The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 08, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    vyff' f"': vsiv visrrSfmKPV' .,,.?- ". v " - 'fit"Tn?Ri
'JRy ,ullW,.'r'liPlWremWi.1 ', 'i-- J-sAff fl&wn"
Can't Rea4
Why not buy hor a pair
of spectacles for Christ
mas? No other present
will be appreciated so
highly and eye help should
come first of all.
DR. 13. A. BAER
331 Washligloi Avi,
Coiinty Sauings Bank
and Trlisf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
in Sums of
and pays ; per cent,
terest thereon.
L. A. WATRES, President.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies.
A. H. CHRISTY, Castile:-.
ffm, P. JlBllslrnd, IBvrrPtt ffniwn,
". P. Kingsbury. August rtnblnson.
O. S Johnson. .Jos. O'Urle.11.
L. A. "IVatrcs.
? ? ? ? ? 2 7
the nir.-tinn of low prli fs and good alue
Theie niv two sides to the -ulijci-t.
Qii'K'.lon on 0:10 sldo Is quality nml the
other Is nilees. V 1110 slmwln.f tilt
largest lino of plctiup. art goods and
liiirnt wood mivi'Itipq t hat rim be
found In the eltv. We Invito von to
look niir kopi1' over .mil vou r,n see
whete we sao you tho middle man's
1 to fits.
COITOX-Ciit this out and present
II .11 our .store. (roods to tho
amount of tl.fio or tnoio mid vou will
loeeive STAMPS l-'Itm:.
Jacobs & Fasold,
'.'o;i Washington Ave
J t t 3J t
o .
orris ?
Tin Cigar Wan
Leader of...
Low Prices
All the standard brands of
5c Cigars at $1.75 per box of
fifty. Fine variety of Key
West and Havana Cigais.
Tiie largest stock-of Pipes
and Smoking' Tobaccos in
Northeastern Pennsylvania.
The leaders of 5c Cigars.
No better 5c Cigars can be
made. Box trade our specialty.
E. C. Morris
The Cigar Mnn,
French Gravures
l.lttlo pictures that It or till In 11
vncnnt wall space.
ail Washington Ave.
Illness of several WotltS, Mrs, lltidgct
O'Mtilloy, a rosideat of this city for morn
thun half a century, dlid Saturday uficr
noon at tlio 'lesldeuco of her daughter,
M.-s. Kllen liurko, of Noiili Ninth s trout.
Hha was tlio widow of the Into l'.itrlel;
O'Mtilloy, tor many years foicm.m at thu
Ullff works machine whop, who was wide
ly known throughout thU valley and who
died about llfletm years ago, TIhi fam
ily rchldpil on Third street, llolluvuo, for
mom than furty years ami was 0110 of
thu moat widely known ami highly es
teemed of this fonununlly. Uiceascd
was a woman of nmlabln and kindly ills
position, whoso long llf'.i wiu full of
deeds of Kcmleneb and charity. Among
her neighbors and acquaintances slit en
Joyed tho highest esteem ami tho bin
rero friind.shlp of all. Shu Is survived
by tho following children: V. O. O'Mid
ley, former muster meclianlo at tho
Bcranton Iron and Steul t'o.'s South
works in this cliy, now-of liuifalo, N.
V.j Mrs. lllla litirku. Mr. John Walnh
und MIps Katio O'Malley, of this city;
II in. tieorgo frontier, of llulfulo, and
Mrs. Martin Mullen of Now York city,
fho funeral will be held from tho icsl
lenco of Mrb. illicit Huike, North Ninth
ilrcet, Tucfilay morning. Interment at
ho Dunmoro Catholio cemetery.
MUS. U'U.IAM IlOl'K'lNS. of 313
S'otlh Itcbeec.a avejiiie, dlttl at hor home
fHt-i-Jav moiiilnji aftir u short IIIiicsj.
Mm 3 a OWN
7kl TaV
hccen?crl li.til licrn a resident of West
Pi-ranlDii nearly nil her life and Is Mir
VI Veil by Iter Imcband and t,o children.
Hrr mother, Mro. D.ivld .Ioiiph, one sIm
tef and two biotticfM nUo mirvlw her,
Tim funeral uiinotincenipnl will bo made
Miners Lender to Travel to New
York Incog.
Piosldi'til Mllehell of Die "United
Mine WorkiTH left hint iilnltl inr New
York to attend the nicMlng of the Na
tional Civic I'Y'ilurallon, It In safe to
say, that di-splti' thu fact Unit he Is
01115 of tin' best known men In the cotm
tty, ho will not ho very RciicroJIy
roeottiilnod to-day,
Mltfhell has donned a derby hat.
Kvpi" sliifo ho become known to
fa mo ho has worn but one hat or
rather one style of hat a black Alpine.
Kvory picture of him almost allows
him wourltiB a black Alpluo hat. To
disassociate Mitchell and ti black Al
pine hat seems, at the first blush, like
Hopurutlnjr "Teddy" from his partic
ular kind of hat.
It Is not an Inconsequential thhiK as
some men tuipposo, this change In the
style of Mitchell headgear. Kvory la
bor leader and pspeclally every oillcer
In the United Mine Workers has adopt
ed the black Alpine style of chapeau.
H 1ms become, In fact, the uniform
head piece of the labor world. No la
bor leader would think of loading
without u black Alpine hat. ThlH being-
thus the change In style means a
tush for derby hats and many labor
leaders' dollari for the hatters. "The
Now Mitchell Hat," will likely Ix- a
legend displayed In every habertlnshery
here and hereabouts to-day.
Represented Himself as Well-to-Do
and Secured Goods Valued at
Nearly 20,000.
11 I'. fck-hloss, of Clark's Summit,
was arrested Satin day by Constable
Ira il. Mitchell Cor obtaining goods un
der false, pretences from a half dozen
New Ymk wholesale houses. Ksll
imites of the actual amount of goods
which Hc-blos-s Is believed to have ob
tallied vary from $6.0U0 to .ai.OOO, and
It Is believed that the linger figure Is
moro nearly concct.
Schloss was formerly a huckster in
this city, but e.-a.ihllahed hlinsell as a
general meichnnl In t'kuk's Summit
last August. Kvldenee was adduced at
his healing Satin day to show that
shortly after this he went to New York
armed with a typewritten statement
show-Ins alleged assets amounting to
thousands of dollars. On the strength
of the.-e and entail; lelteis purporting
10 iniiie iron: hailing 1 Itizeus and
vouching for Ills buMne-s standing
Schlock s.euiefl n large amount of
ci edit inini .u-iolis houses.
At one 1ioum he Jim chased about
V.'.iiiii) worth of ladle-' cloaks and at an
other twenty brass bedsteads, lie also
piot'iu-Ml .1 huge fiuantily of mahosany
lui-nliure and other things for which
time would never be any great de
mand in a small place like Clark's
.Summit. Tho goods wore shipped to
the lattti town and. it Is believed, were
Ileal ly all disposed of by Selling lit
various places up and down the valley.
Some of the goods wcie sold to a com
pany storo in Caibondalo and otlp-is
.lie believed to be stored In this city,
though Ihuy have not Ihhh found, as
siohloss left Clark's Summit a w.-ek
or so ago when he learned tiuit a war
rant was out foi his an est, and has
since been living- in an old farm house
near Dab vllle. wheto he was aiiesied
.Saturday by Constable Mitchell. He
was held under Ji.JuO ball by Alderman
Meet me at the Dixie at today's
Considerable Amount of Testimony
Was Heard Satuiday.
Ile.uliig la the A. J. Meirili will i on
test ni continued 011 Saturday bel'oie
Judge A. A. Vosbing, and considerable
testimony was adduced tending tu show
that the testator was ot weak mind,
and that lie was under the iniluence of
his wile, Anna Men ill, at the time th"
alleged will was signed. Among tho
witnesses who have bee'i sworn in ihe
ea.,o are l)r, H. V., Kdward Mer
rill, K. II. Mllltr, Oeoige Smith. H. A.
Penny. James 1'. Men ill, S. V. Lane,
and otheis.
'l'vo of tho wllne.-sea are members ot
the Susiiuehaiina county bar, who met
Mr. Mei rill while on a visit to his
brother In that county, during thu time
of his alllictlor. with the paralytic stroke
the summer bolotv. his death. The evi
dence upon thu part of the contestants
was closed, with the exception of one
or two matters, and an adjournment
was had until Thursday, December 11,
at 10 o'clock a, m for the heating of
thi! evidence or, the part of the re
spondents, Today at 10 o'clock a. 111, hi the Or
phans' court loom, tho tlnal hearing
will be had in the estate of Kllaabeth
Hlpjjlcr, deceased, In which there Is an
application for an Issue to determine
the ownership of the pioceeds of an In
surance policy.
Actor Johnstone Dead.
11 i:tlu-titp he from 'flip itcil 'hm,
. riilladelphl.', Pee. 7 Harry Johnstone.
the actor, who last Monday night shot
and killed Katu llassett, of Keith's Slock
company, and then shot himself, died
today, at tho Hahnemann hospital.
A pity to sec pale girls stay
pale and dull when it is so easy
to get Scott's Emulsion.
One of the best things
Scott's Emulsion does is to
give rich blood to pale girls.
The result of regular doses
of Scott's Emulsion is an in
crease not only in the red
color of the blood and in the
appetite but in the good looks
and bright manners which
are the real charm of per
fect health.
Seoil (or l-'rce Sample.
UcOTT& POWN'f;, Chemlt, 4j Perl St , N. Y.
Annual Lodge of Sorrow Hold Last
Night at the Dlxlo Theatre Eu
logy by Dr. P. F, Gunster, and Ad
dress by Judge H. M. Edwards.
Ritualistic Ceremonies Led by Ex
alted Ruler T. J. Jennings Musical
Programme of Rare Excellence and
Entertaining Recitations.
lit common with their brethren the
country over, thu members of Scrnnlon
lodge, No. 123, of the Honcvolelit I'lo
tuctlve Order of Klks, lust night con.
ducted their annual memorial services.
In honor of those of thu lodge who had
died during the year now closing.
The services were conducted In the
Dixie theatre, and weiu attended by a
large and representative iiudlciiec. On
the stage, where tho officers of the lodge
and the speakers were seated, was the
ceremonial furniture, brought fiom the
lodge loom for the occasion. Tin. ptos
cenium, wings and back of the stage
weie hung- in wide, alternating- strips
of white and purple bunting. A large
Hag was draped just over the center of
the stage, llnuer's orchestra occupied
a place at the rear of the stage.
The otlleors conducting the services
were T. J. Jennings, exalted 1 tiler;
Fred (.'. Hand, esteemed leading knight;
V. A. Siinrell, esteemed loyal knight;
John (!. Jleese, esteemed, lectin ing
knight: William S. Could, secietary;
II. J. Schubert, troasiuer; M. It. Itob
llng, tyler: Kicd "'. Smith, csouire;
Kmll P. U'eichcl, inner guard; T. ..
MeOulre. chaplain; M. P. McC.uin,
Opening Ritual.
Tile pi escribed ritualistic opening
ceremonies followed an overture by
Pallor's orclKStia. They woie solemn
and very impressive. At one stage of
the ceremonies the exalted ruler till cuts
the sfcretary to call the roll of tiic
dead. The secretary calls each name
slowly thieo times, and each call is ac
companied by ihu sounding of a tkt p
toneil gong. Those eoinpiHing this
join's death mil, and I tie date ol their
diath, follows: t M. Saudoison, Juno
l-"; W. II. I.ollus September : W. Y.
Win Dyke, Novtmbir 'i.
The deail membrs weio eulogized In
an eloquent and llowery address by Dr.
P. F. (..mister, past exalted ruler, llu
also feelingly extended to the relalhes
of ihe deceased the condolences uf the
lodge and spoke to the 111 choice woids
of consolation. "There Is no death;
what seems so is transition," he said.
The speaker also took occasion to laud
the Klks' organization, and declared
that any man who lives up to Its piin
clpl. s is tlio better citizen, father,
bi other, fib ml.
President Judge J I. 11. l-Mwaids, who
is an Klk, was heaid in a thoughtful
mid Interesting: address on fraternal
societies. lie took for his theme the
Services During Advent.
Puling Advent there will b.-' services at
0 11. 111. itiid l.uu p. m. (Udlj 111 St. l.uUe's
Liederkrauz Concert.
Tile touceit of the Siialitou
Uedeikranz soiiety v 111 be held at their
lui.ll on l-t'tcl'iuvuiinu avenue .Womluy
evening, Pee. 13, under ihu Ul lion of
rrofessm Ilumbcrgei Tho solol-as tor
Ihu toncett will be Tail Schickel, tho
woi ld-renowned barllone shiner, of New
Ymk city, and i-hailes Poeisam. pluuisl,
of this city. The l.lederkr.iuK chorus of
forty vulcoj will p.ntielpale In the eoii
eet l.
Gross aud Net Weight.
"An Old Subscriber" asks us to delhio
the dlffticnco between "gross" and "nit"
weight. Xet Weight Is what is left of
gloss weight when cilstoiuaiy doduclli'iu
have been nrulo. lit coal It is ",i"i pounds
of marketable pioduct while: tint gross
loir on board car at tho initio Is -V.'t.i tons.
The extia -10 puiuuls am MipiMM'd to
cover loss In shipping and handling be.
loin tile coal leaches the ivt.illtr.
Little Girls Conducted Sale.
An organization of eight young glils
whoso ages rangn fiom U to II years, con
ducted a sale on Satuiday afternoon at
Ihe residence of Mis, A. M. Docker, of
JeiTotsou avenue, aiul ilcireil nearly JITo
for the bcnellt of iho Muliuomnnii hos
pital. Tho affair was managed by tlio
girls who solicited fiom 11101 chants in all
parts of the city tor contributions und who
sold uvorythlng they seemed. Tho uaniesi
of thu young ladles are as lollnws: Mil
died .Murplo.Mai'gaii't Council, Lalla Cos.
ton, l.oreaa Uiltar, Florence Smith, Jltir
guerliu llaibor, Pllzabcth St oris and nil.
abcth Jeiinjli.
Said He Needed the Money,
Frank M, Catciha, a yumis man who
Impersonated u dotcetlvo and extorted
U from Mrs. Mary Skoda, thu mother ot'
little Paul Skodu, who Is missing, was
committed to thu county Jail Saturday by
Magistrate Millar 111 default of Jl.CeO (Mil
after ho had admitted his guilt. Pvl
denco brought at tlio hearing showed
that Cateibn wont to Mrs. Skoda on Nov,
SS, somu eight da' after llttlo Paul hurt
dlsappratcd. Ha icprchontcd himself .1.1
a dt'tcfitlvo and asseited that ho had
positive information as to the where
abouts of bur son. lie succeciUd In get
ting $31 from Iter for 'oxiwusts,' anil
wus after 11101 money Satuiday when ho
was anested by means of a decoy letter.
Ho admits that hu has no knowledge of
thu boy's whereabouts and that ho Hid
to Mrs. Skoda because ho needed thu
lilt. I I . Ol NSTLU
In and About the City,
The new breakfast food.
A delicious combination of
fruit and wheat.
111111191100 of fraternal societies on the
civilization and proRross of the coun
try, and their right, because of their
power for good, to be styled "Tho Filth
Four Estates.
lie first explained that there nro nuw
four recognized estates the church,
law. medicine and thu press, and that
rivalry among various Institutions is
now extant for the honor of being
known as the fifth estate.
He claimed that fraternal societies
should bo accorded this distinction, and
elaborated on four reasons to support
thu claim.
The llrst reason was their Immense
membership. In the United Stales
alone, he said, fraternal societies have
u membership of 5,000,000. These so
tiuties have contributed for cnobllng
pin poses, In tho main, tho enormous
sum of $1,000,000,000. Last year their
lonlrlbutlons amounted to $50,000,000.
Secondly, he wont on to explain, fra
ternal societies are a power for good in
t licit- being the real school of elocution
and oratory. The old time debating
"-ticieiy has gone. In Its place has
tome the lodge meeting. There are
tens of thousands of lodges in this
country daily leaching youns men how
to think on their feet and how to in
telliijently and impressively tell what
they think. The lodge room, the judge
declaied, Is the nurseiy of oratory.
A third reason Is found in the fact
that -these stcietle invariably foster
tho great virtues. The principles an
nounced and preached by these socle
ties, the judge declared, is a loave-n
Unit tan not but work groat good 10
all men.
They Teach Loynlty.
Ills fourth reason, he declared, was
that they teach loyally to the1 govern
ment. Patriotism is a basic principle
of their constitutions. As long as the
fraternal societies of the United States
exist, said ho, there need be no worry
about the safety of the etmntrj".
Tho musical programme was one of
raie excellence. IJt sides the selections
bj- Puller's orchestra there was a so
pr.ino sedo by Mrs. F. Wilson, Willi
violin obligate) by Miss Walteis; ten
or solos by Alfred Woolcr and ltalph
Williams; bass solo by Fred It. Smith,
of the Wllko.s-nnrre Klks: a duet, tenor
and b.tss, by Alfred Wuoler and Albeit
Pilling. Pecltations weie given by
Miss Clara Slocuiu nud Charles A.
Stuart. The accompanists weie V.
Wilson and L. X. Isaacs.
The services closed with the singing
of the doxology by the lodge and audi
ence. The committee hi 1 barge of the ser
vices was Fred C. Hand, William S.
Could, il. J. Schubert, Alex Schrelfor,
I. W. Costello. Myer Davldow, Geoige
W. ("Sinister and M. P. McCann.
Joseph Levy, Hon. C. P. O'Malley, .T.
1!. Cohen, John lienore and .T. J.
Pi own, "tlio trustees, occupied boxes.
New Wage Scale to Be Piesented.
By Kxi'Ui'ite Mire (rim 'Pit fwiJteJ Piei..
Wilkes-liarre, Pec. 7. The gilevaue-u
committee of the Ilrolherhood of Loco
motive Pnglaeers ol tho Central Itailioad
Of New Jeisey have been holding seuot
sessions In this city tor several days past.
II is said a rmw wage scale Iris been pie
p.ned which will be piesented to the of
lielals of the mail at an pally date. It is
understood the engineers will demand an
inn case In wage-.
Minstrel Perfoimance.
A iidusiiol poifurinmicu will h given
at the Pxcelsior Social club heine 011
Wedlle-diiy ovilln',:, Pee, I".
Melba's Tour Abandoned.
A letter has been rcceivul by the sec
ietary of Si. Ilieiiilell's e.iuncll, oun
Men's Institute, fiuiu .Miuliinie Mi 11m h
Aiiieileau manager, stating that her pio
posed Ameilcan lour has been abandoned
lor the season. In till piobablllty she will
be he, ml in Solatium In the 1.1II of JS tf.
runeral of Warren Simms.
Tile fu1ur.1l of Wiirrcii, tlio tcii-moiilliH.
old child of Mr. and Mrs, John Simms,
took plate fiom the lesldencv. Illl Pl'iU
colt avenue, Fiidiiy attoinoou, Servlei s
Weie conducleil by Ttov. It. J. Heeso, of
tho Puritan i.'ongivguiiunal church, and
Intel mont was m.ulo In Purest Pill com",
tot j.
Van, Wormer Overiuled.
Judge It. W. Ai-ehhald handed down an
opinion Satuiday overt ullin; the decision
of Itufcrco Yau Wormer in Hie bank
ruptcy cusu of John P. Piilfy, 01 Caiboa
dale, and allowing tho lattur (M xonip
thin. The rcfeieo refused to alloy.' this ex
emption because of alleged iraud. Thu
Judge tailed lo llnd any evidence of uuud.
Took Allen's Statement.
Magistrate W. s Millar and County
Detective Phillips vlsliod thu Lackawanna,
hospital Satuiday and took a statement
from Thomas Allen, who was shot last
week at Marshwoud by Parry Lake and
who Is lying 111 a very dangerous condi
Hon, In this statement Allen nduiiiteil
that hu was slightly under the Imluencu
of liquor when the affair otcurred but
denies positively that ho was thu ag
gressor in thu light which ended In th
bliootiug. Lake at tat Iced him tiisl, ho
bald and when thu latter saw that ho (Al
ien) w'as getting tho best of ihu aigti.
ment ho pulled his ivvoher and tiled,
Allen said.
Trouble Between Rival Barbers.
John YolUnandt, who conducts a bather
shop in thu basement of thu Dime bank
building was up cMcd 111 Saturday and
held under $o0d bail on 11 chargu of 11s.
suiilt and battery pieft-rrod by thu col
ored bootblack kr-nwit nsj Jcmmo. Thu
latter works for Harbor A H, young,
and was sent alter a eiMotuer's cup Sac
unlay, thu saltl customer having de
cided lo quit Yolkp.indl'.s shop und get
shuved at Young's place, Yolknandt iu
fused to give, up tho cup und, accnrdlns
to Jerome, ho ttruc' the latter oyer tho
betut as hu was leaving tlio place.
Week for tho Women Closed in tho
Afternoon with n Renewal" of Bap
tismal Vows Services for the Men
Beg-nn Last Night Eloquent Ser
mon by Father Nobert on the Folly
of Putting off Conversion, from
Day to Day Services During
The mission for the women of the
Cathedral parish was closed with
special services yesterday nrternoon
and the mission Tor the men Was op
ened last night under most auspicious
circumstances. Uoth services were at
tended by tremendously largo congic
gatlons. A conservative estimate ot the num
ber of women present In the Cathedral
yesterday afternoon Is 2,500 and 1,300
others who were unable to obtain en
trance at nil completely tilled tho large
chapel in the basement of St. Thomas'
college. 1
Tho Hunt sermon in the C.ithedtal
was preached by Father Oregorj, who
urged upon his listeners tho necessity
of perseverance In tho carrying out of
tho good resolutions made during the
mission. Under his guidance the vast
congregation arose and made a renew
al of their baptismal vows In chorus,
making public profession of their faith
In Jesus Christ.
The Men's Mission.
The Cathedral was packed to the
doors last night with men and It was
necessary lo accommodate the over
How In the basement of the college.
After the lecltatlon of tlio rosary
Father Norbert ascended the pulpit
and announced that the mission masses
during the coming week will be held
at 5 and S o'clock every morning. He
urged uvery man In tho parish to make
It a point to attend one of theso masses
every day and listen lo the helpful in
structions which will be given during
the celebration. They services nightly
will begin piomplly at 7:30 o'clock, he
Father Norbert preached an elabor
ate sermon in which ho impressed upon
tho minds of his hearers with telling
elTeet the folly of putting off conver
sion from day to day.
He declared, in beginning his sermon
that God has nothing more at heart
than man's eternal salvation. Man's
salvation rests laigely with himself
Tho Lord, himself, has declared that
many are called bin few are chosen.
Father Norbert asked why so many
men's souls are losi when all that Clod
does to enable them to bo saved is
taken into consideration.
They Are Deluded.
"It is betause," said ho, "that after
the loominlsstou of sin men permit
themselves to be deluded by the crafty
suggestion of the evil one that thoio
is no danger in living in sin. It is tills
belief that there is no danger on tho
very brink of perdition that lias bd
to tlio eternal ruin of countless souls."
He spoke of the great uncertainty of
life and said that it scented almost in
credible how any sano man would dine
to live In sin for a single hour. Ho
traced the relationship between sin and
death and declared that tho latter fol
lows the former as sure as the night
the day nnd the frost tho cold. Sin,
he saltl, gnaws at the very roots of ihe
tree of life and its punishment is al
ways death.
Too many men, he said, labor under
the delusion that only those who die
suddenly die unprepared. Herod did
not die suddenly, ho said, but he died
unprepared, as did also tlio unrepent
ant thief who died lingeringly on the
cross beside Christ. He cried out
against what ho termed "the mad
folly and the tenible presumption"
of putting off from day to day the ac
ceptance of the salvation offered lo
every man bj' God.
God, he said, does not foi eo muii to
save their souls. He does not force
Ills divine grace or Ills divine friend
ship upon them and if a man chooses
to Ignore! and Insult Him He will allow
him to go his own way.
Conversion, ho declared, means a
complete change of the moral nature
and a haired of sin. from the depths of
the heart. Il means, he said, a com
plete and thorough change of heart.
"If you have not the courage to pull
up the tender sapling now," he said,
"litiw will you be able to root up tho
tree, if you are at raid of the barking
puppy, how will j on be ablo to wage
with the savage beasts when you have
become the slave of your passions'.'"
Pather Nobert closed with an earnest
prayer at the foot of the largo crucltix
which has been erected In the s.tnetu
ar.v lor the assistance of tho Saviour
In loading' tho men of the parish during
the coming week to throw off tho old
matt and put on tho armor of light.
Meet mo at the Dixie at today's
Stanley Mitchell Sent to the Peni
tentiary by Judge Kelly.
Judgo Kelly 011 Saturday senienccil
Stanley Mitchell, of Vtindllug, lo spend
one year and three mouths In tho peni
tentiary, lie was convicted of robbing
a Pol.indor who had Just arrived ami
who had applied to .Mitchell, who Is
also a Pole, for Information.
Hlclmrd U.nron was lined $13 tot as
saulting Ihtrgess William Kennedy, of
Dickson city, ami ltoiver Ciallis who
was convicted of assaulting John Sodz
ewicz. of Pilcoburg, was sentenced to
pay a lino of 2i and spend twenty
days In tho county jail.
Tho sentence of Jerry Sullivan, who
burglaiizetl Ciimmlugs lirotheis' storo
on the night of March 25, -was postpon
ed until next Saturday,
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This qilcstlon arises in tho family
everyday. Let us answer it to-day, Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared In two minutes. No boiling I no
baking! add boiling water and bet to
cool. Flavors! Lemon, Orango, Rasp
berry and Strawberry, Get a package
at your grocers to-day, jo cts.
i trv w rv t iv y Tr"
.uiwwnK SGis
A I'oynl Clirt tor the llutincwiru t
One of Ihe hiihcst munitions of every housewife
Is to posess tin attractive ntui serviceable dinner set,'
If yours hasn't one, (ratify tills sensible ambition on
the twenty-fifth of this month.
$12.50 to $100.00
Pnislbly you do not cair lo I vest 111 11 coiuplule sot: then select
ns maliv pieces as you wish from our Open Stock Palteriis. At
lelsuto these may hu matched nnd addition made fiom tliuu lo
"The Busy
Walk In and look around.
CAPITAL, - - - $200,000
SURPLUS (earned), 600,000
Are Guarantees
Business and personal accounts are well cared
for. Three per cent interest Is paid on Savings
Accounts, whether large or small. The
Third National Bank,
J 18 Wyoming Ave., Scwnton, Pa.
CAPITAL, $200,000. SURPLUS (EARNED) $600,000
Accounts can be opened by mall.
The New Store p
for Holiday Gifts
Seekers after Holiday Gifts combining- economy to the buyer M
nud satisfaction to the lecipieut, ivill find it to their interest to ft
look over our J5
riany Holiday Specials J
hi Every Department ik
We can fill almost every need of the sensible present giver, from tho k
newest and best selected stock In town, and do It nl a. saving In cost that JJ
will count for something when it comes to be honestly reckoned up. JJ
A mtignlllpcnt assoitmont of Table Linens, lompleto litble linen sets, 52
lunch cloths, tray t lolhs, .mil huieaii scarfs, filnged and hen- Cr
stitched towels of exquisite quality nml design, bed spread in Marseilles
saiin and faniios. Alu blankets, tomfoits, etc , at pi ices that cannot bo j
matched elsewhcio. n
Thtee ureal depaitinents filled lo ovei Mow ins with the very best mer- JJ
chandlse that money can buy. Many novelties me shown, designed ox- JJ
pic:-sl- for the Clnistmas tiade. JJJJ
There is nothing In cither of these lines that is woi tli buying that we J
cannot show in all sizes from those Intended fur toddling tots, to tho extra J5
sizes tor geneiously pi opot tinned men and women. j
Cndeiwear Horn -.'.'e. to M.U'i the garment. 5
Hosleiy liom 10c. the pair to J,;.,.'j.
(loves fiom iOe. the pair to $2.00.
All Kid Gloves from 75c up are guaiauteed. Genuine Scotch
Golf Gloves a specialty.
A Dress Pattern of Silk
or Other Fashionable flaterial
Makes an elegant gilt for wile, mother or filend. Spocial silk waist pat
terns also out up in proper gilt form.
lfut pshaw, why olaboiato fuither. (Jur's Is the only new stork in
town and its full to overllowlng with seasonable goods at pi ices that
are mole than leasoimblc. Come in and look around. No one will ask
what you want or what you are doing there, unless you do the Hi si of tho
ricConnell & Co.
Tli2 Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. v!
From now on we must expect to be favored with
periodical rain und snow storms; it's perfectly natural
that we should have them.
Are you prepared to defy them; is that umbrella
of yours dependable ?
If not, you'd better see
eld,") Lnckn. Ave.
He has just received an enormous stock of
Plenty of styles to select from; plenty of willing
clerks to assist you in doing it, and plenty satisfaction
for your investment.
We W&nt t
You with the fact that nothiny is so beautiful
nor so popular for the coming gifts than pieces
or set of Pijro Etched Work in Water Colors.
Millions of tiny strokes.cach executed with dex
terous shadings, of nature's own colors, ex
quisitely blended,
If you have a favorite flower, the entire flower
scheme may be worked up in any of the above
pieces a wild rose, violet or chrysanthemum,
for instance. You cannot fail to be interested.
Don't forget to come and see the entire collec
tion when shopping.
Griffin Art
r c vnnc'
Geo. V. Millar & Co
134 Wyoming Avenne.
Of safety when you deposit
In this Bank, one of the
strongest In the United
if.l-,, . fcfc uk
1 .