urp THIfl SOKANTOxV T1UBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, a902 3 ii s r ARE THROUGH WITH Q. B. flARKLE & CO. (Continued from Page 1.) ft Co. hart tio representative at the hearing to disclose It. roll's cnsc wns mndc Immediately pn tltctlc because oC the fart that It wns only yesterday ho burled IiIb wife. Sho dledi iih he averred and 110 ono disput ed, Jrom exposure tciuilttng from the uvlctloti. 11 U mother-in-law, n blind n'oman more than 100 years of nge, who wns evicted with him, and who hits lioen gradually dying ever since, te eelved the last sacinmonts of her Lhurcli Monday night. IIu himself Is nr.uly 60 years of nge nnd badly ciip plcd. "There Isn't a whole bone In my body except my neck," he told the commission, In response to n question from Mr. Darrow ns to whether or not he had ever been hurt In the mines. One of his eyes Is gone, his left leg is stiffened, his right nrm crooked, and a number ot his ribs bent and twisted from fincturcs. Once his skull was fractured and another time he lccclved a, 3ash on the head which required fourteen stitches to close. Ten years ugo he was caught under a fall of rock and so badly ciuehed that he was In a hospital two yeais. When ho came out, his fellow workmen sub set Ibed a puiso of $167 to help support him until he could discard his crutches and go to woik. The money was col lected at the company's office, the woikmen having authorized the pay master to keep the amount of their subscriptions out of their pay. Super intendent Smith added $50 to the fund, foil went to get the money, but the company would give him only ?J". The lest of It was letalned to be applied on bis bill for lent of u. company house ind roal used by his famllv w bile he was In the hospital. Coil's FaraVv. Ills family consisted of hlmlt and wife, his wife's ccntenailnn mother, four small children of his own, and a little girl whom he adopted when she was eight weeks old, the little one's lather having died the day her mother wns bmied. Jumes Gallagher, the witty old Iilshumu, who was on the stand the day before, took the other In fant oiphan into his family. The wit ness has one si own up son, who be came insane during the stilke, and Is now In the Ltuuine county asylum, at llotteat. Towaids the dose ol the stilke, the witness received notice to Quit the company's house. lie owed for lent iccumulated during the stiike, but no demand was made on him for it. Knily on the morning of the sixth day, befoie iho family was out of bed. Sheiiff Jacobs and ills deputies eame to the house and oidcied them out. Coll did not expect an eviction, thinking, as he put it, that the notice was "only a bluff." lie pleaded with the sheiiff not to tuin him out, as his wite was 111 of bionchitls and his niothei -in-law unable to move. The .sheriff said he was sorry, but he had to do his duty. Coll pleaded with him to give him until the next day, that he might have time to get another house nnd nivc his sick wife and mothei -in-law. ," It was Impossible to get another house In .Teddo, as the company q ned them all, and he did not want to put the neigh bors under the ban of the company's displeasure by permitting them to take him In. At all events, theie was a old, drizzling rain falling, and if the two invalid women weio foiced out in It the consequences might be .seiious. The sheiiff sild he would see Mr. Maikle and endeavor to have him agiee to allow him to lemalu until noon. In a very short time the sheiiff returned and said: '"You will have to get out in five minutes or we will be foiced to put J.OU out." rne Eviction. Coll, half-dlsti acted, told the sheiiff 10 go ahead and put him out. Two deputies carried the old woman 0111 of her bed and acioss the load Into an other house. Mis. Coll diessed heiself and went Into the stieet, wheie .she spent a couple of houis packing her household goods in boxes and barrels to have them fiom the tain. Coll hur iled off to Hazleton and late In the day succeeded In getting another house. At 11 o'clock that nlghL they ilnihhed inijwim una weni 10 lieu. Tiieie was no fire In the house, everything was wet fiom the tain. ami In the morning nil of them had colds. Mis. Coll was choked up so that sho c 011IU not talk. She wanted to go to the hospital, but Coll believed that ns lonif as ho was no longer employed us a miner he could not set bib wife into the mineis" hos pital, and Instead had her consult a physician. fie wns to pay the doctor a dollar a month, but when the doctor learned of their story, ho letused to take any money. Fildny last she went to b.d very 111. in the middle of the night she woke her husband and asked for her medicine, gasping that she was chok ing. "She died In five minutes," said Coll, bin sting Into teats. The commissioners up to this point because of Mr. narrow's skillful man ner In directing the witness" recital of his story, did not know that the wife had died. "Died l" quei led Judge dray, stopping suddenly in his pacing up and down ihe bench. "Did you say sho died?" "i'es, sir; died in my aims, with not 1 a soul in the houho but ourselves." J 'And you burled her yesterday','" In terposed Mr. tt.inow. -Yesterday," sobbed the bioken hejirted old fellow. (tilled In the Mnrklo & Co. mines four teen years ago, leaving her with four chlldien, the oldest a boy ot 8 years. They had been living In a four-room company house for nine yenis, but on the death of the husband and father moved to 11 two-ioom company house for which the lentul was $1.65 per month. Ity taking In washing and going out doing house work and cleaning the compnny's offices she managed to keep her boy at school until he was 14. Ho then went to woik In the breaker. His flist check, or duo bill, showed him $390 in debt to the company for bIx yeais rent nnd coal. The second oldest boy was put to work "nnd the two of them together with the mother, after eight years of hardship, succeeded last August In getting out of the com pany's debt. Her stoic bill all these yeais was kept paid with cash enmed by the mother. Were Meiely Spectators. Oenoial Counsel David Wilcox, of the Dotawnie and Hudson company, nnd General Counsel J. W. Browncll, of the Erie company, were present yes teiday, but took no hand In the pio ceedlngs. Mr. Wolvoiton, who is the only out-of-town company lawyer at tending all the sessions, had nothing whatever to say. Mr. Gowan, of the Lehigh Valley company, the only other out-of-town company counsel present, contented himself with cross-examining ono witness tiom a Lehigh Valley colliery at Hazleton. At the opening of the morning ses sion Attorney H. C. Itejnolds made announcement of the death of Dr. Illce, one of the Independent operatois, and Judge "Giay spoke the regrets of the commission at the sad news. The day up to 3 30 was consumed with an examination of moie witnesses regarding conditions at the Markle & Co. collieries. In the last hour ten witnesses were put on the stand to testlfv legaidlng alleged discrimina tion against union men bv the Deli w.up and Hudson and Pennsylvania companies. The Hist witness was Nell McMon- igle. Ills testimony was to the effect that when working by the day for Mai kle & Co. he would be given a place wheie he could load sixteen or eighteen cms a day, but when woiK ing by contract, he could only get out thiee or four cais a day. He also told of having been seiiously hurt a num ber of times and that he nevei saw a mine inspector In the mine. His Day's Pay. V D. Gallaghei, a .Muikle & Co. miner liom Jeddo, told that since the close of the stilke he has been able to earn only 60 or 70 cents a day. Be foie the stilke ho and the other men hi his vein, which Is vety thin and "ditty," woiked as company miners, leeeiving ii.27 a day besides free pow der, oil and cotton. Since the strike the company has done away with the "day's pay" or company miner, and compelled the men to tnke the places under contiact or nothing at all. He can cut only four cats of co.l with a keg of powder and eight c.irji a week Is his best product. Judge Giav at this juncture asked how' much a keg of powder was woith Iii the open maiket. Mi. Crawfoid leplled that It was $1.".". Attorney John J. Shea, liom the mineis' table said "The gentlemen about ine heic say it can be bought for 90 cents." Judge Giay lemaiked that he could see how it was a good thing to have the powder pui chased and dlsttlbuted by the company, ptovidiug the com pany sold it at a fair pi Ice. Andiew Hannick. a Jeddo laboier, told of having been evicted and ie fused re-employment by Maikle & Co. He supposed it wns because he advised his fellow Hungarians not to sign a paper authoiizlng the company to stop state bills out of their wages. He also testified that he had woiked four jeuis at Jeddo and never saw the mine in spector. Mike Kobsh, a Hazleton laboier tes tified he never saw a mine inspector in the mine. In answer to a question by Mr. Hcynolds, he admitted ho would not know the inspoctoi It he saw him. Weie Full Handed. uwi... v-.iua.ii!, it .uciiign vauey man, was inadvertently culled to the stand, but while lie was on Mr. McCarthy de cided to have him tell his stoiy. It was simply to the effect that he was ic fused re-employment at colliery No. 10 applied four times, and was told each ume ny tne ooss that "they weie full handed." Attorney Francis I. Gowan elicited the fact thnl this collleiy .stau ed with non-union men duilng the stilke and let it go nt that. Peter J. Gallagher, of Hazleton, a former employe of Mat kle & Co.. hut now petmanently engaged in the duties 01 iiauonni Doarti member of the United Mine Workers for district No. 7, testi fied at length about general conditions and also explained In detail the wotk lng.4 of Maikle & Co.'s plan of adding the ten per cent incieuse of inno tn HOW ARE YOUR KIDNEYS? You Owe it to Yourself to Find this Out at Once. Mil. W. C. imilNT AND J, A. RAUM, Or BALTIMOUn, WHIttJ l'llUMANUN'T LY CCIIKD OF IvlDN-m- D18UAH13 BV WAUNniVS SAFK CUItll, A 3ampli: noTTt.n or which will mi sunt absolutely Knur: to nvimv iihaduu of thh schanton tuiuuxh. THIS SIMPLE TEST WILL TELL Let some inoinlng mine Bland for 21 bonis: If then It contains lloatlng paitlrlcs, sediment, or a bilck-dust sediment, or Is cloudy, your kldnejs are diseased nnd unable to peifonn their work of tlltoilng the blood piopcrly. If, after von have mndo this test, jou have any doubt In your mind as to the titio condition of vour Kidneys, send a sample of your urine to Medlcnl Department Wai ner's Safe Cure co Iloehestor, N. Y. The doctor will iuml70 It and send lepoit and advice fieo of any cost to ou. Pains In the small of the b.ick, painfull pawing of mine, Inflammation of the bladder, torpid liver, eloluly mine, pains In the bark ot the bend and neck, ihou inatlc pains and swellings nil over the body, eczema and Jaundice. if you have any of these sjniptoms you should begin to do something to an est all these unnatural conditions, which tell you that your kldnejs have been ills eased for a long time, for kidney tioublfs seldom put out such svmptonis as tho ' "' "inn mey nnvo neon woiklng sevet.tl months. You hnvo cveiy reason to bo nlarmed, and vou should tnko Fufo Ctuo at once. Taken nt this stngo jour kidneys will got icllef from tho fico sample bottle. All letters from women read nnd nnsweied by a woman doctoi. All cones pondenco In stilctest confidence. Thousands upon thousands ot letteis nie lecclwl dally fiom gintcfnl men nnd women who, like Mr. W. C. Bient and Mr. J. A. Rainn, of Bnltlmoio, have been cured of kidney, liver bladder and blood diseases by "Sitfe Cine." "V!i TYVVW T1 MJ'ft.i-v'wKiiJMiflRriiiMffe'V' v mEB$&Wtt; sBoffite,4-:' "uunw.,i'.r:. '"WBBcav:-. ; ' o wmu4;.:.'V.v . ;:-... RBBfl ' Ml V a mij. -v. r. imnxT. V. Ilipnt. of 17l v i. 11,1.11., st, Ualtiinoic. Aid . In an lnteiviow with a lepoittr, said: "t stittoied for nt least eight mouths with the ltimbigo. I c.irnc to the conclusion Hint T had kldncv tioti ble. conseqiic-ntly I ooninifiircrt to use v .11 fous lemedlos. both Intel nal and in ternal, all of which did im- 110 good. I iuiillv I concludtd fo ti v Winners Saio Cmr. I took lour bottlos. aftei which t could walk as well .ts evei. Picvlous to that time 1 had to niovo ubiiut pi. cautiously on account of mv back I fof"l confident that Wuinei's Safe Cmc will ctuu unv case of Mdney tiouble." MP.. J. A. IIAF.M Blldgnwatei, 'n. Genliumcii: I was a tiav oiling salts- mitll 111 iMltlSnR tUOtltv o.llM !iin iM.1 suffciccl Inf-nselv with kldnrv tiouble. L took Wmnei'i Safe Cine which cuted me. nnd 1 am living todiy a healthv te-tl-monial for vom medicine, as j wolgh 300 pounds and am ovt-r mt rais of age. Am fclatl to lecommend join medicine to all stiffciers with kldncv tiouble. us I believe It the only positive due for that dlsomc. veiy lespectfnlly, .1. a. UAU.M. ,v.l. ii m Trl" p", fv aml ,tl(,"B-n the kiduejK nnd enable them to do tin li V,m .'. I ?i" lhp"natlsm. iheunmtic! genu, diabetes, might's dlss... ,. ?bn ,n,teS?H"!! 2"e' 1!,,l'"r""nl " oC " nmdiki and mln.n.v oigans nnd 1cM.n0 the patients health nnd vlgoi. It kills the disease genus Warners Safe Cure is pin ul vegetable and cnnl'ilns mi naiootie 01 haimful dines- 11 l fi.,. ri . nnd,norctiretl,on.fnleaSimt l Uke! ,l " -'A ' .niahllX WARNER'S SAPH PILLS mov- the bowel, gentle and aid a speed v cue - - iiiuuiaiiuuuiiui vurc. As a Christmas Gift none are so use ful and pleasing as these ' ' ,; ' ' ' A Smoking or Lounge Jacket -.will please the average man. That's- been proved year after year by the large number sold. It's simply a question with you where to buy the best the best in quality and design at prices you can rely on as being consist ent. Now here's two things to be remembered when you are out buying Smoking Jackets: First, ours is the largest asssortment in town. Second, there's many new designs among them that are exclusive in their color treatment. The workman ship in all reflects the nigh standard of this store. Some $5 and $6,50- Others $7, S9 and $10 j COMDICHT IM QUI t, i.,l0U SS.? a 'mv d.ug stoie. .".'...it.. (Wili-sll MlIUSLIIIimR Thnii Lj Two leular sl;es, Mc and $1 uO it It has cuied all inrnv, ntTtn.t. .,,.. ' :"Y., ..J"shns Koocl" is AY.unoi's Sife duo. sws-j.TSSjaas l ---- ' SAMRL.E FREE, BOTTLE "SAFE CURE- -to convince cum y Miffeioi fiom disoases r n,. l.i.n.o u.,. ,.,..,., boltlo will be sent iilisoluli.lv n... ,'.. ji-hj ti. Yum, imp momr.ii w-inii .i .. t,t. i. ..,i.. ... .. . .. ------ . tho kldnevs. liver and hlr,,l,in, V.V.i. . 'V " ., ? ''" a". J Put tlle 'Hscasos ol llf.il wet which tells all about the thousands ot testin o i s in . u ..i V ,' ' " lw e,lt" "lse'lsc. .mil many of cued by s" c Cuie AU j.ou I to dc h L'Z Wnlell".l"t'. "" 'avo been Commissioneis Affected. .Tuc(tfe Giay sat down nnd looked compassionately at tho wceplnjr man on the stiiul. Uo had no doubt witnessed many slid scenes In court, but likely nothing-' ever moved him ns did this. Illshop Hpuuldlng wheeled halt way lound in ils chair nnd looked nt tho uar wall. j livery other commissioner (hopped hfs eyes, and old Ooneial WIN son, wno mus seen death In its most teiilfylUK Iforms on a scoro of fields, bent forward over some wilting until ills face was not rendly visible. When tho witness had composed him self, Mr, Dai row- asked concerning the mother.in.luw-, ?dr. Coll said that the shock of the daughter'H traglo death had greatly injured her, and tho priest gavo her tho last sacraments Monday night. "That's nil, Mr. Coll," said Mr. Par rovv, "That's enouuli," leinuiked Judge O i ay. Scarcely less dlstiesslng was a stojy told by Mrs. Kate Hums, an aged jvldow, of Jeddo. Her huwhiad v.nu which consldnble time was devoted the day befoie. To get the full benefit of tho ten per cent., Mr. Gallagher claimed. It was necessary to cut twelve cars of coal with each keg of powder. Otdln nrlly from 7 to 10 cara only can be cut with ono keg of powder. For the past two years his wages averaged J3J u month. The air was so bad In some iii.icts no wonted no ut-ed a candle In iiteuil of a lamp because Us flame con nuned less oxygen. Mr. Gallagher also told of an agree in 'lit mado in 1S73 that S cubic feet should be addded to the 10 cubic feet of loose coal lequhed for a ton, to make good to the companies the impui Itlos that would get Into the 10 cublu feet, This, the witness had been told by his father, was a piovlblon made to do away with docking. It Is Impossible, ho bald, to load 24 cubic feet of linpurl ties Into (i three ton car, unless it was done nialleloiibly, by saving up slate, bony and other Impurities out of two or thiee car loads of material and put- uiik n an m one car. When there Is docking done tho witness said the mln. er is penalized doubly. His experience was that docking ran fiom 6 to ll per cunt, Paid $3,50 a. Day, Mi. Toirey asked the witness a few nuestiiup about bis ditties us natlonul oicanUer f.nd elicited tho fact that he Is paid JJ.C0 a day. Mike Uuker, an elchteen-veai.nia bleaker boy f$om Jeddo told that he je celved S' cents a day before the stilke, nnd 75 cents u day after the stilke for doing tho bame woik. He had no in timation that he was working for re duced wagcg until he received his two wanks" oiv. The boy ulso stated thai, he was clubbed by the bleaker boss fieauently. The case against Maikle & Co, w.ib then hi ought to a close. Mi. Dauow lead fiom a .supiome couit opinion in the case ot Maikle against Wilbur thnt in four .vcais Maikle & Co., denied $2 -000,000. He al.so put In evidence the statement of John Maikle to the pies,! dent at the time tho .submission pioposition was under consideration, in which Mi. Mm kle demands tioops to piotect families In their homes. After the case ot P. 11. McDonald, told of above, had been disposed of, II. McCann, 11 D. & 11. laipenter took the btund and testified he was mfused lo-eniployineni. Mi. Tot icy developed the fact on uoss-examlnatlon that lie lcfiibed to assist in the boiler tooiu din ing the strike and quit the company. The foieinau, he .said, told him he didn't know when he could give him his job back and McCann look away his tools-, vviiiium Hill who had a heading at the Glassy Is-land collleiv nf tin. n x H. company In Olyphant, claimed he was Kitised leomployment because he was ticasuier of the union. Ho ad mitted theie were too many men at the Glassy Island oien befoie the Mi Ike and that at the end of the stilke the foieman simply told him he had too many men. Prefeis Young Men. Ueoige Tavler, an Hrle llie-bo.ss, aged sixty, emit v.cik during the stilke lath er thnn bo sworn In as a coal and Iron policeman to protect tho company's Pi opoity. He believed he was being blacklisted because he had applied at a number of places and couldn't get woik. Major Wnuon biought It out that tho witness, was GO years of age and that the companies piefei young men tor this position. William Km ley, a D. & u. flieboss from Pai.sons quit woik lather thun keep In tho the 100111 nnd was lefused le-employment. Mr. Toney adduced on cross-examination that the witness a Justice of the peace and had been per niciously active in dealing with cases ugalnst non-unionists. James Allen, mi engineer at the arnssy Island found a man In his place when he went to look for le-employ-ment after tho stilke. He tiled at two other places and could not secuio woik Thomas Wilson, a. fireman who sttuck at the Old Forgo colliery of the I'enn sylvnnla Coal Company was lefused 10. employment. .Major Wnuen asked questions Indicating that the company m.-ut:Yi-u nun implicated ui the dyna miting of a non-unionist's houso. John Haldeisou, a laboier at Olyphant ,0, a collleiy of the D. & II, company una mm m. me ciose ot ino stilke that the company had too many men. Daniel McMillan, u Pennsylvania Coal Company sti liter, couldn't give any reason for not being taken back. Major Warren got him to admit that nt a. meeting of tho .St. Aloylsus Temperance society, he voted to expel a brother member, Andrew llealey, who became a coal and lion policeman in the employ m me i-KiiiiByiuiiuu uoai company, Samuel Mullen, tin expert heading" man at the Ginssy Island was dis charged the day after tho stilke be cuuso he iefut'd lo take a "heading" assigned to him by the foi email. Mr. Tonev got the witness to admit that the heading in question is boycotted, but maintained lie did not 1 of use on that account, but because of his health. Pioceedings in Book Foim. ItwcoguMng the widespread inteiest taken all over the countiv- in tin. tes timony and aisiiment befoie the An tluacite Suike Commission, The TiJb une will piint in convenient book foim the lepous appealing in i(s columns fiom day to day, and will oijci a limit ed edition of copies tor sale m $1 each The volume will consist of s0Vt!Ial 1)unJ died pages, eight by eleven indies, and will uppem ns soon as the commisslon us lendei their decision. The dally lepoits In The Tiibune msS iiothiii" of essential Inteiest and an the fullest and most accuiate lepoits piinted In "") uciiBiuujiT. uiueis snould bo sent to The Tiibune now as the edition Is Huble to be exhausted. UM It's certainly considerable pleas ure to the giver of a present if they know it's the best of its kind obtain able. Yesterday we received a large number of Umbrellas, Some ladies', some gent's. The manufacturer re ceived this order two months ago. How well he has executed it is shown in the quality of twill silks, in the art designs of sterling silver and gold handles. We've marked them at prices that will sell every one this holiday season, $2.50, $3 afld $5. SAMTER BROTHERS, Complete Outfitters. avk I'lm vm ' Wm yviiV; .11 it li IB t HOOSEVELT TO DATE. A Republican and a Democmt Give Their Judgment of. Him. Tho flist two ai tides In iho December nuuibi-r ol tho Ninth Ameiicaii I!oiv aro devoted to an examination, fiom two points of view that of a PiostcshIvo Ite publlcau and that ot u Jcffcisonlan Dom ociat, icpiescnted by fwo able ami oml milt vv i Iters whoso Identity Is not in vented of tho nccoinpllsliinoiiU of "lrcs- uieni iioosoveifs Kiist Year in Office." lloth tho ProKiesslvo Ilcpiibllcau nnd tho Jeffciboulnu Denioci.it havo appioached the Hubbject and tieatcd It hi a temperate and judicial splilt, ub-olutelj davnld of paitlsnn animus, and tho judsments of both, being based upon piluciplcH, v eominund the seiluus attention of thoughtful readois, Tho Itepubllcan nnds iiiuuii io comiiieiiu m ino President s ap pointments to ofllie. He says! "Tho ivpo of publlo set Minn that li being evolved Is not only an honest tvpe, but avhlle, lobust type, Theio Is a good deal of the piimnl mun In tho Pitslduut. Ono can lendlly In Imuglnutlon put him Into a neolithic environment. Some oim hns recentlv likened him to, tho mvlh Icnl Prometheus, who, for all ho wus a god, had hiich humnii sympathies ami Halts that ho was willing to endanger his ino ami pis pieiogatlve to Bl'( llin to nianklnd. Ho ha tho quality of htuu In Its oiiglunl essence. And tho nun whom ho selects am likely lo shnre, in splilt If not In body, his ehurauteiistlcs, havo only iccently hc.uil the eminent, seliolntly Jtlllst whom he has iinminalpil to tho Supreme Iieuch speak at slxty-llvu of tho tleico Joy of snuggle, and remind his youngeis that the lino of progiess In morality, It not In physics, Is the lino of greatest icslstance, especially nie these valiant qualities to no found In thn.e whom tho President Insists upon select lug peiboually, tho inrumbents of the most Impoitnnt and highest Pcderul of fices. And, nntuially, they chnructeiizo his cabinet. Thoso whom ho has chosen are men of energy and executive capacity as likely as their chlof to use1 tho causa tive tutiue. I havo seen the sometime Governor of Iowa at his tasks ut day. lit oak. and he has can led theso sumo ng. Ricsslve Induutilous habits Into the iicasury. 'inere is, ir anv tiling, too little repose." Tho Jeffersonlnn Democrat thus sums up his cstlmuto: "What view, then, Is likely to bo taken of Mr. Roosevelt's flist year hi ofllee by old-fashioned Jcffersontan Demociats? ills ticalnieut ot the Cuban ledpioclly question, his foibcmunco (owuid Chliiu, hi-, flim ndheioiui to the Mniuoe Doc nine, ami his coullal attitude lownid Ihihland will be applauded. Ills appu entdeslie to levlso the inilft will bo enm mended. Ills ultlniiite etlWbltlon of a vlh to euili the mists thiough the e eiclso of powcis conteiied bv the Con stitution, nillnr than thiniigh a Consti tutional Amendment will also be it guid ed with appiovul. On the other hand, his appointment of the- Antlnadte Commis sion should bo looked upon by all lovcis ut mil Pedeial Institutions, not onlv with piolound icmct, but with severe dlsnppiobatinu. It Is a Hist step In the peiilous pathway that leads to the nssei tlon of autociatic authoilty, an uit Hint scoma destined to give the Ilonovclt Ad iiiinlstiatlon .1 bad eminence in Ameilcnn hlstoij." GREAT NEWS "SCOOP." t2'?l--)-f.It.!i--.--. v2f f2 isl-. fit J rl ti. ?1 ! ? -4- THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE & 4 4 41 Christmas Time As we all know is for making others happy f j ust now to ao u is tne question. Let us suggest something. Make Xmas Gifts of some of the articles mentioned below: Repotting Disaster to the Biitish Battleship Victoiia, Fiank U Blaiiehaul ot the edltoilul statt on the Now Toil; News iccently dellveied a lectin o on "The Making of a Newspaper1 under the auspices of tho bonul of education of New Yoik city In one of the public schools. He len lug- to "beats," Mr. Uluuchiiul said: "The gt cutest beat ot modem times was when the New York World pub lished ahead of any other paper on em th the thrilling details of the sink ing of the VIctoiln, the Hiitlsh battle ship, off Tiipoll. it was known that a gieat calamity had befallen tho Dilt- Ish war vessel In 1893, for a brief no tice had been sent to a paper hi South Afilci and cabled fiom theio all over the woild. The London cot respondent of the Yv'oild detci mined to get the full story abend of any other paper, lie telegraphed the opei.itor of tho cable station In Tiipoll that he would pay him n tat go sum of money, naming thu mnount, If lie would sennd him 2,noo woids, giving the lull stoiy of the tiag edy of the sea. Sevcial days later he lecelved a message, signed by a Kienchman, saying that he would send Hie sloi, hut must have 500 on de posit on tiling. Theio was no way for tho London couespondenl to teleginnh the money because the Turkish author Hies ut the other end of the who would not take money oideis over the vvlie, so he took a long chance by telegiaph Ing the Fienchmnn to raise tho money If possible wheie he was and he would make It good us boon as It could be dispatched to him. There was soins de lay, but by and by the messuge began to pom In upon the London coucspou dent, and so the Win Id pi luted the ihst gt uphiii account of the loss of 3ir men und olflceis that was given to tho civil lzed v. oid, beating even the Loudon papeis. - . . Aitificinl Giaphlte. Aitlllcl.il giaphllo siiltublo for uso In had pencils und for other purpose Is nuw being mado by subjecting u. coke made fiom petroleum, and mixed with lion oto to u hlsh heat In the ckctiiu tuiimcc. A glance at unr show windows miiv sug. gi st somotlilng ou had not thought ot. a 2 4 u 4 Fancy Goods In Leather Cases It is necessary to see these goods to appre ciate their value. Military Hair Brushes, $2.25 to $7.00 Razor Cases Dressing Cases $1.50 to $12.00 Drinking Cups $1.50 to $2.50 If Mm do not see what ;ou ate tanking tm, ask lor it Scissor Sets In leather cases, three, four or five-piece sets. Prices $1.50 to $8.00 Only good things aio woith bujlng wo have thorn hoie , , Ingersoll Watches In one of our show windows you will see an interesting display of Ingersoll Watches, nickel plated, oxydized and gilt cases. These watches are all guaranteed for one year. A gift fpr man or boy. Prices $1.00 to $1,75 ;, Goods pin chased now will bu dellveied Ninas evo 01 at any time d'slied. At Foote & Shear Co. 119 Washington Avenue. M H H H 9 M ft H H W W H fi v: Hi vvhhM 'hH t41f"l1ii f-f4t. Job Printing of Every Description, Neatly, Promptly, and Ao curotcly Done at The Tribune Office. , . , I it si M i ,1 ."1 R ?M 'I . ir-jri pi;frrtirfiiu. fr"rf. fMi-yrtgiTniirfi.) itinMiturfriWirriiifcf. rf.iiijBt'fti WiIyMiUi4b.a kiai