The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 03, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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"dT I" T
-i n
, The News o Cat bondale.
- ir iii i . , i ,i
live Ions In the memory of every oiie
vlio heurd air. Wendllng. Happily, the
.audience was it large one.
narie concurs style
. h .
'C-TMisa Lnum-wngnity, In Her Lan
guage Lesson, Condemns It ns
Artificial and Cautions Teachers at
the Institute Not to Train Scholars
hi This DUectlon Vljoious Eng
lish Desired Lectures by Pi of.
George Hull and Dr. Thompson.
'hie t cartels hcieuhouls, unci admir
er?, )(rlinis, i)f Mario Cmiolll, the
phllosophei-noiollsd. will likely licit
lnook the suggestion 1 1 tn L she? Ik urtl
tlclul or lends tn II In her stylo of ui
teitalnlng, intni cthiBT or iinttuctlng
t them. Tills wns the opinion patted on
' her style or tendency, lit the Cm linn
dale city leiieher-i' Institute yestoidtty
by MIh Laura I). Iliigutt.i, of the.
tencheis' ttaiulng school at Itullnlo, In
the course of her lecture on elementary
, language.
Mls llsignity Is an earnest nchnenlo
of the use of puie simple, vlgoious
Ihlffllsh. 'Phis Is the leading thought
of all hei talk". No matter what plme
Mie Is dealing with, "he llnds 01 clo
nics the oppmlunliy of vluoroiHy ex
pressing hoi self mi 111 1 1 point, Poihups
mini' iiil.'jlit i all Ik a mink In this
legal d. Inn Ml-- lliigurtv would -liillo
swni'loiisly In ler-ngiiltiuu of what she
would :oci'le n. i oiniiliniontai.. Al
the Innnioon . lon yesterday. MK.S
Uugnily jjitt Into an mxIiIp. in ll weii',
, whin -he le.ichtd the dli ui-sltm of
liiodiMM w-i Iters; thai 1-, the popular
novelists of tod.i
"Do not Iriln your (h'ldmi towards
th"," -lie i.ld Willi liu le.i'-oil
nun tn.-. "This Is ihe Undent of
modi rii wiitcis W" ob-i i -e It In the
(low 1 1. l.iiijtiiiiKf that till ilulr pto-filK-lIuil'.
I'nilt I thlr head w tilld the
Marl" Coi-i-lll tp- l.lMen to tl.l-J," She
(M Inland wlih a i hune ol voli that
indlc-iled lit i- lielhm '1 mall tin
from Cot fill's I'.n i.tbas In the write of
i'hll-1 In lot. I'il.ite. With I'll lie ,jm
Inn- Mih1oi t, .die -.i-:
" 'Slow-'y Iriu f i inif his hands, lie
dipped them in the villains howl, i lur
ing them oer and o i again In I li
ilfitr. cold element, which mmiKUiI In
Its pnlMicd if ci ptnei" like an oi,il
mr.iinpL Un- tin ' reading this" MKs H.igarly
UMlimd. "we wilt tlllii to the llililo
'mid red the ilt-i lipliou ol the .ililc
sun" 'IMIni" look water and washed
his hand-..' Till-, Is what we .should
aim nl, tliis beautifully .simple lan
guage, 1hooip ,111 tl sluing. Uukln.
whose pine tp" we admit", lu'dlt- it
to his leading ol Hit Itlhle."
Mi's llnf;.tit. had Mimelhliifr Inlir--stlug
to say of til- Ltillilsin 01 in-c i -doiiiK
wutten woik In the public
fccliools; that theie Is .1 daiiKfi of eje
strain wading lluoimh si, nitnli nutter.
In answer to tills, Miss. Ilas.tity 11
Jilled that in no plaee u.u- (dilldien
cated for as p the ptiblli sLpiol loom.
Theie Is 110 eity whine the phy-iciiins
are not inteiested, wheie thete is not
closest attention to the veiitiliitina s
teni, to the light and to the i.ucful
seating 01 pupils. Tun lien eem to
look titter Hie dilution betti r than their
motheis, jrntheis soinellims oeiilo
their cue ol llttl- ones. The school,
however, .'iii to linw stunk a bapjiy
medium. As a 1 el I el', howeu. Itoni
any pns-sible omii iowiIIiik of wiitten
wink, Miss (lasaitj uiliisfd liliuk
board extiel'-es, and wainily lOiiiuiend
ed them lov their li ippy tesups u ,f.
tetent dlieetlotis
In her alttiuoou In Hue. Mis.s II.iit
tuty pointed out the important Inllu
1 111 e that stoiii.-. cvii upon lie- .oung
liilnd. I'm- es.unpl', the boj who will
lead Chailes l)udli Wanni's lltuit
insr Heel-." will haidlv ( vi Ko Into tin
Adlioinlacks alter di 1. Tin", child who
v HI mnl Sotiiii-Thonipson'.s st,,jis of
aulinals will lie moie humane. Sh
elteci instaines of the itiiious elfict on
the emotion il fd'lliiHs Setoii-Thoinp-miii
Inis n 1 lived limuli il- or lettn'
fiom clillilieii askini; him to wilte n
Morj hi whii h 1 ue In 1 11 animal would
ill" a lnipp'. dealh. The iimiIIiij,' ol Or.
Uveiett liale's 'Man Without a Conn
trj" wis ,i1ImiI, Hi u patilntic likes
'he notuMieil. Hrsliks siieuutheiiiii Hie
ihild's uiie il natiiii, u-iiiil Int 1.1
lion Is iiinvi v oil.
I'''iir. that s eoiiU'.ird s,,m, Hieis p
till- -'lilies, .should It,,! ll. H
1-i '! Ullllll -Olll" slKll to S.,. t,j, ,,.,, ,,f
far li. Ins nmm-fil, mid not leHmdid
as a iii.-snry prt ot a joiuih: man's
iiUlp'lllllt im lite, l'liillle tliuloity ll-ciir-utlv
eail to lallmi am! dlwiHer
i:ldenie o tills ilnilisic Is 111 be .s,.. p
111 the in em 11 ndeiliiKs of "K. d ;,l.
Ills Ifoml." ii! uhlili tie bestial retup.
ItV of the wolM's f lot I mil emlte,
Ml ll.uiitv diiiilelillied Ha dianw
tlzullon wlllih sip. itnih-(d ot the
niir-m tale 01 l.lttlr Ml .Mullet."
The hltle nils was eatlliK inn bow af
X'lltds of whe, win n a boy, lepifienl
lliS lit" spidi.r, cuiwled act oss the stage
011 his hands and k-nns and 'eatised the
Kill to niak" a iliaiiiaili showfiiH of
tear and irlght. ('hlhlieu should not
bn laiiKht or impiessed with a tear of an lunoe.nit, liarmle.s.s. ihinK as a
I'plder. bin ralhur .should he shown Its
wonder and heiditv as it spins its web
in the suuliKht in (.oiichisiun, ms
lliiBatty that teachets
i-hould to.ier tln Jdua of manual woik
mnong- the ehlldion wluni leading tliem
tales nnd have them const! net with
their own hands lite objects that flmire
toiispletKlilsly In tin' 11111 r:tlve. Jly this
nnothod thoy enn set. the stihsttince In
stead of the shadow.
Prof. Hull's Pointed Sayings.
In dlsotiHsliig Pi of. Hull's talks on
ntitlimctlc and mnthemtitk'?, 11 cum
pnrlsott would not be In bud order. It
Vim be said, with tntth, thtil ho Is quite
as radical In lib-, Idem ot loiu-lilng
urlthmi'tlc its wns 1'uif. Albert, of
lSloonisburg-, In his method of geiiK
rnphy tonchlitR'. Tltlr opinion Is coin-
lillmenimy to both Instructors. Prof.
Albert, It' will be recalled, was one of
the lectin ers 11 1 Inst year's Institute.
Prof. Hull wifs even inoic earnest and
vlgoums yostercla.i' In Ills opinions that
tliete wns too much arithmetic being1
tatiRht In the schools In this state; that
Is, In the guides below the high school.
Dr. Thompson gave two interesting
demonstiatlons of the principles of
di aw lug- cone?, hemispheres and all
cv llmlrlcal bodies; and how lo distin
guish between what obJets appear to
bo and what they really are. Today
lie will discuss mechanical drawing.
There was a small attendance of vis
itors yesterday, hut III Is the wish of
Supetlnteiident Oarr and the teachers
that alt the seats fur the public he
Toduj's programme will be as fol
low t.:
n 1.1 Jlnilc.
! l!.i Advanced Ahitlienmtles,
1'inl. Uetnge Hull.
M 10-Dinwlng Dr. Tlinuipsiin
in r,fi.M iwle.
ll.i'l Ulenieutiiiy laillMlliige,
Miss I. mil. 1 D. Ilugillt.
I.IH-I'sM'lloloV I'lol. I,'. I.. Vfinp
L'.VH i:ieilienliil . Allthmetlc.
Miss I ,u in 11 I). Ilagaity.
".iNi .Mad'.
:i.i1-i:iirIIIi . . Ml-s Alaiy I- Hyde
nl-On liesll.l.
Mil Vocil solo .. .Atlss Js.ilielle Mitchell
I.".- I.i-i lute "I ted Hock ill Atlglci
f'.iMin ('illlj!iilloir'...(;eiieiiil Sweeney
The Botud of Health Took an Im
portant Step Last Night in Move
ment to Deteimine Cause of Ty-
phoid Fever State Bacteriologist
Coming to Carbondale.
A fiom the slat" board
ot he-iltn is eomiiig to L'ai liondale to
make examinations of the iwiter and
liilllv sunplv of this city.
Tills jjtep was decided upon by the ii of health last nighl, as tho most
eitectiie means of detei minim; the
cause of the piovaleiKe of so many
cases ot typhoid fi m in Cat uondiilo.
Secieljiy Hhepheid, 01 the boaid, will
loinmunlciite with Scuetai" Lei, of
tile state boaid today and will lectucst
that the bacteiiologisl iiiiiie on at oiuc.
Tb's. oflkial will, liliiiself. iioi.i!ie
samples of the water that .supplies the
illy and will sit the dailies that sup
pl Caiboudnle will: milk. Aftei pio-
tiling tl.e .samples of water and milk
and making the nocir-naiy obseivalloni
of the mioimdiiigs o' both souiLes---Hater
and milk he will make exami
nations to deteimine whether or not
thcie is any bactciia in either of tluse
iiedsslties, which aie the chief means
ot convelng uphold. Incidentally,
these necessaiy examinations tit this
time will dispose ol a (pieatUm that has
been In the minds of the people for a
long time, and has been variously dis-nisi-nl,
n.imel, the ptnliy of the w titer
Mippl. This th" feeling-' oL the
boaid at Its meeting last night.
More Deaths In
Than In October,
The November monthly ii'port ot
HlisHiMt At, Shepherd, ot the board of
health, which wns submitted at hist
night's mooting: of that body, shows u
continued high death tale- In Carbon
dale. There woie twenty-elRht dentils
In all, three more than In October, but
ns four of these wore not residents of
Carbondale, there was actually one
leath less than In the preceding
month. The icpoit tells of the t'cBUlls of the
tests of samples of milk from every
dealer In Carbondulc. So fur ns dual
ity li concerned, the milk is above the
stundnrd required by the state Inw.
As to the presence or not of bacteria,
that Is a matter for the state bacteriol
ogist to determine.
The lepurt Is as follows.
Thcie weio twunty-olglit deaths In thli
city dining the month of November, be
ing an Inciease of three cimiprued with
October, mid nine computed with Novem
ber, moi. Pour of last month's deaths
wine people who hud been In the city
only a few days; three dying hi tho hos
pital and 0110 In a 1 all load accident.
Deaths bv winds were as follows:
Plrsl, (i; Second, S; Thhd, V,; Fourth, 11.
Causes of deiulis; Hypet trophic clrrhoslii
of llvei, 1; iinmimnnla. !: old ace. 1:
convulsion", :!; cetcbro-splnat meningitis,.
1; exiiiinsiioii from liemoirliitge, a; bron
chitis, :!; rallioacl accident, IS: Urlght's
illsensp nf me kidneys, t; paralysis. 1;
eprebinl painly-N, 1, heart disease, 1;
eeiebtnl hemoirhugc. 1; kidney disease,
neplutls, 1, poison, 1; pciltoultls, 1;
meningitis, ; apoplexy, ; bronchitis,
pneumonia. 1: uphold fever, 1,
Interments: lSioiighl Into the eh, 4,
taken out of the city, 1" In St. Hose eetn
etiny, Pi, Mnplowood, I; Hiookside, 7.
Contagious diseases repotted: Dlp.h
theilti, Pltlh wntd, ; SKth wind 1.
Xuls.uices tepoitcil to sanitary oilier r:
iteporled, A; abated ;:; underway, 1.
Two dead animals were ordered bulled,
by the sanitary oflieer. On Nov. L"l sam
ples of milk weie cuurcd from every
local dealer and also fiom neaily all the
mini supplv, iwpuly-sK dlftetent samples
In all, and same were examined by in
spector, with Hi" result that, so far n Its
ipi.ility was irineeiind, tt was In all cases
silioie that leiiuhed by the stale law.
H. Al. Shepherd, Secietnry
78 YEARS OF AGE jfr30
Air. P. Ar. AIcDonollBh, of alt Fairfax
St., Alexnndrlu, Va., who Is "3 yeais ot
aee. says ho lias kept his kidneys nnd
bladder healthy the pnst 33 or 40 yeais
by tho use ot
V li
WWAllii Wyy
Foimer Scianton Besident Laid at
Rest in Hyde Park Cemetery.
'flic fnneial of the late Airs. Jane
C'cmley, formerl of Scranton, took
plase yesterday morning, amid a show
ing of slucine lespect and soiiow.
Pies-eut at the obsequies weie numerous
if the nelghhois :ind friends of the de
ceased ironi Scranton.
Among the affectionate tributes were
two beautiful lloral pieces. The larger
ias a big lloral clock the pin pie hands
marking the hour of.her death, "10.40."
It was Inscribed "Our Mother." and was
the lembrance of her sons, Edward It.
and Andrew, The other offeting was
.1 pillow of 1 oses that came from the
giandchildien of Alls. Connolly, the
sons and daughters of Uilwnril It. and
Audi ew Connolly.
A high mass of requiem was sung In
St. Ito-e church by Rev. Walter Gor
man, who also delivered the eulogy.
The deceased was taken via the 1 p. 111.
Delaware and Hudson train to Scran
ton, wheie Interment took place In the
Calhedinl cemetery.
The p.illbeaiers weie T. J. Gilhool.
Patiick I-oflus, James I.yuady, Alartln
Ready, Aichbald; the flower heaters,
Finnk Dever, William Evans.
i it 1
4tli (
r.cqPFKK. I! "'
Ptitia Man Out of the Race.
.(Jpn5iP'WVf foiiie iwopin in u niost
' "I'AVns ii.vviititblc (.offoe fiend, until
flfiiilly. iny stomach lebtlied at the
'tr'cJiitiiHmt mid failed to woik," wiltes
'gentleman, fiom New Yotk.
' ! ')iil dyspepsia in Its wotst foim;
hlffld; staggering lieaduches with vuiti
,tJo about a half )iour after each time I
ate,' and I Anally grew so weak nnd
became so thin that my mother advised
'we to stop coffee and try I'ostuin Food
'"I'dld not like it ut (list, but alter
experimenting in making it, mother
Hoon'got it Just right, and I then liked
'tt better than coffee.
"I soon noticed my biliousness .stop,
ped and I lost the trembling effect on
my nerves; Postum did not utiniulato
jno but Seemed to exhilarate. 1 grad
ually, regained my wonted good health;
ny old 'appetite returned, und today I
tun well dyspepsia, headache and ver
tigo all gone, and Postum did It,
u "When I began Its use, I had been
troubled for two years with all kinds
fif stpmacji trouble. I became a verlt
hblo walking- apothecary chop, but I
Jmve not taken a dose of 'inedlclno
since. 1 commenced using- Postum."
Namq given by Postum Co., Uattla
ju'reek, Mich '
W1I.I.IA.M TUOAIAS, a ledidelll
m Scianton, pas-ed away eailj y
letd.t 11101 nlusr at the home of Daniel
Al DavK on Teiiai" sneet. The de
ceased had been lsltlns: in Carbondale,
his funnel home, and was a suest at
tin Dais lesldenie. Jle had been nil
Ins I'm about one oar and on Sunday
iiimit was Middeuly taken ill. I lean
lniluie haste-lied the end ye.sierd.o,
11101 ning-.
Air. Thomas was hunt in Walts In
! ll.i, and camii to Caiboadalo In early
J life, lie elilisltd at the oitlbieak ol tlm
chll w.ii ami seivcd llu'oUKhout tlio
lioiiil!. t. Annum his suftei lugs, during
tlio wai was a pen mil i-penx In Llbliy
pilson. At the close ot the war he
1 -line baiU to Carbondale ami here wed
ili'd Alt-s liachel Davis. Twenty ycats
.icii he moved to .Sirauum. Air. Thonias
was a deucou in tile .htck.son' stieut
li.iplisi 'htiicli. West .Scianton, a num
ber of lia ill Itllu post, C! A, lt and
belonged to I'limbilnu lodge, Independ
ent Otdei u odd Fellows, this city." lie
was well known to older losldents of
1 'ai liondale, who gie.itly lespeeted him.
The mirvlvor.s ale his wife, one sou,
ltoboit Thomas, and two daughter,
Alls S.uah Thomas, and Airs. Alfrid
clink, all of Scnanioii. The deceased
was taken to his home In West Scran
ton on the '.1 o'clock Delawnio and
lluili-or iralu.
The luneiiil will take place Thuisday
a fun noon, Sei vices will be In the Jack
son stleet liaptlst 1 lunch, ut 2 o'clock.
(S.VTOXO FAKHO, aged I -J years, died
jp.sterday at his residence on Clllf
streel, West Hide, He had been ailing
about n year,
The deceased was bum in Italy nnd
had resided In C'aibondalo about ten
yeuis, He is Mirvlved by ids wife and
six children.
Two-Yenr-Old Michael Koloska Was
Burned to Death.
Aliehnel, the -'-year-old son of Air. and
Alls. Wasal Koloska, ot Simpson, met
a tenlble fate, -Monday evening. He
crept near the stove while the patents
weie absent, his thin clothe caught
nflie and In a few minutes he was so
fearlully burned thnt his death lollowed
seveial hour.! later. The sci earns of
the child in his agony attracted neigh
bor, but they ai lived too late to save
him. Dr. AT. E. Alalaun und Dr. J. .1.
Thompson were summoned, but could
do nnlhing but lellcvve tlm child's suf
ftn inss.
The tuneial will take plate this alter-
noon; burial In Lithuanian eemeteiy at
On April 7th, 190- Air. AIcDonongh
wioto: I am 7S years of age, I have used
Warner's Snfo Cure for nearly SO years
off and om I was troubled with lame
back, pains hi my kidneys nnd Inflamma
tion of the bladder. Aa soon as I would
take a bottle ot Warner's Safe Cine my
lameness left me and tlio Irritation of tliu
bladder stopped. Several times I caught
com nnu it nettled In mv Kidneys. 1 toon
Safe C1110 "and each tlnici It completely
cured me." Before 1 knew of "HaCc
Ctito" 1 tiled nil kinds ot xemedles, but
they did me no good. I have lecomincud
ed Safe Ctuo to n number ot peoplo who
had kidney and bladder troubles and it
wntked like magic. It is n blessing to
those suffering lioin any disease of the
kidneys. Yotus truly,
Thousands of peoplo who have died
fiom kidney tllseaso of 0110 form or an
other because It bad poisoned their ss
lems befoic they knew it, might have
been saved had they examined their mine
and found out tho true condition of their
kldnoss. Put some morning mine In a
glass or bottle, let It stand 21 hours; If
then It Is cloudy, or has a. biick-dust
sediment, or particles lloat in It, :.oitr
Kidneys die diseased, and if not attended
to at once your life will bo cut off with
Blight's disease, dlaboles, mlc acid poison
or other complications.
The fiee tiial bottle has often been
sufHclent to cure caso ot kidney disease
when the slmnle homo test described
above has been made in the eaillcr stages
of the disease.
Winner's Safe Cure will cine any dis
ease of the kidneys, liver, bladder, or
blood; It will cure Bright's disease, dla.
betes, gall-sloues, ihcmnatlsm, iheumalla
gout, swelling, painful passage of mine,
torpid liver, 111 Ic acid poison. Indigestion
and stomach trouble, which are so often
caused by the diseased condition of the
Wurnei's Safe Cine Is purely vegetable
and contains no uaieotic or harmful
drugs. It Is fiee liom sediment and Is
pleasant to take. (Ilcwmo of so-tailed
kidney cutcs full of sediment and of bad
odor they tiro haimful.) It docs not con
stipate. It kills the disease gcims. War
ner's Safe Cure has been piccilhcd and
used by leading doctois for over 21 years,
mid Is used In many prominent hospitals
bowels gently and aid a speedy cine.
If you already know AVai net's Sale Cure
Is what you need you can buv it at any
ilntg stole, two legulnr sizes, ,",0 cents and
l.0 a bottle.
Rnfuse Substitutes and Imitations
Thcie Is none -'Just as good" as War
ner's. Insist on tlio genuine, which al
ways cuies. Substitutes contain hut infill
dings which Jnjitio the system.
To convince every suffeier fiom diseases
of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood
that Winners Sate euro will cine thetu,
u tiial bottle will bo sent absolutely free,
postpaid. Also a valuable medical book
let which tells all about the diseases of
tlio kidneys, ller apd bladder, with a
piusciiptlou for each disease, nnd many
of the thousands of testimonials lecelved
daily fiom grntetul patient, who have
been ciued bv Wainei's Safe Cute. All
yon hnve to do Is to write Warner's Safo
due Company, Rochester. X. A"., and
mention having lead this llbeial olfer hi
this paper. Tho genuineness of this olfer
is Hilly gtiaiantecd by tho publisher.
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping: Center
You may copy the methods of
a store its advertisements, per
haps its goods but you can never
steal its spirit.
The copy is like a photograph
of nature without color lifeless.
When it comes to the Christ
mas crush, some people buy any
thing they can get hold of.
That's all right if they shop at
a store where they can't get hold
of trash.
Fin binens
, From the littlest, band-ambroideed doylies for ijc, up to that wonderfully
embroidered aud drawn-work bedspread for $70.00, there arc gifts of every degree
in the Linen Department, and from nearly every country in the world.
Sometimes two and three countries combine to make a single piece, for the
lace will be made in Switzerland aud taken to Saxony, aud there it will be put on
finely drawn linen done only as the Germaus know how while the liuen which
they draw comes from Ireland.
Plain linens, all for U3e, aud. art linens, half for beauty, are gathered here i
great quantities now for your inspection.
Neck Furs
In early days people who sold Furs knew
little about them their customers knew even
Furs that never grew on an animal's back
found their way into market.
We helped to change these sad conditions;
first, by insisting upon knowing all about the
Furs we handle; and, second, by giving that
knowledge freely to our customers.
Every Fur in the store is sold for just what
it is.
Feel very important now that the holidays jj
are really in sight. Those who are wise will H
choose while the stock is at its best, before- the 5
Christmas rush begins. 3
9c -Women's Hemstitched and Embroidered
Handkerchiefs. 3jf
Others hemstitched, a tiny tuck above, em; Jfc
broidery in the corner. '.
.Some with just hemstitching and a bit of W
corner embroidery. K
All ut oc each or $1.00 a dozm. ' C
Jouvin Gloves, $1-50
Are made for us in Grenoble from our own
designs and patterns it would be strange if with
such care they weren't liner than any other $1.50
Glove. The skins come from animals raised and
cared for in France not from wild goats brought
to France from all parts of the globe to be
dressed and then called French skins.
All the newest colors, black and white.
Glace or suede, overseams, three clasps.
Glace or suede, pique sewn, two clasps.
"Christmas Waists," because they're the
kind every woman likes to get as a gift. 2
Louisine, peau de soie, moitc and taffeta in 5
all the dainty colors, made up in many pretty J$(f
styles. -5
ff HouseCoats
8 for Men
A College Song1 in ''The Chapeions."
Tlieie H a rnublng Bohemian miiiij in
tlio liiiu'fiil (ipc-intie comedy, '"The
Oli.iIH'iom-," entitled "We'te All Good
Fellows," mid lemleied by a Inllllnnt
doulile mule quartette Uiut luiH become
1111 immense lilt wherever this musical
(.uinedy has appeared. All swell club
dom 1." singing il, and tint college lioys
hne li In their songr books. When
Prank U. Pci ley's superb oreunlzntinu
ot singei h, dancers and uiirth-m.iheis
appealed last season in New Hnvnn,
the Yale boys ciowded the orchestra
and immediately Joined In the chArtis
of "We're All Good Fellows." They
weie so tnhen with the sonif that tho
coinpoor, Isidore witinnrK, Itirnlshcd
them an orchestration for band, and
tho sons' wns used ut the bl-ceuteniilal,
being tendered by a chorus of .six hun
dred to u. band accompaniment of llfty
pieces lieforo nit assemblage- of over
(1,000 people on tho famous Yale cam
pus. "We'io All Good Fellows" is only
one of tho many popular hits In tho
merry musical "Chaperons," that will
lie seen at tlio Grand, Frlduy nlfjlit.
for the ensuing year, which lesulted as
President, William .Shannon; vice
pi esldent, D. J... Crane; secretary, Jtob
eit Kinback; treasurer, W. .1. Kvans;
auditor, C. AV. Seamnns.
The election will take place at the
next meeting.
Organized Permanently.
The lleudiick Hook and Ladder com
pany effected permanent 01 sanitation
last night by electing A. L. Salmi, piesl
dent; John II. Burke, secietnry, and J.
Itussel) Jones, treasuier.
A committee was appointed to ar
range for a fall, tn be held after the
The most comfortable are ot soft wool cloths.
Nowadays they are mostly two-tone plain
color one side and plaid the other; a few years
ago they were the same plaid through and
through. The two-tone idea gives the designer
a better chance to work, and the coats are richer
and cozier-looking than they ever were.
The cloth is better this year, too, and the
making is better we never had as good house
coats as we have this year.
The $5 coats are really so good that we
wont have enough to last till Christmas you'd
pay $6 for the same coat at other stores.
The vaiiety is bigger, the quality is better,
the sizes aie larger and that's the thing
counts most with a man after all.
Every sort of Handkerchief he could use in
a lifetime.
Plain Hemstitched, ioc to 50c each.
Plain Hemmed, 5c to 40c each.
Initial Handkerchiefs, 250,500, 68c.
Plain Silk Handkerchiefs, 50c to S1.00.
Lectin e by Hon. Qeoige w"endling
Was nu Intellectual Trent.
The patt 011s of the teachets' iubtitute
lectuio iouiso must feel Indebted to
City KuiieiJntendonl of School Klmor
12. Gau- for his selection or last night's
number of the enteiprlse, the lectin u
entitled "The 3!un of auee." dellv
eivd by Hon. George It. Weudllng.
Tito lec-turo wns an Intellectual ticat,
which inio would bo safe in declaring
litis luifdly been, suip.'tfcsed by any of
the offeilngs of this cltaiatter In Car
bondale. A fingmentury picsentntion
of the i.irely beautiful nddiess would
bo almost an offence. It t seldom, in.
deed, that one heuis a thing so full ot
totil ns this. The theme, the beuiitltnl
rhetoilo guili which clothed It, (he
bplendld voice of Mr. Wendllng, his
tender, religious feeling these were the
elements of the tieat. Ills conception
of the ruling, tho always present motive
of the Gullleun lovo for mankind was
bubllmo und must have stirred up the
tenderest and holiest feelings of hia
uudltors, who were the very soul of at
tention and devotion. The evening will
Merchants Nominate Ofllceis.
The tegular monthly meeting, nf the
Retail Merchants' association took
plueo Monday night. The principal
business was the nomination of officers
Tis a pretty age that time
in a girl's life when she has all
the beauties of womanhood
(without the later lines of care
and worry.
But here and there even
among school girls appear pale
and drawn faces.
Pale blood is at the bottom
of the trouble and Scott's
Emulsion can cure it.
Scott's Emulsion brings
back the beauty to pale girls
because it is blood food.
Send for Vree Staple.
sctfjfc,jinwrMg..niliti,,pj.ti,M. u.v.
Funeial Notice.
The fuiiexnl of the late John 1). Malay
will take place Thursday morning.
The cottege will leave the house on
upper L'anaun stieet ut !) o'clock for St.
Rose church, where a requiem mnsi
will be sung. Interment will be In St.
Rose cemetery.
Anauging- for Social and Sale.
The Young I.ady AVotkerf. of tlio
Methodist church aie in ranging for a
handkerchief social and sale, to ttiko
pluce In the Box building, on Church
stieet, Tuesday, December 10.
I Connolly & Wallace
i 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take l.nNnttvo Broino Quinine Tablets.
AH druggists refund the money If It
falls to cute. 12. V, Giove's signature
is on each box, 3c,
Tlio sqieilnl meeting- of council hold
Monday evening for tho purpose of giving
the citizens nn oppoitunlty of meeting tho
ollicinls of tho Klectiio Light company
was, continry to expectation, veiy poorly
attended, but three, of tho ulno council
inon nnd four citizens being pit-sent. Tliu
ofilclals reiterated their cluhn that tliu
inesent enclosed lamps wero tuinlsliing a
better light than the old stylo of lamp,
They also auswetcd bomo of tho points
that hud been rulued by tlio citizens and
the mutter was laid over until tlio regular
meeting of council 011 Kiiday evening;. It
Is piobahlo the matter will bo allowed to
dtnp ns It Is tllfllcult n ten wliut tlio
council can do.
The thsl aid to tlio iulured t?ocloty
mgnnized two eais ago and which has
not met for seveial months, will meet
again this evening when It is hoped all
the nicmlicis will be present. The object
of this otgauUatlou is as Its numo Implies
unit It ought (o be tho most popular so
ciety in town. It is hoped that sufficient
now niemliciM will enroll themselves tn
lot in a now class.
tjluco Utiuduy night's full of snow a
number of children' havo lieen indulging
themselves In the unlawful and dunger
ons piactlco of coasting down tho tilde
walks aud as a consequence) Suie Davis,
daughter of Mine Foreman Davis, luui
her ankle painfully injured Monday even
itic ami has since been (.ontlned (o the
lions. Tlieie is nn ordinance f 01 bidding
coasting on tlio sldownlks and it should
bo enforced.
A little daughter ai lived Sunday at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. FinuU Welch, oc
Thhd street.
Tho funeial of th late William fccull
will tnko place at - o'clock this nlter
110011. The membeis of William D.ivloi
post, annul Auny of 'the Republic, of
Caiboudnle. will attend )n a hod v. Ser
vices will bo held In tlio Methodist 12ilfl
ccipal church.
Dr. nnu .mis. 1. n. uinves, .ui. tuim-i.
Miss Jebslo Whiter nnd Mr. and Mis. .1.
I). Stoelter wore Caibondalo calleis Mon
day evening.
J. D. Stoelser spent yo.steidny tho guest
of David While at Scott and shot ten
lino inbblts.
Dr. nnd Mis. S. D. Moyer, ot Cai bun
dale, was vlbltmg .leiniyn fi lends l.nt
evening. ., ,,
The ftitieial of tho late, Mrs. .Mullen
was held yesteidny inoinlng. Tho le
nialns were taken to Sacied Hcait churcn
at 10 o'clock when Rev Father Dunn
colelnated 11 lequlem muss. Interment
was ol'terwaids mndo hi Olivary ceiue
teiy. Sumner D.ilr.. of 1'ort Chester. X .
Is visiting his pnicnis, Dr. nnd Mis. S.
D ll.nls
Clmiles Illockbeiger, tho well kuulMi
nieirhant tailor, passed iiuuy at his homo
in Illakoly yestoiday morning at Pi
o'clock-, Ills health began to fail about 11
year ago, Ho giadually grow weaker ami
lor tho past six weeks was confined to
Ills bed, Death was duo to coueer of tho
stomach, Deceased was bout hi Saxony,
(lermanj. In isru. I to camo to Anieilca hi
JS.IA). After lesldlng tn llouetdulo and
Hcrantou for a few ho moved to
Olynhuut. wheie he lias since icshld.
Mr. lllotkberger was a man who was
An Old and Well-Ttied Remedy.
for children teething, is tho pict-cilptlon of
0110 of tliu best tumalo physicians ami
muses In the Putted States, unit bus been
used sixty with never-fulling suc
cess by millions of motheis for their chil
dren. Dining the piocoss of teething Its
vuluo Is hu-ukulutile. It iclluveu tho child
fiom pain, cures dlurihoea, gilplng In tho
bowels, and wind colic, liy giving health
to the child ll tests the mother. 1'ilco,
ivcnty-llvo cents a bottle-
deeply icspct ted by all who know him
As a business man his standing was of
the best. Ilo was tlullty, haid wmklng
and sciupiilonsly honest. Ilesldes his
wllo he Is hill l ed by the follow lug sons
and daughters: .Mis. Marj Rhoilcii, Ak
nes, l.ciiha. John, Louis, Chuilcs nnd
Walter RloeUbeiger. The fiini-ial will be
held fiom his Lite homo hi lllauely to
iiiouow afteimioii nl 1 o'clock. I11K1 incut
will he made in I'lilou cemetery, llintcs
diilo pa pels pleiiMi copj.
I.Mvwucl Itogau i 011 a hunting tiip at
Stan ucea.
Tlio ttiiieial of (icoigo KJiig was held
yesteidny nlteiuooii at -' o'clock. The re
mains weie taken to tho CVmsicetallniiiil
chinch wlicie a laiije gulheilug of filrmls
and lelatlves came 10 piy tlielr last nil.
ulo of lovo and lesiicct to tlio deceits.'!!
young man Tho I oily lestcd in n riuiiil
Mimo pin pie c.iHkut upon which weio
many beautltul lloral tokens. The
le03 weio conducted by Rev R, S. .Inm-a,
of 1'iovldeiice, mid Rev. James lle, ol
Hlakely. Tho choir sang "Abide with
Mo." and "Wo Shall Sloop hut -Not Foi
eer," M'ty liupiosslvely. In hiiicIiisIoii
tlu 1 cumins weio convoked to I'ulou
ti'iiiciei, wheiu iutiiminl was made,
'I'ho Junior Foresteis and tho I'iiIUmI
Mllio Wmkol'.s of Jessup attended tlio ob
sequies hi a body. Tho pall-hiaieis mini
(lenige Symniis, 12dwaid Mmgau. .lolin
(faihett. William (lilfllths, Daniel piltcli
aid and Walter William
Miss Auulc lloban. of Diuimoio siu-et,
Is wot king 111 SchiilU's clothing stole.
"Tho flame Keeper" a hcaiilllul I1lt.l1
drama, with Smith O'llvlen in tho leading
lole, also Ilttlo Nmlue, llio child actress,
will lio llio attiacttuu at tho Fathei
Miithow opeia house next Monday night
Oilglnul bongs especially wiliteu t'01 the
lilcco will bo tendered by Jlr. O'ihleii.
Tho tuneial ot 1'atilik Paddcu will bo
held fiom his late liumo on Diiiimoic
sheet tomoiiow inoiiilug. A leqiitem
high mats will be colebtnied in St I'al
ilck's clinicli ut 1 o'clock-, imminent
will lio niado hi Si, l'aliiclt's cemetery.
Tlio Catholic Young Men's Total Abstl.
lienco und Ueuovolciit and Holy Nnino n
clelles will attend tlio ubseqults In a body.
Miss (ieoiijla 12vaus, of Ilur.e.i, who
has Liven the guest 01 Mr und Mis D. C.
Rums, of Sinquehaiiua stieet, has ie
tinned home.
Mis. John Slielton and sou, of South
fink, P.i., ie tin ned homo yestoiday after
a Wall with lelatives hyio,
Amid te.ns of numeinus lelutlves unci
fileniN the leniulns of tho Into Riuge.-a
Wllllum P. (iillliths weio l.ild to rest lu
Foienl Homo eemeteiy yesterday uttoi
110011. Ills late lohldeneo 011 Washington
stieet was tluongul with tjmputlilisliipr
f 1 lends, 'llio uiiilm.iI sen Ices weie hold
In tho Wd-li CoiinteKiitloiiul ehiiicii at
:'.: p. in. Rev, .1. .1. Jenkins, Rev. D, .
ICdwauls, Rev. Dr. 11. 11, llanis. of tills
town, und Itev. It. I. llvniis, ol West
Soi.iuton, weie the olliclatlng clergymen.
Rev. Jenkins uad tho Seiituto and of
feied prajer. Rev. Di. llauli spuko in
thu Cugllsli lungiuiKC. and Rev. Rnin
and Rev. Kdwaids spoko ill Welsh Tho
roseivnil gentlemen were Inipiesslvo In
tlielr leinaiUs. The palllieiueis were n
licled iron) tho various lodges piesent,
of which llio deci tihod was a memhoi.
Tho liomu.iry pallbeMieis weio selected
110111 the borough council. Tho acting
pallbearer.-, weie: Iald D. CJilllltbi-,
William .M011I-. M. M. Williams, Wulti r
Joins and Philip Williams Tlio llower
beaieis worn Iiuuy Smith. William Pjice
and Dald J. Williams. The lloinl oflci
Ings weie many and beautiful, and con
sisted ol a biokcn iiiele liom tho lioi
nugh iiiuncll. und heaullliil hoitnuetH
fiom relatlM.s. Tlieie weio many fiom
up nnd down the valley In atteiidaiuu
Albeit Reese, of West Soiantnn. Usui H
a challenge to all foot 1 miners In IhW
boiough, und will lio at tho Ulalno liousa
011 Satuiday eienhig 10 luiiko- arrange
ments im any unioiuii, James .Mulllgnii
or Joseph lionkle prtteired.
Pi of. John J. Shi'-lian, nf Moosle, hul
been nppnliittd dlieetor of tho Tajlof Sll
sei Cornet band.
Finn-Mill DliiMor W J Da is, of .Not th
Main stieet, Is attending the umlerUikcis'
convention at Philadelphia.
W. J. Jloigiiu. of fuibuiiilile, was it
business. caller ill town on Monday
.Mis. II. D. Jones. 01 .Main stieet, hut
letiiiiied Horn lur iult with lel.tthes 11 c
llrooklvn. N V.
.Mis. (JeoiBu Krir, of old I'oige, moved
hei i.iinily to liioie stieet yestoiday,
James Powell, of Ojk stieet, Is clangoi
ously ill at his home.
Mrs. II. D. June,, of Pilce'buig, wai
the Mte.-.t ot fi lends in town yesterday
Jtis. Sidney Raker, of Puik Place. yls
ited ti lends In this borough yesterday.
Impious! Order of Red Men will meek
Hits evening In tegular session.