The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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"flhe News of
It. Paul's Congregation Acknowl
edgements in Annual Statement by
nev. r. Ehluger.
Annua! report ot St. Paul's Lutheran
church, for the year ending Dee. 1, 11HW:
"The kingdom of heaven Is like unto
n Brain of mustard rood, etc.," St.
Mutt.. xlll::::i.
Thursday evening we organized our
new board of trustees, consisting of
John llriiuch, vice president! August
Oerhardt," secretary; AVIlhelm Schroo
dcr, trensutur; CIooiko f-'ohroeder. col
leutor, and Louis milliner, os elder, for
the current year l'JO-'-u:!.
The treasurer reported in follows:
Received (Including nearly Sino Sunday
offerings), $711.13; expended (Including
salaries of organist, Janitor, nail for
release of mortgage on church),
leaving ii balance In the treasury of
T2.33. A haul: loan of 5300 to clear
clutreli'iuortguge, lu exeliuiwo to a quit
claim deed, l.i all our legal Indebted
ness, besides a moral obligation to our
noble superintendent, Dr. A. Sehueifor,
previously stated, which need not
trouble tin at all.
The council also expressed their
cordial tbunhs to Hon. A. J'. Triiut
wcin for adding to his check of $100
another one for this year's paymeiu.
and to another friend outside of the
city, for sending a check of $13.
The sumo thankful feeling prevailed
toward!! all who had' contributed to
the salary of thn pastor, anil to other
benevolent purposes, for mission, or
phans, etc., showing names from all
classes of society and churches, from
mayor and justices, newspapermen and
Fncle Pam's postmasters, merchants
and their rlork; from church digni
taries as Fathers Coffey, Cerutl. down
to the kitchen and silk mill girl, and
not the last, but often the most lib
eral contributors to benevolent pur
poses are. to my experience, .saloon
keepers and elgarmakers (exceptions
Included): and to all them we say
with St. Paul, Tl Cor., Ix:7, "(iod loves
a cheerful giver."
Expansion in the full sense of the
word is the motto of true Christianity.
Rev. P. Khingor.
Curbondtile, Pa., Doe, -1. WO.'.
n Engine Tender Passe? Over Flag
man Charles Hagenbach.
Flagman Charles Hagenbach, of Con
aietor Pinion's train on the Erie, Is
niu of the few men who has lived to
elate the experience of being knocked
own by an engine and have a port Inn
f the locomotive pabs over him.
AVheu Hagenbach V train got stalled
luring the storm in a cut, west of Iler
iek, ho went back to warn trains that
might follow. "When the train was
treed, the pusher came back for Hag
enbach. Ho did not hear its opproadi
and was knocked down. The tender of
the locomotive passed owr him. but
marvelously he lay at full length be
tween the tracks, In just the position
that kept him from being situoer.eil or
crushed to death. The , presence of
snow was a factor in his preservation.
It acting as a sort of cushion as he
was dragged along.
TlagenhaeU's Injuries are a number
Of painful bruises. He shows no signs
of internal injury and will likely have
nnretarded progress to recovery.
Hagonbach's home Is at Xo. HI Park
street, this city, whither he was taken
yesterday forenoon, after being con
veyed here on the Erie flyer.
Insurance Men Addressed by Home
Office Officials.
The local staff of the Metropolitan
Life Insurance company, under Assist
ant Superintendents William Jones
and James Creegan. joined in an en
thusiastic meeting' In tho district office
tu the Burke building yesterday after
noon. The meeting was a happening of con
siderable Importance to tho local work
ers, as they were honored by tho visit
of homo ofllclals, Supervisor XetlleshlD
and Assistant Supervisor Holleran, or
Xew York city, and Superintendent
Avery, of Seranton, Addresses were
made by each of thesu officers, be
sides local Assistant Superintendents
Jones and Creegan, and J. C. Xaylor, of
Honesdale. Valuable hints on Held
work were given the agents. Cigars
and a pleasant social time concluded
the successful meeting.
Greeting Old Friends.
La Verne A. Itussell. formerly a
music dealer in Forest City, and rep
resentative in this part of tho county
of the Keller & Van Dyke pinno- fac
tory nt Scranlon, was at the Harrison
house yesterday,
Mr. Itussell is now located In Sag
inaw, Mich., which has been his homo
since last summer. Ho is well located
and has found a place for which ho Is
ivell qualified, and where his ability Is
airo to bo manifested In satisfying re
mits to nig employers. Ho Is malinger
of the wholesale department of the
Jlrower-Pryor Piano company, which Is
well known throughout tho central
Calkins, the Story Teller.
Mr. Franklin V. Calklus, of AVyom
Jug, Wis., who writes many interesting
stories' for the "Youth's Companion"
"Food' can mako or unmake a writer.
For Ta number of years, living the
,'edeiitary life, of the writer and student,
a suffered all the Ills of nervous dys
pepsia. I could eat nothing In tho
'morning save u. dry crust of toasted
bread and a cup of weak coffee. For
-iny dinner at G o'clock, l hud been in
the habit of eating rum beef steak, the
. "only food from which I seemed to get
rf proper nourishment, but no meal was
" taken without the after pangs of u
"illgestlons I was beginning to get ills
guested with life.
About a year ago a friend suggested
Grape-Nuts telling mo of the benefit he
. had received from tho food and i be-
1 gan with it as directed; I found imme-
diate relief from' my indigestion and In
a short time my dyspepsia left mo
entirely. I have now used drape-Nuts
for a year and have had no trouble
" with jny stomach having eaten many
enjoyable dinners.
I find in- fact tat all youxeay for
Grape-Nuts is true and it is certainly
the food for brain workers and the
truth of your claims. Jsj proved in my
own cine. I havrt no aji-) for
west, Mr. Itussell Is on ti business and
plenstiie trip combined, nnd Is estab
lishing trade In the oust for his house.
Ills numerous friends In this city wl'l
be pleased with tho news of his succors.
John O. Xaylor, a former Curbondal
liiu, now in charge of the Hnnesdnto
district of the Metropolitan Llfo HiKiir
unce company was heurtlly greeted by
a number of Ourbondiilo acquaintances
yesterday. Ho was here In attendance
at the staff meeting In the Metropolitan
oillce In the llurlm building. Mr. N'ny
lor was formerly u Metropolitan aP
sb'lunt superintendent In this city, and
dining his residence hoie wan organist
and director of music at the First Con
gregational church.
Institute Instructors Leave Carbon-
dale with Pleasant Memories.
Miss Laura I). Jlugurly. whoe lec
tures on elementary language and ele
mentary arithmetic were so Interesting
and helpful to the teachers during their
Institute, returned yesterday to her
home in llitffalo. X. Y where she In
conspicuous in school work.
Miss Hagarty, on leaving, expressed
herself as being delighted beyond
m ensure with her visit to Carbondale,
The hospitality of our people she found
to be exceptionally warm-hearted, as
do all visitors to the town. The fact
of this being Hie "anthracite city." the
birthplace of the great anthracite coal
Industry, was received by hor with
gieat Interest, to which she attache!
duo historical value. .She gathered nu
merous historical coal facts and coal
souvenirs which she said she would
treasure. Miss Hagarty departed for
her homo with numerous pleasant mem
ories of her tlrst visit to Carbondale.
Pi of. E. L. Kemp, principal of tiie
East Stroudsburg State Normal school,
the intensely Interesting lecturer on
psychology, added appreciably to the
large number r friends he already
claimed lu Carbondale. Pi of. Kemp
taught at normal schools a number of
Carbondale teachers, to whom he paid
many kind tributes. Ills stay in Car
bondale was all the more enjoyable be
cause of his numerous acquaintances
hThe Young Man Who Met a
Fate at Rest.
The funeral of the late Thomur .1.
Fox, the quiet, unassuming young man
whose sad deatli was a cause of sincere
keen regret among the many friends of
(lie family, took place yesterday fore
noon. A long procession of sorrowing
friends followed from the residence on
Powderly meet to St. Kore church,
where a high mass of requiem was
sung by !!ev. Walter Gorman. After
tho absolution, llev. Father Gorman
delivered the eulogy. Burial was in St.
Rose cemetery.
The pallbearers were: Joseph and
Thomas Lol'tus. Anthony Hughes,
Henry MoKenna, William Casey, Jam's
Taylor Pastor Will Occupy Pulpit of
Berean Baptist Church.
liev. II. II. Harris, Ph. D., pastor ot
the Calvary Baptist church of Taylor,
will occupy the Berean Baptist pulpit
in this city tomorrow, morning and
Dr. Harris Is known as one of the
most scholarly clergymen of the valley,
and his coming to this city will be ap
preciated by the Baptist congregation.
Although he Is the pastor of un Eng
lish church, ho is a conspicuous figure
in the councils of the Welsh congrega
tions of all denominations.
Effle Ellsler, on Thursday.
A rare dramatic event Is promised
on next Thursday, Dec. 11, at tho
Grand, when Frank L. Porley wiy pro
sent Eflie Ellsler in Paul Kester's
dramatisation of Charles Major's fam
ous romance of chivalry, "When
Knighthood Was in Flower." Tho
complete and gorgeous Julia Marlowe
production, which packed the Criterion
theater. New York, for one entire sea
son, will positively be presented here
with a strong cast and In all Its mas
sive entirety.
Miss Ellsler stands high In her art
and has attained her rank In his chos
en profession by merit and hard work.
Her tour which commenced Aug. 23
last, has boon one continual succession
of large houses.
List of Patients Grows.
Mrs. Charles Bronson Is dangerously
ill, her condition causing n good deal
of alarm to hor friends.
Dr. Peter Larkln, of Uulontown, who
was taken quite 111 when he arrived
here a few weeks ago to visit at the
home of his mother, Mis, John Larkln,
on Brooklyn street, has suffered a re
lapse, and is now In a dangerous con
dition, pneumonia having developed.
Garfield Williams, the alert nsslstun't
manager of the Hotel American, is
confined to his room by a severo Illness.
G. Frank Couch, who Is seriously 111
nt his homo on Washington street, is
slightly Improved.
AValter Bennett, who has been suffer
ing with typhoid fever, Is considerably
Improved. The members of his family
who are down with the same disease
are also somewhat bptter,
Mlno Superintendent John W. White,
of Seventh nvouuo, wbo Is ill with ty
phoid fever, Is still In a very critical
The First Accident.
Tho first victim of snow-covered
.walks this winter Is Miss Jeanetto Bry.
don, ono of tho city's corps of teach
ers. Miss Bryden was returning from
tho close of tho Institute yesterday
noon, when the misfortune befell her,
Near the Now York store on South
Main street, sho missed her footing on
tho slippery surface and fell quite
heavily, Her back was Injured, and
while not duiiReiously, it was necessary
for her to go to her homo on Wash
Ington street, in u cab. Beyond tho
sudden disturbance, Miss Uryden tic
not suffer, and will be about in a few
days. This1 will be assuring to her
friends, who were noticeably nlnrmed
by the magnified stories of the happen
ing. Dr. Vnnderbuie; to Speak.
St. Paul's Lutheran church F. Ehlu
ger, pastor. Third Sunday In Advent.
Sabbath school, 9.30 u. m., rehearsal of
the Christmas lessons; service, 10.30
a. m., subject 'One Mind nnd One
Mouth Glorifying God." a Christmas
lesson in accordance with the epistle
One Very Common Cause, Generally
Headache is a symptom, an indication
of derangement or disease lit some or
gan, and the cause of the headache is
dlftlcult to locate because so many dis
eases have headache ns a prominent
symptom! derangement of tho stomach
and liver, heart trouble, kidney disease,
lung trouble, eye strain or lit fitting
glasses all produce headaches, and If
We could always locate tho organ which
Is at fault the cure of obstinate head
aches would be it much simpler matter,
However, for that form of headacho
called frontal headache, pain back ot
the eyes and In forhead, the cause Is
now known to be catarrh of the head,
and throat; when the headache Is lo
cated lu back of head und neck It Is
often caused from catui'rh of the stom
ach or liver.
At any rate catarrh Is the most com
mon cause of such headaches and the
cure of the catarrh causes u prompt
disappearance of the headaches.
There Is at present no treatment for
catarrh so convenient anil effective as
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a new In
ternal remedy In tablet form, composed
of antiseptics like red gum, blood root,
which net upon the blood and cause the
elimination of the catarrhal poison from
the system through the natural chan
nels. Miss Cora Alnsley, a prominent school
teacher In one of our normal schools,
speaks ot' her experience with catarrhal
headaches nnd eulogizes Stuart's Ca
tarrh Tablets us a cure for them. She
says: "I suffered dally from severo
frontal headache and pain hi nnd back
of the eyes, at times so Intensely us to
Incapacitate mo In my dally duties. I
hud suffered from catarrh, more or less,
for years, but never thought It was the
cause ot my headaches, but finally be
came convinced that such was the case
because the headaches were always
worse whenever 1 had a cold or fresh
attack ot catarih.
"Stuart's Catarrh Tablets were highly
recommended to me as a safe and pleas
ant catarrh cure and after using a few
fifty cent boxes, which I procured from
my druggist's. J was surprised and de
lighted to find that both the catarrh
and headaches had gone for good."
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are sold by
druggists at fifty cents per package,
under the guarantee of the proprietors
that they contain absolutely no cocaine
(found In so many catarrh cures) no
opium (so common in cheap cough
cures), nor any harmful drug. They
contain simply the wholesome anti
septics necessary to destroy and drive
from the system the germs of catarrhal
for the Sunday. After services, the
annual financial report will be read
and disposed of. All are welcome.
Tho church will also 1m open in the
evening at 7.M o'clock, when Dr. Van-
dcrburg, the missionary, will address
us, as already announced. We hope a
good attendance.
Dr. Whalen in Philadelphia.
Dr. AVhalen Is spending a few days
with Philadelphia friends and will oc
cupy a pulpit in that city. He left tho
city yesterday. As indicated elsewhere,
his pulpit will be fdled tomorrow by
Itev. Dr. Harris, of Taylor.
Jliss Sara Swigert has relumed from
ninghamton, where she spent some
time visiting the High school.
MISS Josenlllne TflnBlnnil li-ia vn-
turned from a visit with her brother,
Dr. ninslaud, in Philadelphia.
Next Sunday afternoon, at 3.S0, Re,v.
Thomas B. Payne, of Seranton, will
hold Untversalist services in Watt's
upper hall. The public is cordially In
vited. OLYPHANT.
Prank Davis, tho young son of 11 r. and
Sirs. John L. Davis, of Dunmore street,
met with a painful accident yesterday
morning. The boy, with a number of
companions was playing with a truck on
tho narrow guage railroad, which runs to
Birdseyo colliery. Ho was pulling tho
truck with a heavy rope, when ho tripped
and fell, the wheels passing over bis body
breaking his shoulder blade. Dr. J. J,
Price is attending him.
Evangelist II. L. Peabody of Seranton
will address the Y. JI. C. A. meeting In
the Congregational church Sunday a f tor
noon at 3 o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is
extended to all men to attend.
An alarm of fire at 7:30 o'clock yester
day morning was caused by a small blaze
In M. Needle's store on Willow street.
The Excelsior Uoso company made a
quick; response, but their services were
not required ns the lire was extinguished
Willi a few palls of water.
The employes of the Dolawaro and Hud
sou collieries heie wore paid yesterday.
Agues, the three-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, John Callahan, off Blakely
was budly scalded about tho arms and
fueo on Thursday. Tho child was play
lug about tho kitchen at her homo and
fell into a tub of hot water which had
been left standing on tho tlonr. Dr. Boss
Lloyd wns summoned and dressed tho
wounds of tho lit t lo one.
Tho marringe of Miss Maggie A. Wil
liams, of Hill street and David Anthony
of West Seranton Is announced to take
place at the bride's home next Wednes
day. Itev. George Hague will occupy the pul
pit of tho Congregational church to-morrow
Smith O'Brien, who Is playing at tho
Academy of Music in Seranton this week
will appear In "Tho Game Keeper," at
tho P. jr. opera house next Monday
Miss Dora Lludorman wns a caller In
Jerniyn Thursday,
C. F, Gannon, of Olyphnnt was a busi
ness caller hi town Thursday,
Bev. Mr. Broadhead, of Jermyn, wllj
occupy tho pulpit in the Presbyterian
church Sunday afternoon, services begin
ning nt :: o'clock,
Mrs, Luclcn Irwin, of Seranton, visited
relatives In town Wednesday,
Dr. W, J. Baker, of Jerniyn, was a
caller in town Thursday,
William Mclliile, of the East Side, was
Instantly killed at the washery yesterday
morning, Ho wus engaged at Ills umiul
work around the washery and was caught
between two cars, death coining Instuntly.
Ho was a young man of sterling quail
ties, und the family havo tho sympathy
of tho community In their tad bereave
ment. Ho was tho son of Councilman
John J. McD.ilo, Ho wns u member of
St. Thomas' baud nnd the Blilgo local.
Tho iiiransemoiils for tho funeral have
not yet been miulu.
Owing to tho breaking of the tduift ropo
the Dolawaro & Hudson colliery worked
but an hour and a half yesterday.
William Boblnson of nreenllehl, Is at
tending his father, Thomai Boblnson, of
Cemetery street, who is seriously III of
Raymond, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Avery, Fifth street, is ill.
The street car people had considerable
dllliculty yesterday In keeping tho track
open, owing to the enow storm. Several
cars jumped tho track along Main street.
Mr, and Mr C. F. Baker have re
turned from Now York city.
mtmmmmmwmmmmamammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnBmmum inn in nm wimw
The Annual
2 1 ,000
15,000 of the
Connolly & Wallace 12 Mos.
A handsome new line of 306 titles,
stamped in gold on both side and back.
Large Type, Fine Book Paper, Extra Cloth.
The list of titles, all by prominent authors,
includes many Copyright Books, and they
are all Standard Literature.
Our Price, !2c Each
Following is the list of titles;
1 Adam Hcdo By Ueorgo Kllot 3 Oil Hector Sorvaduc Uy Jules Verne
:: Admiral Lady Ulddy Kane, The 307 Ildress, The. .By Jlrs. Aim S. Stephens
ty J'Thiik jurreE
tl Arson's I.i1j1oh
I Alexander tho Orent. ..By Jacob Abott
r, All Aboard. (Sequel to "Boat Club.")
By Oliver Optio
C All Along tho ttlvi'i-
By Miss SI. K. Braddon
TAlhvortli Abbey '.
By airs. K. D. K. M. Southwortli
S Alone By .Marion Ilarland
ii Ander.icn's Fairy Tales
30 Andreo do Tavoruey
By Alexander Dumas
11 April's Lady By "The Duchess"
12 Arabian Night's Ibuerlaintnenl
13 Ardatb By Marie Coielll
it Artist's Love, The
By Mrs. K. J). B. N. Southwortli
1." At Heart a Bake
By Florence Marryat
lfi Aunt Diana By Rosa X. Caiey
17 Autocrat or tho Breakfast Table
by Oliver Wendell Holmes
IS Avciil By Tlosa Xoucheltc Carey
lfi Barbara. Heatbcoto's Trial
By nosa Xouchelte Carey
2i) Bay Bath By J. CI. Holland
21 Belle of Lynn. The
By Cbarlotip M. Bruemo
22 Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
By Ian MacUircu
K! Beulah By Augusta J. Evans
21 Beyond tho City
By A. Conan Doylu
V, Black Beauty By Anna Sewell
2t Black Rock By Ralph Connor
27 Bllthedalo Romance, The
By Nathonlol Hawthorne
2S Boat Club, The By Oliver Optic
29 Bondman, The By Hall Caluo
30 Bonnie Prince Charlie
By G. A. Heuty
31 Born Coquette. -A. ..By "The Duchess"
32 Boy Knight, The By G. A. Ilenty
33 Bravest of the Brave
By G. A. Henty
31 Bridal Kve, The
lie Mm. K. 11. K. 3C. Smithwnilh
3R Broken Links By Mrs. Alexander
37 Bryant's Poems
::s By Pike and Dyke... .By G. A. Henty
.1!i By Sheer Pluck By G. A. Henty
10 Capt. Bayley's Heir.. .By G. A. Henty
B Cast Up by tho Sea
By Sir Samuel W. Baker
42 Catherine do -Medici
By Ifonoro do Balzac
13 Charles O'Malley By Charles Lover
41 Chovnller do Malson Rougo, The
By Alexander Dumas
II Children of tho Abbey. Tho
By RoKinn. Maria Roche
to Chlhl's History of Kugluml, A
By Charles Dickens
47 Cbonans. Tho. ...By Tlonoro do Balzac
4S Christmas Guest. The
By Mrs. !:. IX IS. X. Southwortli
10 Clique- of Gold, The
By Nnillo Gaboviau
r.O Cloister and tho Hearth. The
By Charles Rendu
"il Coii(uonei4 By Hgprtou C'astlo
f,2 Cornet of llorce By G. A. Homy
nicotinics de Charily ,
Bv Alexander Dumas
fit Count of Monte Crislo. The
By Alexander Dumas
r,." Cousin Betty. ...By Ilonoro do Balzac
M Cousin Maude By Mary ,1. Holmes
r,7 Cranford By Mrs. Gaskell
!& Cruiso of iho Cat'hnlnl ,.
., Bv Frank T. Bullen
OT Clirso of Clifton. The
By Mrs. 10. D. K. X. .Southwortli
U0 Dark .Secret, Tho
By Mrs. May Agues Fleming
r.l David Copporllnld..By Charles Dickens
fii Deemster, The By llall Caino
Cl Dnorslayor, Tho
By J. Feiilmoro Cooper
G4 Diana ot tho Cross ways
By C.eorjte Meredith
C" Discarded Daughter, The
By Mrs. Southwortli
ft! Donovan By Uilnii Lynll
i;7 Dora Pernio By Mary J. Holmes
(S Dora Thorne
By Chin lotto M.'i
Cf Dream Lift By Ik Marvel
70 Duchess, Tho By "Tho Duchess"
71 DuUo's Secret. Tbr
By Charlotte M. Brocmo
72 Kast Lynne By Mrs. Henry Wood
73 Kllzabcth nnd Her German Garden....
71 Kmcrson'H Ussuys. (First and Second
". Kngllsh Orphans, The
By Mary J. Holmes
7(1 Kagllshwoman's Love-Lottms. An
77 Ksther By Rosa X. Carey
7S Bugrnlo Grander. Uy Ilonoro de Balzac
79 Facing tho Flag By Jules Vurno
to Fair Jewess, A, ...... .By B. L. Farjeon
81 Fair Play
....Bv Mrs, K. D. K. N. Southwortli
S2 Farmer Holt's .Daughter
By Charles Garvlco
83 Fatal Mariage, The
....Uy Mrs. K. D. E. N. Soulhworth
Si Fatal Secrot, Tho
....By Mrs. E, D. E. X. Southwortli
K Filo Xo' 113 By F.mllo Gahorlau
M Final Reckoning, A.. By O. A. Monty
S7 Finn of Glrdlostone, Tho ,
, ,Bv A. Conan Doyln
SS First Violin. The.. By Jessie Fothorglll
ffi Flut-Iron for ii Farthing. A
By Mrs. J H. Ewlng
Oil For Nania nnd Fame
By G. A. Henty
01 FortmiB Seeker. The
....By Sirs. 11. D. K. X. fiouthwolth
92 Fortunes of Xlgel, Tho
By Sir Walter Scott
6:1 French Revolution. The.,..
., By Thomas Carlylo
ill Frivolous Cupid Bv Anthony Mono
93 Gipsy's Prophecy. The
....By Mrs. K. D, D. X. Southwortli
MS Gofitho's Faust
f7 Gold Elslo By K, Marlllt
SS Greatest Tliluu' In thn World. The....
By Prof. Henry Priimniond
1)0 Grimm's Fairy Tales
100 Gumnnker of Moscow. The
By Sylvnmis Cobb, Jr
J01 Gypsy Queen's Vow, Tho
Bv Mis. Agnes Fleming
102 Han of. Iceland Bv Victor Hugo
103 Hardy Norseman. A....Rv Kdn.a Lynll
101 Hairy I.orreciuer....By Charles Lover
10." Haunted Hoiiiestrad
....Bv .Mis M n. K S. Kinithworth
jto aiciress ol uamio uwr, illo
Bv Mrs. Mnv Airnes Fl.'tnlnir
109 Horiot's Choice. ...By Rosa -N. Carey
110Hinwatha....By Henry W. Longfellow
lit Hidden Hand, The. (Complete in one
volume.) By Mrs. Southwortli
112 Hidden Path, The.. By Marlon Ilarland
113 Homestead on the Hillside, Tho
By .Mary J. Holmes
111 How He Won Hoc (Sequel to "Fair
Play.") By Mrs. Southwortli
315 Hunchback of Xotio Dame, The'.
By Vletorllugo
111! Imitation of Christ. Ot tho
By Thomas a Kcmpls
317 India; or, the Pearl of Pearl River....
By Mrs. Southwortli
US Inez By Augusta J. Uvaiis
11!) In Freedom's Cause.. .By G. A. Henty
120 lu His Stop..By Charles at. Sheldon
121 In-the Golden Days.. I. By Edna Lynll
122 In the Heart of tho Storm
By Maxwell Gray
123 In Times of Peill By G. A. Ilenty
12! Ishinnel; or, In the Depths
By Mrs. Southwortli
123 Island. Tho By Rlclmid Whiting
120 lvunhoe By Sir Walter Scott
127 Jack o' tho Light. .By Etta W. Pierce
12SJono Eyre By Charlotte Bronte
129 John Halifax, Gentleman
By Miss Mulock
i..u josepu uaisamo
131 Josephine
132 Julius Caesar
133 Kathleen
Alexander Dumas
..By Jacob Abbott
..By Jacob Abbott
By Sirs. Frances Hodgson Burnett
134 Kenllworth By Sir Walter Scott
13Ti Kidnapped.... By Robert L. Stevenson
KM Kith und Kin. ...By Jessie Fotherglll
137 Knight Errant By Edna Lynll
135 "La Bela" and Others
By Egcrtou Castle
139 Lady Audloy's Secrot
By Miss M. E. Brnddon
110 Lady of the Isle. The Airs. tu. u. ts. rs. soimiworm
111 Lamplighter,
Bv Mnrla S. Cummin
112 Last Days of Pompeii, The
By Sir E. Bulwer Lyttou
113 Last of the Mocblcans, Tho
By J. Fenlmorc Cooper
lit Last Tenant. The.. .By 15. L. Farjeon
11.1 Lena. Rivers By Mary J. Holmes
lit! Light That Failed. The
By Rudyard Kipling
147 Lindsay's Luck
By airs. Frances Hodgson Burnett
IIS Lono Ranch, Tho
By Cupt. Mnyno Reid
HSLorna Doone....By R. D. Blackmnro
ISO Lost Heir. The By G. A. Henty
101 Lost Heiress, The
....By Jlrs. E. D. E. X. Southwortli
K.2 Lost Heir of Llnlkhgow
...By airs. E. D. :. X. Southwoith
jui; Louise uo ia vniuero .
By Alexander Duma v
l.'l Lover or Filend....lly Rosa X. L'ur.y
135 Love's Labor Won
...By airs. E. D. 1J, X. Souliiwoitb
." r.uclle By Owen atoivdllh
ir.7 .Macarla. By Augusta J. Evans
15S Magdalen's Vow
By airs. May Agnes Fleming
l.Viaiag(;le .Miller,. ..Bv Mary J. Holmes
1U0 Man In Iho Iron .Mask, Tho
By Alexander Dumas
liil Marble Faun
llj- Nathaniel Ilawthorno
1112 Miule Antoinette By Jacob Abbott
liri aiiulha, tho Parson's Daughter
liy V. ilelnibuin
Ml Murvel By "The Duchess"
16o Mary, Queen of Scots
By .V.icob Abbott
Hi! .Mary HI. John By IJom'X. Carey
1KT MiiHtcr of Ettersberg, The
By 13, Werner
MS Meadow llrook..By Mary J. Holinen
Hi!) Meditations of ainrcus Aurellus
Translated by George Lous;
170 Memoirs of a PUytdelnn, The
By Alexander Dumas
171 Merle's Crusade. ...By Rosa X. Carey
172 Mlcnh Clarke By A. Conan Doylo
173 aildulght Queen, The
By Mrs. atny Amies Fleming
171 ailnoOwu People.. By Rudyard Kipling
173 Missing Bride. The
...By .Mrs, E. D. E. X. Southwortli
171! Molly Buwn By "Tho Duchess"
177 .Monk of Crultit. A
By E. Phillips Oppenlielm
I7S aiosses from nn Old Mouse
By Nathaniel Huwthurnts
170 Moss-Bide By JIarlon Ilarland
150 Mother-in-law, Tho
...By Mrs, E. D. E. X. Southwortli
151 Mulvuney Stories .,,......,..
By Rudyard Kipling
182 My Danish Sweetheart,
By W, Clark Russell
163 Mystery of Dark Hollow, The
,,., By airs. Southworih
1SI Noble Lord, A. (Sectuel to "The Los,t
Heir of Linlithgow.")
By airs. Southwoith
1E3 Not Like Other Girls......
By Rosa Xouclietto Carey
ISO Not Wisely But Too Well
By Rhodu llroughion
157 Xow or Xover By Oliver optic
158 Old Curiosity Shop, the
By Charles Dickens
IS") Old Homestead, The v
Mrs. Ann . Stephens
IM Old .Mum'sellu's Seoiol, Tho
By !;. .Marlltt
191 Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
1W Only tho llovei uess
By Rosa Xouclietto Corey
1IU Oraimo nnd Green By G. A lieiny
1IU Our Bessie By Rosa. X. Carey
1W Out of tliu Jaws of Death
By Frank Barrett
1TO Out on tho Pampas. ...By (i. A. Henty
W Owl's Xest, The .By E. Marlltt
IDS 1'au MIchuel..l!y Henryk Siuaklowlca
163 IMthllnder, The.
By J. Feiilmoro Cooper
200 Paul and Virginia
By B. do Snlut Plerru
201 I'ere Gorloi By Hanoi u do Halzuo
202 l'huiitom Rickshaw. The
By Rudyard Kipling
203 Phantom WVddlmr, The
...jfl .'i.i. ,,. '. ... . k,,,.,, .,,, ,i
By airs. I.. i. l. X soniiiwoitli
.in I'ligiuu s i'iogief,..jy joiiii jHiiiyuu
2113 I'loneeis, The.. By J. Foiilyiore Cooler
Books for
i !! w im niwiww nw wpp
6,000 of the
Boys' and Girls' Popular Library
For Boys
A new series of handsome 12 mos., well printed and?
and well bound, stamped in colors, containing the
, most popular stories by
Oliver Optic
Captain Mayne Reid
W. H. G. Kingston
George A Henty
And other authors equally well known.
A new line of captivating tales for girls. Fine!)
printed and substantially bound in cloth, 13 mo. size,
stamped in colors, containing stories by
ice Carey
EVlary A. Denison
Lewis Carroll
Nlrs. J. H. Ewing
And other well known
Following is the list:
All Aboard Oliver Opllu
Battle and a Boy, A
Blanche Willis Howard
Boat Club, The Oliver Optic
Boy Crusoes Jeflerys Taj lor
Boy Tar, The Cuptaln Mnyno Held
By England's Aid li. A. Henty
Uy Pike and Dyke G. A. Henty
By Right of Conquest :C. A. Henty
Captain Bayley's Heir G. A. Henty
Catmur's Cave Richard Dowling
Cliff Climber, The.... Captain Muj'ne Reid
Cruiso of the Snow Bird. The
Gordon Stables
Dick Cheveley W. 11. G. Kingston
For the Temple G. A. Henty
From Powder aionkoy to Admiral
W. H. G. Kingston
In Freedom's Cause O. A. Henty
in Times of Peril G. A. Henty
James BraitIiwaite....V. II. ii. Kingston
Jerry Waller Aimwcll
Joe Xlchols lfred Oldfellow
Llfo at Sea Gordon Stahlcs
Lion of St. Mark, The G. A. Henty
Lion or the Xortb G. A. Henty
Xow or Xover Oliver Optic
Peter tho Whaler W. II. G. Kingston
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Dol'oo
Shore and Ocean W. II. G. Kingston
Silver Ship, Tin- Leon Lewis
Swiss Family Robinson
aioulelleu & Wje
Tin oo Years at Wolvertou
. Wolvortoulnn
Try Again Oliver Optlo
ruder Drake's Flag C A. Ilenty
20i; Plain Tales from the Hills
By Rudyard Kipling
2u7 Pleasures of Life, The
; By Sir John Lubbock
2i.s Plutarch's f.hes
f!) Poor ami Proud By Oliver Opile
21(1 I'rulrle, The. ...By J. Feiilmoro Cooper
211 Pretty Polly Pembertini
Jtv airs. Frances Hodgson Burnett
212 Price He Paid. The.... By E. AVerner
213 Prince Charll'-'s Daughter
,liy C'hurlnttu M. Bruemo
211 Pilnco of Darkness, The
...By .Alls. E. I). V.. X. Southwortli
213 Pilnces of the .Moor, The
By E. Marlltt
211! Princess of the House of David
By Rev. J. II. fnifi'uhoiu
217 Prlsoiieis ami Captives
By Hoary Sr-tun Merrliiinn
21S Professor at. the lln-ukt'ost Table....
By Oliver SMultill Holmes
219 Pruu and 1
By lieurgo William Curtis
220 Qiieechy By Elizabeth Wothoroll
221 (jiiccnio'ii A'hlm....Rj Rosa X. Carw
222 Queen of tint Isle. The
By .Mrs. .May Asucs Fleming
223 Queen's Xeeklaee, Tho
By Alexander Dumas
221 Quo Vuills By Henryk Slonklewle
223 Retribution
...By airs. K, D. E. X. Southwortli
22il Roverics of a Bachelor.. By Ik Marvel
227 Rlensil By Sir E. Bulwer-Lyttou
22S Rlllo Rangers, The ,
By Cupt. aiuyiio Reid
223 Rival Brothers. The
By airs, alaj- Agnes Fleming
230 Robert Ord's Atonement
...By Rosji Xouehetio Carey
231 Robinson Crusoe By Daniel Defoo
232 Romuuco of Two Worlds. A
By Mario Corel!!
233 Romola By Georgo Eliot
231 Sumuntlia nt Saratoga
By Joslah Allen's Wlto
233 Sartor Resartus...By Thomus Carlylo
KM Scalp Hunters, The
By dipt, aiayno Reid
237 Scarlet Letter, Tho
, By Nathaniel ilawthorno
2.SS Scottish Chiefs, The
By .Miss Juno Porter
23li Second Wile, The By E. atarlltt
SI') Self-Rabedi or, From Iho Depths.
(A seipiel to "Ishmael.")
By aiis. Southwortli
2lt Shadow of u Crime, The
Bv Hall Calno
212 She Fell ill Love with Her lltihbaml..
By E. Werner
21.1 She's All tho World lo .Uo
By Hall CuIuj
211 Sign of the Four. The
; By A. Conan Doyle
213 Slleucu of IAaiuMnlllaml. The
By .Maxwell Giuy
21'! Singularly Deluded.. By Sarah Gland
217 Six Years Later.. By Alexander Dumas
21$ Sketch Book, the
By Washington Irvliej
219 Snare of tho Fowler, The
By Alcxi'.uder Dumas
230 Son of Hagur. A By Hall Cnlue
wi con oi i-oriuos. nie..
.Bv Alexander Dumas
22 Sous of Belial.. ..By William AVvstall
.ue, kj.... I n, lit........ ,1,1... ,.. ,.,....... 1. 1. . ..-.-
ii,7,iiii wi ,i,ii. ie. .!, llfritliiVA ,'iuiui
.mi fipiriie i.over. 'rue
...My aim. E. I). E. X. fkuitliwouli
2C Each
Price, 12&C.
I'nelo Xat Alfred OtdJellot
Way to Success Alfred Oldfellowl
Whistler AValter AimwelU
A Vlkl Adventures Round the Polo
Gordon Stable
AVlth Lee In Virginia G. A. Hentji
AVitli AVolfo In Canada G. A. Hentyv
Young Carthaginian. Tlie....G. A. Hcnt;.")
Young A'agabond, A 'A. R. Bennctd
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lowis Carroll;
Amj" Deune Virginia F. TownseniVJ
Averll Rosa Xouclietto Caroy
Barbara's Triumphs Murj- A. Denlsou,
Clovernoolc Children Alice Caroji,
Cricket's Friends. The.. ..Cousin Virginia
Doll's Club. The. (Jo's Doll, Katj-'a
Christmas, Patty's Pranks.) 3 vols.
lu one By Cousin Virginia.
Echoes from Story Land.. Mary D. Brlno
Ella AValter Almwoll
Fienchinau'u AVnrd. The .,
alary A. Dcnlsoit
Fairy Talcs In Other Lands
Julia Goddurii
Great Emergency-, A
Juliana Horatla Ewhn?
Guardian's Trust, The. .Mary A. Denlsou
Jessie, ..AValter Almwell
Lamplighter, The Mnrla S. Cummin
atorcus AA'altor Almwoll
Stories Grandma Told Mary D. Brhvi
Our Bessie Rosa. Xouclietto Carey
Simple. Susan alalia Edgeworth
Through the Looking Glass. .Lowis Carolt
While It AVus Morning
A'irglnia. F. Townsend
233 Spj Tho Bj' J. Fenlmoro Coopei"
2."i! St. Ann's By W. E. Xorils
237 Stepping Heavenward
By airs. E. Prentiss
23S Storj- of an African Farm, The
By Ralph Iron
233 Strange Elopement, A
By AV. Clark Russell
2;u Sunshine and Roses
By Chutiotto ai. Braeiiio
2iU Suspense. ..By Henry Solon Mcrrtmuu
2U2 Swiss Family Robinson
By Jean V"M
203 Tales from Shakespeare
By Charles and Mury Lamb
201 Tempest and Sunshine.
By alary J. Mohnci
!i)3 Terrihlo Case, A. ...By Etui W. Pierci
2M! Tliuddeus of AVarsaw
By MUs Jane Porlee
207 Tholnia By Marie Corebl
2!S Theo
By airs. Frances Hodgson Burnett
'Sa Third A'olume. Tho.,Bv Fergus Ilmivi
27H Thorns and Orange Blossoms
By Churlotto .M. Braumu
271 Three Beauties. The
...By airs. E. D. E. X. Southwortli
272 Thrco Guardsmen, Tho
, By Alexander Dumas
273 Tollers of tho Sea, The
By A'lctar Hiiro
271 Tom Brown at Oxford
By Thomas Hughei
273 Tom Brown's School Days .
By Thomas Hughes
27il Tom Jones ,,By Henry Fielding
277 Treiisuiu Island ,,,..,,
By Robert Louis Stevenson
278 True to the Old Plug.. By O. A. Mem:.
27!) Try Again By Oliver Optic
sso Twenty A'ears After ,
, By Aloxander Dumas
SSI Two Sisters, Tho ..
...By airs. K. D. E. N. Southwortli
252 i'nelo amx By Rosa N, Carey
253 Undo Tom's Cabin..........
By Harriet Beecher Stowi
2SI ruder Drake's Flag,. By G, A. Henty
'..V) I'nder Two Flass By Ould.i
"Si! Vnnltv Fair Bv AV. M. TliackoroM
'S7 A'emlettn J' atnrlo Corclll
2S8 Vcur or waueiieiu, a no
By Oliver Golds-mltl!
2S9 A' coniio do Biaae ouue. T no
By Aloxander Duma-
"ful Vlvlii! or. Tho Secret of Power
By airs. Soiithwort!
2!d Waveiley By Sir Wulter Scot
LH2 Woo AVIIle By Ro3a N. Carej
2U1 AVo Two ....By Edna Lj'al
231 Willie company, iiic.,.,...
By A. Conan Doyl
.ai vr miners i-oenw
iM Whin. AVido World. The
Bv Elizabeth AVethcivll
20" Widow's Son, The I
...Bv Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southwortli
tw AVlth I'livo in inuia..iiy u. A, nont-1
XA AVI tli Fro nail swoa
By Henryk SlenklewlcJ
niio AVlth io m Virginia,. uy o. A. Menu
301 With Wolfe In Canada
By u. A MeiitJ
s; Hoiniin in m one. inc.... i
By AVilklo ColllnJ
:wi Won by Availing My Edna Lyall
uti vtoocu ami .iiuiriea , ,
By Rosa Xoucbette Care
wf, wormwooii nj Mario aiore
rw Young i.iirtnaRinian
By O. A. IlerJ
V -