The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 08, 1902, Image 1

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fe Hfrtftat ScraSS O?
Senate Will Take Uu the Statehood
Bill. Which Will Remain the
Unfinished Business.
New Mexico and Arizona May Not
Have Smooth Sailing The Immi
gration Bill Will Continue to Re
ceivo Attention House Has No
Mapped Out Programme Beyond
the Disposition of the London Dock
Charge Bill.
By Exuliulvr Wire liom The Ai.uctitcil I'imi.
Washington, Deo. 7. In accordance
with iliu unanimous agreement of l:iht
session, tin; senate will take ui the
statehood bill next Wednesday, and, it
1? said, to remain the unfinished busi
ness for some time thereafter. The bill
undoubtedly will provoke considerable
ilghttti;, and it Is generally believed Unit
It will continue to receive attention
until the adjournment fur the Christ
inas holidays at least. Senator Pever
Idge, as chairman of the committee on
territories, will call the bill mi Wed
nesday and probably will make a speech
In support of the report in favor of the
substitute bill presented by the com
mittee. Other members ot the commit
tee who agree with him will follow. All
of thorn will give careful attention to
the testimony taken by the sub-committee
which recently visited the terri
tories. The committee's written ronoi;t has
not yet been submitted to the senate,
and this probably will be put in on
Wednesday. The report, will analyze
the testimony dealing with the question
of s-oil, mines, education facilities and
genera! fitness of the population of the
various territories for statehood. It is
generally understood that a strong posi
tion will be taken in opposition to the
claims of New Mexico and Arizona,
considerable stress being laid on the
fact that a large percentage of the peo
ple of those territories are necessary in
the conduct of the business of many
courts. Attention also -will-Wgiven to
previous reports on the subject of state
hood for those territories, many" of
which are severely criticized by the
present commission on the ground that
Ihey fall entirely to represent the real
conditions. The report giving the views
of the commission committee will be
accompanied by a transcript of the tes
timony taken by the committee, which
will be printed for the Information of
the senate and the country.
It is expected that the Immigration
bill will continue to receive attention
on Monday or Tuesday, but the pro
ceeding:! which will refer to this bill
will consist largely in the reading of
the bill and the consideration of amend
mcnls. There will be more or less of Icglslu
Jve business during the work, and in
all probability another adjournment
lrom Thursday until the following .Mon
day. House Forecast.
The house this week has no mapped
out programme beyond the disposition
of the .London dock charge bill and the
report of the elections committee on
the contested election case of Wagner
vs. put let', from the Twelfth Missouri
district, on "Wednesday. The London
unci; run lias men pp ssed by export-
jiik iiiiric.-n.f nun pi.irucaiiy mo nulling
Interests of the northwest, and Is op
posed by the Atlantic shipping Inter
ests. The withdrawal last week from
lis advocacy of the Lumber Men's asso
ciation, which was supporting the
measure, will weaken It and Its pass
age is considered doubtful, The AVag-ncr-Iiutler
case Is somewhat of an an
omaly. Mr. Duller was unseated at the
last session and his seat was declared
vacant. He was re-elected In Novem
ber to 1111 the vacancy, having about
0,000 majority on the face of the re
turns. Ills opponent now contests, but
in order to secure action beforo the
4th of March, the rules relating to the
preliminaries of a contest, which may
1 strung out for months, must he
shortened. The committee recommends
that the period for preparing the case,
taking ttstlmouy, etc,, bo shortened to
forty days. If the executive appropri
ation hill Is completed in lime. It prob.
iibly will he tuken up the lattfr part of
thu week. If not, the remainder of tjnu.
may bo occupied with minor bill re.
ported by committees.
The Little Cubans Held at Ellis Is-
Innd Are Now on Their Way.
fly Eic-lnslve Wile (rom The AtsocUtcd I'rui.
Now York, Dee, 7. The eleven Cuban
children who arrived recently at this
rlty on their way to thu Itujaj Yoga
school at Point Lomu, C'.il,, and wero
held pendintf mi Investigation by the
Immigration authorities, wore released
to-day from Hills Island.
They wore tuHon to Jersey City,
wheto they started on their Journey
across the continent.
New Mexico Prosperous,
fly i:siliuio Wire frpm The Asjovlatcd l'rs,
Washington, Dec. 7. The unniuil report
of Governor Otero, of New Mexico, to tho
hecrotnry of the Interior, says thu IoitIt
tory In unusually prosperous, irrigation
work lins taken gieat strides, new mines
nro opening up and now towns and cities
nro sprlnuhig Into fo. Tho net bonded
debt of the territory Is $l.l!,05l. The ns
M'ssed valuation of property In Now
Mexico lb now ll,1(iS,715, which tho gov
ernor says is not one-third of Its actual
value for taxable purposes, a fulr esti
mate, ho says, not falling far uhort of
lM,V00,OfiO. ,
Session Ends in Satinet
uouuceuient of Ml-. Re
the An
'Death. fljr Kiolujht iVlrr from lhe Amoc,
Washington, Dee. 7, As, - dinner
of the (Iridlron club was lib , p close
last night, the announc'eiiient-was made,
that Mr. I teed was at. death's door. He
had been all honored guest of the club
during all the years of Its existence,
rind every member was his personal
friend. President Wynne called upon
Major ,1. M. Carson, one of the oldest
coiiL.spdiuknts In service, to say a fiw
Major Carson told how Mr. iteed had
often enlivened the club dinners with
his brilliant wit and caustic comment.
Tht- entire assemblage arose when it
was proposed that a silent toas.t be
drunk to Mr. Iteed's memory. At this
moment Representative Joseph (.!. Can
non imld a handsome tribute to the
i man he had known so long and so well.
It was now past midnight, and as
Mr. Heed 'was passing away Mr. Ilern
kon Morsell was singing a song the
statesman loved and had often heard.
"The Song That Reached My Heart,"
Its touching melody being a lefinln
from "Home, Sweet Home." The situ
ation was strangely dramatic. Before
the gavel fell, Mr. Reed's death became
known, and gloom succeeded tho inlith
and festivity of the banquet hall.
General Bliss Clearing- the Way
for a Reciprocity Treaty.
B.v Kudu-tie Wlm from The Associated I'rcM.
Washington, Dee. 7. It is learned
that the document which General Ullss
and the two Cuban commissioners are
expected to sign in Havana tomorrow
is really u protocol, giving the outlines
of a reciprocity treaty which will be
acceptable to the governments of the
United States and Cuba. This will
come to Washington, and Secretary
Hay and Minister Quesada will frame
and sign a formal treaty giving effect
to the projects contained in the proto
col. General Bliss has hit upon a plan
whereby the United States can secure
a preferential rate in the proposed
treaty without encountering; the ob
jection that this would be in violation
of the favored nations clauses in Cu
ba's treaties with the other powers, yet
to be made, by having the protocol ho
hifs just framed rest' on the existing
rates of duty as to Imports from the
Vnltcd States, and then having the
Cuban congress pass o pother tariff act
raising duties from 10' to 20 per cent on
imports from countries other than the
United Stales.
Tho United States Steamship Brings
Fever-Stricken Marines.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated ITcm.
Newport News, Ya Dec. 7. Thu
United States steamship Panther, com
mander J. C. AVIlson, reached Hampton
Itoads from Colon today, bringing the
fever-stricken marines who have been
protecting the railroad property on the
isthmus for more than a month.
Aboard the vessel were :!20 men.
Thirty-four of them, of whom two are
olllcers, were taken to the naval hos
pital at Portsmouth Immediately on the
Panther's arrival. These cases are un
derstood to be serious. The other
stricken marines are not very ill, and
they will be granted short leave until
they ran recuperate. The Panther had
an extremely rough voyage up from
San Juan, wheuca she sailed last Mon
duy. The storm delayed her arrival
iibout two days and made the sick
marines more miserable.
The Eagle Valley Plnnt nt Ridgway
is Destroyed.
Uy Inclusive Wire from Thr Assoclil il Vint.
ltldgway. Pa., Dec. 7. The Eagle
Valley Tannery at this place was de
stroyed by lire, early this morning,
caused by an explosion of natural gas
In tho engine room. The loss on build
ing Is estimated at 170,000, and that on
the stock of leather and hides at
SL'GO.OOO1 to ?)0,0O0. The loss Is said to
be well covered by Insurance.
This tannery Is In the Kll; Tanning
Company's district, which Is Identi
fied with the United States Leather
George W. Chllds, who is president
of the Kll; Tanning Company Is In tho
South, hut upon being informed of tho
Urn left for ltldgway to-day.
A large number of employes will bo
thrown out of work.
Rebuilding will bo commenced soon.
Tho bark stacked In the yards was not
Steamship Arrivals,
lly LVludie Wlru Irum Tho Atwulatcd Viv.-t.
Nuw York, Doc. 7. Arrived: Fmbrlu,
Liverpool and QuceiiHtown; Ueutsctilanil,
Hamburg, Southampton and Cherbourg;
Ilottcrdum, Rotterdam and Doulogiie.
Hulled: Ityndam. Amsterdam South,
iiinptim Bulled; Jtluecher tllambiug and
Uoulogiio), Nuw York, Lizard Passed;
Kroonliind, New Vork for Antwerp.
Havre Arrived! La. Giiscogno, New
York. Plymouth Arrived! Piutoila, Nuw
York for Cherbourg and Hamburg. Llv-crpoolt-Arrlvcd:
Htrurla, New York via
Queenstown. Queiiiistown Sailed: l.u
caniu, from Liverpool, New Vork.
Reception Tendered Iilsh Envoys.
Uy Uxcluihe Wlra hum ThcWuciatcil 1'ius.
AVashhiBton, Dee, 7. A largely attended
muss meeting lecoptloh In honor of Mi
chael Davltt, Kilwaid Jllako and John
Dillon, tho iilsti envoys now In thin
country, was held tonight at the Lafay
ette theater. Mr. Dillon, however, was
not present, having been detained In Chi
cago by Illness. Senator Thomas M. Pal.
tcrson. of Colorado, presided while on thu
platform and In tho audience wero seated
a number of representatives hi congress,
among them, Mr, Green, of Pennsylvania.
Has Been Exceedingly Profitable for
Settlement of Ponding Questions,
lly Kxc!iulvi Wire hum The AtwrUtal fre'i.
Rome, Dec, 7, Archbishop Chappclle,
of New Orleans, and pupal delegate to
Porto Rico and Cuba, 1ms gone to
Genoa, where he will take passage on
the steamer Leo N1I1 and sail for New
Vork tomorrow.
Refore Ids departure the archbishop
said to the Associated Press correspond
ent: "My seven wieks' stay In Rome has
been proiltablc for the settlement of the
pending questions In accordance with
the propositions I submitted to tho
Vatican. lly conferring directly with
the high dignitaries of the church 1 suc
ceeded in arriving at solutions which
would have required several months'
correspondence to reach, 1 return to
resume woik. animated with the most
sincere desire to contribute to the pins
perltv of Cuba and Porto Rico, and to
the moral, Intellectual and social ad
vancement, of the people to whose des
tiny 1 IVel myself entirely devoted."
Conimissioiier Durham Has
Written an Important
Letter on Subject.
lly ll.ulusiu- Wire iruu Tlu AE-ociiilut l'i ..
Hurrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 7. Insurance
Commissioner Durham has written a
Utter to Governor Stone recommending
the enactment by the next legislature
of such laws as would prevent the or
ganization of mutual Insurance com
panies for purely speculative purposes,
while fully protecting tlte rights and
powers of all such companies where
properly managed.
Mr. Durham tiNn recommended that
a law bo enacted providing for the in
corporation of societies for beneficial
and protective purpose's in the same
manner as insurance companies are
now chartered, with proper .restric
tions as to the character of business to
be undertaken and with complete su
pervision by thf insurance department.
Such associations being purely mu
tual, the insurance commissioner be
lieves tlitit they should be prohibited
from accepting as members any but
tho.-e who are legally capable ot mak
ing a contract. He says that the busi
ness of insuring children on the Indus
trial .or weekly payment plan lias
grrjft-n to va"U proportions- and has
been, and will continue to be. of Inesti
mable benellt to a large majority ot
"While 1 do not think any radical
change in the laws regulating this
clasii of insurance wise." adds Mr.
Durham, "I would, nevertheless, rec
ommend the enactment of such laws as
would limit the amount of insurance to
be paid to a burial benefit only and fix
ing the age under which children
could not be accepted. This uilclit
properly be fixed at eight yfurs for the
reason that. In the natural course, a
child of that age would In a few years
be of more pecuniary benetll to the
parent than the pittance which could
be obtained from the Insurance com
pany by its death."
Mr. Durham also recommends the
enactment of a law to regulate tho
business of fraternal beneficial asso
ciations, and providing pinper super
vision, and an amendment to the act
of 1SS0 so as to enable the Insurance
commissioner to value nil policies is
sued January t. lltO.1,- and thereafter,
according to the American experience
table of mortality, with Interest at not
more than 3 1-2 per cent per annum.
Will Be Attorney for the Schenectady
Painter's Union iu Potter Case.
fly Kxelusivc Wire from Th Associated Press.
Schenectady, N, V Dec. 7. Douglas
H. Pratt, recording secretary of tho
painters' union said to-night that the
union has engaged ex-Senator D. H.
Hill to light the action brought against
It by "William Potter, the expelled
guardsman, who has procured an In
junction icstiiilniiig the union from
considering him as not a member.
Pratt said that a committee had re
quired Mr, Hill to take their case and
that ho hud agreed to do so.
The union has not as yet compiled
with the court's order and re-Instated
Potter to membership and the olllcers
state that no such action will be tnkon.
Tho Annual Meeting of the National
Civic Fcderntion at New York,
lly Kxihulve Wire from The .WicUtril I'lCa.i.
New York, Due. 7. The annual meet
ing of tho national Civic Kederatloii
will be held tomorrow, continuing
Tuesday and Wednesday, Special at
tention will be given to the lessons to
hn learned from tho recent coal strike.
Tho Vhigllsh workmen brought to this
country by Alfred Mosely will take
part In the deliberation, together with
.Senator Marcus A. Hniina. Former
President Grover Cleveland, lllshop
Henry f Potter and President Ullot of
It Is expected that the heads of elev
en national labor organizations will at
tend. The Strongs Return,
J)y IWelihlw WJru from Thu Associated l'i.
New York, Dec. '. Among thu passen
gers who arrived on the Steamer 1,'nihrla
1 1 em Liverpool were Mr. and Mrs, Put.
pam Hradlee Strong. Strong refused to
oay anything nbout his p.'iht or future
movements. Mis. John Dillon, who come
to see her husband, the lilsh niumber of
parliament who has been In Chicago, was
also a passenger.
Disastrous Five at Leadville.
fiy V.iUuiu' Wire Hem The Aswvutod I'mt
Leadville, Col., Dee. 7. A the that orlg.
hutted in Mcl'hee and McGaiiuIty s plan
ing mill early today, destroyed property
valued at ?LM,Mu.
ExSi)6akf.r o! the House ol Repre
sentatives Passes Peacclullu
Awatj at Washington.
Mr. Reed's Wife and Daughter at
His Bedside During the Last
Hours Uraemia the Immediate
Cause of Death Many Sympa
thetic Callers at the Arlington
Hotel During the Day The Re
mains of Mr. Reed Now En Route
for Portland, Maine, Where the
Funoral Will Be Held Tomorrow
liy Kwludii' Wlre'trmii Tin- Asiuii.itcd I'rest,
Washington, Dec. 7. Thomas JJrack
etl Iteed, former speaker nf the house
of representatives and for many years
prominent In public life, died here at
1:10 o'clock this (Sunday) morning lit
his apartments In the Arlington hotel.
The immediate cause of death was
, A change for the woie was noted In
Mr. Heed's condition early yesterday
morning. At y:atl a. in. he was given
a subcutaneous saline transfusion, in
oriler to stimulate his kidneys, which
were failing to perform their proper
functions. At ." o'clock iu the after
noon saline solution again was ad
ministered, about three quarts of fluid
being used. The heart became weaker
and weaker, but the patient retained
consciousness until II o'clock last
night, when a complete coma came on.
At the bedside when he died were
.Mrs. Iteed and Miss Catherine Iteed,
Drs. Gardner, McDonald, lllshop and
tioodnow and the- nurses. Dr. Goud
now, who had been In consultation
with the local physicians Thursday,
was again summoned from Philadel
phia yesterday afternoon and arrived
here at !t;.'10 p. in. Mr. Iteed's mind
was in such a state during the day that
he did not icalize the seriousness of
his condition. He was cheerful and
conversed with those about his bed
side. When It became apparent that
ho would not' survive his illness, the
wife and daughter wcie notified, and
they remained constantly at the bed
sljle until the distinguished patient
breathed his last. With only a faint
hope of saving his life, oxygen was ad
ministered continually throughout the
It was stated that Mr. Iteed had been
suffering from Hrlghl's disease for
some time, which reached the acute
stage yesterday and this furnished an
additional cause for alarm. Mr. Heed
passed away peacefully and without
Remains En Route for Portland.
The remains ot Mr. Heed left here
this afternoon for Portland, Maine, his
former home, where the interment will
tako place on Tuesday afternoon. They
were placed aboard a special train
leaving Washington at 4: SO o'clock and
running as the second section of the
Federal express, scheduled to arrive
at Portland to-morrow. Accompany
ing the body were Mrs. Heed, the wid
ow; Miss Catherine Heed, the former
speaker's daughter; Hon. Amos L. Al
len, Mr. Iteed's successor In the House
of Representatives; Mr. A'sher f.
Hinds, Mr. Iteed's parliamentary clerk
while speaker; and Mr. Augustus G.
Payne, of New York, a lifelong friend.
At Mrs. Reed's request there were no
ceremonies of any kind here, and at
Portland they will be of a simple char
acter. During the entire day, there was a
stream of sympathetic callers at the
Arlington Hotel, where tho body of
Mr. Iteed lay awaiting removal to the
railway station. They Included Presi
dent and Mrs. Roosevelt, members of
the Cabinet and of the Senate and
House of Representatives and of the
Diplomatic Corps. Many persons In
prlvato Hfo also called. Neither Mrs.
Heed nor her daughter saw any of the
visitors, who simply left their cards.
It was not generally known that the
body of the deceased would be taken
from tho city to-day and President
Roosevelt had Invited Mrs. Reed and
her daughter to be his guests nt the
White House pending Us removal,
which Invitation they wero compelled
to decline. The body was enclosed In
a casket with heavy nxydlr.ed exten
sion hanndles, nml on tho top was a
solid silver plate on which h:'id been
engraved tho following simple Inscrip
"October is, ls.'. December 7, Itw.'."
The casket remained at tho hotel un
til about ! o'clock In the afternoon,
when It was brought down stulr.i and
lifted Into tho hearse, the undertakers'
assistants and the employes of tho
hotel acting as bearers. Then wltheut
ceremony or display of any kind, it
was removed to the railway station.
On the casket rested two floral olVer
Ings, ono of them from the widow mid
the other, enclosed In a long paste
board box from Mrs. Roosevelt,
Mrs. Reed's offering was a large
wreath of violets, American lleauty
roses and orchids, sprinkled with lilies
of the valley, while iu the lxix which
uuni o from the white house were tin
assortment of white anil pink roses
with malden-luilr rerun loosely thrown
together, for use on the' casket when
the Interment Is made.
Koon after the body left the hotel,
Mrs. Reed and her daughter, Mr. Payne,
Mr. Allen and Mr. Hinds, who accom
pafnled the body to Portland, wora
driven to tho special train In waiting.;
Among those at the railway station
wIipii the tin I n departed writ! Senator
and Mrs. Lodge; Justice MeKenntt, of
the Hupreme court; General Draper, of
Mussarhurelti, tltid Representatives
Pitt mid Ltttlelleld. The special train
carrying the funeral paity was made
up of tho composite car llrutus, the
sleeper Harvard and a day couch, Mr.
I.lttlelleld expects to go to Portland to
attend Hie funeral, and Representative
IJurlelgh, who Is there already, also In
expected to be present. The arrange
ments for the obsequies at Portland
have been left In the hands of Hon.
Jofeph W. Symonds and John C. 9;nall,
tin old neighbor of Mr. Reed. As fur n
tentatively nrrauged here, the funeral
will tako place some time Tuesday
afternoon from the First Parish Uni
tarian church, where the Itev. John
Can oil Perkins Is pastor. Interment
will be at Kvergicen cemetery.
The House Will Adjourn.
The house will adjourn soon after as
sembling tomorrow, as a mark of re
spect to the memory of the kite Speaker
Hnvi. This course was decided on to
night. Immediately after approval of
the Journal, Representative Sherman,
of the state of New York, will be recog
nized to present a resolution of condo
lence, and then the house, after adopt
ing 11, will adjourn.
Dr. Keen States That Experiments
Upon Animals Enabled Him to
Save Midshipman Aiken.
tly Kxclii'ltc Wiic from The AsociJlid 'ret.
Philadelphia, Dec. 7. Dr. William W.
Keen, tho eminent surgeon of this city,
who was recently summoned to Annap
olis to perform an operation on Mid
shipman Aiken to relieve him of the
effects of injuries sustained in u foot
ball game, attributes tho success of his
operation to knowledge gained through
experiments in vivisection. Dr. Keen
has addressed a letter setting forth the
facts in the case to .Senator Galllnger,
whom he regards as one of the leaders
of the antl-vlvlsectlonlsts In this coun
try. Dr. Keen, in ills letter, says:
"I deem It my duty to call your at
tention to the case of Midshipman
Aiken of the United States naval acad
emy, who was recently injured in a
football game. My reason for doing so
is to show you by a. single concrete ex
ample that knowledge gained by ani
mal experimentation is an Immense
boon to humanity and Unit, therefore,
such experiments should be heartily en
couraged. The facts of Mr. Aiken's case are as
follows: When I first saw him
after the accident, T found that
he had been unconscious for :i half
hour after the accident and ever since
then hadx complained bitterly of bead
ache, wlileh lie located always In the
forehead. .Soon after the accident he
began to develop convulsions. In six
hours find a half after I saw him he
had twenty-four of these attacks, all
limited to the right arm.
There was no fracture of thu skull.
The only physical evidence of any In
jury was a, very slight bruise at the
outer edge of the left eyebrow.
"Had I seen this case before lSSH I
would have been unable to explain why
the spasms were chiefly manifested In
tho right arm. I would have been jus
tified in inferring that probably the
front part of his brain tvas Injured at
the site of the bruise. Had I opened
his skull at that point, f would have
found a perfectly normal brain and
have missed the clot. The young man,
therefore, would have died whether his
skull had been opened or not.
In 1002, observe the difference. As a
result of knowledge derived from ex
periments upon animals which have
located precisely the centre formation
of the right arm, 1 reached the con
clusion that there had been a. rupture
of a blood vessel within the head, mid
that tho situation of the clot should
correspond to the "arm centre." Its po
sition was fixed absolutely as a result
of experiments upon animals.
An soon as the skull was opened ut
this point the clot was found, its thick
est point being exactly over the arm
centre and the blood was removed with
tho result that the patient's life was
saved. This Is one of hundreds of cases
where a similar exact localization litis
been made by many surgeons both In
Kuropo and America. The antl-vlvlsec-tlotiistH
have frequently denied that
surgeons have learned anything from
such experiments. I state what creates
posltlveness that without the knowl
edge derived from experiments upon
animals which have demonstrated the
fads of cerebral localization. 1 should
never have been able to locate the clot
In Mr. Aiken's head and to remove It.
In view, therefore, of theovldent and
positive benefit of such experiments, I
trust that you will be willing to desist
from further efforts at such repressive
end, as I regard It, most Inhumane, mid
cruel legislation."
He Speaks on ''The Meaning and
Worth of Education."
lly i:cUi, lw Who'll.i ajoi I.Ui-.l I'rc.n.
Wilkes-Uarre, l'a Dee. 7. lilshop
S-'paldiug, of the strike commission
delivered a lecture in St. Mary's
church, this city, this evening, ills
subject was "The .Meaning and Worth
of Kdticution." Two thousand people
crowded Into the church lo heur the
Bishop Holiuu of Scratitou accom
panied Ulslmp .Spalding to this city
and took part In the services following
thu lecture,
Mr, Kuowlton's Condition,
By Kulutlli iVuv frgai The AuacUtnl I'rcM
Million, Mass., Dee. 7. There was ini
apparent elmiigo today In the condition
of Kminer Attorney General II. M.
Kuowlton, who was Milekeu with apo.
plexy yesterday, .Several times he. rallied,
hut thu rally wan brief In owiy wihp, and
ho souu lapsed into uiuoniicliiiisiies.s.
Six-Day Bicycle Race.
Dy ftxcliHlvf Wire fi'vm The AtwcuUJ I'tcn.
. Nuw York. Dec. 7. ICIglit thousand per.
Kims saw the stall of the sK-Juy bicych)
lure,, the tenth annual i hamnionHhip
event which ttarjed hi Madison .Siiare
garden nt 12 inhnitw alter, midubht.
filN!e.civ teams aiy competing fur the
Contest for Nomination for Recorder
Said to Have Narrowed Down
to Corlcss nnd Wntkins.
The committee appointed lo make
arrangements for the lioldlng of a la
bor convention to-morrow night to
nominate a candidate for recorder pre
sented a report at yesterday's meeting
ot the Central Labor Union and It was
unanimously approved.
Reports intuit! by various delegates at
yesterday's meeting showed Hint there
will be upwards of "00 delegates at the
convention lo-inorrow night. Thu
leaders say that while some little oppo
sition to the nomination of a. candi
date has developed It will have no ser
ious effect and they predict that there
will be it candidate placed In the field
beyond the iiuestion of a doubt.
It was said yesterday that the con
test had narrowed down to William
Corliss, nf the Typographical union,
and Thomas Watkius, of North Rer.iu
lon. a. member of the Mine Workeis"
National Oigani'er Jones, of the
Shoemakers' organization and Nation
al Organizer Hartinati of the tailors'
union, were present and made address
es embodying a request for a general
demand on Hie part of union work
men for union shoes and union cloth
ing. It was decided to make a general
demand for a unionizing of all retail
clerks and each delegate was Instruct
ed to convey to his local a request that
no goods lie purchased iu any store
where union clerks arc not employed.
Famous Caricaturist a Victim of Yel
low Fever at His Post in Ecuador.
By K.i'hisl Wire from The Associated l'rc.'..
Guayquil, Ecuador, Dee. 7. Consul
General Thomas Nast died to-day at
noon after three days' Illness from Yel
low fever.
He was interred at 3 o'clock this af
ternoon. Tile funeral was attended by
the Governor, the consular corps, the
American colony and by many friends.
The coflln was wrapped in the stars
and stripes. The Dritish consul re
cited a prayer In the cemetery.
The death of Mr. Nast is deeply la
mented by the natives who held him in
high esteem.
New York, Dec. 7. Thomas Nast was
appointed consul-general at Guaya
quil this year, leaving New York for
his post July 1. He was born In Lan
dau, Ravarla, September 7, 1S-10, and
came with his parents to the United
States six years later. As a, caricatur
ist and cartoonist, he became famous.
Eminent Austrian Orthopedic Sur
geon Visits Maryland Hospitals.
By i:clu-iho iio from The An-wci Uoil I'irf .
Baltimore, Md., Dec. 7. Dr. Adolf
Loreiiss, the eminent Austrian ortho
pedic surgeon, visited to-day the hos
pital for crippled children. While he
did not perform an operation, he ad
vised the physicians of the Institution
how to treat some of the patients
whom he met theio.
A drive through the city was fol
lowed by dinner tills afternoon at the
Maryland University hospltnl. at which
the entire faculty joined him and his
assistant, Dr. Mueller.
Dr. Randolph WInslow.of Johns Hop
kins Hospital, entertained Drs. Lorenz
and Mueller and a party of distin
guished physicians and surgeons, at
his home to-night.
Dr. Lorenz will give a public clinic
at Johns Hopkins Hospital to-morrow
John D. West Breaks Out of
Stockade at Pratt Mines.
By llM'ltliUo WlU' b"in The Ar,iK-IJlecl Pion.
nteinliiirliain. Ala.. Dec. 7. John
West, alius L. Isaac, a member of thu
Duncan gang of safe crackers and burg
lars, who was serving n L'.',-year sentence
on a plea of guilty, escai"d fiom tho
stockade at Hie Pratt Mlmvt ptisan yes.
Itloiidliuuuds have been on West's trail
for several bonis, and sewiiil shots have
been fired nt the fugitive. It Is expected
he will be caught beforo uioriiluK.
English, German and Spanish War
ships in Venezuelan Waters.
Hi Cm'IuiIvu Who iiwii The AoMjiuieJ lv.
Cuacas, Dec, 7. Tho Ihifillsh second
class cruiser U tiiluittun from Heriuuda,
and the German cruiser (i.tzelh1. from
WllU'iiislnd have anchored nt l.a Uuaira,
The Spanish waishlp No utiles bus aUu
arrived at l.a Gualru.
Papal Bull to Filipinos.
It) Kuliiiho he Hum Tlir .UoUitil l'iti.
M.uill.i. Dec. 7- MKI". llllldl, Hie alio,
telle ik-legato is picpui'lug lo publish u
papal bull to the Plllplno people, lie ex.
pected to proclaim today but its publica
tion has been del'oired beeauno thu trans
lallous have not yet been completed. It
Is thought that the bull will clearly defhcj
the position of thu church towiild llu
Philippine Islands and potfMhly otitllno tho
plans for the reorganisation of ll lunch
Three Surveyors Drowned,
11 llvludu' Wire from The Asweuiti'd l'iw.
Wonachle, Wash., Dec. 7 W. It. W.m.
s-er, of Seattle. II. II. Colo and M. At.
Martin, wero drowned In the Wenucliiu
liver near Leavenworth, while engaged
la surveying u location for a now power
plant. Only Cole" body was recovered.
It In supposed that while crossing tho
liver the boat bocamn uinuanHueablu,
drifted Into the rapids and capsized,'
Stipulates Gertain Statistics Then
Desire and the Form In Wiilcli
Theu Want Them.
Another Step Towards Eliminating
Points nt Issue and Encouraging
Amicable Adjustment Moro Wit
nesses Put on to Tell of Individual
Instances of Wages, Hours and tho
Like Some Extreme Cases of Sorry
Conditions Told of by Two Em
ployes of G. B. Markle & Co., In
dependent Operators in the Hazle
ton Region.
Another step towards a settlement of
the mine strike controversy by thu
case-stated plan told of In Saturday's
Tribune was taken at Hie session of tho
commission Saturday morning.
Type-written forms outlining the in
formation the commissioners want re
gaullng the vita! features of the in
quiry were distributed among the rep
lesentatives of the various parties with
Hie request that, If possible, they agree
to the facts called for.
In addition to specifying what infor
mation is wanted, the commissioners
indicate the manner iu which they
would have it presented. Instead of
averages as to wages, for Instance, they
want a table showing the number of
men who earned over $1,000 a year; the
number who earned between $1)00 and
$1,000; between ?S00 and $900, and so on
down. They nlso want tho hours of
work tabulated in such form as to show
iiow many full days, nine-hour days,
eight-hour days, and eo on, were
worked. Information is also asked for
regarding the weighing and meusuring
of coal and the percentage of dockage.
As rapidly as possible the parties to
the controversy ara expected to prepare
nml present this Information. The
miners' experts are now going over the
companies' statistics with a view of
agreeing, as far as possible, on their
correctness. The information asked for
by the commission is all contained hi
these statistics, though It is not In the
form desired. Tt will lake some time
to re-arrange the data to meet the requirements-
of (he commissioners' re
quest. One Session Saturday.
(July one session ot the commission
was held Saturday. At 1 o'clock p. m,
adjournment was had until 10 o'clock
this morning, to give the representa
tives of the different parties an oppor
tunity to go home over Sunday. Presi
dent Mitchell left last night for New
York to attend a session of the execu
tive committee of the American Feder
ation of Labor. Attorney Clarence S.
Harrow went lo Duft'alo, and Henry D.
Lloyd went to IJostoti. Commissioner
Parker and Attorney MacVeagh, who
left on Friday afternoon, were reported
to he In Washington. They are expected
to be back today.
Despite their declaration that they
did not care for individual statements
of wages, hours and the'llke, the com
missioners continue to hear practically
nothing else. That they are doing this
Is accounted for bv the fact that they
recognize an elfort Is oiv nt adjustment
and until that effort Is either successful
or abandoned, neither side cares to do
much more than 1; -t-p Hie press gallery
At the opening of Saturday's session,
ltev. J. J. Cm-ran. w bo was on tho stand
i.t adjourning time l-Viilay, was called
for cross-examination by Attorney 11,
C. Reynolds, repre.-entlng the Independ
ent operator. Mr. Reynolds tried to
have II appear that the witness had
formed his opinions concerning tho
mining situation without having given
It close study, but tho witness Insisted
that his opinions were based, for tho
most part, on pergonal observations and
Troops Unnecessary.
Attorney Joseph O'Brien, of counsel
for tlm uon-iintoii men, theu cross-examined
Father Cm-ran on the matter of
trlki dlsoiders, Father Cumin, mi
direct-examination, tmserled that the
railing out of the troops was iiiinee, s-i-ary.
Mr. O'Drlen read a set ot reso
lutions passed by tho ministers or
Hazleton during the strike, deploring
the lawlessness, boycotts und the lik
that then existed, and nuked tho wit
ness If lie concurred In the sentiments
therein expressed. Father Cut-ran would
not admit that there had been any
great amount of disorder.
Mr. O'Hrlen read a list of disorders
that occurred the i... beforo the sheriff
nilled for troops in this county, and
asked the witness ir he thought that
warranted the sheriff In making a "all
Continued on lu
Local Data for December 7, lii',.,i
Highest tcmpcraturi. ,,,,., Ul dcgteri
I.owe.-t teiiiperatute ,,,,, j.'i degieej
Itelatlvi) humidity:
& a. iu S"i per cent.
S p. ni 71 per ci-uc
Precipitation, t'l hum ended $ p. in..
.W Inch.
- ,-" V-f -f-f-f-f-f-f
Washington. Due. 7. Forecast
for Monday mid Tuesday: Eastern
PennaylviinU Fair, colder Mon- -l
day and Monday night: Tuesday
fulr: fresh northwest winds.
-r.l 1 1 . M . 1 1,