r ttt v 4 THE SCRANTON TMBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1902. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. Special lo tlio Sorunton Tiibuno Tunkhniinuel', Nov. 29. Tlio Monday club will meet Willi Mlf" MurRcry J)i Witt, lit t lr homo of Mi. A, t. Ueed, on HililRc sucet, this uftuiiioon (Mon ti ny). "t - o'clock. Mis. .1ain"i Kothlodgo iiml Utile duughtPi'. Uinmn, "C 1'i'tni AiK.vlo, mo Mtlni" tin? laltoi's giundfuthet, .1. T. Kethloibte. at this place. Rev. Solomon V. Wels lift on Snt uulav for tlurilsbutg, whole lit goes to none 1 a potlt .1UI01 III tin United States Dlstilet colli t, In Heplim tlfto this week. Lester Uuce. or Noithinnie laml, Is also setvlng'ns a Jin or tills w i ek. , , G. L. Davis has tosumed chut go of the Nicholson stage unite utt-M' a va luation of two weeks. Farmois' lnstllutu will bo held licit1 at the couit house today and toinurrow. The new milk stullun, Ifl practically oomploted and irmly for occupation. Jt lins been lcntcd to II. Bollinger, of Philadelphia. Mrs. I. Stuuit Staik, of Scranton, Is visiting her patent", Mr. and Mrs. Lester Curilngton, on Noith rutnam stieet. A young man of the name of Kinney was hi ought befoie 'Si-nlie Leo on Snt ui day charged with dlordcily conduct. A small icnaU was Imposed. Miss Hope Noithinpe, or Oxfoiil, Is Red her cousin, Mis. Albeit Lee. on spending hrr Thanksgiving vacation Second ."-Ireel, on Saturday. Miss Hope Nortlnopo, or Oxford. Is with her pal cuts at this place. Mls Maiy Collins of Lovolton, Is isttlnp: her cousin, -Miss Nellie llnyec. un Pino stieot. Mr. and Mi1-. James Day visited Yv'llkes-Baiie on Satin day. it HOPBOTTOM. Special to the Scianton Tribune Hopbottom, Nov. 30 Mi. and -Mis. I. Jt. Tiffany aie making an extended visit with their slstei in Pony, N. Y MlhS Myra Jackson spent pate ol the teelt with her patents in Newaik Val ey. N. V. Mr. and Mis. Chailes Miller spent j'lianksRKlnK wltli their daughter, Mis Dell, in LesteiMiho. M. rinn made a business tilp to Monti ose Fildnv. r. It. Plumb left for Dos Moines, low a, Thin sdni. Mf-. Cnnduee Newton was the guest of Mi?, Rhnda Case last week. She left lor Brookhn, X. Y.. Wednesday wheic she expects to spend the wintci. Mis. p. D. Bell and family. Miss Flora Ralph, of Nicholson; W. A. Jcf feis and lamily, Mis. O. E. Hobeits and Mr. and Mis. Ft auk Jelfeis s-pent Thanksgiving at Coy Nook cottage. Mi. Freeman Hughes, of Junction, X. .T., .i3tted his mother, Mm. M. M. Roll, one dnv lust week. The Unlveisillst fair .will be held )ee. 3 and 4, In the moms oci the lui nituie stoic. I OLYP11ANT. As a l -uult of injuiles ltcched while nt woik In the Giassv Island mine on Frill ty, Gooige King died at bin Iionie on Hill stieot, Satiuday night. The jonng man was .s lent.- of age. I!e sides his pai eats', he s smvived b a In other and two sislcu. The tuneial will take place on Tuesday nf tot noon, liilef services will be held In the Oon Viegitlonnl chinch, aller which intfi nient will be made In the Union icim toiy. Tonight at the r.ithei .Mulhew opoia houso will be piosented the supiib senile and electiic pioduition ol I In new "Hip Van Winkle." Mining"!" Ull bons ashiues the theatie-fioing people of Olyplmnt that it will bo one of the season's bei-t rti imatic events. Twriily 1le loial chlldion will assist Mr. Lar-f-en In singing the old-time On man s-ong, ".lolinny Sinol.oi." The new ritlen.s' bank will oueti Its doois lor buslnes thl.i moinlng. V., X. Sillier, of t'lianton, h.is bei'ii appointed cashier, .ml P. J. VeGintv, of this place, )l I ip bookkeeper. The olllieis and dliecloi.s nl the uv bank aie as follows: Pu'sideiil, I. S. Jones; Icp jue.sldent, 11. J. Lnch; diiertois., 1.'. S. Joiu.s, Mlch'iel Ilosak, J. CI. Ilufnuglp, Hdwaid A. JniH.s, .1. J. Jeimn, AV. L. ronnell, Chailes Sihl.ign and Jolm T. Porter. Mlbaes M.uj Tiuiv'., nl I'ltthton. and .leiinlo (iiilligher, ol W'ilkes-lliiuo, who vlidtoiM hi'ie esleulai. Tin UxivMor Hose ionipau Is. ni.k-Inj- aiiangeiiients lor holding a Jlio men's dance at Mnhon'.s hall on Xow Yeai's nU'ht. 'I he lullnwlng tiom town took pun in the singing fehthal at Jliookhn. in which the united ihoh was vieloiloim; Miss Jennie Patten, Maigarct Hvans Tlionrm W. Watkliih and James F. ,loi flan. TAYLOR. Ml-ses l.ettle und .Maiy JeuKin.s and lilanehe Huinett, of Jerniyn, weio gucMs of lelutlven hi town lecently, Jaints Jlulllgan, tio well-known shoit dlbtaiKO ppi inter, Issues a ehallengo to run .lames Ie,ee, of Weht Scianton, a 100-ynid foot race for fioiu $30 to $100 a Hide, tho piellinlnaile.s to bo arianged ut T, J. Powell's hotel any night suit able 'to tho latter. Uev. X. Ci. Paike, of Plttstou; occu pied the pulpit of the Piesbyterlnn iihurcli yesteiday morning nnd deliver ed an eloquent dl.scoui.so, At the even ing seivico Ilev. M. aillllths, of Mooslo, gave an Interesting chait lectin e, Joseph Itennrd, of tho Hi in of Ileum d & Son, silk niauufactiiieis, of this town, lest hlx valuable hum on Satin daj. Mi, Renaul had loft tho unliual nafely tied, befoio entrilng tho mill, (lining his nb pence tho hoite becanio frightened and biolte loose and made for Jll'ojly at a break-iipck speed, lie enmo In contact with a bath whe fencp, which tiom tho fmeu of lih sudden atop stumbled and The Chilihen's Favoiite. One of the gieutest dl'lloultle.s eii counteied when children aio III, is the objection they huve lo taking medicine. The lemedy must bo pleasant or tho patience of the paient Is exhausted be foie It Is successfully ndmlnlstoied. Mr. O. CI, Wagner, of Spring Qiove, Pa., oveicomes this annoyance by us ing Chambciialn'B Cough itemed)'. Ha says his little boy always- asks for It whenever he catches cold. This rem edy has become the chlldien's favoiite, (is It Is pleasant to tako and It alwuys cures and cuies quickly. For sale by nil diuggUts. broke Its neck, Tho hoise died within n shoit pel loci lifter the ucctdplit, Mjss Mary HciIvpiip, of Utlca, X. Y., Is visiting, her sltctpr, Mis. Thomas Jenkins, of Union stieet. .Misses Jennie and Melissa Watklns, of Factory vllle, spent. the sabbath with lelutlvcs In town. Thomas Jones, of Paion, visited at tho homo of Mr. and Mis. flcnnerl W. Williams, of Ninth Mnln street, Piof and Mis. Williams, of Main stieet, visited lolatlves at Dilfton yes tetdny, John lllc'hard, of Now Yotk, spent tlu sabbath with his fnthcr, William Itlchards, of Taylor stieet. Mr. and Mis. Thomas Kvnn.s, of Ply mouth, mi visiting lolatlvcs in town. Mis. David S. Pi loo and sou, Pert, of Clnik Summit, spent yosterduv as the guests of her mother, Mrs. J. n. Davis, of Main street, The meniliPis of last season's Taylor Iteds baseball team arc lcqucsted to meet at the pallors of T. J. Powell's hotel tomotiow evening to leorganlzo for the coming season of 190.1, and to transact other business, All membeis uip requested to bo piesent. SERMON TO MAGYARS. Delivered by Hev. S. C. Logan at Dedication of the New Church at Throop on Thanksgiving Day. The following hcrmon was delivered by Kev. S. C. Logan nt tho dedication of tho new Mngyar chuich at Thioop, on Thanksgiving day. Text, Psalm 84, 1-5: "How ainlablo are thy Taber nacles, O Lord of Hosts." Oh, ti nly, It Is a lamentable po sition when we know that oar calling Is a j-oclul lelntlonslilp. Our icjolclng is gi cater If theio Is some one to leloicc with us, our pains are less and our lieai Is get tilled quicker If we have somo one to cheer ns and make us acquainted with tho balm of gllcucl. Our lellgtous standing will aNn gain ppiession Horn our social lelatlons with each other. Our faith Is glowing stiongei IC we f-es otheis believe with u. Oiu hopu will not iliminlh when wo see otheis hoping with us Oui loo will get moio noble and wanner It we am ee-wltnesses of tho fact that loving human heait.s aio hastening to lemedv tho social standing of tin weaker olenients ol their fellow men and bind up their biol.on licails I do not sa that wo could not piav bphiud closed doois In seciet and call inion tho Lend, for theio aie instances in tho hu man life when dining "511011 supplications, and pin. pis wo feel tho piescnce of th ilolv Spiiit. Uut f will decidedly -sav that this kind nt v, 01 ship will not satisfy the tine Clulstian after the manner of King I)aid, the Puihnlst'.s, saNlng, "My .soul loimeth, even fainted, loi the couits t THE NEED OF A GENERAL ARMY STAFF (Concluded of the w 01 kings of the act prohibiting the sale ot beer and light wines in army post pjwchanges, Secietuiy Root Is "con vinced" that its general effect Is to "lead the enlisted men to go out of tho pont, to frequent vile lesorts which cluster In tho nelghboihood, to dilnlc bad whisky to excess, and to associate intimately with abandoned men and 11101 o iihandnned women; and that the opeiation of the law I to incieae, diitnkennesfc, disease of the most loath some kind, insubordination and deser tion, und moral and phys-lcal degener ation." The secietuiy, however, makes no ipcommendntion on the subject, meicly saying that the department le jimts on the subject nic icady lo be sent to congiess "whenever that body deslu.s to consider the subject. The Army's Strength. One )ea' ago the American m my coinpiiscd :J,L'.V: otllcpi.s and Tci.uSt en listed men and cost $TS,."00,000. Xow it is down to an enlisted stiengtli of M.Sfit;, the minimum undc , the law and will cost about $i;o.000,000. It Is divided ns tollows: Oavaliy, 12,210, nitlllciy, 17,-7-12; infatitiy, 21,480; engineer coips, 1, 2S2: miscellaneous, 4.122. The dlstii builon of this foiec is ns follows: In tho Philippines, 1::, ISO: coast artillery In L ul led States, Cuba and Hawaii, IJ.ilf'S; Held aitllleiy in lTnlted States, 3,320; bands, 300: cavalry in Fulled States, S.."I0: lufanti , In Fulled .Stales, 10.04.1; liilantiy In Pekln, 130: In Alaska, 390; englnects in Hulled States, Sijli; Malt ilppaitiiients, 2,877, The oulv aimed loices now having to bo maintained un uicount of the war with Spain aio tho P01 to Itlco piovlslonal legiinent, 'which Secictaiy Hoot adlses should be dis banded, and about r,,000 Philippine na lle scouts, Army Health Rate. The health of the aimy hah shown a continued inipiovement. The deaths nom nil eniihos. during 1001 amounted to 13,04 per thousand, as against 22.74 dur ing 1000. This large 1 eduction or death late was In a mensuie due to imptoved conditions In tin Philippines, wheio tho rate was 1 educed to 17,00 per thousand in 1001, oh against 29,42 In 1900. The death inte fiom all causes dining 1901 in the United States was 6.90 per thous and: In Porto nico, 7.SI; in Cuba, !i29, and in the Pacific Islands and China, 17.96. The rates of admission to sick leport for disease, and Injuiy and tho rale of dlschaigo for disability dining 11)01 ngiee with tho reduced mortality latu In being considerably less than the coiicspouding intes for 1900. The Aimy In Peace. Tho luciease of tho aiiuy fiom 23,000 to a minimum of 60,000 ami the let urn of a huge pait of It to peace conditions liavo necessitated enlargements in all mniy post constructions. The policy followed has been to lucieafei the sUo lather than the number of posts and to locato tho posts in tho countiy inther than In cities, Se'aconst Defences. Tin continuing plan of seacoast de fenses has been augmented duilng tho year by the mounting of eight I2-lnch. Ihree b-liu-h and twenty nipld-flio guns and Ihlity-four I'2-lncti mounts, mnk Ing u total of eighty 12-Inch, 0110 hun ched and twelve 10-Inch, clghly-iilne S-litch, and one hundred and eight lap-Id-Ilia guns, and two hunched and nliiety-beveii mortals. Of tho work In geucial tho secretin y sa)s: Tllesc, facts inuku tho kind of cceiclse furnldied by tho Joint nrmy und nmy manoeuvres ot lus,t Septomber of tho ut most impel lance. I uigo that appropri ations to bo 111 ult by congress shull be such an to provide for a continuance ot? of tho Lord, my hem t and my flesh crlolh out for the living Qod." Vour souls ctro also yearning for tho Loul's green, cool pnslures, know lug the fact that In this land whcio find has given lis loom to inako our homo In, who aio slrangois Just like the Jews woio In l'gypl, nnd wheio somothncs tluougli our mlsimderstnuitlnRS our heat Is aie) ninclo lo fool siidne9 often times per haps un account of our ciiBloms wo mo pill to open ctltlelsni nnd pciseciitlons! fioni slot) to step wo are made to feel bv something or unoth6r that our ciadlo did not look 11s In tills land. Slop by step wo aio made to leulli-o Hint this world Is not our country, that wo nin only it swimming Island In tho ocenn of human ity, toed to and fio by tho high lldu of tho great ocean waves. What sweetened the Jews' bitter pcihp unions In Egypt? What quieted tho bit tor ciylng of their lips? Nothing le"S than tho blessed thought that Clod llvelh. What will sweeten the bitterness of mu llein Is In these clnys of our pllgi Imago, our sufferings, our caies mid lolling III this woild ol vunlty7 Nothing less than tho nssinnnco of our heal Is which gives us the humiliation of tho words of the lVahnthl, "How nmlablo nro thy inber nncles O Lotd of hosts." How olten you liiivo looked up with the same thought of your lovo lo Und? And you linvo glcn It your outwnid cvpiesslon bv building thin house of w'Oishlp for Ills praise. You have pioven by It what otir dpsho Is to live by tho nllais of tho Lotd. Yea, this building la a proof of tho lovo you Invo In your breasts a burning which could not bo put out by tho cold storms of Ufo nnd tho world's all manner of plans and deeds whoieby to deceive you. This houso of woishlp which you aio building for tho glory of God wit! bo n witness to tho fact that you arc nobly dilvlng back thoso pciseciitlons which ionic to you fiom the enemies' camp. I say with your noblo deeds you will over come them and thoso who have been sitting In the seat of the scornful will bo obliged to say of you that your aim Is heaven w aid; because most people Judgo us from tho outward appeaiunco of things Just ns wo give them an occasion to do. It Is not tho Question with tho outsido world what denomination wo be long to, but how faithful we nro to our profession as a matter of fact. Expcil enco has taught us a. thing which no 0110 should forget, Hint Is If you love God, jour fellow men will lovo you. Lastly, this building will bo a witness to the lact that tho Protestant Iliuign linn in Amoilca will nlwajs be true to Ills blood-bought hciltagc. It Is a llntteilng fact that dining tho past ten .onis fouitccii Ilungailan Piotestant chinches have been built among ns nnd by ns. This Is a slcn that we aie not going bnckwatd, but lather that tho gos pel light which wo aio trying to set n. binning, is not to bo put under a bushel, but Is Intended 16 light up all thoso who will oonio in contact with it, and wo also look to tho tlino when those who do not notice us on account of their daikoned hearts will somo day let tho gloilous gos pel shine Into their heaits nnd Unci pence and loct to their weaiy, wandcilng souls. l'or this ttuce-fold witnessing 1 will piy .ou shall bo happy who hio built this houso of prayer, that ou may fool this 011r happiness dining the wliolo peilod ot your life; and you smely -will If ou lie In the couits oC tho Loidmd Him alone vou servo and pialse con-linunlh-. To bo In H10 couits of tho Lotd, docs not mean that we mo to llvo in tho church all the time, but It means that our dnllv life may bo such that oth eis may see that we aio what wo profess lo bo and .so llvo that our continuous living be such ns if wo would live in tho chinch ot God with tho Lord himself. from Page 1.) tho same piactico, and to piovlde for the most liberal allowances of ammunition and projectiles for gencial ten got prac tice wltl) full service charges in which the entiio const aitllleiy can tako part. The pi ogress of events and changes in oidnnncp and ship construction, sinco tho Endlcott boaid ol' 1SSG detei mined upon tho plan of coast defense along tho lines or which we arc now w 01 king, hao made It necessary to consider tho defense of mail) points not considered by Hint boaid. Porto Rico, Culebia. naval and coaling .station-. In Culm, and po. slblv tho Danish Isl mils all n n icglon mailo specially Impoitant bv tho prob nblo consti notion ot tho Isthmian ennui Hawaii, Gunm and the Philippines, and posslblv the Inke polls and the SI. Law rence liver should be considered with refeience to tho consti notion of defen sive woilcs In the same way that the Enillcott bond consldeicd our Atlantic and Pacific coasts, 1 concur in tho rec ommendation or tho chief of engineers, constituted, like tin Endlcott boaid, of tho sccrotaiy of war. tho chiefs of en gineers, ordnnnce and aitllleiy, one high ranking odleer of each of thoso branches of tho sen Ice, two naval ofllcers ot high rank, anil two Chilians expeit In tho subject or our torcigu commercial lelatlons. The work was commenced hi 1SS; but for tho clfjit e.iis which followed pi lor to lS1fi tho total appi epilations for the 1 ointrui tlou of foitllleatlons amounted to but $3,.'2I,0fHl, or an iiU'iage of JIIO.OuO a cur. while tin tho last soien yenis, beginning with 1m(i. tho iippioprlutlons have amounted to f.'j 2 n,oou, or an aver. asc of V5.17ii.lOO 1 ypiir. an annual In 1 lease of mom than sepnfold. Tho np piopilalions for tho innstructlon or guns nnd caulagcs for so.icoast dofeuso tor tho eight ye.us pi lor to ISlMi wore hut J'j.lOO.ooO, an meiago annual into of $1, 012,000, while the iippioprlutlons for tho samo purposes for the Mst seven youis were 12),19J,(X)0, or an annual nvetngo of f3,r.0,00O, an annual lucinasn 01 more than threefold. Out ot the J.'.OOO.OOO ex pended lor both classes of work, over 310.000,000 havo brcn npptoprlated In tho last seven years. Tho Endlcott boaid plan of const defense contemplated tho expenditure of over $100,000,000, Pefcho ISi'O wo weto piogiesslng at a lato which would lime icqulrcd seventy yeais to complete tho defenses accoidlng to the plan. Sinco ISO'! wo havo been piogre-s. mg at a lulo which will finish tho de fenses accoidlng lo tho plan In llftcen years. With a half-ntilshcd woik so 10 cent and so inpldly piesscd It follows iipcessarlly that a formntlvo piocess s constantly going on, mistakes nro being mailo and collected, new oxpprhnents are being made, now things aro being learned, and ninny dlflleult problems re main still unsolved. It follows nUo that neither tho otllcers nor the men of tho nitlllery have as yot had much opptn tunlty to become piodclent In tho use of the new weapons, and there Is great need for practlcul Instruction and train ing In their use. Another leasou why theio I special urgency for tho training of tho mtilluiy Is tho gieal prepondeianco of new and Inexpeiienccd otllcers and men. llefoio tho Spanish-American war we had hut llvo regiments of artillery. AVo now havo a corps which Is equivalent to thirteen jegintenls, two regiments being added in lfc'i'l nnd tho equivalent of u regiments In 190, Of courso tho m.ijoi liy of the olllceis and tho gieat mnjoiit) uf tho men aio new, Other Featiues of the Bepoit. Tho need of a, leoiganlzatlon of tho inllllla system is considered at length und 11 review Is given of tho closing 1.I1 American aiithoiliy In Cuba und of the progiess of military and civil udinlnlMratioii In tho Plillipplues, The need of tut Out education of junior olUcers 1012 of whom have come Into the in my lioin civil Ufo since 189S Js eniplmbUed and plans aio outlined whereby this education Is to be ad nilnlsteied. Tho impiovlng churacter of the army is shown by the fact that of 26,026 new enlistments duilng the year S9. per csSM. weie natlc born. REIIEF AI HAND Scores of Scranton People Finding it out. . Itcllef Is nt hand In Scrautim. Kor scores of rheumatic suavieis, Ior hundieds ot bad bucks,.. Tor iiilnuiy dlsordeis dlbetcs. Bonn's Kidney Pills iclleve und cure. Aio eiuloised by Sci'iintoii cIllzeiiH. .Mr. Isauu .Smith, of 1160 Sadie place, HydoPaik, employed by the Delaware, Lackawanna und Western nt the Aich bald mines ns u miner, Fays: "t hud 11 dull pain In tho small ot my back. If I turned nbottt quickly, a stlteh-llku pain cnught mo ncioss my loins. In looking over tho paper I had my atten tion called to Douii'h Kidney Pills, nnd I read a statement of a poison living in Scranton who was troubled just ns I was. I got a box ot them at Mat thews Brothers' diug store, and they proved to be just what I needed, and before I had taken the whole box the pain loft me, and I have been free from It ever since." For salo by all dealeis; pi Ice 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. THEATRICAL. "Lost River." .loseph Aithui'H "pnstoial inelodiania" "Lost ItUcr," was picscntcd at tho Lv ccum theater on Satiuday befoio two latgo audiences. Tho piece had a, nin of neatly sit months nt tl)o Pout tcciith stieot theater In Now Yoik last season. "Lost llhei" Is a lampnnt mclochnnia with a leal bid mnn, a leal bad wotnnn, a mnnly, upiight, roiuagcoi.s, handsome, iliishhig, etc, etc., hcio; a. slmp.lo little country maid whom ho loies; and .1 com edy relief lurnlslicd by a pnli ot Juvenile Ioveis and a. tiamp final tette. It con tains a sin felt of wisliy-wnshy senlimcnt poured out to sobbing and ti emulous music fiom the violins and n couple of sensational cllmacs. Tho heaiy follows tho slialght lead at tho end of the Mist act on 11 bicycle and the leading Indy follows both also on a bicycle. Tho heavy Is going to knllo tho straight lead nnd Just as ho sols up to him and lalses tho glittering blade tho leading lady comes up behind and shoots, him ns a flash of lightning illumines Ufo scene. Tho effect is worked out on tho older of tho chailot laco seeno In "Ben IIiu" with a treadmill attachment and a moving- panoinma nnd feme in tho back giound. Tho fence missed its cue on Sntuidnv night and lefused to budge. Tho best comedy woik in the pioductlon was done by Miss Jane Dore, who plaed the bad woman. Sho didn't mean to bo funny but she was and the audience laughed heartily at hei. Geoigo Soldo Spencer was tho'nnndsome. hero and Mlsa Violet Rand was out of tho picture as "Oni. Tho only leallv clever aelor In the enst was Hany McRao Webster, who pi t) ed the part of "Buster." "The Two Schools" Tonight. "The Two Schools" which Chailes Fi ohtnan will present at tho Lyceum to night is one of tho plajs that theater goeis who aio looking lor good hcnity laugh? will bo sine to pationlze. Jame son Leo Finney, Ida Conquest, John Diew's fmmei leading lady; Jessie Bus ley; M. A. Kennedv, and alt tho other playois concerned in tho pel toimanco of "The Two Schools" aro most happily placed 'in the cast. Besides tho plentiful fun of the piece, theio is one scene that has especial iateiest lor those who aio lomantlcally Inclined. This is the scouo in the thlid act between Mr. rinney .cud Miss Conquest, who inipeusoinle tho sep ai.iled 011ng husband and wife and In which they nttempt to make up. Tho two plii)ers act it superbly A College Song in 'The 'Chnpeions." Them Is a lousing Bohemian song in the tiitiotul opeintlc comedy, "Tho Cliapci 011s," entitled "Wo'ro All Good Fellows," and lendeied by a doublo male quni lotto that has become an Immense hit wher ever this musical comedy has appealed. All swell clubdom Is singing It nnd tho college bens havo It in thill sonjr books. Tho ballad tells tho stoiy of good-follow-sidp among tho nit btmlents In tho Bo hemian Latin quintal' or Pails, wheio tho sceno of tho hist net or "The Chaper ons" is laid. "Wo'10 All Good Fellows" Is only 0110 of tho mnuv popular hits in tho mouv 11111 slial "Chapel cms" thai will bo scon at the L)ceum Wednesday night. Peats on salo this moinlng nt 9 o'clock. "Robert Emmet; the Days of 1803." "llobeit L'mmet, tho DaH nt' ISO"." tho play which was pioduied nt tho Foiu teentli Stieet theater. Now Yoik. with Its author, Biaudon Tynan, in the title lole, will bo seen at tho Ljceum Thins day nnd Tilday nights. Identical hi cveiy detail v.llh tho Now Yoik pioductlon, "llobeit Lmmet" should bo un unusually interesting event In lo cal theatilcnis when It reaches us. Scats one salo Thuisdny morning at 9 a. 111. Special Mntineo today. The attraction ut tho Acndeiuy of Muslu for tho no.t tin eo days commencing with n special urn Unco tndiy will bo a novelty hi tho shapo of a now mniantio liish drama, entitled "Tho Qnnw Keeper," In which tho tltlo 10I0 Is I11l.cu bv Smith O'Hikn, who will ho icmeniboied ns the star In thoso piotty plain. "The Ivy Leaf," und "Tho Failles Well." "Tho Gamo Keeper" tells a stoty of Irish life, In which Mr. O'Bilen llguies us tho iicin, Ho Is a jolly, delightful chap, full of mother wit, with a heuu as big as that of tho piovcihiul ox, and ban est as tho day Is long; without a fear, and without favor, icady at all times 10 ns slst his filcnds nnd proteot tho down ttoddeii. Tho sceneiy used hi tho pioductlon It. all caulcd by tho company and tho Il luminated lliapt) seen in the lust net, Is said lo bo one of tho most beautiful stago pictures ovei presented. Ppcu.il mnt ineo pilces lor Oils week, Uallciy, loo: balcony, 13e.j lower Hour, SJe j chlldieu, 1'e to nny pa it of tho Iioiisk Majestic Builesqueis. 1 1 win's Majesties, eninptlslng one of Hie laitiPbf mid best builesquo cumiianles In tho country, will appear at tho Star thru tor, beginning this afternoon, The lit Ht pail of the piogianuno consists of high class specialty tin ns. Tho builesquo fen. Hues hnlsh up tho cutoiialnineut, which will fiunlsli two Iioms mid a half of bolld cnjovmcnl Tho amusement begins with tho fiuiii) furcc, "IJnck to l(cland," picsentcd by Billy W AVntson und company of four, Then follow hi turn, Geitlo Do Milt, In a now edition of cntchy melodies and teipslchorenn novelties Maivcllous Chas. Meiilll, assisted by Mlldied Mmiill, In his own conception of the bicycle mes senger boy: Vulmoio nnd Hot ton, dune luir and singing nitists; McCalo and Cu- TflE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. l'or Rent. vvvw Wvwv wwvtiii. jrsvisjttrtit' IIOUSH TO I.r.T-SIS .Mulbcnyi sleuni bent. Apply nt KIT Linden stieet. - . - - $18 For Bent Ten-i 00111 house: excellent nelghboihood: nil modem linpiovc ments. on nvonue. Apply to ft. P. Ham ilton, 4M Spiuco street. 3?or Sale. FOll HAl.I'. f)in irontln Inn no. hllllli'SH, two buggies, oIfo lioc sleigh, cheap lor want of use. itiqiilm nt Slebeckcr's, JU l.itcknwiinuii avoniic. JFST AUntVlB with foity head of liaison; good workers unci ihlveis; weight fiom liou lo FA) pounds; scvciiil closely matched teams can bo seen at .J.II Raymond com t. F M, Cobb. DIAMONDS-ttlng llltt, inountlng, stone ncnily eniat, lt); one trlllo latgor, J12: 0110 a full 14 carat, ?:s; 0110 ?i cniat, Sio; tlno g)psy. two diamonds, nnd uiby, JJ1 Half carat ear sciews. $10; halt enrat ear chops, zy, tine while diamond ling. 314 caralH, $J50 Lots ol other Dia monds, Happhitcs. Bmctalds. Rubles, Pent Is, and OJals nt lock bottom prices. Satisfaction given, or "your moncv buck without nigument." Wnllir W. AVInton, IDIumond Parlor, No. W)7 Meats building. FOR SALB-A pair of well-matched geld ings nt K0 Qrccn Rldgo Btreel, city. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RENT A furnished loom on second floor front, fl.no week. RI5 Adams nve. Wanted To Bent. WANTED Small furnished houso. ill ess Box 200, city. Ad- Wanted Booms and Board. YOUNG man deshes room, with boaid optional. Piivnte. family piefeircd. Address with pnitlrulais, T., Tiibune. Booms and Bonrd. TIlE'INDEN0,) Linden street, has a. number of dcshable ncanclcs; light 100ms nnd choice tabic boaid. " PLEASANT rooms with board for four or fivo young men. Inquiro S-12 'ash lngton acnue. Business Oppoitunity. srocqTNlLrv7mA out delay. Write lor our special mar ket lettei. Fioo on application. S. AI. Ilibbaid .Vs Co, members N. Y. Consoli d.iteil nnd Stock Exchange. -II and 10 liioadwny. Now Yoik. Ilstabllshcd 1S31. Long Distance 'Phono nS8 Bioad. BANKING. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST illOllL Bill at Scianton, In tho Stnto of Pcnnsj.1 vanl.i. at the close ot business, November 2.',, 1U0J: RESOURCES Loans and discounts ?.',0M,i03 IS Oveidinfts seemed and unse- cuied 1,00111 V. S. bonds to secuio ciicula- tlon .'fl.ono 00 Stocks, .secuiitlcs, etc C,19i!,0O7 01 Banking house, furniture and llxtuies Sl.fiTO SJ Duo fiom National banks not lesoivo agents) C1.22S 54 Due Horn State banks and bankets '..'.1,310 05 Duo from appioved lesoivo agents S.10"1 3." Intel mil Rovenuo stamps w: OS Checks nnd other cash items .. 11.9-'." 97 Exchungcs for dealing house.. IT.OFi 18 Notes ot other National banks. Li'.OOO 00 Fi actional paper cuireucv, nickels and cents Ww 01 Lawful Money Rcsoivo in Bank. l. : Specie ?112,.".07 ul Legal tender notes. 114.939 OT 1I7,.'v'(j iw Rpdpmptlon fund with F. S. tiensuipr (." per cent, ol cli- culallon) 2,rM 00 Duo fiom II. S. ticisuier, other than 5 per cent, ledomptioa fund 3.000 CO Total 9,S.U,92- 00 LIABILITIES. Cnpltnl stock paid in $ COOOGOOO Suiplus fund 1,000,000 00 Undivided mollis. less enenses nnd taxes paid 710,973 .11 National bank notes outstand ing 11,000(10 Duo to other Nntionel banks... 7.!, 10.1 ."J Due to stato banks and bnnk- eis 4190S."2 Duo to approved icseivo agents 1R9JI 0! Dividends unpaid C0.3JO 00 Individual deposits subject to check 7,r.7l,r,03 11 Demand ceillllcnles of deposit.. !'Mi.7 .IS Cei ilflecl checks 2.-rtr,7 Cashier's checks outstanding.. rii; ?) Notes and bills ipcllscomitcil. . None Bills payable, inelpcling ccitiri cates of deposit Tor money hollowed Nono Liabilities other than thoso above stated Nono Total S.Sl.nj-; 00 Stato of Pennsylvania, County of Lack nwanna, ss' r, Isaac Post, rnshiei of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that Hie above statement Is tiuo lo the lust ol' my knowledgo nnd belief. ISAAC POST, Cashier. Siibscilbed and swoin to befoie me this 2Sth dav or November, llci. CHARLES II. AVEI.LEri. JR . Nolaiy Public. Collect Attest' n. L. DICKSON, .1 A. LINEN. CHAS. II. WELLES. Dhectoiff. ley In n peculiar and oilglnal blend ot wit nnd humor; nnd Zlskn nnd King, tnnstcts of mystery and nib lb. Tho biirlesquo Is entitled ' King for a Day" The clioius Is unusually laigo aim contains some of tho best looking loung women Unit nio seen in hm losctue. When Mnocngni Comes. Theio cannot fall to bo .111 ImiPusIng luteiest in tho event of tho Sth of Do number at llui Armory. Wo aio to bo treated to a now oxpeiicnco that of see ing a leal llvo composer of u woild tame, standing befoio his own tiiilued oichcs 11,1, baton in baud, delivollug to fiom lis Up, "leally unci tiuly," granUiOpeia Tlw Ih st pint ot tho piDgiammo'vill bo inado up of selections fiom othir operas, but tho conclusion of tho cuteitalnmenl will bo a cumplelu pioductlon of "Crvaleila Itustlc.ina" by a choius of 0110 huuihcd and tvw'lily-llvo people. Heie is what the Boston Tiaimtllpt si)s of tlio iccent peifni;iiiinco III this ill): "All tho 111 lists sung well Tako tho case of Mndanut Iltaiichlpi-Cappelll Much has been wiltten abuut tho lady's beau lllnl voice, diaiuatlo acting and wot mill ol temptiament. Of tho ni-tn.il excel lence of her singing, hovvuvci, Utile men tion has been much Sho sang tho biuicil, liassioniito music of Sa11tu.ua In 1111 o cpilslto incziu voice, with as peifect a legalo ns though she weio singing a Jin ziut ill la, and sho obtained ovenv helm ing druiiintlo ofiVits with never a sin ptrion of a shout or q )ll. This singer is, in shot l. unci uf thoso cioatuies now i.ue, or, at least, iuu In our counti), a diainallu sopiauu who knows how to fclng. "And iho test all sung well. If not quite so well. Sohluvnbsl his that laio thing, a tobust tenor volcn that is still a tenor and not a high bafltoue Ho slows with peifect case, hi tune, with musical tasto, and with gient iliamatlc foivor." It will bo a gieat night for Scianton, nnd fuslo lovers will bo out In folic No Order Accepted for Lcs) TIiiiii 10 Cents. Bran-oli WANT Office Want Atlvertlsomentg Will Bo Hecelved nt Any of tho Follow ing Dmn; Stores Until 10 V. M. Centinl City ALBERl SCIIFLTZ. coinor Mill- beny Htreot nnd Webster nvo. GUHTAV PICHEL, CO Adams incline. West Sldo CEO. W. JENKINS, lot South Main nvctiuo. South Scinntnn FRED L. TERPPE, 7.'9 Cedar S 11 venue. Woith Scrnnton OEO. W. DAVIS, miner Nnith Mnln nvcmio und Maillot slicet. Green Bidgc CHARLES P. JONES, 1107 Dick. son avenue. F. J. JOHNS. 9J0 Giecil Rldgo stieet. C. LOItENZ. coiner Washington avenue nnd Minion street. Betcisburg W. II. KXEPFEL, nvonue. 1017 living Dunmq.ie J. O. BONE & SON. Help Wanted. -,,-... , "" "w"l-rl-r-.'X'XW,V ANTED-Agenta to sell tea und cof- svnvvni1' xw v ,.. r. fuiiruiiiii'ia. c-osiuons pel ma nont. Grand Union Tea Co , 311 Eucka wanna avenue. ,m-a Help Wanted Male. WANTED Young man with pome otpeil C.VCC. .'"i. "i rhltcct'H orilce. J. A. Duck worth, 11 Conl Exchange. WANTED Good loom fixer on plain broad silks in annex in large city. Permanent position with ad vancement for right man. Address, stating experience, Fixer, Call office, Paterson, N. J. XJelp Wanted Female. WANTED A giil for gcneial housewoik. must llvo hi Piovldenco section Aji ply at Watklns' thug .stoic, 1J01 Piovl denco road. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants onoigetie General Agent loi this county. No books, Insuinnec, or canvassing. Ac quaintance witli merchants and manu lacturers necessary. Permanent. Bond. State age, oxpeiicnco. leferences flist let ter. Address, Suilo 572, No 1001 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-By young man in largo hospital; has good expel Iencu In all sorts of ticatment; understands tho pieparatlon of operation cases. Ad dicss A. B. M., Tilbuno ofllco. YOUNG LADY would llko woik evening ns cop) 1st, typewriting and tako eaiu of business coi respondence. At llbcity after C o'clock eenlngs. Can tuinish cc eellent lereiences. Addiess Piactlcal, Tribune orflce. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING, C. P. A . '.'.: Trtideis' Bank Building. Old 'phone lS'J". Aichitects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH 15 Rcnl IJstato Exchange BIdg . I.'t, Wash ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineeis. II. L HARDING, SI.") CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON nell building. e KNIGHT. -ci CON- Dentists. DR. E C ElLENBEBclElt. PAL' LI building, Spiuco stieet, Scianlon. DR. C. C LAUBACH. 113 WYOMING avu Fhe Iusuinnce. SCI1LAGER it CO.. Ml Connell I'.uildlng Patent Attorneys. PAT E N TS J.'SCi" Tho only licensed and equipped patent solicitor hi tho city. No clinige lor lu tornxitlou on pateiitubllit) ; over t. u yeais" oxpciknct, Itcplulc & Co.. Alcars lilcl-. Hotels nnd Bestauinnts. THE ELK CAFE, l.'i and UT PRANK lin uvenuo. Bates leasonable, P. ZIECU.ER, Piopildor SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L. .V- W Passcngei dopot I'onduetcd on tho Eu lopeau plan. Victor Koch, Piopiletoi Scavenger. ArBTBIUGGi CLEANS PRIVY VAFLT.S ami cess pools; no odor; only Impiovcd pumps used. A. B. Bilgfes. piopiletoi Leave ouleis 110 Noith Main avenue, or Eleko's diug stoio, coiiiei Adams and .Mulbeiiy. Both telephones. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KL'ETTEL. REAR ult LACK V, nve., Sc'iiintou, mflu of Who Seieons Miscellaneous. MEaARGEE 11ROS.. PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bags, twluo Wntehouse, luU Washington avenue THE WILKES-HARRE RECOltD CAN bo had in Scianton ut tho news stand of Rcistnnu llros., I'.xi Hpiuco and 5a Linden ; M. N'oiton, i.H- Lackavvami.i ave.; 1 S Schiitssi!, ill Spuuo stieet STAGE NOTES. Notwithstanding Iho many disquieting Illinois tho last few weeks concerning thu health of Lewis Mouison, his niauiiger, Jules Miuiy, 1 emphatic in doclaiiug Unit It was never battel Mi Many poiuls to Iho lact that tm ini this season Ids woll known Jitai litis not missed a sin glo peifoinianco Satiuday night Mis I.islle f'aitcr closed hoi icinmkablo New Yin I; inn In "Du Barn." which was begun a oai ago at tho dltciton, and closed ut tho new Uelusco tlicatei. u theater mailo possible by Mis, Caiict's successful Hist in "Zaza" nr.d then In "Du Bam " Sho has piesuulccl tho play In that city tor foity-soveu weeks, making a total of u.te perfniiiiuncps, and tq lull houses tho on Iho lime. In fuel, except when standing loom was sold, it Is s.dd that tho box ofllco lecelpts did not differ a dollar fiom dav to day. These iccelpts amount to (lOI.Ocii. The audlcncu list night was of jlio iisuiil sl.se, but moiu than Iho usual enthusiasm, ' DIRECTORY. ISBOPMIIHIEU Onljr Half a Cant a Wirl. Money to Loan, ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN- I'liiric, niinigiit lomiN ol Building ami Loan, At Iioni 4 (o u per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, ill bar, Connell building. Employment Agency. RELIABLE help can bo piociiled nt Mrr. A. B. Still key's Emplo.v incut Ofllco, 1 Ii! Washington uvutiue, looms 1! and 4. Tnko elevntor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnre, Lncknwnnna nnd Western. IN KnVol Jimp 1. 190.'. Tinlns leave Sei union lor Now Yolk At ir,i), ,1'JO, tj 03. 7M and 10 10 it. in.: U 10, 3 40, 33-1 ii. in. For Now Y'oik und Phll.i dclplila 7.S0. 10 in a. in., nnd U 10 bud "fi P. in. For Gouldsboto At i! in p. m. For BuiTnlo-l.ir,. 2J and 9 00 a. m.: 1..". fi.V) nnd 11.10 p. m. For llluglinmton. Elnihci and way Btiitlons-ior, a. in.. 1.05 p, in For Oswego, Sviacuse and I'tlca-l.l.'i and 6'JJ n. in.; 1.55 p. m. Osweno, Syiaeime mid Utlca tiaiii nt (i'J a, in. dully, pccpl Siiiidnv. Kor Montrose 9 no n. m ; l.)i and fi,",o p. in. Nlchohon accouunorlitlon -4 00 and 1113 p m. Illoomshuig Division For Noi'thuniboi lniid. at e:a nnd 10 10 n. m : 1..T. and O.I0 P. m. For I'lymoulh. at SIO a. m ; J.W nnd 9 05 n in. Sundnv Tinlns For New Yoik, 1..50, "). i'. w.io n. m.: .110 nnd 3.'i p. Bllfralo 1.15 noil (!"' n in 1..".-. m. l ci r 0 50 nnd Jl.lfl p. in. ror Elnilta and way statlons Jo;, n. m. For BlugliamtiMi and way stn llons, o CO a. m. riloomsbiug DIvlnlou Leavo Seinnton, 1010 a. m. and 010 p. m. Lehigh Valley Ballrond. in Effect Nov. Hi, no:. Tinlns l.'-avc- Scianton For Philadelphia and New Yoik via O. t II. R. R, at T. It. tluougli Pallor Cur and Day Coach I'aibnndalo tOvNcvv Yoilt and 9 17 a. m. with I. V. Coach Carbon dijlo to Philadelphia, and 2.IS. 135 (RlncH Diamond Kxpuss), and 11.49 p. m. Sun clavs. u, ,ct H. n. .. ir,v ,, ,, yn, n. m. For Whlto Haven, Haleton und piincl P'll pnlnts in tho coal legions, ln D . II. R. R., 7.11, LMS nnd i X, p. in. For Pottsvllle, 7 II a. in For Bethlehem, Cnslon. Reading, llni lisbiiig and pilnclpni Intel inedlnto sla tlons. via D. .1 II. R. R. 7.11. 9 17 iT. m ; J 18, 4S5 (Illack Diamond Evpicss). 11.19 p in. Huinlo)'!, D. & II R. R.. 91'S a. m and 1 GS nnd 9 17 p. m For Tiinkh.innoek. Towandn. Elmlin, Ttlme.i, Geneva nnd pi Inch) il Intel mediate stations n D, L it W. R. R., 033 a. m and 1 r,7 p m For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Nine nr.i Falls, flileago and all points west via p. & H. h. i . un: p. m : :!2s (Black Diamond Expie's). 10 II. 11.49 p. m. Sun da vs. D. ,CL II R. R , l nt, 9 17 p. m. Pullman pnilor nnd sleeping or Lehigh valley Paiior cais on nil tialns between llkcs-Biuo and New Yoik. Philadel phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bildge. ROLL1N II. WILI1UR. Gen. Supt , :i Cortland street. New Yoik. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pasr. Aat , M Coitland stieet. New' Yoik. A W. NONEMACHER. DiV. Tass. Agt nmiiii iiotmenem. I'a. For tickets nnd Pullman le.ieivation an- nlv v to city ticket oriico. CO Public Sctiuiie, Wllkes-Baire, Pa BEADING SYSTEM. Central Baihoad of New Jersey. In effect Nov. Ill, 1902. Stations in New Yoik, loot Llboity street ajul South Feriy, N. R. Tinlns leave Scianton for New York, Philadelphia. Boston, Bethlehem, Allen town. Mnuch Chunk, Whlto Haven. Ash Icy, AVlIkos-Bnne and Plttstou at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m , and 4 p. m. Sundays. 7.13 n. in. and 2.10 p m. Quaker City Expiess leaves Sciunton 7H0 n. in. with through solid vetibu!o train with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Philadelphia with only one ehnugo of cms for Baltlmoio nnd Washington. D. C, and all pilnclpal points south and west and has tlnoug'i coach for New York. For Avoca, Plttstou and WIlkes-Batie, 1 p in. and 1 p in. Sunday, 7.13 a. m. and 2 10 p. m. Foi Long Blanch, Ocean Glove, etc., nt 7"0 a. m. and 1 p. in For Reading. Lebanon and llui lisbiug ia Allentown al 7. TO n. m.. 1 p m. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Taninqun and Potts. ilia at 7 10 a. in . 1 p. m and I p. in. Sunday. 7.1". a in. For mtts and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER. Geneinl Manager. C. M. BURT. Gen Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Baihond. Schedule In Effect Juno Ju, 1902. Trains leave Scianton ii US n. 111 , week dais, tluougli vestibule tialn tiom Wllkes-B.ine. Pullman bulfrt pallor en and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts, vibe; stops al ii iticlii.il inlei mediate tin. tions. Also connccls loi Simliui). I In i -ilsbiug. Phil.idilphl.i. Baltimoie. Wush luglnn and lor Pittsbmg and the Wist. 9 17 a. m . WLCk divs, loi Smilnny. Ilui i Idling, Philadelphia. Ualtimoie, Wash ington and Flushing and the West 1.I2 ,. in. week ilnvj, (Sundajs. I ,".s p. ml. fi Sunbiii). Iliuiisliuig, Phll.nlel Dlila, Ualtimoie, Washington and Flus hing and the Ue,t .". 's n m.. week d.ivs. thlinuh vistlbul) lialn liom Will es-I'.uiP I'ullniaii lmltec l.nloi c in und ecru In s m Phi! ulelpbia via Pottsvllle Htois at pilmipnl lulciuiidl ate stations ITi t. m . week dacs, foi lln.delon, Su.l buiv. llaiilsbiu,-, 1'lilladi Iplils and Pltts btll J II HFTi'IllNON Gen Mgt. .1 11 WOOD Gen 1'a-s Agt. Dolawaie and Hudson. In Ell. 1 1 Nov. 10. Ikij Tuilns lor c'aiboial lie lean, sjciuiiton at i, ti 7 i,, s 'n. I'M! a. Ill . L"i5. 1 12. 2.11. I'd 3 2.1, i'2", 7 22. Mil. 9 ',, 11.20 i. in.; "l'oi ilouisdale 0 II, In 1" a. in : 2 11 nnd ""i'en VIIUts-lUiui-B:,i. 7 11. Sit. 9.17. 10 5J n in., '-'"s. 1.I-. -1. ".-'S. I5. 'si". 7 Is, nin. 10 41 1149 P m For I. V 11 U. IMlutr 7 II, 9 17 a. m : 2 is. i ::.' auiteii '' p ni Eoi I'puusjlviinla l: R Points ii. 15, 9 17 a m . 1 U ;- and I J3 p til. Fm Albaii) and all poiutn iioilh i.W a. m anil .. "ni p in SUNDAY TRAINV Foi Caibondalu-s'ii. 11".! a. in; 2.11. sr,ii 5 52 and II 17 p m I'm WilkPs-Bui'-9':S u m, l.'.ft!, 1,1.1, ;t T2,. i,::' and 917 p in ...... I'm Allmnv and points. iioilh " j'i P,;m. For llonesdalc S.V) n Ml ; S'iJ p 111 .. j w. Hl'RDlCK. C. IT . Albany N. Y. W L PI! YOU. 1). P A . Suantoii. I'a, Eile Bnilvoad Wyoming Division. Ill Eltect September 1"', 192. Tialns have Scianlon loi N'uw Yoik, Vewbuigh und Intel nuclhito palms, also for llawlej and loi ul stations at 7 20 it, in nnd 1 :."i P Ul For llonesilnlo und Whlto Mills at 131 ''tuiIus aulvo at Scianton at 1CJS a, in. and 9 13 p m. New Yoik, Ontnilo and Westoin. l'lmo tulilo in effect Sunday. Sept. 2a, 1932. I lino "L'ju.rn HOUND TRAINS I.eavo Leavu An ho Tialns No l No. 7 Sei.mtou. r.ubond.ile idoslu. loOa in 11 lo a. m i ki p. m. ii lo i m.Ai a ni bmiiliile o 1 1 pan SOUTH BOUND Leavo Leavo An'iio Cadosla Caihonilalo Sciailton 1 1 QlIlHt uwuvmu vimi'miihiiiv '-inivii N uWn III, 7.25il.Ti N '2.13P 111 4 ml p. ill. 4 43 p-111 SUNDAYS ONLY. NOllTH BOUND, lut.,... Inn lu A.tt.r Tinlns. ,V.1. ....,' ll,,l Um .. .. I .... t '.. 1 1 ....I.).. I.k P.i.IauI 'I'lalns ,1 .,,,,....,. .. .,......'. .....Udl.t s to a m 9 10 a in JO 43 a, m 7 no p in Ar.Cin bniidnlo 7.43 p m Leave Leave Allivu C.idosl.i Cnibondalo, Seruutuu. i: -ji ., ,,i ? si .. ... Nn. 9 . No ii . n' . ..I..t KTn a 0 30 il m. 7.2.1 n, in No 1 11' Ul II lnp, in, 0.41 p. in TlUlUa IM'h. I uu uu miyr, iiim on SuuihDs ciiim-ct lor New Yoik ilty. Mid dletown, Walton. Noivvicli. Oneida, Os wegu und all points west, Tiuln No o. wltli "Ounker City j;v. PIOSH III Dllt'lllW"! l... j. ,, . ll ,. u,, for Philadelphia. Atluulio City, Raltlmoie, AVaslilnstou and Ponnu) Ivunlu stato points. SCO iime-iuijiu uiiu i-uiiKuu iieitci agcuii for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. ,V , New Yoik, J. E. WltLSH, T. P. A , Sciunton. Pa. (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers