uiyw' Jt Published Dally ty rcpt Bundny, !y Th Trllmn e .tt- i-A-AS. Ik,.,"'".. ..k,--i. n'.i iTil r ". iil!!.5.Y.X"1:K ' " l.1t.1KAvMAAlt. rtnler.if RlhKl'Mtomc nt Rcrnntou, ., BWonil- I Olius Mali Mutter. i) When ipnea will imrmll, The Tribune It ,altrar Itlnd to print ihn.t letter from IU frUndi benrlng on current topic but Hi rale If tlmt thcie niiut h tinned, for pub lUatlutti by thn .irrHcrV-T'oril linmei mitt ihn onndltlon nraceitent to Heeeptniirr, ! JUmt nil contributions .lintl be nubjerl to 'itltorlal r.vlilon, TOR FLAT KATE FOIt AI)VJ!HTI8INO. Tho following tttbln -diowa the price per Inch each .IiiktIIoii, ipacsto lie luiil within utie -bf.ilhT ju ltPa.l.nff ,,0""nn msn-AY nun of 1'nper Xm.i than SO Inchei ' 10 Inchea . . i IW . V - . . . ww " ilM "..., .1.0 .4.1 ."a! It .ID .41 .1.1 .!T ."o M .so .to ' Tor earcfi of thanks, refoliitlutu of condotance, ami Imllar nmtrlbutloni In thn iiature.of ndvcrtliliur, ''lbs Trlbuim innlceu a cuurK" of fients o lln. 3TWELVB PAGES. ' SCltANTO.V, iJKCI2Mni21l C, 1001'. 'ammcntlnrr' )i'lu. tlio rumor. of vstrlko sattletnoiit out of court, the I'lillndeliilila Inquirer expressies- tlio Mope that they have substantial roun latlon, and adds: "What the public' Is looking fot" Is u settlefuelu that will settle iintl that will provenc ' strikes ill the future." Tho nubile, wo roar, will look In vnln. Th Crux of the Problem. T11K POIXT of greatest iniport anco In I'roplilont Kllul'. r mdrks uiou labor unions, which wo 'printed yesterday, titid which every lutoHI-rent person -dioulil be sure, to read; a. point certain to enter very larfjoly into the delibera tions' 'of tho Anthracite Strike commis sion when It conies to formulate Us .award, is set forth by Dr. Eliot in those words: "Tlie principle that an American has tt right to sell his labor at whatever jtrlce ho chooses to fix is earnestly dis puted. Indeed, it is said that no Am erican lias it right to sell his labor at any price, without considering the ef fects of his sale upon associated labor ers In the same trade or business. The risht to earn bread for bis family by whatever opportunity presents itself Is denied. Wo must not earn bread for his family without considering the ef lects which his taking the price ho Is willing to accept miiy have on thous ands of other men, who nr not will ing to accept that price. Tills doctrine cuts deep, and the American people have got to consider and reconsider this onteut of opinions. It is a serious con test of opinions with regard to personal liberty." Another expression of the same idea Is given by President "Mitchell in the December number of "MoClure's maga zine when he says that the great lesson of the coal strike to his mind "is that the individual is nothing:, the good of so ciety at large Is everything." ft is true that Mr. Mitchell Immediately adds that "no man, no combination of men, no matter how many or how powerful, whether they belong to capital or to labor, can sot their own interests or their own will against the common good," but those of us who reside in the I'oal fields have yet to be assured on this point. Tito disappearance of individual init iative, and, to a large degtee, tho cur tailment In fact If not In law of the Indi vidual llbetty which for more that a century lias been deemed a vital part of American freedom this is what the new doctrine implies, and it is the more .serious because the Individual is not to have the chance to yield up this liberty voluntarily but by means of the boy cott and by other processes of intimida tion, in dealing with which our courts are often powerless and our executives afraid, ho is to be unlawfully deprived of it, "for the common good." (t will be interestine to see how the r.oosevclt strike commission will view this doctrine. As ti result of personal urging by Sec retary Hoot, the senate committee on military affairs has decided to repoi t the Wei; bill for the- reorganization of the militia. This I? one of the most Imoortnut measures beforo congress and it is gratifying to learn that lis t'tiily enactment Is predicted. Not a License to Steal. IT IS MOST .sincerely to be hoped that Kngland and tlermany will execute their declared Intention to givo Venezuela some nutch neeiled tuition in International law, cus toms and comity. The welfaio of civil isation culls loudly for such a disciplin ing of the.rotUn autocracy of President "j"antri.ius will leave it, lusting memory JM iLlP "VJ'"i,&. Hf llIs H'OiWfcl type of ijo1rth"A'nieflcM dre'loVi'i's. j Illfiteail (it' diii- fooling worried lest tho Monroe doctrine' shoul'd get dented dur l;ig tlio fnlftts, could be wished that WibrjUlUtul. .S.iute! might, tnko a hand In the ohastonlnjf, so as to make sure That it wlTf bi car'rTed to a wholesome llnlH- i Ajpcrlatrjn !mve..iufferfd tonally with Europeans from tha rapacity, in ,c.pUuiol(Viu.'y . and -viClousness of the Castro regime and only In the major rases has our state department inter Voiif d. Thoentlro proposition of a goy r'nfirfent'"ln':'th'e American hemsphern so out. of touch witli'Vuoderii Ideas of ttirti!ntl -equity as Venezuela Is to. day In untenable, and tho prlinacy Which w have otllumlly asserted among the ropubllcjt of tlie now world as well as the lluilyulgus wu liavt as stimiS liTliCy'flown'for thV-gulduueo of old-world powero ju their dealings' with thefionexv-worhl republics Impose upon itAlwr'trtoriiT'obllRatiiirrtiJ use our every lniluejrivollfl ui) tile .average stand. III'!!. J "rtTe'Mom'oe doctrine Is not a Soutb American license to steal. It should not In any manner be used as u hcwoii JfchifftU wlilhh vulgar jiitr1gue:or ptjty UjantS ciin'b(!onsifnimatefl-wttli.iin. punlty and Immunity. The pleasu ;flrU. ,tlat ..8QY?rIS'-J,0wew rc,cnuaj 4ind .that. vyhatonorrtqeK -(another. '.imiy not jjucstion aaVo in safe defense I3 only ti (ivt ion ut best: and as applied to such monstrosities of government ns YfeliexuQlti It nectls radical revision, hot Us not, therefore, put any obstacle In Ihu way or the Anglo-Merman pro gruiimm with reference to Ottstro mid Ills deviltry, but let us rather applaud I ho good work ns It goes "along and thus servo notice; upon other t.ittln Atnerlcitn Htitrnpli'H of what they must i:peet If they chilli not behave. . Jn tho case of the medical cotuinls clou and ,1udgo Hnilth It scents to have resolved Itself Into: " first catch your victim lioforc von examine htm, flatters of Chusswork. TIIU XUMKUOUS eoltfet elites whlfh have been taking jilacrt ittnong men ptomlnunt In the Hopubllcan organization In Pennsylvania have been followed by a generous crop of rumors, both us to the distribution of the patronage of the In coming administration and as lo legis lative policies. One of these credits the leaders with having decided again to table ballot reform, or at least to go no further than to recommend some amendment of Hie existing bnllot law with a view to restricting the multiplication of mushroom parties claiming columns and circles on the ticket. Also, to try to hold the legislature down lo a pro gramme consisting of confirming tlie governor's appointment?, electing a United Kittles senator, passing the nec essary appropriation bills and adjourn ing not later than the middle of April. This, to be sure, is only a guess, and It can bo nothing more than a guess, for the reason that the man who will have the most to say on these matters, especially its to tlie policy to be pur sued, Is Kauuml W. Pennypaeker, and he hits' yet to make public his views. Those who know what his ideas are say he earnestly favors thorough ballot reform and will insist that adjourn ment shall not take place until the reasonable expectation of tho progress ive republicanism of the state in this direction shall have been mot. There Is said to be a fair prospect that congress at this session will enact the Lodge bill reorganizing our consu lar service by establishing permanent grades, establishing adequate salaries, doing away with fees In payment for service and creating definite consular careers. The news seems almost too good to be true. The Attorney Generalship. ONE OP THE locally gratifying bits of political rumor cur rent in the state press cred its Governor-elect Penny packer with considering witli favor the appointment of Major Kvorett Warren as his attorney general. Major Warren's neighbors would, on personal grounds, regret having to part even temporarily with a man of his ad mirable qualities. l!ut If the prospect ive executive should decide to extend the oillclttl Invitation which he is cred ited with considering, they would know and the stale would soon learn, that the honor was worthily bestowed. Major Warren possesses to an excep tional degree every important qualifi cation for the ofllee of attorney general. He has professional ability so marked that it has placed him at comparative ly an early age among the foremost lawyers of the commonwealth; he lias moral as well as physical and political courage; and in tlie amenities of social and private life he is singularly pleas ing and attractive. It hardly needs to be added that his record as a Itepubli can is first-class, showing an unvary ing devotion to party Intel ests and not a trace of self-seeking. Cabinet-making does not always fol low the lines of tlie highest elltclency; and In this instance there are geograph ical considerations which may operate to the detriment of Northeastern Penn sylvania; but tho Importance'of the of fice of attorney general calls for an oc cupant In no way less worthy than Ma jor Warren, and we are sure that Judge Pennypaeker could not find one more worths'. The last Chicago hotel tragedy Illus trates anew that the firctraps are sel dom discovered until after the con- tlagnttlon. In Oklahoma. BETWEEN darkness and dawn, in one night, the town of lOaglo City, Oklahoma, evolved from a combination of stubble cornllelds and raw praiiio to the dimension: of a village of i.OOO Inhabi tants, with a complete municipal or ganization, a bunk In operation, a dally newspaper established, a fairly good ho tel, four restaurants, wven saloons, at least n sooru of mercantile establish ments, and no end of gambling house. Says tho press dispatch refolding this peculiarly American phenomenon: "Tho residence section as yet boasts few structures other than canvas tents, but nil the busliiess enterprises are housed In substantial friune titructuros, many of which lack nothing except paint of being i.ompUttd. The lot drawing: began at daylight. Illicit boomer paid !"'3, which entitled liliu to a iwenty-llve-foot .business lot or a fifty-foot residence lot, thu selection to bo by lottery. As soon us the choice sites were drawn the bidding for them hocama lively and several sales were marto before U o'clock at from $500 to $1,000 each. It was on these lots that Ilia merchants who were already 011 the ground with 'knockdown' buildings and stocks of goods established themselves beforo nightfall, Only a third of the lots were disposed of today, and the drawing will continue until till are gone, It lookts now as It Eagle City will liavu 1,000 residents by tho end or tho week. It Is In be 11 division point on tho San FrnnolBco line." Congress had better admit Oklahoma forthwith. Such growing qualities de mand recognition and encouragement. It now looks ua though every one wanted a Panama canal treaty savo Minister Concha. It looks us If a'utl'canteeulsts might soon be as scarce ns antl-imperiallsts. - About everything lias combined now, save the "dear public,"' And Senor Sugauta woleumta that "has been" feeling- THE SCRANTON TIIJJ31JNE-SAT till DAY, MR. BAILEY OP TEXAS. W. E. Curlls, In tho Hccoltl'llcrnld, An Impression privnll that Hon. ln pupli JJitlley, of 'iVsnc, Will nslt the sennit! of iho I'tiltcil Mini t'fi ror ro-i'iifot ce ments In lil'i imht with tho lion. Wllllnm li. I'enlleld, snllrllor or tho depiirtmonl of stale, hut hlrt filomls nilvlse him not to do so, l'onllolil has staled In the pub He prints his cphilon that Itiilkv Is an itps ami a llnr, nltlioimh he does not charge that Dnlley knows lie Is an us.". A year or nmro uno one of Jlalloy's constituents got Into trouble nbottl it gold or silver mine down hi .Mexico, and ap plied to Ambassador Clayton, who de clined to help him, mid lepnited his rea sons to the Hcerotiity of stale. I'lto con stituent appealed to Mr. Ilnlloy, mill tlio latter tlnninnded the removal of Clayton. The secretary of state referred tlio mat ter to Solicitor I'enllold, who sustained Clayton. Ilnlloy attacked I'eiiileld on tin Hour ot the sennlo, and Itevoiltlgo. being PeiilleliVit ft lend and the representative of his state, repllul that ilalloy'N language was unwarranted, When the somite ad journed Halloy grabbed ttovoililge by tlio lapels ot his coat ami shook liliu llerccly, demanding a 1'olrnotlou and threatening to 1:111 Iihn. lloverldgo was rescued by Spooner and other, smoothed down his milled pltnnngo 11ml boliaved as 11 gen tli'liinli should. Ualley blew off his sleain In tho newspapers and renewed his altnok upon l'onllolil. Tlio littler wrote 11 rum munlinllon, which was furnMiod to the press iissorliilioii'i and nppenivil hi every pit per In the country, reviewing the enso and declining In no ninny words ilwl Ualley Hid. and know h" II -d Intention ally, In bis speech Unit dn J lie nilil-d that Ualley was tin nss, and did not know any better than 10 act Hint way. As Ualley hud shaken Ileveildge fur merely suggesting that his statements were unwarranted, it was naturally ex pected that he would eat J'enlleld alive without ketchup, but ho did not do any llilnj,' of the kind. He lefusod to bo in terviewed and lotuijied to Toxus with out vindicating his honor. That was last June, and he has made no motion toward I'eutleld since. He Is exoected to do something soon. It will prootibly not be in the nultiro of personal violence, but the thunderbolt will fall In the form of a whereas and wherefores and resolve-' presented to tlio senate of the fulled States, and demand PenfloIiVs removal for Instilling that Immortal body by say ing that one of Its members Is n liar and on ass. Ualley regards this ns moie Im portant than tackling tlio trusts or re. vising the tariffs, and will demand an ex tra session to attend to the mutter If it can't bu attended to at this. He will have 11 difficult time passing such a resolution, and if It did something would happen at white house that would hurt Ualley more than Pcnllold's lot lor. That interesting paper was read and approved by the secretary of stale before its publication, and It was nfterwnnl approved by tlo: prcsldent of the Cnitcd Stales In the fol lowing words, to wit: "1 wish I'enlleld hadn't called him an ass, because we ought to show respect to the senate, but the rest of the letter i""s all right." IToneo if Ualley wants lo get rid of I'enlleld he will have to abolish tin; whole administration. Ills friends aie advising him lo let tin matter drop and not to go around looking for any more trouble. WHAT IS DEVELOPED The most peifeot development of tho nutrient elements of Rye Whiskey is conceded by leading chemists to be found in er BaHtirnore Rye and by their chem ical analysis it is recommended for general use as the Most Perfect Whiskey Made For the physical needs of women it is a pure tonic. Solil At all flM-rliw cafes nail by joblw.". W.M. I.ANAUAN SOX, llitltliiioru, Jl.l, Oneita (Elastic miilicd) Union Suits For men cover the whole body like an nddltionnl skin, fitting' like a glove, softly and without plea sure. No buttons down the front. Special price, Worth $4.00 412 Spruce St. NEW LINE OP SMOKING JACK ETS, HOUSE AND BATH KOBES. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE BCHOOIS SCKANTON', PA. T. .1. Fosfer.Prcs. Klmor II. Lawall.Treas U. J. I'oster Stanley P, Alien, Vice President. Secretary, - 'k TUttM"! H MrojHBfEj J PS mm JfPk MR M JuWhJUmJ Wrmbmm iWaliffiWS&'twisc twiSifti'liffiWffis'''" !$3Jb8"r' 1 WM"1 WHEREVER MOIRE CAN BE USED MOIRE UENGAUNP. may he substituted. A decided novelty, even among the many ideas in the realm of woman's furnishings, beautiful colors with best quality A glance at the price per yard is convincing It's a startling money saver. 35c a yard. The Sale of OATH ROUES continues. A new lot received today to supply the demand, Prices from $5 to $15 each. 9 ALWAYS BUSY vKT XI X 3 ..TV iBfcV J3 At last (lie Itentitiful snow is here. Tlie Always Busy Slios Stores are ttlvviivs here to protect your feet and tnnkcyouT heart glad. Child's Happy Rubber Htln Boots, sizes 8 to 10!'. ... OL Youth's Happy Rubber rt; -i e; Boots, siscs 11 to S. . . . J fl 0 Boys' Happy Rubber d c( Boots, sizes 3 to 0 4 4 0J Men's Good Quality rnr Rubbers 5Ut Ladies' Good Ouallty '-y --, Rubbers iD Children's and "Misses' 'CJr' Rubbers' J Men's "Felt Boots anil " Overs P it OxJ Men's Woonsocket rf -j ) CJ Rubber Boots Hp&tJ&O Every department teeming with good sense Holiday Goods. LEWIS & REILLY "Wholesale and Itclall. I If and 116 Wyoming- Avenue. Complete Footwear Outfitters. 4 1" "i !! 4 " i "1 S l S S ' ' 4 i- 44l"4"'Ist'l'Z4la4'S"aStl'Sa'2'l"S''Sa'2' 'h f ! ! 2 4 f- E ARE READY to show Pianos but everything entirely different tone to a home. Better come and see us and talk it over. We will be pleased to show you our beautiful stock of Holiday Pianos and explain our easy payment plan. We make it possible for every home to have a Piano. Store Open Evenings This Honth. We offer you a new piano from $175 up to $1050, and guarantee every Piano we sell. Pianos selected now will be held for Christmas delivery if desired. Don't put off ; come now and look through our store. juri ti ot?5nnr in it u u ij k. , . -J. ,. .j. ; 4 x" ! I 'J 5 "J $ "i 'I" J,,I" 11 mu JuajJi-iiv ;c..j..:..:.....x..x.M''o..:...:.'':'W' i U( ! II V i IUV i HEEP THEM WARM AND DRY. MAHON'S WILL HELP YOU. Men's Felt Boots and Overs at 1.98. Men's Felt Boots and Overs, (extra quality,) 2.48. Men's Rubber Boots, 2.25, 2.48, 2.98. Men's Arctics, 98c, 1.25, 1.50. Men's Rubbers, 50c, 65c, 75c. Boys' Felt Boots and Overs, 1.50, 1.75, 1.98. Youths' Felt Boots' and Overs, 1.25, 1.50. Ladies' Rubbers, Men's Rubbers, Boys' Rubbers, Youths' Rubbers, anything in Rubber. Men's double-sole Shoes, 1.98, 2.48, 2.98 Ladies' Calf Skin Shoes, 1.48, 1.98, 2.48, 3.00. Children's Calf Skin Shoes, 75c. :: i $28 LasfawaBBirea j&vesraie., We Give Green Trading Stamps VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVSVVVvVVVVVVVVVVVVVvVVVVVVVVVV' a-F P-upi'u II g r.urntcly a9 DtiCli.iUJJti.lt , 1002. NEW YORK HOTELS. A LDINE UOTEL H! .ITU AV.,Ul'MHN utrrlt AND iioiltar.r. NHVV VOKK. nimopriAN plan, Niv. j'rnPKoop Conventcntto Theatres nud Sliopplns Districts. Take 2jrtlst. cross town cars and transfer nt tth avc. direct to hotel, itoums with Hath j.Sulli with llatli $'-'.(111 I ( $-1.(1(1. V. H. PAUKB, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER. HOTEL Cor. Slxtrcntlt St. and (r tns Placo, NEW YORK. American Man, p.M IVr Day and Upwards. European Plan, 51,00 1'rr Pay and Upward special Hates to ramlllci. T. THOMPSON,' Prop. f Htrf.-f-tv-H-f -f f-H-M- X ror Business ilea 4- In the hcuit of the wholesale (lis -- irict. t I'm MioimmAn t - " minutes' wall: to Wnnamakcrs; f " minutes to SIcboI Cooper's Ills T 7- SI ore. l)nsy oC access to tho great T T Wry (Soods Stores, J J for liKlilscci'-i X X One block from U'wny Cam. glv- L X iiu? easy trniispoitatlon to all i T points of Interest. I OTEL AL8EBT I t NEW YORK. $ t cor nth st. & UNivionstTy ru -f- T Only one Block from Hroadway. t Rooms, l Up. p&'g'.iSaX,, 1 4"l'i''l"'&l''l'"2"a2a2'S''''l,''l "t our holiday slock, not only of musical. A Piano gives an w 1 . -m u fi , WYOMING AVE, "! "J1 I" "J J" "J 'J1 4 J"i ! ff !" '" r J nncrrIttf Inn Mnntlt PinmnHv. :iml Jlr Done at The Tribune Office, . , . SILK 126 WYOMING AVENUE . tt ij 1. "i ) Who $A 00 Fnr a ll I r , P i H ill Christmas WM i Wants L!hiM Present Twenty Christmas Presents $50.oo To Itc cilycii by The Serantoti Tribune lo the Children ot Scrauton and Northeastern Pennsylvania. One Present $20.00 In Gold $20.00 One Prcsunt 10.00 In Gold 10.00 One Present 5.00 In Cold 5.00 Two Presents 2.50 Each 5.00 Five Presents 1. 00 Each ' . nan Ten Presents Total Twenty Presents Till- TRIBUNE'S SECOND ANNUA!- Jtmio Educational Contest A Contest in Word-Huildinir. Who Can Make the Must Words Out of the Letters, in T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R. THIS IS much easier than last year's contest, and twenty of the brightest boys and girls will seenre Christinas Gifts in cash for making the largest number of words out of these letters. It Is lots of fun to think of the words and hunt them up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your spelling. You will be surprised at the number of different ways these twelve letters can be used. Rules of the Contest Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents or guard ians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper." No letter must be used any more times than they appear in these three wbfds. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there might be two "H's" or three "E's." Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Webster's Inter national Dictionary" (edition of 1898) will be allowed. Any dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRIBUNE will debar all words not found in Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Appendix" will not be allowed. Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once. Words with two or more definitions can be used but once. No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O." flow to vriie Your List. Write on one side of the paper only. Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter. Place the words alphabetically. Write your name, age, address and. number of words at the top of your list. ' Write the name cf parent or guardian with whom you live and who is a,regular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE. Fold the list DO NOT ROLL. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20TII at 5 P. M. All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly answered. Ad dress your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to CONTEST EDITOR. SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. PA. BED ROOM FURNITURE 'We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. Wc Invite Inspection Whether You Arc Going to Buy nt Once or Not ro'flTiw.i., Syracuse University FIVE COLLEGES. ELEGANT CUILDINGS. HEALTHFUL UU1I0N. The Collejsc Offera ClaKHlenl, Plillosnulilciil, Scl fiico nml I'eiluKojjIcnl Cohibl'h. The College of Anulicil Science Offm'.s Morhuntritl Riiiiurltitf. Civil KllliilU'iilllK nml Kli-C'tl'lcill KiiBlnofi'liiK (.'oiii'mm Hiow hitllillilK unit equipment). The College of Pine Arts Huh fiiimwH In Ari'iiltocturp. Holies l.otttcH, Music ami I'alutlm;. The College of Medicine Ono of iho (ilitewt In tlio stuli lirtN four years"' course. Tim Into (-'liun-lellor I'lisou, of tin; ItowiMitH, tin solUltetl, Willi: "It Is tultnlttfil liy nil competent JuilvtoH tu lo titisur liustji'tl In tills statu." The College of Law (lives iuHtructlnn ly loU-bonk nml iiiho system. n Its futilities mo homo of tlio Krealcst' lawyers of Nov.' Yovlt. Over Forty of tlio leiuliiiis universities ami eol. Jones ot this country unit Kuropo tiro represented liy mature iintl proKi'i'Sslw hiliol'iri" on tlio faculty of tlio Collctsc. Only thu Iiluliest talent to bo found at humn nml abinait Is permitted to utvo lu Htruction in I'lno Arts. Tlio work is no arranged that Muilcnls tiilsliu; lmtll tliclr (.'oUcci "nil .Mcdlcul or Law I'our.ses ut Syrucusa. savo ono year's time. I'cduh'OKlcnl Courses Imvo been cHlalillslicd, ijlv. IniX our students tlie mlvautiiKo of llrsl clsuis teuclieiM' certificates, formerly munteil only to uraHutites of Stato Normal Schools. Liberal elretlvcs. Itolli sexes lire admitted. Tuition expends nro so moderate that they mo lew than the fees In some colleges where free tuition Is plven. Send for catalogue. Jjni35 Roscoe Diy, S. T, D., LL. D. Chancellor, Syracuse. N. V. 50c Each . --.. ,. 5-00 $50.00 12! 9 Washington Avenue EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a. Good Education? Not a t-liort course, nor an tuj course, nor a cheap course, but tlio licit education la tw luil. Ku other education h worth iipendlni; time, and money on. II you do, write for a catalogue ut e Gaston, Pa. tvhlch ofti-ra tliorousli preparation In tht Engineering Jd CI.ciiicjI Proei4onj u well u thu refular Colltb-i; coursti. STATE NORniAL SCH001,. EAST S'JHOUDSDURQ, PA. IteBiilur Statu Normal Courses and Special Depnrtineiits of Music, 1'locu. Hun, Art, UrawliiH", Stenogruiihy and TypowritltiBi stront; Colletio 1'iopara tory Ueiiartmciit. FREE TUTIONT. Hoarding expuii3es f).K0 per week. Pupils mlmltteil at any time. Winter To"iii opens Dec. ""Dtli. Write for cata louue. B. L. KEMP, A. M., T'i'Innltinl H " "- La yette Colle uumHXumoujBi a ;