i - JL f K-" " ' I armttott THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER G, 3902. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. ,ijlw" - J - , -- fltao'v PROPOSE TO AGREE ON A CASE-SfATED Plan That Is Now Conciliatory Ending of M,;je Strike Controversy. WORKS JUSTICE All Want to Avoid Rehearsing: the Animosity-Engendering Events of the Strike Will Make Commission's Work Comparatively Easy Absorption of Independ- ents Yesterday's Sessions. A settlement of the audit. idle oal working Issues is now not to be long deirivcd, lor there is much confidence thnt pieent plans to buns it about will be successful. The independent opciu tors and the big companies aic about to come to terms, the mine wotkeis and tin1 big companies lire alieady aet inj, In harmony, and the mine vvoikei--. ate doing ai much as the big compan ib In the cndciior to set the indepen dents in line. The latter qip not, .is it ha fiectuent lj been stated, concerned about the in cif ised cost to be caused bv giving the mine workeis un advance In wages and induction in homs. They1 itille that as th" big companies, conti oiling1 seven-tenths ot the output, will have to jny the sime iucieise they will do as In the past, laise the selling piice of roil. The independents get Mvtv-fntj pci cent ot the selling pi Ice, so this laise would piotect them against the inci easi to the miners. What the independents want is this: Oppoi tunlty to show to the Ameiican public that they aie light in the oppo sition tnc- took on May 1 and have maintained since. This they will bo able to do in the plan ot '-ettlcniont which Is now pio posed and which it Is believed is tup idly reaching a culmination. The plan is biltfly this: OUTLINE OF PLAN. niptThat each Fide shall mak" a case stated and agree upon a veidiel. Second That the mine wotkeis shall tigree that the tlgur.-s of thf opeiatois iclative to wage"-, bonis of woik and weights ot coal ate substantially col lect. ' Thiid That these shall In embodied in the findings and the: lepoits ot the commission. The mine wotkeis aie eager tot a pettlement because they ualize they will have ditllculty in presenting their case, all the evidence tliey can well gio bcirlg such as has been given dm ing the list thtie days, individual statements, which do not rcpiespiu In tangible shape the conditions or woik foi all the emploves of each company and ft run which It Is exceedingly dilllcult to eliuw n fair neiage. The opetatois u.o willing to seitle for the following reasons. Hee.uise coidlal lelatlons between a company nnd Its emplojes I-. vitally pK.entinl to sutccfsful milling, the efficiency and productive' capacity ol the mine woik cis being minced 12 per cent since the ml vent of the union and the bitterness caused theicby, "Because u iehcuis.il of the bitterness engendered by the stilke betore the commission would b" a te-ru-n tnieiu of the stilke conditions and aid further In pteventing tho necessary good teellng. Itceause It will save immense expense nnd avoid the almost impossible task the commifslon would huve in making n snt(sfiictoiy aw aid, PUBLIC SENTIMENT. Decause they lealize the fact it was pubic senthnwt thnt settled the strike of 1P00; nnd .stioiiBthened tho mlnot.s in their purpose to piojeet thu strike of Ir-u.; becuii'-e pulillo sentiment forced Ptesldent Jtoosevtlt t( take Iho sttpa lie did for a settlement, and that there -lore It Is Incumbent upon them, for the sake of the futuie, to get their caso belore thu public ho It shall icalize tho miners ntf not poor, dnwn-tioddcu v inkers, and yet get it botoie tho pub It without Inei easing tho ju cheat con dition of bitterness. Theso mo tint reasons of eae'h side nnd as theie Is a very thoiough under Mantling, the 1 1) Is mueli hope among those eouteiueil thnt anangemeiits may be (julckly be made to piocecd With the adjustment on theso lint This afternoon Attorney Wayne Mc Veigh, who has been tho pilme nioer In the settlement plan and Commission er Paiker went to New Yoik city and will go f i oni theio to AVnshlngton, What they nie to do theio is not stated liens but t Is undei stood that they ate to fuither tho pence proposition, Mr, "MsicVeush said of the outlook before lie (lepaited, "A in.ijoilty of tho opeiatois think It better to adjoin n ull effotts to jeach l)j amicable conferences a basis for the aw aid of the cotnmlssion until both fides huve piesented all the testimony they wish to offer, Whether the ef forts to i each such a basis will bo then resumed can only be decided ufter the testimony l.s closed. "J think In view of the extraordinary conditions existing In the unthraclte legion, that this Is a mistaken attitude for tho operatois to assume, as I fear rnch day's testimony will tend to In crease tho bitternecs or feeling, but It s. not oniy me right but the duty of iho opciators to act on their own juilg- t Under Wa for a TO ALL PARTIES nieitt ot the situation, and 1 sincerely hope the result will fully jtistity the conclusion t cached." This Is taken by some ot the inde pendent opetatois as an elfot t to mis lead tlio?o who aie stubborn and pre vent them thinking their compliance is gteatly deslted. SPARKING FOR TIME. There Is no doubt that at the present hearings the mine w orkers are merely spanlng for time. ' One of the Independent opeiatois, 'who war present at the meeting In New Yoik and one of those chiefly concerned In a settlement, said, yesterday after noon: "Of course it is pairing for time in tho epctation that the proposeel set tlement will soon be leached. It looks hopeful now. All we desire, except n lew of w-, is that tin publio shall understand we believe we were, and we jto now, tight in maintaining tint our position is the light one, but we will agice to a conclliatoiv adjustment. Our position was that it the big com putes settled now bv conciliatory mensurPH It will be a. confession that In Mav lust thej weie wiong and that they aie thus morally. If not legally. jicpnuslble for all the- tiouble dm ing the smite. We told them we were will ing to make an amicable settlement, but we would not do it without putting our ease belote the public, so the pub lic could i-e we weie In the right. "It was then decided not to abandon the negotiations, but to s-ty the v had been suspended 'lot the present.' Tim wisdom of thN is now appat'tit, for nc foliations are now on again" An attorney toi one ot the parties in intucst, dlsdisslug the .settlement ne gotiations, slid- "The plan Is tor the Independents to diaw up a statement and the big com panies to make one. These ate to be submitted to the mine workets, ami they will specify on what points thev iigieo and dlongtee. We -will then get toge tin rand reach a. delict, which will be submitted to the commission. The eoinmis-ion will take the ease as stated and make Ihili finding, and tipoit on how such eonlrovetsles in the lutuie may lie avoidtd," It is undetsiood that only n tew ot the moie stubborn ot lite independents now oppose this mc.iHiue, nnd they are being gtadually won ovei. Some of the mine woikcis aie doing I what they can with these men, us well .is the ltpusentatives of the big opei- ABSORPTION WAY BE ONE OF THE RESULTS The absorption of ull the Independ ent nuthiacite coal holdings by the big coal cm lying toads may result from the stilke and the pre'sent healings be totu the commission, This would le moe ft oni the field of opetatlons a thuin which has been in the side of the big corporations for some time. It can now bo stated that recent events have resulted in the seilous ron sldttation by the big companies of a wholesale purchase of the Independents, It Is not nt all likely that this will take pl.teo at once or beforo the commission makes Its finding, but It Is not improb able within six months or a year thut many of the Independontn will have sold out, U Js estimated that the sixty seven independent companies are valued at about $14-.,000,000. They produce) thrcotenths of the total output of coal and get tor it about sixty-five per cent, of the selling pi ice, the coal cairylng roads taking tho thlrty-fHo per cent, for h',uliigo and ptollt. As they charge for .aulugo on a basis of Jl.GO a ton, while the legular rate for lough freight of a similar nature) Is less than half that amount, their ptollts are stuted to bo laige. As tho Independents also make a good profit, the coal loads-, by conn oiling all tho mines, would In uease their earnings, as well as have thu situation entirely In their hands, SOURCE OF IRRITATION. The Independents, although relying upon tho big roads to in.iikct their pro. duct, have been a source of constant lultullou (o tho big companies, it is not so long ago that nn Independent railroad to New Yoilc troni tho upper coal field was planned and tho big com panies round it necessary, Jn onler to prevent it to buy out the operators backing tho scheme. Now ngaln they sen a profit able venture and belf-piotection In the gradual absorption of all tho small companies. Theso would be parcelled out to tho railroads which now carry their coal to market, as tar as desiied by those roads. Some would not want to In crease their holdings gieatly. The Dela waie, Lackawanna unci- Western, for Instance, would take few, while the Erie nnd tho New York, Ontario nnd Wcitern would eagerly take all those along their lines. Tho Kile taps the Sciantou and the Plltston dlstflcts and lias a good highway lo tidewater. The Now York, Ontario and Western, with Its road tapping ninny or the Independ ent mines In the Scranton dlstilrt, could lendlly handle nil the coal these collieries give It, nnd others besides; while the Delaware and Hudson, j cach ing most points In the upper coal field nnd with Its big trade possibilities In the not th nnd east, 1b considered one of the largest fnetois in the ptoposed scheme. Owing lo Its large through trallle and the fact that Its big passenger and freight traffic would Intel fere with Its taking large new coal Interests, tho Delaware, Latkawnnna and Western might not take many of the ptopettles. It now ships about 5,000,000 tons a year, while the Erie does not ship half thnt amount of Its own coal, and the New York, Ontario and Western Is a still smaller factor. LEIIIGH VALLEY'S POSITION. The Lehigh Valley with Its lines cast and west, and Its connections with the Philadelphia and Heading, would be one of the laigcst moveis in tho proposed scheme, tapping as It does the I'lttston, Wlikes-Barre, Hazlcton and some of the Schuylkill region, while the Phila delphia and Heading, with almost all the Schuylkill region at its command and already thirty-seven collletles of Its own, could add some 6,000,000 tons a year to its output and send it to tho large undo It hn.s In thu south. Anotln r fenluie which would be made a pot Hon of the plnn would be a '-avlng by dispensing with the middlemen. If the entite anthtacite field was in the hands of the big companies, they, acting for mutual Interest, could save by dis pelling with the middleman about $J1 -(00,000 a jear. It being estimated tint his services cost the companies close to fifty cents a. ton. Opeiatois who have .poktn about the plan, while admitting that it Is not ripe vet owing to the aggressive ittltude of the Independents and their supreme con fidence In their power, declaie that the scheme will ptobably culmlivUe within a year in the intended absorption. As iar as affecting the independents' po sition in the present .stilke is concerned it is not likely to have much dlioct ef fect. Spe iking of the prospect of Hie absorption plan being effective soon one big opeiator said: "It is impossible to siv when the ne gotiations. If theio nie any, will com mence. No definite plans have as far as 1 tilldft stand it, been tainted jet, the operatois ate too busy with the hearings before the commission, but I consider the absorption ol the indep'tu1 ents a plan which will not be long In developing." ESTIMATED VALUE. The appended table shows the esti mated lalue of the Independent opeiat ois' woi kings, their output and tho loaltoad companies that will likely take them when art appoitionmeiit would be made: Sci.inton Output, 1 'i.I.j;.' tons, value, S2' liWt 0li. Ontititi end Wo'Uin, jMlI.iw.uo and Hudson, i:ih, Delawan. I ickawanni and Western 1'IUstuii Output, . 70V'W tints, value, SIS (flu ftjO; Hrie, Delivvan. and lliiel-nii, Lehigh Vallij Wllkes-iiaiie Output, 1,'i.ti.Mij init., value, $1 l.flejO (JOO. Lehigh V'.lllen. Diauato and Hucliori, (Viilinl Icallmtd ot Nev. Jii , De.Uw.ite. l.nkiwniini niiel Wist, etn llazletou Output. "jJ'ito.l lulls: villi', S- JS Ciimi fmti. I.elilli Valluv, 1 misj Ivanlii. .SehujIlciU Output, tr.J,Vti) tons, alu , S'uMu.fl"'!. Phil id Italia and It. idlni', l.t hlgli V.illus, F'iniis)vanl i Tumi Output, ISu'l.T'b teuis; value-, iw )( 'lm.il output fur ltiul, .7,;"i",!i'l tons. TESTIMONY HEARD AT YESTERDAY'S SESSION .Most of ye-stc-iday' .sfs-Ion ot tho commission was consumed In the te i option of evidence beating em the al leged disci lniimiliou against union men utter the strike. Witnea&cs ttom Seian ton, Fie eland, Avoea, and Olyphant were piesented hi suppott of the tuln eife' contentions on this otoie. Two cleigymeu, Hev. Dr. Moiite, ot Avoea, and Kev. J, J. Cut i an, of Wllkes Barie, gave testimony em gtneial con ditions lending to favor the mlnuis' cause, The lommlsslonci-i showed mote Im patience at the nb"ence of the really im portant and helptul testimony they counted on getting upon reassembling after the iccvss and In the afternoon announced that they had diawn up a statement of tho testimony thpy vviint nnd would be pleased to confer with tho nttorneys in the evening leguidlng it, Counsel for all the pat ties in inter est met with tho commlbsloneis lust ev ening and lecelved the commlssloneis' IdeaH In this regard. Attorney Reynolds called the atten tion of tho commission to the fact that tho Pc6plo's Coal company had becomu a paity to the ngieoment with tho pio vlsltin thnt It should not, by any awatd ot tho commission, be compelled tu bieak Its piotnlse to keep In employ ment the non-union men who worked for them during the stilke. This is u moml obligation which Mr. Ciawfotd, tho picbldent of tho company, does not wnnt to bo compelled to break. Judge Gray declined to expiess ai" opinion on the question of the status of the non-unionist which was Involved In Mr, Reynolds' "notice," "Wo cannot accept any provisional submissions," said ho, Mr. Reynolds later announced that Mr, Ci.twford agreed to uncondi tional submission. HARWIOK'S TESTIMONY. William Mnrwlck, who was an en glneei vho went iu stilke lit tho Del nvvaie, Lackawanna and Western mine, who wus not re-emploved, was on the stand at the end of Thursday's session and was recalled at the opening of yes terday's session. After there had been some discussion between Major Warren and Mr. Dnnow, In whleii tho commis sioners took an occasional hand, con cerning the lelevaney of the testimony, the commission decided to hear him. Attorney James T. Lcuahan then pio ceedeel to examine the witness, lie brought out that englneeis at this colliery worked twelve houis a day und twenty-four hours on Sunday. The witness also stated thnt nt tlmeR ho wnn called upon to wotk Unco, four nnd five shlftn continuously, because theie was no one to be seemed who could handle the extra heavy engines tlieie. Since the strike, two men arc doing tho work witness used to do, and be sides a smaller engine has been put In to bo used In reversing the big engine. It Is so hard to hnndle tho levers of these englneH and the ntnvous stialn Is so great because of constant watch fulness icquired thnt one man hnd to glvo up the Job nfter two months, bo cause of his health breaking down. He was paid $2.31 a day. To show to tho commission that ho was not tho kind of aman who deserved to bo charged with trying to destroy his employer's property, the witness recited half a dozen Instances of more or less heroic work In putting out fires, rescu ing miners nnd the like. He did not leave his Job he nvcrreel, to Jeopatdbo his cmployet 's piopeity. P.efnio emit ting, ho gave the notice contained in the call of the union that he would nult unless allowed eight hours, RECEIVED FULL PAY. On cross-examination Major Warren Fought to discount the witness' hard ship story nnd to this end hi ought out admissions' that, Tor pvci.i1 months, while the Sloan was Idle, the witness lecelved full pay as an engineer for do ing odd jobs and such little holFtlnfi as was called for, and that ho was one of a committee of Delav.feie, Lackawanna and Western englneeis who on Febut siry 12, last. ieo.uel-,d District Supeilu tendent Williams in w ntlng that the swing shift be not abolished, but that tho twenty-four hottt S'und'iv shllt be continued. Questions by Mnjoi Wait en ugaidlng the rerjuest of Piesidcnt Mitchell ft oni the Delawnte, Lackawanna and West ern steam men that they be excepted fiom the stilke order, pieclpitatrd n lengthy discussion regarding the calling out ot the team men, in which Presi dent Mitchell took a hand. Major Warieti brought out tit it the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western steam men held a nn eting in St Dnvid'.s hall, June 1, and framed a letter to Piesidcnt Mitchell, setting lorth that they had be n toieed into tho mine v. inkers' union against their wishes; that they did not w int to be otdeud on strike, tint it the stilke onler was not lesclnded as to them, they would lie compelled to disobey it, and that Pres ident Mitchell declined to giant their re ejuest and that only nine out of the eight v Doliwnip, f.nckawanna and Western men obeved the order to sttike. After showing that in the 19W stiike the steam men were not called out and jet sinned in the ten per cent advance. Major Wan en asked the witness, vvhv It was they went out in the last strike it It was not to abandon the eonipanv's piopeitv to desti notion. The witness iriTre"d-thinic""sitUe'k' because he Want ed to get an eight hour clav. He de manded the eight hour d.iv and when It was not granted, hineri the strlkeis Judge Gtay innuhed if It was not title that the steam men conducted nn Independent strike. Hi had s0 undei stnod fiom Mi. Mitchell's testimony, he s ild. Majoi Wane n s ;id Die cnmmlsslon m'h idea nt the allalts was e.-ttitelv wiong. The stilke was otdeicd and conducted by the mine wotkeis WHY THEY AFFILIATED. Mr. Toney sought lo tin on sumo light on the ali'aii by outlining the m it ttis which led up lo the nfillliitlon of the steam nivii with the mlnets' union The Amcilian IVeletatlon of Liboi, he explain' d with v,hleh both ,eu- allli d, deeieed, at the Instance of the mine woikeis, that englneeis and llietnen, v. oi king about collieries, should Imago the juiisdlctlon of theh own oiganlsa tloiis and join the United Mine Wotk eis, u. steam men piniested against this, but weie iiYiiiult.il Judge til ay asked 11 I. was not Hue that the steam men would hive u -inalned at woik II the e amplifies had gnuuitl their th ip.ind lor eight 110111.". Some miner In the teai ot the 100111 clapped his hands ilgotouslv at this seeming "pnset" irom the ehaliiniii, A tipstaff cautioned him not to repeat the demoiistintlon. .Major Wuirr. answtwd the Judge's question by caving that nt ihe Lack awanna collieiy of the Temple It on company, the eight hour demand was granted et the steam men went out, I'tesldent Mitchell In explanation of this stated that the Temple company gi anted an eight houi day ai sumo of Us collieries and lefused It at otlieis.. It was because the company failed to" confoiin to the demand to grant all Its steam men the eight hour day that those to whom It was gi anted would not accept It, Continuing, Piesldent Mitchell de nied that the nilueis' union absoibed tho steam men against the latteis' wJshi'H. The piotcst made to the Am erican rvdeiatlon of Labor was an Ill inois affair, The stilke of the stenni men, ho lelterated, wn.s piojeeted by the steam men themselves, Tho onler fiom tho 1'nltcd Mine Woikcis wus that they should remain at work nnd pio tect tho companies' piopeity, piovldeil they weie gi anted nn eight hour wotk clav. Homo nptiutors conceded tho du in.ind, Mr, Mitchell went on to snv, and their men remained ,u work. Later a few of tlifin withdievv the concession at the behest of the big companies, One Individual operator in tho Hazelton region made a seciet agieeiiient with his titeani men that they should bo granted the eight hour day piovtded It was not noised nbout. He was ufiaid the big companies would hear of it. READ RESOLUTIONS. In 'ccmtiudlctloii of Mr. Mitchell's statement reg.11 ding tho piotest of steam men against nbsniptiou by the Miueis' union, Mr, Toney lead tho ies. olutlons udopted by tho Delnwnie, Lackawanna and We&tein stoum men at St. David's hull, In which It wa set foith that they had been compelled to disband their sepaintn oiganlzatlons; that they had protested vlgeuously against this at the' national convention, und Unit their piotest had len ignored. W. II. Taylor asked Mr, Mitchell who It was dlieeted the steam men to come out. Mr. Mitchell 1 "piled that t was the executive board of Districts 1, 7 nnd 0, under nuthoilty delegated to them by the Hazelton convention, . This, Mr. Taylor contended, Indicated Continued on Pago 2 1 IN HANDS OP POSTMASTER GENERAL The Case Questlonlna the Leaalltu 0! GoiTcsiiondeiiGe Institute 0! nincrica. INVESTIGATION OP THE CASE CONCLUDED Evidence of a Staitllng Chaiacter Is Biought Forwnrd Declaration of Assistant Attorney General Chiis tiaiicy The Evidence Now Before Postmaster General Payne, Whose Decision in the Matter May Be Ex pected in a Few Days A Case of Much Interest to the Public. Or KxeluiUt Wire from tlm Asmcutcd Treat. Washington, D. C, Dec. . The in vestigation which has been In pi ogress for several das befote Assistant At torney Ueneial Chiistlancy of the Post ijffiee Depaitment legardlng the legal ity of the Cot 1 esponelence Institute of Ameilct, located at Sctanton, Pa., was concluded esteiday, and Is now in tho hands ot Postntuster Ueneial Payne, awaiting .1 decision. The case is one of pecullai Intel est and the outcome is anxiously looked Jor by those who aie Intciested. Some veeks ago the projectors of the alleged e'ducational institution were attested bv the postal authoiities on the chat go of using the United Stales mails for the put pose of defrauding the public. The fedoial giand juty found a tiue bill of indictment agilnst the allegi el s.vv indlers and tho post ofhee Inspector who had been instrumental in causing the attests Immediately biought tho matter to the attention of the postmas ter geneial and asked tint a trauil ol der bo Issued to pi event the concetti using thu malls Evidence ot a start ling character was biought foiward to piove the fiaueltilent chaiacter of the concern and In remaiks made at the conclusion of the cas" Assist ant Attorney Ouneial Clulstlancy eleei.ueJ that he had no doubv that It had been pi oven that neo ess.uy stops should be taken to pto ttct the public, but that his sole duty was to collect the evidence and 1 iv the entile mutter beiote the postrnistet geneial, who would lendet a decision in a tew elujs. It mav he pos-tllih that the decision on the tiaud ciidd will not be 1 endued until the Fedeial Point bus had an opoi tunlty to dispose ot the In elletnunt now pending In Heiatiton. As the case is one that afftets the public weltaie to such .1 gieat extent, It is thought piolmble that the post mastei general v. Ill consider It neces Faty to delhei a decision without tie lav. MR. REED'SC0NDm0N. An Attack of Nausea at 2 a. in. Has a Depressing Effect Upon the Patient. II v l.slci"lv Wirs frcm Iho .Ululated Presi Washington, Dee, fi The Impiove ineiti In the condition 01 loinur Sptuker Thomas D. Reed, noted bj the phj si elans this 11101 ning, continued dining the day, although th"y fay it Is still critical. Tonight, after their visit to the pttient, which lasud lor, 11101 e than an hour, they Issued the lollowiny bulletin. 1U W p. 111 At the pnstul time, Ml. Heed Is ustlng cotutnrluhlv. Owing to unavoidable eNtltement till-, tittenioon, the lu was 11 slight elevation of iPinpiia Uue. This bus subsided and his temp, r atitie is now uoiiuiil, lb b-10; ii-phatioii W, pulse vs. Itetiilns noiulshiiiLiit; inlml cleat and appuiidlclul t)inploms eoutlu uall nbatltih .S, I, .MueDoiiiiId, 1', A, Clai diner, Dec, h At - a. 111. Mr. Reed suffeied 1111 attack of nausea shoitly after 1 o'clock, In his weakcil'-d condition this had a. iltpies.dng elfeet upon him. Dr. lllshop, who was atienclllig Ml. Keid, left the hotel to consult with Dr. finidl nor regarding tho new developnient, but ho lemaiked, as he left the hotel, that ho would not have left .Mr. Kecd's'btd slde had theio been any alarming chango In his patient', condition. Big Schooner Ashoie, 11 lACiiHlw Hire fiom the VssiHljtul l'ioi. Hut terns, N, I' , Dec, C The observer ol the weutlier bateau lepoits that tho loui imistcit schooner Wesley M. Ull r went nshoio at lltitteias Intel lite ea Ing Hta Hon eutly this uiornlng dining tho storm. SI10 was pounding In tho suif about a mllo off shorn until h.i) a 111 when thu foieniust went over c.urjlng ptobably tho list mini. Almost Immediately tho vis fcol wont to pieces Tho life saving ciow could do nothing to save tiler ciou, r.o todies have vv ashed ashoiu jet Anested for Smuggling, Dy Kxcliblvi; W Ire from I lie AsvocUlcl 1'rcat Loekporti X, V,, Deo. fi Amos. c.'. Hen aei, arrested at Nlugant Tails on a chaigu of siiuigglliin' watches Into thu I'lllted States vwis admitted to bull by I'nlted States t'omuil.S'.louer Pound hero to-elay. Ills lalliei, David t. Hensel, furnished the hond, The- leit together for their home hi Muderrla, Pa., whe'tu tho luther is said to bo a piuniinent bus-l-ness mail. Collision at Ralston. Bjr Fxcliwiv ire from Tli Amoc!i(i ftut. Willlatiispoit, Pa., Dec n. An e.piesa train sotith-boinid 011 tho Noithein Cun tnil rallioad, ran Into n fnight tialn at Huli-ton today. Tho pnssenge-r cuglnu lolled down u lweuttoot embunkinent. Klieman CleciriT'i Joluiaon had a ej crushed All the pissongeis escaped un hint. The wieek was caused by -- fnight tuilii on thu heavy ta.ulo getting out ot the aw lie h onto tho main tiaek NOTES OF IHE ARRESTED e. .. CHARGE Or VOTE PURCHASING. Overfield Is Accused of Having Of fered 50 Cents Each for Ballots. Special to the Sci anion Tilbtuiu. Stroitdsburg, Pa., Dec. fi. Joseph Ovet field, a real estate bioker of Stioiulsbuig, and a candidate for pio thoncitary tit the last Democratic pri mary held In this county, was at rested till1 afternoon by Constable Decker, on a warrant sworn out by L. M. Tucket, of North Water (Jap, before Justice Ol uver, charging Ovei field with offer ing to buy votes at half a dollar apiece to secure his nomination tor the olllee of prothonotuiy and eietk of the courts. Overfield gave ball lu the sum of K'OO to appear at touit. lu October last, Ovei field tnuseel Tucket's nirest for Hand In counting election icturns in Suil infield tow ii' hlj). In his bill of complaint Mr. Tucker sv.eais that In August, 190', Ovei field nffe'ied or piomised to give and pto cuieel another peion, to wit. M. Duther Michaels, to offer or pioinKe to give to divots eloctots within the township of Middle Hnilthfleld, to this deponent tin know 11, a gift or rewind in money, to wit, the sum of fifty cents, on condition that hitch clectois should east or give their -votes foi the nomination of said Joseph Overfield lor the office of pio thonot.iry. governorandT the quarantine A Letter to Governor Yates, of Illi nois, Piotesting Against the Action of the Eattcr. 11 Uvclu-ne Who from flic ssocntcd l'rtti. Ilaulsbutg, Pa, Dec. fi Governor Stone Ins taken piompt action to i.iise the riuaiantine which has been otdeted by timet nor Yates, ot Illinois, against Pennsylvania tattle on account ot thu foot and mouth disease w hlch exists among cattle in the New England stales. Stone wiote a letter to Gov ernor Yates todav protesting aginst his action and advising him that theie has been no such disease In this state sjnee 1SSL', that theie had been none In New Yoik and theie is none ami has- been none in New Jersey. "To eiufii amine against I'ennsj lvanla. K to say, In 1 fleet," continued Governor Stone, "that the cattle of Peiinsj lvanla aie dls-asud or suspected. Theie is nn shadow of ti nth in the aspersion and will sulotisly injute the epott of 1 ittle ttom all the states, as they neat ly all piss through Pennsj lvanla en mute to nott tor eport. The elfeet of vour older is to say that tlieie Is danger of loot and mouth dke.ise Inlet Hon in the states aioimd anil close lo the pints of New Yoik, Philadelphia and Hnltimote. Your ac tion mav cause nn unjustifiable sc.'tie that will injure the whole cspoit tiade In live animals in this countiy. "The toot and mouth disease lu the 1'nllnl Statis K confined to a tetiltoiy within a tadliis ol 100 miles ft 0111 Hus ton. I hope that you v. Ill withdiaw your qimi .inline otdir against those states not infected and against which the ledeial authoiities find no ie.iim to eitiMiailtlne. Hv so doing you will not onlv undo an Injustice to Pennsvl-M-iul.i, but you will also undo in pait a set Ions Injury to the cpurt trade of the whole countiy." The governors letter to Governor Yate.s Is also signed by Dr. X.tonattl lv.iison, seeiettiry ot the Pennsylvania Hive Stock Sanitary boaid. MR. MACVEAGH'S STATEMENT. The Commission Will Go on with. Its Woik to the End. lie I,mIu!u- Wire- from Hie AiiOviilcd 1'iw, New Yoik, De'C Wuyno MaeVeah iMilvtd iiuin Seuinton to-ulght and went to the Wiildoil-Astoiia. When nnki d whether tin 10 was any possibility ot a selllemeiit of Iho stilke by an ngieo intiit outside ot the conunisslon Mr. Mac Veugli said emph ith allv: "TIkio Is no such possibility (fml theio will be 110 furtlur conferences outside tho 1 omnilsfiuii evecpt such us may occur be twien eounsi I tor the clouting up of min or details. Tho 1 onunl-slnn will go oil with Its woik to tho end," .Mr, "MiioVengli will go to Washington to-monow. Ills visit, ho said, was on pilvate business and in no way loiiiiecltd with the coal controversy. Shipping News. D Uveluthc Wire Horn t lie Adsnilatcd i'fess. New York, Dee fi C'lian-d: l,.i Cliam imgiii, ll.ivn'i Xecliuul, Antweip; C11111 panlii, laveipool: I'eniislviiiiln, Hani Imin'! It.v11d.1111, Uotterelitiiii l.alitt, Naples and Genoa; Itotteielitin, AniHtenltun. Ihln ol Wight Passed: Nooieluui, Itot teidaiii lor New Y01K. DEATHS Or A DAY. Bjr f.ielmhi Wire from The ,V3socltfd I'mi Swamp Stott, Mass, Dec 3 Henry Cutlet, toniporier and iiiusUal conductor eieillteil with Intiodiiilng veaed nialo tholi.s In this countiy, died heio today, Dr Cutler iiiinieily was tugaulst and tliolnntiMti ol Tilnlty tiiiiith In New Votk tlty When thu Pi luce. 01' Wale., now King Iklwald VII, visited this coun tiy lu IS'ii, Di Cutler conceived tho Idea of having u vested tholr in Tilnlty slinlli to those lu the Ihwllsh chinches, betuuso thu Prime of Wales hnd decided lo in Und the soivtco tlfie Tho Idea was at oueii laken up In this tommy and be came tje'iteial Dr. Gutlei's setting 10 thu hi mil, "Thu Bon of Goel Goes Foith to War," Is the best known of his composi tions Ithacu, N. Y, Dec, C Charles Ilemy Prtsno, of Ulsjies, Pa, a senior in Coi nell Unlvcnlty, died to-day ut tho Cor nell Infirmary from porltonltls alter an operation which was deemed ncces-sary as a lust resort. His deuth levculed a tula of hardship endured to obtain tuntls lo como to Cornell. Ho curncd tho money by going Into tho backwoods and lumber ramps of Potter county, stud lug nights to obtain his preliminary education and ul the samo tlmo supporting Jila mother, GREAT STORM Monu Dlstistcrs Follow ttis Pall) of tlic Blizzard on Land and Water. RAILROAD TRAFFIC IS PARALYZED Telegraphic Communication Badly Crippled Many Lives Aie Lost. Numeiotts Boats Ave Torn Loose fiom. Theiv Moorings and Beached. Sevetal Ships Go Down During the Gales. By Prelusive Wire fiom The At-ociitttl Creti. New Yoik, Dec. j. A heavy wind stotm accompanied by rain and later by snow, stuiek .'uvv Yoik todty, anil for a time seilously inteilereel with all railway and steamship ti.tffie, as well as with business in general. Surface car lines, the elevated lalhoads nnd all fenyboits were compelled to abandon their schedules and lim as best they could. Towards noon the snow ceased to fall but the wind continued high und it became much colder. The in.iv iniuiii eloclty of the wind was fortj cight miles an hour. Telegraph service was much hampucel bv the storm. Despatches timn up the state showed that the sioim was seveie In the ctjun tty dlstiicts and tlt.it the snow tall in the inleilor was much hcaviei titan in this city. Philadelphia, Dec. C The snow and wind stoint which swept oer the east ern p.ut of Pennsylvania timing the morning abated late this afternoon. The fall of snow In this city and sut rounding country amounted to nbout four Inches, but the greatest damage was done by the high wind which at 11 o'clock attained a velocity of flfty-fout milts an hour. The telegraph commun ication between this city and Flus hing was practically paralyzed and sub mban street and railroad traffic was badly crippled. One life was lost as the result of the blinding snow and a few minor accidents occurred. During the height of the storm George Chlveiton eliovo an express wagon into a tiolloy ear and was instantly killed and two persons lecelved fractured limbs by the collision of two trolley cais In West Philadelphia. In thu anthracite coal region the fall of snow amounted to eight inches, but mining operations weie not seriously Intel lot ed with. The only .shipping disaster of moment 1 ppo:tcd to the llaiittme exchange w ti the sinking of the thvoo masted schooner, Virginia llulon, at Asste teague, Va , about fifty miles below thu Delaware breakwater. The vps-bel was lumber laden tiom Norfolk for Phil adelphia. Her crew- was rescued by the Assateague life savers. Newport News, Va., Dec, B. The tei rlflc .storm of w Ind.and rain that sti uc': this section early this morning was the most desti uetlve known In Hampton Roads In some time. One life was lost, and numerous boats were totn Joosu fiom their mooilngs and beached. Others firmly anehoted were filled and .sunk. The only victim so far as known it a colored man who was di owned neir illnchs' store In Warwick county. Ho was in a sloop and was knocked ovei boaid. In New England. Hoston, Dec. D Alter an unusually long pmiod of calm, mild weather, a spltittd storm from the gulf biought winter to New Hngland todav with gu.it suddenness, and tor the tiiHt tlmo this season covered the entiic legion with snow to tho depth of eight inche. The Htoim appaiei'tly was severe lu southwestern New England, wheio there was tonsldciablo wire prostration and delayed traffic. New England le celved the lull benefit of a nottheast gale, which in some places attained a velocity ot foity miles an hour. The only shipwie-ck reported was that of a schooner which lau on Dog Uar Urc-aU-water in Hlouceiiter haibor. No lives were lost. A fishing vessel Horn Hoston, the James H. Claik, 1.111 In tho breakeis off Manchester, Mass., this afternoon, but she Is expected to be pulled out ot danger. Seven of tho twelve men on boaul landed In Bafety. A bud rallio.nl vviecki duo to the storm, occurred at South Ashburnhain, In which one hiake inun was killed and another fatally Injured. Ship's Crew Lost. Norfolk, Va., Dec. f, Reports le celved hero tonight nro to the effect that none or the ill-fated Wesley M. Oler's crew escaped the disaster which wiecked that schooner near Hatteias llils morning. Only ono chance of a rescuo is known, and that was brought, to light by the Get man steamer Koln, tiom Hiemen to Baltimore, lepoit'ng the crow of an abandoned behoiiiieT aboard, while entering the capes today, This morning a huultune blew sixty mills an hour here. Tho tug Underw liter, which was tow ing tho Oler fiom N.ibsau, hua not been heaid fiom and I'eais are entertained that she founderpel in the gale. Tim eievv of the schooner Ida Lawrence abandoned that vessel lu a rudderless condition off Hutteras early this morn ing und were tescued with the greatest; difficulty by life'Saveis, 1 1 1 1 4- 4-- -H- WEATHEE FORECAST, Washington, Deo. 6. Forecast for Hatliiday and Sunday : East ern Penii3y lvanla Fair Saturday und Stindiy; slowly rising tempera ture; tllmliilshlag northwest winds. .. t .t 1 .t .t t .t .t r, , .. J '-t.-Ba I TMFjutt