THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1902, tt Small Change Kor the accommodation of the public, vc constantly keep nn hnntl u full assort ment (if Small Change. Ho not hcslttttu to brliiR In your IniRO bills when need ing small change. Itemomber our olllco hours, !) a. in. to !! p. in. dnlly ex cept Saturday D n. m.' to 12 noon and 7 p. in. to 8 p. nt. on Saturday. The I Dime Bank Corner of Wyoming Ave nue and Spruce Street, SCRANTON, PA, I. F. IBMOL i CO. Bankers and Brokers, jjoth phcnc. Conn ell Building. Register Now For tho Ntw Term In The Hard?nbergh School of Miisic and flrf Cartar Building. i . t 1 win m Special Sale of 1 imidrens loats A few excellent numboi'H in vel vets, corduroys and broadcloth. AVo ilnd wo have not room for our CHRISTMAS display, nnd Rivo von tho benellt by IIEDUC1NO vrl" of conts. Yon set the COAT. o get the ROOM. BABY BAZAAR IIS Washington Avenue. O K gars For Christmas Thousands of fine fresh se lected cigars arriving- daily. The largest and finest assort ment of strictly high-grade Imported and clear Havana goods ever shown, in Scranton. 1 I E. C. Dean, 114 Conncll Bide,. Largest distributor in N. 23. Jj Pennsylvania. WA Etruscan Gold Frames, beautifully carved- Gems lit Frame line. GRIFFIN ART SHOP, 311 Washington Ave. Clothes Wringing by centrifugal force Is one of the scientific wonders of "Lackawanna" Equipment. Instead of tho old fashioned roller wringers, familiar to the family wuhh day, we pack the wot garments firmly within a perforated metal liasltet which revolves iu a steel shell, moo involutions a minute. Centrifugal forco draws tlio water from tho center, iixpelllng It tluongli tho per flations, without filctlonto t lio clothing. Lackawanna ..TiD,t Laundry A. B, Warnwn, PERSONAL, .llts .Mary Lancaster, of South Htcillng, has accepted a position at Connolly it AVallace's stoic, this city. Mr. and Mrs. I', W, Tague, of Jackson sticot, uio entertaining the fotmor'H brother, Isuao Tague, of West Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Smith, of Blooming dale, In tho Adirondack, rnvo been islt. ng Mrs. Smith's biothei'B, L. P. Power uud A, V. liower. Miss Estlier Stuples, of Jersey Shore, who graduated ut Wyoming seminary this year, Is visiting lior classmate, Miss Floicncu Dower, at 1C!S Jcfferton avenue. Jtt. Row Ulshon J. U Spalding and IU, Rev. Bishop M. J, Ho ban wcio in Wilkes Xiairo yesterday, Bishop Spalding deliv ered a lecture last night In St, Mury'a church, (hat city. SUDDEN DEATH OP DR. LEET WAS ONE OP THE BEST SUR GEONS IN THE STATE. Two Weeks Ago He was Stricken with Influenza A Pew Hours Bo fore His Death Saturday Night He Sat Up In Bed nnd Laughed nnd Joked with Friends who Called Dr. Xeet Had a Long, Busy nnd Very Helpful Life. Wab 72 Years Old. Dr. Nathan V. Leet, the oldest prac tising physician In this city, nnd one of the best Mirgeonn in tho state, died Saturday night nt HMO o'clock, tit his home, au Jefferson u venue, utter an illness of two weeks' duration. Dr. l.eet was stricken with n severe atUck of lnlluenau about two weeks aso nnd hu did not rally ut first be- New Students Admitted at Any Time. EIGHT MORE LISTS. The Tribune's Junior Educational Contest Closes In Two Weeks. The recent additions to The Tribune's Junior durational Contest brings tho total number of lists received up to Hatut'day night to 1R0. On Saturday there were eight received, as follows: 1 ; TW'iS5ftliH r. N a Than LbET.' of his age. Towards the end of last week, however, he began to Miow signs ol hnpiovcment and all day Sat urday he appeared to be in the best of spirits. Ah late :,b S o'clock on Saturday night he was sitting up in bed, laugh ing and Joking with some, friends who had called. Shortly afterwards he be gan to grow weak and he soon became unconscious and passed quietly away jus-t before midnight. Heart failure, orougiu on by his severe illness, is giv en as tho cause of nls death. Dr. Leet was born on March 2, lSIiO, at Frlendsvlllp, Susquehanna county, and was thorotoie neatly 7J years old. His patents weie farming people and dutliv-v his early young manhood, ho wotkod on tlte fai in and apslsted his father. He had set his mind upon be ing J physician, but it was not until he was over L'.'i years old that he was enabled to enter the University of Pennsylvania, from which Institution he received a diploma in 1S30. Upon the breaking out ol' the rhil war he enlisted and was commissioned a surgeon of the .Seventy-sixth Penn s.vlvania volunteer?. He set veil for tlttpe eurs in that capacity and then re-enlisted, servlivj until the close of tho war. lie tame to Hirimtou In lMiit and bt -S.tu the practice ut medicine, establish ing an olllco on Wyoming avenue near Spiuce stieet. A few yoass later he took an ofllcu in the Fhst National bank building, wheie he ieiii.iintd tor thllty-thive yeais. His ability as a surgeon became rec ognized almost Immediately and his services weie much in ilcmand from all partes or the state up hi a lew yeais ago when ho gave up his outside prac tice to n large extent. An Indication of his standing as a suigeon may be gleaned from the fact that when Pres ident Onrlleld was assassinated he was summoned as a consulting sur geon but was out on a hunting ex pedition nnd could not be reached. When the Moses Taylor hospital was first established ho was appointed in surgeon-In-chlef, a position which hu held up to a few years ago, when he became chlet consulting surijeon. The doctor leiuained in the business of ac tive practice up to his last Illness and displayed vigor and Utility that would bo a credit to many a younger man. He was n man ol' wide sympathies and had a most genial personality. HI1' circle of acquaintances wuh latgo and ninny men counted his fil.ndfhlp au among their dearest pos'-cjslont'. He was wholly wrapt up Iu hM iioUsslnii and tho only Inutlncps conueetlou out side of It that he evct had was with the Sciantou Heddlng Company, of which corporation he was U-: years tho president. He war u tliiity second degree Mason, but he hail no connection with any ntJiM' fraternal or ganization. The doctor was nun led In lSS'i to Mrs. Kelly, of .Ionian, N. Y who sur vives hint, The fuuerul will bo held to-morrow afternoon at s o'clock from tho home, Hew Dr. Mel.eod will con. duct the services and Interment will bo madn In tho Duninoru cemotety. To the Republican Voteis of the City of Scranton. A Kepubllcau primary to clcc t a Re publican candidate for the olllco oif city rceoider ami ward vigilance com mittees will bo held on Thutsiht, Jan uaty 1, 190J, at the regular polling places between the horns of 4 and S p, m. Candidates for the nomination for city recorder must register their names with O. K. Chittenden, 019 Lackawanna avenue, on or beforo Dec. SO. 1002, nnd pay the assessment levied on or before December 27, 1002, if their names are to bo placed on tho ticket. The city committeo earnestly requests that all nominations for ward and election of fleers be held ut the same time and place, the vigilance committee running tv separate box, C. K. Chittenden, Chairman Republi can City Committee. Geitrude Kilpatrlck, 122 Wyoming street. Cuibondale. Nellie House, Sl-t South Main avenue. Walter J. Moses, 423 Madison avenue. I.euore Stanton, 722 Pine stieet. liusscll Jiryant, 440 North Sixth stieet. John 11. East, 1113 Diamond avenue. James Kilpatrlck, 122 Wyoming street, Cnrbondalc. Margaret Hiuulen, 451) North Main avenue. This contest Mill close on Saturday evening, December 21, at 5 p. m., so as to give the twenty fortunate winners an opportunity to have their cash pieents In ample time for Christmas. J real will be the enjoyment of the twenty boys and girls who by their own efforts and the keenness of their minds succeed in winning these pres ents, and their pleasure in spending the amounts earned will undoubtedly be the keener in the knowledge that it Is won In a fair and open competition In which they have matched their abil ities and education against all comers. Two weeks still remain for those who have not yet decided to enter to make up their minds to at least have a try for one of the cash presents. It will co.'t them nothing and will do them an incalculable amount of good In an ed ucational way, even if they do not Mill one of the presents. In their search thiough the dictionary each one will meet with many strange words, the ex istence of which they have been hith erto Ignorant of, and the oddest com binations of letters will often meet their eyes, and familiar words, which ate used daily, will gieet them from the closely printed pages like old fi lends, often dressed In new upparel, or with n multitude of meunlngs, whereas they weie only familiar with one before. The boy or gii who wishes to get ahead In school in 12ngllsh and spelling can find no other method so delightful and at the same time instructive. The Best Christmas Present Is a copy of a home paper to the mein btiis of the family who have left the home nest. It will bo a dally letter from those ho loves best nnd will en able him to be fully conversant with all the happenings in the dear old town. The Ti Ibune has more local new's than any oilier Scranton paper and would bo appreciated. Adv. Don't forget tho sale of Christmas gifts Iu Peun Avenue Baptist church parlors, Thursday afternoon and even llis, December 11. r l! st fii cigars, 7, S and 10 for 2."ic,; 10c. cigars lor 5e, Common's. iJ3e2EE222CTK2 IMHlMilU'li HiMli'i i 1SIP IEN ffigggfo I 1 11 MP h Willi $1,00 Puich3S3 oi Ovir Special linos of Canned floods In lots ot 00c, $1,011 ami (.'.00 this wool; Cmirsen's print butter and boxes received dully. Jcisuy rigga. 2Sc.j York State (guaranteed). 30 per dozen. Coursen'H "Tilplo Illend" Coffee, 32c, Courscu's Special Java uud Mocha, 23c, 5 pound. 11.00. Uolden Rio, lie, 5 pounds, 00c. llcst values in tho city. Headquarters for Floiida or- niigr ' grape, nutt. E, G. Coursen, Wholesulo and Retail. REPORT IN THE JUDGE SMITH CASE Is in the Hands of the Governor Is to the Effoct That Ho Is Permn- nontly Incapacitated, Tho commission appointed to exam ine Judge P. P. Smith, of the supremo court, with a view to having him ro th e on htilf-snlnry under the provisions of the act passed by the last legisla ture, has reported to Governor Stone that the judge Is permanently Incapac itated. A copy of tho report was served on Judge Smith by special mes senger Saturday night. The law provides that a. Judge v,ho has not sat on the bench for u. period of one year, or who Is found by a com mission of three doctors to be "perma nently Incapacitated," mentally or physically, fiom performing tho duties of his oflleo may be retired on half-salary for the remainder of his term, pro viding ho accepts tho retirement pro vision within thirty days after receiv ing notice of the Uncling of the com mission. Judge Smith does not propose to ac cept the provision of the act, nnd there Is nothing In the act to compel him to do so. If It should bo that the gov ernor Insists on his retirement, It will be necessary to remove him. This, it is understood, can not be- done until the legislature meets. Attorney Simpson, of Philadelphia, has been engaged by Judge Smith to take legal steps 1f necessary to pre vent his being forced to retire. The examination of Judge Smith was not conducted by nil three of tho doc tot sf. Dr. Shoemaker, accompanied by Dr. Pieico, a specialist in nervous dis eases, examined hlin three times dur ing the past two weeks, but when Dr. Dnliui. of this city, and Dr. Fell, of WHkes-Carre, the other two cominls sioneis, sought to conduct an exam ination ut Hotel Walton, Philadelphia, last Thursday, Judge Smith avoided them. The teport of the commission oased on the examinations by Shoemaker and circumstantial deuce secured from other sources. was Dr. ovi- WAGES Af E TO BE INCREASED ANNOUNCEMENT MADE BY THE LACKAWANNA RAILROAD. It Will Not Be a Pint Increase, but Will Be Graded According to tho Wnges Now Received nnd Will Hnve tho Effect of Eaunllclng Snl nrlcg Company Now Pays ns Much ns tho Other Roads Which Rocontly Incrensed Wngcs of Their Em ployes. The T.iieku wanna ltnlhoad company purposes a substantial Increase In rates of pay to employes In the various de partments. The oflloluls mo now ut work on n general plan of readjustment and equalization, to become effective ut mi early date, probably from December 1. The rates paid by the Lackawanna road since October. 1809, have not been exceeded by nny road In tho East nnd tho Increase recently made by some of tho companies do not now much more than eqtiul the Lackawanna rates, If as much. Still, tho Lackawnnnii Is disposed to continue such encouragement to Its em ployes, many of whom have devoted practically a lifetime to its interests, nnd their sons and nephews arc now identified with the younger clement In tho service, working up gradually to the places vacated and to be vacnted by tho older men when the latter enter upon the roll if honor, namely, the company's liberal pension list, after virtually passing through the whole course of a long life well spent In the active nnd retired service of the same old company. All branches of the service and prac tically all tho employes will bo affected by the company's liberal and voluntary action. It will not be a Hal increase all around, but will be a graded one, so as to make a more equitable distri bution of wages. m Account Mnscagni Grand Opera Com pany. At Armory, Scranton, Pa Monday, December S, 1002. Arrangements have been made with the Delaware and Hud son Railroad company for special rates between WIlkes-Barre and Avoca, and Carbondale and Peckville. Consult lo cal agents as to train service and rates. Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases c! women a specialty, 215 Connell bulliHnc. Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.; 7 to S.30 p. m. Meet me at the Dixie nt today's matinee. BK3Z3BEHBtffiSaEE?; THE PRENDERGAST STORE. The Subject as f j Too early, say you? Not a bit of it; thinkers are buying now, new stocks for Holiday selling come to all enterprising stores, many duplicates of some things, often just one or two or some particularly bright, snappy bit of merchandise early buyers secure these: then crowds and hurry are never conducive to good judgment. WI nats a itationery Store? Rnnic p-inpr ink- Pn: nnfi Pnr.ils that de scribes the usual kind, but the Prendergast Store nas never Deen oneoi me uuai kuiu auiucuiius better more complete has always been its aim. Each man of business has different Stationery needs. The Stationery wants of Milady are many! Drlii te the renuirement of either that this Sta tionery Store cannot meet. Appreciation and increased patronage have made dispensing with the middleman and jobber possible; you buy t . t 11 .... wil s-.4-a.a lt i ti- 4-s rrtl I r nro 1 r nereas low as uie usuui atuic uuys iu oca uam. Stationery For Christmas Gifts Can you think of a better place for your gift seeking than this "different kind of a Stationery Store?'' There's Paper in dainty boxes. Paper beautifully stamped with Crest, Monogram or Address Die, Engraved Visiting Cards, Fountain Pens,-Gold Pens and Fancy Holders, Pocket Books, Leather Novelties, Playing Cards, Ink Stands, Diaries, Calendars, Clocks, Photograph Frames, Book Cases. The finest and newest line of Fancy Goods ever shown handsome hand painted articles, Sofa Pillows. If the sum for gift giving is a modest one, there are more dainty, pleasure-giving, inexpensive little things here than at any other kind of a store, Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. R. E. Prendergast 207 Washington Avenue, Scranton, CONTESTING A WILD. C. P, Vnn Nort, of this City, n Pnrty In "Interesting Cace. ', P. Van Norl, of this city, W one of tho contestants of the will of George M. Vnn Nort, of New York, who died In July. inoo. Tho will, which Is being contested, left nil his property, valued nt $20.1,000, to his wife uud the con tstnntH arc seeking to have the pro bate Hot'nslde on the ground of fraud. Mis. Van Nort hn since died and tho cittertloif ns to whether her estate rhould go to her only child depends upon the decision reached In the con test above mentioned. ('. P. Van Nort was a cousin of George M. Vnnhart. Card of Thanks. Mr, and Mrs. John Slmms wish to ex tend their heartfelt thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted them In tho sail berciivoinent of their little sou, Warren: nlso to the Hook and t,nddrr comnany for the beautiful iloral piece picscntedby thoni. A Christinas Gift. Kpeclul for thli week, 1,000 pletuie frames, framed up neatly, ranging Iu price from lfic., 2e 2,p,c. unci tip to $i. See them go. .Oct In early or you may miss It. Jacobs & Fasold, 20!) Wash. Ington avenue. City and School Taxes 1G02. Tho above tax dtmllcatcs are nmv In my liunds for collection. P. S. BARKER. City Treasure-. Meet me at the Tllvln nt (-nfinie, matinee. ooooooooooooooooo I The First Snow I Suggests warmer a 0 gloves for your com- 0 v lort. X We'll give the best $ service to those who 0 wish to follow the X suggestion. 6 HEN'S and WOfl- 0 EN'S wool gloves in a $ multitude of colors 0 Worsted, Real Scotch 9 and finest Angora X gloves. KB SPECIAL Feel loots and Overs. 1 First quality goods, four leather side stays, fresh clean this season'sgoods. .Men's, sizes 6 to 12. Price, pair, $1.90. Boys', sizes 2 to 5. Price, pair, $1.49. Youths', sizes 11 to 2. Price, pair, $1.19. feaa All Cars Transfer to ke Bros i j 50c I" 12.00 HAHDj SteYrff Swa5hingtohSSk V A E o JPCUCC ST W 0 0 0 6 ooooooooooooooooo i1 lien in lee Of anything in the line of optical goods wo can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Pioperly fitted by an expert optician, From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of prescrip tion work nnd repairing. Mercereau & Connell 132 Wyoming Avenue. 'I1 ! "1 'Z ! C ! 2 ' $ Jp ! ! ! fr , V, V, . S fc t V, t a t t J u ! J t n . t t it 5 tf f.Hf.Kli'.f.X MI A Christmas Gifts it " That is an ornament, a luxury and a necessity is a fine Umbrella x 2 made here in this city. Special inducements by leaving your order now ' ? before we are overcrowded. ' UR UMBRELLAS need no praise, as to our handles. we carry the entire sample line of the largest house in this country. That is why they are at once fine in de sign and reasonoble in price. THIS most reliable house in SCKAiVTON to buy an excellent U2I15RKLL' at reasonable prices; all Ji'F'tl and recovering done by this C(). is guaranteed for one year. Silverman,, Prop. 313 Spruce St. "4)il"it'4 "a "A eg 8 rt 1 '3 3 Z is IS "A i5 if! ij C V? 'A A R "A A S iS "A i ' 4 '4 s a H ,1 i YOUR LAST WILL If you have made a will, who have you named your executor? The proper handling of nn estate entails burdens that anyone should hesitate to put upon a frien.l, and demands an amount of care and time that few can give. The lisk, too. is always im minent that the executor, if an individual, will die before the tes tator. Would it not be well to name The Title Guaranty and Trust Company as your executor ? It would insure impartial, ex perienced administration at a cost no greater than for an individ ual executorship. Small estates taken a-, well as large. Wills taken cure of. THE TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO, 135 WASHINGTON AVENUE. 1.. A. WAT1UCS, President. A. II, Mul'WNTOCK AND HENIIY A. K.'Al'I Vice-Presidents. T. 1.. PIIIM.IPS, Third Vice-President nnd Treasurer. 11. 11. ATHKHTON, .Sccictary and Jlunaser Ilond Department. M'll.W.UI A. WILCOX, Trust Ollleer. Established lMGti H 4n .Juiy w High-Class Furs It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able to make their own selection of skins for garments. We are now in tha exalustVQ fur business, and prepared to show you a large lino d the fol lowing high-grade furs ; ALASKA SEAL PERSIAN LAMB BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON DAY SABLI3 MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX BAUM MARTEN BTONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA VQY 6ABLE FOX "WHITE FOX BLUE rox BLACK FOX BEAR Remodeling nnd Repairing Is Given Special Attention, Cnsh Paid for Raw Purs, 324 Lackawanna Avenue. lmmmmx immnmaummtMimmimi Sfa