The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1902, Image 1

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    - Vv-w- -i'u.-Vi . - ,4-.itvIiVr --,' -u - , vi-Jwii? JM!HI,..-i,vji.F; . -'UUMIWPl.WPIrt'-.J WMS.iAU.iwl . ' ' .flfe..JWlIPj "fnnMHHMHHnWLL IJWW
CHHInGsv (Ir Hume
Fourteen Guests In a Windu Gitu
Hostelru Lose Their Lives.
Many Others Injured.
.Visitors to Livestock Exposition
Tilled Every Availablo Nook in
the Xincoln Hotel, on Madison
Street Careless Smoker May Have
Set the Blaze Small Fire Xoss.
Investigation Shows the Building
to Have Been in the Worst Possi
ble Condition.
By KxcluaiTC Wire from The Associitcd Press.
Chicago, Dec. 4. Fourteen persons
among the scores crowded Into the Lin
coln hotel, at 176 Madison street, met
death In a fire shortly before 6 o'clock
this morning. Some died in their rooms,
some were killed In jumping', while
others were found lit the hallways,
where they had expired with their
lingers dug Into the cracks of the Iloor.
.All of the bodies were recovered, as
the hotel was not destroyed.
The list of dead follows:
M. M. HANDY, of Junesvllles, Wis.
HOWARD TONKR, of Milwaukee.
II. K. WOOD, of Lebanon. Ind.
II. V. DC-SWELL, of Chicago.
SAMl'ML L. YOCUM, of Davenport, la.
J. r YOCfM, of Davenport. la.
N. I.. t:VlNG, or Marietta, O.
A. R COOK, of Marncgo, 111.
T. V. SLOCUM, of Waconda, 111.
WARD LOWB. of Minneapolis.
1'. W. CAREY, of Hucyrus, O. .
C. P. COWAN, collector on the; Wabash
rnilrnad, St. Louis.
OKOKftH I?. GRAVKS, compositor, Chi
cago .
I'nidcntllled man. 5 feet X Inches, lfij
pounds, Ij years old.
Fire Trap of the Worst Kind.
The victims were taken to ttols ton's
..mnrgue and nil day the place was Jllled
with anxlot crowds. -
The building was a lire trap of the
worst kind, according to experts. There
vvpro but two exits, a narrow stairway
l;,-iding down he four iloors of the
building, nd an uncompleted lire-escape
m the rear.
The fire started on the second floor,
presumably from a lighted cigar drop
ped on the carpet. Guests occupying
upper rooms In the front part of the
hostelry, aroused by the screams or a
woman, were able to escape down the
stairway, and about thirty people
reached safety by means of the lire-escapes.
To add to the horror, however,
this gave way while others were at
tempting to escape and three men were
dashed to death on the pavement be
low. For the people still in the rear
rooms there was now no escape save by
All but fourteen of the guests aL the
hotel were out of town persons. Most
of them came to Chicago to attend the
International Live Stock show. Up to
10 o'clock last night persons were taken
in at the hotel, and in every room or
place In which a cot could be erected,
it is said, guests were nccoimnodated.
A large number of stockmen, with their
families were turned away.
Shortly after the fire broke out the
flremn rushed up the stairway into the
tilace and began the work of rescue
Men, women and children wero carried
down ladders, lire escapes and snioUe
lllled balls.
In one Instance a fireman saved si
woman from running to the rear of the
building to certain death on the fourth
floor, only tp be. forced to drop her from
the third floor' to the roof of an ad
joining building. The woman hold her
seven-year-old sou In her arms. She
was carried from the roof of the build
ing to the lli'ovoort house, where a phy
sician was summoned. It was found
that tticir Injuries were slight.
The hotel was constructed of brick.
There was but one stairway loading to
the upper floors, and a lite escape In
the front of the building.
U. C. Weber, the night clerk, was one
of the first persons to discover smoke
nn the second floor, Tt I believed that
the tint began In this section of the
building, Weber refused to make any
statement, and after he had secured
possession of the hotel register ho wns
taken to the Central Station where ho
Is being detained.
Warned by Screams.
A short time after the fire was dis
covered consternation reigned on the
tipper Iloors. Frederick Sheppard, seven
years old, was one of the first to be
awakened by the smoke. He awakened
bis mother and both began screaming,
Many persons were thus wanted of tho
danger and made their escape.
The woman was so panic, stricken,
however, that she was not among tho
first to attempt to escape, and she was
making her way Into the most danger
ous part of the building when a fire
man seized her and her son and con
ducted them to the floor below, where
ho dropped theip out of a window.
J. IJ. Herbert, of Hellnevllle, O,,
Jumped from the fourth floor, where ho
had been sleeping. Ho struck on u. roof
and his right leg was broken, and he
suffered Internul injuries, He was taken
to tho County hospital,
W, J. Thomas, a mall clerk of Cedar
Jtaplds, Jumped through a window on
the fourth lloor, and In hl.s blind haste
narrowly escaped falling to the street,
He managed to make his way to tho
fire-escape and climbed to the ground.
Previous (0 Thomas' escape twenty
five to thirty persons had climbed down
the fire-escape to tho street. All were
In (heir nlgjit clothing.
Allen Oldorff, of Milwaukee, made a
jri'iim il.'HiHiu ft-oin the fourth floor
by scaling the wall
ninnnst nf Ihn
Iron shutters. Oldori
" itcd that ho
hud seen at least n. auztn persons on
the top lloor vainly endeavoring' to
make their way from tho building by
menus qf the front stairway.
Many or the bodies were found In the
beds. Others were found In the hall
ways lying face downward. Some were
half clad and others wore nothing but
night clothing. It was by means of
articles and letters In the pockets of
what little clothing some of the dead
persons wore that many Identifications
wero made.
Building Agents Blamed.
V. A. Smith, proprietor of the hotel,
"I am certainly not to blame for this
awful catastrophe. Three weeks ago
the agents of this building were noti
fied to place a stairway In the rear of
the building and also to build a fire
wall around the freight elevator shaft
In tho rear. The contractors came and
looked the building over, but nothing
was done. Last night our seventy
rooms were all filled and I should judge
that we had about 125 or 150 guests.
From what I can learn the lire started
In the rear of tho building on the sec
ond floor."
Chief Musham, of the fire depart
ment, says that in some ways it was
the worst fire he has attended during
his career.
"The building," said tho chief, "was
one of the worst fire-traps I have ever
seen. Tho floors in places had cracks
In them large enough to drop a penny
through, and the smoke juBt sifted
through and suffoi ated the inmates of
the rooms before they had time to make
their way into the hallways."
Coroner's Opinion.
A jury was empannelled this after
noon by Coroner Traegert to ascertain
the causes of the disaster and to fix
the guilt for negligence. After view
ing the bodies of the victims of the
tire the jury went to tho hotel, where
an examination was made of the prem
ises. The jurors were then dismissed
to meet for the inquest, which will be
gin Dee. 12. At the conclusion of the
Inspection, the coroner said:
"Tho fire undoubtedly was caused by
the explosion of an oil stove In the
rear of the third floor. The building
is very carelessly constructed, the fire
escape Is worthless, the rooms are nu
rageo oly small', and Z Is nothing short
of a crime that sin. a a building should
have been used as a housing place for
human beings."
Yenger's livery Stable Consumed by
the Flames The Cunningham
Hotel in Danger.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Dec. 4. Fire was discov
ered In Yeager's livery stable, in the
rear of Main street, near Cunningham's
hotel, at about 10 o'clock last evening.
The flames made rapid progress and
tho building was soon consumed. The
conflagration then spread to the II wry
connected with Cunningham's hotel
and several small buildings nearby.
At a late hour the lire was burning
fiercely ana the hotel property was In
danger of destruction.
Tho Eminent Archaeologist Is Pre
sented with a Medal,
By Kicluslve Wirt tiom Hie AisucUfed 1'rees.
Philadelphia, nee. 4. Prof. Jl. v.
Hllprecht, the eminent archaeologist,
was tonight presented by tho Univers
ity of Pennsylvania with a diploma
awarding to him the Lucy Wharton
Drexol medal for his excavations at
Nippur and his publications on the sub
.led. The fund for the medals was estab
lished last month by Lucy Wharton
Diesel, who donated to tho university
tho sum of ?2,000, the income of which
is to bo expended for medals to bo
awarded once a vcar, for the best
archaeological excavation, or for tho
best publication based on archaeolo
gical excavations by an English speak
ing scholar named by those already
possessing It.
Fire Department for Tobyhanna.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Strmidsluirg, Pa., Deo. l.-Tohyhunna,
lh village atop the Pocono mountains, is
to have a tiro department. For some time
past this Important matter Ims been imi
tated but not until Wednesday night was
any definite action taken, c. K. lUirlcev
the local superintendent of tho Lehigh
Coal and Navigation company's Interests
presided and ho with Messrs. Lyneh and
Yotheis wero appointed nN'onimlttco to
arrangu for apparatus and report at a
meeting to bo held noxt week,
Blown to Atoms by Dynamite.
I)y KTcluttrc Who from 'flic Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Doc. 4. Horace 12. Kelllg
aged 43 years, superintendent of tho (Jer
mantowa Crematory company, was blown
to atoms today by an explosion of dy
namite, Tho dynamite was used for
blasting purposes In tho cemetery at
tached to tho crematorv and K..IK,- .
carrying twelve sticks of the explosive
Into a tool house when he stumbled and
dropped his bundle, An explosion fol
lowed ami Kelllg was blown to pieces.
Pennsylvania Railroad Tunnel,
0 Eicluslve Wire from The AssocUted Vttu.
Now York, Doe, 4. Governor OJoll said
today that an act of tin! legislature
granting a franchise for tho Pennsylvania
railroad tunnel under New York In cam
tho board of aldermen refuso to grant tho
franchlsu would be unconstitutional.
Skiff Went Over the Dam.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pius.
Rice's Landing, Pa Deo. 4.-A skirt
containing Charles Love, uged S3 years,
and John Rock, aged 10 years, wont over
Dam No. g on the Monangahela liver,
last night, and the occupants wero both
drown V' I
American Representative to
Japan Dies Suddenly.
Bj F.tcliulTe Wire from The AswdsteJ Tresi.
Washington, Dec. 4. The Japanese
minister called at the stale department
In haste today to communicate to Sec
retary Hay that a cablegram which he
had received from the minister for for
eign affairs nt Tnklti, dated today, stat
ed that while Mr. Iluek. the- United
States minister to Japan wns on a bunt
ing trip this morning, he wab taken
suddenly 111 ilnd expired. Death Is said
to have been due to heart failure. The
hunt which Mr. Buck was attending
took place In the suburbs of Toklo,
The deceased minister was born In
Maine, but was appointed to his post
from Georgia, In April, 1897. Ills serv
ice covered a critical and Important
chapter of Japanese history.
. The state department will take the
necessary steps to see that Mr. Buck's
remains are brought to this country for
Interment If his family so desire. Hunt
ington Wilson, the secretary of lega
tion, will be designated to take charge.
Spread of the New England Foot and
Mouth Disease Is Alarming.
Cases in Rhode Island.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated press.
Waterbury, Conn., Dec. 4. Byron
Kldrldge,, of this city, has discovered
in n heril of twenty cows on a dairy
farm nt Goshen nine cases of foot and
mouth disease. One cow died early
last spring, after a terrible swelling
of the tongue. Of the nine cases now
reported, six cows were saved by ex
tracting the ulcers in 'their feet and
by careful cleansing methods. The
other three cases could not be cured.
The cows, as soon as aflllcted with the
ailment, are said to Immediately cease
giving any regular quantity of milk.
These are the first authentic reports
of the disease In this state.
Boston, Dec. 4. Shipments of cattle
may be made to Great Britain from
Portland, Me., while the foot and mouth
disease Is beblng fought In New Eng
land. A cable message from England
received yesterday by C. P. Jameson,
general manager of the Dominion line,
announced the British government will
allow cattle loaded at Portland to be
landed in Great Britain If they can be
got on board ship without passing
through an Infected district. At pres
ent there are no known cases of the
foot and mouth disease In Maine, and
Vif stnte is ,"ot Miuirnntlwd by .the
United States government.
In a telegram to Acting Secretary of
Agriculture Moore, Dr. Salmon says
that the situation here Is very serious,
and that there are about .1,000 cattle in
the herds known to be affected.
New cases, he says, are constantly
being found. ICxtenslvo outbreaks nf
the disease have occurred in Vermont,
but Dr. Salmon believes the situation
cau be handled by slaughtering and
disinfecting there.
rrovldence. 11. L. Dec. 4. The spread
of the fool and mouth disease among
cattle In this state is becoming alarm
ing. Thirty-seven cattle on two farms
In North Providence and Lincoln were
fonnd to be affected yesterday. Two
men who have been tending these herds
have the disease.
Is Determined
More Rigid Inquiry.
H.v Kxilndvc Wlic front 'Hi.; A.-ociited l'ie-.,
New York, Den. 1. Out of i'.soo im
migrants arriving here today on three
steamship, live tier cent, were held for
examination by the board of inquiry at
Kills Island, This is the largest pro
portionate number of Immigrants ever
detained on the Island. Of those arriv
ing within the last ten days, sixty-two
were deported yesterday.
It Is understood that the immigration
commissioner had determined on a
more rigid inquiry into destinations,
business and tlnnuclal status of Immi
grants and also on a more thorough In
spection of them with a view to pre
venting tho entrance of contract labor
ers an'd peisous suffering from con
tagious diseases,
By Kxrhulft Wire fruirt The As.oolsted Press.
Washington, Dec. 4. Tho south storm
In conjunction with a high area now over
Lake Buperlor will cause snow Friday
over the northeastern districts, probably
heavy in New Kngland, Interior New
ork, northwestern Now Jersey and
northeastern Pennsylvania, There will
he also rain or snow in iouth portion of
the middle Atlnntiu states, while in the
south states tho weather will clear. Therei
will also b snow In the lake region, tho
central valleys, the northwest and ex
treme central west.
On Bntuiday generally fair weathor Is
Indicated except along the wmdwaiil
shores of tho CU'aat Lakes whnra onuw
Hurries are probable. It will bo much
colder ill thn south Atlantic states Friday
and colder Saturday In tho middle Al
iunde states.
Two Children Burned to Death.
Uy Ifeclushe Wire from 1 ho Anudated l"rcs.
Detroit, Mich., Dec. 4. A Bpeclal to the
Frco j'ress from Saginaw, Mich., says
that two children of Mrs. Alnsley Bowers,
91 Starts street, wero burned to death
this afternoon, whan the mother left them
nlono In tho house for a few minutes,
One child was n girl of six years of ago
and the other an infant of two months,
Princeton's Football Captain.
Dy Kxclusbe Wire from The Associated 1'icss.
Princeton, N, J Deo. 4,-At a meeting
tonight of the foot ball men who played
In tho Yalo-Piincetou game, John It,
Dewltt, 1904, right guard on the team, was
elected to succeed Ralph Davis, J90I. who
was re-elected but declined to act as cap
tain for another season,
An Allentown Shoplifter,
By exclusive W'he from The Associated Tress.
Allentown, Pa., Dec. 4.Mrs. Mary
Bhollpplu was urrested this evening la tha
act of shoplifting. I'ollce soarched hue
homo and found thousands of dollars
worth of articles; Including 132 silk muf
flers, hundreds of ya'ijls of lace, three fur
lion's, seal skin sacquTs. boxes of buttons
Dr. Herran Renresentino the Col
ombian Government Is Prepar
too to Rush Neootlatlons.
The Stnte Department Now Under
stands That Concha Acted Wholly
Upon His Own Views in Blocking
Cession Resort to Telegraph Now
to Hasten Procedure Improved
Prospects for Satisfactory Treaty
with Colombia Will Suspend All
Negotiations with Nicaragua.
By exclusive Wire tiom The AnuiiaKri 1'iess.
Washington, Dec. 4. Negotiations for
a canal treaty have been resumed with
Dr. Herran, representing the Colombian
government, and the state department
is hopeful of being able to present a
treaty to the senate within a short
time. The linn attitude of this gov
ernment In Its refusal to be buncoed by
the South American republic seems to
have brought about a better under
standing, and Minister Herran has ap
proached negotiations in a more liberal
frame of mind than Ills predecessor,
Mr. Concha, exhibited.
Mr. Herran has been a resident of
this country for many years, and has
a better understanding of American
characteristics than most of the men
who come to Washington to represent
South American governments. He has
been secretary of the Colombian lega
tion for several years. He has begun
the work of removing embarrassments
In a way that encourages the hope of
speedy and practical results.
There are certain communications
that Dr. Herran will have to exchange
with his government at Bogota before
the final draft of the treaty can be
agreed upon, but It Is understoqd that
these communications will be made by
telegraph rather than to wait for the
slow transmission of tho malls. It is
not usual to settle such serious negoti
ations In this way, but time is very Im
portant, and there Is no reason why tho
state department should not accept
telegraphic instructions giving Minister
Herran full power to close the nego
tiations. Concha's Fault.
It now appears that the deadlock cre
ated a week ago was due more to the
arbitrary assumption of power by Min
ister Concha than to the misunder
standing or deliberate refusal of the
Colombian government lo accede to
conditions named by the 1'nited States.
Mr. Concha seemed to regard himself
as an ambassador having full power to
decide for his government what it
should accept, and what interpretations
It should place upon Its own constitu
tion. Ills own Judgment was that tho
i constitution of Colombia gave no power
to congress for the alienation of terri
tory even by perpetual lease. The legal
representatives uf tho stale depart
ment could, find no such prohibition in
Hits Colombian constitution.
Ths report that .Secretary liny had
resumed negotiations with the represen
tatives or -Mcariiugua and Costa Rica
for a treaty granting concessions for a
Nicaragunn canal also had a good effect
on tho Colombian government; but it Is
denied that these negotiations with Nic
aragua had anything more that a tenta
tive character. The president 1ms no
power under the Spooner bill to nego
tiate for the Nicaragua route until he
has given up the hope of securing the
Panama canal.
President's Power.
Senators Spoouer and Himna had a
conference with Secretary Hay todny
and Mr. Spooner tiled to make it clear
to tho secretary that his power to ne
gotiate a treaty with Nicaragua is con
ditional on the abandonment of all ef
fort to secure, the Panama canal. The
senator holdti that the president's) power
Is explicit and his Instructions from
congreHs mandatory.
He Is authorized by the Spooner act
to purchase the Pauama canal when
ho Is satlslled that the company can
give a clear title and when he can se
cure from Colombia a satisfactory con
cession granting the United States per
petual control over the necessary terri
tory for the construction, operation and
protection of that waterway, Hut If he
iniuu'i reuuio mese assurances in re
lation to title and concessions, lie is
autlioi'bieil to proceed to negotiate with
Nicaragua and Costa Hleu and build n
canal by that route. The senate would
regard a treaty with Nicaragua us an
admission that the prc-seudent had
abandoned the Panama rout el
The secretary of state has therefore
been advised to bo careful In regard to
his negotiations and not eend to the
senate a treaty with Nicaragua and
Costa Idea, until tho president has
abandoned the hope of completing tho
iMinima cauai, Tiie unproved pros
pects for a satisfactory treaty with Col
ombia will naturally suspend all nego
tiations between this government and
Nlcaraugua, and these will not be re
sumed until the president Is satisfied
that ho cannot deal with Colombia,
Killed by Fast Mail.
By exclusive Wire from The AjsocUtcd I'rejs.
Orecnsburg, Dec, 4. Lizzie Kwltt and
Mayme Myers, aged about 13 years each,
were Btruck by tho fast mull truln on
thn Pennsylvania railroad while crossing
tho tracks at Southwest Junction today.
Miss Kw(t was Instantly killed and
Miss Myers fatally Injured. Miss Rail
ing, a companion, escaped unhurt.
Ohio Miners Demand Increase.
By i:clutlvc Wire from The Associated press.
Columbus. O., Dec. f. It Is aiilhoiltat
Ively stated that the Ohio miners will
demand nn Increase of tt) cents a ton in
tbe seiilo for pick-mined coal.
Supremo Cour.t of New York Inter
feres in Caso of William Potter.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Asoclti'd Press.
.Schoneetndy, N, Y Dec. 4. Supremo
Court Justice V. O. Howard today
granted an Injunction restraining
Painters' union, No. 62 of this city,
from In any wny treating William Pot
ter as not n member of the union, Pot
ter was expelled from tho union be
cause he Is a member of the militia nnd
as such served as a private during the
Hudson Valley strike.
Potter's complaint states that ho has
been refused u copy of the accusation,
and was never given it trial, hence the
expulsion Is null and void.
On this ground and on the ground
that the disqualifying of militiamen,
special police ofllcers or deputy sher
iffs, Is In contravention of public safety,
the injunction was applied for.
Included In the complaint Is a letter
written by Potter to every master
painter In Schenectady asking employ
ment and requesting that if work can
not be given him the reason bo stated.
Every master painter replied refusing
him work, nil saying that they would
employ him If they could, und one man
said frankly that it was n humiliating
admission for him to make that ho has
nothing to say about the management
of his business. Another said that he
was in need of men, but could not em
ploy Potter.
A Philadelphia Specialist Called
Uraemia Has Developed with
Alarming Symptoms.
By HxehKive Wiic from The Associate! Pi eta.
Washington, Dec. 4. At 11.30 o'clock
tonight the condition of ex-Speaker
Thomas 13. Iteed, who has been 111 here
since Tuesday evening, was reported to
be critical. A few minutes before that
time, Dr. Gardiner, one of the attending
physicians, handed the following bulle
tin to the press:
"At 10 p. m. Mr. Heed's condition Is as
follows: 'Temperature, 100 U-&: pulse, SS;
respiration, 31. Mr. Iteed suffered from
some degree of uraemlc coma daring the
afternoon, but his mind is again clear
this evening. His symptoms
are rapidly subsiding and his appendicit
is Is not a factor in his present condi
tion. (Signed),
"VV. C. Goodnow, M. I).
"K. A. Gardiner, M. IJ.
"T. L. MacDonald. M. D."
Dr. Gardiner made two visits to his
patient during the evening, leaving the
first tline!aCt. .half-past, eight o'clock.
Later heVbnd' Drs. Goodnow and Mac
Donald came and remained at the ho
tel for nearly two hours, some of the
time with Mr. Reed and the remain
der in consultation over his case. Dr.
Goodnow, whoso name appears to the
bulletin, tonight In addition to the oth
er physicians, Is n Phlladelphlan and
was called into the cose as "expert
consultant." He expected In leave for
home again on the midnight train. Dr.
Gardiner was not disposed to talk
about the case tonight nor to add
anything to the bulletin, saying that
It contained an exact statement of
Mr. Reed's condition. He did say. how
ever, that Mr. Heed's condition was
critical, but that It was better than
at Z o'clock this afternoon. In some
reports, Mr. Heed, he added, was bet
ter than last night and in some re
spects be was worse, lie was better
so far as tho appendicitis symptoms
were concerned, but the ureamie fea
tures give the case a graver aspect.
After issuing the bulletin the doctor
said he was going home for tho night
and would leave his assistant, Dr.
Uishop, who would remain with Mr.
Iteed during the night. ,
Fire Which Destroyed the Structure
of Incendiory Origin.
By exi'lii'hc Wire fium The Adsorialcil l'rc.
Itedford, Pa., Dec. I. The long wooden
bridge that crossed the Juniata river at
the narrows on the liedford and Cham
bersburg turnpike, about a mile from
here, was destroyed by fire this morn
ing. The tire Is believed to have been the
work of some peisons who have become
angered at the protracted litigation
over the condemnation of Hie turnpike
by the court and taken the law into
their own hands, A notice was posted
for the keeper of the toll-gatn telling
him to move out, as his house would be
blown up soon. There Is nn clue to the
Pershing Locates Spanish Vessels.
Br exclusive Wire from Thr Assorlttrd I'rm.
Maulln, Dec. 4, I'uiHuiii Pershing has
located what Is left of a fleet nf small
gunboats which the Spaniards sank in
Lake l.nao, Island or Mindanao, lu
HAS. Mhlle returning from lllga'u lo
Camp Vicars lileudly .Moros guided tho
captain to a point where some portions of
the wrecks were visible. An effort will
probably be mnde lo ralso the vessels,
Fireman Decapitated,
By Exclusive Wire ,rom The Assoiiate il Press,
Lancaster, Pn Dec, 4. .lames Hill, a
fireman on the Pennsylvania railroad, wan
decapitated near ChristluulU last ulshl,
During shifting he went ahead of his
ti alii ns flagman und when returning
wns struck by a west-bound train and
hurled under his ' own train, and his
head completely suverad from tho body.
His home, was in Philadelphia and the
body was sent there today.
Justice Holmes Confirmed,
By Kxcludve Wit c from 1 lie Aesoclaled Press.
Wnshliigton, Dec, I. lion, Oliver Wen
dull Holmes, wus today confirmed by the
senate to buccccd the lato Justice Gray
as o, member of tho bench of the 1 'nlted
States Supremo court. Thero was no op.
position and tho nomination wus not dis
cussed. '
To Fill Un-expired Term.
,By Exclushe Wire from The Asscrutcd hes. "
Hhamokln, Dee. I. James Tin ley, of
Wltburton, elected mine inspector of the
Suvcntb Anthracite district last fall, re
ceived notice today of his uppointment
of Inspector for Hits iin-oxpircd term of
Inspector Edward Hreniian, of this place,
.who resigned lust week.
Note of President Castro, of Vene
zuela, Is Deemed Inadequate An
Ultimatum in Prospect.
By exclusive Wire from The Associated l'u-.
Derlln, Dec. 4. The note of President
Castro, of Venezuela, presented to the
German minister at Caracas a week
ago, Is not satisfactory to the German
government. It Is deemed Inadequate
and as being probably designed to gain
further time. Its partial acceptance of
the German demands was coupled with
conditions that arc unacceptable.
The exchange of views, with the lirll
ish foreign olllce has resulted la a de
cision to proceed with the Joint action.
An ultimatum will almost certainly be
presented In a few days. The phrasing
of the note Is the subject or present
correspondence between the respective
governments, whose action will not
await the arrival In the West Indies of
the cruisers. Amazon, Niobe and Ari
adne, as Germany already has an
ample force there. The departure of
these cruisers has been Indefinitely
A seemingly inspired article in the
Cologne Gazette- today says that de
spite Germany's patience with Vene
zuela, all hope has been abandoned in
Kerlin of a peaceful settlement and
that Venezuela has treated Germany in
a maimer almost Insulting, because
Venezuela published nfllclal communi
cations without Germany's consent,
coupled with Improper comment.
E. B. Thomas Elected to Fill Out the
Term of Alfred Walter.
By Inclusive Who from 1 lie A.ssoii.ited 1'rrjs.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4. E. B. Thomas
kwas elected president of the Lehigh
Valley Itailroad company and the Le
high Valley Coal company, In place of
Alfred Walter, resigned, at special
meetings of the boards of directors of
those companies held today.
Mr. Thomas makes the statement
that the Lehigh Valley railroad will bo
operated Independently as heretofore,
and lu no manner connected with tho
operations of the Erie railroad or with
any other of the trunk lines. While
maintaining friendly and cordial rela
tions with all of them, the property, He
says, must be worked on its merits.
Mr. Thomas is.chairmnn of the board
of directors of the Erie railroad.
Records Support the War Department
in Recommending Restoration.
By Exclushe Wile from The Associated 1'ress.
Washington, Dec. 4, General Dates,
paymaster general uf the army, has
sent a communication to Adjutant Gen
eral Corbln In regard to the army can
teen question in which lie says:
"The claim of the war department In
recommending the restoration of tho
cantepji to the army that during tliu
operations of the canteen law the dis
cipline of the army was superior, de
sertions much less and that there were
fewer fines .and forfeitures by courts
martial on account uf breaches of mil
itary discipline resulting from the use
of Intoxicants by men in tho service,
appears to be fully borne out by tho
records of the paymaster general's of
The; Doctors Claim That His Recov
ery Will Be Impossible.
By exclusive Wlie Irom The Associated Pre,
Philadelphia, Dec. 4. Harry John
stone, tho actor, who last Monday night
shot and killed Kutu Hassott, of Keith's
Uljoti Theater Stock company, and then
turned the weapon upon himself is
gradually dying at the liusjUtul. Dur
ing tho day he revived slightly, but the
physicians say Ills recovery Is impos
sible. A consultation was held by the
doctor today, at which It was decided
that an operation to remove tho two
bullets which Johnstone Hied into his
breast, would be futile, and they are.
now awaiting the end.
The murdered woman's body was to
day forwarded to the homo of her par
cuts at Aurora, Ills.
Diplomatic Appropriation Bill.
By exclusive. Wire from The A,ycl.itfd 1'iess.
Washington, Dec. 1. An amendment lo
the diplomatic appropriation bill, appro
priating J."i,ii0 for this beuellt of the hairs
of the Into Thomas T, J'renlls, was favor
ably reported lo the sisuaie today from
tho committee on foreign relations. Mr,
Prentls was t'liitcd Statt. consul to St.
Pierre, Martinique, when that place was
destroyed by the cmpllou of the Mont
I'elee volcano, anil was ainoilR the vic
tims of that disaster.
Steamship Arrivals.
By exclusive Wirn from Tbe Aaxoclated Pins,
New York, Dee. I. Arrived: Steamers
.eeland, Antwerp; Teutonic, Liverpool,
Liverpool, arrived, sleamer Majestic,
New York; Naples, arrived, steamer
Truvo, New York; Queeiistown, sailed,
Oceanic, New York; Cherbouig, sailed,
steamer Kron Piinco Wllhelm, from
Ilrcmcn and Southampton and Now York,
Dr. Duncan Out on Ball.
By Exclusive H'tre from The Axsoclited Press.
Pittsburg. Dec. 4.-Dr. Kills S. Duncan,
who Is charged with shooting Hruco
Head, of Louisville. Ky., at Camp Kcn
nefeck on tho now Wabash railroad, sev
eral weeks ago, was released from Jail
n 1M.OW ball today. Head is reported out
of dancer.
Emploues ot Goxe Bros. & Go., tin
Susquehanna Goal Go. and D.,
L. and W. Go. on Stand.
Attorneys for the Big Companies Sit
Back in Their Chairs and Allow the
Statements of the Miners' Wit
nesses, for the Most Part, to Go
Unchallenged Local Independent
Operators and Mr. Lenahan for the
Non-union Men Do the Bulk of
What Little Cross-examining Is
Done Commissioners Ask Some
Yesterday nothing occurred to halt
and nothing occurred to further tho Im
pression gained by many at the ses
sions of the Mine Strike commission
that tho parties lo the controversy are
expecting another Interruption for thn
active renewal of the negotiations for
amicable settlement.
The statistical evldnaco which was to
be prepured during the ten days' re
cess Is still wanting and nothing 1st
heard of it. The more orderly and ex
peditious method of procedure which
was to be agreed upon by the attorneys
is not apparent. Practically all the ev-.
idence submitted yesterday concerned
companies not represented before the
commission, and scarcely a word came
from any attorney representing one of
the big. companies.
It was given out the night before that
the miners would proceed during the
succeeding three or four days with the
examination of witnesses from the Haz
elton district. The witnesses from the
collieries of Coxa Bros. & Co. an unrep
resented company were exhausted be
fore adjourning time, and instead ot
taking up the other and represented
companies from that district the miners
stepped over the mountain to Nantl
coke, lu the Wllkes-liarre district, and
took up tho consideration of affairs at
the collieries of another unrepresented
company. There were not enough ot
these to till in the remainder of the day,
'and another skip was taken up the val
ley lo Scranton, mid a couple of Dela
ware, Lackawanna, and Western wit
nesses put on tn tell harmless storied
about being refused employment. The
only "one to controvert any considerable
amount of testimony was Attorney John
T, l.enahan, representing tho non-union
men. Attorney H. C. Iteynolds, of the
Independents, and several of the Inde
pendent operators themselves, helped
some In lining bi the day by asking a
few questions now and then on rather
general matters. As far as furthering
the work uf the commission Is con
cerned the day was not what might bo
properly termed a. big success.
Not Yet Instructed.
At the opening ot tho morning session.
Attorney Wolvorton stated to the com
mission that he had not heard from
Coxo Urns. & Co., ns to whether lie
should or should not cross-examine the
witnesses who were being put on from
this company's minis. He hoped, how
ever, by a o'clock in be able lo say def
initely whether or not he would con
duct stitili eriis.-i .vamlnatlnns. Ai 2
o'cluck Mr. Wolvenon asked to be fur
ther Indulged until morning as he had
not "been able to got In cominunlcatlon
with tho company." It was brought out
later on the witness stand that Mr.
Ctidllck, of Coxe Ilros. & Co., was In
the city during the day. It apptars.
however, ho did not come clothed-with
authority to advise tho counsel as tn
whether or not the company would be
come a party to the hearings.
General In teres i lu the proceedings
seem to lie materially on the wane, Yes
terday morning lor tho first time In the
history of the sessions there were va
cant seats, both In and out of the bar
enclosure. Usually, It has been that
four policemen nnd as inuny more tip
staves were necessary to keep the
crowds from overflowing the room.
The wltuessep from the Coxo mines
were asked a set series of questions
bearing: on wages, hours, dockage, the
danger and unheulthfulness of mine
work, lack of proper inspection, Injus
tices, discriminations, blacklisting and
so on, Tho stories of these witnesses
being nllowed to stand with scarcely
any qualification that would come from
cross-examination, put the company In
a very poor light. The commissioners,
and Mr, Wittklns more particularly,
brought out sami Importune qualifica
tions by questions regarding statements
that seemed to them, vague, unreason
able nnd erroneous. Scores ot halt
truths would have gone on the record
unchallenged hail It not been for tho
commissioners' questions.
For instance, a fireman from one o
Continued on Page 3. ,
-r -r -f 4- 4- -f V
Washington, Dec. 4. Forecast
for Friday and Saturday Eastern
Pennsylvania: ltuin or snow lu
south, snow probably heavy In
north pmtlou Friday: brisk to high
north winds; Saturday, fair, cold
. -. .- i