The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 10, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Cafeondale.
. -- -
Rev. Charles Lee, Pastor of First
Presbyterian Chinch, Ofltclntos.
Pntntu Out Nobility of Rttllrotul I
Mtm's Life Deceased to Us Taken
to SuBcruehntnm Todny.
The solemn service of the dead wus
conducted over tin' lute Chillies '
lllls.x, Iho deceased popular Kile eh
Klnocr, lit Iho reslduneo, 1U Washing
ton pltteo, yesterday afternoon, com
mencing nt :i.:w. Tin- filomWilps or
tho departed nnu wore well ii'liiMonl
rd In the gathering of friends uhd no
iiualiiuuiecs. ttlm lllleil H'f duelling.
bull, which will take iilsice In llie ar
mory .Sow Vent's eve, rtnlnlii In phut
for tho military ball, Thin ns.-nncs i'ui
iHinditlluhs nf a sight Hint could unit
In? seen In Catbondiile, und lately In
Sotiuiton under such favorable elrcum
shinces. Uuuer's niigtttontod urehcsltu
will piovlde muck', tin mUlliloiml at
traction to Ouibonditle's loVets of tliu
dunce, Those ulio were present at last
year's ball, and who mlsht have boon
unintentionally overlooked this time,
nre asked by the committee to consider
tliemtslvcs as Invited on Hits oornslo.n.
mm zp mA
('om-plcmms ill the ui'-ciubluKi1 was a
vi prt-fnt.itlin ot George W West 1-d-linn,
No. His. Ill ollu-i howl of l-ocn-mollw
IJnsineoi.-, und the Mitchell
Hose compiiny. to both ul' uhlrll I he
deeom-ed belonged.
I lev. ' 'Imrl'.- Ia'i', pn-itur of the
Vresbyurlun chit! ill. wherein Mr.
nilFh worshipped, conducted services.
In Ills vermon Jtc. .Mr, l.i-e hroimht
(lit it hcuiiirul thought with H'lution
to the lite of n lullioiul mini. lie point
ed out what nil InipuitiilU l.ietor Is llie
t iigliu'er in lite, liou Uu-re Ik enli listed
to his euro and sU'uty, ns in the life
of the depnited one. inve-sllli;s :i' n
train of fuel, upon wliieli lieiliap-, the
very lives of liundieds depend. Tlil
tliouslit was so fmeihly and IjiatUiful
ly buuiRlU out Hint 'it reived to sliow
thill one does not always appteelnle
the serviei s or tin; liliilior value of Hie
inlllo.ul engineer. Ue . Mr. tend
eily referred to llie jiraiM-uorthy
netci bilks of the deceased mid hi.! lo.-s
to Ills family and ills follow -ellUent.
The iiunrlette, Mums. WlUIiiui A
riark. Pi of. -. P. Thoniu", II. F. I'inils
and UUhsuli Sliepheul, san two saeied
selections, "Jfy .fell, .is Tliou Wilt"
and "Xeurer to Tlite." Kmiounding
the oaken easkel wherein the deoeneil
jeposed wm1 beaiiliful tlouil offering'!
that uxpiLbscd the i inenibi.inees nr
ilcur tiieniN.
Tills loienoon the dneat-il will be
taken to Hiisiiuehaiin.i for burial. The
Mitchell Hose tompuny, in unlfoiin,
and a delegation fioin the IJiotheihood
will nun eh In the procession fiom the
jrsidenee. Tliu ftmtul p,'ity will leave
for Sus(UclumiKi on the ii.S.'i Urle tiuln.
Such Huatle Unprecedented In Local
Bnllrond Citcles Will Continue for
The activity In railroad circles in this
city, which Is unprecedented In the his
tory of the roads entering1 Carbondale,
Is f-rowliifi and at tliu end of lite year
the io will be IiIkIi-wilier marks, an It
weie, that weie even undieimiL of by
railway uillulala. The rush or coal over
the lloiiesdiile btniich of the Delaware
and Hudson Is a iXW.zy one, Bven vet
einn lallromleis, wlio have become ac
customed to see lots dolus, ale simply
astounded. The past two nl?hts the
si-htdille of piiHsemrur trains has been
inlerfued with. The llrsl ul;ht, the
evening train lio:n Jlouesdnle was al
most an hunt- late, ami last night a
half-hour, owing- to the movement of
coal trains. A huppy circumstance.' or
all lids hltstle and bustle is the num
ber of additional young men who are
getting employment on the r.ilhoads.
.Vew irews eie being added from time
to time, taking now ami then from the
mines men who ale earning less than
Is llie ralhoadet'-s lot Who gets full
The opinion among those who are tn
formid is that the rallioads will be
k('t busy for months- transporting- coal
to llik water. An olllcial ot one of tho
bi i omp.uile, who is a coal sales
agent In the east mid who Is stopping
teinpoKiril.v In Caibondale. declared
Inst ulghi that in his opinion the big
coal yards would not be fully stocked
within two ycais. During the sliike.
the stock yuuls ueie depleted, and with
the pirispeets of a. cold winter it Is
likely to be a i ouple of season befoie
the ie-stnckins Is completed.
All of these eiieulustunecs and pros
pects nre happy to contemplate by Cat
bondalians, ax a season ot inosperity
Is aspitied, not a brlct one, but one
long enough to be generous shared in
by the valious iuteiests of our city.
.TudBe, Ioshl committee, It, Stone ami
Michael Evcrllng.
A Quarnntoed Attraction.
lty special mtitnitctucul with J'YunU
Ij. Perley, who iiresetits MIbs KfTlo
lOllskr, In Julia Marlowe's complete
original production of "When Knight
hood Was In Flower," Jtntiaffer llryno
hurt Bccurcil u presentation of this su
perbly mounted Rlxtccnth century
drniim, which wns presented nt the
Lyceum In Scrnnton lunt eveitluc. Tho
company coniilBts of llfty people und
two sixty-loot basngc ears tire re
quired for the transportation of the
innaslvn nnd kovkpous scenery, and
opeclnl mechanical effects.
The citst Includes many of New
Yorlt'B best known actors and ac
tresses Willie tho SDlendtd costlltneH
and wonderful Btnge fiettlngfl are ex
act teprodiictlons fiotn nntlquo ovlg
lnnlw now' In tho inuseltmH of Eng
land and France, In which countries
the nlay la laid.
A Company of Over Potty.
In "The Major und tho Judge,"
which comes to the Grand Friday
next, the patrons of tho beautiful play
house will ho treated to a production
of unUKital magnificence. The man
agement rnrry the threo nets com
plete which has been expressly painted
by the celebrated artist, P. Dodd Aclt
eriniiu, of New York city. Tho stars,
Tom Lewis and Sam J, Jtyan, have set
a new laughing pace and they are ably
assisted by the favorite, Maud Huth.
Tile Doherty sis-lets, Charles Pusey,
Marie Piet'don, Louise Gould, Billy
Piatt, John Havens and about thirty
pretty ulrls.
"The Major and the Judge" comes
well heralded fiom other cities where
It has niailc an emphatic and enthusiastic-
Compnny C to Have Numeious
trons from Carbondale.
Nmnuiour, invitations weie roeeiw-d
In Caiboiulnle yesterday to tho military
hall which will be conducted in the Im
mense new armory .it Scrnntou, on
New Year's night, under the pationage
or Company C. Thliteentli veglment.
This H iho cnmpan of which Tlioinas--Murphy.
lately of this city, Is captain.
Tin eonui.un members have a host of
tilonds In this city This, coupled with
tho established reputation of Company
c lor Its successful dances, assures the
attendant' of a huge iiumber nf Car
bnndall.ii"!. It is Hip tnuntlon to ime nil the gor
geous decoiatlous of Hie Ituchelor.s'
Last Night Found Few Trnveleis on
the Streets.
'I'bo-e who wile 011L late night
went to their homes with the expec
tation of seeing or healing Hint the
thermometer showed u sccio mark this
morning-, as was reglsieied yesteulny.
It was biting (old, unite as cold a
Monday night, and no one was abroad
except tho-je who were unhappy vic
tims of necessity. Even the few belated
ones who showed evidences of yetiter-d.-y
having ben pay day, snowed no
inclination to linger longer than they
could under the circumstances.
There was one individual at Main
street and sixth avenue, about 11
o'clock, who excited various comments
from passersby. He lost llfty cents, lie
said, near the paik coiner, and pevse
verlmjly continued the search while
others went shivering along, mightily
glad to hasten to the warm firesides
that awaited them. This luckless man
was too bent on finding- his lost money
to pay attention to the cold, and con
tinued scratching- and digging up the
snow until some one suggested send
ing for mi oillcer of a humane society.
A Clergyman's Endorsement.
The following Is an opinion from the
pulpit of "Yoilc State Folks," which
will be at the Grand Monday night:
"Minneapolis, Minn., June 11, Jyf2.
".Mr. Fred AVrlght.
"New York Oil v.
"Dear Sir I recently had the pleas
ure In Minneapolis of attending 'York
State Folks.' It was like a llower in
the wilderness, a star In the night, arid
rest for the weary.
"The theater, with the pulpit and
pi ess, has the greatest opportunity
for making- the world a better and
brighter place. U should be the aim
of those who seek this dash able con-
dltion to show n sympathy and sitp
poi t when It can be e-ouselenllously
"Such siueeie commendation I cheer
fully give 'York State Folks:' The
piny Is sweet, sliong and stimulating,
calculated to leave an impression at
once forming, Informing and reform
Inrr. '
"May 'York State Folks' continue on
Its mission in the world's theater,
wlieie nobility of character Is the -play,
man the actor, and heaven's hosts the
spectators. Yours most truly,
"O. L. Morrill,
"Pastor Chicago Ave. Baptist. Church."
Oi I) F0V KNK.V.
Expeiience Teaches People.
"My parents considered eolfee simply
a harmless beverage for old and young,
so when u more baby I commenced to
drink It, and when I i cached woman
hood, found myself tumbled with nerv-ousnes-j,
headache and an In liable
temper and to obtain icllef, I drank
more and moie corfee, thus adding fuel
to the llie.
"I giew or-e life was ouo black
night of pain, My nerves were sht
teied, body wrecked with suffering, my
stomach gave out mid utteily refused
to digest tho most slmplu foods, and
finally l lay for weeks starving and
longing for food, but unable to e.u
more thun just enough to keep mo
"While In this stute, my next dour
neighbor brought In a fragrant cup
that I supposed wus some new grude of
coffee, and although f had suit'erod so
terribly from lis effects, the temptation
ww too strong to resist, and I drank
It with relish, i noticed it had a ilch
agreeable tasto and l dtnnk it without
instrfcss", Shu lepeatod ih kindness
two or threo mornings,
"I began to congratulate, myself that
It was not cotfeu that hurt mo tifter all.
I was nssiulng niy friend of this on
day when she astonished inu by s.iyliiK
that I was nut drinking coffee, but a
pure food drink called Postuiu Food
Coffee, made fiom nouilshlug aralii
'-.fpr-OjuUdlufj up tho system und neives
Jnstead of louring thepi down.
J then began to dtlnk Postuni logu-
'hirb'-.and to get well slowly but uuiu
ly. Today t am stiong, hearty wo
man; my nervous system is entirely
rebuilt und with u icservo force of
strength In time of need; I sleep well
and awnko refreshed and feel bright
or each day's task, with no Indigestion
or stomach trouble, rind a good, strong
uctlvo brain jeady for any mental
Ptraln or toll, There it no doubt on
mr'th .that coffee newly killed me.
A friend of mine was obliged to re-
"Uliftl'h'eV position as school teacher, be-
frausiv.Qf extreme nervousness caused
Jiy coffee drinking. I induced her to
-Use Postum in place of coffee, and at
"Ihe end, of four months she began
teaching again, her nervousness gone
""Rild feeling- und looking ten years
younger; her sallow complexion hav
ing become a beautiful, healthy bloom."
Name given by PosUmi Co., Ttattle
C'fnK. Mich
Continued Yesterday to Be Probably
Disposed of Today.
The ease in eiiminnl court in which
Hie Fidelity Deposit company Is
cutlns foinier Tax Collector Frank
Clifford, was called up yesterday, but
was continued by agreement until (bis
morning, This Is the second postpone
ment, the other oecuirlng' last term,
due to the absence of Clifford's coun
St I, Attorney 'U. ,f, liourke, who was
with the Thliteentli regiment at the
e.unp In Olvphunt.
There wero hopes yesterdn.i, when the
ease was continued, of a satisfactory
siileinent which would dispose of the
tiinilmil proceedings. To what extent
these will be realised lodav will he
a walled with interest In this city,
Will Be Taken To-day to Sidney, N.
Y., For Burial.
Services over the late Mis. Charles N.
Ihoiuou wore conducted at the i evi
dence, 17 Caiman street, by Kev, A, F.
Cbaifee yesterday afternoon In the
presence ol a sympathetic gathering of
filcnd and neighbors that filled the
suieken home. The patience anil it's
ignatlon of the deceased during all
her long Inteu'-e sufferings were dwelt
upon by Itev. Mr. Chaffee, as conspic
uous vhuies In the Christian life of the
departed woman.
At S o'clock this morning the deceased
will be taken via O. & 11, to Sidney,
N. v., for lutoi nieut.
Former Cnrbondalian in Explosion.
Mentioned among the victims of the
tenlblo initio explosion nt Wllkos-Haire
yesterday is Clyde Davenport, former
ly of this city. The only one of that
name in the city directory is Clyde
Davenport, engineer, 43 Harlem avenue.
Iiuiulry, however, failed to elicit any
Infotniatlon as to his leaving the city.
Veterans to Vote.
llie old .soldiers of Davies post, Uiand
Army of the Republic, art reminded
Hint tonight i; election night. It is ex
pected that all the comrades who deem
it prudent to venture out will show
their interest by coming to tho post
room this evening to express their
choice of ofllcers for the ensuing term.
were present, one nhort of a quorum,
and the meeting was therefore nosU
ponod until to-morrow evening. This Is
tho first tlrno for many years that there
hns not been a quorum on a regular
meeting night.
Edward and Robert Jones of Oly
pliant, spout Htindrty with Jermyn
friends, (
Filendshlp lodge, order of Itebultah,
No. 01, was instituted tit Odd Fellows
halt on Monday afternoon. In the
evening n. largo number of candidates
wero initiated Into the order. Tho Dls
ttlct Deputy, iMis. Kdward Davis, and
start of ifcranton, performed the work.
The ofllcers installed were Noble Grand,
Mrtf. Desslo Tldloy; vice grand, Mrs.
Martha Day; recording secretary, Win.
Walker; ilnnnclal secretary, Miss Muble
Day; treasurer, Mrs. Lann Blocs; trus
tees, Mrs. John Dny, Mrs. Mary Broad
nnd Mrs, Nellie Taylor. Thero Were
mnny visiting Itebokahs from up and
down the valley. After the evening
session a banquot wub Hervcd.
During the month the school hours
at No. 1 school will bo us follows:
Morning session from 0 n. in. to 1:45 u.
m.; afternoon session 1 p, in., to ,1:30
p. m. It was decided recently bv the
school board to adopt the above hours
for one month as the result ot a petition
presented to tho board by a portion of
the pnrontB whoso children arc pupils
at No. 1 school.
Livingston Dennis nged 63 years, died
at his home on Prospect Hill at 1
o'clock Sunday evening after a short
illness, pneumonia being tho cause ot
his death. Deceased was a member ot
James G. Stephens' Post, G. A. U of
Peolcvllle, and is survived by a wife
and seven children, namely: William,
Ira, Peter, Charles, James, Mrs. Amos
Lancaster and Mrs. Bert Jones, who
all reside at Peckvllle. The services
will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the late residence, Itev. J, E. Bone
officiating. Interment In Prospect
List of letters remaining unclaimed In
the postofflce at Peckvllle, week end
ing Dec. i), 1002. Ladles: Edith Moore,
Annie Kelley. Gentlemen: W. G. Best,
Wm. Wetherlll, David E. James. John
Theodore. Persons claiming the above
will plensti say ''advertised' 'and give
date or this list. U. V. Mace, P. M.
Mrs. Mason Pickering Is visiting rel
atives at Schenectady, N. Y.
Messrs. Miles Dlkeman, Charles Jenkins-
nnd Ira Baker nre spending a few
days hunting the festive rabbit at Her
riek Center.
Mr. Horace Frear is rjulte ill at his
home on Main street.
Connolly & Wallace,
Scranton's Shopping Center
Christmas business is not the
property of any one store, but the
largest part of it goes to the store
that studies it most.
' If you miss looking into a sin
gle corner of the store these days,
you miss a suggestion that might
make your Christmas shopping
Fur Boas from $4 to $50 Christmas Glove News
is B .
To Become a Nurse.
Mrs. Gowlauds, of Brooklyn htreel,
widow of the late John Gowlands, the
O. & V. conductor, who died ,a few
weeks ago, entered the training school
for nurses at Emergency hospital yes
teiday to tako the usual couise of
training lessons to become a graduate
Mis. Edward T. Davis, of Daughters
of Rebekah, Conducts Exercises.
Mrs, Edward T, Davis, of Scrunton,
dlHtiiot deputy of Lackawanna county,
conducted installation ceremonies last
night In Cambrian hall, incident to tho
seating of tho new olllcers of Lueiotlu
lodge, Daughters of Itebekah.
The olllcers who were heated are:
Noble giaiul, Mis, Frank Pi lee; lce
grand, Miss Doj-a Ludwlg; nu.iuolnl
seoretury, Mrs. itobeit Weir; recording
tecretaiy, George V. llinjlus, treus.
mer, Mis. Fied Dlx,
A Bottlers' Union,
The Carbondale and Forest city hot
Hers, who for several years have been
a purl of tho Anthracite Homers' ubso.
elaltton of l.nckawaiuia, Luzerne and
Susquehanna counties have formed a
branch organization with licuiki natters
In this city.
The main purpose at the association
Is to prevent the misuse of bottles be
longing to tho members, Many people
use the empty bottles for catsup and
other purposes. Tho association seeks
to put an end to this practice. The fol
lowing ofllcers hnvo been elected for the
Carbondale branch: PreMdent, Michael
KranU; vice president, T. C. Williams;
secretary, A. J, Hobun; treasurer. Thbs.
Mi.-s Hose Griffiths of the West Side,
Carbontlnle, is in New York, visiting
Thomas Biady, of Maytleld, left last
night over tho Erie for Trinidad, Col.,
where lie intends to locate.
Uoberi Maishall, a farmer Caruon
dalinn, now manager of the Under
wood type-wiiter agency at Scranton,
was a visitor In this city yesterday.
John Scott, formerly janitor at the
Anthracite, now In Sehneetady, N. Y.,
is visiting in this city.
Misses May Modltt and Nellie Lltttlo
spent la&t evening as the guests of
Mrs. James Flannolly In Vandllng.
Matthew Leslie, a resident of tho
East Side, died on Monday evening at
7 o'clock after an illness extending over
several months. "Matt" as he was
called, was a general favoiltt among his
many trlends and hlsleath la generally
legretted. He Is survived by his wife
and the following children: John, Mat
thew, Mrs. James Doud, Mary and
Cecelia. Deceased, wiio was 19 years
of age, was bom in Carbondale, but
has been a resident of Jermyn for many
years. Ho was a member of the llep-tat-ophs
and Ancient Order of Hibern
ians. The funeral will take place on
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Ileglnnlng with this evening nil the
stoics of both boioughs will remain
open until late at night until after tho
Doisey, the ninn-nioiiths-old child of
Mr. and Mrs. George Matthews ot
South Main street, died yesterday morn
ing, after a few days' Illness of con
gestion of the brain. Tho funeral will
take place on Thursday afternoon.
Daniel riowen, of Mountain Ash,
South Wales, Is visiting D. J, Harris of
Scott street,
There will be a meeting of citizens in
Untoi priho Hull at S o'clock this even
ing for tho purpot-c of hearing tho ie
port of the committee appointed last
week to canvass tholiorough for Mib
scilptlons towards raising the necessary
amount to havii the cut glass factory
located here. All persons Interested in
the wellfnrc of the town are Invited to
attend the meeting.
Last evening was iho Muted time for
holding the regular school board meet
lug. At S o'clock but four members
On FiliUy evening the Taylor Stars
basket ball team will have as their
opponents the strong Nonpariels, of
Duryea, who come with a great record,
being considered one of the best teams
In Luzerne county. The game will
take place at Weisscnfluh's auditor
ium. Thero will be a dance after the
All those holding bank books from
the Calvuiy Baptist Sunday school are
requested to have their books In tho
hands of the secretary, Eugene ltecse,
as soon as possible, that the accounts
can be audited.
Edwin Williams, our butcher, an
nounces himself as a candidate Tor tax
collector, subject to the decision of the
Republican primaries.
Mis. William T. Lewis, or Taylor
stteet, has been the guest of relative's
In Plymouth for the past few days.
The Scranton Traction company has
sulfeied great Inconvenience since the
recent fall of snow. The wreck car
was twice brought Into service in North
Taylor yesterday, where both cars lett
the track.
Norman Davidson, who was injured
at the Taylor mine last week, is slowly
Foreman Adain Relnhardr, of the
Pyne colliery, treated the breaker boys
to a sleigh ride on Monday evening.
The party, consisting of two sleigh
loads, went as far as Providence.
The Holden colliery was idle yester
day owing to a break in the machinery
which occurred the day previous.
Tlie Woman's Christian Temperance
union will hold their semi-monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. Harlos,
of Washington street. All ladles In
terested in tho work are requested to
be nresent.
Taylor lodge, No, 46J, Knights of
Pythias, and Mlnooka Tribe, No. 247,
Improved Order of Red Men, will meet
this evening in their respective hulls.
Mrs. Doebler, of Sunbury, hns re
turned homo after being tho guest of
her son, John Deobler, and family, ot
Tuvlor street.
Messrs. George Thomas and Thomas
Burnett aio home from their hunting
Hip to Wildwood with an abundant
of jmme.
Mrs. William Uoblnson, of Provi
dence, spent yesterday as the guest of
her mother, Mrs. Samuels, uf Main
John S, Childs, of Taylor street, has
recovered from his recent illness.
W. G. Howells has announced him
self as a candidate tor bmgess, subject
to the decision of the Republican pil-mnrips.
The least expensive are of black
marten, whose dark, glossy fur is beau
tiful. '
Sable fox in spite of the fact that
the skins are nearly all gone and more
people want them than ever come next
in price.
Then raccoon, black lynx, silver fox,
blue fox, Hudson Bay sable, Baum mar
ten, chinchilla, Persian lamb, ermine and
Russian sable.
Everv kind of neck fur you can think
of is ready to become a Christmas gift.
Men's Bath Robes
Are now spread over half the regu
lar Men's Furnishings department.
$3.50 to $12.00 each.
The best $5 wool robe we ever had
is in the collection.
Turkish toweling robes, 6.50, that
are not surpassed anywhere.
Woolen robes, $5 up to $12.
Others of fine Mercerized Cotton in
white and colors, $4.50 to $10.00.
Gloves for children are cut and
made with as much care as those for
older people. Among them are:
Fowne's Cape Gloves in tans, reds
and browns, $1.25.
Soft Mocha Gloves, fleeced lined,
Heavy Cape Gloves, lined, $1.00.
Wool Gloves, white, black and all
colors, 20c to 50c.
Women's Jouvin Gloves, the finest
French Kid Gloves made, $1.50.
Men's lined and unlined Kid Gloves,
$1.00 to $6.00 a pair, the higher priced
ones lined with fur.
An Old and Well-Tiled Remedy,
for chlldien teething. Is tliu piecilpton of
one of the best female physicians anil
nurses in tho United States, and has been
used sixty years with nover.fallliig suc
cess by millions of mothers for their chil
dren. During tho process of teething Its
value Is incalculable. It relieves tho child
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In the
bowels, and wind colic. By giving1 health
to the child it rests the mother. Price,
twertv-flyo cents a bottle.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
James Austin, who was burned by
playing with matches on Monday, died
yesterday morning. The funeral will
tuke, place from the family homo In
Tiger Valley tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'clock. Interment will be made In
Union cemetery.
Miss Neillo Gallagher, of Lackawanna
street, entertained the members of tho
Orpheus club Inbt evening. Muslo nnd
cavils were enjoyed until about 10,30
o'clock, when a dainty luncheon wus
served by the hostess,
Tho Juvenls Dancing class will giro
one of their populur socials In Muhon's
hall on Friday evening, Lawrence's
orchestra of Scranton Mill furnish Hie
music, ,
Tho ladles of tho Blukely Baptist
church aio making preparations to hold
a rummage sale In tho Hull building on
Main street, Blakely, this month,
Kxpressman Alfred Cooper Is til nt
his home on Hill street,
Mrs. Iivinla Patten Is spending a
fow weeks in Mill City.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
school board will be held tonight.
To Cure a Cold In One Dny
Tako Laxative Jhomo-Qululne Tablets.
Thin signatuu tS(M. on
cvety box, 2)C w njCfrfnrtj
I Holiday Umbrellas
X The fruits of many months of prep-
5 aration and a long search through many
different countries. The handles, of
4 course, a,re the most important part, and
T- we have never had a fineikollection
odd' beautiful and exclusive
f Among them are:
4 Finest Box Woods, Wangee Woods
4 from China, Carved Ivory, Sterling Sil-
I? ver and Pearl. Gold and Pearl. Wood
inlaid with Silver, Plain and Trimmed
Buckhorn, Natural Woods of all kinds.
Look at our Ladies' special holiday
line of Silver and Pearl Handles at
$3.75, worth $5 00.
Men's Holiday Neckwear
The best 50c scarfs. The best dol- j
lar scarfs. And the best that money
will buy. We're ready to serve every- T
body. ,
Even the 50c scarfs are in exclusive f
j patterns. A new lot of dollar scarfs here JJ
today that are even better than we have f
yet had.
For $1.50 you can get the best $.
English Silks (in English squares.) t?
Evening Dress Protectors, $1.00 to
$3.00 each. f
Square Mufflers in black, white and !
handsome color effects, $1.00 to $2.50. ?
Winteri Underwear-
We sail the other day that we can
fit everybody with underwear.
We can fit your purses, too a tre
mendous range and variety of prices.
Prices don't go so low, though, as
in most stores we know where to draw
the lineat trash.
Men's, 50c to $7.50 a garment.
Women's, 25c to $6.50 a garment.
Children's, 25c to $1.50 a garment
I 123-125-12M29 Washington Avenue,
The teuclieis' institute was held in Hie
Moosle HIbIi school Satuiilay allciuoon.
A very excellent programme was ion
dered, which included a paper by AIlcs
Jennie Dick, entitled "Morals lu School";
an address by J. iluydu Oliver, "Tho Hoy
and the School"; Musing by a quurtcttc
of twelvo young ladles; reading, "Prac
tical Benefits of Composition," .Mls
Casey; reading, "Tho Teacher a Story
Teller," Miss Vcrtio rlx; reading, "More
Frequent IU'cohics in tho Primary Guide,"
Miss Duggnn; i fading, "A l'lea for tho
Chlldien," .Mr,. Kills; addrcs, 1'iofebhor
James Powell, "Utility ot a notough.
School"; quartette, "Robin Aunlr; clos
ing address, Superintendent J. C. Taylor,
of Scranton. The programme was ouo
of tho Ilncst over given In the hlstoiy of
tho bdiool and was, designed pilnclpally
for tho parents "C the pupils, who weio
conspicuous by their nhbcnco.
Meshis, Cleorgo GrKilth and
Allemoso left yehtonlny for Ploildn.
Itev. mid Mr. Kdwnrds are visiting tho
latter' mother, Mrs, Smith, of Wllkcs
IJ.irro, Charles Snyder wus in Scranton yet,.
tenlay selecting Christmas goods for the
firm of AVIiitehead & Snyder.
Tho Infant daughter of Mr. and Mis.
S. V, Corby, is ill with bronchitis.
Mibs Hesslo Wntklns, of Wllkes-Harre,
spent Sunday lu town.
Mips Xlertlui Covering was a caller In
StTunton. Sutuiday,
Kxamliiattons were held hi tho UIkIi
school, Monday.
What may bo considered the most lull
Haul miibleal cvnt that the peoplo of
Abhigton Juvo had tho oppoilunlly of
licuring for ninny a year will tuko plnco
t the Ablnston ItaptUt t lunch of Waver.
Iv, 'a.. on Wwlneeday evening. Poo. 17,
002. The programme, u copy of whlcli Is
flvnn bijlow, Is -.uricd, and consists of
choruses bv a choir of jbout seventy
people, iiiudo up of the bost vocal talent
of Dallon, Claik's Summit and Waverly,
and sololt't'' and readers from said vlcln
lty nnd out of town. The services of a
banjo olub have also been hcciircd, and
wll fclvo novel ill iniuibois, AdmUslpn, ST
contti. The proguuiuiio Is hs, follows.
I'oit l "1'rols'i Yo Hie Father" (Clounoih,
by a (hand ohoius of seventy voices;
reading, selected, Mls Anna Man Pean;
bam bolo, selected, Ilalph Ililckel; "The
flabo of Itethlchem" (I'oarlsi. vocal duet,
Mbbcs Jones and I'eiry- nveiture fiom
Noimandle, march, bjnjo chili; "Hark!
What Menu Those Holy Yolceb" lYeidi),
double qiiurtctle, Mlb.ies i'eiry, Sa.i',
Joiiuj und l'erry, Meurib ncrthlmar, Hull,
UlleUel und Hull. I'ail Il-Sulcollou. ban
Jo club; vocal solo, bclcetvd. MIbs Yeniii,
Ivn ; plnno s,olo. selected. Harry I..
Tyler; "Tin. i:nrth Is iho Lord's" (do
Ttydcu.ikl), vocal duet, Messrs, Hall and
Jblekul; reading, bcleeled. Miss Mlldml
(liven; "Heaven find the Hnitli Display''
tMenileliibohn), by u grand Uidiuk of sev
enty video.--.
Tho activity of Hie inaiuifncUiiui'f of tho
United Slaj,.'.', nieubiired by ih. iigiuvs ot
liupoits of manufacturers' inuU'iiiiU urd
expoits of imimifue lured nillcles, in
greater limn over before. Imports i.i'
niauufneliiri'is' materials In tho leu
months ending with October JlX, ate,
$3u0,w),ci0 against SJOt.infi.oix In the corre
sponding months of ivUii, jJVl.Oue'.iwo in tho
eorribpunellng months of ivi, and !U,
uot.uuu in the correbpondlug mtaiihs of I'M'.
The impoits of munulueiurcii,' materials
hi ton months ol 1UI-', iheii'toiK, are i:, per
tent, higher than thosu of Wii, tin. high
est rccoul heiotofoi. , und moio than i)
per cenl, lu excels of Iho figures lor tliu
coriespandlng mouths of lilo. On the
other bund, exports of maniilai tines aio
also linger Hutu Hioj-o of any preceding
ton months' poilod, with tho binglo ex
(option of ICvi, allowing uu lucieiiho of
iI5,evo,ui.0 oci' tho total tor tho ten mouths
of ih)1, ninl being tieiuullv uiuii) tlmn
double the ilsiirc.-, for tho I'orruspouilliig
mouths lu lSf'..
Importations of manufactures of Iron
and sleel aro laiger this year than at nil
tinio during Iho pml deutile. in the tea
mouths ending with Oeiober, i!0., they
tiro double tlioso of last year, and tluci;
times as much as those ol IM'S, uiul aro
laigcr than In any year siuco isiq. The
total value of lion and sleel uiamiiuc'tiuvs
Imported in tlie ten months ending with
October, 1!KC, Is $31.W7,(Bil iigullibt ?l,ol'J,.
HI lu tho btiine months of l.ui join, and
$lo.Kil,ooo lu tho eoirobponaiug mouths ut
ISMS, in piaetleully every class of ankles
the ilguios of the year endeil aro
laiger, both in quantity and value, than
Iho-io of liibt year, and in nniiiy cubes tho
llgutcs are mnio than double those of last,
A soiies of lublos has been pieiuicil
by the Ucibiuy bureau ol statistics,
showing tho csportutlon of manufae
lures in ouch year from 17ft) 10 l'.1, and
the dlstilbutlou of taeli article to every
country and grand division of the world
duiiug tlie period troin lS'Jl to 1901, and
this ntiiilybls ubowb Una 3:' per cent, of
tho inanutactuivs go to Ihiropu und '.'I pcr
cont. to North American couiililes other
than the I'hitud Ktu'w.
That cuts the fnury prlco out of dla
mnnds. Tor moie detlnliu Intoimatiou
call nt my parlor and "j .no me." nnd at,
tho time H.-e tho freo nnd Interest
ing exhibit of illuniond rutting. Dia
monds lu tho roiiKh as well as UuieraldH,
Up.ila and other pieeloub stones 'I lu
baiaiilus for
Uouts' 7-Kt.
his week are;
Il'.j.Kt. Rln
JiVKt. King
' stWi
t. rune
i-Kt. jtum .,
Ladles' Hoop King, live diamonds,
i'i-Ivt ,,
("'luster Iiiug, ten diamonds and ruby,
Gypsy Itliig. idlninoud und two rubles
JlKllU.V IllllS, "l"l.
Tilfany Itlng. VW-
Tllluuv Tlina. ii-lii-lfl.
Tilfany Hing. i.lCl ,
i:ur Keiowb, -yivt ...,,, Screws, J.Kt ,
i:ur niops, i-ict ,
Uar Uiops, lls'lvt
Ladle's' Hrooch, .Ki .,,,.,
l.uilte.'i lliooeh. :! dliunniuls, U Kt
Shiiniiock. Siarf i'ln, sinall dlumond
IJI.iuiullili) le.eui, polUlicil unil In
pi uved.
Satlsfai Hon given or "your money bri
, ,111,111 ,, rt VMUC,
iDD u; nr i vim a ul
m u, niiuuni
m Moms Hulldlns
Now York otriee, 03 NubMiu sttel
iiiuuu dialing 1'iicioiy, uuo AtUll
iiuv. iiiunijii, i. i , unu ;;
ST f
hi I
,, m
,,,,,,.,,,, ii
.,, 7UI
-.i, j
....,. -.7 :"
oiisioriiani, iioilniuli