' -.n E r I ." J'-fT.yt-);'t.'u V - fcvivA' -S 'V fl t ' n''- ' -iV5P(-''9v y i'Mfrx 'sg?ff " tS5PrtI'ilWRW' XH"$3tWT 'A"' 'VrT ' THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RliCEIVlXG THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SCH ANTON, PA., TUESDAV MOUSING, DECEMBER 1), .1002. TEN RAGES TWO CENTS. &V3t" THEIR STATEMENTS GO DNCHAL Winers' Testlmontj Rcaardlno Con ditions at Independent Golllerles Is Uncontroverted. IS PRACTICALLY NO CROSS-EXAMINATION Miners' Stdc Since the Henrlngs Wore Resumed Has Devoted Its Atten tion Almost Wholly to Attacks on Coxo Bros. & Co. and G. B. Markle & Co., Yot Neither Company Has Any of Its lawyers Present to Make Defense Damaging Evidence Against Companies in General Also Goes Unquestioned Only Two Big Companies Represented by Out-of-Town Lawyers. One of the principal reasons Hit- in dependent oporntois advanced for not consenting to a settlement out or court, was that they wanted vindication. They claimed they could show, anil would show, to the commission and world at liirtro Hint the miners' alle gations against them were unfounded; that the wattes puid were better than irecived by other classes of labor from which the saint' amount of skill, ex perience and muscle were required, and that, all in all the mine worker ought to lie pretty well content with his lot. Kvcr since the hearings were re sumed, last Wednesday, the miners' lawyers have been whacking away at the independents, but the latter, '"""' "' ''. - . .. or no utlemnt at Htrikinrr back or even d( finding themselves. Coxo Bros. & Co., a qunsi-independent concern, was attacked for three days, but did not ven have a lawyer present. Part of Friday, all of Saturday and all of yes terday the minors pound hot shot Into George U. Markle & Co., but the two lawyers recorded as the representu- iivu r m ,.. .,r,.i niw , Philndelphin, and George It. Bedford, of Wilkes-Darre, remained away ami left the miners free rein to put in any kind of testimony they saw fit, and allow "this testimony to go on the rec ord and to the commission und public without being controverted, explained or qualified by cross-examination. Damaging Charge. The very last bit of testimony put in yesterday afternoon was a most dam- aging 'charge against the defendant j company and the companies' side In ! general, but it was allowed to go un- ! challenged. As is generally known, the operators have claimed all along that Hm nv.i 1 1 tl 1 t it ..! i-ti.i.iii,.-. . ..,l-l....i. 1 r.,, Xn .'. the witty, old Irish miner who --- 13, " . ... u-i- t i, L,n.lll.l.ivi;i, (lull their own employes, and that they stoou ready to guarantee them fair and against and ofttimes discharged. Tluj last witness, yesterday, Cliarles Hel ferty, of Jeddo. president of the Jeddo local of the l.mltcd Mine 'orkers. con cluded a iccital of the unsatisfactory working of the local adjustment plan 1 at the Markle & Co. mines, and then was asked by Atormv MiCarthv: I iiuw iiiiiny men were on ttie griev nneo committee from the Markle X- Co. mines'" "Thirteen," In- ansueieil. "I low manv of these men are now voikliig for Markle .i Co.'.'" "Xdt OMi'" The miners' attorney miv ii..v win coiiuiuie lit "vl!HHe.1l!,, t,M i,,.!.,,,. ,, rut operators fur a f..w days mure I The attorneys for the hi rnnuum., i, ' . -..-...- .... Mill. Illllll- idly' by and evlm-e no num.. i,,,. in. ...! st In the proceedings, in fact, Mr. AVrilvirton, ,if the Reading, an 1 Mr. tiuwnii. of tho Lehigh Valley, are thu inly out-of-town counsel ror the com panies In attendance. J. H. Torrey. of Ihif. city, local R-iirosentatlvi) of tit,-. aei.nmn' aim iiimsiiu eoinjillliy, UIU a little cioj-s-exainliilng timing the di.y, but being unacquainted with the dr t.iils liuil to cnnlhie himself to KOmr iilltle.i, and veiv low of tho.-e. General Wilson Protested. Homo testimony legnidimv the in. creased prleo of foodstuffs was being Interlarded, yesterday afternoon, iu ac commodate a wltnei.n who wantcl to get away, and Mr. Hums, of counsel for the local Independent operators, In cros-s-oxninlnliig happened in rarer u, tho president ns "Teddy" Roosewit, General Wilson jumped in his feet, and in tones of mixed linger and sur prlso called out: "ilv. Chairman, l must vlrurously protest against the president of the Prilted Ktutes being referred 0 In ths maimer iu tile presence of this coin mission." "The objection Is well taken, General Wilson," said Chairman Gray In vcrv ley tones. Mr. Hums mumbled something about' Mm profcident referring to himself as "Teddy." ami tho Incident closed. At the opening of .vehterday's uesslou, Chulrm.in 0,-ay, on behalf of the com. mission announced that It desiicd the companies to present whatever testi mony in the way of statistics they may h.tvo ni hand, that thu commission may cxuitiliiii it and dptermlno whether or not it Is satisfactory, and if not, how It Is to bo supplemented or annexed, it Is time, ho said, the commission had gotten down to an examination of this sort of ii'ttlniimy und he hoped tlm companies would have It filed without inuth further delay, .Major Wmrcn slated that the Potm. jjlviuila and Hllhddr companies, which T.l..... ...l ,,...i . . ... just treatment. Tho miners' eonleii-! , ,' , .. ' ,, tion is that tho companies do not ,iv() "fing almost continuous y by his up to this agreement and that it Is : m,,1l5' ilIld witty answers He was es usually the case that the men who rep-1 THL'ln ly tmni ,ecau? UW'IS a" u"' resent the employes on the grievance "onsc-lous on hU part. He was very emmittet.-s are always discriminated w'r .u al! r,,r UK ",own v,pw 0l lho FNGFll feUJUJL .ua V- hav v. lit? represents mplclcd some of them In at once. dld tlds tit the altci'iHimi soyMon. M'in. , "some ot the statistics" pr Rim rod ijjwheso two c panics made a cyllnd. JA package two feet long unci it foot utfi&i half In vit- ciimicruricc. Would Requires Tw''Honths, ft. t1n.Xtnl.il- 11.1. .1,11 . -l I Itflotll.tl- dent operators stilted thSgjs clients bad some b-.eoo accounts l s'JKure un and to tubulate the static, -. in the manner suggested by the commission on Saturday would require another two months. The companies, -he said, had token averages and were willing to submit their pay rolls to 'the experts of the miners to have the averages ver ified. Not only were there general ;i venules, lie cxnlninod but thonVeragOS ! , every man's wages. The commission I "' Saturday, asked to have the wages i. lun.-Jiin. u inr 1'itti ui (i i iihvui nm.- tables showing how ninny men earned less than $10, how many earned less than $9.(10 and so on ilown'thu scale. To change the tabulations now, to conform t the commissioners' wishes, Mr. Reynolds averred would be a stupend ous task. Judge Gray said the companies might put In what statistics they have prepared, the commission would then suggest what more If any, Information along these lines was desired. The intention of the miners to con tinue the examination of the Markle & Co., men and the absence of the Markle & Co., attorneys, was called to the at tention of the commission by Mr. Tor rey. Mr. Dickson was 111 In Philadel phia, he explained and Mr. Hertford was kept away by pressing business. In view of this, Mr. Torrey said, It would hardly be proper to examine the Markle & Co., witnesses. Mr. Darrow protested that the min ers should not bo put to the expense of keeping a lot of witness here because of the absence of lawyers, and insisted cm proceeding with the programmed I ... " . . . . examinations. Judge Gray wanted to know if Mr. Torrey could not conduct tbe cross-examinations for Markle & Co. Mr. Torrey said he was not ac quainted with the conditions in that re gion, and would not want to attempt it, even with authority. Judge Gray n.1..tn.l II...I I..-. n.. .t..t,i til, ITl. , .'"VA, " -, ,. "V Z T,7iL7i -i , tw inedford. Mr. Torrey called Mr. Bed- ford by 'phone and learned that it was impossible for him to come up. Judge Gray stated that tho hearings were in terrupted enough without hnvlng them prolonged by .the absence of lawyers, and directed that the examination be proceeded with. Cost of Living'. Seven witnesses were put on to tefi more ubout the conditions at Markle & Co.'s collieries and two Seranton men,: J. W. Rlttelihouse, of the Retail Groc ers' association and John II. Hughes, of Armour & Co., to give figures regard ing the increased cost of living now as compared with 1900. The llrst witness was James Gal- was on tho stand Saturday and who, it will bo remembered, was "half-killed miittev was cuneerned. To Mr. Harrow's iiucstiou as to the burial fund provided by Markle & Co., the witness explained that It was cus tomary in the old days, fur the mine to ' L'lnfi tW.M'V frn tltit all i v M'lwiM ii inn n -i-.lu T V , , ' '" ' , 1llle,u' , n ' P" "'" c';ulsl,lt, ,to '1cillh ,llfl(1 " PIIJI 1IUIII HJI HH Vlll,T II 111 11 ( t IKMt UI4 0 ow wlio was money with which his funeral expenses might be paid and the men made up a collection to dot ray the expense. They then de cided to thtabllsh a burial fund and asked George Markl" to contribute something to It. Mr. Murkle agreed lo donate ?.'0 lo the expense of burying I each man who was killed, providing not more than eight men quit work on . . . ., ........ . .... it u,t "t,y m UK Kl """; im wa" Bttus" factory and continued In operation lor several years, when one day a man was terribly crushed beneath a fall and the other men all went out for the day. Tho company then reduced its contil butltiu to the burial fund to J-Ni, and it remained ,-u this llgure until four and u' half years ago, when It was put back at i.'0. Size of Sllne Car. The- witness also told of bogus mill ers' certificates having been issued ainl how an Hungarian who claimed to have bought a certificate for SI was killed one day by firing a charge where th roof was bad, after being warned that he was risking his life. The wltnests also told of how the size of the mine car has grown continually ami that ho never saw a mlno inspec tor about a hi east or working unless it was after an accident of a furious nn tui'rt had taken place, .Mr. Reynolds took the witness for eross-:nmliiation, "Vou stated a spcclllc instance," be gan -Mr. Reynolds, "of accident result ing Iu death being attributable to per sonal Ignorance on the part of the miner. Xow, I want to ask" "I stated what?" 'interrupted Mr. Gallagher. "1 ray you told of a miner loMng his life becaufco of Ignorance" "I stated nothing of tlm kind. What I said was that he didn't know." At which tho rlpplo of laughter, that almost continuously uccompanled Mr. Gallagher's story, swelled Into a mighty V.'ll vc. Regarding the issuance of minors' certificates to incompetent miners, as testified lo by tho witness cm direct examination, Mr. Reynolds adduced the fact that the men who issued them wore miners. Tho witness admitted that when the si.o of tho car was Increased, "just lifter Hiiyos' election," tho prico was Increased, but lie maintained Unit tho size has been fjtndually but surely growing' without any corresponding in creaao In wages, He knew this, bo- ....I.-.. ' TJ.-. ni.ntil Ir.i.t tl.ri .1 .-.- r.,,. 1 .1 n rr- cause when tho new car was first In troduced lie could barely put it tcti I'ool plank In It, while now it will easily contain an elevcn-fiiol plank. "Now, In the Fifth district, where you work" Mr. Jluynolds started to say. "PlfthV Vnu mean Seventh," Inter rupted the witness. "Xo, the Fifth," Insisted the lawyer. "1 work In the Seventh district," de clared the witness with equal Insist ence. Attorney McCarthy explained: "The witness la referring to the United Mlno Workers' Seventh district." "Oh, 1 see," said Mr, Reynolds. "I mean tho Fifth Inspection district." "Aw! I don't know anything about that, sure," declared Air. Gallagher. Cause of Accldonts. Mr. Reynolds read from a report of the chief of tho bureau of mines In which Chief Roderick says that 03 per cent, of the accidents in anthracite mine. are attributable to imprudence, neglect or carelessness on the part ot the victim. He asked the witness if he concurred In this opinion, Mr. Galla gher replied that he would not agree with this opinion. He would admit thnt i good per coinage- of accidents were not altogether unavoidable, hut they were due to lack of knowledge, on the part of the victim, rather than to care lessness or anything of that kind. Mr. Reynolds nskfd If It was not dangerous to carry n, "brattice'1 In u "dog hole," and If it was not a com mon thing for miners to do this. The witness averred thnt it could be done safely. Frank Hen, of Jeddo, who was on the stand Saturday at adjournment, was also re-called and examined by Mr. McCarthy. Ho explained how It was possible to safely "carry a brattice In ti dog hole," to contradict Mr. Rey nolds' contention that this was danger ous, and then proceeded to deny that CO per cent, of the accidents In mines are due to negligence, carelessness or ences In tho last year have shown to ignorance on the part of the miner, as those who are charged with the respon clalmed by the chief of the bureau of nihilities of this work the fact that tho mines. As an Indication that tho mine great mass of the. American people ate. car has expansive tendencies. lie told hi sympathy with the organization and its that once when a. new stylo of car was . wolk- Thl" Kreat Industrial question has Introduced It was necessary to widen ' !, Zr" the roads by cutting away timbers to tfl 11. llllWllKll. The witness next told that he was one of tho thirteen men at the Jeddo IContlnuetl on Paac ". PROFESSOR LORENZ IN PHILADELPHIA rhe Celebrated Austrian Surgeon Treats a Nnrnhpr nt niinriw Cases Returns Christmas. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated l"ie. . Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 3. Professor Adolph Lorenz, the celebrated Austrian surgeon, arrived here from Haltlmore to-night, accompanied by his assistant, Dr. Mueller. Professor I.urenz will re main here until Friday. He Is the guest of the JefTnron .Medical college. To-morrow he will treat a number of charity cases and Wednesday will be devoted to the treatment of private cases. Thursday he will conduct a clinic at Jefferson college. Twenty pa tients will be submitted to liim and he will operate upon as many of them as time and strength will permit. Professor I.urensc stated that since his ( nrilval in this country he has per formed mm e than one hundred opera lion!', all, he said,, were uniformly suc cessful. From this city Professor Lor enz will go lo Xew York and Hoston, returning to his native country about Christmas. He will stop on route In London, where he expects to remain a wck. The case of Uolita Armour, of Chi cago, Trofe.'-sor Lorenz said, would not require further attention unit! spring. Then he will either return to this country or the child will be taken to Vienna, SENATE CONSIDERS IMMIGRATION BILL All Amendments Adopted Save tho One Prcncrlbing- an Educational Test Tax on Immigrants. My i:.ulus.Ue Wire Hun Tlic A$ocmU'iI l'iff. AVaslilngton, Doc. S. Tlm stmate to day mlunu-d all the commltteu aniond ments to the immigration bill, with the exception of one prescribing; an edu cational test, and also Uio action of the committee in striking out Section M, prohibiting the saluof intoxicants with in tho capltol building, and then laid aside the bill until tomorrow, to pass a number of unobjected pension bills. Tho amendment fixing a three-dollar a huid tax on each Immigrant coming into tlm United States furnished tin. principal topic lor debate, Mr. Galllu ger Insisted that there was less ncec-s. slty tor it now than there was u. year ago, but it was adopted without divis ion, A new amendment was added, de signed to stop tha alleged perjury on the- .part of persons seeking admission to the United States, mid the commit, too amendment making the head tax a Hen cm tho property of tho transpor lutlou llnis brlnelnjr Immigrants to thu United States was stricken out. ,n amendment also was atsreed to, ex. ijuptlug from the tax aliens In transit through tho United States and aliens once admitted and who have paid th-t tax. Will Destroy Infecfed Cattle. Ity Inclusive Wfrv fi'uin 'fli .UiueUtuI 'fe-.i. Washington, Deo. S. Tho teci-ytary of agriculture has sent instructions to Dr, Salmon, of thu bureau of uninuil Indm try, who Is at prewmt superintending thu work of lighting tho fool and mouth ills. eaBo cpldcmlo Iu Now Hiiglaud, to desiruy all animals infected. Steamship Arrivals. Uy Ilsiluhe Wlic flora Tlm AHoeiatJ I'm... New York, Dec, S.llroinen Arrived: Frk'deiieh tier Gii'su, Xew York. Gibral tarArrived: Aller, New Yuri- lor Uuno.i and Naples. Cherbourg-Arrived: Kulsur Withehu dor Cirosse, Xuw York via Ply. mouth for Iluiiiburr. LlzurdlMsstil: Potsdam. Now Yoik for Ituttetdaiu. FEDERATION IN SESSION First Annual Meeting ot the Indus trial Department Is Held In New york. SENATOR HANNA GREETS DELEGATES In the Address of Welcome He Ex tends Congratulations to Those In terested in the Work Alfred Mos ely's Remarks He Discusses tho Labor Situation Is for Shorter Hours, but Declares Against the Boycott and Pavors Freedom, that Will Enable Man to Sell His Labor Where He Desires The Address of Charles Francis Adams. !)y Kxeliiiiic Wiie rem 'I lie As-vciJleil hw. Xew York, Dec. S. The llrst annual meeting of the Industrial department of the Xatlonal Civic. Federation was begun here to-day. Senator Hanna called the session to order and made an address of welcome In which he said: In extending welcome to you, I also wlm to extend congratulations. I am rl.'iil tr hn nlili. trt k.iv I lint nlli evneri- J ))oop,e ,. lhu ,.,lUl!d stntM. Ntl mor important question claims their attention than this one which seeks to btlng about a better relationship between capital and labor. Tho object of this meeting today, and for the several days for which wu are to meet, Is to discuss in every phnsu of this question, all mutters of interest which will tend .to the improvement of these cunilltions, as affecting these two great factors, and which shall Interest to a larger extent the people of this coun try to join with us In this work. Mayor Low made an addiess of wel come on behalf of the city. Among those present were: John C Mllburn. of riuffnlo: Ulshop Henry C. Potter, Cornelius X, Bliss, President Kliot. of Harvard; Archbishop Ireland. Oscar S. Straus, James A. Chambers, of Pittsburg; Theodore J. Shaffer, James O'Connoll, James M. Lynch, Henry White, John Mitchell, Charles H. Taylor, jr., president of the Ameri can Publishers' association; Fied T. Towne, president of the National Founders' association; Charles II. Castle, president or the National Stone manufacturers; A. Heverly Smith, United States Llthographlcal associa tion: William Maiion, president of the Amalgamated Street Railway associa tion; ex-Seimtor Thomas W. Palmer, of Michigan; John Graham Rrooks, Cambridge; Alfred Mosely und John A. Hobart, liugland. Alfred Mosely's Address. Alfred Mosely explained how he came to bring a delegation of Hritlsh work Ingmen to America. When iu South Africa he had found that American en gineers had succeeded in mining oper ations whore Hritlsh engineers had failed, and a later visit to the United States had convinced him that Ameri can business methods were In advance of those, of the old country. As to shorter hours Mr. Mosely was of the opinion that to 'secure the eight hour day the movement must bo uni versal. Restrictions of output ho said could not he permitted. The speaker declared himself against boycott) in favor of the freedom of man to sell his labor to whom he desired and the or ganization of both capital and labor. At the afternoon session Archbishop Irolund made an address In which ho paid the year now almost gone had con firmed the originators of tho Civic Fed oration In their conviction that they were engaged iu salutary wink, that of striving to bring together, face to face, capital and labor, so that the one would undcrsuind the rights of thu other, so that the one would be willing to perform its own duty toward the other, and that in this manner Indus trial peace should be made to reign over thu country. Mr, Carpenter, of Dayton, Ohio, spoko on "labor bureaus In largo Industrial centers," The time would come, he said, when onpltnl would be organized along the same lines of labor and until then the labor problem could not bo setttled, Jo spoko at length In favor of a labor department In Industrial cor poratloiiH to which questions between employer and employe could he re ferred. Favors Compulsory Arbitration. G. (.', Hykes, of Chicago, former secre tary of the Stroct Railway commission of that city, speaking1 on the subject of arbitration, said: "I am opposed to the Idea of cuni pulsory arbitration as .minus to Indus try generally. I think it is contrary to right Ideas and to American Ideas, In that It Is likely to lend to harm und to utasn.itlon, but ti differential between the public service corporation und the ordinary Industrial corporation. The publlo has a right lo demand uninter rupted, straightway service. To that cud, it has a light to insist that right reasonably be done to provent strikes and lockouis. Companies, in accepting grants, should b requited to submit all labor disputes to arbitration. The saino argument applies as well to tlm light ing, telephono and water companies in t lie municipal fields, and to railroad and telegraph companies in tho na tional fold, "It ought to be no more possible, to have thu street car service of a great city like Now York or , Chicago, St.. Louis or Xow Orleans, Interfered with by labor troubles than U would bu to have thu lire department out of action for onti week or two weeks because the men were un a strike." Charles Francis Adams was then In troduced. He said: Speech of Charles Francis Adams. There Is, hi Massachusetts, nrnl bus been for over thirty j iiiih, a board of railroad cninmlBsloners. In the history of that board Micro wu ono Important, but now quite forgotten, incident, from which ii highly suggestive lesson may ho drawn. It occurred twenty-five years ago. Thu Mrisuchtisotts railroad commission Wtis organized In ISO, cm the theory that, hi adjusting matters of difference between the community and Its iiillroud corpora tions, nrbltrary power w.n a hindrance rather than a help: for tho reason that, Iu America, force was In the long run less effective in producing results than Investigation, and subsequent well-conidd-ered reciunmendatloris based thereon. The appeal was Iu every case to be made to loasoti and public opinion, ami not to thu sheriff or the soldier. Accordingly, In tho event of differences between the cor porations and their employes-even thoro resulting In strikes and "tie-ups" tlm cornmlssloiiprs hud no executive power. II was their duty, In n general way, to tnke ofllelal cognizance of the fact when tho community was sustaining an Injury or an Inconvenience, and to Investigate the cames thereof. Having so Investi gated the board was empowered lo lo cate the responsibility for the Injury nntl Inconvenience, and to make its recom mendations accordingly: but those rec ommendations hail merely a moral force. They could be addressed to the parties concerned, and could maxe public opinion, only. Their effect, greater or less, was measured by tho Justice and good seme Impressed upon them. The commission ers moreover disavowed any wish to be clothed with larger powers. This theory was soon put lo a tet. At f o'clock In the afternoon of the 12th of February, 1S77. all tbe locomotive en gineers and firemen in the employ of the RcKton and Maine Railroad company stopped work In a,body, abandoning their trains. The movo was not altogether unexpected; but the operation of tho road was seriously Interfered with. The com missioners did not. nt llrst Intervene, neither party calling upon them. Indeed, both parties were unwilling so lo do; for each was apprehensive, apparently, of adverse notion. During several days, accordingly, the commissioners preserved an attitude of silent observation. After the lapse of a reasonable period, how ever, the board concluded that it was plainly time to recognize the fact that tho public was suffering serious Incon venience; for then, as It still Is, tho Huston and Maine railroad was one of the principal arteries !' Eastern New Knglanil. The president and directors of the company and the employes of t lie? Brotherhood of Locomotive Riigiiiccrs were accordingly notified that the board proposed to take a hand in the bad ness. This It at once proceeded to do. An Investigation was Instituted. Roth parties appeared for, w Ithout confessing Itself In the wrung, neither party could well help so doing and professed a per fect willingness to submit their cases. No suggestion of u reuillnes to abide by any decision that might tie given was either asked Tor or given: but tho board proceeded to hear witnesses, and to elielt the facts. The Inquliy was continued through three days; und, on the 21st ot February, the report of the board was made public, appearing In full In all the newspapers of that date. In it the com niNsioners, after carefully and Judicially setting forth tho essential facts of the ease from the o.videne.t submitted to them, plneed the resiwinslblllty for tho "troublo where tho weight of the cvltleiico s-howetl it bclonned; and thereupon proceeded to make such reeommenilatioiis as in Its judgment tho exigencies called for. The effect was Immediate. An aulhonUo rec ord was before tbe community, and pub lic opinion, crystallizing, made Itself de cisively felt. Compulsory Inquiry Only. It Is not necessary for me to enter fur ther into the history and mollis of that particular struggle. My present object Is merely to call attention t" what was then done, and done successfully, as con stituting tho nearest practical approach coiidsteiil with our American political and social system to what Is known as "CompuNory Arbitration." It was com pulsory iuciiilry only; and an appeal thereon to tho reason, and sent-e of right, of all concerned, and un enlightened pub llo opinion. Here, then, Is a system. Under It a public tribunal Is provided; Unit tribunal takes otliclal cognizance or what li notor ious: and. when either tho peaeo or the business of the community sustains pro hldlce, or is gravely Jeopardized, it be comes Its duly to intervene, n inter venes only for the purpose of obtaining the Information necessary to enable it, to form a clear. Judicial opinion. It then set the facts before the euinmiuilt.v, and malms Us recommendation. It lo cates remonslblllty. There It stops, for It can compel obedience on neither side. Now, let us apply this proposed system to the conditions which, for tlm hist eight months hav exl.ted In tin anthra cite coal region. Lot us assume that pro vision by law existed under which tho executive, either national or stute, was empowered and directed to appoint such a board pro lino vice, calling it imo ex istence to meet a sudden enierneacy. Thu chance's, I submit, are tit least nine out of ten that. If such a machinery had ex Ifted and had boon Judlelou.ly employed either by the governor of Ppimylvanla or Win ii'resldent of the United States, a practical solution of tin dlfllcult.v which, for the last eight months, has burnsi-cd tho country would huvo been reached. Tin community began to sustain urav prejudice at an early stage of the troubles. The lesiiltblg Injur;- became moro and more flagrant as the weeks passed by. The continuance of such conditions not only was injurious to pli cate. Interests, bin, as wo all know, tlm public peace Itself was Involved. Under snub elreiiinMancos, experience -diows that neither party will, for obvious reasons, ..---..I ...ti... ...ill III..MI 4 k 1..MI K1 nil llf.lnitllkf- voiuuiaiiiy tun oi'"ii wu. u. v,.,,tt,r- ( rlon to Intervene; fur such action Is looked upon us a confession of Weak, j lies., ltoth will look at It askance. It i must rest,, therefore, In tbe dlsi'rotloti of i tho executive t'i decide whether a oasn , lias arista which calls for public initia tive: the public being a- third puny in the oimtruvers.v. That It Is such. It Is inpo.HlbU to deny. It. therefore, bus rights and tuton-as-a standing In court. It having been decided hi the exciolse of a s-oiind discretion, that eltoumsiaiiccs calls for this third party to act, th" executive ulvus uutlco to all ctinei rip d that, at the proper time ami place, it Is proposed to iiittr upon an im-sllguinii, If both parties, or cither of them, see III ihcn to appear and submit the facts, tluv.0 facts become public piopertv. If one party appears, thu other ubs-onis ii. self at Its peril. Should neither party appear, producing aulhciiiio documents, and putting la a case, the board would proceed to enlighten Itself through all other accessible means, lu behalf of thu third party to thu controvcisy, of whluh It Is tin) representative, It should be cm. powered to summon wltne-ses und lo onforoH tho production of doemnents. Racing competed Its liivcMtlKalluu, It wouid then make' lis recommendations ileliiiltuly, nntl. -if It knows its bmjuos, ('iiicUoly locating . i evponslblllty v.luru the uvldeiico shows It belong,. A pruc. Ileal solution of thu tumble, Mich us ENGLAND'S CALL would naturally commend Itself to the Judgment of an unprejudiced tiibunnl, would bo pointed out. A solution of that sort always exists. This report would bo transmitted to the appointing power, whether president or governor, lie would then, hi his turn, make such illiwlllun of It as ho saw lit, either communicating It to thu parties, or submitting It to cou gress, or lho legislature, for action. uO ways with such enforcing or qualifying recommendations ns might commend themselves lo his judgment. Thu report o taado would carry with I In; public, and with thu parties cuneerned, exactly that degree of Weight Its Judicial character and reasoning might Impart to It that and nothing more. It could not be en forced by any governmental process. There would bo neither sheriff, nor posre coinltnlus, nor military force, behind It. Hut, If well-remioned and rnlr. It would carry with It thu moral weight of an enlightened public opinion. What the country has needed Is light tbe posses sion, If not of urnll'puted facts, nt least of nn authentic statement of the facts In dispute. In tho United States, public opinion lias Iu such enses a very sum mary, as welt as effective way of en forcing Its own process. What Is want ed. Is not force, but light and guidance. Willi us thu llnal appeal must always be to reason. TWO TRAINMEN ARE KILLED IN COLLISION Fatal Head-on Smash-up on. Penn sylvania Railroad near Youngstown. Jly Ku'liitlie Whc from The Ane'iti'd I'll'.-"". Youngstown, Ohio, Dec. S. Two trainmen were killed and two injured by a head-on collision between a pas senger train and local freight on the Pennsylvania road in the western part of the city to-nlglit. The dead; JOHN PILMKn, Asht,nbula, engineer of the passenger train. FRANK" SMITH. Ashtabula, Inakcmun of lho passenger train. The injured: (icorgt McKlnley, New Castle, Pa., con ductor of the passenger train; arm ami shoulder Injnrrd. Albert C. Kaiser, engineer of the freight train, body badly bruised. None of tho passengers were hurt. The local freight crow had been ordered to send a flag out to warn the passen ger train, but failed to do so In time. WU TING PANG VISITSH0N0LULU He Makes Several Comments Upon the Manner in Which Chinese Ex clusion Is Enforced There. By K.U'ltejhe Win fioni The A5ueiati'J I'lt'M. Honolulu, Dec. Ii, via San Francisco, Dec. 4. The territorial senate today re ceived a report of its special commit tee on the department of public works approving the message of Governor Dole, In which ho asked for the re moval of Superintendent Boyd and made grave charges against him. This, with the removal of Auditor Austin, already accomplished, is thought to complete the removals of officials as a result of the recent scandals. Chinese Minister Wu Tlng-faug ar rived lu Honolulu last night as a through passenger to China on the steamship Hong Kong Mam. While here he met many of the locally promi nent Chinese and hud some so ere com ments to make on the way the exclus ion act Is enforced here. HON, THOMAS REEDS PUNERAL TRAIN Remains Taken to First Unitarian Chinch, Portland, Where the Ob sequies Will Be Held Today. lit K.eelusiU' Hire noiii The .V'tuii.iieil Pit.. Portland, Me., Dec. S, Thu funeral train bearing the body of former Speaker Thomas Itrncketi Reed arrived here at I'.'.St) p. m. Tho body was taken to the Fir.it Unitarian church, where it will remain until after tho funeral at L' p. in, tomorrow. The trip from Washington was with out especial Incident. in compliance with the wishes of Mrs. Reed, tho funeral services tomorrow will bo without any attempt at display. It Is doubtful If there will be mtislo other than selections by tho organist. The Rev. John Cat roll Perkins, tho pas. wr. will olllclate. The burial will be at UvefLTCeu cemetery. All public ofllecs. including the local ami federal buildings, will bo closed. SIX DAY D CYCLE RACE. The Oillcials Recorclsof the Riders at Midnight. 11.1 lAllll.l I Will- lit. Ill 'I lie AIAUUI I'lMj. Nec Yoik, Dec. li. The scores at mid night III the M..(ln)s' bicycle race were: Ilii.ioa-Dar'r.itteu wi.ii .MeUnrUiiid-.Muya , tyf.li KtiUsoii.MtilMIl , -iM.il Ijeilell-flodoll r.M.i; Newklrk-Jaeob.'ioii i,u UuMPiVI'iirvllle ...,.. ttd.ii l.eainler.l''loyd Krebs ,,,,,.,,, j'.ij.i; Guugultz-Kuscr ...,..,., i'.'t.J Darolity-Franz Krubs ni-j.,-, KoetM.n-Pear.suii hit.; (iitlviii-t'.oot ' lit j Duerlllugcr-lleltcr isi.j The pic.luuit record for the ilt&t twci,-ty-four hours is 6W.J. - Cornelius Vnuderbllt 111. By Eicluihc Whe from The Aio:it4 I'rtii. New York, Dec. S. Cornelius Vander bill Is 111 of typhoid fever at his huiuu In this city. Ilo has boon confined to his bed for a week and his physicians liavu diagnosed thu disease as typhoid fever. At thu house. It was mid today that tho patient was comfortable anil that no com plication:! hud developed, LAST TO CASTRO Premier Ballour Reports That an Ultimatum Has Been Sent to Venezuela. NEXT STEP WILL BE RESORT TO P0RCB British Government Fully Prepared to Unite with Germany in Collec tion of Debts Statement of Pro cedure Made by the Premier iii Commons For the Past Two Years England Has Had Grave Cause foa Complaint on Various Occasions of! Unjustifiable Interference by Ven ezuelan Government of the Rights of British Subjects. By Kxcluiire IVIii from The Associated Pre. Loudon, Dec. S. Premier Balfour an nounced In the House of Commons to day that an ultimatum had been sent to Venezuela. In the event of a satisfactory reply not being received, the Hritlsh and Ger man governments would take measures to enforce their claims against that country. Mr. JLSalfour, when questioned on tho Venezuelan situation by the Liberal leader, Sir Henry Cainpbell-Banner-lniui, said: "For the past two years we have had grave cause for complaint on various occasions of unjustifiable Interference by the Venezuelan government with the liberty and property of British subjects. No efforts have been spared by thu British government to obtain an amic able settlement of these cases, but In none of them have tsatlsfactory explan ations been forthcoming. Latterly tho representations of the British minister have been practically unnoticed. There art; also cases In which Britisli sub jects and companies have large claims. "We have been acting in conjunction with tho German government, which also has large claims against Vene zuela. A final communication has been made to tho Venezuelan government by tho British minister and the German charge d'affaires. If no satisfactory re ply is received the governments have decided to take such measures as may be necessary to enforce their claims." Replying to a. supplementary question Air. Balfour said that he understood the communication lo Venezuela was neither joint nor identical. joint; note, says Berlin-. German-British Demand Presented at Caracas Yesterday. Ily I'Acluve Whe from The Associated Pici. Dcrlin. Dec. S. The German-British Ultimatum to Venezuela was presented at u o'clock yesterday afternoon at Caracas. GRETHER CAPTURED. The Murderer of Adam Strunk is Again in Stroudsburg Jail. K) Inclusive Wire from The .Uwciited I'imi. Stroudsburg. Pa., Dee. S, Charles Grcthcr, the notorious murderer, who broke jail yesterday has been caught near .Spraguevllle, this county. His was located by some boys and when dis covered took refuge In a barn. lie was captured after a desperate tight, This is the second time that Grether has broken jail, Dan Patch. Sells for $00,000. Sir Kxclunbi Wire from The Airociiteil PrMi. Minneapolis. Minn., Deo. S.-M. W. Sav age, of tills city, has bought Dan Patch, the famous unbeaten pacer, Horn M. K, Sturgcs, of New York, for JGO.OOi). M. ij. Mcllenry, who has driven the hoio many a fast mile ami scored In 1.5'" i with him, has signed n contract with Mr. Havugo to handlo tho horse for the racing seasons of lirtMiXH. The racer In in bo brought, here. The prtco Is said to be the highest over paid for a pacer. Blown to Atoms by Powder Explosion by Uxetuihe Wile from The- .Uwthtcd Picm. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 8, An explosion of jituvder iu tlic Uaglcy yuid of thu Du pout Powder works on the Braudywino creek today Instantly killed William M--Diiwell, aged 87 years, an employe. Ilr wan blown to atoms. No one else was Injured. The shock was plainly felt In Wilmington. , ' i m i ii Corpoxutions Chartered, by i:.uluive Wire Horn Tho AoeUttd 1'iest. llarrisburg, Doc. 8. Charters were is sued by tho stato department today to lho following corporations: Tho Morris, on Silk Manufacturing company, Heron ion; capital, fai.ooo. Tho KIIruui Hilk Throwing company, Scranton; capital, Jlo,W. . Pension Granted, ly l:,i-ir4te Wire from The At-wl dod l're.., Washington, Dec. S. Stewart Moliuutdi, of Ashley, has been grautiii a pension of Si:'. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local data for Dec. S, 1502; - - lllllbtst ti'mpcruture' ,...,., i'; degrees Lowest temperature .,,,....,,. 13 degrees Riilailvu humidity; S a. m. , IS per cent, S p. nt 41 cer cent. lltt.tS.lttltthtlat I4 llillllc. AHilarl tt ta-. t tVWl'4lAIV)l ml Mi' IMO CtmVU 9 Jf, A l I'acu. i t-f4-f-f-f-i . i WEATHER FORECAST, - Waslilnqtou. Dec. 8. Forecast 4i for Tuesday and Wednesday; Kaat- 4 orn Pennsylvania Pair, continued 4. com Tuesuay; weanesasy, rotr, . not quite so cold; light northwest - winds becoming variable. .1 i-.-t&.t.ktH - VI.. 1, 1
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