The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 03, 1902, Image 1

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Senate and House Listen to the
Reading o! tlie President's
Fills the Vacancy Caused by the
Death of " Senator McMillan Mr.
Cannon, of the House Committee on
Appropriations, Gives Notice That
the Sill to Defray Expenses of the
Strike Commission. Will Be Called
Up Today Bepresentative Hull In
troduces Bill Creating Geneial Staff
Coips of the United States Aimy.
ty Kxclushc Wire from Hie Assoc'jted Prm
Washington, Dee. 1! Intel est In the
session of the senate today was height
ened bv the fact that the president's
message to congress would be lead and
also that Qeneial Russel A. Alger, of
Michigan, foinier stcietary of war
under President McKinlcy, would bo
sworn in to nil the vacancy i.tusccl by
the death of Senator McMillan.
His desk and chair were hidden be
neath a mass of flowei . and as he took
his seat he was sunouuded by a num
ber of his colleagues who extended
htarty congratulations In the gallery
weie a number of General Alger's per
sonal fi lends and mcmbeis of his
1 rmllv.
One hour and fifteen minutes were
uusumed In reading the president's
message. Almost the entile Republican
i. piesentatlon was in their seats, but
not more than halt the seals on thr
Democratic .side weio occupied. The
closest attention was paid to the mes
sage as it was bolnpr lead, and fte
ciucntly senalois would oonfei loard
ing t-omc special portion of It which had
atti acted their puticular notice. A
jinmber of bills and resolutions weie
Introduced following a biief executive
session. The leslgnatlon ot Rev. W. II.
Mllburn, the blind clinplaln ot the sen-
nte, was leceived with genuine iegiet.1
up iiurl heeome a familiar llguic in the
bcilv and was personally acquainted
with every senator.
No action was taken on the icslg
ii.etion At 3.15 p m the senate adjourned
itutil tmnoiiow, out of respect lo the
memoiv of the late Chalks If. Russell,
J e preventative Mom Ponnectlcut
The house was In session an bom and
lot ty minutes today. One bout- ot that
time was consumed in leading the
Mcsldent's mo-sag'-. The leading was
listened to with attention In members
without legend to p.nty, liut without
demonstration except at the conelusion
t the leading, when tlr Republicans
nppHudod genei ousiy.
Mr. Cannon, ol the com
mittee on appropriations, gave notice
That the bill to defiay expenses of the
coal mi iKo. eommKslun would be called
up tomonow. The deaths of the late
Representatives i)t. Oralenicid and
Pheppaid, of T'Nas, which occulted
duiing the recesN woio nnnotmeed, and
after adopting the customuiy lesolu
ttons ot i egret the house adjoin ned as
a furthei marl: o icspeet to their
memoi ies.
Will Piess Immigration Bill.
Washington. Dfi 2, Senator Pen
rose, ch.tiinmn of the senate commit
tee on linmlgintloii. .nlil todav that If
there should be a favoiable opening ho
would make an attempt tomorrow to
call up the immlgiatlon bill, whirh
passed the house in the last session and
was favorably repotted bv the commit
tee, nnd If not then he would make the
effoit later In the session, "f mean to
pre a the bill," be wild, "and I hope to
sec it become a law dining the present
session, although T expect that con
siderable opposition win bn tneouiu
ned. lust as was the ease In the con
sideration of the Chinese bill."
The pieseut effoit on the patt of the
opponents of the bill will be dlioeted
tow aid postponing consider ntiop until
nfter the statehood bills have been
taken up on the 10th Instant. They
Hum count on that mc.isuic to keep tlio
imnilgiatlon bill in the baekgiound
until tlio appioptlatlon bills foiee them
ei'hcs to the liont,
Anthiacite Strike Commission Bill,
"Washington, Dee, 1!, The house com-
mltteo on aiiinomlatlons tod.iv illrnnt,i
Cltuliiniin (;nunoir to make a fa enable
lcpott on his bill uppiopilatlng 50,000
to detuiy the expenses of the anthiacite
coal stilkQ commission.
Representative Hull Brings Up
Measure to Cieate Geneial Staff,
By Ficlmhc Wire ficin The AMoclttcil Pent.
Washington, Dee, 2. Repiesentatlve
Jlull, cluiimun of the house committee
on mllltaiy affairs today introduced a
bill creating a general staff corps of the
United States aimy. It provides that
the staff be composed of ofllcerH de
tailed from the army at laigo under
such rules as tho president may pre
scribe, 'i'he proposed duties of tljo
staff ae to prepare plans for the na
tional defense and lor the mobilization
of (bo mllltaiy foreeB In time of war,
to Investigate and repojt on all ques
tions affecting the etllclency of the
urmy and Its stato of pteparedness for
military operation; render professional
aid to the secretary of war und to gen
eral officers und other superior com
manders and to act as their agents, in
informing und co-ordinating action
of nil the different ofllcers In carrying
out their ordejs. u is proposed that the
pcnoijl staff coips constat of one chief
of statf of the array with the lank and I
1 v
pay of a lleiilennl $ eral, one major
general and one bt genet iU, to be
detullod by the pit "ts t fiom officers
a I largo not below ? i tide of btlg
adler general; four a $. N, six lieuten
ant colonels and twe'. Vajors, to be
detailed from the corr
In the aimy at huge;
Details hall be for fou
llng grades
s and of-
fleers while so detailed mi . assigned
to anv bianch of the set v. . The bill
provides fuither that the I f staff
under the dhectlou of the president
and secietory of war shall have super
Ilon of all tioops of the line and of
the seeial administrative staff nnd
supply depaitments and shall be a
member of the boaid of ordnance nnd
fortifications. Under the bill. Inspection
of troops uie to be made habitually by
commanding ofllcers and Inspections of
the army at huge by the geneial statf.
The Inspection of money accounts now
m ide by the Inspector general of the
aimy Is trafcsfened to the tieasuiy de
partment. Piovlslons Is made for the
gradual i eduction and final abolishment
of the Inspector general's department
as a separate; oiganlzatlon. The meas
ui e was Intiexliiceel in the senate by
Senator Proctor. The bill was diawn
by the war department and differs con
siderably fiom the measure ol the past
The Members Fulled Ashore in a
"Bo'sun's Chair" An Ex
citing Experience.
By Lxduslvt W ire from The tssodated Proa,.
Deli oil, Mich. Pec 2 A pc-eial
fiom t-ault Sic Mule, Mich . ay- that
the ciew of the los-t tteimer d
was leseued fhiuday m Tiii'ig arid pulled
ashote in a 'bo'sun'.s ehnii," between
the bonis of .' and Id a m, while the
steamer was pounding to pieces on the
rocks 'JOO j aids oil dioie.
The elsel went on the locks In a
blinding snow stotm after midnight
olr Mamainscn point about sixty miles
north of the fc'oo The ciew could just
distinguish the outlines of the locky
shoic and It looked as though no small
boat could possibly Ihe In the laglng
sea, which was washing over the ship's
dok-. But the boat was already set
tling and it was evident that the rocks
would punch gicat holes in her. Vol
unteeis to make the attempt to catry
,i line ashoie weie found in fiist mate
l!ui it 11 and second mate Jackson. The
ship's jaw! had been stoe in by the
se.- and nothing leunlned for the pei li
ons liip ashoie but a little skiff. In
tills two men set out. Twice their boat
was bulled back by the waves, when
they had all but l cached the goal and
the thlid time the boat spilled them
out just inside the line of safety. Clamb
eiing up the locks, clinging tightly to
the line upon which hung the lives of
their conuades. the two men, biulsed
and bleeding from head to foot fell ex
hausted on the shoie.
Oscar Carleson, who lhes neaiby
came upon the scene with bis sons In
time to assist in moking tast the line
and help the fhst membeis of the crew
to the shoie.
Two weie hauled in the chair at once
fo- two tilps and the fifth passenger
was Miss Jennie Raines.
Captain Ryan had a narrow csoape
fiom death at the last moment. As he
was swinging1 clear of the vessel, the
lines betame entagled and It was dif
ficult to dtag him ashore. He was
tin own out of the chair and had to be
hauled out of the surf bv the membeis
of the ciew who had pioceded him. It
was 10 o'clock In the moinlng when all
were safely on the shore.
Sufferlug from a Sudden and Acute
Attack of Gastiitis.
ll.v 1 xdibhc Whc ficm The Assutlatcil 1'rev:. ,
Washington, Dee. 2. ICx-Spcakcr
Thomas II. Reed had a sudden and
quite seero attack of gastiitis this
evening, Ho was piostrated tor a time,
but Dr. Claidiner, who was called In,
succeeded In lollevlng his patient. Tho
sudden Illness of the e-speakor caused
consider able alarm to his fi lends, but
at a late hour Mr. Reed was getting on
better than had been hoped cat Her In
the evening, At 10.43 o'clock Dr. Gardi
ner made the following statement:
".Mr. Reed had an attack of ucuto
gastritis this evening about fi o'clock
and Is resting ery quietly now."
Tho doctor said that ho would not
call to see his patient again dining tho
night unless summoned, and that ho
did not expect that to happen, as Mr,
Reed was Imptovlng,
Abe Buzzard's Pal Attested,
Py Eicliuhe Wire from The AisocUted l'ri.
Lancaster, Pa Deo. 2 Deputy United
States Marshal Mois, of Philadelphia,
today soi eel warrants on John I.lpiiln
eott. 0. Milton Pijbutger nnd Albert
Dunlap in tho county jail, chaiglng them
with haWug robbed tho Now Holland
postofllce on Nov, 11. Tho accused nro
Welsh mountaineer s, I.lpplncott being a
notoilous ex-conilct and nn old pal ot
tho famous Abo Ituzzaid. They aio now
imptlsoued awaiting trial for depredations
among fanners.
m i
Train in Rock Slide.
By Kxcluihe W nc frcm Hie Associated I'rbs.
Grand Junction, Col , Dec. 2 The Pa
cllle Coast Limited train, westbound on
the Itlo Grnnclo Western railroad, ran Into
u bugo rock slides, two miles ease of West
Water, Utah, toduy, killing Human O,
W. Ileedlo, and seriously Injur! ui Rnel
neer Johrr Cummlngs and Mall Clerk
. m
Pensions Giauted.
Dy Hcluiln Wire from The AisocUted 1'rfsv.
Washington. Dec. 2. Pcnsioiib granted:
Calvin Ileirlng, of Wllkes-Uurre. 510,
William Sehlugtr, cif Scranton, 1.'; Mich,
ucl Canoll, ot Scranton, ill.
Interesting Meeting of Cabinet En
couraging Reports fiom Havana.
By llxclushi' Who from The Asincl ited I'rud.
Washington, Dee. 2. Foreign nffiilrs
weie discussed bilefly at the cabinet
meeting today. Secretin y lln'y has bad
encouraging lepoits tiom Havana,
whete Minister Stiuleis and Geneial
Ullss aio woiklng In haimony wltji a
special commission designated by Pi evi
dent Pahna to diaw a satisfactory tecl
proclty tie.Uy. Venezuelan conditions
also were touched upon, especially with
reference lo the plans ot some New
York financiers to relieve Venezuela's
embarrassments by floating a loan.
The government would be glad to see
this done if It could be aceompllshi el
wlthutit Involving the United Htutes In
any liability for the lepayment of any
debt or place the government under the
obligation to coerce Vene.uela. It has
aheudy been made perfectly clear to
tlio piomoters of this plan that tlio
state department would not bind Itself
by any promises in this matter and this
attitude of the department was thoi
oughly approsed by the membeis of the
The Cases Disposed of Lawbreak
ers Sentenced at the Session in
By l.tiliiMtc Wile fiom tlio AiiouJtcd l'res
Hiulsburg, I'a Dec. 2. In the Unit
ed States Dlstilct eouit today, Geoige
aiid William Crawford, aged 13 yeats,
charged with bi caking into and lob
bing the postofllce of Bandies, Tioga
county, were comleted and sentenced
to the house of coircctlon at Glen Mills.
J. H. Meaihoff, of I-ehlghton, ehaiged
with devising a scheme to detiaud by
oiderlng meiehandlso thiough the Unit
ed States malls, was comleted and sen
tenced to thirty dajs in the Carbon
county jail.
W. H. Oswald was otdeied to be Im
prisoned lor sl months in the Dau
phin county jail, for deislng a scheme
to defiaud by oiderlng merchandise
thiough the mails. Henry, of Poit Kojal, ,as
found guilty of sending an obscene
letter thiough the United States malls
and sentence was suspended.
If our Men Killed in the Recent Ex
plosion Aie Buiied at Shomokin.
C lidusnc Wile Irom lh tsocutcd l'ress
Shamokln, Pa , Dec. 2 The funeral
of Charles Maiut, Leon Zuknsle,
Thomas Jialintas and Thorn is Zaper
kiewlt., Victims of the Luke Fiddler
colliery gas explosion, occuned this
mornln'f. Besides lelathe.-, and friends
two thousand United Mine Woikeis at
tended, headed by President John Ta
hey, and the exgcutle staff of Dlstilct
No. 9.
The deceased weie membeis ot the
union. The colliery wheie the accident
occuned is idle today and a lot of
miners at neighboring opeiations ceased
work to attend the funeral. Four
hearses conveyed the Aictim- to Spilng
field cemetery, where they weie one
after another lowei ed to their respective
gra c
A Demand of from 10 to 20 Per Cent.
in "Wnges May be Expected.
liy Txcluihe Wire from The Associated l'rci
Chicago, Dec, 2. The Chronicle sas:
With tlio pin pose of formulating ic
quests for Inci eases of from ten to
twenty uer cent, in the pay of 170,000
railroad employes, committees from
four powerful labor organizations are
now meeting In Chicago. They are
holding dally .sessions In four Chicago
hotels and may be expected to pre
sent their demand!! to the lnlhoad offic
ials early next week. The four oigan
Uatlons rcpiesented by the committees
aic: Riotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers, Membership 11,000; Riotherhood
of Locomotive Fhemen, membership
47,000; Rrotheihood of Railroad Train
men, membeishlp 60,000; Older of Rail
way Conductors, membeishlp 2J.O0O,
For tho llrot time In eight ears, tho
four organizations ate working together
In bnr niony and may be counted upon
to stand together in the possibility ot
trouble with tho ralhoads.
It Is announced by members of the
committees representing the organiza
tions that requests for Increases in pay
will be made by tho four organizations
fiom eveiy railroad system In the mid
dle and northwest. I'astern roads en
tering tho city will be similarly dealt
By Kxclushc W Ire from Trie Associated Pre j.
Rutte, Mont., Dec. 2. The bank at
Rrldger, In Carbon county, was enteied
by tluee masked men today and Cashier
Trumbon, was, at the. point of revol
vers, relieved of $2,000. Immediately
after the robbery, the men left on horse
back for the Ciow reservation.
A pursuing party hos been organized,
Tho scone of the robbery Is In the vicin
ity of the famous hole-ln-the-Wnlt
countt y, tor jears the hiding place of
thieves and desperadoes.
i .
To Amend Anti-Tiust Law,
Dy l'xclushc W ire from 'flic Associated 1'iesi.
AVaslilngton, Dee. 2. Senator Cullom to
day Introduced a bill to amend tho Hhei
mun anti-trust law, It prohibits Inter
stato commerce In articles produced by
trusts, the penalty for violations being u
lino of from J300 to $3,000.
Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Company,
Dy KxclusUe W'iro fiom The Associated I'rcj.
Dover, Del., Dec. 2 Tho following cor
potations were filed here today: Increase
In capital stock of tho Dr. Rand Con.
denned Milk company, of Scianton, Pa,,
from J300.000 to MO,000.
Steamship Ai rivals.
Dy EicUklie Wire from T lie Associated Press.
New Voik, Deo. 2 At rived: Rotter
dam, Amsterdam. Clcaied; Celtic, Mv-c-ipool;
St Louls, Southampton, Sailed,:
Kaiser Wllhelm dcr Grosso. lUcnicn;
Sicily Passed: Amsteidnnu New Yoik
for Hottcidiim. Antweip Anlcd: Vad
cilund, New Voi' ,
Indications That the Klllnu of Kate
Hassett bu Barru Johnstone
Was Premeditated.
Johnstone Eirst Foiced an Entrance
to Woman's Room and Tore Her
Clothing Into Shreds A Farewell
Letter Directed to the Murdeier's
Bi other Friends of the Dead Wo
man Say That Johnstono Had Been
Persecuting- Her for nt Least a
By I'tduslic Wire (rum Ihe Aisod-ikd l'rcss
Philadelphia, Dee. 2. Developments
todiiy in the minder of Kate Hnsbctt, of
Keith's IJIJou Theater Stock company,
who was shot and killed last night by ry Johnstone, an actor, foimetly
with Rlchaul Mansdold's company, in
dicate that the cilme was premeditated.
Johnstone, who after he had shot the
woman, attempted suicide, Is tonight In
u. critical condition. The hospital sur
geons intended performing an opera
tion upon him this afternoon, but the
wounded man's condition was such as
to necessitate a postponement. At the
hospital tonight It was stateel that
Johnstone was much weaker than at
any time since he leceived the self-inflicted
wound and his chances of lecov
eiy weie less blight. He Is in possess
ion of all his faculties and during the
day ho occasionally made Inquiries con
cerning Miss Hasctt. Each time he
was given an evasive reply.
Johnstone's sister and biother auhed
lieie today and spent most of the even
ing with their bt other. Ills mother is
ex'pected ' lieie tonight or tomoirow.
Kverett Beckwilh. husband of the mur
dered actiess, has ent woid to this
citv that he Is on his way east fiom
Chicago and expects to arrive some
time tomorrow. It is also reported
that Michael Hassett, father of Miss
Hassett, is enioute fiom Aurora, 111.,
to assist in arranging- for his daugh
ters funeial.
The police learned today that shortly
aftei Miss HasseL had loft her board
ing house for the theater last night,
Johnstone- forced an entrance into her
apartments. He can led a coll of rope
which he attached to a post of the
actress' bed. The police believe it was
the muiderer's intention to await the
return of Miss Hassett and shoot her
in her loom, hoping to make his escape
thiough a window by means ot the
rope. His presence In the room was
discovered by other boarders. They as
seit that the actor was greatly excited
and that he bad torn into shreds all
of the woman's clothing which ho found
in the room. Tearing that he meant to
harm tho actress tho boaidets Inter
cepted her at the door of the house nnd
related what had transphed. As Miss
Hassett turned to seek other quatters
for the niglit, Johnstone, it is said,
lushed from the houso and joined her.
They had not proceeded far befoio he
shot her and then turned the weapon
upon himself.
A Eaiewell Letter.
Tire following letter, addressed to
Robeit II, Johnstone at Syiacttse, N.
Y., was lound In Johnstone's clothing:
"Dear Rob: Ihrclosed I send you a
check oils the Kxcelslor Savings bank
for the sum of $280. 1 wnnt mother and
youiself to have all my effects, clothes,
trunks, etc. Bury me Inexpensively
wherever seems most fit. Clod bless all,
and be good nnd true to all the woild,
as r. nave tried to tie. Your tit other."
Tho letter was dated December 1, and
was written on a letterhead of tho
Clarendon hotel, New York. Accom
panying it 'was a brief note addiessed
to tlio cashier of the suvlngn bank, In
structing him to give to the w liter's
biother tho amount of his deposit.
Friends of the dead woman say John
stone had becjn pet scouting her for nt
least a week, nnd that sho frequently
expressed the fear that evil might be
fall her.
The acquaintance of Miss Hnssott
and Johnstono elates back a year, when
both -were membeis of Rime, Modjeska's
company. Miss Hassett In private life
was Mis. Minna Reckwlth. Her hus
band lesides In Chicago.
Syracuse, N. Y , Dec. 2. The mother,
brothers and sisters of Harry John
stone, who killed Kato Hassett, left
this afternoon for Philadelphia.
Ran y Johnstono married Octavo Gar
be, a singer, in 1895. Sho seemed a in
voice fiom lifni in 1900,
By Kitlu.iie Ulie from '1 lie saocljled I'tttt,
Victoilu, 11 C Dee. 2, Tlio Hlcamer
Knga Main which unhid today from the
Oiient brought news of an attempt on
tho Ufa of tho Rmporor of Japan, when
tho Imperial train was at QttiUu en route
to tiro sceno of trio mnnocmvoia ot Kill
shin. A number of tiinsplratois hud gone
thtio and nnanged to blow up tlio eul.
petal's train, bin tho pnlko authoiitli-s
learned of tho plot and tho would. bu
dynamiters lit tl. They have not been
New Yoik Will Suppoit Camion,
By K.tcliuhe W Ire from The .Undated Press.
Washington, Deo. 2. At a meeting of
tho New Yoik delegation Jn the houso
this attcnioon it was unanimously de
cided to support Itupiesentutlvo Cannon
loi speaker and Prank Lyon, of New
York tor doorkeeper,
Died at His Desk.
By exclusive Wire frum Tlie Associated Press
Washington, Dee. 2 Joseph Tiulnor,
for thirty yeurs a elork In thv trcauiy
department unci prominentia (Rand Army
circles, died at bis desk today of heart
trouble. lie was u native "of Maryland,
and U9 6U jcars .old
Commissioner Sargent Finds Institu
tion Piovlded with Ample Means.
By Kvchnlvc Wire from Tho AawrUlcel l'rcs
Washington, Dec. 2, Commissioner
Clone! nl Sat gent of the Immigration
but can bus lettttneel ."roin California,
wheie ho made an Investigation Into
the chaiaeler of the universal brother
hood school at Point Loina, In connec
tion with the eiuestltm of whether the
eleven Cuban chlldieti, now held at
New Yoik nnd destined for that school,
should be admitted,
While Mr, Knigent has not made his
final report, it Is learned on good nu
tlrotlty that he limits tho school pto
vleled with ample means to take care of
the children and that be will leport In
fin or or their admission. The depart
ment undoubtedly will follow his rec
oinmendatlem In this matter, and the
chlldieu will be admitted Within a day
or two.
Policeman Carroll nnd George Dickin
son Struggle for Over an Hour.
Both Men in Hospital.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated PrtM
Philadelphia, Dec. 2. The
police rto-
night divulged the Identity of a mv.s
tetlous prisoner who has been under
surveillance at a hospital since last
Tuesday night, when he was arrested
by Policeman Carroll, after a desper
ate encounter lasting over an hour.
The man Rave his name ns Charles
Westcott, but admitted It was an alias,
adding that when his identity was dls
coveied it would occasion much sur
prise. After diligent Investigation the
detective department learned that
"Weste,ott" is in reality George Dick
inson, a notorious burglar, who has
been in prison in Charleston, S. C,
Trenton, N. J., Boston, and this cJty.
Dickinson is also junior member of the
firm of Weyl & Dickinson, of this city,
manufacturers ot novelties in shirts
and waists. The partnership, however,
has existed only about two months.
Late last Tuesday night Policeman
Carroll observed Dickinson acting sus
piciously on the fiont piazza of a West
Philadelphia residence. In answer to
questions by the patrolman. Dickinson
said ho had escorted a. young woman
home and was about to leave. This did
not satisfy Canoll, who attempted to
arrest Dickinson. The latter struck the
officer in the face and attempted to es
cape. Carroll (lied five shots after the
fleeing man, and Dlcklnsoivfretunrlng,
grappled with his pursuer.
Dm ing the encounter the burglar se
em ed possession of Carroll's revolver
aiuUshot the pollcepian in the. foot.
Both men are powerful, and for moio
than an hour they struggled to gain
the mastery. Canoll Anally bore his
opponent to the ground just ns assist
ance ar rived. Then he fainted fiom
loss of blood and exhaustion. Dickin
son's body was a mass of bruises, and
his hands nnd face were terribly lacer
ated as a result of the beating admin
istered by Carroll. Both men have since
been In a hospital.
Duiing their investigation the detec
tives uueaithed Dickinson's room nnd
recovered from the apartments $2,C0O
worth of sllvetware, jewehy and bric-a-brae.
Seventeen pet sons, whose homes
have lecently been robbed, have Identi
fied portions of this booty as their
property. Yesterday a dress suit ease
belonging to Dlekinson was found at
his office. It was filled with mutilated
silverware and contained, in addition,
two jeweler's crucibles and scoies of
skeleton kes, the latter evidently made
by Dickinson,
Mr. We.vl told the detectives that ho
has known Dickinson for n, period of
two years, having at one time em
plojed him as a salesman. Dickinson,
Mr. Weyl said, suggested that they
form a partnership and about two
months ago the firm was established.
Governor Curtin's Steed Lived to Be
44 Years Old.
Bj Eirludi.' Wire from 1 lie Associated Press
Lancaster. Dee. 2. "Andy," a horse
that had the distinction of having been
the favorlto rider ot tho lato Governor
Andrew G. Cut tin, as well as being one
ot the oldest hoi sea in tlio country, Is
dead. Ho wus 41 years old. The war
governor alwajs rode Andy when re
viewing the troops duiing tho rebellion.
Wlrcrr the hot so became blind, Govei
rror Cur tin sold him, nnd twenty-four
years ago ho passed Into tho possession
of George Gelgley, of New Holland,
who had owned him ever since,
Andy's last yeais weie spent rather
Ignomlotrsly In dinw lug a. fish cart. Ho
worked up to last week,
By Kuliuhc Who fiom Tlio .Vj.ociited Press.
Loudon, Dee, J Homo of tho London
nroinlng papers remind Picsldcut Itoose.
velt's uiessugo disappointing, liiasinuch
ns, nccoidlng to theli vlow, "ho aelopts a
euullous and consei vntlvo policy latlier
than a, revolution.! y one In dealing with
the trust ipitstlou und tho tat Iff,"
On tlio whole, however, whllo iiuefully
reviewing tho me'ssago In detail, thuio-ls
not a stiong disposition on tho p,ut of
tho piess to strongly It,
Pennsylvania Postmasters.
By riclust.c Wire from the AssoilsUl Tress.
Washington, Dee, .'.The president to
day suit to tlio senate tho following nom
Illations of rtnii3lauia poslmusteis: A.
C, W. Mutinies, Media; t I, IViltbeo,
Ht Clnli; W W Moigan. Hlatlngtou;
W L, Hlxlcr. L'pluata; W, D lluiulltiin,
IV-edom; I, T. Kllugeiidinlth, LeecUbuig,.
A. Hucot, Hhefllelel; l.lly Wtiteuu, Uvjuih
City; J. A. Melv'eu. Now Castlo; It M,
Itussell, Glissiioit; J, M, Uiotheis, Knov.;
A. Laubatll, Hlegtilul, S. U. Hlekehinlth,
New lluvcu.
Warehouse Burned.
Uy Ksxlushe Wire fiom Hie As&oeljted I'rcss.
Philadelphia, Dec. S Tho warehouse
and oflice building of tlin laic-out Oil com
panv. of which William IV Young Is
president, at Second and streets,
was badly damageel by Hi a todaj, The
loss Ih estimated nt $75,0w, partly covered
by Imuiuucc.
Not Enter the Contest
Speaker of House.
By Inclusive Wire (roTiilhc Associated I'rcss.
Washington, Dee. 2. Repiesentatlve
Dalzell, or Pennsylvania, bus wlth
dinvvii from the contest for speaker of
the bouse of lepiesentattves In the
fifty-eighth congtess In favor of Rep
resentative Cannon, of Illinois, who ban
been endoised for that office by the
Peimsjlvanla delegation In the house.
This ptnctlcally assures Mi. Cannon a
unanimous ole lor speaker In the Re
publican caucus.
Mr, DaUell's announcement and the
subsequent action of the delegation
took place at a dinner given by Sen
ator Pentose tonight nt the new Will
aid hotel, at which weie present Sen
ator Quay and the members and me'in-bets-elect
from Pennsylvania in the
Repiesentatlve Sibley acted as chalt
nian ot the meeting which fol
lowed the dinner, and Repiesentatlve
Olmsted offeted n resolution endorsing
Mr. Dalzcll's candidacy. Compliment
ary lemnrks to Mr. Dalzell were made
by Senator Quay, Representatives
Bingham and otheis, after which the
motion was can led unanimously, Mr.
Dalell eptessed his appreciation of
the honor the delegation had cont'eued
on him and then announced his vvlth
diavval In favor of Mr. Cannon, for
whose endotsetnent by the delegation
he ofteied a motion. This was can led,
and a committee consisting of Messis.
Dalzell. Rlnghum and Olmsted was ap
pointed to wait on Mr. Cannon and ap
prise lilui of the deIegatlon'sactlon.
Teninc Storms at Louisville Profes
sor John Denier's House
By LTdusic W ire from The Associated Tress.
Louisville, Ky., Dec. 2. The advent
of winter in the South Atlantic and
gulf states, Tennessee, Aikansas and
Mlssouii, was accompanied by geneial
rains and in some localities high winds,
which woiked consldeiable damage to
property and resulted in the injury of
at least two persons. The stoim
.struck New Oilcans shortlj before day
light and blew down the house of Pio-fes-or
John Denier,1 a brother ot Tony
Denlei, the clown, latally injutlrig him.
Mis. Denier was dangerously hurt. All
communication southwest from Mem
phis has been intetrupted and every
other telegraph center reports a dis
till bed condition of tegular circuits.
In some sections the rain fall has
been followed by dealing and colder
weather with a continuance of high
Difficulty in Evacuation Explained in
Official Note.
Dy riclusne Wire from The Vssoclated Press.
Hetlln, Dec. 2. An official note pub
lished in the North Gciman Gn7ette to
day explains tho arrangements made
for the departure of the foreign tioops
from Shanghai. The proceedings, it Is
pointed out, nre In accordance with tlie
ngteenient arrived at between the
pow ers.
The Germans will leave as soon there
after as transports are available. In
any case the Geiman toices will sail
before the end of January.
Navy to Be on Guaid for Emergen
cies Along- Panama Line.
By Hicleube Wire from The AasscUted Press.
Washington, Dec. 1'. The navv de
partment Is Informed of the departme
nt' the gunboat Pnucioft from Han
Juan, Porto Klco, for Colon. It Is
deemed advisable to keep a wathlp
iii'lsthinlan waters at all times in vlow
of the obligations this country Is under
to maintain a fieo transit across the
Uy I jclushe Wire from The Associated Press
Indianapolis, Ind, Dee, 2 Tho ofllelal
rail for tho national convention of tlm
Putted Mine Woikeis ot America was Is
sued today. It Is signed by Piesident
Mitchell and .Societal WIHou, mid Is
addiessul to tho Ideal uulona. Tlio cnu.
ventlou v.ill bo held at (ndliuapoll,
commencing Jan. 19, JiW. Tho call quote I
at coiisldeinbla length seveuil ai tides of
tho constitution which clcthiR tho manner
of electing delegates and tho lu-d.-e of
ll.t r.xchiaiu) Who frum'llio Associitnl I're.i.
Now- Yoik, Dee. 2 -Salem If. Wales,
fnthei-ln-lrw of IJIIliu Hoot secretin y of
war, dice) tlil uucruoon, lie was 7.' jcars
ut age. .Mr, Wales came to Now Yoik
In 1Mi. 1'iiim 1SI3 lo is;i ho was manag
ing edltni of the Hcleiitllie Auicilinu. was
piesldeut of tho ilepaitmeut of paiks In
1S7J, was ltcpuh..iau candidate for mtivor
of New York In U7I, und hi lii ho was
tdicied vleo president ot tint l.'ast ilvci
brldgo coinmlshlein.
New Yoik, Die, J. Nhwh was received
lieie today of (ho death in liuijlaiid es
teiduy of John Ilungeiloid Pollen, ten
ineily u pioeloi of O ,foid iinheinltj Ho
was t.' se-ai.s old All 'Pollen was connect,
eel with the South Kensington museum
for many jouih, and was authoi of lout
lug woiks on gedd and sllveismlths' work,
wood caivlug and furniture, Ho was ono
of the 1.1ft sin v I vol h of tho Oxford move
ment towaids Catholicism in tho English
chinch, us a lesult of which he became
a HomJii Catholic. He was a ft lend of
Cardinal Now man and at ono time was
professor of lino tuts at Newman's uni
versity In Dublin.
Muscatine, Iowa, Dec. 2 A cablegram
received hero tonight announces the deutli
at DIJon, Prance, of Pather P. Laurens,
M jears of age, and ikistor of St. Mat
thews church ot this city. Ho was ono of
vthc most prominent priests in the state.
Following OiflGial Notice from
Great Britain, Department oT
nariGUlture Acts Promptly
Twenty in the Buieau of Animal
Industry Ate Ordered to Pioceed to
JNewr Englnrrd at Once and Assist
the Force of Experts Already on
the Giound Indications That the
Disease Is Rapidly Spieading.
By rxtliHte kWrc from Hie fssoclsted Tress.
Washington, Dec. i Olllclnl notice ol
the action c.if the iliitlsh government
prohibiting tho landing ot live stock
limn tiro New Dnghtnd states was le
celved at the ilepaitmeut of agtlcultuie
today thiotmh the state department.
Acting Seel elm y of Agihuliuie AVI11I
S. Monro Immediately Issueud the fol
lowing public notice:
"The board of agrloultine of Oieat
Pullulu, In conseeiuence of the outbreak
of foot and mouth ellsease in New Eng
land, has issued an order prohibiting
the lauding in tlie United Kingdom of
live animals liom Mnine.'New Hamp
shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode
Island nnd Connee-llcul. The British
boaid of agticuluiiu a--ks that the an
nouncement of this fact, be uiudp In
this country. Dr. Salmon Is now In
Boston, and in accordance with the di
rections of Secretary Wilson oidcis
have today been issued sending a num
ber of veterinary surgeons and experts
to New England to report to Dr. Sal
mon and assist in stamping out the
Mr. Moote today ordered about twen
ty veterinary surgeons In tho bureau ot
animal Industry eervice in various
western cities to proceed to New Eng
land to augment the force of experts
already at work there fighting the epi
demic. Tills force also -will be added
lo by the inspectors relieved from duty
owing to the cessation of exportations
to Oieat Britain. ,It is not known
wheie the epidemid originated.
The Disease Spreading.
Boston, Dec. 2. Reports Indicating
that the contagiqus foot and mouth
disease is extending In this state weie
leceived at the stale board of agricul
tuic. Some of the reports were from
places not heietofoie mentioned.
Di. David D. Snlmuri, chief of the
T'nltcd States buieau of animal Indus
tiy, reached Boston from Washington
today. His first action was to bold a
conference w ith Dr. Samuel K. Hen
notl, the Boston agent of the buieau,
Dr. Austin Peters, chief of the jrus -sa
chusetts animal bureau and Di. John
II. Mohlern, chief of the pathological
dlv islon at Washington; Dr. James Low
of Cornell unlvcislty and Dr. Leonard
Pear son of the University of Penns I
anla; experts who aie aiding in the
wtnk of stamping out the disease.
Dr. Salmon said;
"The situation H very disquieting,
pilnelpally because cattle dealers have
been selling diseased animals and seat
teilng the contagion and because tlieie
has been no adequate conception of the
danger of carrying the disease by pei
?ops who have vlsltpd diseased hoises.
Dr. Salmon will take offices lieie so
as to be In the closest touch with the
cattle buieau. He said today that he
had been In town -o shoit a time that
he could not as : et outline any plan
of action excepting that eveiy possible
effoit will be maeli- to stop the spteael
of the disease an ' that no labor and
expense will bo hiurd to relieve the
situation as s0on i" possible.
Dr. Peters toda Issued a notice cull
ing attention to the statutes which di
rect local boards ol health to ippoit all
cases of contagion among cattle at
soon as their prepuce Is known,
U) l.utii-ilvr W Ire fuiii Ihe ssoeIitcd 1'reM.
Pittsburg, Deo, . The bnttlo fin ami
ntviliiKt tho revision of tho ciecd In tho
Plttsbmg Piesbjteiv todav was won by
those fnvoilug revision. When It rrtim;
to a (hull voto on the question, nltliougli
Itev. Dis. D. It, Iliced, of tho Plisl
e hutch; W. L. StcEwan, ot tlio Thlir
church, and others, rundo a hind flglp
nriilnst It, they were outpumbored, the
vote standing: Por, 71 ngalnnf7MC, Tli
Picsbylety thereby decided that the cou
foEslou of faith needed romodellng.
Will Design the Hawkins Statue.
By Escleue Wire from Hie Associated l'ri
Now York, Dec. 2. Tho competition for
the commission of designing and arectlnn
a Ji0,00o monument In Pittsburg to Colonel
Alosutider H. Hawkins, of tho Tprith
Pennsylvania VoIuiiImm reglni'ut, was de.
eleleel today. The wlnnei Is William Cou
pei, ii sculptor of this city. The Juiy
confuted of John W. Ih titty, dliector ot
the Cniueglo Institute at Pittsburg, and
Daniel C, Fieuch mid Thomas Shield;
Clarke, sculptors ot this e-Jt
i i mm ii
Local data for Doc. 2, 190.';
Highest temperature ..,,,,.,.... ii degrees
Lowest tcmperaluiu .,,,,,,,,,,. 29 degrees
Itelatlve humidity;
S a. m CS per cent,
t p. in. , ... CO por cen'
Precipitation, U hours nded I g, tn.
none. , ,
Washington, Deo. 3. Rain Wed- -f.
nesduy; high east to south winds; '-f
coldoi Wednesday night. Tours- -.
day. fair, colder. ' "--
ff-"f t..t
- 1
- S V