n .ii.y T;vjv; f?,r , ' :t' Tp ,f ' f " ' "'v t11 mmmmr j . htt. w., ; v j am ,.t::; jwvjs mnRs? t; ibw ,-; " , T I 0 THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-TUJSfcJDAl', JUEUEiUjBJEtt J, 1902. W rt fev xxxxxxxxx; Tho Modern Itardwnr Blore. THE OLD WAY Of chopping food is a chop- V ping bowl find knifo and a V half hour's chop chop. y The now wny is n rt Gain Food Chopper x And Ave minutes' onsy )C work. The Gem Is n timo V nnd labor savor. Three 3 sizes, J $1.25, 1,50, $2.00 X Foote & Shear Co. J 19 Washington Ave. XXXXXXXXXXX I. F. MECHRCEL CO. Bankers and Brokers, Both 'phones. Council Building. Banking By Mail You can send nionoy to us by registered letter, post office tv express money oviler, or lmnit check or draft. . , .. Ah soon as your llrsl deposit reaches us. your mime mm the amount of your deposit will no entered on our books nnd we will send you u pass book with similar entries. V"c will ulso send you a curd for your Hgniituro. Every de posit you make will draw Inter est from date of deposit. Tiv uslni? the mails you can always be next door to the Corner of Wyoming Ave nue nnd Spruce Street, SCRANTON, FA. si SI P ti O o QQ O g o T:o UV-.t o i S 2 i: k 11. c"3 I lo c 3S b C5 go c3 ii " i s 5 - 5 h- e: 3 r4 5 cm O C o ' ,.rrt gi. ww -- -'.ay oo .t. C ,- - .-, Li Co Register Now For the New Term In The flardenbergh School of Miisic and flrf Carter Building. Cigars IJy the box By the 100 Uy the 1000 Handsome holiday packages in boxes of IS, 25, GO and 100 each. Tho largest stock of Import ed and high grade cigars over brought to Scranton for tho holiday trade. Order enrly to secure the best. E. C. Dean, 111 Council Bldg. " THINK OF THE FUTURE NOW and the past will ever be a pleasant memory. Your account with THE PEOPLE'S BANK will nourish your happy reflections. CSBEO QX i I TCSVtSx twrdgjfcg Sg City and School Taxes 1003. Tho above tax duplicates aro now In wy hands for collection. !'. S. OARKKIt, City Treasurer. IT IS THE BEST THING FOR ALL SOME VIEWS ON NO SETTLE MENT "OUT or COURT." If the Press Can Be Taken to Be a Reflector of Public Opinion There Is Now No Regret at the Breaking Off of tho Negotiations for on Amicable Settlement of tho Mlno Strike Operators Blundered but Would Make a Bigger Blunder Not to Correct It. 'i'oiluy tho initio strike commissioner!; will urrlvo here and take up tho work they loft oft ten days ago when a re cess was taken for the purpose of giv ing tho parties to the controversy op portunity to effect tin amicable sottle j'nonL of "nearly nil, If not all" the matters In dispute. Bishop Hpaldlnff Is expected to ar rive this mornlnpr. IIo will continue to be it attest of IJIshop Hoban during the progress or the hearings. Judge Gray, Colonel Wright and General Wilson will probably come In the early evening. Commissioners Clark. Par ker and Watklns are In the city. Mr. Clark's wife has come on from Cedar IJnplds to visit him. The commissioners will have a con ference at Hotel .Termyn tonight to hear from Messrs. Clark, Parker and AVatklns, tho sub-committee appoint ed to remain here to represent the commission ns conciliators In the peace negotiations. Resume Hearings Tomorrow. The hearings are scheduled to be re sumed at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn ing In the superior court room. No tlellnlte detnlls ns to tho programme to be followed have come to the sur face, but It Is certain that tho parties In Interest will renew the work in hand with an expectation of no fur ther halts for possible settlement "out of court," and a determination to thoroughly thresh out every question involved in the controversy. The breaking off of the peace nego tiations seems to give general satis faction to tho public if the newspapers can be taken to be reflectors of public views. "It is best for all that the president's strike commission proceed as It start ed and complete tho work for which it was created. There were many thoughtful citizens who preferred to have the whole subject thoroughly considered by the tribunal acting un der the president's appointment. It was a mistake from the public point of view to attempt to settle the strike 'out of court.' Tho commission should proceed with its inquiry. The com mission exists for the purpose of set tling the whole matter." The above Is a composite expression of editorials of leading papers of the largo cities. At first there wore some papers expressing regret at the fail ure of tho negotiations but such ex pressions are no longer heard. Every body, it seems, is quite pleased now that peace negotiations were broken off. The Possible Exception. If there is a smgle exception to this rule, as there is said to bo to every rule, that exception Is probably tho miners' representatives. Hud the hear ings ended with the adjournment ten days ago, the minors would be in a most favorable light before the public. Their story of the case as told by Presi dent Mitchell would stand without refutation, or with only such refuta tion as came from, the declaratory "questions" of the coal companies' counsel in their cross-examination, and together with this advantage they would obtain in all likelihood, in tho matter of concessions, as much as tho commission will allow them. I5ut, be that as it may, tho recess did no harm nnd possibly will result in much good to tho miners. Tho commis sion can not well give them less than the operators offered in the tentative proposition for amicable settlement. The miners know they are going to get something. This relieves them from concern on the score of their possibly being "non-suited." The operators havo admitted liability. Now the only con cern of the miners Is how much better will they fare tit the hands of the com missioners than if tho peace proposition had not been withdrawn. While It Is very generally conceded the coal companies mado a false move In making or acquiescing In the propo sition for a settlement "out of court," there Is no one of their own number heard saying it was not the part of wisdom for them to coincide with the views of the independent operators as evnrpssed In thf Rtntpment rnn.l n' Tuesday's conference in New York. What It Would Mean. To settle with the miners "out of court," through President Mitchell of tho United Mine Workers, would have been to recognize the United Mlno Workers' union as directly and effectu ally as If they dealt with Mr. Mitchell In his official capacity Instead of tho capacity In which he would ostensibly be acting representative of tho miners. Recognition or tho union- Is tho one thing above all others tho operators want to avoid. They ran possibly avoid It, or at all events avert It for n time, by having tho commission decide he. twren them and their employes. How recognition and something more than Indirect recognition could bo averted If ti settlement wns effected through Presidents Raer, Truesdale, Olypnant, Fowler, et nl op the one side, and Presidents Mitchell, Nlcholls, Duffy, Fahy et al. on the other side has pot as yet been explained. What the commission will have to say on the matter of the failure of tho recess to accomplish its purpose will ho attentively listened to, It Is Bafe to say. As far as the commission Is con corned, the record clears It of any re sponsibility for the ten dnys' loss of time, for tho record shows tho recess was granted for tho solo purpose of saving time. If the parties to the con- FOR SALE Butter Tubs in good con dition, Prjce 5c each. i lot of jo or more, 3c apiece Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1.00, THE GREAT Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,, 111 Lackawanna avenue. 211 North MUn avenue. "Phono TV.. Pionipt delliry. New 'Phone 123 SCRANTON CONSERVATORY AlfRCD PENNINGTON, Director. FIFTY- ETFh recital St. Luke's Parish House, This Evening, December 2. troversy wasted this time In efforts at accomplishing what It appears they had no assurance was not nn Impossi bility, the commission Is 'in no wise to bo criticized. Proceedings in Book Form. Recognizing tho widespread Interest taken alt over the country In tho tes timony and argument before the An thracite Strike Commission, The Trib une will print In convenient book form tho reports appearing In Its columns from day to day, and will offer a limit ed edition of copies for sale at $1 each. The volume will consist of several hun dred pages, eight by eleven Inches, and will uppear as soon as tho commission ers render their decision. Tho dally reports In The Tribune miss nothing of essential Interest and are tho fullest and most accurate reports printed In any newspaper. Orders should bo sent to Tho Tribune now as the edition Is liable to be exhausted. STIPP GOT CONTRACT. He Will Build Retaining Wall at No. 11 School Other School Board Business. At a special meeting of the board of control held last night the follow ing bids for the construction of u, re taining wall at No. 11 school were re ceived: M. J. Ruddy, $2,325; Peter Slipp, $2,200; Woelkers & Blelman, $2,3fl. Tho building committee took the bids under consideration and re ported forthwith in favor of awarding the contract to Mr. Stipp. This wa3 done by the board. Chairman T. J. Jennings, of the high and training committee, reported that It had been found impossible during the last week lo secure a lower price for either of the properties adjoining the old Home for tho Friendless site nnd on his motion definite action on this matter was deferred until next Monday night. Chairman Langan, of the text book committee, reported that upwards of $5,000 should be transferred to the text book account to pay outstanding bills. It was decided by the board to apply as much of the overplus of $12,000 in this year's funds as may be required to the payment of these bills. Mr. Christmas registered a. kick at tho slowness with which he alleges Contractor Haggerty is proceeding with the Installation of the heating apparatus at No. 23 school and said that several of the teachers have been obliged to dismiss their pupils because of the cold. The matter was referred to tho building committee in conjunc tion with Engineer Harris. It was decided to put Venetian blinds In both No. 8 and No. 11 schools. Have you tasted FRUITED WHEAT? PERSONAL. Dr. and Mrs. II. 11. Ware returned from New York yesterday. Miss Jessie Ditchhurn. of Carbondalc, Is visiting Green Itidgo friends. Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Bliss, of San derson avenue, left yesterday for Now York nnd Patcrsou, N. J. P. P. Smith, of Mousey avenue, has re turned from a southern trip which ex tended as far ns Tennessee. Mrs, Chase, wife of Attorney A. A. Chase, left yesterdday to visit friends In Buffalo, Berlin and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Linton Pettehono and J. W. 1'lcltard, of Cleveland, are guests of Miss I.uella. Williams, at Hotel .Termyn. Mr. A. P. Hodges, of Mulberry street, leaves this morning for Henderson, N. C. where he expects to spend some time. Miss A. A. Affleck, proofreader of tho Hartford, Conn., Times, Is visiting her brother, Mallearrlor Allleck, oC lfi2."i Penn avenue. Judge nnd Mrs, A. A. Vosburg havo returned from Now York city, and while there they attended somo of tho sessions of the Arion Musical festival at Brook lyn. Have you tasted FRUITED WHEAT? Bachelor Apartments in the Y. M. C. A. Building. Applications are now being received at the Young Men's Christian associa tion ofllco for rooms in the building. Prices $3 per month to $1S, according to location. Rooms will be assigned In order of application. Address, Secretary Young Men's Christian nssoclntlon. Have you lusted FRUITED WHEAT? Dr. Llndahury, Surgeon, diseases o! women a specialty, 215 ConneU bulldlmr. Hours; 11 n. m. to p. m.; 7 to S.30 p. m. Cigars Headquarters, Coarsen Wo offer for next the 30 days Cigars nt factory prices. Bohico, Koy West Conchas, 5 for , '.'ju Roslta. Koy West Conchas, 7 for , , , 2kj Porto Rico I'anutcllaa and fiicvns, T for .....,, .....23e La Lucita, Key West, ."i for '.'3n Persian Monarch, 0 for 23a Monto t'rlsto, Koy West, 8 for,,,23u Kl Morltn Con, Ksp., T tor 23t Sweet Violets, 7 for 23o Our Jewel und-Elsa, 10 for 23c La Perfocto, J2.W box, U for 23o La Saloin, Jt.73 box, 7 for ,23u First Counaul, Key West Pana- tcllaB, $3.90 box, Flno Imported Clgurs, .10 for J5.00. Largest assortment of lino import ed and Key Wost Cigars in tho city. E, G, Goursen, 420 Lackawanna Ave. iiiifniniiiiii r--ir" uhMna r R 7ft OF MUSIC THE JENKINS CASE. Hearing Conducted Yesterday by Referee M. W. Lowry In tho Office of City Solicitor. M. W. Lowry, sitting as referee In the case of George W. Jenkins against tho city of Scranton to recover salary as delinquent tax collector up to and including July of this year, conducted a hearing yesterday afternoon in City Solicitor Watson's ofllco. It will bo remembered that Mr. Jen kins sued for three months salary orig inally and that tho Supreme court sus tained his contention and awarded lllm a verdict for the amount asked. IIo is now suing to recover for the thirteen months beginning July 1, 1001, and ending July 31, 1002, alleging us he does that lie was not formally re moved until the latter date. At yes terday's hearing ho was represented by Former Judge J. W. Carpenter, while City Solicitor Watson looked af ter tho city's Interests. Mr. Jenkins was sworn and testified that during the thirteen, months for which ho is suing ho was never for mally removed from ofllco either by word of mouth or by letter. Former Recorder James Molr took the stand and testified that acting under tho powers invested In him as recorder lie appointed Mr. Jenkins as delin quent tax collector on April 1, 1001. The hearing will be continued this morning. Mr. Jenkins has never performed tho duties of delinquent tax collector, these having been performed since Scranton became a city of tho second class by the city treasurer. The or dinance providing for a. re-organization of the city government provided for a consolidation of the office of city treasurer and delinquent tax collector, but Recorder Molr ignored this and appointed Mr. Jenkins. The city holds that the formal appointment of for mer City Treasurer Robinson ns delin quent tax collector by Recorder Con neU constituted a removal ofJenk!ns tinder tho generally accepted principle that the appointment and qualification of a successor to a man in office ren ders his title to the ofllco void. ON POUR CHARGES. Bolick Andrepski Couldn't Furnish 81,200 Bail. Bolick Andrepski, of 022 Mineral street, was arrested yesterday on four separate charges. He is accused by August Spencer of stealing an overcoat and by Nifa Folkn with tho theft of an umbrella. These men formerly boarded with Andrepski at -12!) Ray mond court and allege that ho stole the articles from them there. Mrs. Julia Rogers and Mrs. Paulino Nayuk, two boarding housekeepers, who allege that he folded his traps and silently stole away, arrested him for defrauding them. Magistrate Millar committed Andrepski to the county jail in default of $300 bail In each charge. To the Republican Voters of the City of Scranton. A Republican primary to elect a Re publican candidate for the olllce of city recorder and ward vigilance com mittees will be held on Thursday, Jan uary 15, 1903, at the regular polling places between the hours of -1 and S p. m. Candidates for tho nomination for city recorder must register their names with C. K. Chittenden, 319 Lackawanna avenue, on or before Dec. 20. 1902, and pay the assessment levied on or before December 27, 1902, if their 'names are to be placed on the ticket. The city committee earnestly requests that all nominations for ward and election of ficers be held nt the same time and place, the vigilance committee running a separate box. C. E. Chittenden, Chairman Republi can City Committee. Hnve you tasted FRUITED WHEAT? Miss Xe Vay nt Hotel Jermyn. Tuesday, Dec. 2, with advanced styles In mid-winter millinery and fancy stock collar.-!. m Announcement. ' Mrs. R. Bloom, representing B. Mon golles, of No. 72U Broadway, New York, will be at Hotel Jermyn Tuesday, Dec. 2, with a full line of lino furs and Per sian Jackets at wholesale prices. Room ICC, John Godmosel, tho popular barber, formerly with Grllllth. has accepted n. position with A. II. Young's now bar ber shop, -13:5 Spruce street, where his old friends will find him with every convenience for doing llrst-class work. Havo you tasted FRUITED WHEAT? You'll be sure to select your holiday gifts here. 'Santa Claus" has been to holiday outfit; he givers and knows go for the latest furnishings, espe thn finIM ftv irrtflp ', Don't put off what you can do the rush is on and ' best. a yC0i v fti f itAWKW W i i i I ' HAIJjgttlE A avc 0 JPRUC& ST M ?jj tf t A? A? Jt! &'.A:JlLLJl!.ZtJtLA!.AlJllJt.&J$? LAST CHAPTER IN NOTED CASE END OP" PROSECUTIONS POR OITY HAXL BRIBERY, Vordlct of Not Guilty Taken In Ono nnd a Nol Pros. Entered in Anoth er of tho Two Bribery Cases Against E. J. Maloney Nol Pros, in tho Caso of Obstructing Justice in Which S. E. Waylantl Was De fondant Thomas Bribery Case to Bo Nol Prosscd. In quarter sessions court yestor duy, an end was brought to the two cases In which 13. J. Muloney wits charged with bribery and the case In which S. E. Wnyland wns charged with obstructing justice. Today will prob ably see an ending also of the caso In which Simon Thomas Is charged with perjury. AVlth the ending of these four cases will end the prosecutions In tho big scandal connected with tho curly at tempt at passing tho Lackawanna Tel ephone ordinance. Maloney was lobbyist for the rival company. Wnyland was manager of tho Lackawanna company. Thomas was ono of the councllmcn alleged to have been bribed to vote against tho new company. Tho first case against Maloney had its inception in a finding of the grand jury In 1900. There were stories afloat of illegal lobbying for nnd against the passage of the new company's fran chise. The grand jury mado an inves tigation and ono of the councllmcn summoned before them, F. W. Zizel mann, who was then representing tho Eight ward in common council, testi fied that Maloney had offered him money to vote against the new com pany. Maloney was Indicted. Were Investigating. Tho Municipal league about this time was secretly Investigating city hall and with the aid of a clever detective named Harris, succeeded in unearthing evidence enough to compel a dozen councllmen to resign und make partial restitution for money illegally received by donations to charitable Institutions. In the course of the hearings, Select Councilman Simon Thomas admitted he had received money from Maloney and another Indictment was found against the latter for bribery. Thomas was also Indicted for accepting a bribe. The case against Wayland was the result of his refusal to answer certain questions bearing on the bribery charges, when he wns a witness in the drag-net Inquiry before Alderman Ful ler. The four cases were put on the list one term after another, but the ab sence of Maloney, who left the country, resulted In their being continued. After wandering through Canada and then through Europe, Maloney returned to this country broken down in health and' mentally unbalanced. He is now In the Hillside home. Agreement Reached. When all the circumstances were laid before the prosecutors, an agreement was. arrived at to let the cases drop. Accordingly a verdict or nol guilty was taken yesterday in the case In which Maloney was charged with at tempting to bribe Zlzclmann, and a nol prosse was entered In tho case In which Maloney was charged with bribing Thomas and the case In which Wny land was charged with obstructing jus tice. The case In which Thomas Is charged with accepting a bribe Is on the list for today and In all likelihood will bo nol prossed. REACHED A HIGH LIMIT. Output of D., L. & W. Colleries Over 1,500 Cars on Saturday. The highest number of tons or eoal ever mined in one day by the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany was reached on .Saturday last when 1,531 cars were mined nnd pre pared for shipment. Tho company's mines are bolus worked to their capacity and while tho supply of coal Is not equal to the de mand, all orders are belnsr filled as rapidly as uossible. Sale of Christmas novelties at Hotel Jermyn, Wednesday, Thursday Und Fri day, December 3, -1, 3. Mrs. Redlck. of Pittsburg, Pa. Dr. If. 1$. Ware 1ms returned, Board of Tiade building. Have you tasted FRUITED WHEAT? You Caai AS ways Save Thn middleman's pro. tit by purchasing your umbrellus or parasols direct from tho manu facturer. Special In ducements just now In order to clear out our stock preparatory to making up our Christmas lino. Wo nro tho only exclusive umbrella manu facturers In tho city. SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY. 313 SPRUCE STREET. please if you pur store, and bought his is the king of gift the proper place to styles and best cially ordered for (until J now. next week Come before vc can serve you m fl Neruotis Affliction That Frequently Ends in Death. The Victim After Failures with other Medicines Is Cured by Paine's Celery Compound Palne's Celery Compound has ac quired its famous reputation by Its wonderful and decisive victories over disease and suffering. Palne's Celery Compound supplies strength and en ergy to those who nro low from nerv ousness and physical cxhuustlon. It builds up the weakened nervous .sys tem, makes tho blood pure and rich, 'establishes a perfect action of the heart, gives natural sleep and di gestive vigor. Lucy Regnhulez, -IS Abasoto St. Mon terey, Mexico, who wns In a critical condition of health owing to nervous suffocation, wns providentially saved by Palne's Celery Compound after vain attempts to procure a euro with other medicines; she writes us follows: "I feel very grateful for the good which Palne's Celery Compound has afforded me. Before using It I had been suffering for somu lime from nervous suffocntlon which prevented me from sleeping, speaking, or eittlng. If I attempted to take a meal, I was obliged to stand In order to breathe. After the use of various remedies which brought no relief, my uncle, Mr. DIas, advised mo to try Palne's Celery Compound, which 1 did, nnd found, immediate relief. I took six bottles of it and now I am completely cured, thanks to tho Compound." Children's clothing, hats. ribbons, feathers, stockings, dresses, nnd suits for children can be made new again with DIAMOND DYES Direction book and !." dyed samples free. DIAMOND DYES, Bur lington, Vt. THE PRENDERGAST STORE. We have received R. E. Prendergast Stationery, Engraving, Die Stamping, 207 Washington Avenue. mmMMmmwimwmmMmmmmmmmmESEssmBmMsmwBmmmmm Established 1866 ! ls vldllv It is often, a source of great satisfaction '0 purchasers to be able to make their own selection of skins for garm'-'Pts. We are now in the exclusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large lino cf the 'fol lowing high-grade furs : ALASKA SEAL PEKSIAN" LAMB BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling and RunniriiiK Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue. iwEmmeswEnsmsgmwssgaBX'Ssmssmi We Are Taking Advance Orders for Christy Calendars Gibson Calendars Pierce Calendars Hurl but Calendars The above lines are limited in numbers, as the sub jects are entirely new. No Old Stock. I REYNOLDS mammumaBmm ;''' " -ar4' 4 i Atkin's A J , ' r. It Saws..;. ! 2 Are of quality. superior $ Our assortment ' is complete. We want your saw. business, J Bittenbender & E ? 126-128 Franklin Ave. i . (i.i"l',4't!,f"!"2"it1! I'H4"JH' When in Need Of .anything in the line of ,j, optical goods wo can supply it. ' j Spectacles I and Eye Glasses : ? , 4. Properly fitted by nn expert .j, optician, .. J From $1.00 Up l1 A1:n nil Icinrln nt nrMdrfn. I" J tion work nnd repairing. Mercereau & ConneU 132 "Wyoming Avenue. BEH and This is all the Gibson we can get this year. We have also the New Gibson and Remington Books just out. It would be well to order now. Hich-Class Furs BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MABTEN ISABELLA EOX SABLE FOX WHITE FOX BLUE FOX BLACK FOX BEAR Cash fnid Tor Raw Furs. BROS. Stationers and Engravers Scranton ' V? -v - -. r.-yV A--..- i -.- Y