies' special holiday line of Silver and Pearl Handles at $3.75, worth $5 00. If you miss looking into a sin gle corner of the store these days, you miss a suggestion that might make your Christmas shopping easier. Christmas Glove News Gloves for children are cut and made with as much care as those for older people. Among them are : Fowne's Cape Gloves in tans, reds and browns', $1.25. Soft Mocha Gloves, fleeced lined, $1.00. Heavy Cape Gloves, lined, $1.00. Wool Gloves, white, black and all colors, 20c to 50c. Women's Jouvin Gloves, the finest French Kid Gloves made, $1.50. Men's lined and unlined Kid Glows, $1.00 to $6.00 a pair, the higher pricid ones lined with fur. Men's Holiday Neckwear The best 50c scarfs. The best dol lar scarfs. And the, best that money will buy. We're ready to serve every body. Even the 50c scarfs are in exclusive patterns. A new lot of dollar scarfs here today that are even better than we have yet had. For $1.50 you can get the best English Silks (in English squares.) Evening Dress Protectors, $1.00 to $3.00 each. Square Mufflers in black, white and handsome color effects, $1.00 to $2.50. Winter Underwear We said the' other day that we can fit everybody with underwear. We can fit your purses, too a tre mendous range and variety of prices. Prices don't go so low, though, as in most stores we know where to draw the line at trash. Men's, 50c to $7.50 a garment. Women's, 25c to $6.50 a garment. Children's, 25c to $1.50 a garment allace, t 123-12S-12M29 Washington Avenue, ' 111 tuinintn.v will .ttu-ml tin? of tli Lite .Matthew l.cs-lli this atlt-riiciim The Aiii-k-lil Oidor of Hiheiiiiiuin vvll. tilifrii a fair In Ai-sfinbly Hull on lit' mill which will liiht two vvot'k--. MNs fa lu. Mullen l confined to her home by Illnt-eH. Mrs, liebhuidt, mother of Suiiciliiteii tlont (iebhmdt, of the powder mill is very jieiloiiHly 111. Mth. Ur. Oiavos was n vls-ltnr at fcicninton yes-terday. The bazaar and minimise .iiile In tho ICulter liulldimr is nttraolliiB eoiHd erablo attention. U will imy nu to cull in and see the display, MI.H Farley, n talented ynnni; lady of (his boioiiRh has opened an art studio iii Hcranton. Will Staples is confined to his home by an attack of tuiiny, JllS, Mury .Meohali, of the Host Side, was taken ."eiloualy ill lout evenlnB. ARCHBALD. Election of ollicors of the C, W, B. U will tnko nlnce Thurcda.v evening. Deo, 11, 190.', at 7:110 j). in. All nieinbeis are requested to bo present. Mns Cecelia Swift is vlsdllwr In Now Yoik dty, II, C, Miller was a caller In Cat lion dalo Tuesday evening. Mist. Hllo Deveis spent Tuesday In Scrunton. Miss Mareuiet Coollcan was a .Scran ton visitor yesteiday, Mis. P. J, Coolicun and daughter Miugaret weie callers ut Serontoii Wed nesday. DEPEW'S CLEVER OAT. jfy O ft a of Gifts Trick Performed by Tom, the Sena tors Wonderful Feline. Among' the cats that may compete In the cat show to be soon held at Wash ington is a handsome gray fellow be longing to Senator Depew, says the New Yoik Times. The cat boors Hio name Tom, It is not known whether or not lie Is named for the senator's dlPtlngulfhed colleague Horn New cbrltm. 19 Card- irable0 . ..tT .... if a stead? a vo ' " ed w hc tfS'VuonOV we. .UlCM , ana "' nF w-,c. . .... 3f3Srtr . "Cvis VsSi, This is guaranteed by the Hodgeman Rubber Co.'s Storm Coals ant Mackintoshes. We have them in all grades from $5.00 to $25,00. (Not Trao ."siSSScnS ZE' "' ..oOT lUIL.!'" .-! I .LJ'" m ,w,m.-i w" .. r.ntlsW YaWeii,- Yoik, hut it can be said that Tom Is clever uud tiUky and devoted beyond nieasuto to Ills master and mistress-. That Tom win think can scarcely bo doubted, He Is veiy sagacious ami fie (luently outwits his master, it Is sulci he has learned to smile at the senator's jokes, Tom has learned n tilc-k that is often shown to guests at the Pepew liunie, Under the dining loom table is an elec tric bell for the puiposo of summoning u servant. Whenever Tom Is fastened up In the dining looni, ho immediately jumps on this button and pushes it with gieat vigor until some one ar ilves and lets him out. Whether by ac cident or otherwise, Tom leatned that whenever the button under the tuble was pushed some one entered the door, thus opening it, A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby. A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be contemplating a change of residence. Only Gnu-Half Cent a Word
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