The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    V -Xt- V u i
Tifcw"'? . - . iym .,f b
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Next Eisteddfod Will Be Held on New
Years Day Masquerade Party.
Notes and Personals.
The ncM musical of local Inter
est will bo Hip eisteddfod In be bold
under the auspices oC the Klrst Welsh
Congregational chureh Sunday school,
on Now Van's afternoon and evening,
January 1, 1901. The adjudicator's se
lected ijrc UH follows:
Music, I'rof. Tom Thorhtiin, A. C;
recitations, Itov. K. S. Jones, D. 1).,
and Mrs. G. W. Powell (Morftidd). Ac
companist, Mlbs Norma William. D.
J. Evans will bo clmlimun of tbc nf tor
noon session und S. K. Jones will net
ns conductor. In tbc evening Iluv,
David Jones will bo chnlrtnatt and Hon.
II. M. Kdvvaids conductor.
Tbc programme, Includes competi
tions or jecltutlons for cblldien not
over ten years of age; cblldren's solo:
recitation for girls not over sixteen
3 eats; alto solo; questions on the life
of. Joseph; tenor solo; recitation for
l)oj s not over sixteen years; double
quartette; addresses by the bards, bar
itone solo, recitation for adults, sopiauo
solo, duct for tenor and bass.
There will also bo competitions on nn
address In Welsh or English, organ feo
kcllon, leading In Welsh, questions on
"The CM1 War," tianslutlon of hymn,
and a mixed party competition, for
chorus not les than twenty-five in
number. The names of all competitors
must bo In the hands of the secretary
mi or before December 2S.
turbntice at a chilstenlug at the home
of Mis. Italtle .Skotch .on Seinntun
sticet, and nss.iultcd May Holiday, was
hold In $100 ball by Alderman Moore.
Funeral of Mis. Jones.
Hov. James Uounlnger, pastor of tbc
Ihnbury Methodist church,
officiated at tbo f uncial of the lato Mis.
John Terra Jones yesteiday afternoon.
Deceased was a resident nt Natlcoko,
but o native of West Sernnlon and
was well known bote.
The sen ices were held nt the homo
of Mrs. Jones' father, Edmund Moses,
on Kynon sheet, and bin hit was made
in the Washburn sticet cemetery.
The pallbearers wcie James Jones,
John II. Jones, Thomas Miles, John
Jones, James Williams, and Chailcs
Masqueiade Party.
Mt. and Mis. Ch.ulcs Nlleh, of Ov
tord tieet. gave a masqueiade patty
last evening In honor of their daugh
ter, Kva. The fcatuies of the evening
weie blnglng and dancing. Those pies
ent weie:
The Misses Maig.utt Nolan, Annie
Nolan, Ella. M. Nolan, Daisy Clark,
faille Floyd, Sadlo Goodwin, Gertiude
Floyd, Bessie Yaple, Mao Nlles, Laura
Goodwin, ntlle Thornton, Jennie and
t'aiiie Nlles, Mrs. Goodwin.
Mr. and Mis. Niles and the Jiessis.
Thomas, C. Reed, i:mln How ells,
Joseph Davles, Godfiey Goodwin, Mr.
H.iylK Howaid Davies, Aithur PeteiF,
noi t De.voe, Will De.oe, Willie Aswell,
William Walsh and Joseph Nolan.'
Aldermauic Cases.
Mis. Maggie Weed, of the Sibley, was
finestcct on a w.urant from Aldeimnn
Kellow on Monday at the instance of
Mi.s. Clat.i Hauy, also of the Siblev,
who chaiged the defendant with mak
ing defamatory inraikbnbout her.
Mis. Weed waived a healing and en
teicd ball bcfoie 'Squho- Holland in the
bum of $300.
Geoige Hummel!, who cieated a dls-
Becent Social Events.
Miss Myrtle Hallett, of Gatileld ac
nue entertained a. paity'of fiiendo re
cently at her home In honor of her
guest, Miss Augusta nebcin, of Pltts
ton. A birthday pally was tendered Miss
Elsie Jones, or Keyser acnue, recent
ly, at which many joung people weie
Tlio legular weekly pia.vcr meeting will
bo hold In the Simpson Methodist Epis
copal church this evening.
Kov. J. S. Wright nour, the newly elect
ed pastor of the riist Baptist chinch, will
meet tlio members of the chinch at tlio
pi aver meeting this evening.
A regular meeting of the Sons of Cnm
hi la Republican club will bo held In Co
opoiatlve hall this cenlng at 7 50 o'clock.
A committee will be selected to woik out
tho plans for an elstoddlod to bn hold on
St. Patrick's day, March 1", 1W.
nue, were married joalorday afternoon at
2 o'clock In tlio parsonage of ilia filmp
pou Methodist Episcopal church by Hov.
II. C, McDermott, tlio pastor. After a
wedding trip tho couplo will icsldo in
The Tuesday afternoon Cnid club was
eutoilnlned estclday at the homo of
Mrs. David J. Davis, on South Ilyilo IMrk
avuiiio. Tomonow rvenlng Mis, Davis
nnd lier sister, Mhs Jeniilo Jenkins will
cnteitaln the Doll ir club nt n foimal
leceptlou at tlio homo of their pal cuts,
Mr. nnd Mis. tl. W. Jenkins.
Tho Dropptis nnd c'uihs bowled thteo
good gnnies nl the Wot SIdo Howling
club allejs last night. Tho Cm ha wcio
Hutney McDcimolt, of Jackson stteoi,
an employe In tho Itilggu shaft, was
stiuck under tho chin by a prop jcstei
doy and suffcicd a pnlnfut liijutv. Ho
was taken to tho West SIdo hospital.
Robert Roberts, of South Main avenue,
is ut tho Sei anion Private hospital, whero
lio uiideiwetit an operation, yestcrdnv,
for appviiiltcltln. His condition was vuiy
fnninbln lust evening.
John T. Jones, of 11 10 Eynon stieel, has
been uricsted at the InslntKO of his wlfo
on tho ehutgo nf Jisnult nnd balttiy.
The hem lug will lie held this evening bu
foie Alduiniau Millar.
't'ho lemnlns of a lllllo child of Mr.
nnd Mm. J. H. OianvlIIo, nt Simpson,
will nnho In this city nl 211 o'clock
this afternoon. Intel inent will bo made
In tho Wnshbitin street eeineteiy. P.
W. Tnguc bus chnrgo of tho funeial.
The Ui oilier HI, Andlow guild of St.
Davld'n Episcopal ehuich met last even
ing and transacted buslncs pcitnlnlng
to tho cluneh.
William Thomas, of Swclland sticet,
whllo attending to his duties at tho Cliff
wmks, estorday, met with a. palnlul ac
cident, injuilng Ills left hand badly, re
quiring about ton stitches to closo tho
w ound.
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's Preach Tar
The Rollevuo Loyal Ciusadois will met
In the mission school tonionow ocnlng.
Tho seventh annivcibniy of Itev, Thom
as do Gruchy's pastoiato will bo obseivid
in tho Jackion Street Baptist chtuch next
Sunday evening. Kov. Albert II. Smith,
of Noith Scianton, will pi each tho &ci
mcn. While responding to an alarm on Sim
day morning ono of the inembcis of En
gine company No. I! lost a coat. Tho find
cr will please retain to tho engine hoiio.
The members of Division No. 3, Ancient
Ot tier of Hibernians, w 111 hotel a progress
ive euchre puty and daneo In Meats hall
on Wednesday evening, December 17.
Complaint hns been made again to tho
police thet tho man known as "Jack, tho
Hunger," is af his old game again and
his been annoving residents ot Academy
.iticct. A man known to the polico ha"
bpfii airested "several times foi this ot
olftnc and if caught ngaln will bo sum
ninilly de.ilth with.
The remains of the late Daniel Min.a
li.m. who died at his home, .!0S Jlerldlan
sticet, weie taken to Tobhanna foi In
tel meat.
Frank II. Ru .sell, of Dam illc, and Miss
Canlo M. Austin, of 413 North Main axe-
i 11 1 III 1
We present some unusually attractive offerings this week. J!
If Children's Hosiery ii
S5 An incomparable line and matchless values, in all makes Sh
S and grades. Children's Heavy Ribbed Fast Black Hose, sizes
5 to 10 inclusive, double knees, heels and toes. t i gi
' "air I if .
-j Children's Extra Heavy Black Ribbed Hose, all sizes, st
35 with double knees, heels and toes. There is nothing :
$ made that will wor better lor the money 1 5c
a Other qualities and makes In Children's Hose of all colors Sri
mm- - , . . . ..
a ana Diacu, up to 50c the p,ur.
Childien's l-'leece Lined Hose, double knees, heels and toes, $
fast black and vet v warm; Those wear as well as 1 Si
unlined goods. Prices 25c and 1 2C Si
Children's Cashmeie Hose, with double knees.heel
and toes. The most comfortable stocking made 25C ss.
Other qualities at 30c, 35c, 4oc and 45c the pair.
Hosiery for Ladies I
There's more good Hosierv to pick from here than in any ?
other two stocks In town put together. Of course, everybody
knows that.
Plain or Fleece Lined Hose for Women, in fast
black and colors; Matchless values at
Women's Plain Fleece Lined or Fancy Hose, 30
different makes to choose from. All extra good values
too. Choice
25c 51
2 Other special values in Cotton Hose af 50c and 37;c. S'.
15 Lisle Thread Hose for Women, Heimsdorf. dye. T'
2 fine guage, high spliced heel, etc. The pi ice 50C S'
Other Lisle Thread Hose at 39c and up to 75c &
;-; Ladies Fancy Hose in all the new colors and combinations IS
53 including many novelties, 25c to $2.50 the pair. ' 5!
All Silk Hose, in black, colors and fancies, from $1.00 to &
15 $3.00 the pair. 5T:
S Men's Furnishings I
New Neckwear for gentlemen, in all the new shades and Si
rg patterns, including Stripes. Plaids, Persians, Dots, Solid Colors Sri
rg Black, efc. Neckwear that is no better in quality and not as &
new 111 style is being sold in this city Cx , ,-. S
g for 50c and 75c. Our price OUC SLtlCL jiOC :
la Mufflers lot Gentlemen in Barathea, Satin and Soft Silk, all 5
-j colors, with fancy stripes, polka-dots, etc. The assortment is 51
3 superb and prices range from 75c, Sl.oo, $1.50, 2.oo and up. ?
js A good Muffler saves many a doctoi's bill. H
j Umbrellas for Men S
u Good Umbrellas run anywhere from $1.00 to $10.00 each. H
1 here are cheaper ones here if you want them. X
Ourl.oo Umbrellas for men cannot be equalled anywhere S'
. else for value or style. Steel rod, good handles, best mercer-
ized cover and strong frame, guaranteed two vears. ..
3S Price ,,,," $1 00
& Others $1.50, $3,00 and $2,50 each. g
3 Our Gentleman" Umbrella has best Paragon, S-rib frame, &
steel rod, fancy handles, wilh silver or gold trim, also choice si
U natural wood handles. The cover is the best rain S
shedder and best wearer on earth , . $3.00
B!9M(!!B:(IWJBJB9!BBi fe I
Mih. Aithur li.innliiR unci (laughter, lio
hao been IfIUmk West Scianton lela
tlcs anil f 1 lends, left estolcla afternoon
to l.slt Jlr. and Mi. Tom Hcjnon in
Now Yoik.
Tred "W. Paff, of wrchlialil illncs, has
Kono on a huntliifj tilp villh a iiaity of
friends to AVIlllanifipoil.
Jllsses Mattlo Himhcs and Mattlo Poole
hac returned homo ftom a Alslt with
fi lends In Wllkcs-Hanc.
Miss Anna Lewis, of South llaln ave
nue. Is homo fiom a islt with lelatlvcs
In AVIlkes-Baric.
John Dais and fomllv, of Tieoman avo
inio, hnvo iemoed to Noith Scianton.
Patiolman II. T. Biadshtw is cnjoylns
his annual acatlon and Is In Now York.
Miss Umlly Sutton, of South Rebecca
aenue, Is lecovcilns fiom tlie effects of
a recent opeiatoin.
Miss Jessie Kellow, of Chestnut street,
has returned homo fiom p. lslt with
lelatlvcs In Honestlilc.
Mr. nnd Mis. Willlnm Kdwaids, of 1S.J
IJafaotto street, welcomed a daughter
Miss Leah Samuel, of DotlRO aenue, is
conllned to her homo bv Illness.
Therlow Brown, of Jackson street, is
suffeilnfr fiom an attack ot meningitis.
"William Lewis, of Allentown. has 10
tuined homo trom a lslt. with West
Scianton friends and lelathes.
James "Williams, of Chestnut street, is
homo from a visit in Ilallstund.
Aithur KiesKC. of West Plttston, ic
tuined bomn estetdav fi run a lslt with
lelatlvcs heic. I
JlKs Lottie WtiKstnff, of West Locust
Mrcct, entertained tho G. M. A. at a
g psy te 1 last o eninR1.
Misses Bertha and Maud Ciawfoid. of
Noith Lincoln acnue, aio 111 at their
Oeoige Milne--, of Clarksburg, West
Virginia, Is siting at his family homo
on Noith Main avenue.
Thomas Evans, of the West SIdo bank,
has lo.sttmed his duties after a lew days'
M sit to New Yoik.
Tlio Colonial club hold a meeting in
Washington hall last evening and in
stalled the following offlceis: Piesidcnt,
Reeso Jenkins: vice piusldeut. Stanley J.
Lewis; recoidlng sccietary. Silas Powell;
financial -ecietarv, Lvan Jones; treas
uier, W. II. Glbbs; tiustees, George Hill,
Peter Young and Will Thomas.
Mis. Jane Geehan, of Jessup, was a
visitor with North Main avenue tela
tivea jesteiday.
Mrs,. Marhhal Piestou, of Couit stieet,
is slowly inipiovlns" 110111 a recent ill
ness. '
Giant Pedetlck, of .Teiinjn, spent
Monday as the gue;: of Daniel Davis,
of Summit avenue.
T'ho tegular weekly meeting" of the
Women's. Cluiatlan Temperance union
will bo held Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mis. Suiah E. Gaidner, of 1921
Noi th Main avenuu.
MNs Edith Butce, of William stieet,
is recovering fiom a. recent illness.
Miss Olive Mead, enteitalnetl the Sun
shine club Fiiday evening at hei home
on Parker stieet.
Mead Heglon, who hns been vIMtlng
at tho home of his uncle, II. Mead, of
Parker .street, has leturneil to his home
in Sj rat u-e, N. Y,
Mi-,s liene tlanif.'-, is 111 at her home
on Wainer stieet.
Mr. and Mi.s. Depew, of Jer
myn, weio visiting Mr. and Mis. Gomer
Jnines, of Wan en .street, teoently.
JIl.-s Mmy Iidwaul", of AVarien
stieet, has ictuined fiom a visit In
The annual dinner and fair given by
the ladles of the- Providence Piesbytet
inn thuieh will be lield in the chinch
pailous on Thuif-duy and Fiiday even
ings of this week, The excellent tur
key shipper for Thiusdnj will he leady
niomptly- at fl o'clock-. Tickets aie
ilfl rents for adults and twenty.flvo
cents for children,
Mis. Gem go Wilder, is spending tho
winter In Ilonesdale.
Mi.s. r. B. Sllkmnn Is In ninghainton,
X. Y., attending the funeral of a rel
ative of tho family. .
Sesse Slckler and Brooks Tr.iuger, of
Itobeits avenue, aie on a hunting ex
pedition in the vicinity of MUl City.
Methodist Episcopal church last night.
A large number weio present anil n
deep Interest was displayed,
The bulltlliiff founerly oceuplctl by
Joseph Sleln hns been vacated toy hhn
nnd tho hank ofllrers have disposed of
tho litiltdliig to Mis. Louis L'ngtc, ttlm
will move It to the vacant lot on
Drinker street below her residence.
Fied Hnrtnoll, who han been a resi
dent here for ninny years, Is saying
farewell to Ills numerous friends pre
vious to his departure for his oltl homo
In England. Mr. IJartuoll has been in
falling health for some time and taken
tho trip In the hope that It will piovo
beneficial in his health.
M, J. Scott has necepted a position
with tho (Jiystnl Laundry mid will
lici rafter euro for their Interests hcie.
If. C. Cntr, of Biook street, litis been
entertaining; his patents who reside nt
I'rompton, during tho past week.
The Junger Mnonncrehor will conduct
a concert Tuesday evening, December
!). which piomlses to eclipse nil former
events of this kind. It is to be held In
the pnrlsh house of the Illekoiy Street
UuriiMn PiesbyterUn church. The
Junger Mitennerchor has taken many
pilzcs an a singing society. It litis been
their object to improve tho singing
qualities of tho young men of this side
especially. The programme arranged Is
very fine. Ilefreshiucnts will be served
after tho concert.
Florence Hclrlogel, cashier of the new
South SIdo bank, was on Mondny ad
mitted to practice law at the Lacka
wanna, bar.
The fuuoral of the Into Thomas C.
Jen dan, of Palm street, who died sud
denly Sutuidny afternoon while at his
work as billing clerk In the Ccntial
railroad freight station, took place yes
terday morning at 9 o'clock from the
family residence on Palm street, A
high mass of requiem was celebrated
at St. John's church. The remains were
borne to tho Cathcdial cemetery, where
Intel ment was made.
Joseph Sloctim and John Anderegg
are on a hunting expedition In Piko
Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, met
In regular session last evening.
Mid-week services will be conducted
In the Hickory Street Presbyterian
church this evening. All aie cordially
invited to attend.
John Hahn, of Birch street, who was
seriously 111 with tho hiccoughs, is
about again.
The funeral of the child of Fied Wel
ler was held yesteiday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Services were conducted In St.
Mary's church, nnd Interment made in
St. Mary's cemetery.
Miss Lizzie Schwartz, of Carbondale,
is sojourning with friends on this side.
A night school will open tonight in
No. 15 school.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam la
guaranteed to cuip all coughs. "No
cuie, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
yttS- I
WILLTAM II. THOMAS, ot 8.") North
Hjdo Paik avenue, died at 1 o'clock es
teiday morning at tho home of his slstei,
Miss Saiali Thomas, tn Carbondale. De
ceased was a resident of West Scianton
for many ears, and was a deacon in tho
Jackson Stieet Baptist chinch and a
member of Giiffln post, Giand Aimy of
tho Republic. He is survived by his wife,
two daughter:.. Mis. Aithur Clark and
Sadlo Thomas, and ono son, Roboit
Thomas. Tho funeial services will bo
held at the Jackson Street Baptist church
at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Intoi
ment will bo made in tho Washburn
street ccmeteiy.
,Are uou wearing our
Style of Overcoat this
season? '
You've probably noticed the number of
Stylish Overcoats worn this season. If you
should inquire of the wearers we have no
doubt you would find the greater number
with our label under the collar. Some, of
course, still patronize the custom tailors
it's a habit that hangs to some men longer
than others. But we are convinced by our
increasing patronage that the superiority of
our 'Ready-to-Wear Clothes has favorably
impressed the particular man. Patience
excellence. For thirty-two years we have
constantly studied this problem,' step by step we have
raised our standard, and we believe that once you are
convinced of our better method of designing and con
structing Ready-to-Wear Clothes, we can count' on
your patronage for all time. Why can't we convince
you now with an Overcoat? Our prices are (fA
consistent with cloth quality. If you want one for P1"
you. get the best for the price. The
same rule applies to others up to...
$18 and $20
Samter Brothers,
Complete Outfittet-s,
The funeral of tho late L'van Williams
will take place from his horns on South
Slain avenue, tomorrow afternoon. Sei
vices will be held in tho Pnst Baptist
chinch, and bmial will be made in the
Washhuin stieet cemeteiy.
Oiitline 5f(idi?s .
of flfoman Nafiire
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Dudley
htieet Uaptlst church will meet at thn
homo of tho pastor, Rev, II, P. L'ast, on
Ulectrle avenue thla afternoon, a lull
ntteudanco Is hoped for as business of
impoittince is to be tiansacted.
Pennant nt Man Geoige S?lze, of the
Ncptuno company, has returned fiom
a weeks' hunt in Pike county,
Itcv, H. C. McDermott, of tho Simp,
hon Methodlbt church,
pieaehed an interesting seiinon at tho
special evangelistic services in tlio
ftrVl.Tlfifrftlf! ' w '' '--
It Curf y Cold, Coughs, gora Throat, Cronti, 1 oflu.
mza, Whooping Cuupli, UronchttJ and Asthma.
A tortuln euro for I omuuiptioo la ant Btucei,
ond a euro relief la adv anced tai;e. Ueo at once!
You will etc tbo eiccllint eflcct after taUeg tho
prt done, bold liy dealers everywhere. Earco
Just a Glass of Milk.
The following Intel estlng Incident told
of Dr. Howaid A. Kelly, of Haltimoie, Is
chaiactciibllc of his disposition. lio is
a member of Uiovvn Momoiltil Piesby
teiian chinch and is an excollcnt utudeiit
of the Bible.
Ono bummer afternoon tho doetor, whllo
riding his bicyclo along a count! y load
oveial miles fiom tho city, became very
thii.sty. IIo spied a laimhouso in a.
Giove nf trees, with a stono spiinghouso
dhectly back of it. Tho situation was so
Inviting that ho tinned in at tho gate and
lodo up to the back of tho house.
In tho dooiway stood a jomm ghl,
who, In leply to tho doctoi's uu
a glass of water, asked whothei ho would
not piofer milk.
The doctor diank tlneo slushes of tho
cool, lefieshlug liquid, thanked his fair
hostess, and gave her his caul, telling
her If hho was ever In tha tily and in
need of a fiioud to call on lilin.
About two jeais alter this oecuiience
tho mother of tho young lady was 111
with a cancer, and the country doctor
told her that hor only clnnco for iu
covery was to Imo an opoiatlou pei
formed in ono of tho city hospitals,
Tho family being in poor cli cumstanceb
they did not know how they eotiM aN
foid to pay the high pi Ices that tlioy un
deistood weio ehaigcd in bitch institu
tions. Then tho girl lememboied her blejclo
visitor of two j ears boforo: and she
wiotti to him, asking his opinion about
bending her mother to tho hospital, and
Inquiring as to tho cost, not knowing of
uie high position no occupied in tho mir
glcal wot Id,
Uy letuin mall en mo tlm nnswci:
"Hi lug your mother In to my oflleo nt
once, and I will nirnngo nvui,v thing sal
ihfnctoillv. If ou hnvo any lelatlvcs or
ftlends heie, ou might aitnnge to stny
with them while jour mother is at tho
Jn a fow du mother and daughter set
out for tho rltv, Heluilves vvero found
who vveto glad to hnvo tho girl visit them
and tho mother wan taken Into tho doc
tor's well-appointed sanatoituni on Uu
taw Place, wheio Iho opeiatlon was pui
formed by the doctor himself, Sim was
kept thoio until sho was en'.licly iccnv
ored. in tho meantime tho ghl had beoi
lieailug much of tho famous doctor, a No
of tho high prices ho iccelved foi opera,
tions nnd for board at his piivato hos
pital, so that, when tho tlmo camo for hor
motlur to go home, sho was very much
wori led about tho bill. After thanking
tho doctor for his poisounl kindness to
them sho almost timidly nbkcii for tho
"My dear noting Inly," Mid iho doc
tor, "I am ghd to havo been of peivlco
to ou In tho envelopn joti will ilnil
jntir hill. You must not open It until
you reach homo this evening; then ou
may too what tho envelopo contains"
That ovenhig, when tho fanillv wero
gntheied in tho living room, tho gltl
diow out tho bill, nnd with tiombllng Uu.
sers unfolded II. Thero wcio tho items;
"To opeiatlon for rancor
To six weck'a boaid at Kauatniltim "
nnd after eieh the regular rlurge. Tluii
Just below was written, "Paid In full by
threo of milk given to u vvraiy
tiavclcr."-c'liilsllun Ihidcavor Woild.
The Xawyei's Itevcugc.
'Die Chicago Tribuns In uumo ttorlcs
ot amusing oxpeiie".ces, shows th-it it is
pretty hard to get ahead of a lawjei:
"Astor is a lavvjer who lives in Lngle
woocl. nc.ce.itlv ho was walking fiom
his home to the suburban ttaln, when
the butcher on tho coiner opposite the
station called to him. Astor had bought
his meat ftom that buteher for twenty
years. 'Mr. Astor.' abked the butchei,
'what can I do if a dog runs Into tho
shop and carries off a ten-pound roast of
beef worth two dollars?' 'Do jou know
whoso dog it isr asked the lawjor. 'Oh,
yes,' the butcher anbvveied. 'I know who
owns tho dog all rl;ht.' 'Then all ou've
got to do is to aend the owner u. bill for
the stolen meat. Yuu can collect It with
out any doubt,' Then Mr. Astor started
to hurry lor his ttaln. 'Jit. Astor,' the
buteher called Jitter him, Jlr. Astor, that
was our dog. I'll send ou the bill this
aturnnon.' Next morning the bill camo
to Jlr. Abtoi's office. Hut the butcher
had, uufoi innately, foigotteu that his
victim was a. lawjor. liy the net mall
ho got hi: answei. Witit It camo a bill
for ?10 lor legal advlco In tho matter of
a. 'thlevhi;; do;:,' leaving .i ualance of $S
due Jlr. Abto:. And now the butcher
Is wondeilng what ho had better do
about it."
De Wet's Humor.
a icicut aiticic, jficiuuii jiaiuiug
Davis tells an IuUi.-,tiii' and instiuet-
ive anecdoto concerning tho gioat noer
cavaltv load, r:
"Threo bcouts of the yeomanry came as betoio xhe Dotr eommunder.
They had been eaptuied before. They
wero Lnsllbh st-outs, Being captured ap
pealed ui ba an infliction chioulo with
them. Chttstkm Do Wer looked them
ov oi gravely, tlioiightiullv, his ule ir
eves searching them ttiimuih and
through, lio was their .ludg. Stotn or
moieiful, tlioy could not fell: all ihev
could do was hope. '.My men. Mild eJe'ii
eial Do Wr at last, 'will nn lako a
nicssage fjoiu mo til juur'
"They accepted In i (.'Juicing btiiprNu.
ami wtia Jnlt i:iod with a huge bealed
packaRe. When tliov reached G'cncial
Ilundlo's eainp they announced that they
woro tho beaters of papers front Jeneial
Do AVct, negotiating lor peaiv. Hernial
Ilumllc wiih delighted. He torn opt n tho
envelops. II icail the letter. II was as
'"Dear fienoral ltundle-Thlj Is Iho
fourth tlmo I have eaptuied ihebo login,;
tlovlls of joiiij. I'lcae ehalii them up.
They annoy inc. Do Wot. "
AVonian's Home Companion
Academy of Music
JI. Rels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Mnnagoi.
3 Nights 0anr0tayq Dec. 1
Matinee Dally, including Thuisday.
Tour ot the Sweetest Slngei
The Game Keeper
10c; Balcony, JJe. Lower PIooi, .'jc;
ehlldien to any pait, 13c.
Night Pi Ices 1 3c . .'Je., c , Wc.
Threo Nights, staitlug Thiusdav. Doc. I.
Matineo ovoiy day (Including Thuibday.)
Special Matinee Pi ices as above
Seats on sale.
The Dixie Theatre
Lessee and JIanasei.
Fiank Xeennu & Co., in
The Two Rubies"
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Rels, Lessee and Jlanager.
a. j uunry, uuslness Manage
Wednesday 0NNNL,vaHT Dj
Frank L. Perleysl
Singing Comediai
Picsentlng tho Menj Jluslcal
1,0 Talented Aitlsts.
lf.iiahoine Choi us
Two Car Loads of Sceneiy.
Nevs Yoik Cast.
PRICIIS-M 7). $1 UO. 73i., 50c , 20c.
Diagiani open.
Special to tho S-eranton Tribune.
Vol est Pity, Dec. 2. JIis. W. K. ITul
lok, who has been veiy ill Is much Ini
ptoved. It Is probable Mint a number of Koiest
City feliool teaeheis will go a Wash
ington on the I5th, in which event tho
hchoolR will enjoy a tluee weeks'
Christmas vacation.
The borough building Is now occupied,
Two nttomejs nrr- Installed In the of
fices and the store room on the first
floor, to bo occupied by John Alexan
der will ho leady this week.
A Coasting' Accident.
1'ied Rmlck, tl 13-vcar-old boy re, ding
at C.'3 Orchaid Htioet. was received at tho
Ltickaw anna hospital jesterday nioining,
KUtfeilug fiom a fiuctuied thigh. Tho
boy was coasting near his homo on Jinn
dav night ami received tho Injury by be
ing .thrown fiom his slolgh, which struck
a telegiaph pon,
The Ohilchen's Favoilte,
Ono of tho gieatest tlltllculllos eu
counteied whon ililldien me III, .s thu
objection they hnvo lo taking medicine.
Tho icincdy must bo pleasant or tho
patienro of tho patent s p.haustotl bu
foro It Is sueeobbfully ndiuliii.steu'd.
Mr, f), a. Wagner, o( Spring (hove,
Pa., civei comes Mils annoyance by ns.
ng Chainbei Iain's Cough Ueinedv, ij,.
says his little hoy ahwivn asks fur (t
whene'Ver ho catches inld. This leni.
fcsly has become tho t hllilren'h favoilte,
as it is iileasatit to take and it ahsavs
cuics and cuies ifulchly. Vnv sale by I
alldiugglsts. '
In their now fuicleal ereatioa by WW
FOr'H LI'KINS. Aeilui I5ai I'm foi m
ein; MISS SOPHIK Ill'ltNIIAM. Opeiatic
Sopumo; ADA1II DAMN, Novelty Wlie
Wulkeis: COAKLEY iV: McllHIDE. SlllS
iug and Dam in? Comulluns; DIJIfOREST
.V. WARD, "Tho Daunted House': ED.
CJltAY, in blight monologue up to date,
Momlnv, Tresd iv and Wednesduv,
Di:CEMDl'It 1, .' AND J
Matineo Every Day.
They Fay the User.
If you vvls.Ii a half-tone or line cut,
let tho Scranton Ti Initio make it for
jou. Our ectulpmcnt for this work Is
complete and up-to-date. Wo have
facilities tor doing tho finest sort of
woik at lowest pi Ices and vvlmt's inoie,
we do It. A tilal otdcr will convince
As plajoil 10J nights In New Yoik.
J. Wcsk-y Rosiuqiiu-t piesentb the young
luinatuic acini,
Brandon Tynan
in his enotmously aiicecsstui now plaj
Robert Emmet
The Days Of 1803,
Tho gieatet Itlsh play piodueed since
Dion liouelcault'b time Mail and L'x
pi ebb
I'RICES-tl irt. T:e Wc , J-,c.
Scats on bale.
Saturday "tfjii1, Dec.
JD.OuO Pioductlou of
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Laigcot and J!ot Evpenblvo Attinu-
tlou i:fatu.
I") People 10 ;o-Coloied Slnseis 1(
Poiile.-, IloibCb, Oon, Douke-.s, IJuuon,
1 " Caih nf Special Seenciy Tho onlj Viiblon. liinnd Street Paiade.
PItiC'ES-Matinee. 10e., .'Oe JOe.
Night. 0e. .Oe . ne , Mc,
Seats on bnlo Thuisdaj at 9 a m,
. . -