The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 11, 1902, Image 1

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TaKi n n n n n t-, -rat sssssmnsmsassmms twrl'ksf vfF1-' - m. r v H' -
Gunboat Bolivar Is Captured buttle
British Cruiser Charubdis
at Trinidad.
The German and English Warships
May Blockade the Entire Venezue
lan Coos' London Foreign Office
Hears Nothing Regarding the Im
prisonment of British Subjects at
Caracas Last Communication
Bent Castro a Notification Regard
ing1 Course to Bo Pursued by Brit
i'li and Germans.
V D) Lvclushc Wire fiom The .Asiocutcil l'ie.
London, Dec. 10. In response to an
Inquiry made at the foreign ofHee a
1 eprcsentatlve of the .Associated Press
was informed that no information of
on official character has been received
from Venezuela, everything being: lett
10 the commander of the British fleet
who had received explicit instructions
us to what com so to pursue and re
garding the aggressive measures to be
undci taken.
The foreign ofllce explains that the
lust communication sent to Piesldent
'astro was not a second ultimatum,
but a notification that the commander
had been instiucted to the effect the second stage of the repris
als which include other measures be
sides the seizure of the customs, would
lie commenced unless a satisfactory
answer was reoeived. The foreign of
fice has heard nothing from Unite I
States Minister Bow en, who has uhaige
of British and Get man Interests at Car
icas, legur cling the imprisonment ot
Hi-IUsh subjects. It still thinks, how
fev, that the Biltlsh at C'niacas, will
probably be sater In piison than out
side. ' The 1epo1ts0C1.fcI14.lon between Ger
many and Great Biitain are denied.
The foreign office fays that to all in
tents and pui poses the two poweis aie
taking joint action though In ceitaln
oveutunltle? each countiy Is fiee to
act independently.
The seizin e of the Venfv.uehm gun Bolivar, at Port of Spain, Mind
ol Trinidad, was affected on Instruc
tions pn'iously Issued bv the Hiitlsh
Mr. Bowen's Repoit.
Washington, Dee. 10. But one t ablo
grr.un has been leeelved today by the
state clepai Intent tiom Ministei Bown
at Caracas. That i elates to the sel
uie by Biltish and Genuan vessels
of the Venezuelan navy at La On. ilia,
lie makes no leterenco whatevei to
any sel?iues of custom houses. Mr.
Bow en epieses the opinion that sim
ilar seizures of vessels may have boon
made at other ports.
Tt was said at the Biltlsh and Oei
nian rmbassics today that the actloi. of
Piesldent Castro In oiderlng the an est
of all subjects of Biltlsh and Get man
governments In Caiacas was without
piecedont in .the history of civilized
countues supposedly at peace with eat h
other, and that such action' would be
legarded as .sulllileut giound tor a dec
laration of war. Moinheis of the diplo
matic ooi ps ht'iu, Indeed, rcgiuel It ns
being ueii a decimation In Itself.
Vnited States Minister Uowen's ptompt
net Ion In demanding ol President Cris
tio the loloase of the Gcimnn and Brit
ish subjei ts attested In Caracas yester
day Is In ace oi dance with the plan
agreed upon between the Geinian and
Biltish ambassadoih and Secretary Hay
when the foi mer called at the slate de
partment fully tluce woolen ago, and, in
anticipation of the present ugly situ
ntion in Venezuela, letpiested that the
United Stales minister at Caiacas he
permitted to piotcet the lives and prop
erty of all British and German citizens
lit Vono.ueln,
It Is undei stood that Piesidtnt "ns
tio was advised of this notion. It was
pointed out by an ihiropenn diplomat
of high rank today that In foiling Min
ister Bow en to demand the itioase uf
the foielgn subjects, President C'nstio
is acting diieotly contiary to the doslre
of the Washington government not to
become Involved In the international
dispute Both Geimany and Great Itrit
laln, it was said, fully appreciate the
position of tho United States and nio
determined that tills country shall not
be drawn unnecessarily into tho em
broilment. It was also stated
rresldent Kooseet',s recent iutciprc
tntlons of tho Monioe doctrine were
being looked to by both nations as mi
thoiity for tho extent to which they
could go In their claims against Vene
zuela without embanasslng tho United
Castro's Appeal,
Pails, Dec, 10, A Venezuelan govern
ment communication to Its ropresciita
tlve here protests that Great lliitalu
and Geimany, noting In concert, hnvo
committed an net of hostility in a
manner as arbitrary as It Is unpreced
ented by the seUure of Venezuelan -serf,
pels lying at La Gualra. Tim com
munication sajsi that Indignation In
Vene.uela is at its highest pitch and
thu government Is resorting to Justifi
able rt'pilsiils. It has ai rested the ics
ident subjects of both hostile countries
and has seUed tho railways and other
undertakings belonging to them. At
tho same time, adds tho communica
tion, Piesldent C'nstio has appealed to
the Venezuelan people to lako up arms,
lie has decreed a general amnesty for
all political offences and has orelercd
tho restitution of tho confiscated prop
el ty of Venezuelan cltlzeitB.
Kingston, Island of St. Vincent, Dec.
10. The British cruiser Charybdlfl was
the vessel which seized the Venezuelan
gunboat Uollvur In tho htubor of Port
of Spain, Trinidad, last night,
British warships have left Ttlnldnd to
open the Otlnoeo river to free naviga
tion and ttnde. It Is reported here
that tho German and Hiltlsh warships
will blockade the entire Venezuelan
coast f i om the Oilnoco river to tho
Venezuelan lrontler.
Annual Conference of Indus
trial Department, Brought
to a Close.
Uy i'vclii.o Wile from flic .Usoeiilccl Pum.
Xew York, Dee. 10. The annual con
ference of the Industilal Department of
the National Civic Federation, which
has been In session for tluee days was
brought to a close to-day. Inteiest to
the last was unabated, thp hill being
crowded to its utmost capacltv. The
final subject of discussion was "Indus
trial Agreements," in which nnniv of
tho most piominont delegates look part.
AVhlle no definite lesults were i cached,
the executive eonirnlttee being em
poweied lei appoint a special commit
tee to leview and repoit on all the sub
jects discussed, it was the geneially ex
pressed opinion of the delegates that
the confeience had been a great success
Samuel Compels, piesielent of the
AintrliMti Fedeiation of Labor, speak
ing of the statement that the unions
should lie Incorpoiated said that the
suggestion was made for the purpose of
jlfuidlng an opportunity to mulct the
union" in damans
One ol the gre-ete-t complaints. In- be
lieved, organized labor has against em
plojcis of labor is the ietuoal of nianv
to meet and discuss their f,iieauces
with the men.
Mr. Gompfi.s opposed the suggestion
that the S-houv day ought not to Iks
adopted until its adoption can be made
Alfred Mostdy said that If Aineilco,
should attempt to wotk upon the S-hour
plan, the result would bring about a de
plorable industrial condition here, if tho
othei two great imlustiial nations, Eng
land and Germany continue on the 10
hour day pla,n.
The session began with an address by
Kiedeiick Diisioll, commissioner of the Newspaper Publishes s Asso
ciation, in which lie pteseuted a itsunie
ot the ofioits of his association to reach
an undt istamling with the unions wliiili
snould pn-vent stilUes and hi lug mat
teis of clisagi cement to .iibltiatlnu.
Mi. Driscoll's Address.
We haw assembled hete today to le-arn
wlml piogn-sv has lipen made In the es
tnblislimrnt of polities and tho .ueoni
plNlinit'iit of i'p.iiinees which hno
leniletl to iHOinoto liiilnstli ll peace pub
lic Intel c.t In which has been gieatlv In
eieusti bv the sthilng hlsloty of the
past year I'pou lequest I appear lietorn
oii as the ltpicst'iilatlvo ot the Ainei I
t.m New -paper Publisher-' .ismji latlnu, to
biltlh leliti. what has been done liy our
oiganlation to maintain tiiencll illa
tions with the- labor unions with which
we h iv to tli ,il.
Oui association, roinpilsln about two
hundrod of the lendlni, daily nowspipeis
of the PnlKd States and Canada, was
organized for mutual bt neflt hi ISM!. For
many vein It took no positive action on
tlin t-uhjeet of labor. Dining the ololnrf
earl ol the lust deeade a number of
uur publlslu'is hud suffered from a seeio
espeilence with stiikes, notable among
which may bo noted, the Instance In Chl
t.igo, in lSr'S, when the Store otj lie rs
st i licit on the oo of the gteat uanl
battle off Santiago. Kveiy paiioi in Chi.
eMgo united In closing their otlices, ami
no new-paper was Issued in gteut
city for lour das tlurlng the most In
tense news ONcitoment of the Spanish
wat. The losses to the publishers of Chl
i.igo resulting from this famous tuilko
have been csllmnted to amount to moiu
than a epiaiter of a. million dollars Tho
publlshcis tlnnlly manned their offices
with outside slciootpoj,s and the strike
tailed. Ill Dee ember, 1W, the Tvpo
giaphloal union ot litlsbiug tleelliied to
complete lis labor contiaet at n time
when It had hut a week tei complete the
term contracted for, Seven dallv papers
united In teslstanoo and a struglt' of
tin eo months' duration ensued, tuvnhlng
boycotts nnd 111" dlstin banco At
the i ml of that Unto tho union gave up
tlie sliuggle iintl tho strike was lost.
In Fibrillin, 1W, at Its annual con
vention tho suhlect of labor wns taken
up itosolutlons wcio unanimously
adopted to appoint a purmaiieiit special
standing committee to take charge of all
labor miitteis affecting geneially tho pub
llslu'is of our avsoclitlon, Authority was
nl"o given this e ommitteo to appoint a
t ommlssloner who should devoto Ids
wiiolo time to this ipipoitant wotk, The
committee then Issued n circular, which
contained the following poingraph:
"This committee feels charged with tho
sacred task of settling disputes, whenever
possible, nnd, to that end, will labor to
secure the establishment of joint national
arbitration coinmltteo to adjust labor
troubles between inenibois and their cm
Ploes, that cannot otherwise be settled.
Tim coinmltteo was not appointed to pro
voko coiitroersloi or to antagonize labor,
hut, cm the contrary, to promote a better
understanding between mombeis and
tin Ir employes. Tho bctvIocs of the com
mlttee and Its commissioner will bo ut
tho dlsposul of any member of tlio asso
elation." Tho commissioner was appointed and on
olllco opeiud In Chicago, on April 1, 1000.
Vailous statistics wero gathered and It
was found that between eighty nnd elgh
ty'Hve per cent, of tho members had
union offices in ono or more of theh
In Augimt, INXi, tho eonimlssionr np-i
peared before tho annual convention of
tho International Tj pographlcul union
and u a short address urged It to join
with our association In establishing a plan
of arbitration for the settlement of all
disputes which could not otherwise bo
settled. Authority was given the execu
tive council to do so and In tho following
November our committee and this coun
cil held a prolonged conference which lo-
sulted In the fotmntlon of a tentative plan
to lnr.t, If approved, for ono year fi am
May 1, 1901. This plan wns iininlmously
Indorsed by our association In Folu iiur ,
IWl. ond was then submitted to tho ref
erendum of tho International Typogtaph
Icnl union The vote resulted In l.'.MI In
favor nnd V.SSO against the adoption of
the. plan, Thus intelligent 1 ibor foimul
ly npproved the ptlnclple of nibltiatloiu
by n vote of neatly A to 1,
Arbitiation Agiecmcnt.
The iiibltintltiu agi cement In accord
ance wllh the plan was then executed
by both oiganlzatlons Inteiested, This
agreement plodded tint in caso any pub
lisher of our association should bind him
self, lo arbitrate any rtln'ounee mishit;
under Ids verbal or written (onliut with
tho Union, tho hitetnhtloitul pi slilent
would then guarantee the complete per.
fonnunco of the contiael, and also that
tho local union would utbllrnto nil dlf
feioncos, which might arise Incident
thereto. A form of cuntract was pre
paid! which was to bo evecutctl by the
piesldent of the International Typograph
ical union and the publisher, which eoa
tinct embodied nil the piovlslous con
tained In tho agi cement with thu Amer
ican Newspaper Publisher u' association.
Tho experiment was for one year only.
During this time but one case came be
fore thu national bond ol nibltrotion,
which wns composed of the Intel national
piesldent and the association's commis
sioner, who, 1C they could not agree,
should choose a thlid pally to deteimlno
the dispute. This case wiu decided in
nuor of tho union.
In August, liul. I appealed again at
Bliniiiigliuin, Ala. before the Inloini
tloual Typogiapbical union's annual con
vention and asked that authoilty bo
gianted the executive council to estorid
tho teim nud bioaden the scope of the
existing aibltiatlon agreenieut, This was
gtnntctl, nnd In Janiiaiy last nt a joint
confeience, th now ngieoment was
tiarned and a nerlotl was flscd tor llo
years from Mav 1, I'm.'. The scope ot
the new agi cement was extonded to coer
the settlement of disputes which might
arise In naming new scales as to wages
and hours of labot. This was a. ilNtlm t
neh.line upon tho pievlous agieemeiil,
lor there is alw.ns more danger of trou
ble and difToi dices ailing. in forming .1
new scale, than In poiloimlng a ouiteiit
contr-act. We belio' n now that eiy
gieat piogress has been made In seeming
the continuous and peacelul prosecution
ot wink In our offlie This Is mole hu
poitnnt hi the piiblliatlnn of a dallv
newspaper than In almost any other
branch ot business.
During (he jear J'iO, tin if has been set
tled on the pait of members ol the n i
tlonn! aibltiatlon boirel bv e onelllatlem
or aibltratlon, one case hi Tot onto cov
ering sl papers, one In Saratoga Spilngs
oiiti in St. l.onls one hi Sii-ingtleltl. Ill ,
two t.ises in New Voile, and one. in Hus
ton, In all but one of these eases,
the m.itttr settled pel tallied to in w
scales. A gnat man more cases have
been settled locally, without tho aid of
the national boanl bv leasou ol the tact
tint the pnblMior had an aibltiatlon
contiact with the Intel national T po
giaphlcal union.
This organbatiou has jmiselictloii over
tlio aphlcal, SltrrcOTers'. Jlallors'
anil liioto-Kngr.aveis' unions. It can eu
torco Its dlsciiillno even to tho uttnt of
I evoking thu chaituis ot these siiboidl
natu unions. No stlike can take oftecl
or bo Ic'ijal until tho same Is oideitd ny
tho Intennlloinl T.v pogiaphleal union
ovehitlvo eoumll. 1 can most i lit ei full)
lestlty to the honot and good laitli which
has eliai.ic.te i ired the Inti I national gov-einme-nt
in the multlplltitv of business
which we h.ivo transacted with them It
is tor the welr.ue ot their eialts that
the goveudug oigani.atlon sliouli! bo
talthlul to Its obligations, and I am sine
its rftiaiantee can be dcpondi d upon as
well as though It was Inoorpmated and
was otherwise tmancially lcsponslble.
Aid iu Settling Trouble.
As tho ptacttul opciatiou ol evei.v nie dep.mmont In the nowspapir
office except the pi ess loom -was thus
piovlded tor as stated, step weio taken
last iai to make tho arrange meiils
tor aibltiatlon with tho
Pi luting I're somen's and Assistants'
union. An .lgieument was oxeeutecl with
mis organization and om nssocl itlnn, on
substantially the s.ime tonus and tor
exactly tho same period of time from May
, I'm.', to Mav 1, 19u7. 'ibis woo an aid lo
us la,st Maich In settling threatened dou
ble In some- ot the piiuclpul newspaper
otlices in New York city So that now all
the mechanic il labor employed in lh
newspaper ofllce is coveicd undci theso
1 have alwavs tounil both Iho Interna
tional piesldenls ever leady to co-opei-ato
with me in adjusting diner uncos and
settling tumble when it tlrst ailscs. Uy
i enson of this policy of mutual conellli
tlon it is giiitlt.vlng to be able to stato
tli it since tho establishment of our In
dustilal bureau their has not licen a sln
glo strike In any ol thu offices ot our
members coveiing a period ot two yea.s
and eight wenths.
For tho infill mat!on of mombois of
other branches of business, whethor oi
ganized or linortfanUecl, 1 will slnto that
tlio Anietic.m Nowspapor I'ubllshori.' as
sociation is a oluntary organization, its
action cannot obligate Its memhenv, each
publisher eoitnlnly so lar as labor mat
tors Is court i ned. Is absolutely Independ
ent and free to hold any attitudes towaids
oig.iuiyed labir which ho cloetns tor his
Interest. Thus, theie uio about ton per
lent of our publishers who have no 10
latlons with the unions. I statu this di
versity of views and notion 1 cause It H
ptolnhly the case, to a tfunter or lohsor
degiee, In nil branches of mauufactiutug
biiblncss It soems tho facts as lolotod
nhiiw that any brunch of manufacturing
business ran adopt a similar sjstoni lo
outs, tor tho benefit of members who feel
compelled or who doslro to establish hai
monloun relations with th? unions. Its
practicability has been dernonstiatcd, nnd
Its adoption Is cordially recommended.
Frederic 1; T, Tow lie, of the National
Founders.' association, said tho efforts
of his association to arrive at agree
ments satisfactory to both thb employ
ers nnd tho laborers have resulted In
great benefit.
N, M, Garland, foimer president ot
(lie Amalgamated Association of It on,
Steel ond Tin Workers, said:
"You may talk of theso ogi cements,
but to my thinking there Is but ono
way. It Is necessary for the employer a
and the labot ers to get together as onu
family and to thresh out their differ
enoea." J, W. Junks, professor of political
economy nt Cornell untvcislty, In his
address, said:
"Legally, the strike-breaker Is light;
ho may work for whoever ho will.
Morally, ho may be right or ho may bo
Chaiimnu Hannu, in closing tao dis
cussion, declared himself opposed to the
claim that labor unions sliould bo In
corporated, Regarding the work of tlio
Civic Federation, ho ald:
"For myself, I feel greatly encour
aged by tho teiicwed public Interest in
this great quest ion nnd by the Interest
of those who haveoeen here with i"
The confeience then adjourned
ft TIiouqIuIuI Discussion ol the
Present Relations Between
Labor and Capital.
A Biilliant Career Which Began
with a Speech on "Man's Eight to
the Soil" Is Rounded "Up with
Suggestions for a Better Under
standing' Between. Capital nnd
Labor The Senate Devotes Host
of the Session to the Omnibus
Statehood Bill Mr. Quay Piesents
Report of His Own.
Jl i:vclutc Who fioin Tlir AioiiJiel l'iw.
Washington, Dec. 10. Tho feature of
the house proceedings to-day was a
thoughtful speech by the venerable
ejnlusha A. Glow, of Pennsylvania, on
the relations between labor and capital.
At tho end of the present session he ro
th es at the age of 79, after a cater In
public life extending over half a cen
tury. His first speech in the house was
on "Man's Klght to The Poll." Ho was
the author ol the fiee homestead act.
His speech to-day was regarded as his
valedietoiy to public life and was lls
lenud lo with close attention by hi col
leagues. His conclusion was that some
soit of co-operation between labor and
capital was the only solution of the im
pending problem.
A bill wns passed in gcncial terms
designed to lelieve the tea impoitcrs
from the tlfect of the lecent decision
of the Oil cult Court in New York Im
posing the 10 cent war duty on tea ini
poiteel in bond prior to the time when
tea if restored to tire free list, January
1, 1603 Another bill to ret mid the du
ties collected on merchandise fiom
Porto Itlco and the Philippines during
the period between the ratification of
the treaty of Paris and the concession
al revenue nets for theWo islands, also
was The pine food bill was
made .i continuing older not to lnter
fere with appiopilatlon bills, until it
is disposed ot.
The Statehood Bill.
Almost the entile session of the Sen
ate to-day was devoted to discission of
the omnibus statehood bill. The bill
came over as tho unfinished business
from the hist session and by agreement
to-any was fixed for calling it up. Mr.
Qu ly (Penna.), submitted a number of
resolutions of citizens of Oklahoma l'av
oiing the omnibus statehood bill and
protesting against joint statehood with
the Indian ten Hoi y. A wave of laugh
ter sis opt over the chamber when the
eleilt lead one tciegiam which ex
pressed tlie opinion that statehood tot
Oklahoma would make It "hopelessly
Deinociatie." Mr. Quay announced that
ho had sent it to the desk by mistake.
Mr. Quay also submitted a itpoit of
his own, and its leading occupied the
time of the Senate until 2 o'clock -when
the statehood bill was laid before thu
Senate. Its leading was begun imme
diately theieatter, followed by the read
ing of the- .substitute. Mr. Beverldge,
chairman of tho committee on teirf
totles, then picscnted the committee re
pott, giving tho reasons for lecommcnd
Ing joint statehood of Oklahoma and
Indian territory and for not tavorlng
the omnibus bill.
In the couise of the Tcadlng of tho
several reports and tho statehood bill,
the senate passed a bill refunding cer
tain revenue taxes to owners of private
dies and also a bill relieving certain Im
porters from the duty on tea. placed In
bonded warehouses.
Uuiiug consideration of the statehood
measure, Mr. Quay never left tho cham
ber. Kor the most pait he lemiilned in
his chair, only once or twice leaving It
for the puiposc of conferring with some
senator nearby. Delegates Rodney, of
Xew Mexico nnd Fllnu, of Oklahoma,
weie on the llonr of tho Somite and
closely followed tho proceedings,
Just before adjournment, Mr, Nelson
(Minn.), seemed permission to witli
chaw the substitute in older to perfect
it, Mr. Quay promptly insisted thnt the
substitute, If withdrawn, should bo sent
bat It to the committee, but the chair
ruled against hlin
i i -
Cluiiged with Giass Negligence in tho
Case of Charles Gi ether.
Bprclal to tho Scrantou Tribune.
Stroudsburg, Pa., Dec, 10, In the to
port of tlio grand Juiy this aiternoon,
that body lound that tho second escapo
of Charles Giether, the convicted mur
deior, on Sunday last, was duo to tho
gross negligent h of Sheriff V, O, Mer
vlno and his deputy, John Mervme,
Further, that Night Wit chimin "Will
iam II. Ilelnhnit "did aid and assist
Charles Gruther nnd Daniel Van llus
kirlt to escape nom snld Monrue county
jail "
Tlio giand jmy also found that
Charles Gruther had had the ruvolver
concealed In his cell tor a period of llvo
weeks, together with other articles by
which ho could liavp cheated the gal
lows. Still Fighting the Canteen.
By Fidushf Wirt from Tbt Anocittcd 1'rm.
Washington. Hoc. 10. Tho most liupoit
ant action, today of tho National Ant(.
Saloon League, now holding Uy annual
session hero, was tho unanimous adop
tion of nn'adchess to tho public on tlio
urmy canteen question, In which tlio
ch.irgo is made that high army officials
have persistently pursued a course ex
tremely unfavorable to tho anti-caiiteeh
luw of congroba and pledging tho associa
tion to do its utmost to defeat any at
tempt to tho law until It has had
a, full r-ud lair tilul.
Addiess Made by John Hamilton,
of Department of Agiiculture.
Il.t- Ilxcltuhe Wire from Tlio Aorl ifetl 1'iW
HaniHbuttr, Ia Dee. 10. At today's
session of tho Pennsylvania Dairy
union In this oily about fifty persons
were present. Addresses wote made
by John Hamilton, sucretaty of the do
pal tmoiit of ngrlcullute: W. I- Mc
Spairon, piesldent of the union, and
Jesse K. Cope, dairy and food com
missioner. At tlie evening session the Pennsyl
vania Llvo Stock Ureeders' association
held Joint session with the dairymen.
Pupois were read by several membein
on agricultural topics. Resolutions
were adopted pledging the support of
tlie allied agricultural oiganlzatlons of
Pennsylvania to the movement to se
cure an nppropiiatlon of ."0,000 by the
next legislature for n. dairy building
at the Pennsylvania Slate college.
A Party of 320 Sailors Convey Be
sieged Men on the Retribution.
By ExclculTe Wire from The AuoclJted frtw.
I,a Gualia, Dec. 10 Pleldwick, Prince
and Lepage, the three Englishmen
who had barricaded themselves in their
houses have been lcscued by the forces
of the allied powers and have been
taken on board the Iletilbutlon.
The Englishmen's houses wcie sui
rounded by Venezuelan pollce.but when
a paity of 3J0 sailors was landed at 5
o'clock in tlie afternoon and marched
to their release, the policemen made
no resistance and the inmates were
conducted to the Retribution without
trouble. The Biltlsh nnd German
warship, however, in the meantime
hndceleaicd for action.
Naval Plans of Germany and Great
Britain Provide for Employment
of Launches.
By I icltoive lrre fiom Hie Vssocuttrd I'rejj.
Rerllri, Dec. 10. The naal plans of
Germany and Great Britain piovide for
(he patrolling of the Venezuelan coast
by launches in order to prevent smug
gling, and for the blockade of those
Venezuelan poits whole the custom
houes have not been taken over, in
order to prevent vessels avoiding the
ports occupied by the allies. Naturally,
this procedure. If It becomes necessary,
would recjuhe it number of vessels .mil,
an Gieat Biitain has more ships avail
able In the West Indies than Germany,
a larger portion of the work will full
on Great Britain, unless Germany sends
out additional ciulseis, aocoiding to
her flist Intention.
Official suggestions supplied to the
German newspapers and to the Eng
lish coi respondents here, lay stress on
the fact that the United States has
undci taken to safeguatd diplomatically
the German and British Intel ests in
Venezuela until the dispute is settled.
Consequently, any aftront offered to the
resident Germans and Britishers, which
is not in actoi dance with
usage, such as an arbitrary utrest,
would bo -an affront to the United
States and would cause that power to
piotest. It is this consideration which
makes the Get man foreign oliice doubt
the repotted arrests at Caiacas.
Failing Health Forces Hint to Resign
Office of General Manager.
Uy IXiliishe Wire fiom 1 lie Asotlaictf t're.
Philadelphia, Dee. 10. The boaid of
directors of the Pennsylvania railroad
today relieved J. B. Hutchinson of the
duties of general manager, at his ic
eiucst. Mr. Hutchinson was appointed
assistant to Charles 11, Pugh, second
vice-piesldent, to taht? effect Jaminty
J, 1003, and was granted a leave of ab
sence of four months. Falling health
Induced Mr, Hutchinson to leslgn his
office of general manager ot tho com
pany. While the directors declined to
announce Mr, Hutchinson's successor,
who will bo named tomoi row, it is gen
eially mulct stood that W. AV. Atter
buiy, super intendeut of motive
power, located at Altoona, will bo
named. It. R, Durborow, supeilutend
ent of motive power of the Pennsylva
nia railroad division, is said to ho tho
choice of the dlioctois to succeed Mr.
Alter bury. Mr, Durborow Is also sta
tioned nt Altoona, Mr. Hutchinson,
who Is rS yearn old, entered the employ
of tho Pennsylvania Rnilmad company
in lS(i,l.
Victims of a Fi eight Wreck at Mount
liy Kvelulc W'hc (lomTho Assnclatcd l'rej.
Mount MoiiIh, N. Y Nov, 10. Two men
weio killed In a freight wreck on tho
Uciawaro, I.nekawanna and Western at
Grov eland, near heio today, Tlio dead
tiro; U.iiilel Crnulii, tomluctoi, Josopli
Minister, llagman. both of Klmli.i.
Two engines and a dozen wcie de
molished, Six-Day Bicycle Race.
l!j i:chbhe Who flora The Associated 1're'n.
New York, Dec 10 But nino teams In
tho six-day remained nt midnight
tonight when the half-way mark was
passed, Tho crowd of spoctatois con
tinued undiminished. Tho srcio at mid
night with sW teams tlo for (list place
wus: Mncrailnnd-Muya, Stonson-Mornii,
Bedell-Bedell, Ncwlclrk-Jatobson.U utler
Turville, I.e,intlei-l'iod Kiobs, e-ach
!,Sl7,:i; Barclay-Pram: Krebs, Kotgan
PeiPienn, fiulvln-Itoot, eacli 1,31c-.'
Steamship At rivals.
By Esc!uirt Vfirt from The Auociiled Tiut.
Now York, Doc. 10 Ai rived; Oceanic,
Liverpool and Quecnstown, Cleared: La
Lorraine, Havre. Sailed; Philadelphia,
Southampton; Teutonic. Liverpool; Oeor
glc, Liverpool, Kinsale-Passed; Geor
gian, New York for Liverpool. Llzaid
Pusscd: St. Louis, Now Ypik for South
ampton, Quecnstown Anlvcd: Celtic,
New York for blvcipool and proceeded.
Hook of Iloll.ind-Anlvcd: Potsdam, New
Yoik for Rotterdam
Aie Chaiged with Having Knocked
Down John Xolwnskl and Taken
950 from Him.
Albert Price, of Bull's Head, and his"!
brother, John Price, of Waymurt, weief
yesterday committed to the- county jail
without ball by Magistrate John T.
Howe, on a charge of highway lobbery
piefetied by John Kolwnskl.
KolwaskI came lo this city on Tues
day night from Utlca, N. Y with the
Intention of seeking his brother, who
lives hi North Scraiiton. Ho wandered
out Capouso avenue and dropped into a
saloon to get a drink. While In tills
saloon he met the two Prices, who de
clared that they knew his brother and
would dhect hlin to tho house.
The pair took Kolwnskl lit tow and
when the three l cached a point on Cai
bon sticet near the bridge crossing the
Lackawanna river, the two Pi ices
turned on KolwaskI and knocked him
down. Then, while one held him, the
other went thiough his clothes and
took theiefiom a, pocketbook contain
ing fifty cents In cash, and also a luzor
and a pair of gloves.
KolwaskI was tendered unconscious
by the blows which ho received on the
head and It was several minutes before
lie regained his senses. When he did
so, his assailants had disappeared.
He reported the matter' to the police
yes.tciday morning, and by iho luckiest
chalice both men weie ai rested easily.
Oflicer Perry took KolwaskI with him
and the two stalled to search the
saloons along C.ipouse avsnue. John
Price was met coming along tho ave
nue, and bis bi oilier was found In the
tli st saloon visited.
The two were attested and weie posi
tively identified by KolwaskI, when ar
raigned for a hearing before M.igis
tiato Howe. As highway robbery is a
nou-bailable offense, they were both
committed to the county jail to await
tlie action of the grand jury.
Base Ball Magnates Show Quite a
Disposition to Patch Up
Their Diffeiences.
ByllvcluMtc Wlic from Tlie iboeuteel l'ic.
New York, Dec. 10 At today's ses
sion ol the incnibeis of the National
Base Ball league, it was decided to
send the lollowiug communication to
Piesielent Johnson, of tho Airier icarr
league, who has been in eorrfeienco
tor the last two or three days with ills
associates here:
"Dear Sir: AI a meeting of the Na
tional League and American Associa
tion of Professional Base Ball clubs
hold this day at the Victoria hotel in
this city, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
"'Whereas, It has been stated in the
public pi lilts that the piesldent of the
Ameiican League had deciaied tliat his
organization has been lu favor and that
the National league has been opposed
to a peaceful settlement of the so
called has" ball war; therefore,
" 'Resolved, That a, eonirnlttee of
tluee be appointed lor the purpose of
confeirlng with tlie lepiesentatlves of
the American League, now in this city,
if they so dcBlte, to ascertain upon
w hat basis such a lesult can bo accom
plished. "In putsuance of this icsohitioii, the
following committee was appointed:
Messis. Hernial), Hart and Robinson;
Mr. August Hetmnn,"
The pluylng schedule for tho coming
season of the National league was
adopted tonight.
Tiial of Thomns Gallagher Brought
to a Sudden End.
Uy Kidiisitc Wlie from '1 Ire- AasoiIjIccI I'ici.
Ely! la, Ohio, Dec. 10, The tiial of
Thomas Gallagher, alias James Casoy,
ono of tho burglais who was shot dur
ing the attempt to rob the home of the lit others, near Rochester, Ohio,
Oct. 'in, was brought to an abrupt end
ing today when the prisoner pleaded
guilty to the chiitge against him. Ho
was at once sentenced to servo lliiy
yea is In tho penitfiitlniy.
Owen McCabe, alias William Davis,
another member of tlio gang, lecently
convicted, was sentenced nt tho samo
time to life Imprisonment. This Is said
to bo tho flist life sentence for such u
crime lu the history ot tlie state
Tlie Area of Winter Wheat.
II; lAihblu' Wile (inm llic" AtrOcUtnl I'reits.
Washington, Uce 10 Tlio statistician of
tlio department ot ngilcultuie estimates
tlio uuwly seeded itie.i of winter wheat at
about :!l,f),Cno lie i os, an liuuaso of fit
per cent, upon the mea estimated to have
boon sown lu the tall of woi, Tho con
dition of winter wheat on Dec. I, wns '.')",
n.s corniiaied with !".7 In I'M, Wl In IWe,
and a nine! year meiago of vl I
m i i ii -
Dynamite Victim Dead.
Uy i'vtluiie Wire froni'llio Aotlteil l'r.
Wllkt'S-Darro, I1(,,? lO.-Chailej Htaffoid,
ono of tho miners who was fatally In
jured by tho clj ruimlto explosion In tho
No. 0 initio of tho Lehigh and Wilkes
llarrci Coal company, yeaterdaj, died to
day Irom bis Injuries, tieoigo Kiinucr,
another of tlio injured, is In a critical
condition. Tho coronet's Investigation of
tho accident will begin tomorrow
- -
Bullet Hole in His Bteast.
U) Evciuilvo Wire from The Associated 1'icoi.
Bellefontalne, O,, Dec, 10. Aaron Butt,
aged CO, and a wealthy bachelor, wus
found dead this morning with a bullet
holo In his breast, and the cottage at
LaKoview, this county. In which the body
was found, y.aa on the. A considerable
sum hidden In tho housa Is missing, Bel
Icfontuhic officers havo gono lo the scene.
Intimates That tin Parties until
Hearing Gould Hasten Work Mori
with a Llttls Ellon
three hundred more
miners' Witnesses
Mr. Dai row Thinks Some of Them
Can Be Eliminated by the. Twit
Sides Getting Together and Having
an Understanding Sessions Spictti
a Bit by the Telling of the Story of
an Alleged Attempt to Break the
Stiike by Bribing Union Officers
Summary of the Statistics Filed by
the Delaware and Hudson Company
Contains Some Surprises.
Comparatively little testimony was
taken yesterday at the session of tin
strike commission, because in the first
place considerable time was consumed
iu discussions on tho question of pro
cedtuc and, secondly, because the mtn
eis exhausted their available witnesses
when the afternoon session was half
At tlie opening of the morning ses
sion. Judge Gtey intimated very strong
ly tliat the conimlssioit would be
pleased not to have too much cumula
tive testimony, and better co-operation
on tho pait pf the attorneys In expedit
ing the work in hand. The commis
sion, he said, did not want to place any,
limitations on either side, but ho
would suggest that If the mineis had
occasion to do it they would be priv
ileged to offer'rebuttal testimony.
Mr. Darrow said he did not wish to
unduly protract tho case, and suggest
ed that If the other side would Indi
cate how far it proposed to go Into the
matter of strike violence and the like,
ho would probably be able to govern
himself accordingly, and possibly elim
inate much of the testimony It was pio
posed to offer. ,r
Cleneral Wilson mattte8 that h had
he.ud one of tho counsel for the miners
say the day before that 'they had 300
mine witnesses1 to examine and that
they would take up sixty days longer
in piesenting their case in chief.
Made Another Bid.
Mr. D.uiovv seized upon this as an
oppnitunlty for maklrfg another bid for
adjustment. His side, he said, had a,
list of witnesses eiuite that large, and
might tlnd it necessaiy to take up a
gieat deal of time In presenting its case.
However, he would be willing1 to 'co
opeiato" with the parties on tho other
side in an. effoi t at eliminating tho
necessity of pioduciug all this mass of
The only comment from tlie "patties
on the other side" was a remark by
Mr. Torrey of the D. & H. Company
that he felt tho commission was not
Intending to decide the case on "the
avohdupols of the evidence."
In tho afternoon, Judge Gray Intio
eluccd again the subject of expediting
the hearings. He said it had been sug
gested to him that possibly the delay on
the part of the operators in presenting
their statistics was accounted Tor by a
feeling on their part tliat they might
by standing on some technical right,
withhold theso statistics, until after
the miners completed their case. Hei '
tiusted this was not the case. If it
was he would have to say that the com
panies weie not giving tho commission
tho co-o'petatlon in getting at vital
facts that was to be expected from
thorn. At all. events, he a!d, auch a
stand -was not well taken, as under an
application of technical rule tho min
eis could demand of thu companies that
they present their books, aa the books
w ei e not alone the best but, in a mea
suie, tho only evidence available as to
Mr. rSeynoklB averred that as far a
he know tho companies were not with
holding their statistics for any reason
oth'r than that thoy have not complet
ed the piep.iiJ.tlon of them.
Threo of tho companies have already
presented their statistics, the Penn
sylvania Coal company, the Hillside
foal nud lion company and the Dela
vvnio and Hudson company. The sta
tistics of the latter were presented ycyt
totday. An Interesting summary of
them in a printed pamphlet was di
ttlbuled at the afternoon Bession.
The nummary was aa follows:
The Deiawaro and Hudson company
eanlfS on the business of coal mining
slmtlaily to the minim? operator gener
ally by contracting with the miners who
employ euch laborers as they r?ce fit, and
theso respectively cut or blast and load
tho coali and by tho employment of oth
er men In and about tho mines and
breakers, whose work, generally speak
lug, consists of development work nd
piepatlns- the coat for market. Ordinar
ily eaeh miner employs not more than
ono laborer to assist hlin,
Tlio terms of tlio conn act vtiry witr
the variations and character of the woilc
" ' Continued on Page 1 1
Local data for Deo. W. W01
Highest temperature .,.....,,,.. ti degiee
lowest temperature! . I degre
Hclatlvo humidity:
li a, in, .,,,,, .. Per cent
b p, in. ,,.,,,,,.. .,,,..,.. 85 per vent
i m i
, " "" -M: t :Mj
4- Washington, Dec. W-Forecast fr 4
4- Thursday nnd Prldjiy: Eastern 4-'
4 "Pennsylvania Huin orinow Tliurs- -.
4 day; colder at night Friday,
tfulr; fusli west to northwtit -
winds. 4
. 444444.4 44444.44444