fA i THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE- I'MDAV, JJECEMBEU 5, 1902. TC -J tfr' JURORS POR JANUARY TERM DRAWN YESTERDAY FROM RE CENTLY FILLED WHEEL. (Twonty-foilr of Them Aro Grand Jurorn and Thoy Enter Upon Their Duties on Jan. 5 Others Aio Fotlt Jurors Who Will Servo During the Weeks Beginning February 2 and February 0 A Largo Number of Prominent. Citizens Aio Among Those Diawn Yesterday. SliPi'tlT .Schndt nml Juty Cnnnnlsslon mh K. IJ. Sturjjps nml 13. J. Campbell innde the Until drawing of JuroiH from the recently illicit wheel yoiterduy. Tlipy drew grand juiors for Jnnuniy 5 ntid petit jurois for l'cbrunry 2 nml 9. The jurors follow: Grand Jury, January C. Tlinrlps Harper, merchant, Puiiinote, ltthur Steven, farnipr, Spring Urook. ihn Crist, lubnrcr, Scinnton. itobprt Anderson, niprahant, Punmoro. Trod W. Mason, clerk, Scranton. 'Rpph Roes, iigont, Sernnlon. ncob Harris, merchant, Sernnton. F. H. "Widmnyor, tollrr, Scranton. John Boyd, laborer, Scranton. John. ir. Otto, teanibtnr, ArehbnM. Cluirlen A. Bohr, elcik, Scianton. John rt. nrimth", postmaster, Jermyn. Mlchnol J. Colllgnn, contractor, Scranton. John Ii. Mourn, docHnir boss, Scinnton. Oscar Oswald, musician, Scranton. riporsc McMulIcn, merchant, Scranton. Andtew Cunnnlmrs, engineer, To-vlor. Arlclbcrt Ulnsham, bookkeeper, Dunmorc. I'ntrlclc Flvnn, laborer. Scianton. Joseph Ilcffron, drtiRRlst, Scranton. John J. Loftus, justice of peace, Wlnton. Thomas ITcnwood, moiclinnt. Dunmnre. Thomas II. O'lloro, minor, Dunmore. John Tulley, coachman, Scranton. Petit Jurors, Monday, February 2. Samuel IT. 1'r.ink, cleik, Scranton. Jamci Robinson, minor, Jloostc. John HatTKorty, gentleman, Scianton. A. S. Lewslcy, merchant, Carhondale. W. W. .tones, farmer. Spring Brook. 3:. B. Wilson, carpenter, Scranton. y.eno Stover, agent, Scranton. T.. a. Morgan, druggist. Scranton. Tt. Tl. Davis caipcntpr, Scranton. "T.dward Fallon, hotel. Old Forgo William Bowling, clerk. Old Forge. T: G. Coursen, merchant, Scranton. Martin Battle, miner, Carbondnle. James Shepherd, supoiintcndcnt, Scian ton. Preston Robinson, civil engineer, Scian- W. II. Alt, caipentcr, Scianton. n. B. Jermyn, coal operator, Scianton. John W. T,UT.. farmer. Scott. Jnmes II. Kelly, druggist. Cirbonrtale. JTenry R. Jones, f.innor. Spring Bioo'i. Wade M. Finn, (oil operator, Scranton. T,. VS. Cille. shipping eloik, Scranton. I'rnest Smith, farmer, Benton. .Tames Linen, Insurance agent, Olvphant. Mir hard MeTTnle, minor, Scr.intnn John Clelland, merchant, Scianton. Fred Undo, laborer, Aichbald. Anthony Loughney, drill maker, Scran ton. . J. Hon lev. merchant. Scranton. Frink II. Winters, bank cleik. Jerimn. rutrlngton Von Storch, machlni-t Scian ton 1.el SIMus. eloigvm.in, Tilakolv. Thomas B. Thomas, foreman, Jermyn. Michael McO.irry. mill hand. Scranton. Joseph Je(fres, recictnry. Dunmoie. W. M. G miner, bookUeepor, Scranton. William Latterly, clerk. Scranton JnniOb 51. Tripp, fnnnei. Waicrlv John J. Jones, inspector, Carhondale. riiailes Stone, teamster. Scranton. IIosfoKl J. Van Goiiler. clll engineer, Scranton. T). Blackluton. manager, Punmore ""iank Glllcspi", pump 1 tinner, Archbild. John B. Tin lor, farmer, Scott. V. V. Hughe-., salesman, Carhondale. I0I111 J. Duffy, merchant, Dunmorc. Peter Bedell, fuimei Ransom. Arthur 51. Xorton, foreman, Scranton. Thomas H. Jones, uani, Scranton. i:dwln Frantz, clerk, Scranton. Daniel Foley, farmer, Dalelllc Albert B. "Wllllnins, teamster. Duunioie. II. M. Carpenter, farnifr, Scott. John Wilcox, fanner, Oiecniield. Thomas McAndiew, miner, Scranton. Thomas McTlsuo, mlnei, Seranlnn. S. S. Jones, nldeimau, ("nibondnlc. Michael O'Hnra, hotel, Scranton Fred Worth, fanner, Grwufleld Thomas M. GrIIIllhs, gent, Jeimu. S. W. Williams, fmmer, Balevlllc, K. J. Tanfleld, fannrr, Palevill". William 5IcAndrcw, conductor, Scianton. 5Tartln T. Lavelle. ilv cleik, Scranton. Garrett Bogert, gent, Scianton. George, W. Hopsler. caipintei, Siranton. Jrhn Moyston l'lird;. , merchant Dalton. John Kellv, stonemason, Mlnuokii. Bfnedlct Brandley, gent. Scianton. Fletcher Walker, caipentor, I'erkillp fatilck Whaler., jr., lahoier, Scianton. c. D. Sanderson, broker, Scranton, John li. James, barber, Scraiuou. John Melody, minor, Dunmoie. V. 51. 5Ioffatt, liiiiussmnkiT. Scranton, David Warrick, gent, Scranton. John H. Hnverlv, 'loik, Throop. George Noaek, faimei, 5Iudlson. C. A. Reynolds, cai punter, Iilnkolv. Petit Jurors, Monday, Febiunry 9. Frank Owens, pumpman, Old Foige. J' J. 5IoElroy, manager, Scranton. John G. Price, groom, 'ttnlor. James McGowan, uomptii) hand, 3'ilec burg. William IT. Thomas, cleik, Scianton. Joseph Boos, Halcsniun, Scianton. John W. Black, former, Klzors. 5Ilchael Doughnrty, mill hand, Scranton, T. F, McDonougli, mailing cleik, Scran ton. William H. 5Iorgan, dork, Scianton. William 1 Knhrcn, painter, Scianton. 30 Hayes & Varley. 42A'A26 Spruce St., Between Washington and Wyoming Avenues. Oreen Trading Stamps With purchases of one dollar or more on Fri day, Saturday and Monday, Dec. 5, 6 and 8. Present this Coupon. IRvrntill )HrfVnjp-n c 30 A Few Surprising Specials. 27-lnch All-Wool Kersey Coattt, satin lined; black and eailor. Whllo thoy Inst, $5.00; worth ?10.00. 34-lnch Kersey Coat, satin lined throughout; a good assortment of sizes. $10.98; worth $1S.0C A lot of fine Kilted WalltlnR Skirts; regularly sold at G.O0. A surprlso at $3.98. A small lot of All-Wool Waists; wore $4.0.0. For $1.98. Men's and Women's I!(5 and 28 Inch Umbrella'?, paragon frame, stool rods, fancy turned handles, the best umbrella over sold at the price, $1.15. Ladlos' Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, made In 9t. Oaul; regular J2'c goods. We sell them at 3 for 25c. Ladles' All-Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs; sold at all times at 2Cc, Surprise price, 19c. Ladles All-Linen Handkerchiefs; made In Belfast, Ireland; 3 for 25c. Samuel Latter, merchant, Scranton. John II. Kearst, mison, Ounmuic. OHcar Yost, Jeweler, nunmoie. David Spruks mei chant, Scranton. Thomas Grady, miner, Dunmoie. John Dcvme, merchant, Cnrliondalo. ChntlcH P. Bus-oll, gentleman, Dunmore. Georgo W. B. Allen, accountant, Scran ton. Henry J. Boiler, collector, Scranton. Thomas Lynott, sr., laborer, Scranton. William Frant;', tobacconist, Scranton. William W. Wutkin.s laborer, Scranton. John V. Williams, clerk, Scranton. William Harper, foreman, Blakoly. C. n. Woodruff, f aimer, JefToi.'-on. Amos Learn, farmer, Bnnwrn John W. Barrett, merchant, Carhondale. George Plummer. fnrmer, La Plume. Ira Blcsecker, merchant, Moscow. John II. Bogert, expressman. Dunmorc. Dald B. Jones, mhi'r. Scranton. Edson S. Peck, manager, Dunmore. T. 13. Price, newsman, Scranton. Bobert Van Beigen, cleik, Cnihonilnle. John ('. Weaver, tarpcntoi, Scranton. George Lunney, machinist, Scranton. D. 3U. Davis, gentleman, Scranton. John Gaffney, miner, Carbondnle. 13. L. Walter, architect, Scianton, Thomas Donnelly, hotel. 01 pliant. John J. Collins, moichant. Scranton. i;bcnczcr Drake, gent. Old Paige. Thomas It. Thomas, clerk. Dunmoie. W. A. Bird, faimcr, Madison. 3tlchapl Hoban, miner, Scianton. P. 8. Tiffany, farmer, Benton. John Owen?, agent. Dalton. Jtlchael Kcnnedv. laborer. Scianton. Alexander Schrlcfcr, clerk, Scianton. J. B. Corcoran, mei chant, Scianton. George Lngel, grocer. Siranton John P. O'Connor, reporter, Scranton. Flod Sergeant, fnrmer, Li Plume. 3T. II. Hlgglns, clgarmakcr, Scranton. James C. Tnlor, miner, Scnnton. John T. Williams, moichant, Kornnton. James Graham, miner, Scranton. Tolm Slatterv, gent, Scranton. Thomnb McCann, Insurance ugcht, Scran ton. rrank O'llara, merchant, Scranton fharlcs Gcinon, salesman, Scranton, . L. Francois, gent, Scranton. Charles It. Bogeis. gent, Cubondalo. ,7. ( Tairlngton, faimiT. GreenlieUl. John Jennings, miner, Minooki. W. J. Hand, inspector, Dunmore. John B. Owens, foioman, Scranton. Henry Wldeman, fanner, Benton. 1). B. Jadwtn. gent, Carhondale. William J. I3ans, carpenter, Blakoly. B. J. Ttecf.0, cleigyman, Scianton. Jrhn P.. Williams justice, Blakolv. T-tlchard Halo, engineer. Scianton. A. S. Atispachci. clcrgvniau. Scrantuii. Jchn J. Carbine, e:;-postm.istci. Olyphnnt. John B. Gillespie, clerk, Scranton. John 3Uoiinhan, minor, Dickson City. SEARCH FOR MISSING BOY. Police Unable to Find Any Tiace of ittlo Paul Skoda. Some tlility-flvo members of the police lotee, accompanied by a number of clt iena who bad Miluntteurt. theli wiv iees, thoroughly s-cihiil-(I th West mountain ye.steiday lor snnit. trace of little four- ear-old Paul Skoda, who wandiiipd away fiom home two weeks ago, but theli eli'ons wcte unsueces tul. The seaicht-rs foinird Into two p.n- tics, one taking the teultory to the not tit of a lino oust and west through the llrlsbln colllciy and the other Hcarching the teultoiy to the south. Almost every spot ol giound on the whole mountain Hide was coveted, een the dense woods being ransacked hut no tiace of the little boy could he discov ered. Tim search began at 10 a. in, mid continued until :i. p. 111. Some Horse Seals, Finnic II. Jcimjn'B bl.uk piccr, Time wood, 2,11'., una sold on Wednesday h Madison Bipiaio Gulden. 3s'ow Yoik, to Lol Pattcipon, of CarliondalB, for $VM, Di, Wlllam llaggiity, nl this city, pin ebiiBCd at tho snlu a purer, Chcsley, with n record of !i.(W4. Tho horso was at ono tlmo counted an ono ot the fastest paeeia In tho country and cost tho doctor f:iw. & ilkoiineofafillow Size 20 inches omrc QtA ,,MV"' OOt 4-inch Ruffle This Sale is not limited to one hour. These pillows may be purchased at any time Bet-ween 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Friday, December 5tn, Pillows are filled with fine silk floss, which is really superior to feathers. A large assort ment of patterns in Figured Silkoline Coverings to select from. Come early on Friday, I Economy Credit you? Certainly ! 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Avenue. THE MARKETS. "Wall Stieet Review. JCew Yoik, Doc. 4 There was another attempt to put up the pi Ices of stocks this meaning, but It did not succeed and tho nniket soon hecamo weak. Final puces were considerably low'cr than last night. The p1incln.1l pa it of tho day's business on the Stock exchange had boon com pleted by the end of the lust hour, and l hole was no futthcr activity until an active selling moement development In tho last hour and ciinled pilces to tho lowest of the day. In tho interval thuio wcio occ.islonnl peiiods ol absolute Idle ness on tho Poor ot the exchange. Many ot the iiio-t pioininent stocks wcio not quottd at uli Horn hour to'hour. Tho ag gicgatu trading lor the day dwindled still fuither fiom cstei day's small total. Thu business was almost cntlielv In the hands ot piofession.il loom li.ideis and many ot tho mom conspicuous commission houses had not as much as a thousand slimes to cv.cc.ule in the maiket. Tho ad vanced pike of letlned sugar and In tho pi Ice of copper both heie and In Loudon m.idit Sugar and Amalgamated Copper compaiathclv dim Kcpoits 110m tiado nuthoiltle.s of a downward tendency in thu ptlco of iton pioducts and a holding back of oidcis on account ot high cost was a lather depiesslng Influence. Total sales todav. 370 uOO shaies. Ponds weie dull and easier In svmpatln with stocks. Total sales, par value, $1,&IiO UQO. I'nltod States .is lcgular declined ' per cent, on tho last call. The following nuotitions arc furnished Tho Tribune bv Ilalght i: Prcese Co., 311 Sl" Meats Building. W. D. Kuuyon, man- Opon.IIIgh Low.Close. ager. r."tb :sp, -7!i Dl"i .n'i 0, t' ll.Kj in Amal. Copper .. Am. C. fc r .... Am. Locomotive Am. Loco.. Pr .. Am S & It Co Amciiuiti Sugar Atchison Atchison. Pi ... Halt k Ohio f'PS, Hiook. R T 1 Canadian Pacllle . Chcs. & Ohio Chle ,t G. W C, JI. ,t St. P .... Col. Fuel & Iron. Col. &- Southern . Detroit Southein liu i:ric, 1st Pr Ible. 2d Pr Hocking Vallov .. Illinois Cential ... Louis. ,t Nash ... Manhattan Met. St. Rv Mc cic.iu Cential . Mo, K. ,c Tex ... Mo., K. & T., Pr . Mo. Pacllle N. Y. Central .... Norfolk Ac West "I Out & West 'Wi racinu .iiui ; Penna. H. R People's Oas Pipsscd Steel C.u . Roiding Republic Steel .... Hock Island ....... SI L & S W Southein Pacllle .. Southein It It .. . Southein H. K Pr Tenn. Coal & lion. Toms ,Vr Pacllle .. l'lilon Paclilj .... Pnlon Pacllle. Pr . V. S. Leilher .. .. 1". S Steel V. S Stool, Pr ... w.iiiasn ' Wabash, pp ip'i Wi sti in L'nlon ,. 5.S AVIs. Cential . ... J-.U rii)r,i :ii if, 0-1, inn "ii. l.'l'a 121 U Ull SJ"i S27, SJI, SS t ...l'i l.'s'i 1J71,, . 2-. 2i, 2-.V .17.-4 17iii 171 . M si', P 2'J'A Vi P'Vi 31 111 '.Klj 9SH 'I1!: 1I.IA l.lJ m 71'. Ill' n;s 27' i m 110' i S2'n .iS'i Sb'i CI'A U7 4ii 2"i',4 171 r, 20' ltl'i IJ',1 14P ..l.'JU I IPs 12S'd 12SU ..rWj l.'l US' H'i'h ..14ilM 112 1J U0"H .. 2.-K 2."i 2. 2-k .. 24 2Vs 2: r .. u fn1'. VVS r.'t'a ..i0uu 1117 ic-,8 lov; lil'j I.iifc lol". iw.i'j lJi iirn iH' :r 10' 1 21 30' ir.7'!, i"- LVi i:') a uipm vnu jnu't iiii't iiii'j M -) I! 3J4 S.lJ ll'S !i''Ts !i 3irt s)'.' iin, M'4 ran rou r,o r.o lo vr-k 19s ii; irs )'. 27 y, 2C1 iil'4 l,.'i I2' .12' i 31-K 32 'IJ' 'i2' 1 02'i ri',"-i .-,!,'$ ijj ir8 11 11 lim's 1'i's !'"- 02 pi . hh: :i 12 'i i."i '!'... I'li's ,' S..I1. si'. Mi, 21) 2s 2S1 li'i 1 5'1 ll'4 Ss S7-t S7 v 2")'. Total sales, .!79,Hi shale's. L'HICAIIU ORA1.V ,t PKOVISIO.N. Onen- IIUll Low. Close. YU H' I."i 71-s IP. 12'. 7P, n 1 12', WII1CAT- Mav .Iillv , CORN-- Mav , Jlllv OATS- Mny ",: k 32 .!2 :.2',1 NLW YOItK COTTON MARKLT. Onen. High. Low. Close. Januaiy S31 s:y S'it S31 Mlllch S22 S2ti N2I S22 Mliy S2.1 ,S27 S.2I S21 July S.-J S,21i 8 2J !..(! Scranton Board of Trado Exchango Quotations AH Quotations Basset on Par of 100. STOCKS. Uld.Asked. Inckawanna Dairy Co., Pi... q ... County Sav. Hank & Tmst Co sJ I'lrst Nat. Dank (Carhoniialo). ... km Thlid Uatlonal Rank KM Dime Dep U Dls Rank soo ... Pcouomy L, It. & P. Co 44 PUM. National Hank uoo ... Lack. Tl nut A: Safe Dp Co . Jj Claik & Snover Co, Pr J25 ... Scianton Savings Rank coo ... Traders' National Hanlt 225 ... Scianton Holt & Nut Co,.,,,,. Ui People's Rank 13; ,. Scianton Parking Co 33 HONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, llist moimuge, due 1020 Ill ... People's Stieet Railway, llrst moitsage, due 191S J ... People's Stieet Railway, Gen eral moitgage. due 1021 115 ... Scianton Tine. Co , B per cent, 115 Kconomy L, II & P. Co ... 97 N Jeisey i: Pocono Ice Co,.,, ... 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ,,. 105 Scrantoii Wholesale Market, (Collected by II G, Dile, 27 Laeka. Ave.) Flam -51. W. Iliiltui Cicamciy, 2o'Ca20c,j daily, sZn Cheese- 11H.nl lc IgBS Neaiby, 30c , storage, 22c. Mm low rieans Per bushel, 52.85. Onions Per bushel, 7"a90c. Potatoes iwc, per bushel Fhllatlelphia Pioduco Mnrket. Philadelphia, Dec, i Wheat Quiet but steady; conliact giade, Dctombor, Uliu 75c. Coin Dull hut steady, No. 2 In ex. pint elevator, l,c. Oats-Ouiet but llim; K11. 2 white clliipul, 37a:i7',c. Iluttei Piuii. good demand; extra westein cream t-iy, 29c; do. nearby prints, Jlc. L'gs-s Mrm, fair demand; fieali neaiby, 27e., loss off; do. vvesteiu, 27c, do.; do. south western, 23d2iic., do.; do. soiltbeui, 21c, do. Cheese Quiet but steaxlv; Now York lull eieaius, pi line small, 131Jc; do. do. far to good small. liuU'ic; du. do. prime laige, 13'ic; do. fo. fair to good, do. 12iulJc. Hclliicd Siignia-rirm but 2l.,ut: t.l'tton UncbanBed. Tallow Steady; ilty pilmo. In tierces, Uic; conn, try, do, buiiels, i;;c.; do. daik, do, D'ie.; Smoked Everywhere A' wiiiaijWMWiM-wi-WMwiiiilwi mmmssmmmmmmmmm: Successful Everywhere In the North, East, West and South all over the city, smokers are find- ing that the "Henry the Fourth" is a permanently successful ciga Henry the Fourth Cigar Made in but one quality, absolutely clear Havana. O'flara's Cigar Store, 431 Spruce Street. Box trade receives careful attention. a-MRUUM BL'..ll.i.MA-.l JWitM Headquarters for iDcandescnl Gas Mantles, Portable LaERps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunster&Forsytli 323-327 Pemi Aieuue. ill SIS Lager Manufacturers of Old Stock I PBLSHER l rSSSL Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 2331. New 'Phone, 'J935 c.ikes. i,3,c. Llvo Pou'ltry I'lini, good do- ! inniul; low l, lL"L!il3'.c; old j ousters, Pc , spnni; enlLKtii!ii'iHM".e.: uncus, li- ; turiiojs, 12j13u.; Reeho. lliil'-'c. Dressed Poultiy Kiim and in eood dcmaiid; fowls, (holco wi'Sluin, He.; dn. aoutbein nml aoutliwestorn. liaUH-'. do. niir to Rood, UnlJisu,; old roobtdH, O.UOc; lonst Inu clilcUens, ne.irby, lnifie. lii'fct,.; do. small und medium, l.'.iihc.; westcin do., l.iie, irrtiiriVic.; do. pnmll und medium, 11 ii tie.; tuiUcs, cliulce nciiiby, Ifiul'o ; do, fnlr to Bood, lS.iluc; western do., eliolcu, l.'VatiJc.; do. f.ilr to Rood, llallc.; duclta, lialV. ItPcinti rioui, '.',000 ImiieU and t,7fi0,(ino pounds I n hacltw; wheat, 4,iM0 luiHliels; outs. lil.WO uunlieK ShipnictilH AVlicat. n-j.mio buHliels; coin, "JI.UOO bushels; oals, L'.'.OH) bubtiels. New Yoik Grain and Produce Mnrket Now Vol Is, Dec, I rioui Moio active und tlimer Wlu-ut-Bi6t llim: Xo. 2 led, 7'JUc. uluMitoi; Xo. B led, "7e. f. o. I. uilo.it, No 1 iioitlurn Dululli, SHic. f. o. Ii, allo.u, No, 1 haul Manitoba, hl'ic, f. o. b, ailoat; options hud u quiet day but wcio tjeneially tinner and lilurlioi ; cloau was Hi in, 9sii?bC. net mUnncn; May closed T'.i'ic; UecoiiibtT, kOV4e. foni Spot llim; No. J. Glc olowitor, and 03c, t. o, b ailoat; No a jellow, uc,; No 2 while, t!7o,: on tloiiH were fairly active and a bluida tilslier with the close llim at '"ie. not advance, Januaiy closed file ; May, IS',e; lleeembcr closed iftV' O.itH Spot til m; No. -' white. ST-.c; No, IJ wlilte, Bic.j tmck uil.ed westuin, nominal; trade wlilte wvHteill, Sialic ; tiaclc while atnto, .",7a4.'e ; options quiet but tinner, luy closed J7io; IJei ember cloned .iTo. Jlutli r Steady; extlii cteainory, -".e ; fiictoiy, lOalSc ; eicumeiy common to choice, i'eaJSc ; Imi tation ticumeiy. 17a2le.; sluto dnliy, Vila L'7c; ictuiv.itid. 17a.'le. Cliecse llrm; now stuto full ennui. Cancv small, colored .Scptembor, HUallijC.: lute. J.'utSc ; umall wlilte. September, la'iiil.'.lic; Kite. v:4(ii Iti", In mo coloicd Beptemboi, ja',4al3'j(.; 1 He, ISnlle. i:B?s-Stcady; btnte and I'eiiiiH) iwtnlii, ssuiSe ; vvesteiu. luniy, "o.i ile,; western, pool to inline, M.iCtic, Chicago Orain Market. Chicago. illec. 4 Tiadlng: In wheat was extienichajwl nt times today, but pilcc were tn'H.i lilcher leel. tho .May op. tlou closlHPsC. IiIkIici'i whllo coin was up Ua'ic.TRid oats l.n better, Januaiy pioislous bhoued a ualu of fiom nriJ'c. Cash quntatloiiH were ns follow s: I'lour HttHd; No. 2 Mpilni; wheat, 71c; No. .!, i&illV.v.i No. 2 red, 7V4c.: No. 2 corn. MTCc.; No. 2 yclliiw, 06c; No. 2 oats, JIu 31',Je.: No 2 whllo, ; No 3 white, 31lii 31c.; No. 2 lye, tlc ; Rood feedlnu bailoy, 3.Vi3.Sc; Inlr to choice mailing, nnfi.Sc.; No. 1 llax seed, $1.11; No. 1 northwestern, Jl.l'i, prliiio timothy seed. JJiki; mesu poik, J1C73; laid, J10 CinlO 70: shoit libs, slcleti, S75a9; sliciuldeia, tVS'tjal1; bhoit clear tildes, JS.70ay. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chlcaso, Dee. 4.-Catllc-rtec.eliits, C.000; Dockash Stoves at Wholesale Dockash WHY Buy a stove made hundreds of miles away, when you can buy SCRANTON STOVES at Foundry Prices ? You can eet lepaiis at any time on home-made stoves at wholesale pi ices. Owing to the coal strike the Stove Works have a big stock which must be sold within the next thirty days. Come early and secure big bargains. SOLD AT SAME PRICE AS AT FOUNDRY BY FOOTE & FULLER CO., WILLIAM CHAPPELL, 140-142 WASHINGTON AVENUE. UNION CASH STORE, DUNMORE, PA. PROVIDENCE SQUARE. A. J. HOWLEY, 911 NORTH WASHINGTON AVENUE. lilchet" trood to pihiio sieiri, $"00,i.iO, poor to medium, V.ilN), htoe'ceia and lecders, .MI7.i; cows, JI.tu.il.7o: heifers, aSiB; minium, l 2."m-' ; bulls, $JiH :7, calves, J.l.Vi.17: 'I'cmih fed steeis. $3 2oal7 HiiKS-HecclptH todiy, W.lJ' tonioliovs, 27.0u)i li'H over, ii'WD: MIOc lilKlier; niled and bulclK'iH, ri'iMii.Ti; wood to ('hoiio heavj, )) luiiiii", loinjlis hen. lil'iaiJi, IlKht, J."i0.iUi1; bulk of salis JoJOai.J... Slietiii UcielptH, Ui.ixm, mIi ep nml lamb-', 10.il.-ic hlKheij Kond lo chole-u wetheis, $.i.7'ial2; fair to choice mixed, $2.'.ia,12i; native lambs, JJWa."i lo, tho il iv In tho fcowlm: loom, Stead woiK, call In fou noon nt Klorenio jh-sloii Buffalo Stock Miuket. i:ast Itufialo. Pee. I Cittlu llecclpli, 200; common mixed imtrheitt' stoil;, l.la'JOc lowei ; otheia blcadj ; cils, stcadj ; lops, Js, Wall; common to nood, STi r.o.is. lloss llccelpts. 7,7"0; nctlii 5 a 10c hlhei ; heavy, $0 j.'an 70, inlid, pl.Goa'l l, Yoibcrs, $i, BM ""i HkIiI do. nml piss. J', &j art CD; ioukIis. f'itiOaii.10, siatfs, (7'ni2 j., filiceii and Uimbs Heielpts. B,ijil; Hheep steady; limbs, luc lowei : top lambs $5,10 n5W: culls to iiood. Jixu,".;3, ealllllKs, Jtat2.i; ewes. J.15Uil, sheep, top ml.cd, f3 10.1.1 10; culls to Bond, J1.73a'i .Li. Enst Liberty Stock Maiket. TJast I.lbeity, Pie. I -Cattle Steady, choice, Jwo 10; pilme, ?3ii0a0.7-ij tjood, 3 23 n5 W. J I o-s Act I vo ; prime licnxles, iSXiiGfti, nu dlu ms. ?o'50aCVi; heavy VoiUois, i t"a O.Vi; lU'bt do., $0.10.10 13; pli,-s, ?G -lo.ili 13; loughs. $3a0.'). Hheep I'lim; best wctheis, JI70.13PO: culls and eomiiion. tl.50aj; choice lambs, 3.23o5.4o; veals calies, ?7aS27. , Oil Market. Oil City. Pee. 4 -Credit hilnncc. in: nitllUatcs. no Mica: shipments, 101. d.J baiicls: iiNeiage. 112,l'ii) ii.uiels: iun- ui. 179 buiiiU: aveiuue, i'M'ii bauels. Oriental Rugs For Christmas Gifts. Biggest Assortment In All Slzcss At Lowest Prices The Highest Grades In Fine Persian Colors. Domestic Rugs We Especially Invite You to Inspect Our Hirmanshaii Rugs. MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO., was,,,;? Avn D X, & W. BOARD. The tallowing 1b the make-up of the D , U. & W. lioanl for today: TIIUHSDAY, pi:c I i;traa i:.ist C p. in., Hush, 7 p in, l'oltsroii; h p. in., C.iinoy; 0 p, m , J. (iluley, 1020 p. m., J, (iculty, 12 mid., Pollen t), SiiinmUs-0 p. m., Cilnlcy lcsl), S p. ill , J. J. Mm lay (west) i;.tww West a p. in, Jlasteis rmiuY, pi:c. c. KMliib Past 2 u, in, C'uaiiaue;li, :i.!0 n. m . .McCann; 3 u. in., ". A. llaitholo mew; 7 a. m, KlUp.UiIcK; a a. in., Dunn; 11 u. in.. I.allar; 1 p. m , IlaNter; 2 ii. m.. Staph ; :i p. in, Mcl.aiiu; 1 p. in,, 21. l-'lncrty; 3 p. in., liu.-U'i. Summits-,; u in, l''iouufelKor (net); 0 n in, CanluK least), s , m, ku-Ii-olb (wist). 10 a in, flolden (west), l p. m., Thompson (nest). 2 JO ji. in, J, lleniR.ui (cabt), i M p. m., 31. Cilnlcy (east), l'usheis 2.S0 u m C Partholoiiipiv (weht); 7 n in., W'ldncr (west), 7 n. pi, 1'lnerty (west), 8 u in., llouscr (ciihi): II n n. in. 3Iornn (eait), 1 p. in.. Mc. pouuell (west), 7 W p m, .Muipliy (e. 9 p. in., . II. Il.u tholomew (custl lleljiers 1 u. in., jI.iKovcin: 7 lliitrnc ; 10 ii. m, HUoi, 3.131 KUinlon. Pxtius Wcbt-Thlld 31. 1-hulsl u. in., tit anion; 11 a. in.. Nnoil noon. John ijaliann (llallsteadl m . reel. NOTICP. William Joidau upuils for J. V 11 v'AI 'i J0 r- X'i.