The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 09, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Fpeclil to Uie Scranton TiUninc.
Pitt&ton, Dec. S. Ex-Stieet Coimnis
hloncr Gcoige Wainer, ot Linden stieet,
luis accepted a position as carrenter
with J. C. Pattetson & Co.
J. V. Kliby's no skating: rink on
f-'outh Slain street opens Tuesday even
Ins. This afternoon vluwcis appointed by
couit approved the damuce to piopei
ty or. prin(T alley between ltiilioad
and Oak fetieetb cauced by the Cannon
Hall trolley line. Aoinwr tho lewerh
wcip UriiKKiht James Kane, Thomas
Siangan and Oliver IJuike of thlb city.
The St. Aloyisus society in uu.inging
for a uubhio paity nnd dance to be held
in Keystonn Hall on New Year's uvc.
Itev. It. S. Jones, of Pioldence de
lhpicd an English seimon in tho Veleh
Const ejrntional chinch heie this een
jnc. While at woik in Xo. S bhaft this af
tfinoon, John Schwartz, a tiaeklayer,
was seilousiy injutod. He is a tillli
deal' and while pus.slns: near the foot of
the fchaft tailed to bear the down com
inij mine cage and was struck by it.
Elmer Sacks has purchn&ed the
Uriosbach house on Delawnie street and
lias moved therein.
Wyoming: Seminary' nnd Pittston Y.
M. C, A. first teams? will play basket
ball In KlibyV hall here Friday even
ing of tills week.
An acchUnt that was fortunate In not
having nioie seilous results occuired on
the Fittston-Aoea branch of the
Scranton Street Railway near Smlth-
I For all ages gfy Jfif
I seasons 11 -Pn JwM lZ!
condi- l&OflSKS
Delicious J yxo1 "p wl
v,Warm yjiis''imBI '(
Cream 4-s
' Ub ?J ;;CJL JGLV'itl ' iti 21oFAJ.
I". ..
Contains all the virtue of the whole wheat thoroughly
cooked, scientifically combined with diatase of bar-lev
i (the life of the grain).
vn?afs M M t"
fA r nu 4-m .fc-
Appetizing, wholesome,
-t'V" J- '-""-"''-'- -nmHiri-M'rin
Life out of doom ami out of the games which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive mid the efforts which they make, comes the
greater part of that healthful development which la o essential to their
happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it acts, should be such as physiclaiia would sanction, because Hi
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents,
well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is
Syrup of Figs and for the sumo reason it is the only laxative whicll should
be used by fathers and mothers,
Syiup of Figs Is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating- and which cleanses the
system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which result?
from tile use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and agiinst
which the children Mtould be so carefully guarded. If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not (.'ive
them medicines, when medicines arc not needed, and r.hcii nature needs
assistance in the way of u laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and
gentle Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of tho combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to remember, the full name of the Company
v.r r-i CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.UP CO.- is printed oa
ln: "emi ui uvciy jjuck-
aGe" older to
beneficial effects
the ccuuine onlv.
' w
'- T . . ..-r. T&f: i ,
- ".. . s j.x .. t ".. r-
Ille this morning- about & o'clock.
While passing- the highway eiosslng
just above the Heldleburg collipiy a
southbound car jumped the track and
went over nn eight foot embankment.
There were several passemjeis in the
car but luckily none were seiiously
injuied. A lady passenger had one of
her flngets bruised and the side ot her
body slightly injured. One end of the
car remained near enough to the tiacks
to block traffic. For some time thete
hnp bpon but two cais running on the
Pittston line, But an extra car was
added this morning and the half-hour
schedule put into effect. At the time
ot the accident one car was on either
side of the point whpio the accident oc
currd and tratnc was continued, tho
pa-..sengcis changing cars.
Falling in the garden at her home in
Browntowii, Mrs. Patrick Carden fiao
tuied one of her wrists.
Fred Yates is adding a second story
to his stoie building on Wyoming ave
nue, near the coiner of Delawnip ave
nue. Tho West Sldeis choir, which was the
winner in the choral competition at the
eisteddfod held In the "Welsh Congre
gational chinch last Thanksgiving day
held a banquet this ex-enlng at the
home ot John J, Howell, on Wan-en
Sir. and Mrs. T. H. Davis, of South
Main stieet, entertained a party of
f i lends, Including the membeis of tho
Pittston Male Olee socicl y, this evening
at their home In honor of their wedding
anrriTTT.r.imu'i 'i7.'WbTfw
Tlie Perfect Food.
- .a,
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Original Flaked Food.
malted wheat flakes,
get its a r'WW)
itisal- :l:yHl AdVX'A
g 7ii fvj w til n -net. J
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Epeclal to tho Scranton Tribune
Honesdalc, Dee. S The turkey supper
glcn by the ladles of Draco church net
ted tho neat sum of $22J.
Doiin & Carroll's minstrel and tho
Maple- City band journeyed to White
Mills, Saturday, and ontcitnlned a large
audience in a most satisfactory manner.
Sunday night, Itev. William H. Swift
repeated his Thanksgiving day bcrmon,
betoro tho Junior Order United Ameil Mechanics, who were present In a
body. Tho large audltoilum was crowd
ed, tho scimon was a masteily etToit, and
was well received.
Mr. and Mr. D. IT. Clark lme Issued
Invitations to tho mnnlago of then
daughter. Miss Bertha, to Edwaid Jen
kins, which event will take place at the
lesldonco of Mr. and Mis. Clark, on
upper Main stieet, nl noon, on Saturdnj,
Doc. 13.
Honesdale people been enjojing a
few days of excellent sleighing. On Fri
day night, Park lake was frozen over.
The Ire Is of jufllricnt thickness lor skat
ing, and seoics of young people oro thus
Tho diiectors of tho Pennsylvania Pro
duco companj, tho company establishing
n wholesale produce market at this
place, held a meeting on Tuesday evening
last, at which they adopted resolutions
outlining the general policy of tho com
pany, nnd appointed Mr, Livingston rep
resentative, to meet with tho several
Knrmnrb' Gianges for indoisoment of the
adopted methods and appointment of tho
board of dircctors.and nlsc to arrango a
stockholders' meeting to elect four repre
sentative farmers of tho countv to be
como mcinbeis of nn enlarged board.
Thot.0 Interested In tho agricultural pro
giens of tho country should come out to
these meetings and uo all their influence
to scciuo tho fullest attendance, as the
lesults of this move If now successfully
carried to an lsuo will ho far reaching
In Its benefits to tho farmers of North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New MUford, Dec. S. School will close
on Friday for a two weeks' vacation.
E. A. Benson will conduct services at
tho Methodist church next Sunday.
Clydo Pratt, of Nicholson, h visiting
In town this week.
Tho funeral services of tho Into Rev.
R. N. Ives, of tho Piesbytorlan church,
wore conducted from his homo nt 12
o'clock on Saturday, nnd from tho church
nt 1 o'clock, Tho remains were taken
to Great Bend for burial.
William Smith, of Great Bend, was
In town, Saturday.
Bishop Talbot will conduct services at
St. Mark's church, Wednesday evening.
After services a iccoption for Rev. Ash
mead, tho new rector, will bo given at
tho Parish houso.
Tho second number of tho Epworth
League lecture coursa will he given nt
tho Opera house, Thursday evening.
Tho W. and O, club will meet at the
homo of Mr. und Mrs. S. V. Trumbull,
Tuesday evening,
Special to the Scranton Tilhuue.
Iloplmttom, Dec, 8 Tho Ladicj' Aid of
tho Unlvorsallst church will meet at Mm.
Hannah Miles' on Wednesday, Dec, 10,
for tea. All mo welcome.
Born To Mr. and Mrs, Chatles Strlck
laud, December 0, a son.
Fred Stouo nnd family Imvo returned
to New York after spending some tlmo
as guests of C. Stono heip,
Sir, Chndwlck, foiemnn of tho apple
nvjpnintor, ictuined to his home In Noitli
Itose, N. y on Thursday Inst,
Tho Unlvcrsnlist lair and supper held
by the ladles last week netted them over
Piofcssnr 31. W, Stephens, of BtooMyn,
was n caller In town on Thmsday,
.Mrs. Klbeit Tiffany Is lecoveilng fiom
her recent Illness,
ltov. Dawson llllcd tho pulpit la tho
Untveifallst church Sunday,
Them will bo election of of Meets at the
L. C. 11. A. meotlng this evening, and at
tho C. M, n. A. meeting tomotiow even
Ins. J. J, Moralwn and William Buy mo do
Ing Jury duty this week.
Mrs. E. M. Kennedy, of Jackson, Sus
quehanna county, spent last week with
Mrs. E. h. Snyder.
James Graham hns accepted a position
as accountant at Peckvllle and will ic
movo his family thero In a few weeks.
Uarn-To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Caiden,
a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Owen McGlynn, u
Patrick Reap, of Lincoln Hill. Is suffoi.
ing from un attuck of pneumonia.
Miss Kato Murphy will 'be with Me
Laughlln Bios, until after the holldajs.
John MiCnrmick, of Phl!hlphla, s
I s
Iho guest of Iila sister, Mrs. C. M. Mc
Laughlin. Miss Lucy Itcnp Is visiting friends In
Rovo. Foley, Fold nnd Cnhlll, of the
Domlnlclan Order, completed n two
weeks' mission In St. Maty's chuicli on
Sunday evening. Evciy soivlco has been
attended by n great many people nnd tho
fathers left feeling thnt thcio has been
a notable Increase In tho levlwil of faith.
They will continue their work In Miissa
chURrttn for tho next month.
Mis. Ilnrry Bumbgntdner left Inst wruk
to Join her husband In Jctsoy City, whoto
he hiis accented a position,
"Mummy nnd tho Humming Bhd."
John Drew and bis company presented
"The Mummy nnd the Humming Bird"
nt the Lyceum last night. It Is u drama
of'DngllBh social life by Isaac Henderson
and h Ingrnlous lather than stumg In u
drnmntlc way, though In a dramatic wuy
It Is by no monns dull.
Tho story of tho diuma opens with tho
tempoinry neglect of his young nnd
handsomo wlfo by Lord Lumley, a scien
tist, who Is Immersed In some Inborntory
work which requires all his time. Whllo
ho Is closely conducting his experlmcnU
ho very nearly loses his wife, whom ho
loves dearly, and who reciprocates that
affection when she has a chnnee, Left
practically nlono In the midst of tho so
cial whirl, she takes up with "Tho Hum
mmg Bird," nn Italian poet, and for tho
tlmo being fnigots her "Mummy" lui"
band. Tho poet Induces "my hidy" to
visit him In his npattments, and plans
thero n subsequent elopement. An or
gan Blinder who has been befi tended by
"Tho Mummy" reeognUcs In tho tempter,
a villain who had previously mined one
home In Italy, and now tut';s to destroy
another. I.otd Lumlev, "Tho Mummy,"
goes to "Tho Humming Bird's" apart
ments nnd notllles the poet of hh wife's
presenco thcic, and by a trick gets his
v.lfo out without tho villain knowing It.
The wlfo In Hlinmo Ilces to Pails, whither
tho "Humming Bird" Is about to follow
her, having learned of her whereabouts
bv stenllng a letter which sho left for
her husband; but Lord Lumley, too,
lcains of her depurtma nnd uddiess, and
follows her for tho second and last tlmo.
Tho meeting of Lord and Lady Lumley,
In Paris Is followed by a touching lovo
scene. It ends In the complete leunlou
of the couple. "Tho Humming Bird" Is
left at tho conclusion of the play to tho
not too tender mcicics ot the orgnn
grindcr. John Diow as Loid Lutnloy has a part
that suits him to a nicety. It Is more
serious thnn the usual Drew io!i, and tho
famous moustache nnd eyes figure less in
his noting. Ho had a cm tain call at the
closo of every act last night.
The best sceno In tho pluy Is In tho flist
net between Lord Lumley (Drew) and
Gulxcppo (Lionel Barrvmore). The latter
Is a stolid oigan grinder who Is In Lon
don searching for Slgnnr D'Orelll, "Tho
Humming Bird," who hns wronged him.
Guiseppi can talk no English and Lord
Plumley eloes not understand Italian.
By means of objects on tho table and
gestures, GuUeppo manages to make
Lord Lumley understand his sad story.
Tho terilblo earnestness that Gluseppo
displays In his gestures and facial expres
!on and his pathetic cffoits to find nn
object to expicss his meaning demonstrat
ed th'at Bnirymoro Is nn actor of unusual
tecllng nnd ability. As a bit of characteri
zation his woik during the evening, aside
fiom this scene, was splendid. He never
stepped outsldo ot the pait for an In
stant. Guy Standing (U supeib as tho vil
lainous "Humming Bird" nnd Margaret
Dalp presented Lady Lumley In a vivid
manner. Mario Derlckson and Lewis
Baker had minor paits which wore act
ed In hnnnonv with the more Impel tnnt
ones. The company as a whole was llnw
lcs. Tho four acts of tho nlav are sta-ted
with the same elaborateness they weio
dining tho long nm of the piece nt tho
Empire theater In New Voile.
Piist Pioduction of "The Peddler."
The Academy of Music was well lllled
yesteul.iy afternoon on the occasion of
thu benefit kindly given to swell the fund
that is bring lalsed tojnovide tho Sciau
ton newsboys with a Chiistinis dinner,
and the patrons of tho vvoithv cntcipifco
weio given ,i tieat in being able to wit
nes3 tho Hist ptesentation of Hal Rolil'a
fiiui-ncl comedy diama entitled "Tlio
Peddler," with Joo Welch In tho title role.
"The Peddle!" Is a vivid plctuiu of IKo
on the Lnjt Sldo In Now Yoils; Is fiaught
with heart Intel est and abounds In iluill
Ing situations and quaint humor.
Abi.iham Jncobson, tlio peadlei, invests
his money In a store in older that hi3
sou S.unmv may bo affoidcd oppottunlty
to make a living in an honest calling.
AVhllo tho lather walks about tho cltv
witli his pack, tho son chafes under thu
lestinlnt of business life and desbes to
get ilch quick by plaslng tho laces.
Hoisps, wine and women woik tho ruina
tion of tho boy. Ho becomes Infatuated
with a married woman whose husband is
in put suit. Tho complications lend tho
characters tluough tho slums of Gotham
and abduction, lobbery and minder aio
among tho thiilllng fentures of tho play.
Tho author has woven a tialn of eveiv
day events Into a fascinating stoiy In
w lilch the intci est Is kept up almost from
tho opening until near tho close whoio tho
disposition of tho chaiacteis by a tingle
tuin of nffnhs Is sadly out of place when
compaied to the Ingenious woik that pie
cedes It.
Joo Welch ns "Tho Peddler," gavo an
excellent delineation of tho best sldo of
Yiddish character, and artistically blend
ed portions of patho3 with glints of hu
mor with rcposo In action that mado tlio
descent to low comedy unnecessary to
produce best lesults. Whllo Welch is tho
paitlculnr star, his suppoit is good.
Briton Rndfoid, as Sammy Jueobson,
gavo a ilnlshpd performance,, and tho
chuiactcr of "Chuck" Conover became
piomlncnt under tho Inlcipietatlou given
by Ud Lawtoneo. Little May, tho blind
gill, was Interpreted by Baby Abbey, who
displayed lemaiknblo diamntio Instincts
In ginsping tho requiiemcnts of tho uith-
Wanted : 50 Men mid Women.
To Tnke Advantage of Speclnl Offer
Miulo by N, M. Eicke.
X. M. Elcke, tho enterpiislng diug
glst is udvei Using to-day for fifty
men and women to take uclvuntngo of
thospeclal-hnlf price oftur he Is ninkliig
on Dr. Howard's celebrated specific
for tho euro of constipation unci dys
pepsia, and get u fifty cent package at
half-ptlce, ID cents.
So positive is ho of the icmarkable
power of this specific to cuie theso
diseases, ns well as sick headaches
nnd liver tioubles, that ho agices to
reiunu tuu money 10 any customer
whom tills medicine does not quickly
icllevo and cute.
With Dr, Howard's specific at hand,
you can eat what you want and have
no fear of III consequences. It streng
thens the stomach, gives perfect di
gestion, legulutcs tho bowels, creates
uu appetite, and makes life vvoith the
This Is an unusual oppottunlty to
obtain CO doses of tho best medicine
over mado for half its regulnr pi ice,
with the personal guainnteo of a well
know business man to lefund the
money If it does not give satisfaction.
If you cannot call nt N. M, Elcke's
stoie today, send him 25 cents by mull,
and he will send you n package,
piomptly, charges paid.
N. M. Eicke has been able to secuie
only u limited Bupply of the specific,
so meat Is the demand.-and you should
not delay taking ndvantnge of the
lihcinl nlfor ho is makim; tlilb week.
Onlr Halt a Cnt a Word.
Heal rstate.
FOR SALE Mnnumctuilng site or
suitable for building lots; nbout live
ncics within ten minutes from center
of city on line of D. .fe II. It. R. No
ngonts need apply. Addicss "Land,"
Tribune office.
Eor Kent.
$1S For Rent Ton-room houeo; excellent
neignuoruood; nil moiiein improvii
ments, on uvontio. Apply to It, P. Hnm.
Htnn, 4M Spiuco streot.
Wanted To Rent.
WiVNTHD-Smnll ftunlshcd house,
dicss Box WO, city.
r.ooms and Hoard.
THE LINDEN, i03 Lindon stieet, has n
number of dcslinbln vacancies; light
rooms and choico tablo boaid.
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or five voting moil. Inqulio ITU Wash
ington avenue. ,
Stenography and Typewriting.
STEXOanAPUYand'typew'rltlnB dono
at slioit notlco at 712 Council bldg.
IN THE COURT of Common l'leas of
Lackawanna County. No. u3, Janu
aiv Teim, I!K)J.
I Notice Is heiebv given that an appli
cation will bo mndo to tho said Couit on
Monday, December tho S'Jth, 1002, at 11) a.
in., under tho Act of Assembly of tho
Commonwealth of Pcnnsvlvnnla, entitled
I "An Act to piovldo for tho incorpoiatlon
and icgiilatlon of eeitaln coiporatlons, '
appioved Apill the "9th, IbTI, and the sup
plements incicio, lor mo cnuiti'i- ot an
Intended coiporntlon In bo called the
"Pcddleis Piotcctivo Association" of
Scrntiton. Tho dial actor and oblect
, wlieicof is to establish eeitaln livvful
rules and legulatlons In tho conduct of
the business of Its members and to pioteet
I them in tho lawful conduct of their busi
ness affairs, and for theso pin poses to
I have, possess and onjoy all tho rights,
benefits and piiviloges of tho said Act
or Assemmy nnd us supplements.
The proposed charter Is on file In the
Piothonotaiy's office.
R. L. LEVY, Solicitor.
THE nnnunl meeting of tho stockholdeis
of tho Consumers' Ico company will
bo held nt their oflleo. corner Adams ave-
i line nnd Ash stieet. In the cltv of Sci an
ion. Ph., on Tuesday, tho 1Gth day of
December, 1902, at 2 p. m. Tho purpose
or mo mooting is ior too election oi offi
cers for tho ensuing year and tho trans
action of such other business as may
pioperly come before the meeting.
JOHN A. SCIIADT, Secrotaiy.
Scranton, Pa , Dec. 2, 1902.
er difficult ioIc. In many lesperts Nina
Haulngton ns Llze, scarcely filled the
Ideal of tho tough girl, but her Bowery
dance, given with "Chuck" In tho second
act cm i led tho audience by storm nnd
lescued tho part from paitlal para 1 sis.
Tho chaiacter of Salome Wyandotte, a
faithless wife, and Sara Goldbeig, tho
minlsteilng angel, weio well piesontod
by Fanny Mcfntvio and Ollvo Mndlson.
"Tho Peddler" Is benutllully staged and
will undoubtedly bo numbctcd among tho
successes of tho season.
"When Knighthood Was in Flower."
At tho Lyceum tonight. Miss EDio Ells
lor will pic-ent for the nrst tlmo in this
city, Julia Mailowe's big production of
"When Knighthood Was In Flower."
Etilo Ellsler says the pan of Maiy
Tudor In "When Knighthood Was In
Flowci" Is the most aiduous role physi
cally sho has over played. Tho pait de
manding her presenco on tho stage two
hours out of tho thiee requhed for tho
action of tho play.
The speeches contain a. gi eater number
of woids than thoso nlloted to Jtosallnd,
one of MKs Ellslei's foimer characteila
tlons. In the complex lolo of Princess
Mmy, Miss Ellsler inns tho gamut of
"The JiTnjor and the Judge."
Tom Lewis and Sam J. Rjnn, tho tnl
enli d comedians, have been looking for a
vehiclo in which to star lor a number
of but wcro never nblo to '.ecuio
the right kind of a comedy In which to
show off their talents. During tho past
summer, Hurtlg & Seamon signed a con
tiact with them to star this season and
at once ordered a now musical comedy
wiltten for them.
Tlio icsult Is "Tho Major nnd tho
Judge," which Is not only admirably
adapted for tficso two comedians, but Is
also one of tho funniest musical com
edies ever wiltten.
Tho action of tho play takes placo at
Nnrragansott Pier nnd thero is new nnd
beautiful scenery for each of the three
acts. Tho costuming Is grand and the
whoio production ono that will make an
Impiesslon on nny theater-goer. "Tho
Major and tho Judge" will havo Its flist
picscutntion in tho city at tho Lvccum
Wednesday night. Seats on sale.
"Looping the Loop."
Tlio newest fnice comedy, "Looping the
Loop," was wiltten by Davo Mai Ion, the
fnmous song w liter and comedian. Thlr-ty-flvo
peoplo will be seen In tho pioduc
tlon. Speclnl Hccneiy Is can led for eacii
The attiacllon conies to tho Academy
tho lust half of tho week, staitlng with a
ppeclal mattneo Tliuisday. Special mat
Ineo prices; Galleiy, 10 cents; balcony, 15
cents; lower floor, t'3 cents; diildten, 13,
cents to lower floor. Seats on nalo Tues
day at 9 a, in,
Tho Ladies' Aid society will have a so
cial at tho homo of Mrs, A. E. Hinds
liv-xt Wednesday ovenlng.
Mr. and Mis. Clnilcs Ilophrjne havo
moved In S. S. Yeager's house on .Mill
Mis, Augustine Chamberlain ,Mlss Kdlt,h
Wldncll, Mis. Phelpi und hi other, of
Thoinhuist, weio lccuiit vlslluis at the
homo of Mis. Fannlo III own.
Tho scholars of tho Methodist Episco.
pal Sunday school will meet lor icheiiisol
tor Chtistmns this ovculiig.
Notwithstanding tlio sloim a tali sicd
iiudli nco wus In ntleudanco at tho High
Kihool Literary society untettaliunout last
Fiidny ovenlng. Tho following pio
Biammo was well i an ltd out; Bong, bo-
ilcty; locitatloii, "Home, Hweot Home,"
Elizabeth I'lnnt, dialogue, "Tho Tjiaut
Geslcr and Wllllim Toll," Thomas Rob
cits. Lewis Mlllnid; dialogue, "Matil
moiilal Advntisemcnt," Grnco Burnt,
Elizabeth Plants, Ray HIihIh. ltuela
Hi own. Gcoigo Stookey; sou, "Unknown,"
Mmy Depuw, Ida Tiavls, Lena Dlxou;
recitation, "Minuet," Maty Dc-pew; es
say, Anna. McAudiow; tilal seeim in the
Mcithnnt of Venice, John Van Brunt,
lluulson Sayie, Loyd Tiavls nnd Graco
Swaitz; minstiel, "Johnsoii'.s- lutelligeiiCQ
Of lice," Thomas Hallett, Prank .MeWadv,
Roy Stool.oy, Paidou Covey, Jaines
Shaw nnd Ida Tiavls; poem, "Our
School," Eleanor Goodacio; miuch and
drill; society paper. Isabolle Winshlp;
tableaux, "On the Tialn," "Two Flow,
er Glilss." "Beloio the Explosion," "Alter
tho Explosion," "Good Night."
See the Cut $Inn.
Effective and attractive half-tones
nnd line cuts for card, advertising or
any other purpose, can be secured at
The Tribune office. Wo do work thut
Is unexcelled, do it promptly and at
lowest rates. A tilul older will con
vince you.
No Order
Accepted lor Less
Thnn tl) Cents.
Branch WANT bfflg.
Want Advertisements Will Do
Received nt Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT 8CHULTZ. coiner Mul-
bouy stieet nnd Webster uvo,
GU8TAV PICHEl., f0 Ada ma
est Side
Main avenue.
South Scinnton
FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Cedar
in cnuu.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, coiner Noith
Main nv otitic and Mmkct
j Giocn Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES. 1".7 Dick-
son avenue.
1'. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo
C LOREN55, corner Washington
avenue and Million stict.
1017 living
Help Wanted.
WANTED Agents to sell tea and rot
feo to consumers Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co , Jll Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Cj Under picas foedei.
.-- .. ..u.t.,u uuu 4-C-J,,., lilti;ilL.
A ANTED A young man to help aiound.
Apply basement Young Men's Clnis
tlnn association building.
WIREMDN WANTED-Tlneo good who
men wanted at Beivvlck. Tlueo
month work. Applv Berwick Electilc
Light company, Bciwlck.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A good housckcopo! ; one com
petent to take entire chaigo of l mining
house. Good pay and long omwloymcnt
to tlio right woman. Address, stating c-:
perlencc nnd giving leltience, also what
pay Is looked lor, 1093 Tilbune office.
Agents Wnutetl.
LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigetle
Geneial Agent for this county. No
books, insuranne, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants und manu
tactuieis necessary. Peimanent. Bond
btato age, eperienrp. lefei uncos fitst lct-Lp.r-
9,(Ilc,5S' Suito r.72, No 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
tnke caio of Invalid lady or child;
have had expciientc; good icfciunce
given. Inqulio K57 Monioe avenue.
watchman oi janitoi; host of iofei
ciiee. Addiess . I!. Dr. Thompson, Gi:
East Mdikot street, city.
and good meat cutter. For relet encu
apply to 231 Linden stieet, We-t Pittston.
Charles Boone.
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
FOR RENT Fiont furnished lied looms
for gentlemen. ,'S12 Washington nvouuo.
TOR RENT A furnished loom on second
floor fiont, $1 GO week. U13 Adams avo.
Rusincss Opportunity.
FIVE SHARES of Tltlo Gumanty and
Tiust Company slock for silo nt a
bargain. Addiess G. D Tilbuno office.
out delay. Wilte for our special mai
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
llibbaid & Co, membeis N. Y. Consoli
dated nnd Stock Exchange, -M and 1(1
Bioadvvny, New Yoik. Established 1811.
Long Distance 'Phono 23SS Broad.
LOST r May December 5, em load bu
tween Clark's Summit and Waveilv,
Persian lamb cape. A llbcinl levvaid
will bo paid when returned to J. W. Oak
foid, Claik's Summit.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiaders' Bank Uulldlng. Old 'phono 1S01.
Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash
Ington avenue.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
noil building.
720 CON-
building, Sprucu stieet, Scianton.
File Insurance.
SCIILAQER & CO., 10 Council Building.
Patent Attornoys.
Tho onlv licensed and criubuied patent
solicitor hi tho city. No clufuo fur In
tonnatlou on patoutublllty; uvcr ten
jeais' espciltiice.
Rcploirlo & Co,, Wears lUelg-.
Hotels nnd Restaurants.
fHiTlJLK'CAPlJri.'J and 127 I'hTvn'iC
lln avenue. Rates icasonablc
P. .1EGLER, Piopilotor.
I'assenbcr depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Ptopiletoi
and cess pools: no odor, only Implored
pumps used. A. B Biijgx. piupiiutor
Leuva ouleis 110 Noith .Muln avenue,
or Elcko's thug stoio, coinei Adams and
Mulbenv. Both tolephuues
Wiie Scieens.
avo.. Scranton. infrs ofWIioSci eeiiB
piles, envelopes, paper bago, twlno.
Wuiehouia,. 130 Washington avenue.
bo had In Scranton nt the lions stuiul
of Rclsman Bios, loti Spiuco und 601
Linden; M. Notion, 322 Lnil.uwunua
ue.; I. S. Schutcr, 211 Spruce etiuet.
Only Hair a c.i'.t Wrl.
Monoy to Loan.
Quick, sti night loans or Building and
Loan. At fiom I to C tier cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, !H..1I5 Connoll building.
Employmeut Agoncy.
RELIABLE help can ho piocuied nt Mis.
A. B. Stai key's Employment Oftlce,
1 Washington avenue, looms 'i and 4.
Tnko clovittoi'.
Dolavvnve, Lackawanna and Western.
, IN Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Tinlus leavo Scinnton for Now Yoik
At 1.G0. .120, 0 03, 7 50 and 1010 a. in,; 12 l'.
J JO, 333 p. m. For Now Yoik and Phila
delphia 7.C0. 10 10 a, in., and 12.40 and I"'!
p. m. For Gouldsboio At C.10 p. in. For
IltifTiilo-l.lS, t!,22 and 9 00 a. m.i 155, C .10
anil 11.10 p. m. For Bhlgli.imton, Elmlia
and way stntlons-10 23 a. in.. 103 p. m.
for Oswego. Syiacuse and Utlc.i--I,lS and
0 -. " tn.; 1 Ki p. m. Oswego, Syracuse
nnd Ullca train nt (122 n. m. dally, except
.Sund.iv. For Mnntiose 9 00 a. m.i 103
"".'L1'''0 I' "i. Nlcliolson accommodation
t 00 and (! 13 p m.
BlooniRhuig Division For Noithumbei
I'tiid. at (1S3 nnd 1010 n. in.: 1.C3 and '-,.io
!' m. For Plymouth, at S10 a. m.; .U
and 9 03 p tn.
Rumliiv Tialns-Por New Yoik, 1.30, S20.
no... in.10 u. m,: 34,! nnii 33-, , ,,i. For and 0 22 u. m.: 153, 0 50 and
li jo p. m. For Elmlia and way stations
io -j a. in. For Blmrhnmlnn and wnv sta
tions, 9(o n. m. Bloomsbiug Division
Leave Scinnton. 1010 a. m. and C10 p. in
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Ill Effect Nov. 1C. 1902.
Tialns Leavo Scinnton
I or Philadelphia and Now Yoik via D.
II. It. R nt 7.11, through Pallor Car
ami Day Coach C.ubondalc to Now Yoil:
and 9 47 a. in., with It. V. Coach Caibon
dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 1.33 (Blarit
DInmond Epiess), nnd It. I') t m. Sun
days. D. & II. R. ., J5S p. ni 9 IS a. m.
! or vvhlto Haven, Unrdeton and piinal
pnl pnlnta in tho roal legions, via D As
l,-..31-..!1- 7-"' 2 IS and 1 S3 p. m. For
PottsMllc, 7 II n. in.
Tor Bethlehem, Easlon, Reading, Hai
rlsbuig and pilnclptl Intcimedlnto stn
i'i',!": -Y,a D- " R- R ".. .7 n. m.;
2 IS, 43. (Black Dloinnud Epress), 11.49 p.
m. Sundays. D. .t II. R. R 9 3S a. m
and 1 r.S nnd 9 17 p m.
or Tunklmnnoek. Townndn, Elmlia,
llliacn, Geneva nnd piinclpal Intermedialo
stations via D . L. & W. It. R., 6 33 a. m.
and 1 .,, p. m.
Foi Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo. Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D ft H. T. ft., 12 0T p. in.: 3 2S (Black
DInmond Expiess). 10 II. 114') p. in. Sun
dnv s. D. ,fc H. n. ., 12 at, n 17 p. m.
Pullman pailor and sleeping or Lehigh
valley Parlor cais on nil tialns between
WIlUes-Barro und Now Yoik. Phlladel
5?Un' HufTalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLL1N II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 2!
Coitland street. New Yoik.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 21
Coitlnml Ftipet, New York.
A. W. NONEMACIJER, Div. Pass Agt,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
1 or tickets and Pullman reservation ap
r,,,V, 0,tv ticket ofdee, (.9 Puulio Squuic,
WIlkes-Bane. Tn.
Ccntial Railroad of New Jersey.
In oflect Nov. 10, 1902.
Stations in New Yoik, foot Llbeity
stieet and South Feny. N. R.
Tialns leave Scranton for Now Yoik.
Philadelphia, Boston, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Munch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, and Pittston ut 7o0 a
m , 1 p. m , and 1 p m. Sundays, 7.13 u
m. nnd 2.10 p m. Quaker City Expicss
leaves Scianton 7 30 n. m.. with through
solid vcstlbulo tialn with Pullman Buffet
Pailor Car for Philadelphia with only
ono change of cais lor Baltimore anil
Washington, D. C, and all piluclpdl
points south and west and bos tluough
coach for New Yoik.
For Avoca, Pittston and Wllkes-Baire,
1 p m. and 1 p. in. Sunday. 7.15 u. m
und 2 10 p. m.
For Long Binnch, Ocean Giove, etc., nt
7.30 a. in. and 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lchwon and Harrlsbuig
via Allentown nt 7 20 n. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p. in. Sunday, 7.1" a. m and 2 10 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Pottsvlllo at 7 30 a.
m , 1 p. m. and 1 p m, Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
For iatcs and tickets apply to agent at
AV. G. BESSLER, Goneinl Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In Effect Juno 1C, 19o2.
Tiains leavo Scianton ti 38 n. m., week
davs, tluough vestilmlo tialn fiom
Wilkes-Bane. Pullman buffet pit lor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, vln Pottb
vllle; stops at piinclpal Inteimedlato stn.
tlons. ANo connects for Sunbuiy, Ibn
rlshurg, Philadelphia. Baltimoie, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and tho West.
9 47 u. m.. week dnvs, lor Sunbury, Har
risbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wash
ington and Flushing and tho Wi't,
1.12 p. in., week days, (Sundays. 1 r.S p.
m.), for Sunbuiy. Urn risbuig, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
buiK nnd the West.
3 2S p. m wtek davs, tluough vestilmlo
ttain fiom Wilkcs-Bane. Pullman hulfiit
pailor car and coaches tn Philadelphia via
Pottsvlllo. Stops at piinclpal Inteimedl
ato stations.
4 35 p. m., wook dnvs, for Hnzleton, Sun
huiv, Hni risbuig, Philadelphia and Pitts-
bUlff' J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J, B. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
i r '
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Nov. 10. 1J02.
Tinlns for Caihondalo leavo Scranton at
C44 7.', S3S. 1013 n. m.i 12 03, 1.12. 2.11.
3 r,!)! C.29. li 23, 7.22. S 33, 9 5J, 11.20 p. Ill ;
"For iloiiesdalc 0 If, 10.13 a, m.j 2.11 and
r !) . nl
For Wilkes-Baue-C3S. 7.11. S.ll. 9 17,
ions a. m.: 12 0.:. 1 12., 3 as, 4J3, o.m,
7.4S. 9.10, 10 It. 11 19 ! m.
ror U. V. R. It Polnts-7.11, 9 17 a. m ;
"is. 133 and 11.49 p. m.
" Tor Pcnnsjlvnnla R. R. Points G3S,
1 47 n. m.: 1.12, 3 2S and 3.. p. m.
tor AIU.UIJ aim ll ruillia nut ,t, l.wv ...
m and 3 31 P m.
m. aim o UKlyAY TRAINS.
For Cnibondnlo Sfio, a. m; 2.11,
3 C 52 nnd 11 17 p. ni.
" T.-'. " ivuirrs.lliiiio 9 3S n. m : 12.03. I.r3.
S2S. 0.12 and 917 p. m .
li or vViitaiiv itnn 1'iiiitio wi ui-m mi p w
For Honesdale S 50 n. Ill,; J-5B p. m ..
j. W. Ill'RDICK, G. P. A., Albany. Ny.
W. I' J'lllUll, tJ. i-. VV , nLLUlluu, l n..
... , ' I-
Eiio Rnihond Wyoming Division.
In Elfect Soplembor 13, 1002.
Trains leavo Scianton tor Now York
Nowlaiigh and Inteimedlato points, also
for llavvlcv and locul stations at 7.'.'q;!
in nnd l.Ti p. in. :
For Ifouesdale and White Mills at I'S.3
Tui'lns imlvo nt Scranton at 10 58 a in
and p. m.
New Yoik, Ontailn nnd Westein. ,
nlino table In effect Sunday. Kopt. 23, llU2
l.envo Leavo Ai-iK.,
No. 1 ,
No. 7 ...
Scianton. Caihomlalo. Cadoal.l
10.30 a. in. 11 10 a. m. 1 00 p. m
0 10 p ni Ai .Cm boudalo
soitni unitNii
3 0 I'J (Kia
Leavo Leavo ArrtCa
Tialns. Cadotla Cuihondalj. Seiantctu
No. i ' 50n. ni. 7.25 a. r?
No 2 .... '-MS P I" -I P in. 4 4i I. tn
Lcavu Leavo Alilvo
Tialns. Scianton, Caiboud.ilo Cadosln,
No 9. S JO it. Ill 9.1Un. in. 10.43 um
No 5 ,,.,.. 7.W1 ui.ArCail)
Leivu Lenvfi AriJVv
Tialns. Cadosla. Carliond.ile, Sciuiitoti,
No. 0 . . 6 50 a. in. 7.23 a in
No 10 . ISOp m U 00 p. in. Ii.lii. ip
Tialns Nes. 1 on week dns, and 9 on
Sundays connect for Now Yoik city, Mld
dlctavvn. Walton, Noiwlcii, Oneida, a
wego and all points west.
Tialn No , wltli "Quaker City Ev.
pioss" nt Scianton. via C. R. R. of n. J.,
for Phllndelphln, Atlantic City. Baltimoie
Washington and- PcnusjlvunU stuto
See time-table and consult ticket agent:)
for connections with other Hues.
J. C. ANDERSON. O. IVA-, New'Yovk,
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A.. Scranton. Ta.
uti. i ' Uis&t