p ? H IV THE SOlUJNTOiV TiUBUNE-SATOliDAV, NOVEMBER 29, 1902. -, svt- W Children's Eyes If your child Is backward In 'his studies, docs not like to study or has symptoms of headache, you will find that there Is some eye trouble. There may be no outward sign of a defect yet the eyes should be examined to make sure there Is no fault In them. I give especial care to chil dren's eyes. DR. B. A. BAER EYE SPECIALIST. a a ii trs a rn toirVr ikiirirt a V n iiitiiui tw uiiiiii vi - I 331 Washington Ava. SCRANTON, I'A WtKMW Coiinty Savings Bank and Msf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of $1 and and pays 3 per cent, in teiest thereon. L. A. WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vlce-Pres. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Will. T. Hnllstrail, 'Hvurctt Waiteii. i:. P rciimsbmy. Aunust Jtoliln'on, O ft Joliiisun. i.Ios. O'Bilen, I.. A. Wat 1 e. OFFER 50 TRADING STAMPS GIVEN THANKSGIVING WEEK We Invito yon to come and look over our new lino of novelties in WAM. l'AI'int. pictuiiks axd picrrni; kk.uii:s. D17RNT WOOD AND .KATIIEH NO VHI.TJ IiS. Hi log ill your picture in be framed lief ore the Holiday Trade. Cut tills out and pieheut it at our store, ptu chase Roods to tin- amount of J1.00 or menu and you will receive LO Stamps fiec. w 209 Washington Ave. Demonstration of the Kodak Developing Machine All Day and This Evening at f 211 Washington Ave. 00000000000000000 A V 0 "They Dr.iw Well." Morris' Magnet Cigars J( Y Tli list valuo for 5 cents. 0 V Try one nid mm will tmolca no A Oilier. Y All tlie Imnllnir liinmlx nf r.e V elrmrs nt f I 73 per hot, or i! for 23c. The larpest imloty of Plpra and TobnceoH In town, E. C. MORRIS, The Cigar Mnn 325 Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Inland About 1 -The Citv ' Womnus' Exchnnge. Tinihdn will bo llio niiiHliiins. open. liiK at tho Woman's cNcliuuge. Meeting- Postponed, Tho iineting in thu biillillng coiuuiltteo ot jlio boaui of loiitiul which wus to hao been held liis-t night Iuib been postpoiie.1 until Moudiiy afternoon at oMocU, Recorder Has Kueller Veultet. Recorder W. 1.. C'oimell has tint vtr diet rendered by thu board of Inquiry in tho; Kncllcr case, and will approve or dlnapprovo of It befoio fi i mud.i public. i ' ' '" Concert Tlmrsday Evening, The eh'olr of tho tiu-eu Ridgo I'i caliy- terian church will glvo a conceit in tiio Adams Avenue chapel, at Xew Yoik street and Adams avenue, on Thursday evening. Going to WHkes-Barre. The Scranton high school foot ball team will gd to Wilkes-Hart o toilnV ntul tlny Iholr last gtimo at tho scuroii. They will go on tho DclaWnro ami Htiilion train nt '1.12 p. m, To Proceed with Work. City Solicitor Watnoii liui decided to pay no intention to tho iiiottst nimhi'l thu coiiHtuicllon of tho Merlriluit street, newer, lllrd by certain propel ty owncis nloiiff tin lliu- or tho proposed Improve molit. and Director or Public Worlis Uoche has directed Dmiolule iiml O'Doylo to bo on with tho work, Boy Thrown from Wagon. Walter Donnelly, u ll-yenr-old boy 10 sldhiB on Tenth street, was (Irlvlnif n HrIH delivery w.iroii iiIoiik Washington nvemic yetteiilny tnoniliiK when tho Iioi-mo became tinmiiiMgpnblp und dashed around Into I.lnden Mlrrei near tho postofilee. Tho hoy was tin own from the uiiRim and lecelved a fractured turn. Me wiis taken In the t.rtckuwiiniut hospital. City Solicitor Differs. City Sollilior Vntuii s .luhllunt over the decision or the Hnpeilur court In the WIllluinMpDti puvhiK ease, and hhvm Hint it upliuldt the contention which he made dining the trial of the 8tlli'Ke case, Ho. tinsetts that, the Supeilor court wiwi declslim to the contrary, the Hlui'Kcx cruci was picelscly lmll:ti to tho Wllllatnsport ciimj and thai exactly the same qiieoiloii was Involved. NEW POINT RAISED. Decision of Referee Vnn Wormer in tho Duffy Cnse. An Interesting iiolnt bus Just been 1 ills-oil In n opinion lllcd by Kel'eiee In Uankrupicy Vnn Wurmer In tbe bankruptcy rase nt John l. Duffy, of Sunuolumnu. Duffy lllod a uluiitury petition In bankruptcy some time ago and claimed 1111 exemption of $300 worth 01 personal property under the lawn of l'eniwl vuiil.i. The referee icfu.uU to allow iIiIh exemption in an opinion tiled de claring' that there had been fraudulent iloalliiK- on the pnrt of the bankrupt with his oredltois and Hint the Super ior court of thin state has decided that In such a case no exemption can be al lowed. An appeal fiom the referee's decision has been taken and tin matter Is now lielns considered by .Tudtte Archbald. The Ijankitiptcy act provides that all bankrupts sluill be allowed the Mime exemption allowed by the stain in which they live, but it stops tlieie and does not inuK'e this exemption condi tional upon any circumstance4'. Tho point raised by the referee Is that thu Siipienif court of Hie state having de cided that no exemption can be al lowed whew fraud extsU that tills rul ing would also apply to a bankruptcy case. Duli'y denies the fraud and t onteiuls that untiling can set aside the exemp tion allowed by the,, bnnlcruplcy net. HOME TOR FRIENDLESS. Thanksgiving- Donations for Thnt Worthy Institution. The following TlmnkSRivIns day don ors receive the thanks of the Home for the Friendless: Mis.. i:il.i Council, ban el of Hour; Miss MnRKia Soulier, twenty-five loaves bread; airs. Thomas Dickson, tin key, butter. hUB.ir. i-oleiy, coltne, oranges, crnnbcriles, potatoes; Mrs. I,. W. Moi-s, turkey and cumbeiiiHs; Mis. Thomas Aruer, 2'J cans or milt. S buttles of c.itsU); Cluike Hicw., barrel Hour; Mrs. K. X. Willtml, two chickens; Xo. I!.'! school, two wagon loads groceries, vege tables, canned good.-, three barrels ap ples, barrel potatoes, canned fruit. Jellies and fifty heads of cabbage; Mrs. C. S. Weston, bunch bananas; Mrs. AV. T. Smith, turkey, ornnherile-.; Ml". If. W. Kingsbury, turkey. Kindergarten, Xo. !i hchoo), fiult, vege tables, reading matter and 2. cents; Mrs. George Uroolis turkey and u go-cart; Xo. :'.(! hchool, four wagon loads vege tables, provisions, giocorles, fruit; Xo, 10 school, one wagon load of vegetables, provisions, giocerles and fruit; Xo. ;;s school, two wagon loads of vegetables, provisions, giocerie? and fiult; Xo. 2S school, two wagon loads of vegetables', provisions, groceiles and fruit; Xo. pi school, primaiy A, one wagon load of provisions, groceries and fruit; Mrs. J. Attieus Robertson, tin key; Mis. C. 1'. Matthew, pumpkin 'and applo plfs; e.s SlieiifC Robinson, turkey; teachers and Janitor of Xo. :;i! school, turkey; Mis. .lames P. Dickson, box soap; Atlantic and l'ncitie Tea company, large package of tea; Miss .lennie MeXally, cake and oranges; Mrs. II. A. Kunpp, turkev; airs. J. J. Williams, tm key; Mrs. IS. r.. Ful ler, thlee gallon-' lie euam; Mrs. II. 1. Slmp-on, tmkey; John .Moling, ease prel zel. WIDELY DIFFERIIIG VIEWS. Young' Attorney and Former Judge on Value of Legal Services. Uei'eieo in llaiikruptcy Van Wormer lias i of used to allow an Item of $130, submitted as an expense ehaige by W. r. Council & Co,, bankiupts, mid has cut It down to $73. At the hear ing held to determine the value of the services tendered by the attorney In the case some very interesting' views as to what legal fees should be weie hemd. Une of tlie most pumiiiient younger members of thu bar unhesitatingly tes tified that the attorney's services lu the case In question wuie worth $373. lie was followed on the stand by ono of the oldest attoniey.s In the city and u f miner Judge, who declined that $73 was ample compensation. Tho referee allowed himself to bis lulluenced by the latter view. lxvjyroN. Mr. and Mis, Kiauk f'olvin and sou, Robert, Imve nrilved home ftom a visit lu Xew York and in Virginia, liev. A. J. Van Olutt and family spenc Thanksgiving lu Oneoiitit, X, Y. Harry Tllfauj and Miss K.nali Whcr were united In tnariiage at tho Metho dist parsoimgn on Wednesday. Hi Scrantou on the miiio day Mil's Iil.-i Johnson, of this place, and Arthur Wall, of Oletibuin, weto married. Set vices In keeping with Thanksgiv ing season will be held In the Raptlst church morning und evening on Sun day, lu the morning tho pastor will punch on "Olvlng Thanlis," and in tho evening a Thanksgiving pialse seivlco will be held, A large number fiom this place at tended tho supper at Wallace Patter son's home near I.u Rlumo Thursday evening, lu tho Intel eat of the Flecivllle Uaptlst chinch. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Shupp, of Mou loe county, were the guests on Wed nesday of .Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kresge. i.i ii ., Have you tasted KHUITKD WIHSAT? DIXIE THEATRE. Sntuidny Matinee. To the Lndles -Miss Ten-Katsu will exhibit their beautiful ward robe after the performance and serve ten, Have you tasted KRUITKD WIIKAT? HE HAS FILED HIS ANSWER KEV. W. T. DAVIS REPLIES TO REV. J, VAUGHN DAVIS. Auniitn Tlmt He Wrote the Letter Which Rev. J. Vaughn Dnvls Mnde the Dnsis of the Suit He Bcgnn on July 3 last, but SfiyH It Wns His Duty to Do So In Performing the Duties of the Office He Held In the ABSoclntlon Details of His Statement. Rev. Willing! V. Davis, pastor tif the Memorial Baptist church, of Xortli Scrantou, yesterday lllcd Ills answer In the action In tiespnss begun ngalnst lilm cm July s liiRt, by Rev. J. Vnugliu Davis, pastor of the Welsh Unptlst church, of Xortli Scrantou. Ills attor neys ate M. W. Lowry und II. II. Hur tis, the latter a Ilnptlut clergyman us well as a lawyer. liev. J. Vaughn Davis' action Is based on the fact that Rev. William 1 Davis wrote to u church In Mnlianoy City, where the plaintiff had been engaged to WUjU1. 1.' '- iL-.li-.' ..' . SmWV"' "!t'r!l! trsti ?;r M-;'f.'. REV. AVIMJAAI F. DAVIS. till the pulpit one Sunday, saying that Rev. J. A'uughn Davis had no standing as a minister, not having had his cre dentials approved by the Welsh Bap tist association of Northeastern Penn sylvania. Rev. AVIliiaiu F. Davis was formerly pastor or the North Scranton Welsh Raptlst church, but a split occurred and part of the congregation headed by tho pnstor, organized the Memorial Baptist church and erected a church on Church avenue, which they have since occupied. The old church called Ilev. 3 . Vaughn Davis from Indian Territory and installed him as a pastor. His church belongs to the Ablngton Uaptlst association and the Memorial church to the Welsh Baptist association of North eastern Pennsylvania. He Wrote the Letter. In his answer Rev. William F. Davis says he wrote the letter complained of while acting as secretary of the Welsh Uaptlst association of Northeastern Pennsylvania. It was written on March 13, ISO:!, and addressed to tlie Welsh Uaptlst church, of Mahonoy City. The letter was not false, he de clares, but a statement of facts It was his duty to impart. Continuing, he savs: That th defendant, acting on lids oc casion in a mlnisteilnl capacity, having received Information fiom the credentials committee that J. Vaughan Davis had made an appointment to preach at the WeNh Baptist church of Mahonoy City and that ho had not presented creden tials, as required by tlie said association, theieiipon, in persunnce or his plain duty under such resolution, as secrotary or clerk of the association, so informed the said Welsh Raptist church of Mahanoy City. That, in addition to the int'oi null ion received from the credentials committee, of the failure of J. Vaughn Davis to comply 'with the resolution of the asso ciation, the defendant received infoima llon from his predecessor, AV. D. Thomas, of Plttston, whom he succeeded as see letmy of said association, that the said ,T. A'nughn Davis, and tho church with which he was connected .n Choctaw and UliIek.T-aw Baptist association of Indian territory, had been excluded fiom said Raptlst association at Its annua! meet ing held In tho year A. D. 1S9G. That AV. D. Thomas, when spcrelmy of the AVelsh Uaptlst asspctallon of North eastern Pennsylvania, exhibited to tlie defendant a copy of tlie minutes of tins annual meeting of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Uaptlst association nt Indian territory, stating that the Refuge church, to which the. said J. A'nughn Davis was pastor at that time, wns by resolution,, "dropped from the roll until she set herself right, which Is by dis charge or excluding their present pastor, Rev, J. A'aughn Davis, for diuukonne-s and other unchllstiau conduct," Patterson's Affidavit. That. In addition to tho minutes of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Uaptlst associa tion of Indian tenltmy, tho defendant has lecelved from AV. J. Patterson, a member of tho Uaptlst emireh of Harts horn, in the Choctaw division or Indian teiritory. and a member of tho Choc taw and Clilekasuw asFoelatlon, an ntll davit vcilfylng. under oath, the fact thai the said J. A'aughn Davis and the chinch of which hu wns the minister, wn excluded from the said association, a copy of which said nllldnvlt Is at tached and rondo pint of tho defendants' answer- hi this case. That, In sending tlie letter above re ferred to und complained of by tho plain, tiff In this cape, the defendant wns per funning n ministerial net. under tho dl leetloiiH of the said credentials commit tee, as well as the spirit and letter of tho said resolution, under which it lie came his duly to act by Informing the snld chinch of Mahanoy City that tlie said .1. A'aughn Davis lind not presented to the credentials committee nny creden tials, as requlied under tho resolution of tho AVoUh Uaptlst association of Noith eastern Pennsylvania, nbovo mentioned, and attached to this answer. That the defendant behoves tho communication was not only ono of privilege, but that under tho duties of his offlco it bcenmo necessary to send the notice romplnlned IftM&silWa&S--1 mmmmH T s janHBK H!if':- Sb x - ' :-1, Im. k - sf5? 1 .-'. r'vH?mi&"m$ : BHeJ-wS? - 5RW HK'MHRKV'r ? -; iff.- Ir. II n ui ph I'cys' Seventy, seven" Ill'CUliS up Stubborn Colds that lmtig on GRIP CHANGE OF CLIMATE Not Necessary in Order to Cure Ca tarrh. The popular Idea that the only euro for chronic catarrh Is tt change of cli mate, Is a mistake, because catarrh is round lu nil climates in nit sections of the country; ntul even If a change of climate should benefit for a time, the catarrh will cettdlnly return. Catarrh may bo readily cured In nny climate, but the only way to do It Is to dlstroy or teniove rrom the system the ctitnrihul germs which cause till tho mischief. The treatment by Inhaleis, sprays, powders ntul washes bus been proven almost useless in making a permanent cure, us they do not rcueh the sent of dlseiiEe, which Is in the blood and can be lenched only by an Internal remedy which acts through the stomach upon the blood and system generally. A new discovery which Is meeting with remarkable success In curing ca tarrh of tlie head, throat und btonchlal tubes and nlso cntarrh ot the stomach, Is sold by druggists under tho mime of Hlunrt's Catnrih Tablets. These tablets, which are pleasant and liarml6ss to take, owe their elllclenuy to the active medicinal principles of Ulood Root, Red Gum and a new spe cific, called Quutncol, which together with valuable antiseptics nre combined in convenient, palatable tablet form, and as valuable for chlldten na for ailultf. Mr. A. is. Fernbank, or Columbus, Ohio, says: "I suffered so many winters from catarrh that I took It as a matter or course and that nothing would cure It except n change of climate, which my business affairs would not pprnilt me to take. "My nostrils were ttimost always clogged up; I had to breathe through tlie mouth, causing an Inflamed, irritat ed tin oat. ' Tlie thought of eating breakfast often nauseated me and the catarrh, gradually getting Into my stomach, took away my appetite and di gestion. "My druggist finally ndvled me to try a fifty cent box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because he said he had so many customers who had been cured of catarrh by the use of these tablets, that lie felt he could honestly recom mend them. I took bis advice und used several boxes with lesults that surprised and delighted me. I always keep a box of Stuart's Ca tarrh Tablets In the bouse and the whole family use them freely on tho first uppearance of a cough or cold in the head. "With our children, we think there Is nothing so safe and reliable as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets to ward off croup and colds and with older people I have known of cases where the hearing had been seriously impaired by chronic ca tarrh cured entirely by this new rem edy. of, that he had no other motive that of doing his duly. than JERM YN MAYFIELD. It is seldom a Jermyn audience has been so thoroughly pleased with an entertainment as they were Thanksgiv ing night when Miss Cora Morris Grif fin, the well-known Scranton reader, held several hundred people captivated for one hour and a half. Miss Griffin's pleasing personality and well trained voice was the admira tion of her hearers from the commence ment and It' was difficult to decide whether her pathetic or humorous read Ings were most enjoyed. Perhaps she excelled in Tennyson's "First Quarrel," which enabled her to show her Intense emotional powers, and which was high ly applauded, as Indeed each number was, by the large audience. Miss Grif fin has a. wonderful gift and deserves fully all the good things that have been said of her. The euclne party held under the aus pices of the Blessed Arirgln sodality of Sacred Heart church Thursday evening was, as expected, an enjoyable affair and largely attended. A reception was afterwards held in Assembly hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.,. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. J. CI. Shepard, Mrs. Rlnek- niore and Miss Florence Shepherd, of Scranton, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilemelright, of Second street. Judge Freas, of Wilkes-Uane. spent Thanksgiving here with his mother, Mrs. H. I Freas. There will be no service in St. James' church tomorrow on account of the rector having to ofllclatc in AVayne county. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLH. Under this, litailln.tr t-hoit letters of In tel est will bo published when accom panied, for publication, by the writer' name. The Tribune does not assume le fcponalblllly for opinions here expiessed. Why He Wns Arrested. Kdltor of The Tribune Sir: lu Justice to myself, 1 a sic tint you ptint the following explanation of an item which appeared in AVednesdny morning'!) Tribune, and which btnted that I, Michael Flore, was nriested for steal ing a stove. Oa Ft May, Nov. 21, Fabtus Cohen, of 117 Penn avenue, a scrap-Iron dealer, hud bought a stovo from a lamlly living next door to mo and was loaning it upon his wagon when Ralph Desarro, an Italian lu my employ, said he would lko to buy It, whereupon Cohen agreed to sell tho said stovo for "Ii cents, und, s Desarro did not hnvo the money, 1 told Cohen to deliver tho stovo at Dessaru's home and I would pay hlni, After delivering tho stove, Cohen leturned and demanded $1.50, which amount Desarro told mo not to pay, and told him he could tako his stove, which ho said ho would do Satur day. Rut on Saturday ho went before Alderman Ruddy and hart mo arrested for stealing tho btove, After hearing the evidence in the case, which exonerated me, the alderman or dered a discharge case to bo mndn out ot the same, as hU docket will show. Michael Flore. i m Have yon tasted FRUITED AVHKATV Vases of the Real Quality wares That Hear the Mark And Seal of the Reliable Maker. A QlFT WHOSE QENUlNBNeSS CANNOT OS QUESTIPNEO, BECAUSE OP THESE FACTS, RHEINISH ART POTTERY, ROYAL BONN, TIFFANY, PAN DORA, Bohemian, Creta art Potterynames that every lover of exclusive Pottery, China and Glasq are familiar with, just inoome in and see all the beautiful pieces from art Centers of the world, GRIFFIN ART CO., 211 WASHINGTON AVE. A PEW STRIKES ANDSFARES INTERESTING OOSSIP PROM THE BOWLING WORI.D. Distribution of Pilze Turkeys to Successful Bowlers nt the North Scranton Alleys Tho Rackus and Hninpo Teams Arc Rivals for tho City League Pennant and the Con test Grows Interesting Suburban Bowlers Averaged 182 030 Each for Last Six Gnmes. There was a general distribution of turkeys at the North Scranton bowl ing alleys on Thanksgiving night. The management offered the birds as prlr.es nnd they werct given out to tho fol lowing players: For highest score, 2Si!, n twenty-live pounder, to Mux Fold man; for second highest score, lil2, a twonty-threo pounder, to Ucrt Lure; for the highest average for three con secutive games, 203 l-!l, u twenty pounder, to Rnlph Gillespie. It Is the Intention of the management to offer other prizes for the best scores rolled up before the llrst of tho year. The City league race has now nar rowed down to a battle royal between the Rackus and llampc teams, with the former lending by over a hundred points. The Ilnmpc players expect to reduce this lead very materially In tho six games which they will next play with tlie Independents, who have not made a very creditable showing so far. The Ilnmpe team has won ten out of the last twelve games played, and the members are full of encouragement. ! The showing made by the Suburban or No. 2 team ot the Green Ridge AA'heelnion In the last six games played is the main topic, of conversation in bowling circles these days. The total score for these six games was lilG!), or un average of 911 for each game, a showing equal to the best made by any of the crack bowling clubs of the country. This if equal to an average of 1S2 9-RO per game for each player. The team ran up against hard luck when it started out losing games by margins of one and two pins, nnd is now only In fourth place, but It will not surprise many if it H at the top of the column when the thirty games have been rolled. V rt There are some people around town who nre tipping the wink and inti mating that these high scores on n club team's own alleys are only pos sible because of a bunching of the pins, but those who are acquainted with the facts know that Mich a charge Is baseless. The games played In the Bicycle club houses aie plnyed by hon orable men, ninny of whom are recog nized as among the city's leading citi zens, and it is not to bo presumed for a moment that anything wrong would be tolerated. As one player said a day or two ago it is only reasonable to suppose that a bowler would make a better score on his own club's alleys where he is continually practicing than on an alley where he plays only occasionally. i. Captain Bobby AVharlon, of the Ilampe team, who was at one time recognized as the city's best bowler, but who has not been in his old time trim recently, is now coming to the front again and promises to give Billy Hopkins and some of the other fast rollers a run for the high average prize offered by the City Bowling league. From Tuesday to Friday of last week he rolled forty-five games, his lowest score being 167 and bis high est 24S. Out of these forty-five games there were twenty-three in which ho made a total ot over two hundred. it A league comprising the teams known as tlie Lobsteis, Crabs, Butter flies, Mosquitoes, etc., will be organ ized dining the coming week and a, schedule of games mapped out. The teams will play on the alleys repre sented in the City league. NICHOLSON. Special to tiio Scranton Tribune Nicholson, Nov. ts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. lleinmlger, of Wentherly, are visiting the hitter's mother, Mia. Oscar AVilllnins. Mr. and Mis. M. O. Keliey, Air. and Mrs. AValter AVIlllams, Misses Roso Wright and Florcmo AVIIklus woui rallera lu Scranton Thanksgiving Dr. and Mrs. C. L.. Fioy anil Dr. Claude AValker, of Scranton, spent Thursday with Mrs. Laura AValker. The ladles of thu Mcthodint i:plcopnl church will hold their annual fair at thu opnui hotiso December I! and 1. lllnborato prepaiatlons liavo been mndo for an en joyable tlmo and the cause demands lib eral patronage, Mr. and Mrs. D. AV. Titus entertained Mis. Roseugratil and daughter, Bertha, of Old Forgo Tlianksgtvinsr. Ray Snyder and ' Fred Cool; returned homo from Jersey City Thuisday night. J THE P PURE GRAIN COFFEE If you uso Graln0 in place oE coffee you will enjoy it just as much for It tastes the same ; yet, it Is like n. food to tho system, dis tributing tho full substance of tho pure grain with every drop. TRY IT TO-DAY. At grocers everywhere) ; 15c, and 23c. per package. nil illli i III I ill II II IHi HI "Belnrj You Have a Silent Partner 4F JBTttWCTn3W ;awaiwMw nil W fp KS1W 111 iff mm n EJML i mm n v- VI 533S2Si22I2 for it works for you day and night all the year round. The Third National Bank, J 18 Wyoming Ave., Scranton. Pa. CAPITAL, $200,000. SURPLUS (EARNED) $600,000 Pays 3 "per cent Interest on savings accounts whether large or small, and compounds the Inter est Jan. 1st and July 1st. Accounts can be opened by mall. Ol'KN SATURDAY KVKNINCS 7:30 TO 8:30. 0KiawnpiKiJaupiarivpip0MMM.iWM.ii Yellow Trading May be used at over three hundred stores in this city as cash, In payment for anything you care to buy. g We Give Yellow Stamps hm They're good as gold anywhere, and stand for the only ?.? system of discount stamps that have yet been devised. Special Saturday Bargains. LACE COLLAKS For Indies and ehlldien; full lounil liaelc tailor in lovely designs. Saturday, 25c. HEW VEILINGS 15 diffeient style.1 in Ia Tii.sean or Rniiu-olu Not, iiith or without dot. Vaid, i ?$c. LEATHER GOODS PoehetbooUs, Parses, AVilst Bass-', Chatelaines, Murlo Prices from S7.no to Rolls etc. 25c. STOCK COLLARS All tho now eolniH velvet, with tab ends. Scrunlon for only OKn In silk Host la A good quality ra riDDea Get Ye3!ov Stamps They are to you. a r? a 0 tres -s q 1 ilVH W Tiu Snf isfnr.inry Sror. ntfxv,ji'aj!ftitfnozvifc'tttft.;.' f T !- rl t t-.4 1 I Cp "Z' i 'I1 !' i-Iis3S& J Young Mae! This Is One of the Kow Shapes That S CONRAD SS SHOWING Mo Has Many Other Clever Styles. 305 Lackawanna Ave. A vj. , J. .J. ,, . J ty . " .J. ty ty ty ty ty RES ESaS53EBS!33E23SSSE: M i Let Us Have a& am mm wm mm m rtfl w hrrira fijW- SCRANTON CARPET AND felfrrifi kitfAArWM VMiym rail rrnrfTf V'v't)nKtwKJ i't' .VnxXxx M.V-'Oyj sraf. VJi 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. &B223S2ZSZC g?fagrr.fariairoK?a f IMMIHHUI Toughness Is a Virtue In a lamp chimney. toughest of all Is The & P. TOP Intelligently made on scientific principles and of tho very best materials, It 'wears like metal." It's un- 4 matchable. Price (JC SOLD BY ALL DEALERS WHO CATER TO THEIR PATRONS' BEST INTERESTS When you have money at Interest. It does more than your friends can do, KKMKMg Stamps fair CLOAK NEWS Now styles to hand dally. Havo you seen that Sillc Lined 3Ionto Carlo Coat at 65.00. LADIES' UNDERWEAB. A very snoclnl offcrlnsr In sdllc taped and silk trim undergarments 40 (all blxes), y. G9c. g EXTRA VALUE V In pint) white wool, fleeced rib- J bed Underwear. A wondeiful valuo 5ff nt the price. 5 50c. SCHOOL UMBRELLAS Good handles and strong frames. Special bargain for Saturday only nt J2c. of children's heavy 100 xast-Diacic nose. 1 ne pair as good as gold 11 & Co. 400-402 LonkawnntmAvR. "' 'I ! J J !"' ! & & & & I' i I i I tyty g.3g.3. !. .......a. tyty Figures This handsome Reed Rock er, Large Roomy and Com fortable, Just like cut. A matchless" value ly $2.75 Ask for your coupons Free Holiday Gifts. . Prize m, i, ,00 in Hdse, Prize No, 2, .00 in Miise, RcKlslcrcci," FURNITURE CO. i tt i : ! i 4