The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 01, 1902, Image 1

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forecast ot Hie Business of the
Week In the Senate and House
.et Representatives.
The Applications of Oklahoma, New
Mexico and Arizona Will Receive
the Attention of the Senate A
Deluge of Bills Dealing with the
Trust Question Will Be Thrown
Into the Legislative Hopper of the
House Leaders Will Expedite the
Appropriation Bills as Much as
Possible President's Message Will
Be Rend Tomorrow.
fly I'Mluihc Wile from 'Hip A.Mmuk't) 'iei.
Washington, Nov. 30. Tim admission
of the territories of Oklahoma, New
Mexico ami Arizona as states nf tho
I'nlon probably will be the subject of
general importance to receive the at
lentlon of tho senate in the session
which begins at noon tomorrow.
After tho Omnibus Territorial hill
passed the house last session, its
friends in the senate wore so insistent
on action by the senate and ko strong
In point of numbers that in the inter
ft of other pending legislation a
unanimous agreement was reached
that In consideration of abatement by
Hie ft lends of the measure during the
last session tlio committee on territor
ies would report on the bill on next
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 'and thai fi week
later (lie bill should become tho un
ilnlshcd business of the senate, which
means that unless the measure shall
be displaced by the vote or by unani
mous consent ii will occupy tho first
place on the senate calendar until dis
posed of.
It is current expectation that this
piasramme will be carried out wheth
er the committee's report is favorable
h( unfavorable as the ngreejnejitfon
ttmipl.'itert consideration, regardless of
(lie character of the report.
There is no definite Information as
to what the committee's decision will
he. but at tho Inst session all the Ile
publicaii members of the committee
except Senator Quay voted to defer
consideration, while .S'enatoi Quay and
nil the Democratic members voted for
immediate action, the result being1 a
majority of one fur postponement. It
Is known that some of the Uepublicau
members favor an amendment of the
bill so as to provide for the admission
only of Oklahoma, and it is the pre
vailing opinion that the eommhtee
will divide on tills proposition, all Ite
publican members except Senator
Quay being considered favorable to
it. However, the transposition of one
Republican vote would insure the re
port of a bill to admit all three ter
ritories to stuteliood, as Senator Quay
and all (he Democrats are tlrm in
favor of a tri-state measure.
A Debate Probable.
A protracted debate in the senate Is
probable. The friends of the house
measure claim to have the support of
all the Democratic senators and of
from fifteen to eighteen Republicans.
There is, however, determined opposi
tion on the part of some or the Uepub
licau leaders, who deny the Omnibus
bill lurs the strength its friends claim
for It. Other questions which, in addi
tion to the appropriation bills, are ex
pected lo receive attention of the sen
ate at this session are tlio trusts, the
tariff and Cuban reciprocity, it is pos
sible that tho Cuban question may bo
postponed until the pending commer
cial treaty with the Cuban government
shall bo transmitted to the senate, hut
there has not been any determination
on that point. Very few Itepubllcan
senators admit the probability of any
(.image of the tariff law il urine tlio
present session, but some bills to modify
present schedules may be Introduced
and speeches made thereon. Home sen
ators speak of the creation of a tariff
commission ns a possibility, but there
are differences of opinion as to the util
ity of such a body. There Is quite a
unanimity of opinion favorable to anti
trust legislation, and this opposition
Koes to the extent of predicting results
along the lines Indicated by Attorney
General Knox for tho amendment of
the Sherman anti-trust law. Differ
ences of opinion us to the unconstitu
tionality of some of the proposed
changes have developed already. Tlio
committee on the judiciary will attempt
to reconcile these differences and If It
Kuccceds, the present Indications are
favorablo to atllnnativo action by the
senate. Tho Democrats will place no
obstacles In the way of such legislation.
There is no longer serious tallt of con
stitutional amendments for tho claim of
trusts, as i Is recognized that In a
short session It would ho Impossible to
secure action on such iiinendments.
Tho present week will barely witness
the beginning of the three months'
work. Tomorrow the usual committee
of two senators will )m appointed to
call on tho president, and resolutions of
regret for the death of Senator Jit.
Mlllon, of Michigan, will bring the
day's session to a, close a few minutes
after assemblage, It Is possible that
tho oath of ofllee may ho administered
to General Alger, Senator McMillan's
successor, but oven this ceremony may
lie postponed for a day, Tuesday the
president's message will be read, nnd
beyond this no business will bo at
tempted that day. The sessions of
Wednesday and Thursday, also, will be
brief, with an adjournment from Thurs
day until the following Monday. On
Wednesday, in accordance with the
ugrccinuiil last session, Sena llever
Idge doubtless will present a Wt on
territories on the stuteliood hi md It
then will no over until Decern-. j10.
Efforts to Confirm NomlnnU 'si
There will lie an effort to cullrm
some of the numerous nominations ex
pected lo be sent in at tlio first oppor
tunity. The list of those In whose In
terest this effort will be made Includes
Hon. Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose
nomination as associate justice of the
United Slates Supreme court will be
one or the first to be sent to the sen
ate. There are a number of cases In
volving constitutional questions before
the court, whose hearing has been post
poned until a full bench can be secured,
and the desire on the part of the court
for prompt action doubtless will have
much Influence In securing expedition
In considering this nomination.
A large number of bills will be intro
duced on Wednesday and Thursday,
and the foundation will be laid for what
all predict will be a very crowded ses
sion. House Forecast.
When (he house convenes tomorrow
to enter on the fluul session of the
fifty-scentli congress a perfect deluge
of bills dealing with the trust question
in all Its phases will be thrown into
the legislative hopper. It Is admitted
on all hands that this will be the most
important topic of discussion. Indeed
the leaders incline to the belief that
beyond the appropriation bills and
routine legislation it will bo the only
general subject of which there is a
chance of action at the short session.
As yet the leaders have formulated
no measure and there exists a. pretty
wide divergence of opinion as to what
ion or should be done. The presi
dent's recommendations on the subject
aie awaited with interest. The most
conservative opinion among the Ite
publlcan leaders seems (o favor an
appropriation for the enforcement of
the Sherman anti-trust law. Such an
appropriation, It is pointed out, could
be placed on one of the regular appro
priation hills and put through both
houses without difficulty, whereas any
amendment to the law itself, no mat
ter how conservative, would likely
meet opposition. Mr. Hepburn, of
Jowa, chairman of the interstate and
foreign commerce committee, is one of
those who believe that the Sherman
law, if nforced is sufficient lo meet
the situation and tomorrow he will
Introduce a bill appropriating $."00.0(10
to be used by the department of justice
in prosecutions under (he present law.
It is not improbable when the leadeis
ascertain exactly what can be done
that a caucus of the Republicans
would be called lo agree on a meas
ure. Meantime the trust bills. Intro
duced, probably will be referred to the
judiciary committee. There Is some
question of jurisdiction. If a bill in
vokes the interstate commerce clause
of the constitution, il properly should
go to the commerce committee and If
the taxing power of the government
to the ways and means committee and
this practice probably will be followed
unless a light for jurisdiction is made.
Will Hurry Appropriations.
The leaders have resolved to expedite
the appropriation bills as much as pos
sible, in order to allow the largest mar
gin on time for other matters. Mr.
Cannon, chairman of the appropriation
committee, believes that the legislative,
executive and judicial, and the pension
appropriation bills can be disposed of
before the holidays. Ills committee will
go lo work at once and prepare the sup
ply bills as rapidly as possible. The
legislative and pension bills probably
will be rend before the end of tlio week.
One of the first things the appropriation
committee will be called on to do, how
ever, Is to prepare n bill to provide for
the coal strike commission., Judge
Gray, chairman of the commission, has
written a letter to Mr, Cannon asking
for an appropriation for $50,000, to de
fray the expenses of tho commission, to
pay its clerical force and to furnish
such compensation for Its members as
the president may see fit. The appro
priations committee will meet tomorrow
to proparo a bill, which it is believed
will be presented and passed this week,
No opposition from the minority Is an
ticipated. The session of the house to
morrow will be brier, The roll will be
called and the announcement of the
deaths that have occurred during the
recess. The house will adjourn until
Tuesday, when the president's message
will be read. There is no programme for
the remainder of the week beyond tho
bill to defray the expenses of the Coal
Strike commission. If the regular or
der Is demanded, the London Dock
Charge bill Is the unfinished business.
Mr. Carnegie Improving,
11 Ku'lmire Wile ficin The Aerochtcd l'rcs.
London. Xov, :. Andrew Carnegie,
who has been lying ill horn for tho past
fortnight, was able to get up today for
the first time,
Philadelphia, Nov. ).-C'harks Mctilade,
tho hotel man, who was proprietor of tlio
famous Mansion House, of Atlantic city,
X. J for1 upwards of a quarter of a cen
tury, died hero tonight, Mr, McGliide,
who was about CO years of age, was the
proprietor of tho Columbia House of this
city at the time of his death.
Warren, O., Nov. 30. Jacob Perkins, son
of tho lutn Hon. H. Ii. I'erkliiB, died to
day of pneumonia, aged 4U yeais. Ho was
well known throughout tho statu and was
u trustee of tho state hospital In (IiIh city,
Havannuh, Ga., Nov. 30. John Elliott
AVard, president of the conventlo.n of lf"yj,
that nominated James Buchanan for
president of thu United States, died today
at Dorchester, (in., his birthplace, aged
SS years, Mr. Ward was United States
district attorney of Georgia hi JS3S and
mayor of Savannah in 1831. In Wj$ ho was
appointed by President Iluchutiau as min
ister to China. In which position ho served
until the breaking out of the Civil war,
when ho resigned and returned to Sa
vannah. In 1W0 lie removed to Now York,
whore he practiced law successfully foi
many years.
Says It Will Be for the People of
Ohio to Say When He Is to Retire.
Dy Hitlinlvc Wfic The .WuiImimI I'icm.
Washington, Xov. ::n. Senator Huuiia
tonight denied all teports that he In
tended to i-KSlgn from either the Semite
or (lie chairmanship of the Republican
N'aliuial committee. "I am not going
to resign from onylhlng," he added, and
added: '
"Such a thought has never entered
my head." He said he would serve out
his term as senator and then it would
be for the people of Ohio to say
whether he should retire.
He added: "Neither will I retire as
chairman of the Republican Nutlonul
committee until after I have cull-id the
next national convention to order. If
the new national committee to be se
lected by tho delegates to that conven
tion does not ask me, to become Its
chnlrman, I will not have to pass upon
the- subject of my retirement. It It
does not tender me the chairmanship,
then 1 shall have to decide whether I
will accept It."
Moros Surprised to Find That Amer
icans Are Not Monsters General
Miles' Trip.
By Kirlimvc Milt' finiii 'flic AsMiii.itnl I'lt's.
Manila, Xov. !I0. Captain Pershing,
with sixty men, lias completed a. march
across the Island of Mindanao from
Camp Vicars to Vlagan. This Is possi
bly the first time that white men have
made the journey. Captain Pershing
visited Miiyudu. and Marahul. On his
way to Mayada, lie found the Motos
were surprised to learn that Americans
were not monsters ten feet tall, with
horns and tails. Ac Marahul he ad
dressed five bundled .Moros, tolling
them of the friendly purposes of the
Americans. Iteptesentutives of the
Dato and Recayutan tribes, which are
now at war, asked Captain Pershing to
arbitrate the differences between them.
The captain agreed to visit them and
give his arbitration on his return juur
nty to Camp Vicars. No hlstility was
shown towards the column on the
The constabulary In the Zambales
province report a repulsive incident of
cruelty perpetrated by L.idiones. Sev
eral columns of constabulary had been
chasing tile I.adrones with the assist
ance of friendly natives. Five of the
friendlles straggled from the column
and were captured by Ladrones, who
amputated the tongue and gouged out
the eyes of one frietidlyujAdJj!eu geji.t
him back to the constabulary. The fate
of the other four is, unknown,
Manila. Nov. SO. General Miles vis
ited and inspected Subig Ray yesterday.
He will possibly abandon his projected
const trip to Vimm Luzon and proceed
direct to Hong Kong and Shanghai.
Annual Report of Comptroller Ridge
ly Suggestions Offered in Inter
est of Asset Bank Notes.
fir focluiht Wire from 'the AcmioIjIcu l'u'.s.
AVashlngtoti, Xov. 30. The annual le
port of Comptroller of the Currency
P.idgely has been prepared for trans
mission to congress. It shows thai on
September IS. I.C'il reporting banks had
JH,115,WS,!12.;0 aggregate resources, and
-3,t0S.127.4S0.t;f loans and discounts. In
dividual deposits were at the highest
notch ever reached in I he history of
the national banking system, amount
ing to a.!Jl',i3,S!lS.it2. There was a net
Increase during the decade of S'Jta banks,
$2,003,834,015 In uiigregi te resources, fjtl,.
10li,0Sti,.'liC! In loans and discounts, and
an !i2 per cent, increase In individual
The report contains a strong plea for
asset bank cunency. It points out that
while present bank notes are safe, their
quantity Is inelastic, and that we need
notes which are not only safe, but
available when legitimately needed.
This suggestion is offered;
If, in addition 'to tlio amount of notes
they are now allowed to Issue by law
on bonds deposited in the treasury, tho
national hanks were allowed to Issue an
additional amount of uncovered notes,
beginning with 3) per cent, and gradually
Increasing to 30 per cent., It would make
tho clroulallon more expansible. A grad
uated tax on the amount issued, joined
with nmplo provisions for thulr redemp
tion and return to the Issuing bank,
would result, in the necessary contraction
when tho circulation became redundant
and the notes not needed in business,
Tlio safely of tho notes can be made ab
solute by a reserve fund raised by a
very small tax. During the almost forty
years the national banking system has
been n existence, tlio total amount of the
notes of tho banks which have failed,
outstanding at the tlmo of their failure,
has been less than KJ.MW.GW. Uuiiug this
same peilod tho banks have paid In tuxes
on circulation above $W,Cv0,ouo, or four and
one-half times as much as would havo
been required to pay all these notes If
the bonds bad not done, so, If tberu had
been outstanding the full M per cent, of
uncovered notes suggested above, or $10,
OuO.000 abovo those covered by the bonds,
thu taxes which have been paid would
have liven nine times the amount re
lulled to pay them, If, as would of
course havo been tho rase, Hut bonds had
pnld for Hio covered notes,
Tlio present capital of all tho national
banks would penult tho Issue of about
JHO.OOO.ow of uncovered notes for the first
issue of SO jut cent, and the ultimate issue
of M"AtiOO,000 If the amount was increased
to DO per cent. These maximum figures
would probably bo Increased by thu In
crease In the number of national banks,
Kingston Miners Dissatisfied,
liy IC.uludve Wire (rem The Associated l're.
WHkeS'Rarie, Nov. 30. The :',DWJ em
ployes of the Kingston Coal company
have agreed to submit their grievances
with the company to the executive board
of thu United Mine Workers. The com
pany is opposed to (he check welghinon
by tho miners and on the Inst pay-day re
fused to deduct from the wages of the
employes tho amount necessary to pay
monthly salaiics of the welglunen. This
brought about a crisis and at meetings
of the employes held today It was decided
to lay the matter before tho ex,titlve
board of the miners' union.
Subject Most Emphasized In the
Report ot the Secretary
ot War.
The Most Important Thing Now to
Be Done for Our Army Duties of
a General Staff Twenty Months
Experience Convinces the Secre
tary That the General Effect of the
Act Prohibiting the Sale of Beer
and Light Wines in Army Post
Exchanges Is Bad Strength of
the Army Other Features of the
B Kxi'hiblu Wire from flic Associated I'mt
Washington. Xov. 30. The subject
most emphasized In the report of Sec
l clary of War Kllhti Hoot is the need
of a general army staff. Its creation
Is pronounced "the most important
tiling now to be done for the army."
The secretary adds:
Our mllltai'y system Is still exceedingly
defective, at the top. We have a person
nel imsui passed anywhere, and a popu
lation ready to respond to .calls for the
Increase of the peisonnel In case of need,
tifi lo the lull llnill at which it is possi
ble to transport and subsist an army.
Ve have wealth and a present willingness
to expend It reasonably for the procure
ment of supplies and material of war as
plentiful and as good as can be found in
any country. We have thu different
branches of the military service well or
ganized, each within itself, for the per
formance of its duties. Our administra
tive staff and supply departments, as a
rule, have at their beads Rood and com
petent men, faithful to their duties, each
attending assiduously to the business ot
bis department. Hut when we come to
the co-ordination and direction of all
these means and agencies of warfare, so
that all parts of the machine shall worlc
true together, wo are weak. Our system
makes no adequate provision for the di
recting brain which every army must
have, to work successfully. Common ex
perience has shown that this can not be
furnished by any single man without as
sistants, and that It requires a body of
officers working together under the direi.-.
tlon of a chief and entirely separate lrnm.
and independent of the administrative
staff of an nimy (such as the adjutants,
quartermasters, commlssarhs. etc., each
of whom is engrossed in the dates of bis
own special department). This body of
officers. In distinction from the admin
istrative staff, has come to be called a
general staff. t
Duties of a General Staff.
The duties of such a body of otflcers
can be llustrated by taking for example
nn invasion of Cuba, such as wo were
all thinning about a few years ago. It is
easy for a president, or a general acting
under his direction, lo older that f.0,00u or
100,000 men proceed to Cuba and capture
Havana. To make an order which has
any reasonable chance of being executed
he must do a groat deal more than that,
lie must determine how many men shall
1k sent and how they shall bo divided
among the different arms of tho service,
and bow they shall be armed, and
equipped, and to dt that he must get all
the Information possible about the de
fenses of the place to bo captured and the
strength and character and armament of
tho f oices to bo met. He must deturmine
at what points and by what routes tho
placu shall be approached, and at what
points his troops ahull land iu Cuba: and
for this purpose ho must be Informed
ubout the vurlous harbors of the island
ami tiio depth of their channels; what
classes of vessels can enter them: what
tho facilities for landing are; how they
are defended: tho character of the roads
leading from them to the place to bo at
tacked: the character of the intervening
country: how far it is healthful or nn
healthful; what the climate is liable lo bo
at tho season of the proposed movement;
the temper nnd sympathies of the In
habitants; the quantity mid Kind of sup
plies that can bo obtained from the coun
try; tho oxtcnt to which transportation
can be obtained, and a great variety of
other things which will go to dutermlua
whether It is better to make the approach
from ono point or from another, and to
determine what It will bo necessary for
tho nriny to carry with It In order to suc
ceed In moving and living and flghtlui;.
All this Information it is the business of
a geneml stuff to procure and present. It
is probable that there would be In such
case a number of alternative plans, each
having certain advantages and disadvan
tages, and theso should bo worked out
each by Itself, with the reasons for and
against It, and presented lo tho president
or general for his determination. This
tlio gcno'-il staff should do. This can
not bo done in an hour. It icquires that
tho staff shall Iiuvh been at work for a
long time collecting thu Information and
arranging it and getting It iu form to
present. That at home, where thu prep
aration for the expedition Is to be made,
tho older must bo based upon a knowl
edge of the men and mntoilnl available
for its execution; how many men there
are who can be devoted to that purpose,
from what points they aro to be drawn,
what bodies of Hoops ought to bo loft ur
s-ent elsowhoie, and whnt bodies may bo
Included In the proposed expedition;
whether tlwro ate ships enough lo trans
port them; wheiu they nro to be obtained;
whether they nro properly lilted up;
what more should bo done to them; what
oro tho available stocks of clothing, arms
and nuummillon, and engineers' mateiial,
and horses nnd wagons, mid all thu In
uumerablo supplies and mimllious neces
sary for it laigo expedition; how are the
things to be supplied which am not icady,
but which are necessary, and bow lung
tlmo will ba required to supply thrm,
All this and much more necessary infor
mation It is the huslucss of a general
staff to supply. When that has been done
tho order Is made with all available
knowledge of all (ho circumstances upon
which the movement depends for its suc
cess. It Is then (ho business of a general
Slaff (o see that every separate officer
upon whose action the success of .tho
movement depends understands his shorn
pi it and does not lag behind in the per
formance of that sltaro; to see that troops
and ships and animals nnd supplies ot
arms and ammunition ami clothing and
food, etc., f i om hunrreds of sources,
come together lit the right time mid
places. It Is u laborious, complicated,
and difficult woik. which requires it con
sidernble number of men whoso special
business It Is and who nie charged with
no other duties.
It was tlio lack of such a buily of men
doing that kind of work which led to the
confusion attending tho Santiago expe
dition In the summer of I5SS, The con
fusion at Tampa nnd ulsewhern was (lie
necessary lesilll of having a largo num
ber of men. each or thum doing bis own
spfdal work the best bo could, but with
out any adequate force of officers en
gaged In seeing that they pulled lo
ge(her according to detailed plans made
beforehand. Rucli a body of men doing
geneial staff duty Is just as iiocesnary to
prepare an army properly for war In
llmu of pence as it Is In time of war, It
Is not nn executive body: It is not nil ad
ministrative body: It ucls only through
the authority of othcis. It makes Intelli
gent command possible by procuring and
arranging Information and woiklng out
plans In detail, and it makes intelligent
and effective execution of commands pns
tlble by keeping all the separate atjonls
advised of the parts they are to play In
the general scheme.
Objects to a Commanding General.
In creating a general slaff I think we
should change (he designation of the offi
cer who wo haw called tho commanding
general of the army to chief of staff, and
at the same tlmu enlarge his powers by
giving him the immediate direction of the
supply departments, which are now inde
pendent of the commanding general of
tho army.
When an officer I appointed to the
position of commanding genernl of the
army ho naturally expects to command
himself with a high degree ot Independ
ence, following his own ideas rather
than the ideas of others. We cannot or
dinarily expect an often placed in such
a position and thus endowed with what
purports to be the right nnd title to
command, not to stand up for ills right
to really enmmund and not to regard any
attempt to control his action or limit
his power as unjusllflnble interference.
The title of chief of staff, on the other
hand, denotes a duty to advise, Inform,
and assist a superior ofllccr who has
command, and to represent htm, acting
In his name, and by his authority In
carrying out bis policies and securing
tho execution of ids commands. The offi
cer who accepts the position assumes
the highest obligation to be perfectly
loyal to his commander, to exclude all
personal. Interest from his advice and
representation, and to try, In the most
wholo-hqarted way, to help him to right
conclusions, and to successful execution
of his policies even though his conclu
sions may not agree with the advice
given. For the successful performance
of his duties tiie chief of staff must have
the entire confidence of hi", commander.
In proportion as he merits that con
lldonce, the chief of. staff gradually
comes to find his advice usually accept
ed,, and lo really exercise the authority
of his commander, subject only to the
most genernl directions, just as Vou
Moltke exorcised the authority of King
William of Prussia u his chief of staff.
An Impossible Position.
j Kxpcrleiice has shown fhaf'ins Impos
sible for nify ofllccr to really exercise
In tills country, hi time of pence, the
jiowers which appear and ore assumed
lo be conferred along with the title of
"commanding general of the army."
This follows from the constitution of
our government. The constitution re
quires the president to be the command
er of the army, and a great variety of
laws require .the secretary of war. who
directly represents tho president, to su
pervise and direct the expenditure of
the vast sums of money appropriated an
nually by congress for tba support of
tho army. As every Important move
ment requires the use of laoney, o long
as the secretary of war performs this
duly faithfully he must practically con
trol the, operations of the army In time
of peace, and there cannot be any inde
pendent command of the army, except
that which the president himself exer
cises over the secretary of war and
everybody else In tlio military establish
ment. One result of the arrangement Is that
the. otlleer who is called "commanding
general of the army" cannot In time of
pence really exercise any substantial
fiower at all unless lie nets In conform
ity to the policy and views of the secre
tary of war, acting under the direction
of the president; that Is to say, he can
not exercise any Independent command;
and this must always bo so as long as
the secretary of war performs the duties
which are Imposed upon him by law and
which are essential to tho maintenance
of civilian control over the military es
tablishment, il was the Inability to ex
ercise the power which the title of
"commanding general of the army" ap
pears lo carry with it. but which does
not really exist, that led General Scnlt
to leave Washington and cstnbllsh his
headquarters hi Xew York and General
Sherman to remove to St. I.ouls, both
of them abandoning the attempt to do
anything. In connection with the admin
istration' of the armv In Washington,
And this dlfllculty has been ibo causo
of almost constant conflict and bitter
feeling In the administration of the army
for tlio past fifty years, lo the veiy
gre( Injury of (he service and very
great loss of elllclency,
It does not follow, however, that tho
principal and mist trusted general of
the army cannot nxerclso a great mid
commanding Influence in tlio control of
the army, and practically manage il In
nil military matters. What does follow
1h that he can do this only by abandon
ing tho Idea of Independent command
and by assuming the position nnd per
forming the (mictions which t have de
scribed as belonging to a chief of staff,
(ienernl Schofleld did this with entire
success nnd tendered great service lo
the country by doing so. Kverybody is
not ns seif-resiralned and sensible as
Oeneral Scbofluld, and the best way
to secure from others (ho same kind of
good service that be rendered. It to gvn
the oflleei from wham It Is ;peotei a
designation which Indicates wh.u he Is
really tu do,
The Canteen.
As the result of twenty months' study
Continued on Pago 7.1
Head Severed by a Train.
toy Kxclud-.c Wire from 'I'lie Aswiditeil I'rm.
IloehesUr. X. V., Xov. 30. August
Oist, :ii years of use, from Chicago, was
found on the Now Voik Ooiitinl tracks In
thu Itocltcstcr station tonight, his head
severed from Ills body by tlm fast mall.
A tlcke( and two bugg.igti chucks from
Chicago lo Now York, $s0 In money, a
gold watch woie found on the body.
Olst, It is said, had been on the fallal
Btatcs ship Munocacy during tho .Span-Ish-Amotlcan
. -. ...
Telegraphers Receive Increase,
Uy l-'scluslie (Vile tiotu'fliv Asmcui1 I'ibi.
Fond du Uic, Wis., Xov. ao.-. io
telegraph op?ratois on tm .Wisconsin
Central raljway havo been grunted an
lneicuse iu salary, amounting to f"i a
month for every employe In (hat depart
ment. The advance In (bo wugv scale
already has goneln(o eftcct nnd the pay
checks for December Pi will show the In-crease.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Dornblnser Cele
brate nt Paradise Valley.
Special lo the Srranlun Tribune.
Slrotltlshurg,' Pj Xov. 2. Attended
by Ihelr seven children, their sons and
daughters and their children, with
many great-grandchildren, the sixtieth
wedding nnulversary of -Mr, and -Mrs.
Peter 1, IJornblaser is being celebrated
In royal fashion today iu Paradise
township. The groom Is a spry old
gentleman of SS years, and bis blushing
bride Is but five years his junior.
.Sixty years Is more than the aver
age lifetime nowadays, but at SS ami
SL', Jit, and Airs. Dornblascr are us hale,
hearty and active as limuy half their
ayes. The old gentleman looks after
ills Utile farm alone, and his wife does
the housework. The couple received the
congratulations of scores today.
The Harbor Pilled with Empty Ves
sels No Disorder Has Occurred
ns Yet Cavalry Arriving.
lly Kitchiflie Wire from The As-oiialeJ I'icm.
Marseilles, Xov. 30. The strike at
this port, which was started last week
by the stokers, to obtain an Increase of
wages, is now practically complete as
regards steamers here. As ships arrive
the hands desert, and the harbor is so
crowded with empty vessels that it is
dlfllcult to llnd room for newcomers.
There has been no disorder as yet, but
the government is sending troops to
meet any emergency, two regiments of
cavalry arriving today.
The strike practically has paralyzed
commerce along the coast, as It is
spreading to other ports. Six hundred
passengers are now waiting at Mar
seilles for transportation to Algiers.
The malls for Corsica, Algleria and
Tunis are also delayed from twenty
four to forty-eight hours, but the au
thorities succeeded in forwarding a
quantity of sacks Saturday and It was
announced today thai the government
has arranged to assure the mail ser
vice by means of naval vessels. The
government also will furnish the regu
lar liners with seaiiieii from the navy.
As Corsica is largely dependent on the
steamer service from Marseilles for
provisions, the scarcity of Hour and
other necessities already Is being felt in
I he Island.
The strikers' committee tonight tele-,
graphed to the minister of marine that
if tiie strike was not settled in five
days' time an appeal would be issued
for a general strike to nil the ports of
Midwinter Conditions Prevail in
Many Towns Six Inches Re
corded at Altoona.
Ily l-'ulinin Win ti out TIib .VmihUIciI l'lcsf.
Altoona, Xov. U0. A snow storm
came out of the north early this af
ternoon and tit 7 o'clock the city and
vicinity was covered to a depth of
four Indies. There was no wind and
while the atmosphere grew gradually
colder, the white flakes steadily piled
up. They are still falling tonight. Re
ports from the towns on the moun
tains say time a depth ot six Inches
is recorded.
Philadelphia. Xov. HO, The first
snow full of the season occurred today
In central Pennsylvania. It was wet
and melted almost as soon as it fell.
In some places the snow fell at the
rate of an inch an hour.
Ilellufonte, Xov, SO. A violent snow
storm, (he lirst of tho season, Is rag
ing hen tonight. Since .; o'clock tills
afternoon three Inches of snow have
fallen. The thermometer ranges about
IS degrees' and there Is no apprehen
sion of damage or suffering from the
Cumberland, Mil,, Xov. HO. More
than an Inch of snow covers this sec
lion tonight and almost midwinter
conditions prevail. All Incoming
trains arc covered with snow, Indicat
ing tlitu the storm is mom than local,
No More AninnlsWill Be Shipped
from Boston to England.
P.v i:eliMr Win fruil The .H-ncilled Pic.1t.
Huston, Xov. :0. Willi the dopariurv of
a drovo of cattle on the .Steamer
vnnla for Liverpool, loda, the Hnston
export maikt'l for entile on the hoof of
ficially closed for an Indefinite peilod,
Pei mission to shin these cattle had been
given by the bureau of agriculture at
Washington as they had been pronuunivd
physically sound and fiu fmm foot and
mouth disease.
Ur. lienuett, Hie rcproscniallvo of iha of agriculture lien. sas that nut
another live animal will leave this port
until tho department Is sallsiled thai the
font and mouth disease has h-en siamped
Steamship Arrivals.
llj Kwluthe Win hum 'I Ii- ,jt. tiled I'lMfc
Xew York, Xov. l-Arrived: Cam
punla, Liverpool and Qiiecusiown: St.
Louis, Southampton ami Cherbourg,
l.izuid lMssul: Minneapolis. Xew York
for London; Vadeiliiud. New York lor
Antwerp, liucfiistown Sailed; 1'mbiia
(from Liverpool), New York. Movlllo
Sailed; Ihhlopl.i (from Glasgow), Xew
Wife Beater Killed by His Son.
By Kieluslyc Wire from Tlio Aituclitcil Vtm,
Cullman. Ala., Nov. ao. Charlie King,
aged 10 yens. Inst night shot ami In
stantly killed his father. It is said the
elder King came homo Intoxicated nnd
gave his wife a sovero beating. Young
Kink (hen secured a double barreled shot
gun and emptied both barrels Into his
father's head.
Garrled flwau Bulk ot the Prizes at
' the rtrlon SoGietu's Musical
Festival In Brooklun.
Composer of the Chief Competitivs
Piece Declares That the Rendition,
by the Scrnnton Choir Wns Un
paralleled GreRt Enthusiasm Pre-
vailed When Announcement Waa
Made That the $ 1,000 Prize Waa
to Come to Scranton Were Very,
Dubious Por a Time Winnings of
Scvantouians Amount to JJ1,640
The Sousa of tho Choral World.
From a Slaff Correspondent.
Brooklyn, N. T., Nov. .10. Scran
ton's singers fairly swept everything
before them In the biff musical festival
of tiie Aliens which closed last night.
They won (be chief competition for
mixed choruses, the ladles' chorus com
petition, three quartette prizes nnd twr.
solo prlsses. Of tin- $3,500 offered In
prizes which amount includes $1,1S0 for
ticrmaii contests the - Scrantonians
carried away $l.tH'). The only competi
tion outside of solos, they tried for and
did nol win w.ts the male chorus' con
test for a pri.e of $500, whlc,h
the Dr. Mason (llee club, .ofi'Wilkes
narre. Even a fiurman quartette prize
was taken from three German parties
by a .Scranton quartette in which three
of tho singers are-Welsh. The events in
which the local singers were winners
were: ;
Chief choral competition, "Harold llur
fager," by Parker; prize, $1,00") Scranton
United Choral society, John T. Wutklns,
Women's chorus, "Spanish Oypsy Girl,"
Lassen; prize, JjeO -Ladles' chorus of tlm
Scranton I'nited Choral boclely, John T,
Wutklns, leader.
Male quai'totle ' (German) "Die
Ileimeth," Splcker; prize. ?'" Sclutbert
quartette, composed of John T. Wutklns,
W'lllard M. BiuuK'll, .I'din W. .loues and
Thomas lleynon.
.Male quartette (RiikIIsIi) "liuulo Song,''
Poole; prize, JSu Schubert qiiarl"tte.
Mixed quartette, "Tlio Sea tins Us
Pearls." Plnsutl; prize, iSO Alfred Wool
or, .Mr. and Mis. Alfred rilling. Mrs,
Edith P.lchards lleckel.
liarllono solo, Tpon That Uay,"
.Miirsclmer; prize, r. -Will AYatklns.
Tenor solo, "O Joe Divine," .Massenet;
prize, j.'u Thomas i.eyiinu.
Warm Encomiums.
More valued hie ever than all the
prizes were the ei.coiuiums which the
rfcraniiiii singers won. Nothing more
emphatic of approval could bo uttered
limn tiie words ol commendation that
came from Horatio V. Parker, of Yuln
university, composer of the chief
choral piece, "Harold. Ihtrfager," on
iho rendition give.) his composition b
the Scranlon I'nlicd Choral society,
In announcing lh" adjudication, Mr.
IMrkei said tin Inging was tinpur
nlleleil iu tiie expt Iciice of any nf the
To The Trlbuii" correspondent, al
Iho closi of the foilvul, Mr, Parker
said: "Your city should well feel
proud of that chorus." J. W, Parson
Price said; "Sscrunlon hud the best
sinners nnd easily the best accompan
ist of the festival," Arthur Clausen
nundcnl director of the Arlons, and
other noted inuslcluns In the assem
blage fairly showered the wnmio.'t
commendation and. congratulation on
Director Wutklns. when he was car
ried to the stage after tho winning
of (he big prize and mude to deliver
a speech.
Tlio scene following tlm adjudication
on the big contest was ouo that will
Continued on I'.ieu s.j
Local data for Nov. 30, 190'.':
Highest temperature
l.ovvvsl temperatuie
Itcladvt humidity;
i a. m
h n. m
.M.tfVMt' Tit!ti-C3
,., o" degrees
...,,,... 7i percent,
JA .!.......
.is per cent,
Precipitation, 21 liuiirs ended 8 p,
.21 Inch.
- --
Washington, Nov. JO. Forecast
for Monday and Tuesday! Kastern
Peunsylviiiila-'fiuow Monday, clear
ing hi the afternoon; brUk to high
northeast to north winds becoming
west; Tuesday fair with rtilng
-t- temperatuie. -f-
.. .t &. ,t .t .t .... .i .t A . ,t ti
-f temperatuie