? 7 t'-fi 'iH"t . ? -?- "ft 3 rr THE BCRANTOiY TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 0, IDOL'. a " '1 WEST JCRANTON Officers for Lackawanna Council, Royal Ar canum, Elected First Snow of Season Enjoyed Other News Notes. A regular meeting of (lie Lackawanna council, No. 1183, Royal Arcanum, was hold in Ivorlto hull last nvenlng, nnd nfter the routine business was trans ncted, the following olllecra were elect t'd for the coming year: Regent, E. YV. Thayer; vleo regent, IV. Vv. Luce: orator, J, T. ltcndlc; sec iptury, Walter S. Hcvun; collector, Goorgo F. lSynon; treasurer, Victor It. Luucr: guide, George W. Daniels; chap lain, Thomas Roderick; wnnlnn, Will Sam Betterly; sentry, D. O. Thomas; trustee, Charles K. Olvor; representa tive to grand lodge; H. W. Lucu; nlter unto, K. A. Cruttenden. At tho next meeting to lie held on Krlday evening, December 19, John J. Duvies will deliver n lecture on "Eev nhitlon." The Royal Arcanum qunr totto will render selections at thin meet- ItlfT. The council now has a membership o 01 and Is one of the oldest and most substantial frntetnal Insuruuco socie ties In the state. Gamo on West Mountain. The local sportsmen nnd hunters ni'id not go very far nwny from home to get a shot lit good game na there Is plenty of rabbits, quail and pheas ants on the West mountain. While the patrolmen were searching lor the missing boy on Thuisday, a number of (hem who delighted to see ;ih fine a. flock of qua'l us one would i are to shoot at, and they were only ji !wrt distance from the font of tho siMiuntaln back of the Capousc colliery. While (omo of the n.irt.v were near Weckholscr's. n rabbit ran across the trail and some of the officers remarked longingly, "If we only had our gun," etc. Huntets who were on the moun tain that day pooutvil several rabbits and a young man at Weckhelscr's is au i horlty for tho statement that there is lots of big game up there. Simpson Church Notes. The Sunday school will give a cantata, for the Christmas entertainment. Washington camp, No. 17S, Patriotic Order .Sons of America, will attend di- Ino worship in a body on the evening of December 11, that being the one hun dred and third anniversary of tho death of tho Father of his Country. Prof. Chas A. Stuart will give a hu morous and dramatic entertainment in ihe church on 1'Tiday evening, December 1L'. Prof. Stuart has a fine reputation :is an entertainer. The proceeds are for purchasing new singing books for the social meetings. The pastor will preach tomorrow FIE! WW, FREE! Five Btamps given away with each bottlo of Dufour's Trench Tar G. TV. JENKINS. VS& rx', " 1 1 into Is Here I 1 Sure Enough I '. And you'll want many things that so far you have put off buying, for most of us are procras tiuators, unles3 spurred oa by necessity. liter Wrap for Example Did you get yours ? Too bad that you should have to pay more for it than we'll ask on Saturday, but then we could not tell that we were going to be able to offer such rare bargains now us i XOT 1- GS Smnrt Coats for ladies, black nnd enstor only. Il.indsomoly cord ed, with ilnrt end llnlsli and rich satin duchess lining. Would iiu vorv JSk t;iivuji in. tiv.iw u;il:i. iju ku t v Saturday only V,vv 3 XOT 2 42 ladles' Coats, in castor and black, rich satin lining, strapped shouldms, patcli pocknts; In fact, a enl swell Alonto Parlo Coat that you wouiii unci u oitucult to dupll cato at JU! W. On Hat- C ( nil unlay only 41U.UU 00 us 3 LOT 3 '2 Childien's Coats; colors, g.u nnt, castor, or various blues; doiibio or slnslo capes, eilrt with satin, taped nnd welded seams. Linr- us i5 ments woith uhout ?7..rn, Gla en v On Batuid.y 4"t,OU US XOT 4 A Fur Special that will command nttcntlon A tluo Ooubla Marten Scarf, vety lull, with Jaigo Unify a u iuiih; fMiiL iv;, a. CIJI (III US woncl:ruil batgaiu at. IV J J J 0W 'tot MEN'S GOOD WINTUR X-UBNISH1NO& Men's Heavy Wool Fleeco I.lnea Shirts and Drawcirr, excellent cold weather aarrnoutb, and well woith JI.W each Saturday bar- n s.-, irjiln mln . d vw us u 3 Oentlemen's Fino Pure Wool Un derwear, winter weight but not cliims,yj silk trlmtm-d and woith 175 to $.'.00 tho gainiont. Yhcso goods nro uiadu by the Norfolk, New Druiiswlck and I.uzeino mills. nnd fully guaranteed. Hizes some Uft 's wint biokon. that's why ci ic we say, for Saturday iixi a a a u Oolf moves, our own. importutlon. All colors, all sUes, all te Koods, at We. and,,,,,,,,,,,,, '' Ktdcidown D.nth Robes are ul wayti nccoptuble ns Cliiistnus pitta.. Hva window for rumples of U3 io.OO and mo ueauues wu oner ut c II , ,,,,.,,,-,,,,, j a I GLOBE WAREHOUSE, - morning on "The JWHWige Most Needed In These Times," and In tho evening on "Some acts About Sin." Como and worship with us. First of tho Season. A number of sleighing parties were organized yesterday and many young pooplo Journcjcd out Into the country last night and enjoyed the excellent sleighing afforded by the heavy fall of snow. Among those who wont to Dalton Inst night wore W. 13. Neville. l W. Strong. H. C. Pruning, T. tt. Phillips', A. A. Reynolds, Eugene fosgroye and their lady friends. Supper wan enjoyed at .Smith's hotel nnd dancing was after wards Indulged In. Webster Literary Society. A meeting of the Webster Literary and Debating society was held In Ivor lto hall last evening, at which some In teresting features were enjoyed. The evening was given up to the discussion of author Hret Hurte. Edward Williams read a biography of Hurte, nnd Edgar Allen Jones read one of Itarto's short stories, "Tho Luck of Roaring Camp," both of which were thoroughly appreciated by the members. V. W. C. A. Notes. Th West Eranch '.is-sociation ac knowledge with pleasure and gratitude the receipt of $211.01, the offering at the union Thanksgiving services. Many thanks ate due to the kind friend who gave the live dollar bill. The rooms are not largo enough to ac commodate all who wished to join tho gymnasium class, consequently larger quarters were sought nnd through the courtesy and kindness of the pastor and otllcers of the Washburn street Piesbyterlan church, the use of a room in the basement was donated. At the executive committee meeting held Tuesday afternoon, Miss L'.oonc was elected temporary chairman until a permanent one can be secured. Miss Jennie: Daniels was elected secretary and Mrs. James Hughes, treasurer. The executive committee has not been completed yet. H was thought best to go slowly In forming committees in order to obtain the most efllclcnt work ers. The young women of "West Scranton are availing theiriFelvos of the associa tion. Many are desirious of entering classes as soon as they cm be formed. The two important questions before the association are: Will the West Scran tun people support the association llnanclally? and are the looms large enough'. There is no trouble in setting young women in as wo have a secretary who has :l welcome for every class. The, following persons helped finan cially during the month of November: The MIfsps Jennie Jenkins, Fannie Gray, Mrs. liloom, Mrs. A. O. Hall, Mrs. H. r.. Morgan, Mrs. A. R. Ter.le, Mrs. George Sayro, Mrs. G. S. Reynolds, ft'. I""- CHILDREN'S REAL GOOD UNDERWEAR Chlldien's Camel Hair ruder wear, In sizes fiom li! to n, shlits. drawers and pants. Rise of -,i Cc. on each size. HIxo lii at.... UC Misses' All Wool Ribbed Vests and i'ants. Natural ki-ov or whlto. A very elnstlo parnient of Eli excellent quality. Rilco OUC Hoys' nnd Misses' iJxtra Heavy, KIc.ho Lined. Kast Ulack Ifosc, double km e.. heels and toes. R. tra quality llnliip;. Largo sizes 2:e. tho pair. HizH under 7'i -it only , xUC tzr. v. HAND MADE BATTENBUBG DOYLIES 12 Inches squaic, or in round stjles; beautiful dedgns. A7 lletjular SOc. kind at .,. 'c A liner qualltv In tho same make, tint sells tor IJI.OO lejpi- C o laily. aiturdav JJ1.ZO SPECIALS IN PINE HANDKEHCHIEFS Mqdo of fine, sheer linen, with loyuly laeii insulting, and deep lacu trim. About ilfty styles to select Jiom. Jii-tter select now for Chrlst inaa, ns wo can Ket no nioic of theso at this figure. Satur- -c Ladles' llnndliei dibit's, In flua 'SwhH, l.awn and I.lncn; mm. or: A. or. pitwt-i , uiiiuitme.-fi eui:tH, f' Somo have lino "blind" cmhroidorv, others with open wink. All -jJ if: urn beautiful. Cliolcu , 3C ; Pine Lawn. Swiss and Cnmhiin 5?! Ilandkeiehluis, with "blind'' and open linbrnliierlts. Itico liiswtlnmi. henmtllphi.il iihilti ..i.,t t.i w -. edues. Magnificent values j r Vj ,,. ,., fa,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,.. , Ml. . 0J. LADIES' PLANNEL SHIRT WAISTS An unusually attnirtivn lino of Ladles' Klannel Waists, In exclu sive and novel styles. igu. lur J2.0O goods. SatuuUy C-j ,,j only , ,, ,, ... ..,. Pt"U Another line of Flannel Waists e-r. oi exceptional mom. ci En IVIco fur SatuuUy VI,WU a David I. Jones, Mrc M W. Ncs More pledges were given for Novem ber hut tho parties failed to send the money to the rooms or give It to tho collectors. If wo could have every Christian woman of WeBt Scranton give a mem bership fee of one dollar it year, tho as sociation would not lack funds to carry on the work. Jackson Street Baptist Notes. A beautiful cantata will bo rendered by tho Sunday school entitled "Mine Host." One hundred children arc now rehearsing nnd great preparations arc being made to have a good tlmo Christ inn s. Tho Sunday school class or Miss Norma Nichols is preparing for a social for tho near future. Tho largo chorus are preparing the Christmas music which will surpass anything that we have had. Next Sunday tho sixth anniversary of tho pastor will be observed. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The West Hcrauton brnnch of the I. (!. I). U. will entertain delegates from Cnr lioiidata and North Scranton at St. Leo's hull this eveninsr. A son was recently born to Mr. nnd Mrs, James Reel, of Cemetery street. Rev. Thomas dcGruchy will olwerve his seventh anniversary us pastor of thoJnck son street linptlst church to-morrow. At tho evenhi.T service Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith, of North Scranton, will preach tho sermon. Rev. ". r. Hopkins, pastor of the First Welsh Uapttil church, will preach in HiiKllsh tomorrow ovpuIikt on tho subject: "Lllo In Heaven." Ho has not yet detei mlueil what centre he will pursue legard Iiik the call from ti church In Wulex. Tho remains of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Marshall's child will lie Interred hi tho Washburn street cemetery till afternoon. Tho services will be held nt the homo of W. D. Morgan, U2."i Rook street. Rev. J. H. WrlRhtnciur. D. D.. will be Rln his pastorate at the First KuptNt church to-morrow, preaching at thn mnraliiR and cvenlmr service. Tho In stallation will take place at a. date to be itiionunced later. All members of St. Cecelia's ladles' fo clety are requested to attend the mret imr In St. Leo's hall to-inoirow afternoon nt 2:M o'clock. Rev. James nonlaser, pastor of tho Bmbury M. K. church will preach about "The Laborer and His Reward," at to morrow mcnuinic's service. A special service for children will bo held at the Plymouth CongrOKational church to-morrow mornltu?, when the pas tor, Rev. T. A. Humphreys will preach about "'Ihe Missionary Church." At the Simpson M. 13. church to-morrow cvenlmr, Rev. H. C. McDermott will Blvc somo "Facts About Sin," to his hearcrc. The prizes donated for tho contest to be held In St. David's episcopal church will be on exhibition In the Sunday school room on nnd after to-morrow. There will bo a soelnl session at tho Y. C. A. rooms this evening. Tho Mothers' Jewels of the Simpson M. E. church packed n box of Chrhtimis Sifts yesterday which will be sent to the Mother.-.' Jewel' home at York, Neb. A son was recently born to Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, of Sloan avenue. Gcome Vipond, of Rellevuu street, has resigned his position with MrConnoll & Co.. and qonc back to tho Globe Ware house. Frank Wettline. of South Bromley ave nue, made :i business trip to Ilawley and Hoiicd.ilo ycterday. St. Ercnden's Council, Younr Men's In stitute, will ,'kct oflicrs anil enjoy a smoker at their next meeting Monday evening. The patrolmen were kept busy yester day notifying property owner.s to clean their sidewalks. Frank Dtirant. of Wliltes-barrre. hns succeeded Michael I.arkln in Clako Tiros., clotlilns dennrtment. The latter has accepted a position with J. J. Collin1-. William Luxcnlierser, tne South Main avenuo barber, has recovered from a slitrht illncts. Webster. Colvllle, of North Main ave nue, was arrested los't cvenlnff by I'a trolman Riadihow and Reserve Ofneer Kdward Kvans. for bclntr drunk and dis orderly. When tlio ofTleors orrcste.t Web ster, his brother Jesso came to his rescue. The latter Intel fered with tho officers ynd ne too was aiTC-inii. ijoin rcsisieu aiiti were locked up. Retwren the two of them they paid fines amounting to $12. Anthony Lai'.ar, of Renilimton avenue, was arraigned before Alderman Kollow yesterday on the ehnrfjo of pcriurj. pre. ferred by Joseph Mitchell, of -ICJ North Main avenue. Some tlmo r?o Lazar hud Mitchell arraigned beforo Alderman llnwo in ;i salt to recovnr war.vs and Mlt'diell now nllerres Lazar perjured him self In ftlvins testimony. In the case he fine Alderman Kollow, Lazar was held in ?:,iM ball. The Men's League of the Plymouth ConKi'CKiitlonal chuich havo secured At torney Clarencn narrow. Icndlner coutm"! for tho United Mine Workeis of America, lo deliver a lecturo next Wednesday evening on "Tolstoi." Renjaniln F. Allen, of North Hyde Park avenue, loft yesterday afternoon on a shint business tiln to New York. William T. Ancle and wife, of Ilaw ettstown. N. J., nro visiting nt tho homo of Alfred Kein on Washburn street. Patrolman HuntbiKton Is enjoying n lien t hunting trip to Canadensis. SIl'-s Stio Jenkins, or lluiio'dale, ic turned home yesterday fiom a visit with Mis. David J. I)als, of South Hyde Park n venue. OT3ITUARY GUIIALD M'GOcv. infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. i:dwaul McOoff, of i:,7 Kaihoad avenue, died yesterday moinlnir, Tho funeral will bo held totnoirow titlerno'iu at 2 So o'clock. FUNERALS. The funeral of John Kane, of 7.10 Cedar nventto, will lake place this morning at 9 o'clock, A requiem mass will bo eelo Inatcd at 9 o'clock in St. IM ji'h cathedral and Interment will bo mndo in tho Ca thedral cemetery, Tho fiiueuil of .Mis. Michael MeNully. who died at Kingston, N. Y., will lake place Monday morning fiom tho homo ot bet- duushter, Mrs. Thomas Laug.tn. UlS Pi aspect avenue, A requiem mas will bo celebrated In St. John's church and lit leiment will bo in tlio Catludr.il como. tery. Tho funeral of Oiald McOoff will tal.o pla, o Sunday niternoon nt V.SO o'clock from tlio family icsldence, l'J7 Itallioad aicnuc, lnuriwnl In the Cathedral ceme tery. The funeral of Mrs. Martin Dough"! ty, of II7G Qulliey avenue, Dunnioie, will bo held Sunday afternoon ut 1 o'elo I;. er viees in St. Paul s church, Uroen ltiiitfo. Interment In Pltlston, AJ J 'rt,ri. PLEASANT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND HEW ANU MV COMPLEXION IS BETTER, Mjr doctor bijpi ll nets Ki-utlr nn tbo ttoictch. liter I'Dd Llinjj nn.l In n pl-3aut lauilUo. Till drink li Ua. Itlacalltd"l.untl Tea" or LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All druKcUlaorhy mulls rit. t!1d Mcts. Buy II t" t3. I.aur'H liimtly .lli.ltoliio mni- tbr limvels ciieu itii) . In ontcr to bo hralib) Uiu U umijjsr. AJiliuB, Uox t!Uo, lt Uuj, N, V, Mrs, bit. fts mm DOES MINE SHORTEN LIFE ? Physicians' Evidence Before Strike Arbitration Commission. A MINE WORRER'S TESTIMONY Conditions in the Mines Compared with Those in Our Shops and Factories The Experience of David Collins Sug gests a Remedy His Evidence Substantiated by That of a Baptist Clergyman. A Wllkes-llurre physician, testifying before the president's arbitration com mission, declared that fully 09 per cent, of the men who work in tho coal mines an; anaemic, their health Impoverished and their general condition below par, thus (lucreaslnff their tmrnlntr powers. The word "anaemic" Is a medical term usul to descrlbu a condition In which tho blood Is deficient In quality, Riving the victim a pallid look, dull eyes and listless manner. That ninety-nine of oven one hun dred miners are aflllctctl with this ills case Is u revolution to most people, but a fact of much deeper concern Is that the conditions that promote this disease exist in shops and factories In almost every city thinughout the country. Physicians who appeared before tho commission testified that life is short ened by work In the coal mines. It Is equally true that hundreds of thousands of men and women at work In our great factories will die sooner because of be ing there. The testimony adduced before tho commission is substantiated by the fol lowing evidence given by one of the coal miners whose experience not only points out a danger, but shows that a remedy is at hand. A COAL MINER'S EVIDENCE. David Collins, a miner living at New Straitsville, Ohio, was a victim of untie mia und the disease had reached that stane called "pernicious" which in gen erally regarded as hopelessly incurable. In his statement ho says: "The disease camo upon me very gradually. One of the physicians who attended me said It must have been coming on for about three years before it finally brought me so low that I was confined to my bed. I first noticed the effects of it about tighten months be foro I took to my bed with it. My stomach was most affected. It became very sensitive and would not retain food nt all. My bowels also troubled me, my limbs were swollen and I had frequent hemorrhages of the teeth, nnd gums and nose. "For nine months I was under a phy sician's care but I kept growing worse till I was obliged to stay in bed. After I had been in bed three days si:: differ ent physicians called and all pronounc- OHTH SCRANTON CKACKERJACHS MET A IVE DEFEAT. DECIS- Went Down Beforo tb.9 Ninth. Itcgi ntont Team of Wilkcs-Barre In teresting' Exercises in Connection with the Burning of a Mortgage in the Puritan Congregational Church rair and Festival in the Presbyterian Church Was a Big Success Two Accidents. Hefoie an audience of fully S00 per sons, the Crackorjuoks were decisively defeated by the Ninth Itegitnetit team, of Wllkes-llane, In tho auditorium last night. The visitors are a strong aggre gation of ball tossois and they had the passing o the pig skin down to a science. At the beginning of the fitst half, both sides seemed to be equally matched, but When algnnls were given the vlsi iters ran all around the local boys. The visiting team was the strongest nnd fastest seen or. the auditorium iloor for somo time. Thu playing of Van Valkenburg, of W'Ukcs-Unrre, was one of the game's features and at tho time the signal was blown by tho referee at tho end of the game he had three goals to his ctedlt. Thn playing ot Howard Hughes, of the locals, was also an interesting feature of the game. At tho end of thu last half, the score stood 17 to 11 in Wllkes-Hurre's favor. After the game the visiting team was tendered a re ception In John's hotel. They departed on the mdinlght train for home. The teams lined up as follows: Wllkes-linrre Forwards, Van Vnlk enbuig anil Taggnrt; center, Keller; guards, Hush and Austin. Ci ackerjacks Korwat ils, Hughes and P. Mi't'luskle; center, White; guards, II, Davis und V. Davis, Goals were throw u from the field by Van Valkenburg, Hupb and Taggau for Wllkes-liarn : Hughes, McCluskle and V, Davis, for the Crackerjacks. Burning of Judgment Note. The olilcial board of the Puritan Oop gitgatlonal church held a very Inter esting service nt the church lust Thurs day evening, when a judgment note for $r,G0 was burned. A great many of tho older members of the church made in teresting speeches about the progicss of the church, which is one of tho youngest in the city. After u song service tho note was ig nited and us it was reduced lo ashes the congregation joined in a song of praise, Tho meeting was closed by the pastor pronouncing the benediction. A Orent Success. Tho annual fair .and festival of thn Presbyterian church was held Thurs day und Friday evenings. Tho rooms were hundsomely decorated with fernn and potted plants and the turkey sup per was splendid. Them was un un usually laigu crowd ond those present spent their money freely, Resides the supper a great portion of their large rooms were filled with needle work, drawings, pictures, candles-, lco cream, etc. In the library theie was a large Ush WORK cd my rase hopeless. Then, when acknowledged they had done all they they could, and I could not take their medi cine nor could they prescribe anything else, the Rev. Ernest Graves, pastor of the Baptist church here, suggested tho use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People. My stomach tct.tlnod tho pills when tin physicians' medicines pro duced the greatest distress. As near as my nurses could Judge. immediate re lief followed. "There is only this to add; my death was hourly expected nnd upon taking Ur. Williams' Pink Pills according to directions I left my bed In u few weeks and was on the wuy to recovety. I con tinued their use and was cured." A BAPTIST MIN1STKU TESTIFIES. The Rev. Krnest Oravcs, pastor of the linptlst church, New Straitsville, to whom Mr. Collins refers, speaks of the case as follows: "We havo a striking example of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People havo done in this community at tho present time, a case that borders on tho miraculous. It is that of David Collins, a member of my church and a very val uable helper in it. A few months ago ho was taken very sick and was given up to die by six doctors. Dr. AVilllams' Pink Pills cured him and so thoroughly that now this man who the doctors said must die can bo found any day working in the coal-mine. I count It a great privilege to be able to say I advised, nay, rather I insisted upon his taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." WHAT ANAEMIA IS. Anaemia, literally, means "bloodless" and is actual deficiency of tho blood and a watery and depraved state of that Jluid. It is characterized by a pallid complexion, pale lips, dull eyes, tongue and gums bloodless; shortness of breath on slight exertion especially upon go ing up-stalrs; palpitation of the heart; feeling of Impending death; weakness, loss of appetite and ambition. If left to itself it Is apt to result in decline and death. The one remedy that has proved itself a specific for this disease is Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. These pills havo never failed to effect a cure If used persistently for a reasonable length of time. pond for the children. Both the even ings were delightful socinl events, and at the same time Increased the Ladies Aid society's treasury. The energetic president of the society is Mrs. J. K. Smith, who received great praise the success of the affair. for Y. W. C. A. Notes. The vesper service of last Sunday was one of the most helpful and Interesting ever held by the ladles. Four very fine musical selections were rendered by Miss Mary Davis, Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Oriflln and Miss Florence Silkman. The reviews of Kev. Henry Drum mond's essays were read by Mrs. Mc Donnell, Ml-s Elsie Shires and JIl-'s Keynolds. Tho readings of Mr. Drum mond's writings will al$o lie given to monow at a.SO p. m. 'There will be speelal music furnished by Miss Esther Mackey, Miss licrtha White. Miss .Selby will give the reading tomorrow. Two Accidents. Wednesday afternoon while .Mr. Nichols, of Ilnrdin stieet, was at work ui the Clllf works, he fell from a. ladder a distance or ten feet breaking his knee cap. He .u fixing a bidt when tile ladder slipped und ho fell. Martin King, tit" Keyset- avenue, mot with iv peculiar accident at the Cayuga Lolllery Thursday. With several other men ho was engaged In unloading a car of lumber and was In the act of lift ing one of the sticks when he lost his balance nnd fell to the ground bi caking his .inn. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. Mrs. Evan W. Lowls, of Summit ave nue, lias letiirned homo nftei u (tw days' visit with lol.Uivcs at Ilazleton. Great preparations uro being made by tbo members of the Keystone Literary nnd Dramatic club for the annual coun try dance which will bo plvtn at tho Auditorium New Year's night. Miss Mary Davis, Mis, W. H. Lawson and son, Harold, of Now Yoik, have m turned homo after a In let visit with Mrs. John Payne, of Williams stieot. Providence Preshyteiian f'huich-At Ihe lu.30 o'clock s-ervlco Itev. G. A. Cure, of tho Piovldoiii'o M'Uliodlsl chinch, wilt preach In cxchniKso with th pastor. Sun day school at noon. Endeavor service, C.:;.V Dr. Guild will pveaeh at 7.:.'o oVluel. St. Paul's Evnng. Ileal Luthirnu clunvh, Short iivcnui-ltev. II. P. Kunkle, pastor. Moinlng sorvico at lii-H), Subject, "Tim Word of Hope." Evening service at 7..'.n. Subject, "Thu Ohjeit of Our Glory." Sunday sehuol at J p m. Tlio change in tlmo for Sunday school W on account of Christinas woik. Pluiso bo on hand lit tho nfternoun to receive your parts and piactlco music, Tlio servitors ,nio un hand. (Special muMo on Sunday ovudng )iy I''ruuk llepler anil Mis. Ledslirnn. Meeting of tlio Ladies' guild on Wednes day. Die. 10, at L' p. jo. A Rood nlteiid- unce U ileslicd, as It Is time tor election of nflli'i'is. Wiiyno Avenuo Welsh Calviiilntlc Moth, odlst cliurili-Eev. E. It. Itoberts, pastor. Services as fulluws: Engllslt sermon to luol row ut 10 u. in. Subject, "Abide In Christ." Sunday siliuul, -' p. m.; WVlnh Vermoii, 0 p. in., topic. "Ho Sober " Prayer meeting Monday evening at 7.J0; Chris Unit Endeavor, Tuesday evenlus at 7.::o. Ladles' Aid Wednesday afternoon at 1.:j. Jlaiul of Hope, Wednesday evening at 7.M. (-'lass meeting Thursday evening at l.'M. Ulblo class Friday evening at .'i0. All uio welcome. GRE1SN JUDGE. The acranunt of tho Lord's Supper will bo celebrated at the Green ltldgo Presbytia Ian church ut the morning ser vice to-morrow. A rummaso ualo will bo pponid In thu s(oro room on Dickson avenue, formerly occupied by E. 0. Pratt, this morning by GOLDSMITH'S , I, Trade JL (j! Her? Is On? Of these "Windfalls" which come your way once in a while. And this is not the "bargain stuff" with which the papers are being flooded just now. but good, straight stuff, worth every penny of the former prices. si 13 Ail-Woo Noveltv mm Forty-Nine 0 Today and Monday our entire line of Wool Waistiugs will be offered at 49c the yard. The former prices were 59c and 65c the yard, and the .szood3 look worth 75c the yard. But no matter, for these two days forty-nine cents the yard buys them. Look at This Range of Col White, Cream, Rose, Nile Blue, Blue, Shrimp, Nile Green, Cherry, Emerald, Apple, O ive, Tur quoise, Yale Blue, Steel Grey, Cardinal bcarlet, Black, Navy Blue and other grounds, with Stripes that harmonize, making very choice effects. Many people don't kuow what thev want un til they see it. You'll raSaaSI!3EFE323ESSSaErEJ AMUSEMENTS. s MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 8. t'JOZ. Tho entire Mnncagnl Opera Company Opera CA VALERIA ItPBTICANA and oichestra chorus and Grand Cast of Composer under direction Fred C. liana. Prices $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Box Seats, 2.50. Diagram will open at Powell's Music Store, Thursday, Dec. i, at 9 a, m. Academy of Music M. Itois, Lessee and Manager. A J. Dutfy, Husiness Manager. 3 Nights tt$5i,AY Dec. 4 Matinee Hveiy Day, Including Thursday. Last S'-ason's K.ivoilto Melodrama, "A HAdGED HERO." SPECIAL MATINEE PltlCES -Gallery. IV'.; lUlrimy, l.'u. Lower Ploor, 2.V..; children to any part. ir,e. Night Pilces-Uc, 2fK.. .r.c. 60c. NEXT ATTRACTION. Threo NlKlits StartltiK Monday. Dec. P. JOE WELCH in "THE PEDDLER." Special Matinee Monday, proceeds for N.'wsnoys ..mas Dinner. Prices as above. The Dixie Theatre IIENItV EAIJNPWOItTII DIXIE. Lcsseu and Manager. WEEK OF DECEMBER 1. Frank, Keenan & Co., in ar. fhe Two Rubies 99 WILL riATTHEWS NELLIE HARRIS and In their new farcical creation by Will M. Cressy. FOl'll H'KINS. Aerial Har Pel form ers: MISS .SOPHIE lU'ltNHAM, Operatic Sopiano; ADAlIt , DAIIN, Novelty Who Wiilh"i: COAKLEY t: MeUHIDE. Sink ing and Dancing Comedians; UHFOUKST .V WARD, "Tho Haunted Houmi"; ED. GUAY, hi bright monologue up lo date. ALP. G, HEnniNQTON. Manager. Thursdav, Fiiday and S.iturday, DECEMUEil I, r. AND fi. CARR'S "TH0R0UH6BREDSM Matinee Every Day. Two Stereopticon ectures un "Tho Lands of tho Cuo and tho Curio" will ho delivered by .Mr. 13. it, Sturses lu tho New Y. M. C A. Hull on Thursday evening, Decuinbebr H and 1$. The views of each lecturo will be dif ferent. Tlekuts for each Fltty-ceuts. On account of tho diagram of ohalis not being rind, tlioio will bo no icjcrvcd scats. Tickets for sale nt Powell's Music Store, Sanderson's Drug Store and Bevnns Fancy Store. tlio ladles of tho Church of tho flood Shepherd, ThU sulo will be continued Monday. The funeral of Conrad p. Snyder, who ! 1 died Thursday, ufter u lew duys' illness i from dlpluhcila, will bo held from his lata homo 1737 Sandtition avenuo, thh afternoon nt i:i0 o'clock. Interment will! bo Hindu in Purest IHIL Tho initiatory degreo will be conferred at the next regular Ridge lodge, No. 003, of Odd Fellows. meeting of tiietn Independent Order Tho city oidlnuuce requiring thut tlio BAZAAR Murk m ents the Yard onnffi probably see it here today. B DEKEEtSJ AMUSEMENTS. SMew Armory of 125 people will appear In the famous elections lrom his other op.ji.i.s with full Artists under poivouul dhcoilim ot thu Lyceum Theatre, M. Itels, Lesce and Manager. A. J Duffy. Easiness Manager, Saturday "AW Dec. 6. AL W. MARTIN'S j&vnii Production of Uncle Tom's Cabin The Largest and Most Expensive Altrac Hon Extant. 10-PeopIe 10 Co Colored Singers .0 Ponies, Hor.-'i's, Oxen, Donkeys, Ihirim, Mules. 2 Cms of Special Sceivry. Tho only Original Verrlun. Gr.'inil Rtiont P.uade PRICED Mnt'lice. I'C. I'je., Wc. Niglit, 10c, Mc, OTc, .'.'Ic. Stats on sale. MONDAY, DEC, S, Charles Frohman presents for v"""" "" o.sii Niaiiro.Nu JOHN DREW In the Greatest Success of Ills Career the nunnv and THE HUHMING BIRD tiy Isaac Henderson. tri'Entlie Einplie Theater New Ymk Cast and Piodui tlun. pmrES-jj.iiO, i :u. ?i.oo, ", 5, : Ecaii on salo, Tuesday Dec. 0 One Night Only PRANK L, PERLEY The Pionounced Dramatic Triumph of Years Julia Harlow's s:o,oou hpect urular I'roiliicllun WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER Effie Ellsler MSr Original Morlowo Ptoduitlon. Gorgeous Costi.ines. Massive Scenic Elfccts, PRR'i:S-51 r-a, U-'W. 7.o. Mi., sv. Scats on sale S.ituiday at 9 a. in, WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DEO. 10, 11 ui tig & Siamoi) Picsont TOM LEWIS AND SAM J RYAN And a Laigu Company of Funmukop. Including Maud J- Muth In tho Mirry Musical Melango THE MAJOR AND THE JUDGE ' u00t i,y Frank Taunehlll Music by n omit 7. ft Powers Ever) thins new, Scenerv. Costumes, Music, Spcei.iillcs. PRICES-JIM 7 5 , ,Tue . iV: Siats on sala Monday at 9 a. in. . 1 snow bo cleaned from tbo sidewalks w,m very mucn vioi.iteu in urcen Rtiige yi.w terduy, - r I L . . 4, ,i&JMbe 1. Jli (i-;,t tor,- i4 JMW'H'. . IV iHiIWWi": '- 4Ul(, 9V& I , mMiA" ,-..L, . i,l1. f, ,., i.. . . (. Jk ? fito ;