The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 02, 1902, Image 1

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    "K ?
A Measure Anuroiirlatlna 5100,-
000 lor a New Postolllce
Bulldlnu in Garbondale.
Jlopicsontativo Cannon Introduces a
Measure Providing for the Appro
priation of $50,000 to Defray Ex
penses of the Anthracite Coal Strike
Commission Members May Re
ceive Such Compensation Within
the Limit of the Appropriation as
the President May Deem Proper.
The Senate in Session Twelve Min
utesThe Floral Display in Both
Houses Unusually Large and Pine.
Pclal lo t'.'o Se-ranton Tiihtmc.
Washington, D. ('., Dte. 1. At thu
fcccond session of the fifty-seventh con
gress, which opt nod at noon today, the
first bill presented was one by Con
gufssman Conucll, of Seranlon, appro
priating fJOt'.COO for the purpose of pto
euiing :i site and erecting a public
building :it Catfiondale, I'.i. This: build
ing Is intended to be used 'as a posl
olllce and for other government pur
Pum. The bill whs referred to the
committee on public buildings and
The Moml oh'i rings to
nieinhirs were more elaborate and pto
lusf today than for any session in
year?, and more eonspi'-uous than any
were the beautiful tributes pliieed at
the sfat of Congressman Connell. So
numeious were the lloral offerings that
the desk and scat were ontiiely hidden,
and it was found necessary to remove
tln-m in order that the member could
lake his seat.
To Compensate Strike Commission.
B.i i:dnsic Wire from The Assochti-d I'reM.
Washington, Dec. I. 'Representative
Cannon today introduced a bill ttppro
jirialliipr f.'O.WO to defray the expenses
(if the anthracite eoal strike commis
sion appointed by the president.
The bill provides that the members
may meolvu hui'h compensation within
the limit of the npprnpiiutltin as the
president may deem proper, and pio-
Ision is made so there may be no con
flict villi existing laws affecting those
members who aie now in the employ
of the government. The bill was re
ferred to the committee on appropri
ations and wilt be taken up by that
committee for consideration tomoirow.
A number of bills? woie introduced in
the house today affecting commercial
combinations, but none are adminlstia
tlommenMires. Several bad been shown
to Attorney Genera 1 Knox, but he
neither appioved nor disappioved any
of the proposed measures. It is ex
pected that when the judicial y commit
tee takes the hills up, .Mr. Knox will
be Invited to state his view.
A Joint resolution olTeied by Repre
sentative 11. e. Smith, of Michigan,
proposes an amendment ui the consti
tution conferring on longn-ss power to
define, regulate, prohibit and dissolve
trusts, monopolies, -te.
Representative lli-pluun, (Pf Iowa,
chairman of the committee on eom
ineiov, introduced a bill appropriating
SCOO.ouO lo lie expended under the di
rection of the attorney geneial In the
employment of special counsel, etc., to
conduct pioecedlngs, suits ami prosecu
tions In the cnfnii emeni of the .Sherman
untl-tiust law. A bill Intioduced by
Representative rinook of Ohio, aims at
securing evidence in such suiu and pro
vides that no one shull be e.vusert lioin
testifying. All Itieusutes on thin sub-jei-t
weio rofened to the committee on
In the Senate.
The senate was in session itvulvo min
utes today, the ihft day of iho sisslon,
aii udjouruiueiit mull lumouow being
taken out uf respect to the memory of
the late .Senator McMillan, who died
during the leeess. llnrely has the his
toric chamber presented su'h an ap
pearance as It did today, Thu custom
of placing llowers on the desks of mem
bers la an old one, but today's display
was unusually large and flue. The,
inctnbcis wute early on the floor and
were kept busy exchanging greetings
with old aciinalntauecs.
Tim gulleiies wuro racked to suffoca
tion and hundreds tunod outside the,
corrldois anxious to gain admission.
Among the. Jnteiesteil spectators were
many members of the diplomatic corps,
Swiioi- Quesada, the Cuban minister, oc
cupied a conspicuous place and exhib
ited much Interest in tho proceedings.
The absence of Itov, Dr, Mllburn, the
blind chaplain, was particularly notice
able, (lis place was tuken by Rev. J,
F. Prettymun, of Washington, No bus
iness was transacted, beyond tho cus
tomary resolutions that tho senato was
ready to proceed to business and fixing
the hour of convening the session at l-'
The Contest Over tho Statehood
Measuro Begins Today.
Br tc!uiM Wlr from The Associated I'eis.
Washington, Dec 1. The coutest over
the Omnibus Stutehood bill began im
mediately upon tho meeting of congress.
As sooti ua tho senate adjourned there
wis a conference In Senator Halo's com
mittee room attended by Senators Alll-
son, Hal", Aldrlth. PlJflgConn.), Cul
loni, Lodge, llaiinu. inis-midge, tho
In tier tho rhulrnrin of t-'iatfuntpltteo on
tetiitotics. These gentle Sfroprcsent
cd the Republicans who'lwjnppnsod to
tho omnlhui) bill ndmlttffSiiklahoma,
New Mexlro and Atizona.XSSUt In un
derstood fuwir a bill ndiiWg Okla
homa, only.
The friends of the Omnibus bill wero
also active and clnlin to hnve the namrs
of fifteen Republican senators pledged
to support tho Omnibus bill, which
with the Democrats will insure Its
passage. It Is probable that n Republi
can caucus upon the subject will bo
Rev. Mr. Milburn Will No Longor
Conduct Services in Senate.
Dr Kxehisive Wile from The Asocltcd Pre.
Washington, Dec. 1. Rev. W. H. Mil
burn, the blind chaplain of the senate,
who is now In California, has forwerded
his icsignatlon to President Pto-tem
Frye. It will be placed before tho scn
nto tomorrow. His successor will bo
elected by the senate.
Mr. Mllburn in ills letter to Senator
Frye snys ill health compels him to re
tire from the position and he adds:
"It Is with deep sorrow that I have
come to this decision, as it was my
cherished wish that under the favor of
tho senate, I should conduct its religious
services during the remainder of my
The Courts Decide That the Combina
tion Exists and That Bills Need
Not Be Paid.
By KicliMc Wire lam I'hi A.sscn.itid Tnts.
Kansas Cily, Dec. 1. The Kansas
City court of appeals decided today that
the combination of brewers that exists
in this city Is a trust and as such it Is
expressly forbidden by the 'statutes of
Missouri and is unlawful, and that any
man who owes one of those brewers in
tho combine need not pay his bill, and
tho brewer cannot collect the debt, even
by going to court.
This decision was rendered In the suit
of the Ferdholm Brewing company
against a saloonkeeper, who owed the
company. In the lower court the com
pany won the case and got judgment.
This judgment was reversed today by
the court of appeals, and three judges
The, Charles Hebard Has Broken Up
at Point Mainse and Disappeared
U.v i:cIu-to Who from The Associated I'icss.
-itult Ste Marie, Mich., Dec. 1. The
steamer Chatles Hebard was wrecked
at Point Mainse early today. She bioke
up and disappeared completely, and it
is believed that her crew of fourteen
men were all lost. The schooner Aloha,
which the Hebard had in tow, is still
missing on Lake Superior.
Tho Wariulngtuu and Fr.incomb,
which formed the other boats of the
steamer's tow, are anchored at I'.ilnr
Mainse. The news of the disaste-r was
brought by steamer Osslfrngo, which
reached hero this afternoon from Mici
poeotcn. On approaching Point Mainse,
the Hebard was sighted ashore there.
Not long afterwards, in plain sight of
the Osslfrage, the wrecked steamer
bioke up nnd disappeared from view.
The Hcbard's ciew, consisting of
thirteen men and one woman cook,
have not been heard from and it is
feared that till have perished. The
schooner Aloha, one of the consorts
which the Ilebaul had in tow, broke
away from tho steamer In l.uko Su
perior and has nol been heard from.
When Met sighted, she wus laboring
in the trough of tho sea, nnd lltllo
hope Is entertained for her safety.
The schooners W'arnilngton nnd Fran
comb, the other vessels of tho tow, ran
before the gale after breaking away
from the steamer, and finally succeed
ed In reaching an anchorage at Cop
per Mlno Point.
Tonight the. tugs General and Phlla
delpl u wero sent lrom this port to
brim; 'the two suhooneis heu and to
seal eh for nonw trace of tho Alhoa.
As the shore at tho point tho Ilebaul
was wrecked Is rugged and rocky, It
Is feared that oven if the crew had
attempted to get nlf the steamer when
she struck, their boat must have been
dashed to pieces, Tho steamer Jleb
atd was owned by Holland & Graves,
of Iluil'alo,
Founder Bradley Resigns,
fly Kiclmltu w'lr.i horn llic Afociatcl I'teti.
Asbury. Pmk. N. J Due. 1. Thu coin
nion council tonight accepted tho cHlipia.
tlon of Founder Unulley as mayor of tho
city. This done, tho council appointed a
special commltteo to confer with Mr,
Iiiadlity and nt next Monday's mcotiug of
tho council bis fnrmrtl offer to sell thu
beach fiont and other public) ptopeitk-s
for :r,!),000 will bo presented to council.
Lumberman Killed.
Dy Uwlume Wire fium Tin." Associated l'its.
Knoxville, Tcun., Doc. 1. Jacob Itleo,
a prominont lumberman of Apalnchla,
Va., was thrown from his horse nnd In
stantly killed today. Ho c.imo to Vlr
cinl.i from Jlananook, Pa., wliero ho for
merly did a huge lumber buJncss.
Tiackuieu in Session.
Dy Kiclushe Wlro from The .UjooUtcd Press.
St. Louis, Dec. J.-Tiia Hallway Track
men of tho United States nnd Canada bt
gun a week's exccutlvo, session hcio to
day. It la slated that the' ortfunlatlon
has a membership of SO.OOO.
Contained $14,000 in Drafts nnd
Checks $9,000 in Bank Notes,
ll.v Ktrliuhe Wire (rem The Associated Pimi.
Danville, Ky Dec. 1. The loss of a
sack of mall containing $11,000 In drafts
and nhrcks rrom tho internal revenue
olllce hero, nnd $!,000 In bank checks
nnd drafts, besides registered lettcis
from various parties, was reported to
day. The sack was stolen or lost be
tween the Danville, postofllce nnd the
depot, or on thu Cincinnati mall train,
ten days ago.
.fames Ilockcr, the carrier, says he
delivered the sack to the mall agent on
the train, but the mall agent says
Ilockcr did not. It was after dark and
there were a large number of sacks,
and the geneial Impression Is that the
sack was stolen at the depot.
Those Written by Prince Mirko Will
Cost a Cherished Ambition to
Servian Throne.
B.r exclusive Wire Item 1 he Associated l'rfi.
Vienna, Dec. . Some stolen love let
ters may cost Prince Mlrko, second son
of the reigning Prince of Montenegro,
his cherished ambition to ascend the
Servian throne, for which, in the event
of King Alexander having no heir, he
Is a strong candidate.
Prior to Prince Mlrko's marriage last
July with Natalie Constantinovltch,
daughter of the grand uncle of King
Alexander, ho had a love affair with a
Servian actress and wrote her many
letters containing criticisms on the pol
icy of several European states. The
czar and German emneror wete spe
cially hard hit, while the Servlnn peo
ple were slightingly and scornfully re
ferred to.
After bis marriage, Prince Mlrko sent
a trusted adjutant to buy the letters
from the actress. She teadily sold them,
but the adjutant, who Is a native of
Fervla, sold them to tho Servian gov
ernment for ii considerable sum, after
having had printed copies made. In tho
event of the Montenegrin dynasty mak
ing any active move to acquire the Ser
vian throne, It is anticipated that the
publication of the letters would alien
ate Prince Mlrko's Servian friends and
ruin his prospects of succeeding King
State Board of Agriculture Begins a
Systematic Inspection of Cnttle.
Fifty Cases Found.
By Kuliuiir Wiie from 'lho Associated l'irj.
lioston. Dec. 1. Tho cattle bureau of
the state board of agriculture began
today a systematic inspection of the
cattle reported as having the foot and
mouth dise-aso, the prevalence of which
in New England has caused an em
bargo on traffic In cattle, sheep and
In their tour of Inspection the cattle
bureau representatives found fifty cases
in Littleton and West Fold, in Middle
sex county, and eighty cases in Attle
boro. In Bristol county. Reports of in
fection were iccelved from herds in
Stowe, Danvois, liiidgewntcr and I.'ast
Cigarmakers Vote to Return
Work Factories Running.
By i:.L-lujIe w ire Uuin The As.ijtcd I'les.
Havana, Dec. 1. All possibility of an
other general strike has ended, as the
cigar makers have voted a return to
work and tho factories were running as
usual today.
Tho police have reported to the au
thotltles that anarchists tiom Uarce
lona, Spain, are In Havana, and are
supposed to have been in collusion, with
the socialistic clement In tho strike.
The authorities are conducting an In
vestigation with a view to the arrest
and deportation of the anaiehlsK
....i .i i ,, ,,, tmmm
Horrible Atrocities by Turks,
fly i:cluslc Wnc fwjn Trie AsmuIsIciI i'rw.j.
London. Dee, 1. According to dispatches
received hoio the liulgailuu miwnpnior
are publishing stoiles of houltile atroci
ties by tho Turks hi .Macedonia, Chlldiun
niu reported to have been tout to piee-d
in tho presence of their awaits; men
b.avo been toasted nllvo and otheis tm
turcd with ml hot nmuUls placed on
their heads. Many peasants nro said to
have been starved to death.
Steamship Arrivals.
Dy l.'xiiuihe Who hum Tlw Aotiitel Vim.
New Yotk. Dee, l.-Arrlvcd: Uynduin,
Rotterdam; l.:ihn, Genoa nnd Naples; I .a
Clmmpagiio, Havre, Cleared; Kaiser
Wllliclm dor Crosse, Iirenten. Glhraltnr
At lived; Trnvc, Now York lor Naples
and Genoa. Doutseb
land (from Hamburg and Southampton),
New York. Plymouth Hailed: l'attlcla
(from Humburg), New Yotk.
Pensions Granted.
Br Eicltuht Wire fiximihc Aiioiiatcd lrMj.
Washington, Dec. I. Pensions granted;
John Ivi'stur, of Khlckuhluny, JIO; i;iull
l.verott (widow), of Pat sons, sj Valeria
Saurmer (widow), of Pittston, f,
" Jim
Bj fc'icluih Wire from The Associated l'ri
Now York. Deo, I.-Heniy Fronuh, f.i
moua as a theatrical manager and pro.
ducer or many celebrated dramas, died
tonight after a lingering lllneos.
Nashua, N. II., Dec. 1,-Ooloncl Frank
G, Noycs, who was Grand Army depjit
ment commander lit ISDJ, ded today as
tho icsult of u fall received reeontly. Ho
was born In IMS and was giuduated from
-Harvard In 185(i. Aftetwarcls he read law
unn practiced in Massachusetts and Now
Hampshire. Ho berved through tho Civil
war una was a member of tho New York
cotnniundciy of tho Loyal l.sslon
The Federal Supreme Court Sus
tains a Colorado Measurs
Bearing Upon Stock.
An Order Directing That All Neat
Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Etc, Shall
Remain in Inflicted Localities.
Steamship Men Are Greatly Dis
couraged Over Order of Canadian
Government That No Vessels
Clearing from Boston Shall be
Permitted to Land at Canadian
Ports The Lines at a Standstill.
By Kiclushe Wire from The Associated 1'rui.
Washington, Dec. I. The United
States Supreme court today sustained
the constitutionality of the stock quarantine-
law in Colorado. The law pro
hibits the importation of cattle or other
livestock Into the state from points
south of the thirty-sixth parallel of lat
itude between April and November un
less they bear bills of health.
Uoston, Dec. 1. The executive coun
cil this .afternoon adopted an order
which declares that all neat cattle,
sheep, and swine upon Infected prem
ises arc to remain In quarantine until
such time as the chief of the cattle bu
reau decides that It Is proper to release
the-m; that no auctions or public sales
of neat cattle, sheep or swine shall be
held in infected localities; that the
transporting of cattle, etc.. over public
highways is forbidden, at all times
when tho disease appears to be on the
increase, nnd that only those having
business there shall be permitted on in
fected territory.
Steamship men nro greatly discour
aged because of the order of the Can
adian government that no vessels clear
ing from Doston shall be permitted to
load cattle at Canadian ports. The or
der has upset plans to have Boston
ships call at either Halifax, St. Johns,
X. B., for stock, and today there was a
rapid exchange of telegrams with a
view to having the order modified.
The dominion lino steamers, the Eng
lishman and the Morion, which, it Was
intended to send to Halifax for cattle,
will sail direct from Uoston to England
without livestock, the cost of loading
nt Now York, Philadelphia, Newport
News, or any of the southern ports be
ing considered too great.
The Cunard and Wilson-Furness lines
are at a standstill until they learn ex
actly what the attitude of the Canadian
government will be under pressure.
Tho Armenian, of tho Leylnml lino
and the Corean of the Allan line, will
sail for England without cattle.
Experts of the United Stales bureau
of animal industry have been arriving
at bureau's headquarteis all day from
every section of the United States, and
by tomorrow It is expected that be
tween forty and fifty will have reached
her. Dr. Salmon, chief of the bureau,
probably will not get here until tomor
row or Wednesday.
The Councilmanic Committee at Hnr
risburg Examine Several Wit
nesses Detective Testified.
By J.'wlusltc Wire fivm Thu AochiteJ l'ics.
Huriisburg, Dec. 1. The cottncil
inanle committee engaged In Investi
gating the charges made by Mayor Mc
cormick that his predecessors in otilco,
former Mayoia Patterson and Fiitchey,
had not paid all the money they col
lected Into the city tieasuty, met to
night and examined it number of wit
nesses, who testified that they had been
arrested and lined, but no record of
such Hue appears on the docket, there
being a record that the men had been
held for trial tit court.
Ex-County Detective Hpitler testified
that he had served subpoenas on wit
nesses in cases from the mayor's olllce,
hnd collected the fees and divided them
with Chief of Police Wcateu, who was
under Patterson. This was to show that
work that should have been done by
city policemen was given to men not
connected with tho city administration,
for the put pose of divining tho fees
from thu city treasury, It was an
nounced that tho case against Patter
son rested on this evidence. On AVd
nesduy night tho case against Fiitchey
will again be taken up.
Shot His Sweetheart.
Jiy Cit'linnc Wire from Tho .Uwlatcd Press.
White Hall, I ml., Doc. 1. Thomas 1,1 v
lugslon last night shot and fatally wound
ed Fanny I.. Fteenmii. his sweetheart,
and thou shot himself. Miss Freeman
was lemming to her homo when ho met
her and after a short conversation nho
left him. Ho shot hor In tho buck and as
her mother tumo running to hor ln ihed
Into bis own breast, Itmh uto nllvo, hat
In a ciiticul condition,
Sleighing in Maryland.
Of Eiv)uIre Wire from The Assisted Prssa.
llagcrstown. Md., Dec, 1. Tho first
Hlelsblng of tho winter Is being enjoyed
held today. About an Inch of snow fell
yesterday, preceded by a heavy rain, and
during tho night tho mass froze muking a
fulily good foundation for sleighing. This
Is tho iliti snow that has fallen hero this
Requisition for Kelly.
Uy ExduJvo Wire from The Aiiaclitcd Vicu.
Harrlsburg, Dec. 1. Governor Stono
this atteruoon honored tho requisition
of the governor of Missouri for tho la
tum t Rt. I.ouls of CJiurliM F. Kelly,
tho.boodler. Dotectivo Mcdiuth left at
unco tor Philadelphia to tnko Kelly t'u
St, I,ouU,
Representative Smith Desires a Full
Investigation of tho Case.
By Ksclushe wire (rem 'the Amocltted Preis.
Washington, Dec. 1, Representative
William Allen Smith, or Michigan, dis
cussed with Iho president today the
shooting of William A. Fitzgerald by
Godfrey Hunter, Jr., nt Guatemala City.
Previously he hud had a talk with As
sistant .Secretary Hill, nt the state de
partment. Mr. Smith announced his In
tention of Introducing a resolution In
the house calling upon tho state do
pnrtmont for nil Information in Its pos
session roncorulng tho shooting of Mr.
"I have no disposition to let this
matter test," said Mr. Smith, "and
neither has the state department, My
resolution calling for the facts will bo
Introduced ns soon as I can draft It. I
propose to got to the bottom of this
matter If that bo possible."
Barry Johnstono Shoots Mrs. Kate
Hassett nnd Then Makes an
Attempt at Suicide.
By F.clutv Wire from The Associated 1'ress.
Philadelphia, Dec. 1. Mrs. Kate
IJassett, aged 2S years, leading woman
In Keith's Eighth Street Theater
Slock company, was shot and killed
tonight by Harry Johnstone, a well
known actor, who was formerly a
member of F.Iehnrd Mansfield's com
pany, and who Is well known to the
atrical people throughout the coun
try. Attcr tho murder Johnstone at
tempted suicide. Tho tragedy occurred
.it Darlcn and Wood streets in Phila
delphia's tenderloin. Johnston flred at
his victim five times. Two of tho bul
lets took effect, one In the left breast
and the other In the left arm.
Johnstone shot himself through the
breast and is not expected to live. Tho
cause of the tragedy is believed to be
The murder was one of the most
sensational that has occurred hero In
a long time. The streets In the vicin
ity or the affair wero filled with the
usual midnight crowds.
Johnstone Is said to have arrived
here from New York Sunday. He had
been paying considerable attention to
the woman, it Is said. Tonight he at
tempted to see her before she went to
the theater to take her part in the
cast, but he failed. He laid In wait
for her at the stage door until after
the performance. His presence there
was noticed but nothing was thought
of it, and when Mrs. Hassett left the
play house she started for her board
ing place. Unknown to her she was
followed by Johnstone. On Darlcn
street, between Wood and Vino streets,
Johnstone approached her, laid his
hand upon her shoulder and almost
hissed in her ear "You have been un
true to me."
Hefore the actress could flee the man
pulled out a seven-chambered revolver
and began shooting point blank at her.
She fell to the sidewalk with the first
shot, the bullet piercing her left breast.
Four more shots were fired, one of
which took effect and that in the arm.
The murderer then turned the smok
ing weapon at himself and fired a bul
let Into his own breast. He staggered
and fell almost on the body of tho
actress. The tragedy was enacted so
quickly that no one could interfere.
Several policemen nearby hearing the
shots ran for an ambulance and the
wounded man and woman- wero re
moved to the Hahnemann hospital.
The woman was dead when she
reached there, and the doctors after a
hasty examination expressed the opin
ion that Johnstone's wound Is prob
ably fatal.
In the haste to get the wounded
couple to the hospltul tho police did
not stop to enquire the cause of the
affair, but taoso who know both ex
pressed tho opinion that Jealousy was
tho real nnd only cause, Hnlh wero
married but were living apart.
Mrs. Hassett opened Keith's Stock
company at Keith's Eight Street the
ater about three weeks ago, when Mr,
Keith opened his now theater on
Cht'Hlnul slieet, nnd transferred tho
vaudeville business to tho n&w house.
This week she was playing Marjorie
in Urqadhurst's comedy, "What Hap
pened lo Jones," Wie opened the the
atiicul season In the caily fall at tho
Uroad Street theater In "The Last Ap
peal," Later she went west start Tng
In "Mrs, Dane's Defense,"
Johnstono 'was well known through
r.ut the country among theatrical peo
ple, He had been taking tho part of
Casslus in Itlclmrd Mansfield's produc
tion of "Julius Caesar" In New York,
and loft the company on .Saturday
Congratulated by Piesident,
Ily lliilinlio W ire from The Aoiijtu) IVm,
Washington, Doe, Tho Joint commit
too of tho two brunehcr. of congiesH ap
pointed today to notify tho president thai
congress bad asoeinliled and was ready
to recolvo any message lie might have
to deliver to It called at the executive
unlets this ntatiinooii, Tho commltteo
was tnngiiitulatrd by the president and
requested to convoy to tho two houses
his felicitations, with thu Information
that ho would coiumuulrnto with tho cou
grets in willing tomoitow.
Washington Ball Players Sign.
Ily lAehuhe Wire Irwin 'i lie Auoitjt.-J l'M,
Washington, Dee. 1. The Evening Star
today uiiuuucfs (hat Captain Duleliauty
nnd Plteheia Oitli and Towmiend, of t lio
Washington huso ball club, have slRiicd
contracts with Manager MccJruw, of tho
Now Yotk National League club foi next
Silk Mill Stock Increased.
By dilushc Wire trim The AsiocUtcJ i'rcsi.
BliumtiUIn, Pa., Doc. I. --The .SIniiiioUlii
511k, Mill company's to i; was Incivared
from 7i0W to,?iii.W today. Tile caue
Ity of tho plant.'. ll lie Inetejsed ami two
hundred moio purou will be given employment.
Manuel Ravngo Printed Libellous
Articles About General Bell.
Dj Kxcluihe Wire from The Associated I'mt
Manila, Dec. t. Tho trial of the ed
itors of the paper Iabertas, n friars' or
gan and strongly untl-Atneticaii in lis
policy, for libelling General Hell, who
was accused by tho paper of stealing
the profits from the sale of lice and
foodstuffs In Hatnngas nnd Mlndoro dur
ing the rcconcentratlon, period, conclud
ed today and resulted In the conviction
of the director of the paper, Manuel
Uavngo, nnd tho acquittal of Friar
Tamayo, the paper's religious censor.
The prosecution experienced some dif
ficulty In showing the Identity of the
publishers of tho Dlbertns, although
Ravage finally testllted that he was tho
one responsible.
At the opening of the heurhig the de
fense admitted that the libellous ar
ticle was false, thus excluding the tes
timony of General Bell and General
Davis, the civil commissioners who had
arrunged the transfer of the poor fund
In question to the Philippine govern
ment. The transfer failed to disclose
the actual author of the article, and It
Is possible that another Dominican
priest may be arrested.
Judge Arthur in passing judgment
suggested the enactment of a statute
requiring tho newspaper to publish or
register the names of their proprietors
and responsible editors in order to pre
venty anonymous journalism.
Sentence of Itavago was deferred.
Submitted to Governor Stone Yester
day for the Year Ending Oct.
31, 1903 Places Inspected.
By i:sehi-ic Wiie fiom The Associated l'i".
Harrisburg, Dec. 1. James Camp
bell, factory inspector of Pennsyl
vania, -today submitted to Governor
Stone his report for the year ending
Oct. 31, 1002, in which he says that
his deputies Inspected factories and
bake shops in which SC3.31S persons
were employedi There were 2000
places inspected and 37,791' inspections
Mr. Campbell states that he has not
sufficient inspectors to visit all the
places affected by tho law and that
tho fo'reo of deputies has not kept pace
with the increat-e in the number of
manufacturing industries.
He also states that In 1&90, when
the first report of the department was
made, over 10 per cent, of the em
ployes were children between the ages
of 12 and Hi years, but less than u
per cent, weie employed between the
ages oi 12 ana Vi years.
There were- 4u7 Illiterate children
dismissed, who had been furnished
with ceitllleates in violation of law.
Some of the children dismissed were
later employed In coal breakers where
the age limit Is 12 years, and some
went to stone anil slute quarries where
there is no age limit.
There were 1,977 accidents reported,
137 of which were fatal.
A closer inspection of hotels was ob
served, and 1,22,'i were Inspected by
the deputies. The greater number of
those hotels wero not provided with
file escapes. Over seven hundred fire
escapes were ordered to bo erected.
Mr. Capipbell recommends that coal
breakers in the anthracite coal icglons
bo subjected to factory Inspection and
lho age limit at breakers fixed at 13
ycais. lie olro rccivnme'uts an in
crease of the force of depuLy factory
inspectors and tho establishment of
suh-olllccs In Philadelphia and Pitts
burg. In the statistical portion it Is sliown
that 019,720 males nnd lSS,r.7S females
weio subject lo factory laws. Thern
are IM.SSO employes between Mi and
2'. years of age, of which 17,2SiJ are
females. The number subject to bake
shop laws was S.nsi, of which C,!)13
were males and l.ltIS females.
Public Debt Statement.
Uy K.icliahc Wire from The Astotlited 1'rrai.
Washington, Dee. 1. Tho monthly state
ment of tho public debt shows that at tha
eliiso of business November ':9, 190.', llio
debt, less cash In lho treasury, amounted
to J'..'.s,firi7,2Sl, which Is a deeteasc for tint
month "f $I1ii,11(i. Tho cash balance in
the lu-usury is fj.'I.Sl.'i.Ss.S.
Dr. Dedilck Improving.
Uy i:.ulubc Wire fu-iu 'the AtwiUttil Prem.
Fieehold Property Sold.
11 Kulmi.c Wiie Mow The Aoutiitcl Treat.
London. Dec. I. Klglity-lwo neies of
ftethold propel ty hi tho dlsttlct of Keu
sinutnn, this city, was sold at auction to
duy tor .',uj."i,uik. Tho properly contains
1,171 I evidences, shops nnd hotels, unit
rents from $W to s,0,ii) tier nunum. The
liaiuo of the purchaser was not divulged.
Ten Years for Embezzlement,
Dy i:clushc Wirerwiulhc AjsocljtcJ I'rcu.
Nownrfc, N. J.. Due. 1. ClauUo V.
Stillman, who was secretary to Governor
Murphy, nnd who pleaded guilty to forg
ery and embezzlement, was sentenced to
day to ten years' imprisonment In utato
ptlson. Stllhnnu embezzled funds of tho
Muiphy Viunlsh company..
Philadelphia, Dee, l.-Tlm condition of
Dr. T, S. Dedrlck. of Washington, X. J
of Arcllo fame, who was opei.tted upon
for nppenilleltU nt St. I.uIio'h loinu
opalblc hospital, IIiIh city, is rapidly Inv
puling. Tho hospital physicians lepurt
him us being out of danger.
Colombian Government 0rd6r
ThauhG Treatu Negotiations
Be Resumed.
Bogota Government Responds to
Complaint from Washington at
Delay by Ordering Her Minister
Home Temporary Designation of
Mr. Herran to Be Followed by For
mal Appointment as Minister Cas
tro Satisfies Germany Joint Action
Against Venezuela Is Postponed.
Dj Exclusive Wire from The AKclitd Pm.
"Washington, Dec. 1, Senor Conch.t
has been relieved as minister for Col
ombia by orders from Bogota. It Is
believed that Dr. Thomas Herran, the
present secretary of legation bete, will
bo accredited as minister to succeed
Senor Concha.
Meanwhile Dr. Herran has been
clothed by his government with lull
authority to prosecute the negotiations
looking to a canal treaty with consider
ably enlarged powers.
Minister Concha stood fast against'
several strong reptesentallons from his
own government In favor of a treaty.
Tho Bogota government, therefore, de
cided to place the further negotiations
in the hands of Dr. Herran.
Joint Action Against Venezuela Is
Dy t:xcliiiic Wire from The Associated Trca.
Detiln, Dee. 1. President Castro, of
Venezuela, has handed to the German
minister at Caracas a written accept
ance of part of Germany's claims, suf
ficiently comprehensive to delay tho
presentation of a Joint ultimatum by
Germany and Great Britain, if not ren
dering it altogether unnecessary. It Is
also understood that-Great .Britain's
demands will ba satisfied. JThe 'locoi-v
merit was signed probably last Thurs
day. Foreign Secretary von RIchtofen and
the British foreign secretary, Lord
I.ans'downe, are now In correspondence
over Venezuela's change in front. This
government considers that a peaceful
settlement of the questions In dispute
is quite probable. It attributes Presi
dent Castro's yielding to the fact that
lie has become aware that the United
States would not interpose any ob
stacles to the forcible collection of the
claims of Germany and Great Britain.
Important Decision in Case of the
Northern Central Railroad Com
pany of Maryland.
Dy Exehnlve Wire Iiom The Associated Press.
"Washington, Dec. 1. Justice AVlilte,
of the United States Supreme court,
today delivered the opinion of that
court In the case of tho Northern Cen
tral Hallway company vs. the Statu
of Maryland involving the right of
exemption by thnt road from taxation
under old charters. The opinion of
the Maryland court of appeals, which
was favorable to tho state, has been
In ISSU, .Mr. Gem-no It. Gulther. for
the- Siate of Mar land, sued the rail
way company for payment of a state
tax of utif per cent, on Its gross re
ceipt for 1S95, and after prolonged liti
gation thu court of appeals of Mary
land upheld the right of the state to
collect ihu tax, the railway company
thereupon appealing to the Putted
States Supreme court, which today
affirmed tho decision of Maryland's
highest judicial tribunal.
Panther Crew 111.
U.v IIm hhbe Wire lioiu The Aisoelatcd Prr.
Pan Jiuui, Porto Itlco, Dt-c. 1. Tim
'lilted States auxiliary cruiser Panther,
witli mo jnnilncs on board, nearly all sick,
sailed tills afloruoon for Norfolk. She
entne ftoin Colon. The Colombian gov
ernment asserted that It could protect tltu
Isthmus so that opportunity was seized
to tnko lho fever stricken soldiers buck.
Tho gunboat linnet oft has left for Color
to leplaeo tho Panther.
Violated Wilson Sepnxato Car Law.
Ily i:ilmho Wiru from 'I he As.-0(l.ited Press.
Now Orleans, Dee. 1, Julius Weiss, out
of tho wealthiest cotton inorchunts In
New Orleans, was today lined ?J for vlo.
lallng tho AVilson separate tar law. lie
,un in tho section leserved for negroes
a tut declined tho conduelor's request ,to
net up because thio was no empty scats
in the whl to section.
Local data for Dec. I, 1M2: "
Highest leinperaturi) SI dagroes
Lowest teinperatmo ............ 5 degree
Itelatlvo humidity;
S a. m, ,,.,.., 100 percent,
b' p. in ,...., CS per ceti t
I'rcclpitatlon, a bout, ended 8 p. ru,
.01 Inch.
f fT t T Tf
Washington. Deo. 1. Forecast for
Tuesday and Widnesday: Eastern
Pennsylvania Kulr Tuesday; Wed
nesday thicalenlng, probably rain.
vnnanio winu9.
- .. . . 1 1 .t t :.: 4;.t ,.