r THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 3002. ;xxxxxxxxxxx; The Modem Hitidwar Rlorc. THE OLD WAY Of chopping food is a chop ping bcwl nnd knife iiml n half horn's chop chop. The now way Is a n tl- . .1 1L. v win rood unopper ? And five minutes' easy Z2 work. The Gem Is a time fo and labor saver. Tlnoe X sizes, X $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Foote & Shear Co. J 19 Washington Ave. xxxxxxxxxxxx I. F. MECARCEL f CO. Bankers and Brokers, Hoth 'piimcM. Conncll Building, flou) People Lose Their Money By concealing1 it about their peisons; by stowing; it away in, jugs, jais and stockings; by tucking it under cnipets, in cup boaids and huieau diaw ers. These are some of the ways by which peo ple lose their money, and sometimes theii LIVES. Hou) People Save Their Money By depositing it nt 3 per cent, inteiest in the Dime Bank Corner of Wyoming A ve nue and Spruce Street, SCRANTON, PA. Ml Register Now For the New Term in The flardenbergh School of Miisic and flrl Carter Building. mmwmMKmtiKmtBmmmaamB Steam Ironed Collars.... Have you noticed the plinblo feat uie of the "Lackawanna finish," on collais and cuffs? It about does away with cracking-. Steam-heated lolls on the honing machine pioduce that flexibility which could never be obtained with As we practice it, laun drylng Is a line art. Lackawanna TIIC" Laundry A. B. Warnian. PERSONAL. Mi. and Mia. Pied S. Ciodfioj ai homo fiom a week in Now Yoik icty, Walter M. "W.irKoii, of Dallas, Tex, spent jostciday with Hoy (, Mtg.tigol, of this city. Miss Copplngei, of New Yoik eitv, Is the guest ot hoi son, T 13 CiipphiKfi, of 101 J Vino sti cot Mi. and Mis. C, 11 Tohty ami tamll.v, Df North PaiK. havn i tunned fiom a Visit with f i lends at Susquehanna. The condition of Rev I .1 Lanblug, who has bcon conllned to his homo hi Ill ness for tho p.iht two wiel.h, was slight ly lmpioed jiHteuluv Jtm Mi Sienna acted as htipply loi Di. Lansing jihtti. lay, pleaching moiulng and evening, Mr. and Mis, C J Huikhait of Abei. le'n, eiitcitainrd at Thanksgiving dlnm r I'hoso picM-nt vvoie Mis. C "V. Cuitlh, C. M. Ctutls, Mis. TotemlH and d.iushccis Hayhello and Manilla, of Klmlmitit; Mi nd Mis, w. w, petois, .Mi und Mis llauy Roheits and dauuhtei, .Mlldu-d, of peck-vlllo; Mi. and Mrs. C. n, I.uwn. Hello ind Scldcu Low n. ot Duninoui, Mls rii 31" Ciiltls, of ciaik'H tliccn, and Mi and His. Allen DavU, ot Klnyston, Pa TIRST FALL OF SNOW, It began to snuw isteuluy afteinonn Ihortly after 5 o'clock and It continued 0 snow until artei 10 o'clock last uUht, y which time tho whole oily was cn 'eloped In a g.ub of white, Theio wus 1 peiceptlble diop in the tempeuitute tlong towaidb midnight, which would eem to bo an Indication that theio rould be no more mow. The snow which did fall was of tint no3t dUupreeable kind known us "wet now," the kind that forms Into slush ihen U striken tho sidewalk und thut "Us walking unythlng but a delight. I SCORES MADE BY MEMBERS CLOSE OF riFTH INDOOR SHOOT ING CONTEST. Conducted by the Electilc City Riflo Club Pilaes Given to the Wlnneis Weie Donated by Walter E. Davis, H. M. Spencer, Captain John Blat her and H. Popper and Son, of New Yoik Details of tho Woik Done by Those Who Engaged hi Contest. 'the llftlt annual rIiooIIiik contest of the Ulccttlc City Utile club for this rea son, which opened June If, MO.', and cloned Nov, as, J 00J. The scoics of tho mumheta follow : Stoics. Total. Av'nRC. Antliew Kilull .. 10 ivn 13) D-10 .lolm Alliloii'Kff -til Arnold Killlll Jil .Tolin C. llltittu- . . . I'. I'lilch Kmiltili . .. -I" It. W. Do in SO Captain .lolui Illattt'i. to Casper Antlciccfi: .... 10 Dr. Jiitnl) IIlIiuci- ... a) G. r. Pockoi- iis A. A. Hi own ii Arnold AndcieKR .... 4o 1IU :-it7 "3Jl fill :iU4 l-.Jl lit) 2J.I (II it! IW i:i; IJSI 110 1M0 inn-Jo 115 l!-4t! lIi.SS-10 111 J-'O 111 1-4) 111 1-10 HOll-'.O 110 JlJ-.-rS 103 31-U los 2t;.w 10S 1-1 17 1-10 1(13 2S-40 JinJ 17-JI !7 l-'-.'t !! 17-JO It (i-.'U SI 10-10 A. I!. lhl7lett li AIpx (Jlniner M V. I'. Welclicl Id C. J. llilcliu S 117 j. i. mils 'ji ."i4o 'I'. I'alirenlinlt L0 Ib77 John Von WcNi'iiiluh JO 1SJ! Jnlm C. Htufliili I) '.'M) Special pilzes ofluii'd bv Walter I-. Dah, II. M. Speuuei, (Jnptaln John Hlitlei and 31. Popper and Son of New Yoik weie given to the wlnneis. The D.isls pil7.es welt- a Stevens iltle, model Ideal Sclititen, No. ."it, and a handsome Bold medal. The Spencer prize was ,i silver medal, tho Ulatter, .i telescope and II. Poppet it Pon, a sold modal. TWO OUT-OF-TOWN LISTS. Tribune's Junior Educational Contest Atti acting Attention Eveiywheie. The TilbuneS Junloi Educational Contest Is becoming well Known ovci wlioie In Noi theasleni Pennsylvania. In the month since IL was announced a. si eat many lists of woids have been front" by bilfjlit voting people who aie anxious to match their ability und the keenness of their hiatus against otheio In an eftoit to win one of tho twenty Ohilstm.is pi events In cash olfeiod to the score who make tho largest list of woids out of the phiabe, "The Home Paper." These contestants aie not limited to the city of Scinnton and its envlions. On tho contiaiv, moie lists of woids have been sent by oung people lesld ing outside the holders of tho Electilc City than fiom those within. Yestei day's additions wete: Geoige Beetens Moscow, Pa. rioicnce Packaid, Brooklyn, Pa. MISSIONARY RALLIES. Eev. F. D. Gamewell Will Speak at Them. A sciies of misslonaiy tallies, with afternoon and evening sci vices, will bo held at the places named on tho dates given below. Rev. P. D. Gamewell, the famous pteachei-englneei of tho siege of Pekin, will conduct a question box each afternoon and speak at each even ing set vice. Prominent pastors will speak at the afternoon services, as fol lows: AVedntsdav, Die 10, 'llioinpson. Pa I. W. KaiHchnei, M. J) Puller nnd Will lam HaoAlpine Tliuisdjj, Die. II. Jeimvn, I'a G II. Pioiitlm. 13 A. Cjuimln, S C. Simpluns and C. II New lug. Pi Ida, Die .-, Caiboiidalo. Pa O A Place, R ij Clink and R M. Pasco. Sunday, Dee II Di. Caniowell will ne cupv thu pulpit at Ilonesdale in the mom. ing and In tho evening at Haw ley. An ofteilng will be leeelved at each place to defiay expenses Pastois will please announce these set vices and en deavoi to stcme as latge an at tendance as possible. J F. Winner, Ptesidlng Uldei ONE OF FHOHMAN'S BEST. That Is What 'The Two Schools" Which Is Heie Tonight Is. When Mi. Chailes Fiohman visited Summon iccently with his magnifi cent new pioductlon of "Inipiudence," ne was vt'iy niiicli impietsed nnd giat- Kled with the generous pattonago ex tended, and the appieel.itlon evidenced lor high class pi eductions at the Ly- leum theater, and in t etui a he jnoin Ised to send all of his best atti actions heie this season. Ho is. keeping that pioinlse by sending us tomonow night "The Two Schools," a new foui-act comedy by Alfred Copies, This will bo tho same magnificent pioductlon' nnd all-star cast which has just com pleted a Inllllant inn of three months at the .Madison Squaic theater. New Yoik. Among the well-known aitiMs who will appear tomonow night mo James Loo Finney, Ida Conquest, Jessie Hus ky, M. A. Kennedy, Beattleo Moigau, Mlnchell Smith, Ida Wntonnnn and a number ot tho well-known people In the Frohnian foices. A. J. DUFFY, Manager Ljceum Theater Dr. Llndabuiy, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Conncll building. Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m,; 7 to S 80 p. m. Cigars Jy the box By the 100 By the 1000 Handsome holiday packages in boxes of 12, 35, 50 and 100 each. The Inigest stock of impoit ed and high giade cigats ever biouglit to Scianton for the holiday tiade. Older eaily to secute the best. E. C. Dean, 1H Council Bldg. SCRANTON CONSERVATORY OF J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director, FIFTY-SIXTH St. Luke's Parish House, Tuesday Evening, December 2. See pi ogi ammo In this paper, AWAITING THE DECISION. Plttsbiug Deeply Inteiested in De cision in Scianton Case. flushing Is waiting a decision of tho supreme court In the case fiom this city Involving the question of a second class city's light to tax the gioH 10 ceipts of existing public seivlco uu porntlniiB. If the decision Is In favor of tho city, the Pittsburgh authoiltlcs piopose to put a tax on the gros lecclpts of eveiy stieet car, electilc light, gas and other like companies. Ordinances granting fiant-hlscs to the Plttsbiug Hallways company for now lines In various paits of the city nic now before tho councils. They will bo granted, the opinion In Plttsbiug seems to bo only on condition that tho company agrees to having Its gross receipts taxed. There Is no ques tion, In the minds of the Pittsburg ju thoiitles but that new companies can bo thus taxed under the provisions of the now charter, but it Is In question In tho Scranton case now- before the Su pieme court as to tho lights to Impose such a tax on existing companies. A two per cent, tux on tho gioss re ceipts ot the Plttsbiug public soivlce companies, It Is claimed, would lalse a levenue of $1,000,000 a year and would enable the city to 1 educe its annual tax levy four mllK A tax of fiom three to five per cent., tho Pittsburg people think, would not bo excessive. The special committee appointed by Plttsbiug councils to deal with local lt.inohlbp taxes has been advised by the best legal talent that the city has the light to ases the stieet car lines and oher public fianchlses bv a license tax which Is piovlded for In a section of the new chatter act. The committee expects the decision of the Supieme couit to be In accot dance with the legal advice which they have leeched, al though no move will be made until the Scranton case Is settled A favoiable decision b the couit at this paiticular time would give councils fiee i eln. - OPENING OP MISSIONS. Fit st Exeicises Were Held Yesteiday in St. Petei's Cathedral This Week for Women. Foui mcmbeib of the Pa-sIoiilst ol der began the conduction of a thiee weeks' mission at St. Peter's cathedtal jesteiday. A solmen high mass was celebiatcd at 10.30 o'clock by Rev. Dr. J. J. Lough lan. assisted by Rev. P. E. Lavelle as deacon and Rev. P. Boland as sub-deacon. Rt. Rev. Bishop M. J. Hoban oc uipicd ills thione and was attended by Rev. J. A. O'Reilly and Rev. J. J. Giif iln. Immediately aftei the llit gospel had been sung tho acolytes formed in pio cebslon and maiched to the main dooi of the cathedtal, where they met the font Passionlst fathets, all of whom wete attlted in their habits. Tathei Grogoiy boie alott a large ctuciflx, and, followed by his fellow pilests and tho -acolites, he came up the center aisle chanting psalms AVhen the sauc'tuaiy was i cached the four priests knelt before the altar and ofletod up a special piayet to the Holy Ghost, asking foi dltectlon In their woik and beseeching that success may clown their effoits. Father Giegory placed the ciucllix on the main altar above the tabernacle and theie it will teniain until the mission is over. He then preached a sermon in which he dwelt paitlculoily upon the opportuni ties which will be afforded for spiiltunl inipiovement dining the next two weeks to thofee who have been luke-waim In theli practice of tellglon. The coming week will be given over to the women and the (list of a seiies of seimons designed especially for them was dellveied last night by Father Giegoiy. Theie was also benediction of tho Most Blessed Sacrament. Theiu will be mission masses evety morning this week at li nnd S o'clock, each to be followed by instiuctions, and benedic tion and pennon each night at 7,00 o'clock. The services next week will,1 be for the men of the patlsh. Theie weie special Instiuctions for tho chlldicn yesteiday afternoon and theso will be continued today and tomoirow at 1 o'clock. The pilests who aie ton ducting tho mission sue Fatheis Gieg ory and Eugene, of this city; Father Albert., of Cincinnati, and Father Noi hei t, of Raltlmoie, Be suie and see the great bill at the Dixie this week twice daily. Fresh Vegetables All ordeis placed now will show a handsome pi out to the pm chaser. Coin, pajticulaily, is 75 per cent, shoit in dellveiy, Our opening piices oie "vpiy low. i E, G. Coursen, Wholesale and Retail. IjdlilK'U RECITAL TWO SCHOLARSHIPS HAVE BEEN CHOSEN Miss Hnipur and Fied Klblor Have Mnda Their Selections. Two mutt! of the wlnneis In Tho Tribune's iccent Educational Contest have chosen scholarships. Miss Beatrice Harpuf, of Thompson, who finished twcntv-thlid, has sent the following letter to Tho Tribune: Thompson, Pa., Nov. 2rt, 100-'. Tilhimc Publishing Companv. Gentle-men: 1 received our letter thin moiulng and In icplv would sav my choice Is a f-clioliushlp In tho Interna tional Coiicppondenco schools. I also wish to thank The Trlbimo for tho oppoitunlty to win this scholarship. Youra icspcctlully, llcalilco IIni pur. Tied Klbler, of South Scranton, who was twenty-foutlh at the finish, hns also chosen a scholarship In the In ternational Cot rcspondenco Schools. The next In lino to hear from aie Fiank B. McCrcaiy, of Hallstead; William Cooper, of Piicebutg; Louis Gere, of Biookljn; Don C. Capwell, of Scranton; Hugh Johnston, of For est City; Eddlo Mori Is, of South Scranton; Miss Edna Coleman, of Scranton; Walter Hallstead, of Scian ton, and Arthur J. Thayer, of South Scianton. JORDAN'S SUDDEN DEATH. Jersey Central Billing Cleik Tell Unconscious and Died. Thomas H. Jot dan, aged C3 yeats, of Dlu Palm stieet, died very suddenly on Satutday afternoon In tho oillce of rielghl Agent H. IL Ashley, of the Jeisey Centinl railioad. Jordan was employed as a billing clerk and worked at the company's Height house on West Lackawanna avenue. Ho was a big, hale, heaity looking man, who was seldom ill and Mr. Ashley was much surprised when ho came into Ills office on Saturday afternoon and said that ho felt sick. Ho staggered to a chalt and fell Into It unconscious. Dr. Wlnebrako was summoned, but Jordan died a few minutes after his ai lival. Coioner Saltiy, who made a post-mortem examination, said that the cause ot death was a clotting of blood In the valves of the heart. Jot dan Is buivived by a wife and eight children. XNELLEB. EXONERATED. Fire Captain Declared Not Guilty by Court of Inquiry. The llndlngs of the coutt of inquliy appointed bv Dhector of Public Safety Wornihor to hear evidence legaiding the chatges ptefened by former Pennati ent Man Frank Dombacher, against Captain Edwaid Knellci, of Hose com pany No. (!, wete appioved by Recotdtr Council on Satuidaj and weie made public. The membeis of the investigating boaul by a, unanimous vole found Kneller not guilty and completely ex oneiated him tiom all the chaiges pie fened. In theii findings the membeis of the board nsseit that malice piompt ed the bilnglng of the chaiges. The lepoit was biRiicd by Captains C. E. Tiopp, Thomas D. Campbell, M. J. Ruane, Steillng Sinnell and U. B Bent ley. SUES FORMER PARTNER. Attorney Wilcox Wants Accounting from Attorney Patteison. Attorney William A. Wilcox, who ic cently accepted a position as trust of ficei of the Title Guai.mty and Trust company, has brought u suit In equity against his foimcr law paitner, Ros well H. Patterson. He asks that a te clevor be appointed and that a geneia! accounting of the film's business bo made and that all moneys due hint. Including lfiG shares of stock of the Consolidated Water Supply company, ot Caibond.ile, bo paid over. Attomevs AVIlcox and Pattei.son en teted Into paitneishlp on September HO, 1SS1, and icmalncd as business asso ciates until quite iccently. Mr. Wil cox Is represented by WHIaid, Wat ten t Knapp nnd Heniy Hauling. City and School Taxes 1002. Tho above tax duplicates are now In my hands for collection. T. S. BARKER, City Tieasurer. Be suie and tce Fiank Keenan & Co., at the Dixie this weok twico daily t .-i'i'JJ-Jv You'll be sure to select you r holiday gifts here. "Santa Claus" has been to holiday outfit; he, givers and knows go for the latest furnishings, espe the hnllrlnv trnrfp. '. Don't put off II wnat you can uo the rush is on and best. Y W I1 V TSV- V Mi "I TITt mm 17 SyWASHINGToilVw . AVE O 5PEUCE $T &&&tf'&3r& PREPARING FOR THE HEARINGS OPERATORS AND MINERS ARE HARD AT WORK.' Expel t Accountants on Both Sliten Going Over the Companies' Books with a View of Agreeing, as Far ns Possible, on the Mathematics of tho Wage Question CommlBsion cis to Reassemble Tomorrow and and Have n Conference at Night. Flist Day May Bo of Interest. The mine strike commissioner will reassemble heie tomonow to proceed with tho taking ot testimony In tho In terrupted healings. Commissioners, Watklns. Clark nnd Parkei, compiling tho sub-cominlttee nppolntcd to use tho the good olllces of the commission In as sisting as conciliators In bringing about an amicable adjustment aie now In the city. They do not expect to have any call on their "good olllces" as conciliators. The other commissioner have re-engaged their rooms ot the Jermyn for an Indefinite period, beginning tomorrow. A contcience of tho commissioners will take place at the Jermyn tomorrow night. Vice Picsldcnt David Wlllcox, of tho Delaware and Hudson company Is the only one of the out-of-town counsel for the coal companies who has arrived. He and James H. Tortey, of this city, local counsel for the Delawaio and Hudson, have boon confeirlng for the past few days on tho evidence their company will present. The counsel of all tho companies aie to meet Thuisday or Filday to confer about the presenta tion ot theii side of the case. Have Daily Conferences. Pieslddnt Mitchell, Attorney Dauow, Mr. Lloyd, Dr. Weyl nnd othcis of tho miners' tepresontatlves before the com mission, aie In dally confeienco legard Ing the leopenlng of their case. The mlncis' expert accountants aie going over tho llgutes ot the companies on tho matter of wages In pursuance to the suggestion of the commission that such matteis of mathematics ns can be agteed upon shall pe ptesented jointly, and without attendant controveisy. Theie Is still a complete absence of any definite knowledge as to how long the sessions ot the commission will last. Speculation as to how long the com mltsionets will be heie taking tho tes timpny, fixes the petlod at fiom tluee weeks to thiee months. Judging from the great mass of evidence the compan ies have prepared coupled with thelt determination to have every phase of the contioversy thoroughly thicshed out befoie the commissioners, makes the latter guess the moie reasonable one. Dr. Roberts' Testimony. When the commission adjourned, Rev. Peter Roberts, Ph. D , was on the stand about to be cross-examined by John T. Lenahan, of counsel for the non-union mlncis. If the commission takes up tho work whete It left off the first day of the sec ond sitting of the commission will like ly develop some intetestlng leading matter as Mr. Lenahan, it is undei stood, has some veiy pointed questions to put to the mlneis' witnesses tegnid Ing thelt- views on the lights and wiongo of the non-unionist Pioceedings in Book Foim. Rpcogniing the wldespiead Inteiest taken all over the countty in the tes timony and aiguinent befoie tho An thiaclte Stilke Commission, The Tilb uno will pilnt In convenient book foim the leports appealing in its columns fiom day to day, and will offer a limit ed edition of copies foi sale at ?1 each. The volume will consist of seveial bun dled pages, eight by eleven inches, and will appear as soon as the commlsslon eis render their decision. Tho dally leports In The Tilbune miss nothing of essential Interest and ato the fullest and most accurate leports printed In any newspaper. Oideis should be sent to Tho Tilbune now as the edition is liable to be exhausted. CNSERVATORY RECITAL. It Will bo Given Tomonow Evening in the Parish House. The fifty-sixth iccltnl of the conseiv ntcny will bo given tomonow evening in St, Luke's palish house under the dl lectlon of J. Alfred Remington. The following Is the pi ogi amine of plano foite selections: Eiiff inblii Class (Pom Pianos) Sonatina, Opus !S Dlabolli Missus Dotv, llesslot, Hodges, Kaufliold, Law, Schlnger. Watklns, Williams, Martha Ith hinond (Oieeu Ridge) Peasant Dance, Op MS, No. n. liaumfcldpi- initially Giectlng, Op (-0, No. U..IIIUcr Anna Wnh! (Scianton) (IoIiIIu'h Rcvelr. Op, 19 r.lhnboig Anna Wahl, Maiguiut Wyley, Maigailto Y.n bo please if you our store, and bought his is the king of gift the proper place to styles and best daily ordered for until next week now. Come before we can serve you ma ri Happy Dream Watl!!.i..i...Hallcndoif Helen llopowell (Hcranlon) llcilgo Roses, No, I.,,.., ...... .Kplndlcr UpshIb Pleico (Sciahtoh) ' "Out in tho Uiocn," Op SIS, No. 1 , UIPSO I'lota Kaufliold (Bcianlnii) Miirmlcn. On. .s. No. L1.. ..Von Wlhit 511pm Mnty Klnwci- t(louldshoio) also Impiomiitii In A 1 hit, Von Wllm Mls Edith Dotv (South Ocianton), Mlsa llir.i'l tle-sslit' (111 ocn Uldgw), Miss Nelllo Hchlager (Scialtton), Miss Ethel Watklns (lis de Put 10 Wlld lllossoms (Wilde lllueihcn) . King Clitia linns (Scianlon) HphinhiB Wheel (tu Simla's Sphui- stllho Ileudel MIh Ounsln Itiandl Sonatina. Op. 10, No, 1 Oeiny (Tin co movements ) Miss Olai u HiownhiR Concetto In E Pat Majoi.. Uoethovcn Tho oichestial aeconumnlmciit at lnngpd foi second piano playid by Mr. Pennington. Ensetnblo Clans (Foui Planus) Hchlller FpHtlval Matih Xlevcibeer Misses Ui owning, Ciane, Flench, flerlocK, Hllks, llli. shield, Hlucinn, WiiKenhuist. Thoy Pay the User. If you wish a half-tone or line cut, let tho Scranton Tribune mako It for you. Our equipment for this work Is complete and up-to-date. Wo havo facilities for doing the finest sort of work at lowest prices nnd what's more, we do It. A trial order will convince you. m fc i ii Miss Le Vay at Hotel Jermyn. Tuesday, Dec. 2, with advanced styles in mid-winter millinery and fancy stock collais. Announcement. Mis. R. Ulonm, tcpiesentlng 11. Mon golics, of No. 7JG Uroadwny, Now Yoik, will be at Hotel Jeinin Tuesday, Dec. 2. with a full line of fine fuis nnd Per sian Jackets at wholesale pi Ices. Room 1GC. Be suie and see the Four Lukins nt tho Dixie this week twice daily. Bargains Today At $9.98 All-Wool Oveicoats, in all the fashionable lengths. Black and Oxford, extra well lined and tailoied. Fully worth $12.00 and $13.50. At $11.98 Nobby, pei feet fitting Coats, fej to lit any form and please any taste. All wool with, bioad shoulders and loosely cut. $15 values. At $14.98 Oveicoats that aie models of high art tailoring. Made of fine imported woolens. All cais transfer to Great I Overcoat l HE BROS. Rnw wn mi mini mi mi i I'm bi i CONTENTMENT reigns supreme in the home that hns a snug savings account for a safe-guard, HAS YOURS ? ONE DOLLAR will stmt one with us nnd we'll do it as chefcr fully and with as much courteousness as though it were a thousand. . . . A LIBERAL INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. TITLE GUARANTY Temporary Quarters, I. A. Waties, Pichldcnt. F. L. Phillips, Ticustuci, Established IHl'.r. r. L. UT3I1C It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able t make their own selection of skins for garments. Wo are now in the exclusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf tho fol lowing high-grade furs : ALASKA SEAL PERSIAN LAMB BKOADTAIL EUMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling .nut Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue. SI 20 Stamps with every purchase of $1.00 or more. Good Nov. 29 and December 1. Wo will nlso givo Keys to our RED BOX which, contains $20.00. Tho Koy that opens tho box gets tho $20.00 at Nettleton's Shoe Store 134 Washington Avenue. Opposite Connell Building, J. Atkin's Saws.... Cnnrc? LJd. W iJ ! Are of superior quality. Our assortment is complete. We want your saw business. Bittenbender & l 126-128 Franklin Ave. f,,l,"i"$,'i',i"l",S,'S,,I"i'4,,l,,S"l,'i,t"l"!' Oneita (Elastic Ribbed) Union Suits For men cover the whole body like an additional skin, fitting like a glove, softly and -without pres sure. No buttons down the fiont. Special piice, $2-50 Worth $4.00 412 Spruce St. - NEW LINE OF SMOKING JACK ETS, HOUSE AND BATH ROBES. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS AND TRUST CO., 135 Washington Ave. 1 9 llii EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Abinni Nesbitt, Thomas E. Jones, O. S. Johnson, Wm. F. Hallstead, Louis A. Waties, Thos. H. Watklns. Iligli-Class Purs BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA TOX SABLE TOX WHITE FOX BLUE FOX BLACK FOX BEAB Tiisli Paid for Raw Furs. : .1. 'j :r
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