-t, ?F- Y -s9-Ji if J", i c M iw-tv : , n t ,aTIE.S0i?AMON TJ?,lBUNJi-WEDikSJ)AV, DECEM BJ3H JJ, 1002. SWMi ?(Se cttmfon ti6tm JC Published Unity Kxcipt panday, tty.1t lie Tribune J Publishing L'ompxny,at fifty Conta n HotilH. 1,1 VY H, lUnt) !. JtDtTUR, BOItMl MAHAflKR. r. nvxit t - ! Filtered at the 1'oMofllc nt HitmiIoii, no Hronil 1 . :V W 'U Mallet.- When nunre will permit, The Trlbuno I. iaUiTiiyi sliid tn iirlht ahort letters from Its .'friends bearlnc on current toplen, but III irtilo li that these mint lie algtietl. for itub .illcntlnn, by hn writer's rent nnnin) iuul Initio condition prercdeur to nccrvtnnro la "Hint nil rontrlhutlom ilinll bo attlijoct to j ttdltorlnl ravlilon. ?' THE TI.AT KATE FOR ADTF.HTIS1NO. . The following table ho n the price per Inch ckcIi :, Insertion, apnea to be med within one year: Sa- . ' ' 'I)IPIj'aY iTii UiaircuTriclieT Ml Inches . . . l l(K) " . . . , 2S9 (i ROD 1000 For cardi of thanks, mnliitloui of condolence, ami simitar contributions In Ibc iinluroorndirrtlilne, llio Trlbuno makes n charge of li cents n,llne. TEN PAGES. hCHANTON, nnCIJMUUIt .i. mo.'. Tlif statesman nt AViiJuhliiKtou who ; does iiot'nlin u bill at' the liusta iluritiK l' the pi'i'ftpnt week mien inclei'il be luuk : lnsr in thlist lor sloiy. The resaage. V IJCn AT-I, of bis dollciniut'. whether ot ill or wilttcn, the jiipsldent't iiiosari H u str.iljjhtlonvnid uoinniunlcu- ,. Hon, clear In moaning, earnest In tone I unci mentally pinueii?. The president belli'Ves with all his. ; Ih'iiiness of conviction that the liuniensu jiovvcis inheipnt In laige combinations of capital and enteipiNc need to bo S- better f-atcsuarded by legislation than ' they now are, and ho sajs s-o, plainly. ' Tie does not say it In a manntr to Im ply that Ids Intel est in the Mibjecl is languid or dictated by peional voto- , KCtthiFr motive; the earnestness ot the man is in bis woitK He wants action. . "Yet bis message exhibits the teaching ' oC experience and responsibility. It i hhows that ho appieciates the large I tllffeience between an ideal of k'Rlsla- l "tion and what is possible and piaetlc- ublo in view of the limitation'' of human jiatuie. Ho no longer lumps to the cori- ' i'hifelon of a constitutional amendment; lie has been In ought down to the mote mm of I "'ijjj1 I run J'f lllonUlnKl1'""'""1 ,So "! ,vt I .to ,40 .14 .4S .SO .1 1 .til .25 ,STS ."0 on ... n . . . '.?) .'it' !i immediate pioblems or seeming an er ( iictnieiit wheieby on "peciflc informa , tion and proof a inlsbehm Ing: trust mav , bo disciplined through dliecl court pio v ve.ss without involving all the activities , of coipoiate buMncss in the application of theoretical remedy. Jn other words, the theoiist is being superseded by, the ' statesman. Tt is somewhat singular that the mes sage contains no dliect allusion to what . many peisons consider the most sig , nlfii'.iiit and momentous step taken by j Jlr. lioosevelt since his accession to the . Iiesldency namely, hi eomse otlntei i jiosition in the coal strike, culminating - in the appointment by bim unoffleially ' of a tribunal to adjust lelations in that iudustty on a basis of peinianence. ' t'osslbly the fact that this action was, ' nominally .it least, without oillcial as pect explains the omission; jet ceitain , ly n lack in the authoii?ed ploceses . of government so glaiing as lo have , i ailed for a vtutuiesome and unpiee I edenled unofllclal e.speilincut w an ants . serious and t onstuietive discussion be ' Joic the law-making-power. The duties i ot a president of the United States t hhould.be dellnetl and limited by the - constitution and laws, and if. in the uuveiuiiiiimii ol oui institutions, new tluties aiise not thus authorized, op- poitunlty should be aftoided the Inw- anaking bianeh ot sujiplying the doflc- Sency. Opinion may divide ever so 1 sharply as to whether or not the piesi- ' dent's view of bis duly In this matter ' was the who one, but theie is no room for division of opinion as to the adit- '; ability of h.'iving his duties defined. In the paiagraphs in his message , tieatlng genei.illy of the i elation whit hi ( fhould exist between capital and labor, the piesldeut Is eloquent and Impressive though the tone Is that ot any essay ' lather than a state paper intended to 1 guide leglsl.itois towaid specllio eu- autments. The tHhlcs which ho then- si.sserts aie nol in dispute, but the- mac- tlcnl ptobleni Is to enforce them b lawn rind l emulations, effectively asset ted, which shall assuir- to men the llbeity and fdlr dealing fiom their lellow men which he emphasizes as desiiable. In our own coiniiniiiity for many months the violation ot these fundamental principles has been continuous and gen eral, leaching at last a condition which lias been tuithfully desciibed as ln loleiable. It Is possible and It is hoped Hint the expedient of moral suasion as peisoullled by the Anthiaclto fo.ii Strike roniinlsflou may suffice to allay this uniest unci smooth the way ui ii a "assertion of law, oider and Viiiidu jlfifciitar Amerlcanlsin. Hueh tloubls as 'fxlsit'ln this dlreetlnu lest moie on the Thtin.lfest"' reltietanco of holdeis ol pollt ' Ji-arofjUo to do their swum duty In HUoh(pU'inst;s than .upon any u-ul dlh-"-V-MSJ nt lhe 1'ixloi lying coiisulence of Jlioieoolc, onep it conipieheuds the slt .natiou. A permanent eonipnmiihtt with . nnarchlstio tendencies l iinpo.sslble. i iTlio other poitlous of tho message uu 'nioiss catUfitctoiy becuuso mote spe 'tltlL1. From a literal y standpoint the vl Jsago Is notably i callable, Its felicity v f nft woidlng; being unite unusual 111 state IMpeis. Its comparative brevity, too, ih cuiiiiui'iiuiimc, endahle. Due can lead It with out fatigue, which Is peihaps the high est compliment Hmt can bo raid. a 1. 1 1M1 olllclul Hiltisli computation of the fuMti'to Ihiglund or the .Smith Afilmn ' vv'Al' )hlces the total at a billion and a ' Wuult,er"UolIUtb." U'as it vvoith It? , , JY'fiW Qoojier Ileultt, who iccently .invented ; piotoss wheieby iho vapor of ineicury, iutioduecd Into hIiiss tubus, becomes Incandescent upon application tif electilclty, Is to liavu his light vx. ploltcd Wy1 'o 2,1)00,000 couipliuy tho capltul for which has been nimbly sub- scribed. The Hewitt light Is sultl lo 'resemble sunlight moio neatly (linn any other aitillclal light now on tho nutt- het, and lo have bciictk lul effect upon the eyes of students and night work- fis. How far those clnlnis vUlt be borne nut cumins to be hocii. lhit If the L'o'itiliiR Amen Icitn, Is not lo be blind theic will Inn i lo bu mnikcil liniuove incut In our iiitlilelnl Unlit. The Mniillii ptlltoifl who lulVo been tie ftniil.tiila in ii llbft Mill t inuy now Inv; clnliii tn hnvlnir been tlim-niiKhly Aiue-i--iamilgeil, The Question of 'Recognition. I T WAS Josh Hillings who said It never paid to "argy agln1 a con clusion," There was a lime when It would have been In oider to "aigy uglir " locoKiiltlon of tho Illinois,' union, but the time bus ptissed, Tin! union Is now a conclusion for a time, at least, If not for all time. No sensible man In his heat I doubts thl". Those wliw aie lighting against ircognlllnn mo simply making n technical stand for something without substance. Tho union Is heie. Closing eyes to It will not leniovt! it. Air. Mitchell says that lecognltlon of the union unit full use by the opetatois of Its machine! y of discipline, which Is open to Impioveinont, tlnougli contiact agreements would not Inciease but lessen the petty fi lotions concerning which tlie opetators most bltteily com plain. He also aigues that recognition would put the union on its good be havior and bilng Into piny the full measme of Its initio to win and hold public respect. These asseitlons aio plausible and in lonfoinilty with wlut we know of human uatuie. Tin operatois bail their chance to light the union and to beat 11 and they lost. Success wus within their giasp when they got cold feet and laid down. They have none but themselves to blame for this outcome and they must face its consequences. The duiable existence ot Hie union as a factor heteafter to be reckoned with is foiemost among them and since lighting the union has not weakened or tlestioyed it, but on the contrai y has only made expense ami trouble for all concerned, the next thing to consider seriously is whether it would not bo possible and expedient to co-operate with the most conscivatUo Influences within the union towaul biinglng out of tho union Its better capabilities. It Is tine that dining the past five mouths especially, though with arylng intensity for the pjst tin ee ytais, wo have had all kinds of dmlltiy and mis chief in the anthracite fields. It is futile in John Mitchell to deny this, for the evidence is overwhelming, tlut it does not necessaiily follow that that kind ol thing is a noiniaf or permanent f colli to of tho union's activities. Tho besL men in the union deploml it as much as the men who wcie lighting tho union and it remains for the best men on both sides, reinforced by the full power of the best Ameiican public opinion, to co-opeiate to biing about a cessation of those ouliages, the ex tinguishment, of this incipient anarchy and the restoration and advancement ol civilization in the antluacito coal Ileitis. Human institutions ate all evolu tionary. Our splendid republic todav bcais but flight resemblance to the diminutive one ot Washington's time, having grown and stiengthened as needs arose and education developed. Yet for even that small lepubllc of Washington's time men wtio willing to lay down their lives. Anil so it is with the mlneis' union. It is only a guiin compared with wliat, under wise lead eihlp and the benefit of filundly public lecognition and co-opeialion, It may be come. Yet It has piovod abeady that It holds tho loyalty of the ovci whelming piopoition of Its, mi'inbcishlp, with a gill) which lesWts foicible sepaiatlon. Om of this loall as a slatting point what benefits may not evolve piovided the evils aie cut awaj .' ' ' We say tills fiankly notwithstanding the many ciiticlsnis which wo have pilnted of excesses in the union move ment atticisms which we will lepeut so long as these excesses and abuse, exist. We do not oppose unions, but wc shall eternally oppose nnaichy, law lessness and the foicible denial of fun damental American lights, t temoins for the unions to piove that they, too, share In this opposition and aie willing to govern theli conduct accordingly. In the matter of New York can shake isthmus of Panama, canal agitation, hands with the Entitled to a Raise. A DISPATCH Horn AVilkes-llime to the Philadelphia Kocoul .says that the sentiment uniimn tho uiganl'od inluo-woikeis of the AVyomlng legion is unanimous in favor of the le-elecllon of I'lesldent illtdioll and also in favor ot raisins his salary 1 1 0111 Jl.SOO to 5,wo a .vear. We bfllevo that (his is inueil It John .Mltclii'U weie in dl-iiho In other walks of Hit- Hie ability which ho lias shown in handling the mlneis" iase ho could piobahly cam 111010 than one hundred Hint's his picsent sahu.v Homo tluiu aso iiimor ticilliiil I'luules Jl Selivv'iili with fit'tting $1,000,1)00 a your as picsident of the sleol trust. The IK'iucs woiu tloubtless u.N.iKKi'iutfil: Indtetl, It was btibsi fluently said upon .mtluuity that Schwab's pay tor ability vias only 500,000, or unit times Hie jiaj ot llio president of tho United .States, thouiji, ot couise, hih Income, by icasou of in vestiuent anil other legitimate oppor tunities, nmy have e.Mtedcd l, 000,000 a .vear. John Mitchell and Schwab Imih stalled as poor bojs and w 01 ked their way up, one taking Inboi's side and tho other capital's. Hut ailtohell's success bus been tho gmiter, becau.-i' ho not only hud to loutend against muny 01 tho veiy lulluciues which helped Hfh wab, but ho has also got lino ids 1 1 ust a linger peicentage of the field which It ciiveis 1I11111 Hcliwiib bus cor lulled In his, The steel tiust conipiise only about CO pur cent, of the steel pio. ducing ludiistiles of the United States ami has laigo and keen competition, both pic-sent find piosiiectlvej wheieas tlio oiganUutlou whose head .Mitchell is, and over which ho wields a fur greater mcasute of pcisonal authoilty than Schw'ab wields ovei th Uultet) Stales Sleol coipoiatlon, computes to all intents and purposes a complete monopoly ol the labor engaged In coal pioduction thioughoul the United States, and Its monopoly Is nuwhcic scilously thicMtenvd. If jiay weio al ways pi opot Honed lo rebiilts, thciefoie,. Mltchell''s Income would bo linger than Schwab's, In about the piopoition of 100 to (10, or, suy, $.1.10,000 n year. This, ot couisp, s a limited View tit tho iiiiestlon, Theie me forms of toin peiisntlon other than money, and "Mitch ell 1 gelling ii lllict nt Jnit not nil mi iiatuial share1 at them lu'p'cisotinl popu linlty, uldesptr.'id lecognltlon and the loyal devotion or ri lends and followeis. Vol nt the saine lime, ns n simple bust ness pioposlllon, ability siieh as his Is wuilh to Hip cause which enlists It far moto than a paltiy Jl.sou a year. Men who nigiie for better wages strengthen tholr iiigiiineiit by themselves paying better wages when they, In thin, act as emplnyeis. 1'lther the Tin Its or the Eastern news paper coi respondents aie again com mitting "honlblo aliocltles.". Suspicion points to the latter. MB. CONNEXjL WILL CONTrST. Washington Letter In 1'hllailelphla 1'ic-s. Mr. Council has tally derided to contest lli election or Mr. Howell In the Koian lon district, lnfoiinnlliiii he has iccctved since the t'lectlonit'onvliMPS him that Hie few bundled majmltv Ills opponent ie lelved on Hip face of the lotums do not eslsi, inn on the contrary If a legal count had l.eeu 111111I0 the majoilly would bo laigelv the other way. It lias been dis covered, It Is understood, that while Mr. Howell's li'iint! was not on tho lcirulni' Domncintlc ticket lit iniinv pieclnels Ihaf ticket writ coiuilud for hlm Jf ballots so counted are tin own out Mr. Council will have a lnige majoilly. IMItn1l.1l hi Philadelphia Pres. Congipssinmi Council, who on Hie faco ofthu 1 etui ns was tlcfeatcd for le-electlon In llio Tnickavvaniin tirstiitt, 1ms detei inliiptl to make a contest on the gioiind )f tlishnuest 1 etui ns. Mr. Council bus been Invesligntlii',' and has reached the conclusion that he lccelvcd a majority ot the legal voles cist. 1 "niler such chcliiu ntanccs Iheic was nothing for him to do but make a contot under which a thoi ough pxposiun will lio niatle. lie would wrong himself and ihoic who suppoiled him should ho suhmlt to defeat which he believed to have heen pioducod by fiaud. JItlltoiI.i! in I'ittslnng C.iyelte. If Congressman Criimell of tho Seinn ton dlsliict can move the claim that Is made in his hchnlf, Pemivlvanla will have one 111010 Itcpulillcan inember In tho T'lfly-tightli ttimiioss, making llio dele gation "t.iutl -i Kepublicans to tbiee Democrats Mr. Connell has placed the matte- in the bands of his attorneys, who will endeavor to develop tho facts. Geoige Howell, who inn against Congicssmnn Connell. Is a Demociiil, but the Pemisv 1 vaula ballot istim and eoitoln Demo ciatlo coinpllcallons formed a coniunctlon that excluded his name fiom' the Dcmo tiatle colimni on the oillcial ballot, ills name appealed, however, In another col umn, and the vote letiuned showed his election liv a m.iioillv ol 101. Since this return it has heen learned that cpilniu r lection bo.iuls hail views or then own that tin not haimonl.o with either tho letter or the spirit or the law. and Hint in the counting of the vote their views pie vailed over the statutes. Knowing Mi. Howell to lie a Democrat they cicdlled him with Ibn vole cat for the Demoeiotie ticket whole the voter 111.11 ked a cios In the clielo above the Doniociatlc t ol uinn, though, as lias been explained. Mi. Howell's name did not appear thtiein. Whether this uas done in a sufiie'Ient number ot cases to count him in does not I yet appear, and .Mr. Council's attoinevs will endeavor to find out whether It is the ease. 11 it is, theie tan bo no tiucbtioa as to the result, whether the fraud bo In tenLional or the result of innocent Ignoi anee. One election bo.ud admit'! giving twelve iicli votes to, Howell, "believing thov weioiight In doing so, because theio fwas no candidate on the Democratic tic ket and Howell had been nominated by tho Deiiiociuts." Congros-, is safely IJp publitau without tho vote of Mr. Council, and Pennsylvania'-. Republicanism docs not letiuhe additional vindication, either In or out or congress, hut tbi will be no leason for tinning a cold shoulder to his claims II' he is entitled to Ills seat. Who ever had a majoiitv or tho number of votes lawfully tat foi congipssmnn It) the Sciantou ilNtilct should have the piie. REMEMBERED BY FRIENDS. Fiom J, h. Ileiuv's Wii-lilnlou Letter In thn I'hlladelphi.. f'res- on the Opening of Congiess. Jlr. Connell, or SeianUm, w.ih on hand, lrallv lookl lg ten Mots oungci than ho did nt Hip adlouiiuiHiit last July. The wealth of lloweis placed nti nntl aiountl his tltsk put to blush thn tributes paid an.v other mniibcr In tho lioute and gave expression to tho esteem In which ho Is held. REPUBLICANISM IN FIGURES. I'nr The Tribtiuo by W. .r. llallaid. Public debt: 1SI.C jfioo RodiK'tluu Public debt, pel capita: Hi.il lOUi .$2l.i..-,:o.S'i-i . l.lDT.'ll.'J-iS ?l,UT3,S10,n37 .$711 00 . 1 1 r,2 H duello ?(5I.IS' luteiest on debl, per capita: lsftl , S,.:,n I'm' it. duello ?::o Annual luteiest on debt: 1 st.t; $iri,iiiio,ij.o ri.' L-i,wio,o) Itediiellnn 5t-i,O00,0W I'niled States bonds hold ahnmd: lcwi, at least JL.VW.OOO.OOn lWJ, less than l,w),0ei) llodiu Hon fl I'lii.imiino) SCRAWTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THZSE ENTanpniSINQ DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP LVEHY CHtRACTEn PROMPTLY AND 3ATIS' FACTORILY, FOR SALE midairs ami WAGONS ot all UmU; alj lloiufs ami nullJIiit: Lots at baiiralru, IIOIISI.S CMI'I'KD ami GHOOMl'l) it M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Worli. SECURITY BUILDINQ JL SAVINGS UNION nome Office, 203 200 Mean lliillOIni?. H'o arc matnrlnj; !iait. catli nuiitli which show a net (tain to the iuiestor of ahoiit J VUL .""' c l0:"1 moiiii. Wo aUo U-uo 1 I'M. PAID hloiK SlOOW i.cr kluie, inter fit lujjblo teml aiiniHlly. AUir.Ul' II Mb, Sccrctaiy, E, JOSEPH KUETTEL, n .. w, .vaa.,tfnii4 aruur. iiuiiiuariurrr tl ( Wire Screens of all kinds; lully jircurrl for .ID h.m'k wJsuH, tie inat.0 jii iunu) ei porch (crcriu, etc, PETER STIPP. Hcneril Cmtractor, ItuIUIer and Dealer Ilulhillil hlonr. (r!ii.itln nf ihIL4 n ,iu cialli. Ttlcjitu.ne 25DJ. Offlte, o27 W'jihlnjton avenue. Thescrantonvitkified brick anotilemanufacturinqgompany MAcr of Paving Uriel, etc. M II. Pile, (icucral Sjlii Accol, OlOeq MJ9 asbiuytuii aie. Urk at Xaj ,iiy, l'j , I". K It It ALWAYS BUSY ?S?5 At Inst the beautiful snow is here. The Always Busy Shoe Stores are always here to protect your feet and make your heart glad. Child's Happy Rubber 75c $1.25 $1.50 50c 25c 25c $1.50 aioots, sizes 8 to lU'S . . . Youth's Happy Rubber Boots, sizes 11 to 2. . . . Boya Happy Rubber Boots, sizes 3 to 0 Men's Good Quality Rubbers Ladles' Good Quality Rubbers Childien's and Misses' Rubbers Men's Felt Boots and Overs M 0 11 ' s Woonsocket Rubber Boots $2.25 Hvery department teeming with good sense Holiday Goods. , LEWIS & REILLY Wholesale and Iletall. Hi and HA Wyomiiijc Avenue. Complete Footwear Outtltteis. THISISTHE AXE That cuts the faui pike out or dia monds. V01 11101 e dellnllo inhumation tall at my pailm and "ae me," and at the same time see the lice and Intel est Ing exhibit ot diamond cutting. Dia monds In Hie lough as well as iancra ; s, Opals and other piecioiis stones.. 1 he b.ng.iliK for this week nic: Gents' 7-Kt. Illnjt ?i00 :','4-Kt. Iting L'7) 1H-Ivt. Itlng 1J-, L'-Kl. Hing l.V) 1-Kt. RIiik SO iulies' Hoop Itlng, live diamond!?, l',-Kt r.-. Clustei King, ten diamonds and lubv. SO livpsv Itlng, 1 diamond and two uibicb Jl Tlffanv King, VKl ID Tirfauj King, V-Kt -"' Tlft.inv King, :s-!i.-Kt lo TltT.uiv Jling. "i-lvt u i:.ir St 1 ens, VKl 10 13.tr Screws. vs-Kt I", Uar Diops', 1-Kl '. 70 liar Digps. IVi-Kt ill Lull es' llioooli. VKl II Ladies' Jtiooch. '.', diamniitls, 1i-Kt.... Pfi Slmnuock. St.uf Pin, sm ill diamond., u Diamonds le-ciit, polished and im Pioved. Sitislaetion kIvoii. or "join money back ' vviiuoui iiigiinieut. WALTER W. WINTON'S DIAMOND PARLOR U07 Jleais I'liilding Xt w Vtuk offlec. (m Nassau slicol: Ula mniitl Cutting V.ictoiy, 1 !.,-i Allantic Ave nue, liiooklvu, N. V, and -! and X I.oo jeisgraLht, Auistcitlain, Holland. swz. . " 3 , ii ''ft v: A Photographic Christmas Warning Artistic photographs require timo for proper production. Santa Claus Day is but three weeks in the fu ture. To secure the best results h.tve the sitting made at once by SCHRIEVER, 110 Vjomlng Avb. TrriCTirirrirfflffrrBBTiiiiTvrTriiiiiTfii 8 EASY TO BUY. That we are the leading credit clothiers iu America, and that we sell Stylish, Depeudable Clothing ou credit for woineu, men and children. We ask no more than cash stores bnt we give you the privilege of paying in convenient payments weekly or monthly. Monte Carlo Jackets $10 to $25 Men's Overcoats $8 to $22 'cuptES si 317 Lackuwaiuiii Avenue First Floor. Oneu Evenings, Oneita (Clastic Ribbed) Union Suits For men cover the whole , body like an additional nkln, fitting- liho a glove, softly anil without pres sure. No buttons down tho front. Special price, $2-50 Worth $4.00 wMMUMMm ?--' A12. Spruce St. NEW LINE OF SMOKING JACK ETS, HOUSE AND BATH ROBES. K tt t t t K tt tt tt f. tt t tt S tt tt V. Best UTENT FLOOR S The Celebrated SDW WHITEI Always reliable. Dickson ! ; Mill & Grain Co S Scrnnton and Olyphant. 'A"4"A"A"A'4"A"A""A"A""A''A""4"4 MaiiuiUcturcrs of lock ji t ij. j ! ! ij. ! 4 ! ' '5' j. .J. .3. J J i X 4 i i- ?, i llrewry, ., 4.15-ISS N. seventh St., Old 'Phone, 2331. New 'Phone, 2935, SBEEEHSSaMBKJi EASY TO PAY. Credit ins m Lager Beer.. v J I j Who J A Of) For a j J 1 I r , vl Christmas' fm m L Wants 1 f ' I Z fJ,rt irala? 9C' Twenty Christmas Presents $50.oo To Be nivcn by The Scrantou Tribune lo the Children Scrantnii and Norllicastcrn Peniisylvanin. One Present $20,oo In Uold $20.oo One Present ,0.0o hi Ooltl 10.00 One Present s00 in Oold 5.00 Two Presents 2,0 Each c nn rive rrcscnts Ten Presents Total Twenty Presents THE TRIBUNE'S SECOND ANNUAL. Juniot 'Educational Contest A Contest in Word-BuilUitiK'. Who Can Make the Alost Words Out of tile Letters In T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R. T HIS IS nuich easier than last brightest boys and girls will making the largest number of lots of fun to think of the words and hunt them up In the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your spelling. You will be surprised at the number of different ways these twelve letters can be used. Rules of the Contest. Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents or guard ians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper." No letter must be used any more times than they appear in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there' might be two "H's" or three "E's." Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Webster's Inter national Dictionary" (edition of 1898) will be allowed. Any dlcllonary can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRIBUNE will debar all words not found in Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Appendix" will not be allowed. , . Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once. Words with two or more definitions can be used but once. No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O." How to Write Your List. Write on one side of the paper only. Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter. Place the words alphabetically. Write your name, age, address and number of words at tho top of your list. Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and who is a.regular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE. . Fold the list DO NOT ROLL. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20TII at 5 P. M. All letters of inquiry for information will be promptiy answered. Ad dress your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to CONTEST EDITOR. SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. PA. BED ROOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. We Invite Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy at Once or Not. EDUCATIONAL.. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, N. Y. OKFIIHS, IidsIiIo Iho U'Riiltir C'ollPRe Ciiiiiscs, Mi'eliiinli.il. i:iit'ttlc.il ami Civil IhiBliiPoilii!;, Aii'lilti'ituio, .Musle1, IMIntititf, l..ivv, Mullein,', Soelolosy iuul I'uluKOKv OVIJH KOIt'l'V or the IpuIIiik unlvor Miles of tills coiuitiv iuul Kiiiopo mo Uliicitntcil on tho lucnllv ot tho l.lli. I'llll AlH f'nlle'o'o Tuition oppnsefl mo t,o mmlt'Uitu tliut llii'y uio hss limn til" tt'C I" Homo ctillests vvlioio tl i'ii tuition Iu given Send for Catalogue. B0RANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS hCRANro.N, l,. T J Koslui.l'iej lllincr II I.avvnll.Tioas. It, J Foslei Stiinlty I Allou, Vlco Picnldcut. Sei'iotary M Moosk Go Rooms 1 nnd 2 Commonwealth. Bills. SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTINQ Made at Morale ami Ku.-I.djle Wotks. H Iifltn & Rami Powder Co. '3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Ulcetrlo IUUirl"j, Ucitrlc lCvplodcu, Lx liloillnj DUsU, bJlcly Fuji'. REPAUNO CHEMIOAIi CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. or 1 I.OO hacll 50c S.00 S.oo Each , $50. 00 year's contest, and tventy of tho seenre Chrismas Gifts in cash for words out of these letters. If i 121 1 Washington Avenue EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Kct a thort course, nor an fir course, cor a cheap course, but the best education to be had. Ku other rtlutatlon ii north (pending lime and mone on. If 7011 do, write for a catalogue of aiaye lege Easton, Pa. nhleli oflerj tliorougli picpaiatlon in the Lncflneerlns and Chemical I'rofpwlons M well as llio fftsular Colleze courses. STATE MIL SCHOOL. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. llc'iilur Stnto Noinml Coursci nml KpolIuI DciMitmtiita or Jliisle-. Illoeu. lion, Ait. Ui.ivvIiik, Htr-miKr.iphy anil TjiicvviltiiiK". titronj Colk'iju 1'iopara toiy Ucpuitiue'tit FREE TUTION. DoudliiK oxpi'iisi's J3.W per vvrfls IMiplls mluilllril tit any time. Winter Teiiu ope'iis Uce1. SOtli. Wlllo (01 eata. lOo-Ui. E. L, KEMP, A. M rrlnclpnU L Col i '