w; :s,'f -'-.!' '" j- . ' v,,t:v,),.rwfi.-' tihtu crattfoit THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERV1CJS OK THE ASSOCLWJpJESSJTHE CREATES;!' NEVSAQ2NCYIiVTIIE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MOUSING, DECEMBER 10, 1002. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. MJT UV-' "i"' 'K 'V 'V,-' - '-.-jr-,nM,Jri" "SSIt2!I?'iKWMSiferafl(ClGSS'iK3wC 'Bfi PRESIDENT An Eloquent Address Delivered at the Banquet In Honor of Justice Marian. BRILLIANT FUNCTION IN WASHINGTON A Dinner Is Given by the Bar of tho Supremo Court of the United States to Mr. Justice John Marshall Har lan in Recognition of tho Comple tion of Twcnty-flve Years of Ser vice on the Bench Hon. Wayne MacVeagh Presides Other; Speak ers. Bj Extluiive Wire from The AssociateJ Presi Washington, Dec. 0. The dinner by the bar of the Supreme court, of the United States at tho now Wlllnrd hotel UmlRht to Mr. Justice John Marshall Harlan, In recognition of tho comple tion of twenty-live years ol service on tho bench, was a. brilliant function. In the absence, of Attorney General Knox, Mr. Wayne MneVcagh presided. When tho guests had been seated, grncu was said by the Rev. Richard Harlan, of Lake Falls, Ills., oldest son of the justice, who had come to Wash ington especially for tho occasion. Jus tice Harlan was In his happiest mood and gave every evidence of his appre ciation of the honor conferred upon h'tii A hidden orchestra played popular si'rs throughout the evening, Interest In the banquet outside of Justhf Harlan centered, in President w-.'-.i.-.L Tltt? ni'pli.,,1 cl.nit1. .iflv.1. llVl.i-V. VU. l.M .1. ...... illlUI U,l . . .V. 1 !i 30 was the signal for n great out- I burst. Tho president warmly congratu lated Justice Harlan, grasping him by i oth hands, before taking his seat. Those at the banquet included mem bers of the cabinet, several senators and renresentatlves, members of the Supreme 'ourt of the United States, the ennrf nf cl-iims nnrl Mif lnfml nniirlK and qui to a number of eminent lawyera ironi outside thv,eily. ' President lloosevelt's Address. When the' time for speechniuklng ar rived. Wayne MacVcagh, in a few ap propriate remarks, Introduced the presl chnt who spoke as follows: Mr. Chairman and gentlemen. II is a peculiar privilege to bo hero tonight as one of those gathered to do homago to a career which has honored Ameiica (Loud uppluUM)). It Is difficult to say certain ol the truths which nicst need bo said without being guilty of truisms in Mijlng them. It Is not an Idle lo.st of this country when wo speak of tho emu t upon which Mr. Justice. Harlan sits as the most illus trious and Important in all the civilized world. (Applause). It la not merely our own people who say that it Is the verdict of other nations as well. Mr. Justice Harlan has served for a quarter of a century on that court. Dur ing that time ho has exercised an Inllu enco over tho judicial statesmanship of the country of a kind such as Is possible only under our own form of government. (Appluuse.) For tho judges of the .Su preme court of tho land must bo not, only great Jurists, but they must bo great coiistmetivo statesmen (applause); and tho truth of what 1 say Is illustrated by every study of Ameiicau statesman bhlp. for not in ono serious study of American political life will It bo possible tp omit tho Immediate part played by tbo Supicme court in tho creation, not merely tho modification, of lb" groat pol icies through and by means of which tho country has moved on to hor present po sition. (Applause), Thrice fortunate is tho court when it has as one of Its mem bers a member who lias played a greater part in other spheres of our composite life, Mr. Justice Harlan came from Ken tucky, a state in which the patriotism of tho people w.is put to so peculiar a test in the Civil war. In tbo states of tho lartl or north It was easy for the man to make up his mind on which sidu ho would unshcath his sword. In tho states of the. farther south It was equally easy. .'In Kentucky tho task was a difficult ono. 1 remember, Mr. Justice, being told by nn American who was n staunch friend of yoiiis, and ono of tho greatest lawyers and most patriotic citizens whom this country had John Mason iirowu--thnt ho cmiKi back from a tr'p from tho west as a young man nf HI, just at tho tlmo of tho outbreak of tho Civil war, just niter Sum ter hail been Hied upon, and hl3 mother biought down to him tho sword that hi.1, father had carried In tho Mexican war, and s;.ld to him: ' My son, this Is tho sword your father carried, t nope you will draw It on tn ruin that defends the Hag for which your father fought, but for ono sld" or the oilier' draw you must." Appbuisc). In imy iiudleneo In any state of ho union take it as far north as you wish, I can nppeal with confidence to (ho people I address when I say that next lo tbo Jinmagowo imy to tho men who proved tho triitn of iheir endeavor as thoy bat tled In the blue uniform la tho homago wo pay In tho men, who, with eqnnl sin cerity with equal devotion to tho right as It was given them to sen thu right, wore tho grey. (Loud and continuous ap. pl.iuse), And nouo pay lhat tribute of i -gard s-n frankly as tliosj who thcniHclvoa wore ile Mih In buttle. (Loud applause), Heroes of tho War, And having said that I am sure that none of my friends who fought In tho Confederato seivlcu will misunderstand me, or will sriidgo what 1 am about to ray. when I say that tho greatest debt owed by this country to any set of men, Is owed to tbosri men of tho so-culled border states, tho men who In statesman I ship fidloived Clay uud tho Crittendons land the lllalra, tho men who as soldiers '"ugnt on tno sumo e. do with Thomas Imd with FarruRiit, tho men who wero k me I'nion without regard to whether ir immcmuio associates wero for It not. (Loud annUuse). In New York. Mrissaehusetts, Ja Illinois, tho men sioo.i ior mo i'nion went with liio Bra. In parts of Kentucky, of Vir- of Missouri, they stemmed tho (Appiau-."-), And gentlemen, I ' a i-outherner myself Two of mv Ifout'ht In the Confederato navy. PRAISES BORDER HEROES Ono of them served tinder tho fnthcr-ln-law nf Vice Governor Luke Wright, of the 1'hllliipliiu Islands. And so 1 think I huvo tho right Id say that, knowing tho southern people us 1 do, I would heartily advocate lighting twlco as hard tm yoit fought from '01 till '03 for the privilege of staying In tho same union with them. (Laughter and applause). The iTiuti to ho a great statesman on tho bench of tho Supremo court. imit havo many qualities and fortunate tiro wo that this evening wo can point to juh- it. ... it,. .!,... .... n.i.l..i,v.,irv tli.tt.. A t-rtnd citizen must bo a good citlzun In peace tereu tile vacancy, I wouiu decline it. i and In war. Ho must havo the decent j would say further that I mn not hi atal orderly virtues, and ho must havo tho tcrested In any man who is a cnndl- llU .1.111(1,1 lid W(l"'... ,("H fc.tv..... -- r. essentlol manliness for tlio hick oi wnicn no good Intention can atone. (Laughter and applause.) It will be a bad thing for the nation If we ever grow as u nation to submit to it,., utitim-oudii.n nf r,m.loiiev nnd morality. .... ..u,.,.a w. ...-.. .... ............ -y - - .. will no grouped ine men won menu . i but who do not do thliiKS (laughter) and, . .In ..! .1.-. Htttlrrcl f triltrrtltnri fltlll. In the other the men who do things, but who do not mean well. (Laughter and loud applause.) The art of successful self-government Is not an easy nrt for people or Individuals. It seems to our people here us the Inher itance of aces of effort. It can bo thrown away. It can bo unlearned very easily, and It will surely bo unlearned it wo for get tho vital need not merely of preach ing, but of practicing both acts of virtues If wc forget the vital need of having tho average citizen not only a good man but a man. (Applause). It in a line thing to have on the Su premo court men wdio dared venture all for tho sreat prize of death In battlo when tho country called for him and then tho man who after tho war was closed did not content himself with living an ignoble lire, snying that ho did so well It. was not necessary to do more, but who continued to do ins duty as a nltlzen all tho bettor became, ho did It as a soldier; tho man who remembered that duty done, to bo of practical use, must serve not on an excuso for not doing further duty, but as an incentive, as a spur, to make him feel ashamed that his present or his future should fall short of his past. (Ap plause). Justice Harlnn. I greet you per sonally. I wish to express my own per sonal debt to you, for your influence for your example, but I wish far more. speaking as the representative of all our people, to express tho Infinite senso of obligation wo havo to you for having shown by your life what tho typo of fear lrs.i American citizenship should be. (Ap plause). As the president took his seat Mr. MncVeagh introduced Justice Harlan. The cheering was so prolonged that it vas some time before the Justice cjuld peak. After expressing his pleasui" at. I ,'ie signal honor done him, he sahLMiat lilu nlintrvmn tlinllM.t tl-int llrHlwl LScharged the duties of his office with conscientious regard for what ho deemed to be the law and with nn eye single, to the ends of justice and right and truth, his descendants would have In this estimate nf his judicial life, a legacy more precious than any that lie possibly could leave to them. He al ways had been deeply sensible of tho awful responsibility resting on every member of the Supreme court, whoso power for good or evil scarcely could be exaggerated lint he rejoiced that in the judgment of America it has steadily held tho country in the path of safety, "so that to-day our people be lieve that Its preservation, under the constitution, Is the surest guarantee of liberty, regulated by law, as well as the sucoeofS of all movements and all poli cies demanded by the common good. "There Is abundant reason," ho said, "to believe that the people confide in its patriotism, Its Integrity, and its learn ing and have an abiding faith that no permanent or irreparable harm will come to the republic by any action tho Supremo Court will ever take. In the early History oi the country, some feared that the Supreme Court, exert ing tho enormous power conferred on It, might so change our form of govern ment as to destroy or endanger the es sential rights of the state and Imperil those fundamental rights of life, liberty and property which belong to free men. Few, If any, now, entertain such appre hensions and no American lawyer now questions the supremacy of tho consti tution In respect of every subject trans mitted to the national government or the wisdom of tho provision made for its final interpretation, or the absolute necessity of the maintenance of our liberties, that all the rightful powers of the states be preserved and re spected." Other speakers of the evening wero Chief Justice Fuller, Justice Drowcr, Senator Hoar, Hon. IMward Rlalte, of Canada, Assistant Attorney Oeneral Heck and Mr. n. Koss Perry, of the District or Columbia. It was after midnight when the par ty broke up. SENTENCE OF MARSH IS COMMUTED. Ily llxclmhc Wire from Tho Audited ivcu. Washington. Doc. it. Tho president has commuted to a term of Imprisonment to expire December '.'I. next, tho sentenco of flldcon W. Marsh, who was convicted In Philadelphia of ' violating tho national banking laws on Doc. 13, lltfs, and re ceived three lentences nggreguting twelve years and throu months' Imprisonment In tho Kastern penitentiary at Philadelphia, State Orange in Session, Ily Jlxchulrc Wire from The Associated Press, Clearlleld, Dee. 9. Tho Statu Orange of Pennsylvania Patrons of Husbandry bo gait a four days' session hero today, Kight hundred delegates aro piescut. Plesldeut W. 1". Hill, of Crawford conn ty, who presided, presented his annual report, In which It was shown that eigh teen new granges havo been organized during tho yeur. Sheriff Censured. Special to tho Serunton Tribune. Stroudhburg, Dec. ft Tho second cscapo on Sunday last of tho notorious burglar and convicted murdorer, Charles Cirother. from tho Moaroo county Jail has caused much excitement, fensuro of thu sovor rt kind is heard on all sides for Sheriff V. O. Mervino. If wo over grow to accept tho lieliei mat ih absolutely false. I have always ad we are to havo two camps In ono of which ' mm allti respected Judge Smith and DOES NOT WANT THE PLACE. & Deputy Attorney Oonevnl Fleltz Not 5 - a Candldato for Superior Court., 3. Welti) to thu Hernnton Tribune. Ufarrlsburg, Dec. 0. There Is notli . V doing In the Judge I'.' I'. Smith ,"itter hero nt present. The eomnils ' h of physicians! bus presented Its Vrt to Governor Htono, ho has Hunt 'jiy of It lo Judge Smith, and tho V decllncH to retire from the bench. t 'governor has compiled with tliu law nnd In content. Any further stops In thu ense inuHt bo taken before the legislature. With reference to tho talk concerning Deputy Attorney General P. W. Fiolt?. and a place on the super ior court bench, tho latter wild tonight: "I am not a candidate for an ap pointment on the superior court bench to succeed JudKo Smith. If tho judge should resign tomorrow and I was of- . .. ......... ; al0 fnr a position on the bench of thtit court, "The report that Governor Stone is trying to remove Judgu Smith to make a lilace for me or any friend of mine . - , ., . , ,. . fn, , ,,, lh , .mat,,. meat. There has been no animus in the action of the governor." THE FUNERAL OF THOMAS B. REED Simple but Impressive Services Are Held Over tho Remains of the Late Statesman at Portland. Uy Exchuivo Wire from Tlic Associated Pi ess. Portland. Me., Dec. !. Simple but itn- prcsslve services, consisting of music, scripture reading, prayer and a brief eulogy, were held over the remains ot formcr Spealter Thomas Brackett Heed . ,. . Pnl.i-h unlt-iil-m church "l -l"1 1a,usn kn"'jn c,nuct today. The edifice was thronged with a distinguished assemblage, the gover- nors of Maine and Massachusetts, tho Loyal Legion, several Grand Army of the Republic posts, members of the bar, city officials and delegates from nearly every political organization in the state of Maine. In a room which opened into the audi torium of the church were tho widow and daughter, 'attended by a number of personal friends, and screened from the crowd In the main edifice. The day was ono of mourning through out the city. Many places of business were closed during the afternoon. Pub lie buildings were also closed during the day. Services in the church were hold at 2 i, clock, but Cor ;omc ''hours the body' had been laying in state In the parish house, where It was viewed by thou sands of people. The parish house was finally closed shortly after 1 o'clock and the casket was removed to the church. While the assembly was being seated, Herrmann Kothsmar was at the organ. The organ ceased, and after a brief pauHe the Rev. John Carroll Perkins, the pastor of the church, read appro priate selections from the Bible, follow ing with prayer. After a short strain from the organ, Mr. Perkins delivered the eulogy and closed his remarks with a benediction. The casket was borne to the hearse, and while the bells of the city tolled sixty-three strokes, one for each year of Mr. Heed's life, the funeral party entered carriages. The little procession passed to Evergreen cemetery, where, tin; body was placed In a tomb to await burial in the spring. STILL MORE TROUBLE FOR VENEZUELA New Revolution Now Seems Probable' General Rolando's Proclama tionThe English Limit. Wlllcinstad. Island of Curucou, Mon day, Dec. H. A new revolution In Ven ezuela seems probable as General Nich olas Rolando, tho first lieutenant of General Matos has proclaimed himself chief of a new venture. He Is now at Lezuma. Ueneral Klera, another of Matos' lieutenants, is now near Coro, having reappeared in that vicinity with l.'-'OO men who on Friday last attacked the railroad. Revolutionists have also reappeared in the district of Rarquls imeto in largo numbers. President Cas tro was obliged to send -1,100 men against them. General Matos is still here. London, Dec. U. Ono of the largest English creditors of Venezuela Informed a representative of the Associated Press to-day that tho ultimatums of Great Ihitaln and Germany had a 7" hours' limit and therefore will expire on Wed nesday. The foreign oillce, while not denying tho correctness of this state ment intimated to-night that the period Is liable to extension. There aro some Indications of a possible settlement, though, apparently, nothing definite has yet been decided. Limiting Salary of Commission. Dy KxcluMrc Wlic Irom The Awci,itri 1're.is. Washington, Deo. 0. Senator Horry to day Introduced an amendment to tho nn- ihrncito coal strike commission, limiting tho compensation of members of tho com mission to $I,W0 per year and their ox. penses to 410 a day. Coal for the Poor in New York. Uy Inclusive Wire from 'flic Associated rrs.' New York, Dec, B.-At tho meellng of tho board of aldermen today, a le.solutlon was unanimously adopted asking tho hoard of csttmnto and apportionment to nuthorizo an Issuo of rcservo bonds tn tho amount of tlflo.OOO for tho purpose of purcliaslng anthraelto coal to ho distrib uted frto under tho supervision nf tho detriment of publlo charities, among tho needy poor of thu city during tho winter.' Congressman Olmstead 111. Dy Exclusive Whc from The Aisoclated preii. H.urlslmrg, Dec. O.-Conerotsmau M, 11. Olmstend was suddenly prostrate) with ptomaine iiolsonlng last night ut his resi dence In this city. Ills condition tonight Is much Improvtd and ho expects to bo about In n few d.s. UNIONS AND THE OUTPUT TopIgs Considered at Second Dan's Mcctlna ol the National Glvlc Federation. GROVER CLEVELAND AMONG THE VISITORS Mention of His Name Brings Ap plause John H. Commons Dis cusses "Restriction of Output" Remarks by Frederick Halsey Up on "The Premium Method of Pay ment." Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. New York. Dec. 9. The second day's meeting of the Industrial department of the National Civic Federation began to- day with a lurge attendance. Ex-President G rover Cleveland was one of the early arrivals. On entering the meet ing hall he was greeted with applause. Immediately after his entrance Chair man Hanna calld the meeting to order. Several of Mr. Mosely's party of Eng lish labor leaders were in attendance. The subject of discussion was "Re striction of Output," and the first speaker was John R. Commons. Restriction and Output. Mr. Commons said In part: The very reasons for tho existence of a union is an effort to interfe.ro at ono or more points with the. llborty of tho em ployer In managing his business. If all restrictions and Interferences on employ ers should bo condemned, does It not fol low all labor unions should be con demned? But for come reason the condemnation nf labor unions has not prevailed, and thoy havo sprung up and have compelled employers to submit to what in a wide uso of the word may bo called restric tions. If employers deal with labor In tho future ob they havo dealt in tho past unions will continue to grow, and Increas ing number of eirployors and industries will bo brought to face union restric tions. A shorter workday Is simply ono form of tho demand for higher wages. It means high wages for the timo of work. Does incrcaso in wages restrict output? Now wages and hours of labor are ques tions exactly tho opposite from those of output or restrictions on output". "'Ily wages and hours of labor wo mean sim ply the rate of pay per hour received by tho workman. By output wo moan tho amount of product per hour which tho workman gives In roturn. Wages and output together determine cost, and it tho shorter day or higher wages bring greater output por hour, then thoy aro exactly tho opposite from a restriction on output. This Is ono of tho reasons often advanced for shorter hours, namely that tho longer period for recuperation furnishes strength for Increasing tho speed whilo at work. Closely connected with this is tho contention that higher wages and shorter hours stimulate) labor saving devices in tho shape of Inventions and improved business administration, ami that tho countries of low wnges and long hours aro countries of small output. poor machinery and slow business meth ods. Tho workman wants high wages and short hours. Tho employer wants largo output. Tho two demands nru :t matter of business agreement which de pends on mutual confidence. Will not the negotiations bo more successful when It Is recognlzod that both demands aro fair and honest, and that In making Its de mands oarl( tide is working not only for its own interest but also for tho good of tho nation as a whole? There can bo no lasting solution of this problem as long as each side believes tho other Is dishonest. There aro also a number of questions which employers and employes should agreo upon In advanco and bind them selves to abldo by. If unions restrict output, can they not frankly admit It and glvo their reasons? If employers provoke restrictions,' can thoy not frank ly ndmlt It? Cannot the two thus como together, eliminate tho false reasons and remedy tho true reasons? It Is an en couraging sign that through tho trndo agreement system omployois and work men themselves nro taking up tho epics. Hon In a scientific way. Tho present con ferenco Is an outgrowth of this system. Cannot this conference raise tho question to a high level of discussion and lay down sound principles that will lead to its solution? Mr. Hnlsey's Remarks. Tho chairman then introduced Fred erick Halsey, editor ot the American Machinist. Mr. Hnlsey's toplo was "The Premium Method of Payment." Ho said: "The system of premium payment Is In a sutiso-Intended to spilt tho differ- once between day work and piecework, Ily that I mean that it has at bottom a rate of pay Just llko duy work, but above that Is placid an additional premium dependent upon tho amount of output, tho net result being that tho employers jitiy Increases with tho out put, but not so rapidly ns tho output, "Tho result is the employer gets part of tho gain and Iho workman gets a portion of it, tho employer receiving his portion In a reduction of tho cost of his goods, Therefore, In n sense, the, system is co-opuratlve." Toward tho close of Mr. Hnlsey's speech ho was asked a number of ques tions by Archbishop Ireland, Kumucl aompers, Alfred Mosely, and others, James O'Connell, president of the In ternational Association of Machinists, followed Mr, Halsey and opposed dm piecework and premium pinna. Henry White, general secretary of tho United Garment AVorkers of America, spoko on "The Problem of Machinery." At tho afternoon session. Prof. (Irorgo Gunton, editor of Gunton's. Magazine, spoko, on "Tho Phllosopy ot thu Shorter Hour Movement." Ho said: "Tho capitalist's function Is to go nn producing. It is the business of the laborer to seo that tho laborer receives better pay, that ho receives opportun ities to Improve his condition and bet ter his capacity as a market furnisher, and tho shorter hour problem is the one that olfers the first opportunity to tho laborer to bettor his condition. All should co-operate o gradually reduce the hours of labor until tho eight-hour day him been secured." Tho Eight-Hour Movement. A, F. 'Weber, statistician of tho New York bureau of labor, discussed "The Klght-Ilour Movement." Of late years, he said, the Idea litis advanced, and In many industries the (Jlght-hour day Is tho standard. The shorter day, he believed, Is desirable, bocnttse as a result of It the workmen become more effective, they become more Intelligent and Inventive. Lewis Nixon, president of the Amer ican Ship Building Company, said ho objected to the distinction made at tho meeting between etnployer and work ers. Ho wished It known that the m ployers also were workers. In America, he said, the employer works with the employe, instead of over him. When the men come to tho employer and say to him that thy want more pay, there Is occasion for each side to consider tho situation of the other. They should get together. "I don't believe in giving tho men what they do not want," he said. "If one wishes to glvo something, a library, or what not, figure It out and give it to the men in increased wages or shorter hours." Theodore J Harburg, vice president of the American Economic Association said tho actual experience of localities in which tho shorter hour day had been tried shows that the morals ot tho lo cality had improved. To abruptly reduce the working day two hours would, in his opinion, work a hardship on the community. A re duction of a quarter of an hour at a time, repeated nt Intervals through several years would be the better and safer way. George H. Barbour, of Detroit, presi dent of the National Association of Manufacturers, discussed the shorter hour question from the standpoint of the manufacturer. "I would never oppose the eight hour bill," he said. "If its effect could be uni versal. But It would affect prejudicially the interests of certain manufacturers with out affecting others." The meeting adjourned until to-morrow. STORE ORDER LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL Judge Simonton Rules Against One of the Laws Advocated by the United Mine Workers. ' By Exclusive Wire Jrom The Aaoslitcd I'reea. Harrisburg, Pa., Dee. 9. The Dau phin county court decided today, in an opinion written by Judge Simonton, lhat the store order law enacted by the last legislature is unconstitutional. In a number of cases tried and decided tho court found that the companies against whom the tax had been charged did not issue any store orders of the kind upon which the act imposed a tax of 25 per cent, on their face value, in the case of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company the court' squarely holds the act to be unconstitutional. Judge Sim onton says: "Tlie taxation imposed on defendant by said act and charged against it in said settlement was intended to, and If the act were sustained, would inflict a penalty on defendant for elolng that which it has a legal and constitutional right to do, and the act is, therefore, Invalid and unconstitutional." Tills not was one ot the measures ad vocated by United Mine Workeis. FOR IMMIGRANT RESTRICTION. Goodwin Brown and F. P. Sargent Urge Bill on Senate Committee. By Kscluslve Who uom Tlie Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 9, The senate com mittee on immigration gave a hearing today on tho bill to restrict immigra tion now pending in tlie senate. Goodwin Brown, representing the Now York state lunacy commission, urged that tho bill bo amended so as to provide for the deportation of aliens who became public charges within two years. He said that, during the last ten years, tho foreign-born insane hud cost the various states $50,000,000. He offered an amendment to carry out his suggestion. Commissioner 'Sargent of the Immi gration Bureau said the head tax of J3 In tho bill should be retained as It would serve to keep out many immi grants. Commissioner Williams of Now York, urged more strict regulations at I Ellis Island, saying that there was a i great deal of perjury. He also favored tho salo of Illinois at Immigrant sta tions. The committee will glvo another hearing to-morrow. BJORNSON'S BIRTHDAY. Norwegian Novelist Has Reached Three Score and Ten. B Kxrluiive Wire from The Amciiteet I'reat. Chrlstlanln, Dec, 3. Tho seventieth birthday anniversary of lljoriistjeriin BJornson, tho poet, dramatist uud nov elist, was widely celebrated today. The town was decorated with Hags. Numerous consralulatory addresses, hi. eluding ono from tho people of Donmaik, containing :w,O0O signatures, wero handed to KJornson, Many deputations called on him nnd presented gifts. Ho will at tend a gala performance) nt tho National theater tonight. There will bo a torch, light procession of students In his honor. To Revoke Charters. Uy Ktilmive Who rrc-nThr Associated )'r(S'. Harrisburg, Dee. 9. Attorney ("Jeneral KIMn made a presentation to tho Uauphhi county court today for a quo warranto to rovoko tho charters of tho Chlckles lion company, ot Chlcklcs, nnd Iho Cone wago Iron company, of Mlddlctovwi, both of whom havo quit-business, Governor Fixes Execution Datos. Ily Exclusive Wiic homTl'C AMoeUM Prc... Harrisburg, Dee, 9. Governor Ktono to day fixed February ," for tho executions of Sampel Oivasnn of-Berks county, and rrnuK uiiuusn, ot .imsiruug couniy, ARE THROUGH WITH G. B. MARKLE & CO. INCENTIVE FOR, THE SLEUTHS. A Reward of Ten Dollars Is Offered For the Capture of Van Busktrk. Special to the Serantoii Tribune. Strottdshurg, Pn Dec. !). l.'p to IS o'clock this afternoon Daniel VaiiUus- klrk, the burglar who broke jail with diaries urotlier on Sunday morning, had not been recaptured. A. reward of ten dollars Is offered for his capture. Grether seems to have entirely rcovered from the effects of his run through the snow and experience In the Turner barn No clue hns been obtained as to how ho secured the loaded revolver, and sev eral started, on being run down, re sulted In nothing. Night Watchman William Rtluhnrt, who figured prominently In both es capes, has left the jail and gone to Philadelphia. SENATE CONSIDERS IMMIGRATION BILL The Clause Presented by Mr. Burton to Admit Chinese to Hawaii Meets with Opposition. By Eiclushe Wire ficm The Associated I'reat. Washington, Dec. 9. The senate de voted most of to-day to the immigra tion bill and adopted a number ot amendments. There was considerable discussion of an amendment presented by Mr. Burton, to admit Chinese la borers to Hawaii. It was met with considerable opposition and was fihully laid on tho table. The provision in the bill prohibiting the sale of. liquor in tlie capitol building caused some criticism of the house for putting it in the bill, but the provision was not stricken out. The following amendments were adopted: Including professional beggars as among those excluded from admission to tho United States. Providing for the careful inspection of aliens who have been admitted and tiled their preliminary declarations for citizenship. Providing that skilled labor may be Imported if labor of like kind cannot e found in this country. At the instance of Mr. Penrose the senate agreed to a substitute for the 21st section of the bill, extending to two years the time for the deportation of aliens who become a public charge. The section as amended specifies lun acy. Idiocy, and epilepsy and says that aliens allllctcd with either trouble shall be presumed lo have been so affected prior to landing in tlie United States and shall bo deported at the expense nf the transportation companies bringing them in. On motion of Mr. McCmnas the sec tion of the bill relating to the exclusion or 'anarchists was amended so as to make It specifically provide for the ex clusion of unarohlsts who advocate tho destruction of the "government of the United States or all governments by violence," While the debate on this mo tion was in progress, Mr. Hoar 10 mnrked that there are some govern ments the destruction of which by Vio lence ho would accomplish if he could. During the day tho militia hill was discussed. It will be taken up again Thursday. Mr. Kenn (N, J.) gave notice that on Dec. 17 he would ask the senate lo consider resolutions on the lift; and hter of the into n,,, Death of the London Dock Bill. After debating the London dock ,.0Vi , rotinsel for tho Delaware & Hud charge bill for almost four hours, tho fim roiupuny, started In to qurstlor house today chopped its head off by )llm u,.,t ll0 icvviedso the district striking out the enacting clause. This J j,eaditmrii rs had of strike violence killed tho bill. T, witness skllll'lly evaded a discus. Mr.. Tawney (Minn.), in charge of the1 pi,,,, , ihM suiij. .-t by explaining he bill, explained at length Its purpuse. I ,..ni ., national mul not a district ndleer. which, ho said, applied only to the port ot" London and was simply designed to iuhihu mi, vniieiii'.ui sunnier or irn? i ciiurgo inaue ny ine transporting coin- i panics for delivering goods over iho , side of the vessel, This charge, ho now ! said, was concluded In tho contract of shipment. The bill, he said, would pro vent such a contract. Tho debate was spirited on both sides and all day tho members were flooded with telegrams respecting tlie bill. The withdrawal of the support of the lum ber and meat packing interests, which originally hud Joined with tho flour milling Interests In pressing tho mens- uiv, brought about Its defeat. Tlie final vote was 130 to U'U In favor of tho mo Won to strike out tho enacting clause. Speeches were made In favor of tho bill by Mr. Tawney (Minn.) and Mr, Illch nrdson (Ala.), and against it by Ad unison ((In.), Wnnger, Adams and Dal zell (IVniin.), Burleson and Burgess (Tex.) and Mann (Ills,). Thu resolution for ii. holiday adjourn ment from December 20 to January 5 was adopted. Action on Tunnel Postponed, Ily llwliblw Wne from Tho Associated 'ir. New York, rri p. Tho board of alder men, this afternoon, after a short dis cussion, agreed to postpone action on tho Pennsylvania tiinuol franchise until iisxt Tuesday, . m ' Pension Granted. Uy Inclusive Wire from The Aisoclated Press, i Washington. Doc. 9. A nension of ts has been granted William Johns, of He- treat. Miners Turn the Attention ol the Gommlsslon to Aliened Discrim ination bu Bin Companies. SOME EFFECTS OF CROSS-EXAMINATION After Being Given Free and Full Op portunity to Put in Prncticnlly Un challenged Testimony for Six Days, the Mineis' Side Encounters An tagonists In the Representatives of the BigCompanies Two Sad Stories Told by Witnesses from Jaddo Commissioners Deeply, Moved by the Recital of Henry Coil's Unfor tunate Experiences Waiting for Nichols, What can be accomplished by cross examination in the way of qualifying testimony the miners are putting befom the strike commission was evidenced yesterday, when the attack on G. B. Marklo & Co. was concluded and at tention turned to companies whoso lawyers are present at tho hearings. During the past three days of tho ses sion the miners havi had free rein In the assault on Marklu & Co., becausu thu company's attorneys absented themselves, and as tho miners are par ticularly anxious, just now, io put thu independents, and especially the leaders of tho independents, in as bad a light as possible, because of their demand for a continuance of the hearings that they might bo vindicated, It can be taken as u matter of course that they wero merciless In their onslaught. Stories rellecting even on the company officials' humanity stand on the record without challenge or qualification. When, however, it came to attacking thu big companies, their lawyers and officials standing ready to repulse tho attack, there was a different story to tell. By admissions adduced "on cross examination, practically every bit of testimony put forward was discounted lo such an extent that it was worso than worthless. Miners went on tlie stand to allege they were being blacklisted by tho D. & II.. Pennsylvania, or Lehigh Valley companies. Befoio tho cross-examiners finished with them, It would be shown that their allegations had no foundation in fact. One Instance. For instance, P. If. McDonald, u one armed youth, who was occupying u sort of "pension" job with tho Temple com pany, before 'the strike claimed lie was lefttscd re-employment on the conclu sion of the strike. Attorney Everett Warren on cross-examination, got him to reluctantly admit that the company told him there was another man In his place whom they could not, In honor, discharge, but that If lie would take another Job, paying reduced wages, the company would do hotter by him ut tho very first opportunity. Then' were ten different Instances of practically the same thing. Tho companies' counsel are still wait ing anxiously for the district pres' dents of the mine worlfrs to be put on tho stand. It was stated right along by the miners' reprcsv-ntatlvi.1!! until the hearings wero resumed after the recess lhat District President T. D. Nlcholls.oJ the Set union district, would b the m xr. witness after Vresi .out .Mitchell and Dr. Roberts. Mr. Nlcholls is still wanting in the wltnei-s stand, nnd as yet no dis trict ntllccr of the union has been railed. conditions ut tlie M.irklo iV o. mlut-s I roniuiioiis in ine . i.ii'Kio iv ' n. mint's I and as soon ns lw ( was turned over for ' niss-exaniliiatlon.' Attorney .1. IT. Tor- i, s uuderstoci iho companies aro particularly dosli.uis uf having Dlsiriit president Nlcliolls on thtt stand that lUl.y lmty question him regarding th connection of the district headquarters attaches with some certain cases of violation of law during the strike. Harrowing Story. Not only sad, but really harrowing was tho story told at tho morning ses sion by Henry Coll, one of the "thlr toon" Marklo company men, of Jeddo, who wero evicted from their homes during the strike nnd refused re-em- ployment nt Its close. Ills only offense ho know of "as God Is my jiidgo,"was that lio served on the union's relief committee, If ho ommltted any other oli'eno it is yet to be shown, as Marklo Continued on Pago 8.1 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER, Local dnta for December 0. h"1-': Highest temporaturo .,,,,,, II degrees Lowest temperature ..,,....,.,.. 1 degrcos Itulatlvo humidity: .S a. m , ..,...,,, 75 ner rent, S p. in, .., ,,,,.. E0 per cent, Precipitation, 24 hours ended 8 p. m., trace. Tt TT -HW WEATHER FORECAST, -y. Washington. Dee. 9. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: East ern Pennsylvania -Partly cloudy, warmer Wednesday ; probably snow nt ulght In north portion. Thurs day, fair, varlablo winds becom t ' ing south to southwest and fresh. t -. ". 1 ii1iiii&Sdiii, i