The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 29, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Bpfclat to llio Scrnnton Tribune
Plttston, Nov. 28. The I'lttstor, Young
Men's Chrlntlnn Association basket ball
loam defeated the Calvary team at
Wllkcs-Uarre, lust evening, by a score
of 16-7. Physical Director Lewis Is ar
ranging to take a trip to Philadelphia
for a scries of games. Qnmes hnve ul
rendy been secured there for Christmas
night and the following night.
Yesterday afternoon Robert Hamll,
Peter Hlgglns nnd Richard Donnlsim
had a very narrow escape from serious
Injury on the Lehigh Valley railroad.
They had driven to Riverside park In
a carriage to witness n foot ball game
nnd were returning when the carriage
was struck by n fast milk train on the
Valley road. The horse was Instantly
killed, the buggy wrecked and the three
occupants thrown out. Alt were more
or less bruised, and Hlgglns was ren
dered unconscious. Hlgglns was taken
to the I'lttston hospital.
While hunting near Wyoming, yes
terday, Walter Jaeoby was accidentally
shot. IDr, Saunders took 150 small shot
from the man's arm. Ills Injuries are
not serious.
Dr. Harshaw, of the West Side, deliv
ered his lecture on "The Holy Land,"
this evening In Music hall, for the bene
fit of the free library.
Rev. O. F. Eltweln, until recently
pastor of the Lutheran church at
Hughestown, has accepted a call to the
pastorate of the Lutheran church at
Noxen, and will move to that place
next Wednesday. Last evening Hev.
Mr. Ettweln preached his farewell ser
mon before a largo congregation.
Cards have been Issued for the mar
riage of Miss Clara Benedict, daughter
tit Mr. nnd Mrs. George Benedict, of
Susquehanna avenue, West Plttston, to
Dr. Blythe Rutter White, of Scrnnton.
The ceremony will take place Thurs
day, December 11, at 6 o'clock, at the
bride's home, with a reception from S
to 10 o'clock.
Thomas McLaughlin, of West Rail
road street. Is a patient at the Pitts
ton hospital, suffering from Injuries re
ceived xe Lehigh Valley railroad,
Wednesday. McLaughlin is employed
as a brakeman on the railroad, and
stood on top of one car In a train of
llfty cars that were being moved Into
a siding. A flying switch was being
made and the cars went into the siding
at a rapid rate. The brakemen were
unable to get control of the cars and
they struck another train on the sid
ing with great force. McLaughlin
jumped for his life. The car on which
he stood was overturned, however, and
he was caught beneath It, receiving two
fractures of the leg. .The car was
loaded with grain, and while McLaugh
lin was pinioned by the car he was al
most suffocated by the grain with
which the car was loaded.
Mrs. John Watson, of Landon street,
is receiving congratulations for the
plucky manner in which she disposed
of a burglar who attempted to break
into the Watson home. Mr. Watson Is
l. In New Mexico, and it is thought burg
lars decided to take advantage of that
fyict; (During the early hours of the
morning Mrs. Watson was aroused by
f a noise outside the house, nnd arose to
find tlmt n. lmlrlpr Virul lipnn nbiood
i '. nn.ntno V..1 1 1 .1 1 . r n ..n.. .......
ufsiiiiiob ljic .111.1 1 llltlll w iia
making his way towards a window.
Mrs. Watson secured a revolver and
V'f "'' "" .-ilium .it nn; imiuuL.,
,' y frightening him away.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hnllstcad, Nov. 2S. Misses Leora Van
Loan, Alice Scotten and Grace Harding
are the nominating committee to report
at the next regular meeting of the
Christian Endeavor society of the Pres
byterian church.
Mr. Brandt and family, of Brandt,
were entertained over Thanksgiving at
'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph By
ington. Ray Brown has accepted a position
in the barber shop with his brother,
Charles, at Nicholson.
Miss Caroline Mead gave a dinner
party Thursday in honor of her friend,
Miss Carmer, of Port Jervis. Those
who attended were the Misses Cox and
.Salem,, of Blnghumton; Misses Kather
ine Surnmcrton and Helen Hutehlngs,
of this "place.
lu'A number of the young people from
wills place attended the dance In Klst
ler hall at Great Bend Thanksgiving
Misses Maud Cnpwell and Eva Van
Wormer were entertained at dinner
Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Slmrill.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leonard have
moved into the house on Church street
recently vacated by Herbert Evans.
Mrs. Ed Burton and Mr.i. Sherwood,
of Buffalo, and Mrj. Arthur Chichester,
of Blnghamlou, spent Thursday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Guiles.
Miss Ccall is entertaining her
cousin from out of town.
Miss Kate Dawnoy, who Is employed
In the silk mill at Norwich, Is spending
iv few days with her mother.
Mrtf. Michael Firman has returned
from an extended visit with friends In
Mr. and Mrs, Lockwood, of Blnghnin
ton, will spend the winter with their
iion, Dr. Lockwood.
George A. Adams has accepted a po
sition no the company's carpenter In the
silk mill.
Leo Whalen, who has been at Mont
rose for some time, has returned to
Hallstcad and accepted a position an
the Delaware, Lackawanna and Hud
son railway,
Charles Holmes Is moving his family
into James SlmrlH'H house on Main
Postmaster Warren F, Stmrlll's house
on Pine street Is being much Improved
by a new coat or paint, Frank S,
Barnes Is doing the work.
Workmen are putting a new roof
on Mrs. Eldted's resldenco on Lacka
wanna avenue,
William Oakley, who Is attending
school at FactoryvIHe, was a recent
visitor in Ilnllstead.
Mr, nnd Mrs. o, A. Hawkins and fam
ily und Miss Verla Shaw, spent Thanks
giving at tho homo of Mrs. Shaw nt
Hickory Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. James Snover enter
id and Well-Tried Remedy.
.icii litmus, is mo prescription or
nnriipn In thn lTnlloil u (.(u. .i i.-...
lIHPfl HlvtV VPIiru ivllli nniMi.lll.. ......
cess by millions of mothers for tliolr chlU
Wren. During tho process of teethlm? Its.
ulue I
i Is incalculable. It relieves tho child
.--- ................. .-.w, fc v,vi(--o iiiu eilllU
Ira pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In tho
m ' iiii il " "y giving ncaitn
rr y,""u w minimi, price,
tiv-uyu cents u uoiua
tained the following In honor of Mrs.
Hnnver'H nephew, Frank; Williams nnd
wife, of Blnglmmton, who were mar
ried Wednesday, Nov. L'C: Mr. and
Mrs. .T, tt. Austin, of Clnrks Green; II.
P. Austin, of Scrnnton; Mr; and Mrs.
W. H. Williams and son, Walter, Misses
Laura and Jillella Stafford, all of Blng
humton. Mr. Frank A. Williams, Miss Mary
.1. Safford. Married Wednesday, No
vember 20, nt Blnglmmton, N. Y. At
home utter December 2 at 210 Clinton
street, Blngtnmton, N. Y.
Charles Lunge spent Thursday nt tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Harri
son, of Tlngley.
m ""
Special to tho Scrnnton Tribune.
Montrose, Nov. 28. George Curtis, of
Heart lake, has accepted a position In
Cnoley & Son's store.
John U. Mungcr has been quite lit for
a few days this week.
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith left Wed
nesday for Athens, Bradford county, to
spend a week with Dr. and Mrs. Ed
ward 1:. Joachim.
Dr. C, D. Muckey has returned to his
homo In this place, greatly rested and
much Improved In health.
Mrr. E. S. Shepherd nnd children
have returned to their home In Wllkes
Barre, utter spending a short time with
relatives in this place.
Peter Crcter, manager of tho Glllis
china store, at Wllkes-Barre, spent
Thanksgiving with friends In this place.
Norman Stewart, of Scranton, was In
town Tudsday. His little son, who had
been visiting relatives in this place, re
turned homo with him.
Miss Lottie Reynolds spent Thanks
giving day with relatives in Scranton.
After December 1 the Co-operative
creamery will cease making butter, and
the milk received by them will bo
shipped to New York.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindsay, of Wyo
ming, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs.
Lindsay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Friend
Mrs. Wirt H. Conklin nnd little
daughter, Zelda, are visiting relatives
in West Plttston, where they will spend
several weeks.
The Montrose foot ball team defeated
the Meshoppen team Thanksgiving af
ternoon by a score of 2(5-0.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Scott, of Scranton,
spent Thanksgiving with relatives In
this place.
Special to t'.'o Scranton Tribune.
Unlondnle, Nov. 2S. Arthur Foster
and family spent Thursday at Thomp
James and Willie Tinker have found
employment in the freight depot in
Emma Newell Is spending a week
with friends In Scranton.
Stephen Bronson's family entertained
Prof. A. P. Thomas, of Carbondale,
Dr. P. Brooks, of Wilkes-Bnrrc, de
livered it very Interesting sermon In
the Presbyterian church last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayden visited
friends at Herriek Center, Thursday.
Rev. D. D. Jenkins and daughter.
Miss Marjorie, wore entertained at
dinner Thanksgiving, by Rev. and Mrs.
J. G. Raymond.
Miss Daisy Bronson has returned, af
ter spending a week with her brother,
AVllIinni Bronson, of Carbondale.
The union Thanksgiving service held
in the Methodist church, Thursday
morning was of more than usual In
terest. The opening exercises wore
conducted by the pastor. Rev. J. G.
Raymond. "Columbia," by Rev. D. D.
Jenkins, was sung enthusiastically by
the united choir. An address was
given by Rev. I. D. Jenkins, the sub
ject being "Three Reasons for National
Gratitude." A beautiful anthem was
well rendered by the choir. Rev. H. J.
Crane gave an address on "Three Rea
sons Why the Church Should Be Grate
ful." A sweet anthem was artistically
rendered by P,rof. Thomas anil Miss
Carrie Bronson. "America" was ren
dered by the entire audience. Reasons
were given by Rev. J. G. Raymond as
to why the Individual should be grate
ful. Tho Doxology was rendered, and
at the request of the pastor repeated
with a great deal of devotional spirit.
Tho benediction was pronounced by
Rev. J. V. Newell, and all left after
enjoying a profitable service of grati
tude. AVOCA.
Tho death or William Webber oc
curred ye.nterday morning at the family
residence on North Main street, after
suffering several months of tuberculosis.
Deceased was OS years of ago and was
ono or the first settlers In tho town,
having been employed as engineer for
the Pennsylvania Coal company for
many years. For the past ten years he
was employed as collector for tho
Spring Brook Water company. He was
a member of the Knights of Honor, of
the Odd Fellows of Plttston, Mr. Web
ber was a whole-souled Englishman,
possessing rare genius and his remin
iscences of camp life were very Inter
esting. Ho was a member of the 177ih
Pennsylvania volunteer Infantry, Be
sides his wife there are seven sous and
three daughters. Mrs. Thomas Eng
lish, of Plttston; William., of Kingston;
James, of Dunmore; Misses Bessie and
1311a, George, Louis, John, Chorles and
Robert. Tho funeral will tuke place up
Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. Serv
ices will ho In Lafayette church In
Dunmore cemetery. No flowers.
Charles Dickinson arrived homo from
England this week, after several
months' visit,
Miss Emma Hollon, of Bloomsburg
normal school, is visiting at the homo
of her purcuts,
Mrs. Thomas Bortuwlck left for Lon
neonlng, Md yesterday to attend the
funeral of her nephew.
Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Holllster, of
Painted Post, N. Y.; S. L. Holllster, of
Hornellsvllle, N, Y and Miss 11, Ireno
Nash, of Canton, Pa., spent Thanks
giving nt tho home of Mr, and Mrs, A.
P. Holllster, of Lincoln Hill.
Miss Lu Lansing, of Painted Post, N,
Y., is spending a few days ut the home
of her sister, Mrs. Frank Howard.
Miss Eliza and Charlotte Brown, of
this place, are spending a few duys
with friends' In Nuntlcoke.
Miss Mary Nolan, of Scranton, vis
ited at tho homo of Miss Muy Nolan,
Mrs. William Q. Evans and son, Earl,
of Green Hldgc, spent Thursday at tho
homo of tho former's plstcr, Mrs. S. C.
Dills, of this pluce.
Mrs, Frank Lnno, who has been ser
iously 111 Is able to he nrotintl again.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
New Mlltord, Nov. 2S. A game of
football was played on tho home ground
Thursday afternoon, between tho Now
Mltford team nnd a Blnghamton team.
New Mlltord on.
Miss Nell Qulnti visited friends In
Nicholson this week.
Miss Una McConnell gave a party at
1icr home on Friday evening In honor
,of MIbh Maud Wilcox.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hawley spent Thursday
with relatives In Montrose.
Rev. R. N. Ives Is seriously 111 nt tho
Miss May Rose, of Blnghamton, Is
spending a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rose.
Tho following singers from this town
accompanied tho Scranton Choral soci
ety to Brooklyn, N. Y., whore they will
compote for a prize of $1,000: Mrs. J.
W. Reese, Mrs. B. O. Jones, Mrs. W. .7.
Hosklns, Mrs. W. II. Peterson. Misses
Anna and Gertrude Watklns, Owen M.
Howells, Lydla Hosklns, and Mtssrs.
David D. Orlfllths, George Francis,
John Powell, J. F. Tubbs, R. W. Wat
klns, Sidney Owen, John R. Thomas,
Daniel Jones nnd Harry Evans. Mrs. J.
F. Tubbs also accompanied tho party.
Sabbath services tomorrow at tho
Culvury Baptist church will bo held at
the usual hours. RevDr. Harris, pas
tor, will ofllclnto.
Tho social held at the Archbald and
Pyne Primitive .Methodist church on
Thanksgiving night was well patron
ized and a nent sum was realized from
the undertaking1.
James Powell, of North Main street,
who left hero a few months tigo for
East Derby, Conn., to undergo treat
ment for a cancer in the throat, has
returned, but Is not much Improved in
Prof, nnd Mrs. D. E. Jones and Mr.
and Mrs. James E. Watklns are at
Brooklyn, N. Y.
The home of Rev. and Mrs. Weber, of
Union street, was the scene of a most
pleasant family reunion on Thanksgiv
ing day. A bountiful dinner was served
and tho afternoon was enjoyably spent
by the guests. The following were pres
ent: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wcibel, sr.,
Rev. and Mrs. A. Weber. Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Welbel, Mr. and Mrs. Casper
Welbel, Mr. and Mrs. M. Strine, Mr.
and Mrs. R. G. Williams, Misses Emma
Weibel, Gertrude and Lydla Weber,
Viola AVilllnms, Helen Welbel, Messrs.
M. H. Welbel, Fred Welbel and Mas
ters Welbel and Henry Strine.
Rev. E. B. Henry, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church, will oc
cupy his pulpit at the usual hours to
morrow. Sunday school will be held at
2.15 p. m.
The Buffalo Social club -will hold a
social this evening In AVeber's rink.
Pror. T. R. Davis will furnish music
for dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, of
Jermyn, were the guests of .Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Coombs, of Main street,
Mr. Phelps, a nephew of Mrs.
Sarah Pedrick, of this place, is em
ployed by Henry Carpenter in his mar
ket. The seniors of the high school are ar
ranging for a prize speaking contest,
to take place in December. Tho contest
will be held in one of the churches at
Clarks Green.
Quarterly meeting will be held in the
Methodist church next Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock instead of morning
sessions as heretofore. The usual serv
ices wlll be held In the evening-.
All public places were closed here on
Thanksgiving day and while many left
for other places to meet their friends,
numerous family gatherings were held
throughout the vicinity. The Ladles'
aid society served dinner and supper In
the Methodist Episcopal church par
lors, to which many resorted with their
Invited guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Carmody spent
Thanksgiving day with relatives in
Morris Thomas, of the Hillside home,
left yesterday to go with the singing
societies to Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas is
ono of the competitors for the prize for
bass solo, entitled "Now Heaven In
Fullest Glory Shone."
J. Baldwin, of Jennlngsvllle, Pa., was
tho guest of Mrs. Edward Young on
Dalton's representatives failed to
show up to play football here on
Thanksgiving day. so the many who
gathered to see the gamtt were disap
pointed. EiMHURST.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williams, jr., of
Montchilr, N. J., are spending a few
days at the former's parents.
lT. G. Sehoonmuker and sister, Mrs.
Brlggs nnd niece, Miss Riel, spent
Thanksgiving at Scranton.
air. and Mrs. John E. Ham spent
Sunday with friends at Creseo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clay and family,
of Elmhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B,
Pereyo and son, Stanley, of Scrnnton,
were entertained by Mr, nnd Mrs. B.
Buckingham on Thanksgiving day.
Miss Chamberlain is spending her va
cation at her home In Harford nnd Miss
Farrnr at her homo In Nicholson.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles R. Smith en
tertained the following friends at din
ner Thursday: Rev. and Mrs. W. I.
Steans and son, of Elmhurst, Misses
Fanny and Lucy Fuller and J. Dorranco
Fuller, of Scranton.
Rov.W. I. Steans preached a Thanks
giving sermon In the Baptist church on
Thursday morning.
Rev, G, N, Colo concluded his pastor
ate of tho Baptist church of this placo
on Suudny evening;, nnd left for his
home In Baltimore on Monday,
Miss Margaret Stllwell Is rapidly Im
proving, Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Peck nnd children
and Milton Rhodes, of Providence, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J,
M. Rhodes.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J, M. Rhodes and fam
ily, Mr, and Mrs. B. F, Hurdenberg nnd
Mr. and Mrs, E, n. Rogers spent
Thanksgiving at the homo of Mr, and
Mrs, Milton Rhodes, at Providence.
Miss Gertie Howley, of Scrnnton, is
visiting relatives In town,
Miss Mugglo McDonald, rf Dunmore,
spent Thursduy In town.
Miss Julia Dougher has returned from
a visit with friends at Berwick.
John GUroy, ono of the oldest and
most respected citizens of this place,
died at his home yesterday morning nt
10 o'clock, after a lingering illness, lit
is survived by his w)fe and tho follow
ing fiiuurcji: uuwaru, James, Jchn,
A Rhode Island Girl, Who Suffered
Agonies from This Tcrrlblo Bis-
ease, Is Permanently Cured,
Rheumatism Is a disease of the blood
nnd must bo treated through the blood.
External applications can gIVo no ben
efit that will last. The truth of tho
above Is well shown by tho experience
of Miss J, B. Jameson, of No. 21 Georgo
street, Providence, It. I. She says:
"I had rheumatism In the knee and
It pained mo dreadfully. Those who
havo had this terrible nfillctlon know
what agonies I suffered. Liniments
gave mo no lusting relief and I kept
getting worse. I becumo nervous nnd
nil worn out, and also began to suffer
with a severe pain In my Bide.
"My mother had taken Dr. William's
Pink Pills and obtained the very best
results from them nnd had given them
to tue several years ago when I was HI,
They cured mo then so I determined to
try them this time for my rheumatism
and nervousness. I had not been using
them a week before the pain began to
disappear, the nervousness to grow less
and In n short time I was entirely my
self again. I have recommended Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to my friends und
usually keep some on hand."
Tho real cause of rheumatism Is the
presence of acid In tho blood, which Irri
tates the sensitive tissues that unite tho
joints and cover tho muscles, thus caus
ing those indescribable tortures which
rheumatic 'sufferers endure. Dr. Will
lams' Pink Pills for Pule People go di
rectly to the seat of the trouble, exert
ing a powerful Influence In purifying
and enriching the blood by eliminating
poisonous elements and renewing health
giving force, thus making a potent
remedy for curing this disease.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple are an unfailing specific for all dis
eases arising from impoverished blood
or shattered nerves. They cure not only
rheumatism but locomotor ataxia, par
tial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica,
neuralgia, nervous headache, after
effects of tho grip, of fevers and of
other acute diseases, palpitation of the
heart, anaemia, pale and sallow com
plexions and all forms of weakness. At
all druggists, or direct from Dr. Will
iams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y.,'
iuiy cenis per oox; six ooxes lor vwo
dollars and a half.
JOHN BENORE vs. B. E. Leonard. In
the Court of Common Pleas of Lacka
wanna County. No. 22, January Term,
Notice Is hereby given that tho under
signed has been appointed an auditor by
the above named court to dlstilbuto tho
funds arising from tho sale of defenilniu's
real estnte, among tho lien creditors, said
funds being now In tho hands ol tho pro
thonotary; and that hu will attend to tho
duties of his otllcc ns auditor at his of
fice. No. iOL'-O". in the Paull building, on
Spruce street, in the city or' Scranton, on
Thursday, tho ISth day of December, 1002.
at a o'clock a. m.. nt which time and
placo all parties interested are hereby re
quired to present their claims.
(Signed) R. L. LEVY.
NOTICE is hereby given that application
will bo made to the Governor at the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on tho
first day of December, 11(02. by W. K.Ln
Bar, F. M. Lynch, V. 11. Edlnger, A. B.
Dunning and P. F. Cuslck, under the
Act of Assembly ot tho Common
wealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An
Act to provide for the Incorporation
and regulation of certain corpora
tions," approved April 211, 1871, and tho
supplements thereto, for tho charter of
an Intended corporation to be called "The
Paradise Water, Storage and Supply Com
pany," the character and object of which
is the storago and transportation of wa
ter and water power for commercial nnd
manufacturing purposes in Paradise
Township, in tho county of Monroe, Penn
sylvania; and tho supply of thw same ,for
commercial and manufacturing purposes
to such persons, partnerships and cor
porations residing therein as may desire
the same; and In order that tho water and
water power may be supplied to tho best
advantage. In furtherance of Its corporatoi
nurnoses. tho development by the use of
tho same of electric current nnd power;
for comcrclal purposes, and tho supply.'
and distribution ot electric current ami
power to the public, individuals, firms
and corporations at any placo or places
for such prices as may be agreed upon,
and for this purpose to have, possess und
enjoy all the rights, benefits und privileges
of tho said Act of Assembly and Its sup
plements. J. W. CARPENTER,
at Scranton, in tho Stnlo of Pennsylvania,
at the close of business, November L'3,
Loans and discounts J2,32G,179 CO
Overdraft!-', secured and unse
cured ;. 1,187 4$
U. S. bonds to securo circula
tion a,00000
IJ. S. bonds to secure 17. S. de
posits 171.0110 00
Premiums on l. S. bonds Nona
Stoclin, securities, etc CW.'l'i "7
Banking house, furniture and
llxtures IIO.OOO 00
Due from National banks (nut
reserve agents) 7.WU SI
Duo from State banks uiul
bankers S.SSl -JS
Duo from approved reserve-
agents 202.212 22
Internal revenue stumps..,.,.,. 12S r.o
Checks nnd other cash Items... R.UM7 :il
r;:;cliaiiKes for clearing house.. il,22.i so
Notes of other National banks, AfiSj 00
Fractional paper currency.
nickels, and rents 1.0S3 1W
Lawful .Money Rusicrve lu Bank,
Specie $107,278 1:1
Legal tender notes, so.ouo uo
137,2'S 13
Redemption limd with V, S.
treasurer (3 per cent, of cir
culation) 2,300 00
Duo from IT. S. treasurer, other
thnn 5 per cent, redemption
fund ..,,,,, -1,000 00
Total $3,000,007 IS
Capital slock paid in $ 200,000 00
Surplus fund coo, ooo (M
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 03,43117
National bank notes outstand
ing no.oooo.)
Due to other National banks... 13,b50 53
Due to State banks and bank
ers 733 23
Duo to Trust Companies and
Sayings banks 12.2CS 32
Duo to approved reserve agents 6,ESi! r7
Dividends unpaid 1,322 Co
Individual depos.Ua subject to
check 2,503,33Gn7
Demand certificates of deposit. 3S.230 0)
Certified cheeks J.6SS U
Cashier's cheeks outstanding,,, C10 S2
United States deposits 401,170 41
Deposits of U, S. disbursing of
ficers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,(,,,.,,,.,,, 3,So I SO
Total $3,9;C007 48
State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack
awanna, us:
I, Win. II, Peclc, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is truu to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
WM. 11. PECIC. Cashier.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this
2Sth day, of November. 1002.
Notary Public.
correct Attest
Miss Maria nnd William R. Tho funeral
will take iU':q Sunday afternoon
mn i oi bank
Onl naif a Cent a Word.
Rent Estate.
See Hackett
Real Estate Exchange Building.
For Rent.
HOUSE TO LET-M5 Mulberry; steam
heat. Apply at 537 Linden street.
FOR RENT 7-room house, 702 Prescott
avenue, all Improvements, SIS. Chas.
Schlager, 13fl and 13S Washington.
$1S For Rent Ten-room house; excellent
neighborhood; all modern Improve
ments, on avenue. Apply to R. P. Ham
ilton. 42G Spruco street.
For Sate.
vnn kat.r rrm irnntlo horse, harness.
two buggies, also box sleigh, cheap lor
want of use. Inquire at Siebeckcr's, MO
Lackawanna avenue.
FOR SALE Bait fish, wholesale or re
tail. W. II. Pierce, CI Wyoming street,
Carbondale. Old 'phone.
JUST ARRIVED with forty head of
horses; good workers and drivers;
weight from 1100 to 1J0J pounds; .several
closely matched teams can be seen at o3t
Raymond court. F. M. Cobb.
DIAMONDS Ring Ukt. mounting, stone
nearly U carat, $10; one trifle larger,
!12: ono a full V. curat. S2S: one ?i carat,
. -lo; line gypsy, two diamonds, and ruuy,
I N. Half carat ear screws, $10; half carat
I ear drops, J2S; fine white diamond ring,
' Si carats. $2W). Lots of other Dla
I monds, Sapphires. Kmcralds. Rubles,
1 Pearls, and Ojals at rock bottom
! prices. Satisfaction given, or "your
money back without argument. vaircr
W. Wlnton. Diamond Parlor, No. i'.0i
Meat's building.
FOR SALE A nnlr of well-matched geld
ings at HO Green Ridge street, city.
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
FOR RENT A furnished room on second
floor front, $1..0 week. C33 Adams ave.
Wanted To Rent.
'WANTED Small furnished house. Ad
dress Box 300, cltj
WANTED Three furnished rooms with
or without board for family of four.
If., Trllmno ofllce.
WantedRooms and Board.
YOUN7T'mande.slres room, with board
optional. Private family preferred.
Address with particulars, T Tribune
Rooms and Board.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle
man, with or without board. Inqulro
at CIO Adams avenue.
THE LINDEN. S09 Linden street, has a
number of desirable vncuncles; light
rooms and choice tablo board.
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or five young men. Inquire 332 Wash
ington nvenuo.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Frco on application, b. AI.
Hlhhard it Co., members N. . Consoli
dated and Stuel: Exuhnnuo, Jl and -u
llroudway. Now York. Established ISJ1.
Long Dlstani'u 'Phono 23J.5 Broad.
Situations Wanted.
lu large hospital: has good oxperlnncn
In nil surts of treatment ; understands
the preparation ni upuruuuu tow, .m
ihcss A. B. M-. Trlbtmojittlco.
YOUNG LADY would llko work evening
ns copyist, typewriting and lakn caru
of business correspondence, At liberty
after o'clock evenings. Can lurnlsh ex
cellent references. Address Practical,
Tiilmuo ofllce.
Brand! WANT ifflw.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. I.
Central City
berry street and Webster ave.
West Side
CEO. AV. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scrnnton
FRED L. TERPI'B, 723 Cedar
North Scranton
GEO. AV. DAVIS, cornor North
Main nvenuo and Markot
Green Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dick.
son avenue.
F, J. JOHNS, 920 Green Ridge
C, LORENU, corner Washington
avenue and Marion street.
AV. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Thnn 10 CcnK
Real Estate.
Help Wanted.
WANTED-Agents to sell tea and cof-
tee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 3U Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED-Good strong errand boy.
Good position for an ambitious, ener
getic lnd. Apply to E. H. Wlnney, Trib
une ofllce.
tack signs, distribute circulars, sam
ples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun
Advertising Bureau. Chicago.
BOYS everywhere to distribute sam
ples of chewing gum. Wo pay $3 per
1.000 cash. Pure Gum Co., 2'J38 Cleveland,
YOUNG men everywhere, copy letters,
home evenings. $7.00 week. Send ad
dressed envelope for particulars. Filbert
Dcpt. S. ISO, Box Hll, Philadelphia, Pa.
CIVIL SERVICE government posltlons
ll!i$3 appointments this year. This Is
1,002 more than last year. Excellent op
portunities for young peonlc. Catalogue
of Information free. Columbian Corre
spondence College, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Good loom fixer on plain
broad silks in annex in large
city. Permanent position with ad
vancement for right man. Address,
stating experience, Fixer, Call ofllce,
Paterson, N. J.
WANTED Bookkeeper; young man. Ap
ply at once. Jonas Long's Sons.
Help Wanted Female.
A ANTED everywhere, writing, copying
home evenings, steady work, no mail
ing or canvassing, good pay. For partic
ulars send addressed envelope. Manager
Dept. S 130, Box 13C2, Philadelphia, Pa.
PLAIN sewing at. homo $9.00 per week.
Materials sent everywhere free. Steady
work. Send addressed envelope for par
ticulars. Du Pont Dept. S. 130, Lock Box
13S2, Philadelphia, Pu.
LADIES, writing nt home evening, $70
per week. Particulars free to nil.
bend addressed envelope. Filbort Dept.
S. 130, Box 1111, Philadelphia, Pa.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants und manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
Slato age, experience, references first let
ter. Address, Suite 572, No. 1001 Chestnut
St.. Philadelphia.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tradeivs' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1S04,
Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash
ington avenue.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
nell building.
building, Spruce street, Scranton.
Fire Insurance.
SCHLAGER & CO., 401 Council Building,
Patent Attorneys.
The only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor in mo cuy, ino cuurgo tor in-
formation on patentability; over ten
. years' experience.
RcplOif lo & Co., Wears BIiIr-.
Hotels and Restaurants.
THE ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK
llu avemio. Rutes reasonable,
P, S51EGLER, Proprietor,
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. A'lctor Koch, Proprietor,
and cess pools; no odor; only improved
pumps used. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor,
Leavo ordots UO North .Main avenue,
or Eicke's drug store, corner Adams unci
Mulberry, Both telephones.
Wive Screens,
avu.. Bcrauto n. mfrs. of Wlro Screens.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, 130 Washington uvenuu.
bo had lu Scranton at tho news stuml
of Relsmun Bros., 10C Spruco and 50.1
Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna
ave.; I. S. Sehutzcr, 211 Spruco street
Only Tlalf a Cwt i Tarl,
Money to Loan.
(juicit, straight loans or llulUllng ivmi.
Loan. At from 4 to ,0 per cent. Cnll on
N, V. Walker, :iU.3lS Council building.
Employment Agency.
RELIABLE belli can bo procured at Mrs.
A.'B. Slnrkey'B Employment Office,
13G Washington avenue, rooms 2 and 4.
Tntto elevator.
Delawnro, Lackawanna and Western.
IN Effect Juno 1, 1002.
Trains leave Scrnnton for Now York
At 1,30, 3.20, 0.03, 7.30 nnd 10.10 It. m.i 12.40,
3.10, 3.33 p. m. For Now York und Phila
delphia 7.30. 10.10 a. in., and 12.10 and :i.S3
P. m. For Gotildsboro At 0,10 p. in. For
BufTnln 1,13, G.22 and 0.00 a. m.i 1.33, ti.mi
and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghumton, Elmlni
and way Btatlons-10.23 a. m., 1.03 p. m.
For Oswego, Syracuse and Utlcit 1,15 and
0.22 it. in,; 1,33 p. m. Oswego, Syrncilso
and Utlca train tit 0.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Mnntrosu 9.00 u. m.: 1.0",
nnd 0.30 p. m, Nicholson accommodation
--4.00 and n.13 p. ni.
Uloomsbtirg Division For Northumber
land, at 0,:r, and 10.10 n. in.; 1.33 and Cin
p, m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40
anil ).03 p. in.
Sunday Trains For New York, 1.50, .1.20,
C.0.i. 10.10 n. m.: 3.40 and 3.33. p. m. For
Uufrulo-1.13 and 0.22 o. m.i 1.33, CX.0 and
11.10 p. m, For Elmlra and way stations
10.2.1 a. in. For Ulnchnmlon nnd way sta
tions. 0.00 a. in. Mloomsbtirg Division
Lcavo Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and CIO p. m.
LeiiigH Valley Railroad.
In Effect Nov. 10, 1002.
Trains Leave Scranton
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
& II. R. R., at 7.11. through Parlor Car
and Day Coach Carbondale to New Yorl:
and 9.47 n. m with L. V. Coach Carbon
dno to Philadelphia, and 2.IS, 4.33 (Black
Diamond Express), and 11.43 p. m. Sun
days, D. &. II. n. ., J5S p. m 9.3S n. m.
l;or Wlilto Unveil, lluzlcton and princi
pal points In the coal regions, via D. i
" R- R 7.41, 2.1S and 1.33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle, 7.41 a. in.
I'or Bethlehem, Easton. Reading, Hnr
rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. .i II. R. R 7.41, 9.47 a. m.;
2.1S, 4.33 (Black Diamond Express). 11.(0 p.
in. Sundays, D. ,i H. R. R.. 9.3S a. m.
and 1.3S and 917 p. in.
For Tunkhannoek, Towandn. Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermedlato
stations via D., L. & W. R. R., G.33n. m.
and 1.33 p. m.
For Geneva. Rochester, Buffalo. Niag
ara Falls, Chicago nnd all points west via
D. & II. I. n I2.n3 p. m.; 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express). 10.11. 11.49 p. m. Sun
days. D. ,fc II. n. n I2.m, 0.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
a.'.!oy Parlor cars on all trains between
WilkcH-Bnrro and Now York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 23
Cortland street. New York.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.. 20
Cortland rtrent, New York.
A. AV. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.,
South B'Mhlohom. Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservation ap
ply to city ticket office, CO Public Square,
AVIlkes-Barro, Pa.
Central Railroad of Now Jersey.
In effect Nov. 1C, 1902. '
Stations In New York, foot Llbnrtv
street and1 South Ferry, N. It.
trains leave scranton tor New York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mntlch Chunk, AA'hlto Haven, Ash
ley, AVilkes-Barro and Plttston at- 7.30 a.
m 1 p. in., and I p. m. Sundays, 7.13 a.
m. and 2.10 p. in. Quaker City Express
leaves Scranton 7.30 a. m.. with throuirh
solid -vestibule train with Pullman Buffet
Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only
one eliango of cars for Baltlmoro and
AVnshlnKton. D. C and all principal
points south and west and has through
coach for New A'ork.
For Avoca, Plttston and AA'llkcs-Barre,
1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.13 a. in.
and 2.10 p. m.
Fop Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m.
For Rending, Lebanon and Hnrrlsburg
via Allontown at 7.30 a. m 1 p. in. and -1
p. m. Sunday, 7.13 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. -
For Tainaqua and Pottsvlllo at 7.30 a.
m.. 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.13 n. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
AV. G. BESSLER. General Manager.
C. M. BURT. Gen'. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In Effect Juno 1C, 1002.
Trains leavo Scranton C.3S a. m week:
ilnvs, through vestibule train ' from
AVIIkos-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor ear
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllo; stops at principal Intermedlato sta
tions. Also connects for Simbury. Hnr
rlsburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, AArash
ington and for Pittsburg and thu AVest.
9.47 a. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hnr
rlsburg. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash
ington nnd Pittsburg and the West.
1.42 P. m week days, (Sundays. 1.3S p.
in,), for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, AA'ashlngton and Pitts
burg and tho AVest.
3.2S p. in., week dnys, through vcstlbulo
train from AVilltcs-Barrc. Pullman buffet
parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops nt principal Intermedl
ato stations.
4.35 p. in., week dnys, .for Hazloton, Sun
bury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
UlS' J. B. m'TOIffNSON, Gen, Mgr. '
J, 13. AVOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
111 J!LJ.l ...... 4U, ,..'-.
Trains for Carbondale leave Scrnnton al ,
1141. 7.30, X.:N, 10.13 11. ill.; 12.03. 1.12, 2.11,
3.30. 3.20, 0.23, 7.22, S.33, 9.30, 11.20 p. 111.;
12.33 ll. in.
For Iloiiesdalc 0.11, 10.13 a. in.; 2.U and
D'For' WllkoK-Barro-CSS. 7.41. 8.11. 9.17,
10.33 a. 111.; 12.03. 1.12, 2.18, 3.2s', 1.33, C.ll,
7. IS, 9.10, 10.11. 11.40 p. Ill,
For L. V- R. ft- Points 7.11, 9.47 a. m.j
.. .n . - .....1 11 .1(1 ,. ...
Zt Irt, 'lull 11 J J t. .....' ' ..
For Pennsylvania R. R. Polnts-C.SS,
9,17 a. m.i 1.12. 3.2S and 4.23 p. m.
For AlPany uuu un iiuiium iiuiiu i.uu u
m. and 3.30 n. in.
For Cnrbnndnlo S.30, 11.33 n. m.i 2.11,
3 30. 3.32 and 11.17 p. in.
For AVIllses'Hnrru 9.88 a. m.i 12.03, 1.33,
3.2S. 0.82 and 9,17 p. m, .
For Albany nun points uoiiu ...uu p.tni.
For Honesdnlo S.30 a. in.; 3.3J p." ill. '.'
I AV. BURDICK. G. P. A., Albany, N,Y.
AV. L. PRYOR, D. P. A., Scranton. Pa
Erie Rnllvond Wyoming Division. '
In Effect September 13, 1902. '
ri-...,i,,u leuvo Scranton for Now Yoik.
Nowbmgh and Intermedlato points, also
for Hawley and local stations at 7.20 a.
m and 1,33 p. ni.
For Honesdnlo and AVhito Mills at 1.33
Trains nrrlvo at Scranton at 10.3S a. m.
and 9.13 p. m.
New York, Ontario and Western.
Timo table In effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1902.
Leavu Leave, Arrive
Trains, Scranton. .Carboiuliile. Cadoslu,
No. i I"-30 " '" u-10 " ' 1-W l'-'-m.
No. 7 CIO ii. m.Ar.CurbondaloiUUp.m
wo' ' SOUTH BOUND. !:
Leave Leavo Arrive
Trains. Cadosla, Carbondale. Scranton.
No, 0 H.M it. 111. 7.23a, in.
No. 2 2.15 p.m. 4.00p.m, 4.4i p. m.
J AM vu I.eavti Arrlvo
Trains. Scrnnton, Carbondale. C.idoijla.
No, 9 ,.,,., 8.30 . m. 9.10a. m. 10.13a. in.
No. 5 ,,,,., 7.00 p. m.Ar.Ctirbondiila 7.43 p.m.
Leave Leavo Arilvo
Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale, Scmnton.
No. U 0.30 a. m. 7.23 a. in.
No. 10 1-30 p, m. CW p. m, 0.43 p. nt.
Trains Ncs. 1 on week days, and 9 on
Sundays connect for N nv York cltv, Mld
dletown, AValton, Norwich, Oneida, Os
wego and all points west.
Train No. 0. with "Hunker City Ex
press" at Scranton. vln ('. It. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore.
AVashlustou and Pennsylvania statu
Seo time-table and consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines.
J, C. ANDERSON. G, P. A.. New York.
0. E. AVELSII, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
J " ' ' - ""-"