The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 08, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    S . l"l.Is O
The News of
Succumbed Eiuly Yesteidny Morn
ing nt Homo on Washington Place,
Death Is Attilbuted to Shock of
Flight Pioduced by Settling of
Thompson Tiestle.
(.'Initios Kdwln Blls-. thi- HHc i-urI-met1
whose dangerous tonilltlou liuin
nervous shook was lepoited in me
Tribune n few days "so, succumbed
vestcr.luy nuiinlug ul a o'clock (it the
iesldente, to Washington Place.
Mr. IMS' lrt a lcthn of K
Ills denlh is attributed t the night or
shock lu sustained on .lulv C. hitt,
while he wni cioslng tin- rond-inned
nestle at Thump-on. the fllllng-ln Pioc
. ss of which hni been In plosion .or
months. Tin- 'truotuu' Hank, It w, (ulislng the uiRhie to slll'Ul'
ami swai, nt If t tumble Into the- la
vino. ThU fright or slunk which Ull-s
silfteted Wax mlkmed b. u -tiokc of
The death "I Mi HII'-s Is doubl -ail
under the olti iini"tiinilt", and Its newt
will ili-pioss u ho-u ul tileiuls In Cai
bondalc imd alone, the Jolfeisoii divis
lini nf the Erie, whtif hi- popularity
i an IiIrIi. TlH'ie wan no leoling of en
mity ugitli t 111'", but on ovoi hand
tl e'.ibimikitit uvldeni cs of esteem and
u in m lilclidship. Tin wide-sptoml
. ru-emi oer his condition tctilled to
ilu nunibei ot Mends he possessed,
lib .-on owing widow and daughter
have the waiin-heaited sympiithl of
these fi lends.
The dcccusul .h buu In Yiuk it ile.
near Deposit. Apill J 3, ism. Twmt.v
,cais ago he entered the seiloe of the
Erie, which -er.ieo was unbioken up to
his leceiit llltHM-. Hi- had n humble
-tint In i he inund-hoUMi at Susuehan
nn, was n.nde a inuiuun one ear lilei,
and attir lluee yeais In the position
was i.ii-ud tn an tiigineei. the duties of
which -lie conscientious! and e'llolcntly
Ilrhaigeil l" "Istun .isii-. mi the
Jefferson division
Mr. nii-s was wedded sixteen
ago thl'i mouth and lived ,n ideally
happv in nihd lite. He came with his
lamity to C.ubond.ile Jour eais .i!,n
and lu- -Inee lived lieu-. However, he
re.-ldcd hele lor -hoi! intei ml-. having
been changed fioin Susquehanna to
Caibondalc dining Ills -en lie- a- cn
Klneet, He belonged lo (ieiuge V. Wet dn i
Ion Xo. Itis. Hiolheihood of Locomotive.
r.nslneei-. and was .i member of Mll
i hell hose conipanv. In both bodies his
unmade-hip was hlphlj- allied.
The deceased is -uiviied by hi- wire
nud one duuKhtei. .Minnie, aged I.!
je.ns: Ills niothei. Mi". Maty Hli-s,
Sufciuehann.i; one -lflei. Miss Uiuma
Jills-, Susquehanna, and two biotheis
"eoiRe 1311-n. Jeisoy City, and rdwlii
l'.liss, Caibondalc.
Kuneinl eivlce- will take place
Tue.-day afteinoon at .! o'clock, at the
lo-ldence, 10 Wushinston Place. Uev.
Cli.ules Leo. parlor of the Fu-L Pie--byteiian
eluncli, wliete Mr. Tills- uoi
fhlped, will oind.ilc. Wednesday foie
noon the deceased will be takm. la
the Hrie llycr, al !i:.!!, lo Sii-tiuehann i.
wheie he v. at s-n well known. P.uiial
will tako place theie in tin- (5i mil
-tiecl cemetii.v.
He Includes The Tribune in His Ac
knowledgment of Thanks.
At the close of the u.nheis' Institute
in Fiidny, C'liv Supeiiniendeni of
.schools J:imcr f: Clair lieaitllv ,-x-pies-ed
his slnceie apinecliltlon of the
help Riven in aiious ways in making
the Institute and its lei ture Lout.-e a
wiciess. Included In his acknowledg
ments weie his thanks to The Tilbune.
"I want to -ay to jon, teaeheis, that
I apinceiiitc the undivided attention
ton hae kKoii to the lectin e-J, which 1
'eel coituiii will br of benefit.
"Ah to the lectin e, I u-sure
ou that 1 did mv best to hue the
talks aRiceable to all. It thcie has
been a .slight deviation tiom this iuten
Hon It is not due to me. tho.-e who
-poke weie le.sponslble. 1 thlnl that
(icmtal Sweeney was ml-undet .stood; r
don'l think that ne intended to say
'ilt.thingr that might lelleet on any pei
soii. 1 ti list that his attitude will be
"I want lo thank Mkss Mitchell and
Mlsa McCabe for their Milo-, and JU.-s
Mills and Miss Little for their duet.
"1 must say, also that to The Tribune
ripiesent.illve wo owe ilu? appreciation
and lo the paper he lepiesents."
Miss May Penselly and T. L. Muitln
weie unnnlinously re-elected .sceietary
and treasiuer of the teachers' a-soela'-.ion
for another year.
Thomas Morgan, of Glove Stieet,
Succumbs After Tluee Weeks' At
tack. Thomas Moigan, aged 6 cais, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Henty Moigan, of 5-;
drove stipet, died at -1 o'clock Satutday
morning at the home of tho family af
ter an attack of typhoid fever of three
weeks' duration. Pecullatly had elr-
Down by
Colteo mi affects. tbi hi.iln unA n.i i ...
-"bit" pi'oper nutiltlon Ik Interfered with
.nud.tlifiJlual ending Is frequently uer
ETohs prostration,
fci "Duilng the Spanlsh-Auioilcan ,u,
U went iitU my tioup to chkka
" nauga," says Lieutenant J, O. Talbott,
f t Sprlnglleld, Ills. "If there- Is any unu
ilaco on eaith wheie one rtiinUs ipoie
S offeo than another It is In the m my,
I t Is a soldier's 'backbone,' and I can
n suro you thut 1 duink my hIiiiip,
Uter several months of h.utl dillllng
, ny health gave out, the chief cause
,. (elng 'coffee, bad food, ovei -exertion
mind heat.
u "On tho advice of the surgeon, tcu
Kiered my resignation and with my
."heart full of regret nnd my nervous
eystem shattered, I returned home. Al
tnoBt tho Jlrbt thing tho doctor whom I
consulted advised mo was to quit cof-
fee, That was tho flrtt Intimation I had
"that coffee had anything to do with
Any condition. The- next thing was
Jj.'what.shall I drink?'
"My'wlfe's mother used your Postuin
mVoocI Coffee and knew how to make It
rlght, 60 l tiled It und grew yery fond
of It. My nervous troublo soon left;
iny old time health came back, and that
-Fall I gained m In flesh that the boys
on returning after 'muster outj hardly
knew me. Quitting coffee, ana using
lMtum did iojaes lorme."
I'lmmlatioi"" siitiDtiiid Hie pa-slng away
of the deeeasodi One of his twin sous
was ulo talfii wllh the disease und
died about leu dnj'B oho, The father
wus thtiiKerously III nnd pltice the
child's dentil his eondltlou heoaine des
penile. Ifrldnj there was u pcrtejitlblo
linpioVeinent, but dttiliiR the nUvht
hemoiiliusei took pl'ice, iiiul th'' pat
leiit'fl vitality wnti soon exhausted.
The death of Mr. Moiriiii It slneeiely
lefielted thtoushout thf city, not only
nmontr the frlendH or tlio I'aiully, but
Rent tally, a.s the deiitsi sympathy wail
uv, nkened by the sad cliciimstntices uf
the ftiiiilly'n uilllctlon
The deeunsed was u member of Com t
LlH, l-'oiotiro of Ameilen, 'and was n
firiiuishAmetlcai) war volunteer, hav-
Iiir ' misled with company IC, Thlr-
entli litRlmenl.
Tor "jicrnl years he was employed In
tin- Rrofeiy stoic oi" Alvord and Male,
but .it the (hue he was taken with ty
phoid, be wns a cleik In the freight of
fice of ilie Delaware and lludpon coni
panv In this c!t.. He was popular
IhiaURliiml the city. The stlrvlvois ale
his widow, one child, and the following
slsteis and hiothci: Mi", l.aae Ton
kins, mIm Ida May Moiriiii. John
C'larence Xelon and Alvah MorRiin, all
of this city.
The fttneial wilt take plat e this ar
tel noon. .Soi vices will be he-Id a( the
lesldeticc, .",.", Grove tieel, nl ":.10
ltd A. P. (.'luiitcc, pastoi oi the
Klit -Methodist church, will ollklate.
Iliul'il will be In Mnpk'Wiioil eometery.
Amos Adams, of Chinchilla, a Victim
of Tetr.nus Was Stiicken While
Visiting in Carbonclnle,
Aiuo- Adams, the Wetlin ot tetanus
or lock-jaw. whose condition was Hist
icpoited In Thu Tilbune, seveial weeks
iiro, -uccumbed Satutday eeniiiR about
s o'eliKk. lie died at the home of his
datiRhter, .111. 13. II. Stone, comer
Tenth )ifiiue and stieet, wheie
he came to visit just a lew d,ijJ heloie
he was stiicken with the fatal dls.a--e.
The deceased ltvtil In Chinchilla,
wh'-ic he owned a faun. A week he
mic le.nliiR on his till) to Caibondalc.
he tell while doing some choies about
the bain on Ills piemi-cs. lie stuick
on his face, and slightly gashed his
no-e. The tetanus genu, which Is found
about stables or has Its oiigln wheio
holies aie numerous, must hae found
its way into the wound. Ml. Adams
being an old man, nearly Mi .em.s, the
germ gained a masteiy over his weak
ened physical poweis and his jaws be
came locked a few rtajs utter he was
stiicken. The tetanic auti-loin was
employed, and though its effect was
noticeable lor a few dijs, it oon lost
its poior and the aged suft'eier con
tinued to sink until death ideiscd lnni
-iatutday evening.
The deceased was bom in Mas-achu-setts,
sinenty-eiglit yeais ago, He lived
in Chinchilla, this comity, for a num
ber of years, where he followed tann
ing. He isited C.ubondale fiequently.
Tie is survived by one son, William
Adam-, of Chinchilla, and two daugh
ters. Mis. 13. II. Stone, wire of 12 H.
Stone, foieinan of the oil department of
the Hendricks company, and .Mis,
Oeuige Claik, of Cdell.l, Pa.
Highly Esteemed Resident Succumbs
After Long Suffering'.
Alls. Muiv Rionson, wife of t'hailes
X. liiouson, of the C'arbondale aiming
companv, died jesteiday afteinoon at
I. in o'clock at the l evidence, 47 Canaan
Mks Btonson sulteied lioni an afllic
tlon for seveial years, but with heroic
patience, uncomplainingly and without
u mtiimur. She was able lo be about
until four weeks ago, when she took
abed. Her suITeiings grew, but she
maintained the same patient spit it as
In the (list stages ot the disease, when
she was tilled -with u stiong hope, and
lecelved the .summons hence with fhiis
tian leslgnation.
The news of her death will be a pain
ful shock to her n lends, as there was
no Intimation to them that the end was
near. Among all her acquaintances
tlieie will be slnceie icgiet over her
loss. Her long le.sidenee In Carbondule
was marked by many fiiendsliips. She
wus a gentle chaiaeter, whose kindness
was shown In all her t elation1.
The deceased was bom In I'nadllla,
Hudson county. X. Y October -':, 1M9.
Her maiden name was Miss Maty
aie. In l&H she was wedded to
Chailes x. llionson, und together they
have lived a happy wedded eaieer. Mr.
and Mrs. lirousou came to C'arbondale
in 1S7I, wheio they have since leslded.
Mi. Hionson was a member of the
Klist Methodist church, ivheio her ic
liglous aeal showed its Influence. She
is survived by her husband, Chailes X.
Uionson; two daughteis, Misses Claia
and Lena, of this city, and one brother,
George amy, of L'nndllln, X. Y.
Funoial set vices will be at the icsl-
denee, ii Canaan stix-ot, Tuesday after
noon at 4.30. Rev. A. P, ChnfTee, pas
tor of tho First Methodist ehuuh, will
olllciate. The decciihed will be taken on
tho S o'clock Dulawaie and Hudson ex
press, Wednesday morning, to Sidney,
X. Y wheio but ltd will take plate
A Delightful "At Home" on Salem
Mid. IJ. W, Humphrey and daughter,
Mlha Giace Ilumpliiey, delightfully eu
lei (allied at an "at homo" at thu resi
dence, 10S Salem avenue. ThHiouse was
lesplendenl with decoiatloTis, palms,
ferns, i opes and gat lands of oveigieen
being most eireetlveli employed. .Mis.
Chailes ilumpliiey, Miss Lillian Uians
and Miss Geitrude sU);,H assisted
In leceivlug. In tho pietllly decoiated
Upper hull, Miss Kiuiko Hrjsou sei ved
lliippe, and Mis. Fiedeilck U, Ilrown.
Mrs. William Shannon, Mrs Stanley S.
Hinds and Mrs. Chailes W .Inhnson
assisted In enteitiiluliig,
Tlnre- went numetous dellf.httul so
cial incident!!, Among the pleusant fo.i
tiues was a guessing contest, 'A Hill
of F.iie." To the guest guessing cor
rectly the gteatest number ot Die lol
lowlug questions wus ra winded the
prize: Still llteV Women of gilt'.' Ptmt
lovo? Nuts without .shells? Lunar
symbols? Nelghbots' contention? Uiub
Unit makes butter il ? Iloston's over
throw? Mitilinonial couule? Summer
night's dieamV Mlssi Olive Wilcox, of
Nineveh, -was awaided the (list viUo,
and tho consolation prize was given
MIhs Maud Snvder.
The evening was Intctspeised with
musical selections by Miss Alice Brid
gets Mary Powdetly, Dertha Cole, May
Uln;er and Eunice Bryson, A delicious
luncheon was served, Misses Powell,
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by people of refinement
fbr over a a.uarterpf ja.qentunr.
Prances Plnnncry, Gj'ctta Dryaon, Jlnitd
Htepheiis and Mny Mcycri nsslstlns.
Deadlock Over Night School Teacher
Broken nt Saturday's Meeting.
The deadlock In the school boaid over
the election of a night school teacher,
which ensued when the matter wus
brought up last Monday night, was
broken tit the adjoin nod meeting on
Satin dnv night.
Thero wore two candldntcs for the
position, Patrick M. Iirennnn nnd
Thomas W. Loftus. Satin day night, on
the first ballot, each received thieo
votes Copeland, livnns and Kerwln,
for IJiennan: Gallagher, Vanaan nnd
Hughes, for Loftus. Throo ballots re
sulted tin same. On tho fourth Mr.
Vanaan changed to Tironnnn, theioby
electing blm.
The boaid decided to adveitise for
bids for advei tlslng the special' audit
of the dlsti let's accounts for two years
In the matter or coal bids, the board
defeired action for a week. This was
in older tn Rive it longer tiial to the
coal that Is being used from tho East
Side Coal company's tiact.
John Snntauua, who was fined for not
sending his sou lo school, oi requited
under die coinptilsoiy educational act,
appealed beloio the boaid and made a
plea to have the flue i emitted. The
boaid nr.intcil his prayer, conditioned
on his l dinning the boy to school and
keeping him theit.
Patients Dangciously 111.
Peter V. Lynch, who was at one time
in cliiuge of the Hotel American cafe,
Is In a ciltlcal condition at his homo
on Ooidon menue. He- has been a -uf-le'ier
lor several months.
Mis. George I Mills, who was i c
coverlug f i om an illness, has a l elapse
and Is now suffering fiom neivous pios
tiatlon. The constant attendance of a
tt. lined Is necessity.
Night School to Open.
The w Intei night sessions of the pub
lic schools will open this evening in the
cential school building. As Indicated in
another column, the teacher will be
Patrick M. I3ienn.ui, principal of Xo. 6,
or tlie Uiooklyn school.
The public schools thioughout tho
city will reopen at D o'clock this foie
noon, after the week's suspension duo
to the teachers' Institute.
G. A. R. Election.
Uaeies post, 1ST, Department Penn
sylvania, Oiand Airny of the Republic,
will hold Its annual election of officers
Wednesday evening, December 10, 1002.
The conn rules are requested to come
out and give expiession to their prefer
ence on that occasion.
John McComb, Commander.
Died nt Prompton.
Miss Mattle Giles, rtamrlitpv nl' C.e-mno
Gile, ot 'retrace street, died jesterday
nt the home of her aunt In Prompton,
with whom she had lived since the
death of her mother, several ears ago.
the deceased, who was L'O seals of aire-.
will be tn ought to Carbondule lor
Spanish War Veterans to Meet.
The Spanish-American War Veterans
will meet at I o'clock today at the
Mitchell hose house, to attend tho
funeral of their late comrade, Thomas
Moigan. The veterans nie icqttested lo
appeal in unifoiin with top con(.
. Patience Is Asked.
As the Caibondale Telephone com
pany Is "cutting In" a new 200-wiie
cable. Manager Hughes begs the pa
tient consideration of subscribers if
they suffer any disturbance. Tho iiiler
niptlon will be only tempoiaiy.
To Cuie a Cold in One Day
Take LaMUhc- Biomo-Quiiiiuc Tablet?.
Tills signatme gfmi-jL on
eveiy ho, 2"i. V fjcfrrvt
IJeaJrimla Layman, a resident of Baton
stieet, died on Saturday moinlng at 11. SO
o'clock, after a long and painful lllntss
extending over seveial menlhs, of
might's dUeae. DeceiiBcd was 54 yems
of age anil was bom in Concsvillu, Selio
luule county, X. Y. Ho was well known
In (he valley for seveial year.- con
ducted a confectionery stoic nl Peek
vllle, fiom Hiiro moving to Mnvficld, and
fiom thcic to this boiough, where ho
has, icWded ever since. Sir. Layman was
the j, outwent veteran In tho Seven Coun
ties, having enlisted at the age of seven
teen, In the Seventh Xew Yoik heavy m
tlllery, Co. I, at PnughJceepsle, X. Y. lie
was seriously wounded tho same, year at
the brittle of Cold Harbor, anil seiwil
through the Wilderness campaign unilfr
Central Gutut. He io. enlisted and setved
ihruugh tho lenialndcr of the war when
he was huuoiably dlsclunged. Tho fu will take place this mottling.
sei vices will be held at tho housa nt S
o clock, sharp. The remains will then bo
taken by train to Staiiurca. whore s,r
vices will bo held In the Methodist
fliurih where the pastor, Ituv, Pascoc,
a-sh.ted by llov. Fuller, of this place,
will conduit the sei vices, after which
tint temalns will be buried In tho family
lot. Sir. Layman had n sister from
C'htcopue, Mass., buried theio a week ago
last Tucsilaj. He is survived by his
wile, and four chlldien; Mrs. J, L. Wet
ter, of Thompson. Pa.i IltUlie. and Unity
of this place, and Stanley, of Pott Alle
Khanoy, P,i, Four biothnis nnd ono ils
tei : A, .It Layman, of Clintnlioorho Pur
Ish, La.; James Uixmnu, Itlclillrhl. Spa,;
Chris O, ot Port Alleghany and
W. J. I.nniiiM. of .South Omaha, Xeb,,
nnd Mrs. Al O i'ae, of .Siimmeivllle,
X Y.
Prod llnilnoll, of Scraiilon, was In
town esti'iil.iy, calling upon some of his
old friends (o wish them good. bye. llu
CNpetls, In a. lew weeks, to sail lor Cug
lund, wheio hu will mivko his future
homo with ills klstur In London, Pieil
came lo Jeiinyn twoity )ears ago ami
fur seveial yeais wu3 employed In the
tloie oi John Jciiuyu, 1 lo was u man
highly thought of, both by his cmplovci
and hH legion ot friends. He hns been
sorely uftllcted during the pubi fw vents
with eye trouble.
At tlic legular uieellug of the hoiouch
council, held Friday evening. Council
men Wheeler, Thcroti SIoou and Jon. is
were appointed n commutes to wait up
on the Hlnkely poor illrectoi.s on Wednet
day In legrud to tho payment of tnstH
Inclined in the smallpox case lure, sev
eral months ugu.
On Saturday, while a lady was) passing
up Main street, sho was stiuck by a
sled and was knocked down und received
slight Injuries, The piaotlco of coasting
down tho sidewalk and causing pedes
trians to stand etlll or walk In the road
has continued for several years and it Is
now tlmo that the borough should tuke
Jireser fctcps in prevent such accident
The Annual
2 1 ,000
15,000 of the
Connolly & Wallace 12 Mos.
A handsome new line of 306 titles,
stamped in gold on both side and back.
Large Type, Fine Book Paper, Extra Cloth.
The list of titles, all by prominent authors,
includes many Copyright Books, and they
are all Standard Literature.
Our Price, 12Jc Each
Following is the list of titles:
1 Adam Uedc Hy tieoigo Lllot luii Hector Sonadac Hy Jules Vci ne Lady lliddv Kane, The 107 Heiiess, The. .By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens
By Fiank Ii.uictt 108 Heiress of Castlo Clirt, Tho
.: Aesop's Kablcs By Mrs. May Agnes Fleming
I Alexander tho Oieat ..Bv Jacob Abott ftl ireriot's Choice. ...By liosa N. Cuej.
."All Aboaid. (Sequel to "Boat Club.') 110 Hiawatha. ...By Ilenrv W. Longfellow
.....By Oliver Optic 111 Hidden Hand, The. (Complete in one
6 All Along tho liiver ,, v;olume.) By Mrs. Southwoith
By Miss M. L Btaddon IV: Hidden I'ath, The.. Bv Marion llniland
"Allwoith Abbey 11J Homestead on tho Hillside, The
By Mis. IS. D. L N. Southwoith .'. By Mary J. Holmes
S Alone By Marion Hai land 111 How He Won Hei (Sequel to "Full
3 Andersen's Kalry Tales Play.") By Mrs. Southwoith
10 Andree de Tnveiney llj Hunchback ot Xotro Dame. The
uy Alexanuer uiunus
It Anrll's Ladv Bv "The Duchess
1 Arabian Xlght's Knteitnlnmcnt
13Aidath By Mario Coiclli
14 Artist's Love, The
Bv Mrs. E. D. U. X. Southwoith
1" At Heuit n Rake
By Floionce Mauat
ICAunt Dluna By Rosn X. Ciuey
UAutociat of tho Breakfast Table
by Oliver Wendell Holmes
JSAveill .By Jcoa Xouehetto Caiey
19 Barbaia Heatbeote's Trial
Bv Jtosa Xouehetto Caiev
SlBnv Path By J. G. Holland
L'l Belle of Lmiu, 'I he
Bv Charlotte M. Bracmo
2J Beside tho Bonnie Brier Bush
By Ian Madmen
St Beulah By Augusta J. Evans
JI Beyond tho City , ;;
By A. Conan Doilo
U3 Black Beauty By Anna Sowell
a, Black Rock Bv Ralph Connor
.7 Blithcdnlc Romance, The
.By Nathaniel Ilawthoine
2S Boat Club. The Bv Oliver Optic
JO Bondman. The By Hall Cnlno
At Bonnie Prince Chaille
Bv O. A. Ilontv
31 Rom Coquette. A. ..By "The Duchess'
X! Boy Knight, The By G. A. Henty
'.! Biavest of the Brave
i;y c. ;V. iiiniy
Jt Bridal Eve, The
By Mis E. I
rfiBiokcn Links By
, X. Southwoith
Mis. Alexander
37 Bryant s Poems
3S By Pike and Dyke....Bv (',. A. llentv
H) By Sheer Pluck 11 (!. A. llent
41) Cap t. Bnvley's Heir.. .By G. A. Henty
it Cast Up by tho Sou
By Sir Samuel W. Baker
12 Catherine do Medici
By llonoiu do Balzac
41 Chailes O'Mnllev By Chailes Lever
44 Chevalier do Malson Rouge, The
By Alexander Dumas
4". Children of the Alibev. The
By Regime Slaiia Roche
Hi Child's Hlstoiy of England. A
By Charles Dickens
4" Cliouims, The ...By Honoie de
45 Christinas Guest. The
Bv Mis. E. D E. X. Southwoith
41 Clique of Gold. The
Bv KnilK Ulboil.iu
.',0 Cloister and the Health. The
i Bv Chaiks Ke.ulo
,"1 Consequent cs By Egeitou Castlo
W Comet of Hoisc B G. A Henty
r.i Countes do Cliaiuy
Bv AluMiuder Diiiiias
SI Count of Monto Cilsto, The
By AleMinder
f, Cousin Bettv....By Ilonoio de BaUau
fii; Cousin .Mamie
By M.nv J. llohnes
Ci unfold...
.ny .nis. ciiisKeu
:S Cruise of the Cachalot..
Bv i-'iuuu T. Billleu
Ci Discarded Daugbler,
iiii Donovan
Mis, Southwoith
. Bv Eilna Lvull
1.7 Doni De.nie ,,
us lioni Tliornci
.By J. Holmes
, , By Chailotte 31. lluiemo
1.1 Di pain Lift Bv Ik Maivel
Trt Buphew, Tho By "Tho Dm hens"
71 Dulto'H Seciot. The
,,By ChmlutUi M. Biaeiuo
72 East Lyune By .Mis. Heiuy Wood
71 Eiiratxrn ami net1 liPimau tinmen., .
"I Emerson's Essays. (First and inland
7.1 Ensllsli OiphaiiH, Tho
, By Mmy J Holmes
7il Englishwoman's Love-Letteip. An,, .
77 Esther By Itosa X. Cmey
7S Eugeulo Gl under By Honoiodo Ilalzao
71 Pacing tho Flag By Jules Voum
tn Fair Jewens, A By II. I.. Parjeon
SI Pair Play
,...Bv Mis. K. D. E. X Southwoith
is! Fanner Holt's Daughtoi. ,
By .Chiitlis Gaivko
M Fatal Mm luge, Tin
,...By Mis. n P, E. X Southwoith
Sit Fatal Seciet, The
,. .By Mis. E. D. 13. X. Southwoith
V. I'lle Xo. 1U ,il.v Emllo Gaboiliu
S-0 Final Reikonlug, A..Bv fl. A. Henty
&7FIHU of aiidlestono. The
Bl A. Conan 1)0 Ih
SS Fit sit Violin. 'JlicllV .Ti'Bsle Folbciulll
&9 rial'Iton torn IMiililng, A
.By Mrs. J If Kwlng
W For Kama und Paine
B) O. A. Henty
HI Fottuno Seeker. The
....BvMis 13. D. 13 X. Southwoith
9." Pot tunes of Nigel, Tho
By Sir Walter Scott
W Fieiieh Ri volution. The
,!ly Thomas Cailile
ill FiIvoIqiis Cuiild...,,Bv Anthony Hopo
U5 Gipsy'b Piopheey. The
...,lly Mis 13. D, 13. N. Southwoith
Sij Goftho'H Faust . .
17 Gold Elsie... .Hi 13 Miitllll
','SGieatesl Tblim in llu Woild, The.. .
., By Piof. Huuy Diummoiid
M) Grimm's Faliy Talts
lot) Ciiiuinaker of Moscow. The.
...,,...' .. .By Sylvonus Cobb, .Ii
101 Gypsy Queen's Vow, The
Bv Mis. Agues Flcmliii.
102 Han of Iceland Bv Victor linen
103 Hardy Norseman, A. ..Bv Edna Lyall
Ifllllaiiy Lotrequer....By Chailes Lever
105 I(aimed Honipntrnd
....By Mix 13. I) 13. X. Southwoith'mun ( I' firm "in 1l. Villi ,. Autfiltlnttn. Ilv .Innii 1 Alllllllt IfJ VIIJIIOIU .11. JJIUUIIHJ rf; aIBI 4' .UUI1.V UUUlllfUll
By Mis. E D E X, Southwoith lul Maltha, tho Pai son's' Daughter 211 Prince ol Daikiuss, The..... ........... By Jean Wys i
bO D uk Seciut The . By W Heimlnug .. 11 Mis E IJ. 13 N. Southwoith IMS Talis lioni Shakespeaie
Bv Mrs. Muv Agnes Fleming nil Maivel By "The Duchess11 211 Princes of tho -Moor, The ............ ...By Charles and Mary Lamb
Ci Duvld Coppoilli)ld,.By Chailes Dickons lul Mmy, Queen of Scots ,. , ..;;, ", '", ,51llllllt -"' Jempist and Sunsline.... ....... .........
i..' Deumstor. Tho By Hall Calue riv Jacob Abbott 2P! Princess ol tho Hoiisump.ivld. ...... .!,,, r-l M.a, V,.IW,"1
, 1 n..i..,.. ni. i... ii ei i.,i, T.. u., . v f,,... Uv Hiu. J 1. linriii bam 2u, Ten bo Case. A Bv I3tta . Pleico
'J , . '''iv,i,,,',".',,'V,','.',',!,','',', i.r Ar..oi.t .'.p LoiVi,'n, ii... "17 Pilsimeis anil Ciintlve-i 2u, Thaddcils of WinsilW
,, ";".'.:.'.";.' " .:: "" -""' """' "' -."..i. -............... - . ..-. -,,.,,,..,.,,,... .. ,sS Jlllia ,
' Bv GPoiiro"Meiedltli loS Meudow''B7oolt.VlVy'Mni"y J. Tlohnei 21S Piotissor at tin Bic.ikrast .Table.. . y Thelimi '....By Marlu
is NO'sar oisr
s By Victor Hugo
11C Imitation of Christ, Of the...
By Thomas n Kempis
117 India; or, tho Pearl of River....
By Mrs. Soiitbworth
BS Inez By Augusta J. Evans
119 In Fitedom's Cause. ..By G. A. Henty
1-0 In His Steps. .By Chailes At. Sheldon
121 In the Golden Davs....By Edna Lyall
1JJ in the Heart of tho Stoim
By Maxwell Giay
121 In Times of IVrll Bv G. A. Henty
l.'l Ishmael; or, In tho Depths
Bv Mis. Soutliwoilb
ir, Island. The By Rlrhaiil AVhitliig
IJt, Ivanhoe Bv Sir Walter1 bcott
1J7 Jack o1 tho Light.. By Etta W. Pleiee
l-'S Jane. Evie By Charlotte llionto
1.'9 John Halllav, (Jentlcmnn
By Miss Mulock
1JU Joseph Balsamo
By Aleandnr
1.11 Josophlim By Jacob Abbott
HJ Julius Caes.u By Jacob Abbott
1U Kathleen
Bv Mis. Piancis llodtrson Buinett
I'M Kenllworth By Sir Walter Scott
l.n Kidnapped. ...By Robcit L. Stevenson
13(1 Kith and Kin. ...By Jcsio Fotheigill
is; Knight Enant By Edna Lvall
ljs, "Ul Bela" and Others
Bv Egeitou Castle
L'l Lady Audit 's Settet
uv .miss l. E. Bi.uldou
lie I.idy ul tho Jslc. The
Bv Jhs. E. D. r
X. Southwoith
lit Lamplighter, The
By Mm In S Cummins
11.' List Diys of Pompeii, The
Bv Sir E. Bulner i.jtton
14! List of tho Mochlc.ins, The
By J, Pcnltnoio Cooper
111 Last Tenant, The. ..By 11. L. Faijeon
141 Lena Rivers By Mmy J. Holmes
Hi! Light That railed. The
By Rud.vaul KIplliTi
ll'LIndsaVh Luck
By Mrs. Fiances Hodgson Burnett
14i Lono Ranch, The
Bv Capt. Mas no Held
111 Loin.i Doonn..,.By R D. Blackinou
l.Vl Lost Heir. The By G. A. Henty
I'd Lost Hiliess, The
....By Ml" E. D. E. X. Southuoiih
I'.' Lost Heir or Linlithgow
..Bv Mis. E 1). E. X Southwoith
i.ij i.uiiiau vtxj ,11. ttuiiuit i .
By Alesaiiilei1 Ijiimas
l.M Lover or Piieud...,By Ros.i X C.iley
15j Love's Laboi Won
. .By Mis. IJ. IJ E. N. Soutliwoilli
1"! Luclle By Own Meiidith
1" Mucin la By Augusta J. Ewnis
1 Mugdiilen's Vow
Bv Mis. May Agues Fleming
IV) Mnirirln Allllei !!. Mai v .f. Holmes
iuj Man In tho lion M.isK, The
ii v Alexander Dumas
Pil Mm bio Faun
lul Meditations ot Maicus Aiuelius
Tliilislatod by Gtoigo Long
170 MeinollH ot n PhyNitlnu, The
By Alexander Dumas
171 Meilo's Clllsado.,,.By Rosa N. Cainy
172 Mleiih Cltiiko By A. Conan Dolo
171 .Midnight gin en, tho...
ii iuti" i mi,,.,
By Mrs, Mny Acnes FUmiltig
171 Mine Own People.. By Rudynid Kipling
17.". Missing Bride, The
...Bv Mis. E. D. E N. Soutliwoilb
17G Molly Bawn By "Tho Duchess"
177 .Monk ot Cliittn. A ,. .
By E. Phillips Oppeuhe'lm
ITS Mosses Horn an Old Maiue...., .. .
By Nathaniel Hawthnliio
17!) Moss.Sldo By .Million Hailaud
150 Motller-ln-law, The .
...By Mis. K. D, 13 N. Southwoith
Ibl Militancy Stories .. .
B udaid Kipling
lb2 .My Danish Swectheait
B W. Claris Uussel!
WMMteiy of D.i ik Hollow, Tho
By Mm. Southwoith
151 Noble Lonl, , (Se(liel to "Tho Lost
llelr of Linlithgow") . .. .
Bv Mis Southwoith
li"i Nut Like Other HUH.... .
By Rosa Xouehetto Catey
1W Not Wisely Hut Too Well
, By Jthoilu Bioiighloii
1S7 Now oi Novel1 B) Ollw Uptto
1!3 Old Curiosity Shop, the
.. .., By Chailes Diekuiis
pjl Old Homestead, The
.Mrs Ami S Stephens
1W Old Manfsello's Seciet, The
11 13 AlitilltC
1S1 Ollvei Twist By Chailes Diekeus
11'2 Only the Governess. .. .
Bv Rosa Nnuchetto I'aiey
HU Otango und Oieen 11 (1. A Henty
ltd Out Bessie. ...... ..By Uiw.i X Caicy
Hi", Out of tho Juws of Dmth.
By Fiank liauott
llj Out on tliu l'ampas. ..By G A. Henty
lt)7 Owl's .Vest, The.. . . . It E Milllltt
IJI .ll, .,il.. , . . ,,. ii .11,11111
RiS IViu Mliiucl..By llem.vl, Slenklewie
km raiuuiiaei, inn
By J Feiihuoie Coop r
200 Pat.l and Vhtilnia. . ...
By B de Saint Pienu
Let Peru lloiiot.. ..By Hoiiou do Balzac
202 Phuutoui Rlckob.iw, Tho
.... By Rudynid Kipling
'201 Phantom vVcddlng. Thu
. ...By Mis. 13. D. E. X Southwoith
2ol Pilgrims Pio,jicss.. Bv John Buuiaii
20.) Ploueeis, The. .11 J. Funhnote Cooiier
llv .iitl,(ililr.l 1 Inn tlini Mi, .
for 12k Each
6,000 of 11)8
Bop' and Girls9 Popular Library
For Boy
A new sei ies of handsome 12 mos., well printed and
and well bound, stamped in colors, containing the
most popular stories by
Oliver Optic
Captain Mayne Reid
W. H. G. Kingston
George A Henty
And other authois equally well known.
For Girl
A new line of captivating tales for girls. Finel)
printed and substantially bound in cloth, 13 mo. size
stamped in colors, containing stories by
Alice Carey
Mary A. Denison
Lewis Carroll
Mrs. J. H. Ewing
And other well known authors. Price, 12c.
Following is the list:
All Aboaid
Battle and a Bov. A..
.Oliver Optio
Blanche Willis d
Boat Club. The Oliver Optic
Boy Cmsoes Jetfeis Tailor
Boy Tar, The Captain .Maine Reid
Bv England's Aid
Uv Pike ai.d Dike
.(. A. Henty
ii. -. Jicnty
Bv Right ul Conquest C. A. Henty
Captain Bavlei's Hell U. A. llentv
Ciitmiu's Cave niehaul Don ling
Cliff Climber, Tlu....Clptiiln Ma.vne Kcld
Ctuibo ol tho Snow Bird, The
Uoidun Stables
Dick Chcveley V. 11. (I. Kingston
For the Temple G. Heiliy
l'lom Powdei Monkei to Admlial
vv. J i. n. Kingston
In Fieedom's Cause
In Times ot l'oiil....
James Bialtliw.iite..
Joo Xichols
.(! A. Iloity
G. A. Iluitv
,.W. 11 G. Kingston
.... AValter Almwill
.... Alfied Oldfollow
Guidon Stnbli.s
Life at Sea
Lion of St. Marie, 'Hie G. A Henty
Linn of tho Ninth c! A. Hcntv
Now or Never
Peter tho Wlmlti W
Robinson Ciusue
SI1010 and Ocean r.
Silver Ship. The. . . .
Swiss J'anillv liolilusou
..Oliver Optic
11, G Kitigstim
..Dmlel Del 00
II. (1. Klnustou
. ...Leon Lew 1 4
Munteltuu iS, se
Thiee at VYolveitou
U'oh ei Ionian
Tiv Airilli...
Oliver opue
I'ndir Diake's Flag..
(1. A. llent
-Uh l'l.un Tales fiom the Hill"
By P.ud.Minl Kipling
Hi? l'leasuies of Lite. The
By Sir John Lubbock
.'uX Plutin ch's Livis
.n'l Poor ami lioiul I! Ollvei Optle
.'in Pi.ilrle, The,, .ll J, Fenlnioio Cooper
-It 1'iettv Pnllv Pimbeiton
By Mis. Piauies llo,Isou Buinett
ilJPriie He Paid. Tin .By E Werner
i: Pi luce cnailles uaiiguii'i
Uv Oliver Wi ndell Holmes
21'.i Pine and 1
11 lieoigu William Cm lis
2.1) Quecih Uv Ell.abeth WiUlieull
.'. I tiueenle's Whim ...Bv Itosa N. Cmoy
222 Quel n of the Isle The
llH1 ,, ,i,v. , r
--J Queens Xecklaee,
uv ,us .miiv Aguis l tailing
Bv Alexiinili'i1 Iniiniis
221 Quo Vmlls.. ..B Ileut.vk Sieiikiuwlc.
225 Retribution
...Bv .Alts 13. D. 13 X. Southwoith
22i. Reveries ot a Bachelor Bv Ik Maivel
227 Rleiui By Sir E Bulwer-L ttou
:& Rlllo ICuubcis, Tho
By dipt. .Alio lie Held
J.!) Rival Biotbus, The
, ...B) Mis. Jlay Agnes Fleialug
JA) Itohtut Old's Atomnieiu
. . . By Bona Noiuhetto Cm.1'
2.11 Robinson Ciiisoi ,. B Daniel Dctoo
212 Romanio of Two Win Ids. A
Uv Millie I'olilll
2:11 Itomol.i llv Ceoigo Eliot
231 S imanlha at S.natoga
By Joslali Aliens Wito
.'" Sui tui ituHiiitus,. By Thomas Cnillu
2 Scalp Hiiuteis, The
By Capt. Miino Reid
2J7He.ii lei Letter, The
By Nathaniel Iliiwthonio
2.: Scottish Clileis, Tho
Bv Miss J, 1110 Pinter'
231 Second Wile1, The By E. Alarlltt
2m belioHnlfCtl; 01, Fiom the Dipths.
(A seiiiel to "Ishmae'l.' I
II Mif. Boiithwoilh
211 Shadow of a Crime. Tho
.. . . ..Bv Hall C.iliH)
.'2 Sho Fell III Line with I lei Husband .
llv E. Wciiiui
,'U She's All the Worid lo Mo
. . .Hy Hall C.tlu,
211S1KU of tho I'oui. The
uy a. conan l)olo
21", 8lkirt.e ul DiauMaltlaiid. The
. . Bv Maxwell rimy
21. 1 DihuUil Bv Satah Gland
217 Sl Unci B Ale.Nuiuler Dunnia
JlShl.ilili Book, llle
. Hi AViivhingtou lirilDi
JW hiuno 01 iiiu I'oiviir, ini
...B Alesaiiilei Diuiuis
:; sum or 1nu.11. .. By null calue
251 Sou of Poithos The
Bv Aloxundtr Dumn
av Sous of llellul. .By William AVestall
25.1 Soul of Pleiie. The., By fleoiis Ohnet
251 Sjiectie Lovei. Tile
...By Mis. 13. D. E. X. Soulhwoilli
rncle Xat Alfied Oldfellott
Way to Success Alfied Oldfellov.1
Whistler Walter Almweil
Wild Adventures Round tho Polo
Gordon Stables
With Leo in Virginia O. A. Henty
With Wolfo In Canada G. A. Hentv
Young C.uthiiglnian, TI10....G. A. Henty
Kiuug v agauonu, a .. a. ijenueic
Alice's Adveiituics In Wonderland
Lew Is Carrol 1
Amy De-.iuu Vhglnl.i F. Townsend
wVveiil Rosa Nouchette Carey
B.ubai.t's Tiiumiihs Mmy A. Dcntsou
Clovcinook ChJIdieu Alice Caiev
Cricket's friends, The. ...Cousin Viiginin.
Doll's Club, The. CJo's Doll, Katy's
ciiilstmas, Patty's Pi .inks) i vols.
tn one Bv Cousin Virginia
Ei hoes Horn Story Land. .Mary D. Brlno
Ella AValter Aimwcll
ricnehmau's Wind, The
Maiv A. Denlsor
Pnliy Talis in Other Lands
Julia Goddai d
Gieat Emeigeiic.v, A
Juliana Hoiatla Living
Guaidi ill's Tuist. Tlie..Maiy A. Denlsou
Jessie AValter Almweil
LampllKhlci, Tho Maii.i S. Cummins
Milieus Walter Almweil
Stories Grandma. Told Mary D. Bilno
Our Bessie Rosa Nouchotte Caiev
Slmnle Susan Maiiu Edceworth
Tlnongli tho Looking Glass. .Lewis Caioll
wiuie it was .vioimng....
.Vllgluln. 1 Townsend
2", Siy, The By J. IVnliuoin Cooper
2"i! St. Aim's By W. E. Noitli
217 Stepping Ilea venn aid
By Mis. E. Pientlss
2JS Stoi ol an Alilcan Fnim. Tho
By Ralph I1011
27) Stiango Hlopemeilt, A
By W. Russell
J Sunshine and Roses
By Chailoito M. Biaemn
".l SusHiiso...By Henry Setou Mowlmaii
tiS Then
Bv Mi-s, Fianees Hodgson Buinett
LV) Thlld A'olume. The..Bv Firglis Humo
27OTI10111.S und Oiango Blossoms
By Chailotte M. Biaemo
271 Thieo Beauties. Thu..... ... ..........
...Bv Mis. 13, D, K. X. Southwoith
272 Till Co Gmitdsmen, The
By Aleiuiuler Dunlin
27.1 Tollois ol tho Se.i, The
By Victor HiiB'i
271 Tom Blown at Oxford
By Thomas Hughe i
275 Tom Biown's School Days ;
, Bv Thoinus HiibIu'S
27ii Tom Jones By Heiuy l'lcldlng
277 Tieasuio Island.. .
By Hubert Umls Stevenson
27S Tiuo to the Old FIlg..By O. A. Ilcnti
271 Tiy Again By Oliver Optlo
!.mi Twenty Veins Alter ..
By AleMinder Dumm
'231 Two SlJteis. Tho ...
Bv Mrs. E D 13. N Southwoith
'2a! Fin Id .Max By Rosa N. Caiey
2sJ Cnelo Tom's Cabin..
Bv Hairlot Biecher Stowo
2vl l'nder Duiko'H Plug.. By G. A, Hentv
25 Fnder Two Flags ...... ..By Ould 1
jii Vanity Fall,... Uy W M. Thackeuiv
'.S7 Vendetta .. . .By, Maiio Coielli
iss Vicar ot Wakeileld. Tho... ..... .
Bv Oliver Goldsmith
.i9 Vlcniiili) de Biasieloiine, 'Hie
By Alexander Dumas
2!il Villa, tn. Tlio Sei rot of Power ,
11 Alis. Southwoith
.11 AVuieilev By Sir AValter Seott
.'.i.' AV.-e AVIIlo Uy Roeii N Caiev
'.1 W11 Two By Edna Lyall
-td AVlillo Comp.un. 'I'ho .... . ..
By A. Connu Doylo
."i", WhlttleiV Poems..
."Ju Wide. Wide Win Id. Tin
. ..Bv ElUabetli Wetherell
217 Widow h Son, Tim..
. Bv Mis i: I). 1"! X Soutliwoilli
.is With Cllvo in lnJlu..B Ci A. Hentv
. Willi I'lio and Swoid ...
.. By llcurvk SlenklewU.
MO Wltll Lee III Viinlni.1 By O A. llentv
vOl With AVolfo in Canada
By a. A llentv
Ml Wiiiiiau 11
Wliite, 'Ihe
By AVllkio Collin 1
::k: AVim l Waiting By Edna Lyall
lul Wooed and Mauled
By Rosa Xouilictte Cute
.'.il', Wotuiwuod.... ,.l!y Marie MoiePI
2ebi VoiuiK Caithagluiaa ,
By O. A. Unity