The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    "ffNirfAujBt jw-- , sj
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Week's Social News
OHE MnsraRnl opera Ih the ouu
fg tliliitr talked about, In the past
vJM two yonrs wp have hnd some
yplcndlrl and cxtraorctlnnry
linifloiil events, but nothing litis
nplU'oaclHd tills und It Is more thnn pos
sible thnt nothing In tlio future Hint wo
ji'itw ttrcurc will over Hurpiifts It. In nil
tills tlnio no such spontaneous response;
h.iH been made to the announcement of
nny musical entertainment, the armory
has been re-arranged as to seutlu?, nnrt
the box portion ot' the bonne has been
cnKorly appropriated. In the fliflt plnee,
the members of the Anthroolto Htrlkf
c-oinntlffloii will occupy prominent box
("tuts In the center front. Heats on
eery side linvc been quickly solil and
but few remain In that vicinity.
Another lutcrrstliitr feature of the oc
casion will be a very I.u-kc delegation
of Italian citizens and their friends,
who will be present to do honor to their
famous countryman and his celebrated
opera coinpnny.
Tho programme has been revised to
meet popular npproval In every de
cree, "The Ciivulleiia" ' familiar to
nil and will be given entire, A substi
tute has been made In the "Hymn to
the Sun," which was the number which
net sedate notion mnd with delight;
that most wonderful composition that
suggests the approach or the sun, the
delicate (lush gradually Incieasljig to
full daylight In the soft murmur ot
the orchestration to the full hurst of
tonal color. The Interest with which
this climax Is awaited bv music lovers
of the city Is phenomenal.
Mr. I.'. II. yturges is a very versatile
gentleman, everybody knows that. It
I" a traveler who travels to some pur
pose, a nolltlolun who bus some of tho
symptoms missing, a speaker who can
entertain both In public and private
moit nf the public speaker. nro such
nwiul bores in any other capacity and
mice (before we had a strike commls
(lon to make us behave) he was rather
successful in the role of moral advisor.
.Mr. Hlurgcs Is going to open a brief
entertainment season on December 11,
ill tit. Luke's parish house, when he will
give nu illustrated lecture describing a
trip to the Orient. lie has lantern slides
of very great value, numbering several
hundred, and some of thes-o will he
shown cm this occasion. The subject
matter of the lecture Is exceedingly
f.isi Inatlng and embodies ninny Ideas
which me new to the public. It will bo
given 'Under the auspices of the Orecn
Itldge Presbyterian church, to which
Mr. Sun-gen has recently presented it
heathen bell to bo converted, It wag
Intended that there should be reserved
seats for this lecture, but owing to
some unforsecn obstacles the plan bus
beU abandoned. It Is expected that
the hall will be crowded
Mrs. William l Hollstead gave n
benutlful luncheon on Thursdny at her
charming home on Wyoming avenue.
Covers were Inlit for twelve. The
guestii were: Mrs. O, I,. Dickson, Mrs.
1!. J. Mutthews, Mrs. dunies A. Linen,
Mrs. C. II. Welles, Mrs. K. H. Moffat,
Mrs. A. I). Itlaeklnton, Mrs. K. I,. Ful
ler, Mrs. C. W. Klrkpatiick, Mrs. 1!. Q.
Powell, Mrs. C. L. Frey, Miss Plntt.
Mrs. H. T. Jones and Miss Kdlth Jones
have been In N'ew York the past week
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Parsons
Price. They attended the song festival
und many other notable musical affairs.
Miss Grace Norton will have n. studio
exhibit ot beautiful ehlnu and novelties
in art work on Wednesday next, at her
home nt Hi:! Mulberry street. Miss Nor
ton's cleverness and her tulcnt Interest
u large number of her townspeople who
are always delighted to have an oppor
tunity for viewing her work.
Mrs. W. F. Hnllstead and Mis. (i, M.
Iliillstead will entertain at a luncheon
today when the guests will be: Mrs. J.
IJenjamlii Dlmmlck. Mrs. W. W. Scran
ton, Mrs. F. M. Spencer, Mrs. James
Clnrdner Sanderson, Mrs. C. S. Weston,
Mrs. II. C. .Sharer, Mrs. John 11. Galpln,
Mrs. Clarence I). Sturgos, Mrs. W. O.
Parke, Mrs. P. E. Piatt, Mrs. James P.
Dickson, Mrs. Everett Warren, Mrs. G.
IS. Smith, Mrs. W. M. Dickson, Mrs.
George S. Sturges.
The marriage of Mr. VZ. K. i-oomis
and Miss Julia Olivia Langdou was an
event which interested manysSeranton
people. Among those who were pres
ent from here were MlbS llelln, Messis.
Thorne, Ilrooks and Neale.
Mrs. John P. Hroadment, Mrs. Tripp
and Miss Victoria Uroadbent, gave a
unique nnd beautiful recrptlon on Wed
nesday at St. Luke's parish house. The
handsome rooms were beautifully dec-
oraled, a skillful arrangement of palms
' und ferns breaking Up the space In the
! refreshment hall,
Tho Indies received In the front recep
tion room. Mrs. lingers Israel and Mis.
I T. (1. Wolfe presided at the table, Mrs.
George M, Hnllstond served frnppej
Mrs. .ti K. Smith poured chocolate.
About the room were Mrs. Joseph Al
exander, Jr., Mrs. It. A. Hill, Mrs. M.
J, Andrews, Mrs. W. A. Avery, Mrs.
John T. Hlchards, Miss Stewart Simp
son, Miss Ktitherlne Vernoy, of Albany,
N, Y.l Miss Mabel Schlagci', Miss Pran
ces Smith, Miss Teresa. Wood and Miss
Laverty, assisted In the refreshment
room. Clark was the decorator nnd
Williams catered,
Mr. and Mrrt. W. tl. Purko gave a
beautiful reception and inuslcale on
Tuesdny night at their home In Green
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Piatt entertained
a company of young people last night
In honor of their son, Philip.
Announcements nf the usual winter
cotillons have been made. There will
bo four hold at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Sernntou.
Mr. and Mrs. K. n. Sturgcs enter
tained nt dinner last night.
Tho A. D. club, consisting of Miss
Marguerite Barker, Lorena LaHar,
Florence Smith, Margaret Council, Mil
dred Marplo, Elizabeth Jermyn, and
Elizabeth Storrs, will hold a fair to
day at the residence ot Mrs. A. M.
Decker, (il!) Jefferson avenue, afternoon
nnd evening. There will be cake, candy
flowers and fancy articles for sale. It
Is for the benefit of the Hahnemann
hospital and every one Is welcome.
Governor and Mis. Stone Issued imi
tations to a reception and dance on
Thursday evening, December at the
executive mansion at Harrisburg, the
lust large function ot the present ad
ministration. It is very evident that the social In
terest of the winter is to center In
bowling. Nothing lias ever been as
popular nt the Country club since its
organisation as tills game which was
recently added to the attractions. There
seems to be a craze for bowling parties
such as has not attended golf, tennis or
ping-pong. The alleys are crowded
every evening and a number ot the
young ladles go out In the morning and
practise all day. A bowling club, re
cently formed, consists of the Misses
Archbald, Hunt, Helm: Messrs. Brooks,
Hunt, Thorne, Chamberlain and "Welles.
Mrs. T. II. Watklns has been ill In
New York since Thanksgiving, having
With a
I Holiday B
$ Will
Dollar Purchase, Saturday
day, December 6 and 8.
and Hon-
arms 1
0 1
very Department
seots for Everybody!
Suitable Presents for Ladies
Pino Dress Goods, Silks and Waitings.
Snow White Table Linens and Xupklnt.
Lunch Cloths and Table Linen Sots.
Fluffy Warm Wool "Ulankets.
Nobby Stylish Coats, f-"uits and Furs.
Kid Silk and Scotch Golf Gloves.
Sill; t'mbrbella pearl, ivory, silver or sold
HundkerehtciV, I mm the ordinary huiitltulicU lo
the finest real Duchess
Fine Statlonoiy, Ink Wells and Blotters.
Cushion Tjips, hand-painted and i-nibi oldery.
Sntin Glove and Handkci chief Caret.
I'.vautiful ISuuU We'-d and Leather Pieces.
Klegant Cut Glass an'.1 filch China Ornament'!.
New lhie-a-Brac, Stntuettes, Vases, Etc.
Toilet Suts. Jewel C'.lse, lihque Figures.
Sterling Silver and White Crest Wear.
Silk Nfck P.iuhes and Stock Ties.
L'.ither Goods Hags, Pur.-fS and Hells.
I'icuirts, Leather iiid Gold Frames, Mlnois, F.te.
$ OnderuJeap and Hosiery
Hoys' and Girls' Fast Black Hose
Boys' and Gills' Black Cat Hose
MiSi-rs' Flue Bibbed llo-v
Ladl-s' Pn-t I'laiV '.l-n.
Ladies' Fine lilai k Hose
Lildle.s' Mneo BUui; Iliwn
Ladles' Fancy Ilose in great variety. Spec
::,.-., ;::, :,o ::,
Childion's Fine Fleeced I'ndervvear
Ladles' Heavy Plwt e,l I'
Ladles' Pine Jctsev Hlbbtd L'nderwear,.. ,
ladles' Natural Grey Underwear
Lndle.s' Idle Wool or Natural Underwen
Ladl"S' lOsua "lno l'nderwear
Ladles' I'nlon Sniis 50o.
Men's Past lUnek Bore, y pair.-.
Men's White Fool Hose
Men's r.xtra Fine W" acl: or fancy
Men's Dark Flcwa trndervveur
Men's Llht I'-leeeed I'ndervvenr
Mcn'o I'V.ney Fb-eced L'nderwear
Men's Natural I'ndprwear ,
Men's Jersey lilblxd L' ,
Men's Heavy Wool Cndeiweur
Meu'u LlBiit, Fine Wool l'nderwear
Men's Heavy Double Breasted Undei vvenr. ...
Sal? of Tab! Linens
Damask an 1 Napkins In sels,
Lunch Cloths and Tiny Coveis.
::0e Cream Table Dainasl;
0o Cream Table P.inmsk
f.:;e (ieam Table Damask
Tlie Cream Table Damask Cream Tab.. Damask ,
Sl.t'J Cioaiii Table D.imntd;
tile rinnw White Linen
l"ie Snow White Linen ,
Jl.H Snow White Lliifn..,.,
Itecd's $1.50 Snow While Linen
Heed's $2.00 Know White Linen
Heed's $:'.r0 Snow White Linen
Pure Linen Napkins
lMro Linen Napkins, bjrge hlr.e ,..,
lino l.lneu Najiklus, ::-! size.,,.,
Pure I.liu-n NnpKlns, lurne size ,
Double Unmask Napkins.,..
Double- Damask Napkins, large, heavy....
Sliver Bleached Napkins,. ,,
Silver Bleached Napkins, large and heavy.
lals at
,. Me.. $1.00
Kie. lo 2Uc
'. . . "i0o
r $1.00
up to Jj.00
' '
, $1.'.'3
, $2.00
Suitable Presents fop Gentlemen
Warm Wool Underwear and Hose.
Umbrellas, merceiized and silk, with handles of
ivory, limn, silver or natural slicks.
Kid or Scotch "Wool Golf Gloves.
Handkeiehlifs, linen or silk, plain or embroidered
Smnkeih' Sets, Shaving Sets, Theimometers.
Military Bru.-h Sets, f'lnth or list Brushes.
BUI Books, Purser, Cult and Collar Boxts.
BlMjue Heads and FIgiui.-s and Choltu Art Pieces
for library or den ornaments.
Coat Department Specials
Children's Peter Thomp.-on $7.,",0 Coats for $.'.tn
Children's Long Coats H.75 Up to $12.",0
.MIsFi-s' Monte C.uio made Irom best Amerl
i.iii Ki'i'sey. In easiot, royal and black, lull rii
ile buck: nle-ly lallei'.s stiapiiod, full custom
woik ilnlsh; J12.J0 Coats for $9.03
Ladles and mlhses' unity shoit Jackets, three-ciuav-
t-.MJ length ('oats and full length garments; kersey,
blllid cheviots, liioi.mgniu'. sdbaline, silks and velours.
The be-'t display of outer garments ever made In
the eily.
Light Weight Dress Goods
Voylo's MlhtivN, Etamlnes and Pretty Silk Waip
Snipes, In new blui,s. giceiis. btownt anil
Slacks 7,-,u to V.CO
New Tailor Mlxtun-ji, snow Hake effect, Bourette
and Fancy Novelty Tweed" 7."o lo $2.00
Black Dress Goods
6'iO Haul Finish Black Cheviot ,-,0o
$1.00 Black Camel Hair Cheviot 7r,o
$1.25 Black Camel Hair Cheviot $1,00
$2.00 Black Camel Hair Cheviot ji.r.o
?2.V) Black Camel Hair Zibnllne $i.r,o
$1.2," Black Venetians $1,00 Black Venet luii.t $1,33
32.00 Black Venetians $.;o
$1.23 Whip Cords and Pojillus $i.wi
$1.23 I lea vy Sklrtiiif.s $
i'e Heavy Skirtings vjo
7r,c Heavy .skirtings , ti(.
Black Silks
S3c lau do Sole, , 750
t'"e IVau de Sole, old selvage , s'o
$1.13 Pi an do Sole, rut selvage o;i
$1X0 Pe.iu d Sole, yard wide $1,2.-,
innner Tnifetns. yard wide We
Boyal Black TaiTelns, yard wide $1,33
Guaranteed Black Taffetas, 1',.. ynids wide $1,73
Haskell's IVau de Sulu and Taffetas -,iu ki $2.00
Bargains in Domestics
2,5mj yards Bates' Seersucker, mill ends ,,., 'jo
Best Plannel-ttes, looks like French Flannel 12i(.o
Blue Stripe Seersucker, Se. vuluo ,, ro
Percale Prints, yard wide So
ViV-a Fancy Snipe Tucking p.
15o Fancy Stripe Tucking 121 (.u
12'tio Homespun coitou Skirting , ,..,. so
23o Fine Scotch Gingham Walstings ,,., z-m
23e Madras, white and black for waists ,.,,,,,,.,, iGo
8,1 Outings, soil and Huffy , c',o
100 Outings, heavy lleeced ,.,, ,, s'ic
Best Outings, double lleeced , , I0o
Dark Outings, for undeiskitta ,, ..,,Si.o
Good Dark Outings , ,,,.,, ,,,
T91B --lir JJfW
lav . pte&.
1W C2f4sv!j-I TMnn f44mrAfKi
tf'r mi N3
Fibroid Tumors Cured1
Note the result of Mrs.
Pinkham's advice and medicine.
" Homo time ago I wrote to you de
scribing my symptoms and asWed your
advice. You replied, and I followed
nil your directions carefully, and to
day I am a well woman.
" The uso of Lydia E. PInklmm's
Vegetable Compound entirely ex
pelled the tumor and strengthened
my whole syBtem. I can walk miles
"Lydla E. Plnkham'fl Vcrc
ttiblo Compound is worth five dol
lars a drop. J adyise nil women who
are afflicted with tumors or femalo
Iroublo of any kind to give it a faithful
trial." -(Signed) Mi. K. F. Hates,
253 Dudley Bt., (Roxbury) Doston
Mais. fSOOO forfeit If original of cboua Mer
proclng gtrulmntii oannal bs produced.
Mountains of tfold could not
purchase such testimony or
tnko the place of the health
and happiness which lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
brought to Mrs. HuycSr
Hucli testimony should be accepted
by all women as convincinp: evidence
that LydhiE. Pinkhnm'8 Vcse
ablo Compound stands without a
peer as n remedy for nil the distress
ing ills of women; all ovarian troubles ;
tumors ; inflammations ; ulceration,
falling and displacement of the womb ;
backache ; irregular, suppressed or
painful menstruation. Htirely the
volume and character of the testimo
nial letters wo arc daily printing in
the newspapers can leave no room for
doubt in the minds of fair people.
been unable to leave her npartments at
the Waldorf-Astoria.
Jim J. I-. Crawford returned from
New York on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davenport have re
turned from Philadelphia,
Mrs. It. G. Brooks, Mrs. T. It. Brooks
and Mrs. "Williiid Matthews are in New
York. Mrs. Brown, who has been the guest
of Mihs Ilulln, will return to her homo in
Philadelphia today.
Mrs. Calvin Seybolt, Mrs. Iawson. Mrs.
Douglas Bunting, of "VV'ilkes-Haiie. and
Miss Seylmlt have been spending," the
week in New York.
Mrs. Clark, wife of Commissioner Clark,
who has bet-n in tho cits- for tho past
week, will return to her home in Cedar
Ilapids. In., on Monday.
Dr. N. Y. Leet is .soilously ill at his
lmmc on Jefferson avenue with a compli
cation of dleascs, from which ho is pala
liilly slow in leeoverlng. Ills condition
was con.sldcicd alarming yesterd.iy.
Cut Out This Coupon
Present at our office,
purchase $1,00 worth of
goods or mora anil you
will receive 30 stamps.
Dec, 6 and 8
Mears & Hagen
415 and 417 Lackawanna Ave
Musical Gossip.
The appcaranco of the Italian Opera
Company at Iho Armory on Monday
evening under the personal direction of
the eminent composer Mascngnl, will l,e
an event of unusual interest to mu?lc lov
ers of Scruiilon and the I-.iicknvv.inns. Val
ley. It is nol often that tho people ot
.111 Inland city have an opportunity of
listening 10 a great musical work, direct
ed by the composer and this will doubt
less be- lcco&nlzcd by hosts at th armoiy
un Monday night. Tho progiamme reiui
end will bo ns follows:
PART FinriT.
lulioductlim to the opera, "William
iUtcllfi ' Muscagnl
tCIist time.)
Ttom.uci i"Ln Hallo In Jlnw hero ",
Vei dl
tSlgnor Jlell.ittl.
-Vrla, "ltllom.i Viueltor" ("Ald.i"),
Slcnoi.i Kaineti.
Hymn to Iho Him fiom "IrIs"....Musc.3giil
Choitw and Oicheslia.
PAl'.T SKCONl").
M.ieagid's "C.ivallei-la I!iistk-au.i " la
eciievit foirn. with chorus, orchestia, and
tho following cast:
Siailtili..t Muuta ni.ineiilnl-('iipp',l!i
I.ola Slgnoia ! rillppl
I.uila Hlgnoia del I'arlo
Tmlddu Ha ReliluviiKiil
Alllo rilf;, lie-Matt!
Cundueted by the compoMi.
Ii ,i !.
Mr. I'pmihigtiiii will gl"o bis elevcmli
pianoforte "tnterprelutloii'uii" this
iiiiirr.lug at lit. JuUe's ailsh house. Tho
programme wlhch he will play I m
.'-'onata In H mu.1ui, Opus j.', Uiuth
eiveu. Allegro eon Inlo.
Adiigtn con inolt' l.cprelllne.
Itoinlo, Allegretto.
Tmprnmptu. A Hut, Op .n Chojiln
Nocturne, I' minor, Op, Tw, No, J, .Chopin
MaKuiUii. Up, ill, No. I Chopin
alre. Op. i.l. No. 1 Chopin
Novelette, Op. !, No. J DtlllM)
r :: ::
Mr, Alfred "Wuuler. a mnmb'-r of tin
I'nmnim i:im l'.uk church choir, this clt.v,
will to-iuoiiow beln his tenth year is
tenor siilolst ut that church. At the
jiioiidn Mivlce Mi. Wooler vvlll sing
a nolo entitled "Itock of Ages." by Itls
i hot! and at the evinlug service he und
Mr, Wall" ii, the kiss, will slug the dint
"I'lihiil.-c," by r.iure,
i (i i
The following musical sclt-ctlons -will bv
iMideicd at tomonow'n worship In t u
Seeond I'reshyieilnn chinch.
Oig.ia l1! elude, liljllo I.o Dean
Au'liein. -'.iubilate In II rial, '
Oisdley Hue!,
Offertory .Solo, "I Heard the Voice
of Jusus ftiy" I'.mv
Miss Ciill.iKall.
Organ I'ostlude, Allcgn Ht n
Olgilll I'lliuile, Allgelllh MjSS.lllet
ilolr Itcsponse, "S.mctiio" Miissau i
Antlum. "The King of il.uvc My
Slioidieril Is-1 Hluilrs
Offertoiy. Choi us nl .Men's Voice t, i
U'liow When I Have Heltcved,"
Oikiiii t'ostludo in !' , ItlliK
,1 M. Ch.uice, oiguulst and dhcetoi,
" 'i ,
MIkh AileUi lludiuil, of Hil'outou, P.. ,
was one of the soloists at u rei llnl hIv'"u
at the Uio.iil StruiH Connivatoiy of
Music, l.!'.",-ai Koulh llroad stieei, I'lill.i
deiplila. 111., on Wednesday evening, lo
comber ' Her t-olo was 'i'ldouaWe," op.
DU, by Chopin.
,1 '
Scriintuu, as well as being a tauslcil
ceiitm- of unusual Imptntunee. bus vol
taluly eutltloil to credit as a clly of pil.o
winners. With tho t3,'Wi jirlie won by
Mr 13vans' choir nt tho World's talr,
and tho $l,i pilzo talien at Ilrooklyn
by Sir. Watklns' chorus, pot to mention
the miner purses, Hciaiitnu has just cause
to bo proud of her talent.
II I1 'I
A quartelle of men's volevn from the
Scrunton liilied Choral socloty will sIim
several selections at the Kit si Preby
tcilou cliuich toinorrow eveuiu;;.
I !l II
To those wishing their voices tevd who
havo nny Idea of studying voice culture
Mr. WiUhliis promises a llllto or his time
din lug iwxt week.
Theio were six mure entries In The
Tribune's Junior l-Mttcntluunl contest
yesterday, each of whom sent In it list
of words to compete for one of the
twenty cash prizes offered for Christ
inas In accordance with the rules of the
Tho Interest In this contest Is very
netlve und during the remaining two
weeks before II closes It Is expected
that there will be many boys nnd girls
who havo not yet sent In lists that will
do so.
4285 Tucked Blonse Jacket,
32 to 40 bust.
Woman's Tucked Blouse Jacket,
lllouso jackets are always jaunty, al
ways smart and very generally becom
ing. The excellent model Illustrated Is
of xlbellue, In brown with threads of
tan color, collar and cuffs of brown
velvet edged with bands of tan cloth,
stitched with corticelll silk, and makes
part of a costume; but the design
stilts the odd wrap equally well and Is
adapted to all the season's materials.
The collar is a special feature nnd Is
both novel nnd stylish.
Tho jacket Is made with fronts, and
back and Is smoothly Utted at the
back but blouses slightly over the belt
at the front. Fronts, back nnd sleeves
are laid In tucks, In groups of three
each, nnd are finished with machine
stitched edges in tailor style. The
right front laps over the left and the
closing Is effected by buttons und but
tonholes In double-breasted style. Tho
neck Is llnlshod with the big turn-over
collar nnd to the lower edge Is seamed
the basque. Tho full sleeves are gath
ered Into shapely cuffs nt the wrists
and the belt conceals the joining of
lilouse and basque portions.
The quantity of material required for
the medium size is I yards 21 inches wide,
2'J yards 41 inches wido or ljj yards "2
Inches wide, with " yards of velvet for
collar, cuffs nnd belt.
Tlin pattern -I2S," Is cut in sizes for a i2,
31, OT, OS and -10-Inch bust measuie.
A Complete line
ay Man
always to bo found at
of Hay Mantons
Goldsmiths Bazaar
1 t-m. -mT - J
(y 1 Silk Sale Continues, j
, : t
Your Holiday Shopping
Will be a pleasure when it depends on being easy and comfortable
to purchase. The Big Store s broad aisles: excellent light, Its rich and
varied stocks In every department will help you to decide on that
troublesome Christmas Present. Visit the China and Brlc-a-Brac De
partment, In the basement.
The Bissell Carpet Sweeper
How easy to sweep the floor when you have a Bissell Sweeper.
They are Cyco Bearing, which makes them easy to operate, gathers up-
the finest particles about the room and kpeps the troublesome dust to"
Itself. Its automatic device for emptying the refuse Is-easy to manage.
Comes In mahogany, dark and light oak: also maple, and 'sycamore
woods. Every one finished In tho best of workman-like mantier. Wilt,,
make a useful Christmas present. "
Prices are $1.50, $2.50 nnd $3.25
Pretty Laces for Handkerchiefs
How much you ladles appreciate a hand-made Handkerchief
the gift of a friend.
What special attention do many give to the selection of laces and
and footings for edges. Here are laces from the foremost lace-makers,
countless yards of cob-webby beauty, suitable for Handkerchief making:
Plain and Point Esprit Nets with fancy edgings; French Vals; Mechlin
and Maltese edges, with insertion to match; Chantllly and Ornamental
Laces, cream and white, for fancy work.
Our Sensational Silk Sals
Has captured the city with its splendid offerings
We mention a few numbers:
24-inch Peau Dft Levant
AH the staple colors, including
evening slmdes.
Black Moire Yelonr
27 inches wide; this is a
very choice number; regu
larly worth ?1.33. This sale 98c
Black Peau de Soie Silks
The 19-inch kind, worth
regularly $1.25. On sale nt. 97c
The 27-inch kind, worth
regularly S1.65. This sale. $1.25
The 23-inch kind, regularly
worth $1.35. On sale nt..S1.12',i
The 23-inch kind, much
heavier; worth regularly
$1.60. This sale ?1.39
89c Pongee Silks
Plain and fancy. This sale . 50c
White, pink and "blue; regu
larly worth S1.25. This sale. 89c
Fancy Waist Silks
and a large variety of
Plaid Silks
Not a yard less than $1.25
up to SI. 39. Go on sale this
week at, a yard 89c
Choice colorings, exquisite de
signs, suitable for all occasions.
Black Fancy Brocade Silks
20-fhch kind; regularly
worth 85c. This sale, yard . . 6ac
22-inch kind; regularly
worth 95c. This sale, a yard . 73c
Extra fine quality; usually
brings $1.33. This sale 97c
20-inch Moire
Many desirable colors; extra
fine value; usually 90c.
Changeable Taffeta
A splendid assortment; all
shades. SALE PRICE, 69c.
! Oil?
1 Holiday Lice
Will be ready for your inspec
tion on Monday, Dec. 8th.
Our Calendars
Are ready now.
R. E. Prendergast
207 Washington Avenue, Scranton.
.Vl -
Let Us Have Figures
BSSSLl ill
This haudsome Reed Rock
er, Large Roomy and Com
fortable. Just like cut. A
matchless value
Only $2.75
Aak for your coupons.
Free Holiday Gifts.
This is a copy of the Label
pasted on each piece or the
as a guarantee o( AbSOlUte PUrity,
KABEL: Sustained by UA. Circuit Court.
Fst 12. im.
AnalysUNo.T5.8W. New Yon. Bte.T. 1804.
Wo tVB aula a careful oinraloatlou of a
unpte of " Agt Nickel Steel Ware " rectljef
from Tho LMsaoe & i ruajeaa Ufg. Co.. Nov 80.
Too enamel coating It homojeaoous. of ostm
taloknon, and irruat purity.
It la n(lr(w frm tron at mtt, uad aoaanjt.
mnny-mcUliioottea found lnonomslKiffooilc.
Very respectfully,
6T1LLWULL 4 aLAonraq,
CbemUU to tho Now York f roduco lixchangew
JlaMju No. ll.UU . Nitw Mar . W.
Ozau-tHtji s-At requiKtwl fcy jou. we pup.
chucd In tuo open market a cample of " Ainte
Nickel ritet-l Wui-o " and hao ruido h carerul
chemical wulyto of tUo enamel coicrtngof to
Wo'o nil tbljcnomol It a&xAuitlu rnxe and
from rmilr. Aiitvr.any. Zrfad and ot'r'5:
llonera tijurtoiu to JttcinV We can therefore
rcoommend (c for all culinary and drinking
purpo.. totunu banK3i
CbetulaU to tho N. Y. Meul Ezchania.
S3imi!',i'Dii3i2C3;!fJ ui AtsoiQtiir fin
nu Uvor Been Found in the Easmcl ol
Agate Nickcl-Stccl Ware,
SM h 1'irtt.ct'ist Ikf irtnifiil (inii Ifylt'
jurmihin Attrt. b(r:Jfor tt;o hjoUt,
Lalancc & Grosjenn Mfg. Co.,
Prize No, 1, $60,00 in Mdse,
Prize No, $40,00 in Mdse,
V 4 'V ! H 'I ? ' 'V 'I' ! ''
; .J.
Every Roof a Recommendation
I Ehref s Slag Roofing. ?
, .,
4. .j. 4. i 4. ij. 4. . .. . ! . . .j. . 4. .J. .j. .5. 4. .j. rfr f 4. .J. . . .j. .. . 4.
Complete Hue of tue. genuine L. &
G. Manufacturing Company's Aeote
Nickle Steel Wnve,
Music for
AM Social Events
Fiore's Mandoliu Orchestra
125 NorUi Sixth Street'
The Tribune will guarantee, to print
your pajicr book quicker thnu any oth
er printlnu house iu tho city
t '
n'i it. j
Aif. . j tiil
a.-- Sa