y r- r i !'.ti ;- ' .' V 't. i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1902. 8, y i. tll lliiM. tM i M . I wm3i3Mbmwd "" - & iwartcJ e ,..--Vv v.! M" . , V ?.. -': ' cja T -..'.' ..... .. WmttY L Wt3fruM.tUBIUI.il...a.M . n J'. . -1 . .-s .i.. .- I .. 4. v . t, S-i A-i V ..,' ' "": l"$AC'"V'v beneficial effects it is .iU j..Vjj ' ' :! "C ft ':.', ways necessary to buy ,Rl' V ,jC; Jl '',. '. the genuine only. v. V." ".tlHSuaS" h fiftA. i-V A "TrTMIl MM '".... .J'-& i tV ma II II uwm j. . " "'li.-w .. 7.. 'r - - J . )? A.i . ief-urrmu r i at syrr m A 1 ' 1& NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSTON. Special to tlio Sli anion liibuno Pittston, Dec 1 Af tci a senke of one je.u in the employ of (liocei Wil liam Diuiv, as te.imstti, AVlndhOi Jones, of the Tenth waul, his leslgnod his position and has accepted one .is solicitor with JJaus Biotheis fiiocei, to) uhom he woiked as teanistcn foi nine jeaio, pievious to enlcung the em ploy of Hi. Dim . A laiRc numbei of 1'ittt.tonlans at taidPd the funeial of AVillluin AYobtt, nt Avora, Sumlav .llteinoon. Tlio Ciackeijack basket ball team, uf Suanton, will pla the PIttston team in Khbj's lin.ll Monday exenlng- A Inst contel is looked toi The Pitts--toulans h.ue not lost a qanm this sen son Tile business men weic seiloush handicapped Situidaj night duilnir the busiest homs between b and 9 by the u.tinKushlng ot the electiie lishts. The whole town wns in daiknc-s loi about an houi, and the business men woie compelled to lesoit to candles and oil lamps, o-vceptlnp: those places which veie piovldcd with Kas burnei Auditois John V. Neaiy, John Bil bow and Patilek Mulcahj, of PIttston township, weie betoic Judge Wheuton in comt at AVilkes-Bano Sattiulny and flntd $100 each foi lefusins to audit the accounts ot Tieasmeis Pannlck, Reap and How lev, as oideied iccently by tlio couit The Baptist Young- People's union ot the Wjomlns: association, will hold its annual meeting In the Flist Baptist chuicli heie on Tuesday, Dee, .'. The following pi oki amine will be canted out: Afternoon session p. in,, somj and piaise setslce, ltd by Geoige n. Mason. -30 p. m, u woid ot gieeting, Ittv. Bobcit Holmes, .13 p, in, Sciip tme exposition, "The Seimori on the Mount," Itev. H. P. a. McGee, J 13 p, in., business, election of nfllceis, etc. 3 J3 p, m, papei, "How to lmpioo the Sickness steals more sa iugs tlian the burglar. Slowly, eoia by coin, the money that has been so hardly earned is paid out for dings ami doctors. Sickness is the worst enemy of the work ing man, and the common cause of the working man's sickness is disease ot the stomach often imolving the heart, lungs, her, or kuluejs. The use of Dr. Tierce's Golden Med ical Discovery will stop the stealing of the bavings by eickuess. It cures (lis eases of the stomach and other orgaiiB of digestion and nutrition. It cures dis eases of heait, livei, lungs, kidneys, etc., when these diseases are cuused by the diseased condition of the stomach and its allied organs. "About ten jenrs ago I begju to have trouble with my stomach," writes Wiu Couiiolty, pi WS Walnut Strut, l.oram, Ohio, "It Rot no bail I bad to lay off iiulte often to ami three iiabii a week, my slouuili would bloat, uiul I yvoula belch tip ga, ami was in awlul Uiitret at suctt times. Uiave ciuplocd auU been treated by the best doctor m tlie city but got no help whatever. By tome way oi other I happened to Ket bold of avial of jour ' I'ellcts.' and 1 thoueht thev lielpcd me. It v then I vtrote to ou for udice You told methat by tuy symptpiu' ou tliouuht I had liver couiplalut. aud advised the me oi your 'Golden Medical Discovery" aud '1'leasaut Pellets' in couurclion. The: uiedl clues I have taken directed, aud am very happy to stale that I commenced to get belter from the start und have not lost a day Ibis summer on account or my (.tornach. I feci tip top, aud better thau I have for ten year " Accept uo substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery," Nothing else is "just as good." Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut Tellets regulate the bove'" - ..tJfi.)-i.. i.u """"' '' .,,-,.-,..11,11. rjii.r.i.y ...-r..wrijp THE CHILDREN ENJOY 11 fc out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoy ment which they lecclve and the efforts which they make, cornea the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which 1 k'lvcn to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, (should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component parts are known lobe wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. 1hc one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Sjrup of Figs in the only remedy which acts gently, plcusantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the chlldtcn hhould be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please to remember, the full name of the Company ........... CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.UP CO. is printed on fVi frrn rf rvcrv niib. t.. .1 A ,. n .. .v.c- V. 'ZfliMtni .' . Soel.ibllitv ot Our Young People," Itcv. O. G. Laugfoid d 30 p. m , pnpei, "How to Impiove the lieneiosltv of Out Young People," Tj Ij. Zhoi a v. 4 03 p. in, p.ipei. "How to Improve the Woik ing Ability o Oui Young Peoiile," Ilev. H. C Muiphy. i 20 p in, discussion, led by Rev. Gllbeit Xoith. Adjouin ment. livening session 7 "0 p m , song and prajer, led bv Rev. Cliarles Km bipy. S p. nu, addi ess, "L.ooJting To w.ud the Kutuie," Rev. Junies Rainey. S 20 p. in, nddiess, "Shammnh Stand ing by His Patch of Lentiles," Rev. II. S Pottei, D. D. Adjournment. The Painters' union celebiated the annheisaiy of their oiganization Fii daj evening with a social and enter tainment Chief of Police Loltus, of PIttston, lecelved infoimation esterdav of the death in Pittsbuig of ,i jounjr man named Tliomts The man claimed to he a son of Geoige 11 Thomas, of West PIttston, and said he had a bi other ic slding In "West PIttston. He had died suddenly in that city. No ti.ice of his lelathps could be lound b the police utithoiitles here. F. II. Bankei, the teal estate dealer of this city, has just returned trom a, visit lo his lice plantation in Louis iana. Dining his stay theie Mr. Bank er and two other gentlemen capttued a live alligator measuiing seven feet. The leptlle is safely (aged. The paity discoveied an alligator hole on he fnim. Aimed with a twelve-foot pole with a stout lion hook on the end they visited the place. The hook wns shoved into the hole in the mud and came In contact with the alligutoi. The three men pulled on the pole, but the alliga tor retained a tight hold and finally the hook was bent stiaight. The polo was withdiawn and with stones the men bent the hook back into piopei shape and made another stab at the alligator, finally bilnglng its head out of thi mud. A noose was slipped over the head and nlligatoi llrtally landed sately In n cage. Mis May Staley has leslgned her position aw sopiauo soloist In the Pies bjteiian chinch choir, with which she has been rngaged for thr- past nlno months. Hdg.u Piohjn letuined to this city this alleinoon fiom New York city, wheic he Ii.ir been employed for the past font or five months with the In U i national fe'ihool of Correspondence of Sciantou, Roheit Smiles leaves tomorrow foi Mexico, wheie ho has secured woik, Mr, riinlles' health has been inthor poor of lute and lie chnngCH his place of lesldence In hopes of imptovlng his physical coiKlltloii. Udsall & Clausen, the Duijia. moo ds, havi nui chased ti fine new (cam ot hoise Richaid Owen, son of the litu John Owen, foimeily a icsldent of tills city, was killed in tho mlncH at Douanre ton Patuiduy ufteinooii, The lemuliis will be bi ought to thl i clly lor Intei moil t Owen l.ougliiiey, aged 7J yeaif, died fSaturduy night ut his home ut Drown town. He had been a lesldent of this city for the past ilfty years. Tlio fu noi. il will take place Tuesday morning with Intei nient In Maiket stieet eein eteiy, John J. MoDermoit, of Susquehanna avenue, West PIttston, died yesterday, uged CJ yeais. Up to twelve jears ago deceased hud lived In Now Yoik city, wheto he hud been a member of the police dcptutuieiit tor nineteen yeais, The funeial will tako puce Wedni's day moinlng with intei ment in Mai ket stieet eemeteiv, Membeis ot tho "Red Cafe" theater company, which appeared In this city Thanksgiving Day, lime t-en ieheas. Ing heie for the past tow dau ami leave for Canada tomorrow, The com puny gave Its Initial pet fonnance heie. Miss Max giu et Joyce, who has been employed us a rleik with Antrim & Co. for the past few yeais, has accept ed a position with the Isaac Long store at Wllkes-IJaire. A, h. LeGrand, supeiintenderit at the llxetei Maililne woiks, left this moin -..w -', A ,"i- , -.av. v kVJTW !,VJ.Y rrnrx k: ,. I &..4 J n 'SJ e ,"-v ' ; A k - IV ' i v i Lw. ' i j-r? W.. J lng for Washington and Baltimore, looking after business affairs for his comnanv. Rev. John Bender, late of Tamaqua, preached his first seimon as pastor of St. Peter's L.uthei an chinch, Seran ton, vesterdav. Dining a Satmday evening sciap on Noi th Main street some one was shov od tluough the plate glass window of Krhoe'b aloon. MONTROSE. Special lo the Scianton Tribune Monti use, Dec. 1. Fumk S. Gieen wood, ot Ljnn, was a cillei In town Friday. Wis. A. r. Von Tobel's biothei, Mr. Diuckenmiller, who, In company with his father and mother, weie visiting at the Presbyteiian paisonage, was taken ill the latter pait of last week, and Sunday moinlng the physicians pionounced it a case of diphtheiia. The family weie Immediately quatan tlned and all the nccessaiy inecau tions weie taken to pi event a spiead of the disease. Services at the Pies byterian chuich in the moinlng' weie held under the chaige of Mr. Mc Keage. and in the evening the Chiis tlan Dndeuwor meeting alone was conducted. Messis. Aithur Smith and Maicia Ilcclden have accepted positions in the Scranton car shops Fied Booth, of Fotest Lake, was In town Fildav. Robett Ravnsfoid, a student in Cor nell unlveislty, Itliaca, spent Thanks giving at his home in this place. Hairy Hinds, of Haifoid, spent Thanksgiving vvitli his patents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonaid J. Hinds. Miss Bessie Cojle, of Jonas Long's Sons' store, Scranton, spent Thanks giving at her hotpp in this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindsay and chil dren, of W.vomlng, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Lindsay's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Fiiend Hollister, on Lincoln ave nue. Miss Maigaret Shetidan, of Nichol son, Is a guest ot her sister, Mis. T. F. Kelly. Miss Lillian Tltswoith, who Is at tending the Sytacuse university, has been spending the Thanksgiving vaca tion with her patents Mi. and Mrs. D. A. Tltswoith. Stanley Willetts, of Monti eal, has been a guest of Mrs. Pauline Lusk, on Lake avenue, for sevei.il days. M. V. BIsbee and family anticipate lemoving tiom near Jones' lake to their liousa on South Cheny stieet, In tho spilng. Walter G. Benedict, a popular young man ot this place, and Miss Geitiude Davis, of Olyphant, weie united In munlagu by the Rev. J. R. WInans, at the latter place, Thuisday, November 20. Mr. Benedict 1s a sergeant In Com pany G, which was jecently stationed" at Olyphant, and it was there he met tills Uiaimlng young lady. They will leslde In Monti ose. Tho court of common pleas adjourned last week to meet Wednesday, Decem ber S, nt 10 o'cloik n. m. Many lieieabouts nio planning to at tend the teacheis' exclusion to Wash ington, D. C, which staits Monday, December 1ft. Tho excursion Includes an eleven days' stay In that city, ex clusive of time in tiansit, with stop over pilvlleges In Philadelphia. The lates aie unusually low. Miss Nellie Keenii, stenogiapher in the jeglster nnd lecoidci's olllee, is much Impioved, after being ill for a shoit time. The lemahis of Mis, James Doyle, whoso death oecuiied suddenly In Scianton, weie lnoiisht hero Wednes day evening and taken to the home of her fathei -In-law, John Doyle, op High street. The funeral was held from Kt, Muty's church Pilday moinlng at 10 o'clock, Rev, A r. Uiodrlck officiating, Interment was made hi the Catholic cemetery, Miss Kathailne Hayes died after a long Illness of pneumonia Fiiday moin lng at 9 o'clock at tho homo of her sis ter, Mis, L. M. Baldwin, on Spruce stieet. Interment Monday moinlng In the Silver Lake cemetery, Rev, A, r. RiidricU conducting the sei vices. About lltty dollniH was netted by the Junior uiixlllai y of St. Paul's Bplsco. pal chinch fiom the piesentntlon of the two faices, "Mr. Shakespeaie at School" and "Per Telephone," which weie excellently icndered at Village hall Thanksgiving night. A, S. Pa j ne's house, on P.uk stieet, 7. Ub f ycffifflm"-': ',BHtiHi : -," .IBHV .. K. V ie...v' vaJhbes,i,..s' which ItaB been occtinlcd by Jerome Shannon and family for sevetnl months, wns burned to the giound Sat uiday moinlnir. Tho fire wns dlscov uicd nt about 1.45 a. in., the smelt of smoke nnd crackling of burning; wood mousing them fiom their sleep und thty baiely escaped with their lives. It was necessary to ptotect the neigh boring buildings fiom the flames ns n hi Ink wind was blowing nnd the lire men had all they could do to keep the Humes fiom spi ending. The building and contents wcio both lnsuind. J1AMLINTON. tipecliil lo tho Bcianton Tribune. Hamilton, Dee. 1,Mtn. Thomas Cook hns lettitned fiom llavvlpy. whore she ni the guest of her son, Dr. L. P. Cool.'. Miss Alice Itamlln. ot Wyoming sem inary, wheie rholthlokl100ijgfflll SHU Inary, spent her ThnntsglvlnB holiday with her pnienN, Mi. and Mis. 13. V. Hamlin. Hnioid nnd Beitiani Wright, of Hcrnnlon, was the guest of their bt oth er. C. II. Wtlght, Thanksgiving day. Mi. and Mrs. O. A. Clearwater, ot Scranton, spent sovcial days last week with the hitter's sister, Miss D. C. Ham lin. Mlllaid Spangenbuiy, of Scranton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mis. C. R. Spangenbuiy, on Thanksgiving. Hail Williams, of Scianton, spent Thanksgiving with his paients, Mi. nnd Mis. S.inford Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Olver weie cn tci tallied at Thanksgiving dinner by Mr. and Mi. G. U. Cuitis. Mr. and Mis. II. M. Simons, of Scian ton; Mr. and Mis. Siinfoid Williams and C. L. Simons nnd lnmlly, were entoi talned at Thanksgiving dinner by Mr. mid Mis O. XV. Simons. If. L. Nash and Geary Hlliott visited New Yoik city on Thanksgiving, via Life ralhoad exclusion. II. F. Nicholson has returned fiom Pike county, whcio he spent scveial days hunting deer. Chat lea Gillette has sold his faun to Bjron Simons nnd will dispose ot hay, tools, stock, etc , Wednesday, Decem ber 3, at public sale. Rov. J. E Biodheud, of Jeimjn, preached Sunday ev cnlng In St. John's Episcopal chinch. Mis. P. A. Oichaid has been visiting iclatives In Scianton for the past w cek. FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune Factory vllle, Dec. 1. The funeral of the late Martin N. Reynolds was held at tho Baptist church last Friday morning. Mr. Reynolds was a life-long lesident of this town and a highly es teemed man. Ho is survived by a widow, four sons, Abel, Geoige, Fied, How aid, and two diuighteis, Mis. Biomley Smith and Mis. Loien Fab sett, all lesidents of this place. Cap tain L J. Rice post, G. A. R of w hlch Mr. Reynolds was an honored membei, conducted the sei vices at the giavo. Mrs. B. J. Ci Ismail is visiting her lelatives in Hainesbuig, N. J. Mr. How aid Capwell and sister, Hel ena, spent Sunday with BInghaniton fi lends Mis. Bessie Ruppicteh is spending a few dajs with her husband in New Yoik Mi s. W. C Wi igley has mov ed f l om Bunker Hill to his own house in town. Mr. John N. Capwell, of Scianton, was in town last Sunday. Mi. riancis E Tiansue, ot Lacey vllle, the gland mastei's deputy of the Rebekah's State assembly, will install the offlceis of Paulowna lodge, Daugh teis of Rebekah, Tuesday evening, Dec 2, at their tegulai meeting. All mem beis me lociuested to be pie-ent. Mis. J. G Capwell, who lias been o seiiously 111, is much bettei at this writing. Mis. Solomon Turner is still -veiy ciiticnlly ill and ery little hope Is en teitalned for her lecoveiv. WYALUSING. Special to the Scianton Tribune Wyaluslng, Pa., Dec. 1 Miss Sabi a Poiter, of Saie, Islted her mothct, Mis Poiter, a few dajs last week Mr. T. B Hines, of Scianton, spent Thanksgiving with his mother in this plate. Mis. Thompson, of Dushoro, letuined to her homo after spending tho sum mer with her daughter, Mis. E. D. Stiong. Mr. Mai tin Stalfoid spent last week with fi lends at New Yoik cltj. Miss Evalyn Lane, of Scianton, spent Thanksgiving with Miss Maijoile Bun nell. Mr. and Mis. Frank Mitten, of Sayie, spent Sunday In town with iclatives. Miss Lyclna Guyloid, of Towando, is spending the week In town. Miss Lois Teiry gave a party Fiiday evening at her home on State street, Misses Vhglnla Hollenback and Giaco Jones spenc Thanksgiving with f i lends at Sajie. Miss Cauie Colt is spending a couple of weeks at Lo Ravsvillo. Rev. and Mrs. Davis, of Tioy, N. V visited iclatives In town iccently. AVOCA. The funeial of William Wcbhei took place on Sunday atteinoon ami was attended by a vast concourse of peo ple fiom this and sunounding towns. 'I ho set vices weie conducted In the Presbyteiian chuich by Rev D, T. Smythe. Inteiment was made in Dun moio ceinoteiy. Tho pallbenror.i woia selected fiom tho Giand Auny, Odd rellows and Knights of Honor. Mls.s Grace Wells, of Penobscot, has returned home, after a few days' visit with MHs Ruth Moiton. Miss Nellie Duddy, or Plains, spent Sunday with ft lends heie, Thomas Webster, son of Jatob Wt li ster, of this town, will, with Henry Campbell and Philip Roselle, embark hi the gioceiy business at PIttston this week. They will occupy the stoio depaitmeiit In tho Odd Fellows build ing. Tho women's mission, conducted by Fathei s Cabell, Loid and Foley, of tho Passlnnlst Older, closed In St, Moij'h chinch on Sunday. The men's mission will bo continued this week, Masses aie at G o'clock. Evening services at 7,u0 o'clock. Mi, and Mi?. Kline, who have made their home In this town for soveial months, will leava for their homo In New Jeisey' today, Mrs. Mnigaiet Collins, of Dupont, Is critically 111. LEGAL, THE annual meeting of tho stockholding of the Cousumeis' Ico company will bo held ut thcli of lice, comet Adams inc. nuu anil Ash street, la tho city of Scian ton, Iu on Tuesday, tho lbth duy ot Pecembei, 1002, ut 8 p m. Iho puipono of tlio roeotlns Is for tho election ot ofll rers for tho ensuing jear and the, trans uitlon of such other business as may propcily coma befoic tho meeting. JOHN A. SCI1ADT, Secielaiy. H lunlou Pa , Dec. 2. 1S0J THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" I W RENTS, FOR SALES Only Half a Cent a Word. Heal Estate. A Chance To Make Over 50 Gross on a Real Estate Investment An exceptional opportunity. The property consists of a large 3-story brick building, with three small frame buildings and barn. $3,000 Down Will Purchase It. Tlic Property Pays in Rentals an Annual Income or $1. 614. A Spacious Modern Home is another property that is well worth the consideration of any one wanting a fine home, well located in the central city. The house has sixteen rooms, steam heat, electric light and all modern appointments, full lot, barn with capacity for 7 horses, and rooms for coachman, has steam heat, electric light and concrete floor. This Property Can Be Pur chased for $16,000, as Owner is Preparing to Leave Town 1. 19, HOLGAT Real Estate, Securities Fiortgigs, Loans Negotiated. Commonwealth Building, SCRANTON, PA. LOT Sl.'.OO will buy coiner Linden and Tnloi. See sign. ConiPfi-i LOT-$030 will buy lot Linden ihmi Tay loi. Sewcied, water, gas IMiKnln Comoftj s. LOT-J7M will buy lot Linden near T.iv loi. Sowcicd, watei, eui Uaiijuin. Comcsjb, For Bent. HOUSi: TO LKT r Jlulbeiry; steam heat. Apply at EJ7 Linden street. JtS ror Rent Ten-i oom hnuBo; cxcellont neighborhood; all modern impiovo nients. on avenue Apply to K P. Ham ilton. 426 Spruce street For Sale. JUST ARIUVKD with forty head of hoises; good .woiKeis and dilvers: weight from 11U0 to HOO pounds; bevel al elosely matched teams can bu seen ut uol RdMnoud couit. X. M. Cobb Furnished Booms for Bent. I' OR RUNT A furnished loom on second llooi fiont, Jl.'O week. W3 Adams ave. Wanted To Bent. AVANTRD Man mul wlfo wlsheu to lent ontlio Hist llooi fiunlslud, .steum oi luinaco heat; will pay good piico; bo-it ot rofeiencc. Addiess Mil. L J,, Till). 11110 ofllco. WANTED-Sm.ill fiunlshed house. Ad diebs Box w00, city. Booms nnd Bonid. T1I13 L1NDHN', D Linden Htieot, Ins a numbei of dcsliablo viciuelea; light looms and eholco table boriid PLI3ASANT looms with bo.ud foi lour or live young men. Inquliu iU ash. Ins ton nenue. LEGAL. IN 1112: 12stlto of William Jltiser. No .'.i, Januniy Twin lb'", In tho Couit of Common I'lu.in ot LacUaiMinnu cotiuti. Notice Is heieby ghcu tlml Chuilei U Nciitfoi, tiiistec, has llkd his act omit und the same will bo conllimtd on tlio second Monday of Junuius. 190J, iinloss exceptions aio punlously Uicd, the tulo ot couit Is as tollows. lion nccouuts aio Hied by tiustces or iibslgnoes, tho l'io tlumoluii hhall ghit notlio thcicof bj lliu publhatloii pievlous to a icgulm teim and tlieiowith publlsli UUh iuIu, nnd con tinuation nisi on the lliht day ol Mild tni m Hhall bo of ioiiic. and coiillimatlou absolutu on tho hccoud Monday of tho tL'iiu shall bu ontcied by tho i'lothono tiuy as of eouise, unless CNceptiops mo ploiously filed J, COIHJLAND, 1'iotlioiiol.iry IN TIIU COURT of Common vie.is of LacUuwanna Count j No 1W, Jimii hi y Turn. V'Oi, Notice Is heieby given that an appll i.itlon will bu miule to Hit- Mild Couit on Monday, Decumboi tliu aith, Jtio.1, at lu u m , inula tho Act uf Assembly of the foiumoriuculth ot Pennsylvania, cutltlin. "An Act to piodo for tho Incoipoi.itlon and legulatlou of em tain corpoiatlons, ' itppioMd Apill tho ."Jtli, UT1, and tliu sup. iilements tin into, for tlio cliaitei of an Intended coinouitioii to bo tulUil the "Peddleia Piotoctlo Absoclatloir1 of Buanlon. Tho ilmructer and object wheicof Is to establish ceitain law till lilies und UKiilUlona In thu conduct ot tho business of its membeis und to piotect them lu tho lawful conduct of their busi ness uftuirs, und for theo put poses to have, possess und enjoy till tho lights, benefits mid pilvlb'gca of tho said Act of Abscmbly and Its supplements. Tho pioposed ch.uter is on ilia In the Piothonotuij's olllee it L. LUV.Y, Solliltoi. No Order Accepted for Less Tlifin lo Cents. Branch WANT Offices. Want Aclvertisoments Will Be Beceived nt Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Centinl City ALUntir SCIlUrrZ, coiner Mill, bony street unit AVebstor inc. QUSTAV PICI112L, CM Adams u venue. Wett Sldo OI20. V. JUNK1NB, 101 South Muln uscnuo. South Sctnnton VtlKV L. TL'RPl'i:, T:d Cedar avenue. North Scxnnton GI20 DAVIS, comer Noith Mnlti inonuo mid JluiUet (ticet, Gieen Bidge C11ARL12S P. JON12S, 1"j7 Dick- son avenue, r. J. JOHNS, DJO Clieen Rldf,o stieet. C. LOnj2N5C, coinei Wishlngton avcuiio and Muiloti stieet Potcisbuig "W. II. KNC1TI2L, 3017 In Ing avenue. Sunmoie .1 O. HONG S. SON. Help Wnntcd. ' " - - .v'vvrv-rvvxxxj WANTED Agents to soil ten and tol feo to coimiinris Positions poitni nent. Grand Union Tea Co , Jll Lacka wanna uvenuc. Help Wanted Male. loung man to dilvo on d-llveij S''0,'. Al'l'lJ i pel son to The Pleuu -o , 110 Penn avenue WANTED Young mm over Li) vo.us of age, of good appeal ance and a gopd talker, to do rolleellng among inn chants Refeienco lequlred Iniiuiie .it !uS LacK avvanna avenue, second llooi, any tlmu after 1.S0 p m. v Help Wanted Female. WANTED A middle aged competent no. ,,man to take caio of child nino months old. CiI at the lcsldenco of Di. Hul pert, 602 Washington av enuo. GIRL for general housevvoik. Apply at IB0 Quincy avenue Agents Wanted. WANTED Agents lor tho wile of gilt edge mining stocks, also dividend p,v -ing oil stocks. I bivo jou money; tiy me. Yicka Copper. $150; Ampnro Mining, Lie; McKinley Mining SJtm, 12 istoui Consolidated Oil,-!0c ; L,i Guindo Gold, Me, Pennsylvania and Texas Oil, lDc , Geoige A Tieadvvell, $9 75, Joaqulna. lot .1. lines D Shaftcr, People's Bank Building, Wilkes-Dane LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigetlc Genetal Agent for this county. No books, insuuince, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with mciehants and mami f.ictuieis necessary Peimancnt Bond State age, eporlonco. iclucnces fit st let ter. Addiess, Suite 572, No 1001 Chestnut St , Philadelphia. Stenoginpliy nnd Typewriting. STENOGRAPHY and tjpewiiting dono at shoit notice at 712 Council bldg Situations Wanted. SrmATION'ANTErrrAl bTiTciieiT thoiouglilv iindei stands the business Rutchet, liibuno ofllee SITUATION WANT12D-By voimg mm in laigo hospital; luiH good expirlcnie in all ,oits of tieatment, undr ist.inds tho piep.natlou ot opci.itlon iti&es. Ad dicss A H M, Tiibuno office YOUNG LADY would Ilka vvmk evening as copst, typowiltiug and take cue of business couespondencp At llbeity after b o'clock evenings Cm tiinisli ev il llent leferences. Addicss Puictlcal, 'liibuno ofllco Business Oppoitunity. SIOCIC AND AvTiETTTtADERTTmn out delay AVilto for out special m.ii Ket lettei Fiee on nppllc.itlou S At IIIulKird &. Co, membeis jx? Y Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, II. and ! Hioadvvay, New Y'oik I2stnbllshed 1S2I Long Distance 'Phone 2SSS Ihoad PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINf!. C. P. aTsi Tiuders' Rank Building. Old 'phone lXil Architects. riri2DERTc7vLT BlToWN. ARCif U Real Estnto Exchango Bldg , l.u Wash ington nvenuo, Civil nnd Mining Engineets. II. L. HARDING, MS CONNULL BLDG STEVENSON iV. KNIGHT, 7-,o CON nell building. Dentists. DR. 12 C. ElLENBEIlGEIt, i'Al'Ll building, Spiuto stieet, Sei. niton DR. C C. LAUnACH, ir,WY6MING avo File Insiunnce, SCHLAG121I itC'O, 101 Connell Rulldln Fntent Attorneys. PAT E'N TS L'KIJiffflKS" Tlio only licciiaeil und equipped panni bOlicltor lit tho cits Nu iliatgo lot In lormatlon on pateutublllli , ovei ten jtais' cNpoilence Rcploirlo & Co,, Mcnr Uldir. Hotels nnd Restauinnts. THE ELK CAPE, 1.'5 uud I-'7 ERANU. lln nveiiue. Itutes teaboimble P HIEGLI2R. Piopiletor SCRANTON HOl'SE, NEAR D., L. .V. W. P.issengei depot. Continued on the En lopean plan Victor Koch, Piopiiotoi Scnvengei, A BB1UGUS CLEANS PiUVYVA I LTS and ceis pools, tin odoi , only impioved pumps used A H llilggs. piopilutoi Leavu oidois UO Noi th Main avenue, oi Elcko's thug stoic, coiner Adams and Mulbelij. Both telephones Wite Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR Oil LACKA. ave. Scianton. mtis of Who Scieens Miscellaneous. MEGARGEE BROS, PRINTERS' Sl'P. piles, envelopes, panel bags, tvviuo, Wuiehause, 1J0 Washington avenue. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had lu Scranton nt tho news stand of Reisinan Bios, lut Spiucu und W Linden; M Noiton, -'-' Liickauiinna uve., I. S Schutzei, ill Spiuto btitet. 111 """Li'it1 y w"wj tf III mM H I M I mVWt, ml trv t lIIVL;fl;UIP TUNITIES. REHI ESTATE Only Half a Cjnt a Wari. Money to Loan. AliY AMOUNT OK MONEY "tOWAN Quick. Htiolght loans or Building nnd Lonn, At from 4' to o per cent. Cnll on N. V. Wnlltor, !U..I15 Connell bulldlnu. Employment Agency. HELLMILi; help enn bo pioclued nt Mrs. A." II, SInikey'H Emplomcnt Office, 120 WuHlilugtoii uveiuie, looms i mid i. Tnko elovatoi. , 3 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnte, Lncknwnunn nnd Western. IN Elfoct Juno 1, l'JOJ , Trnlns leuvo Scinntou ror New Yoik At ino a io, toj 7.5o and lo lo u. m,: l.'-io, 840, ,1 il p in. ror Now Yoik and Phllu-dolphla-7 no 10 10 n. in., and is, lo and 'J il I), in. Eur Ootildsboio At (.10 p. m. l'or BulTulo-1,13, d 22 and p OU a. in,; 1". 0,7) and 11.10 p. in. Eoi Iiliigliiimton, Elmli.i and vwiv HtlKliins-lo:". a. in. 1 oj ) 'in. 1 or Osvvigo, Syuieusu and IHIca 1.11 and CJ2 n in., 1 K, in Oswego, Biiicmk und ritca tiulii nt fi.J n in. dully, except Sunday. Kot Monti ose-0 00 a. m; 10". und i.fiO p m. Nleholson nccoiuinodatloii 100 nnd i; n ji in, Hlootiihluiig Division Eor Noithumboi Intid. nt 0 n and lo 10 n m ; 1 u; nnd ii 10 P m Pot Pl mouth, at x 10 n nt ; .'10 und no-, p m Sunday Tialn-roi New Yoik, 1 V). a LU V.0-',,1.010." "!! J "nil P.J". P. m For iluffnlo-l.l-, and 0 2.' a. m ! in.". (.GO and B.10 p ni. Eoi Eliului and wax slatlotis V2i a. m Eoi Blnglui'iitmi nnd wuv etu llons. 0 00 n in Itloomsbuig Division Leivo Scianton, 1010 n. m and (J 10 p m. Lehigh Valley Bailrond. In Effect 'Nov. 10, 1D0J Tialns Leave Seiiinton ' lot Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. & I R Ji. at 7.11. tluough P.iikn Car .mil D,y Coich I'.ubondale to New Vol's and 1 17 n m , with L V. Couch Cnibon tlilo to Philadelphia, and 2 IS, I !!". (liluic Diamond Expiess), and 1! I'l p m. Sttn dnjs, D ,1 If. R. , -.x p m , 9 !S a. in. 1 oi White linveii, Huleton and pilncl I'iil points in the conl legions, via D .: H R R 7 11, 2 IS 'and 115 p m. Tor Pottsvllle 7 II a in lor Bethlehem, Eaton. Reading, Hai llsbuig and piluclpnl lnteimedlato sta tions, via D .x. II. R R . 7 II, 9 17 n m ; 2 IS, IKJ ffllack Dlimond Esmess) 11 19 p. m. SunduvH, D. A: II. R R. 9US n in. and 1 08 and 0 17 p m Eoi Tunl.linnnock. Tonnnda, Elmlia. Ithac.i, Geneva nnd pilnclpil Intel mcdl.ita .stations ilu D , L i W. R R , t 35 a. m. and 1 5". p m Eoi Geneva. Rocliestei, Buffalo. Nine nia Palis, Chicago nnd all points west vln. H, x: II R R. 12 01 p. m : 128 (Black Diamond Expiess) o 11. 11 in p ni. Sun divs D k II R R.l.'OI, 9 17p m Pullman parloi nnd sleeping oi Lehigh x alley Pallor cms on all tialns between Wllkcs-Bano and Now York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II WILBUR. Gen Supt , 20 Cot Hand stieet, New York CHARLES S LEE, Gen Pass Ast , 2! Coitlnml stieet, New Yotk. A W NONEMACHER, Plv. PabS Agt , South Bethlehem Pi. Foi tlekets and Pullman rei ei v.ition np pl to city ticket orilce, b9 Public Squaie, Wilkcs-B.iue, Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Centinl Bailrond of New Jeisey. Ill effect Nov 10, 1002. Stations In NovV York, toot Liberty stieet and South l'enj, N. R Trains leave Scianton for Now Yoik, Phlladelphl i, Huston, Bethlehem. Allen town Munch Chunk, White Haven, Ash le, Wlll.es-Baiio nnd PIttston at 7. TO a. ni , 1 p m , nnd I p m Sundajs, 7.15 a. m .ind -'10 )) m. Quaker City Express Hates Scianton 730 a in. with. through solid vestibulo tialn with Pullman Buff at Puiloi Cai lor Philadelphia with onlv one ehuiigo ot c.na for B iltlmoro and AY.ishlngton, D C . and all piinclpal points south and west and has through co ich loi 2xcv Yoik Eoi Avoca, PIttston nnd WIlkcs-Bnrre, 1 p m and 1 p m Sunday, 713 a. in. and 2 10 p in Eoi Long Bianch, Ocean Giove, etc , at 7 10 a. m and 1 p m Eoi Holding, Lebanon and Ilnrilsbuig' via Allentovvn nt 7.0 a m, 1 p m nnd 4 p in Sum ly, 7 1". a. in anil -10 p m I'oi T.iinuiiu t und Pottsvillo at 7 .JO a. ni . 1 p m and 1 p in Sund.iv, 7 15 a. m. Poi Kites mil tlekets apply to agent .it station W. G BESSLEU Gi neial Manager. C. JI BURT, Gen P.i'-s Agt Pennsylvania Bnilroad. Schidulo in Effect Juno 10. 190-' 'liiiins liavo Scianton I, .x a m, tveclt duvi, tlniuigh vestibulo tinlu fiom Wilkts-Il n ic. Pullman buffi t p u lor e ir and eoichrs to Philadelphia, ii PotU ilie; stoiix tit piiucl.al Intei mediate sta tions AWo tonneets loi Siiiilmij, Iltn lisl.uig, Phllailt Iphln liiltlmoie, Wush ington and foi Pittsbuig and tho West. 9 17 a. in . week dass, foi Suubiii. Hai lisbuig, Phllidclphl.i. Baltimoic, Wash ington and Pittsbuig and the West 1 IJ , m. week dass, (Suiiilajs 1 5S l. m ). foi Simbiuy. Haulsl.tii, Phllndi 1 phlu, Baltimcue, Washington and I'llts hiiiK and the West .! -b p m, wiek d.iH. thioilgh vestlhulu tinlu tiom Wilkes-Bane, Piillmnn bulfet p.llloi eal and en u lies to Phi! idelphia ill Pottsvlllt. Stops at pihulpnl Intei medi ato stations 4 irt p m . week dnvs tor Hnlelon, bu.i hui, Haiilsbiug, Philadelphia nnd Pitts buig. J B HUTCHINSON. Gen Mgr, .1 I! x.OOI, Gen Pass Agt Dclawate nnd Hudson. Ill Elftit Nov. p., 1.MJ 'I'liilns loi Cai lioudalo leavo hciuiuon nt (ill 7 (.. s 10 U ii in. 12 0", II.'. .'11, .111,' 1.11 (.-'". "--'. !. 9 "'''. 'I'-' !' ; "roi'ilonesilale 0 II. 1011 n m ; 2 U nnd "Vol' "Wllkts-ll.lllt-O .x 7 11. 3.11. 9 17, 10 1.1 (i ni. 1-'" II- -'IS '-!. I A (. 7 tx. 9 10, 10 II 11 11 I' i Poi I. V It R Polnts-7 II, 9 17 n in ; " is i:i and 11 I'J p in I'oi l'eiiusvlvmiiu R II Poluts-OUS, D 17 ii m . 1 I-'. J '-S and I "1 p in. I'oi Albanv ami all poluls noith i JO n. "' "'"'"'HENDAY TRAINS i'oi ( iuloudiiIe-Srn, lit! a ni ;i 2 11, .;! ,ri uiul M 17 P in. ' ,, ,., I'm IU,Srl!iuivr.,"S a, ni.: 1'iy '). ,.x, l, !.' and 'MTii m , ..X I'oi' VUmiiv uul ioi)lti UQitli-1 .'. m To Himi'-ilnli'-S.-fl " m ;.!...' g; j lifimicK. a, i Albanv. y. Y, L I'llVUIS. il l .x neiiiiiiiiii,,.! Eiic BnUiond Wyoming Division. ' 1h Effect St pteinber 11, 100.' 27 'liiiins UaVC bd.iiijim fin- Nvm fQK NowbuiBh und inieiiiud atu polills.jnlso un- II "vvl"y ll" tatli.n ni VS a. in uiul 1 Jo l't (U -A l'"i JlonctilnU' ami Will to Mills nt, I 33 ''t'i'iiIiis ii live nt Suanton at 10 3S n.-m. ninl'1 11 P ' 'fr I-" r -- - " g. New Yoik, Outniio and Western. Timo table In efiect Sunday. Sept. Lvj;l5D). ilmUWNOia'H IIOL'NU THAiNS ' l.tavo Leavo Aiilva Tialns Scianton Carbondale CudAsIn, N 1 .. .. WWn m. 11 in u. ni Iifl.p m, S 7 .. . dinp m.Ai C.iiboiid.iloOltinn ;so ' SOUTH BOUND, v? Loive Leave Anna Tialns. Ciitlotla, Caihondule Seiaihori No .' . -13 P. III. ItlOp. in. Hill 111 sVnU.US ONUY, NORTH BOUND Le.ivo Leave- Aiio 'I'liilns Stixinton Cut lipnd ilo, C.iaosia. Noll . Squill 0 10 a. in 10 Till, in. No 5 .. . ,7.(K)p Iu',Al,C.iibondilo7Wipin Lavo Leuvo Aialvo Tialns. Cudoslu. Cnibontlule, Scianton No I u ... (iSOu.m., 7.2.1a, m. No 10.. 4 S0p 111 liOUp 111 p. in, Tialns N"s i on week diys, and'O on SuildaiS iniinect loi Now Yoik i!tv,Mli- dletovvir Witltou, Noiwlch, Oneida.. Os- wego und all polnis west. Tialu No. 0, xvith "Ounker Clt" Ex. pjebs" at Scianton. via C, R. R of N J , for Philadclpliii. Atlantic City, Ballliiioie, Washington Uiul Pennsylvania i.fatu HOltltH v Svo tlnis-iablo mid consult ticket a sent? for connectlohs xlth either lines J. C. ANDERSON. O P. A , New Yoils. J. B. AVELSH. T. P. A , Scianton. Pa. il . -.